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04x18 - Hills of Fire

Posted: 05/13/23 06:25
by bunniefuu
We're not dealing with careless campers here.

We're up against an arsonist.

Darryl! Wait! Hey! Darryl! First you ask for time to catch an arsonist and then you help him to escape.

Come on, buddy, both barrels! He's getting away from us! I'm losing traction on this surface.

If he chases you again, blow him away.

Get ready for evasive maneuvering.

It won't work, Michael.

A laser sight just locked onto me.

Knight Rider, a shadowy flight into the dangerous world of a man who does not exist.

Michael Knight, a young Ioner on a crusade to champion the cause of the innocent the helpless, the powerless in a world of criminals who operate above the law.

Engine 14.

Engine 27.

Engine 36.

Helicopter 5.

Battalion 7.


-alarm brush fire in Douglas Ridge.

All our jobs should be this easy, KITT.

I have to admit, patrolling a public park is a welcome change of pace.

Well, the park service takes over in a couple of days so don't get too mellowed out.

''Mellowed out?

'' That sounds like some sort of fuel malfunction.

Not exactly.

Devon is calling.

Michael, are you still in the Douglas Ridge area?

Yeah, Devon, I am.

What's up?

There's a four

-alarm on the fire

-net just south of the Ridge.

Early reports suggest that its pattern conforms to the other brush fires.

Meaning suspicious origin.

Okay, we'll check it out.

Let's do it, pal.

Let's get there.



It's Wilson.

Do you read?

Hey, Wilson.

Nice little fire, huh?

Yeah, real work of art.

Now get back here before the fire planes spot you.

All right, scan for incendiary residues.

I'm picking up traces of a complex petroleum compound, Michael.

Sounds like we're talking napalm.

KITT, look for a possible source.

It appears to be a vehicle coming from the Douglas Ridge area.

All right, let's check it out.

There he is, Michael.

Let's nail him.

Come on, buddy, both barrels! He's getting away from us! I'm losing traction on this surface.

All right, then we turbo boost.

The gradient's too steep.

We'd fly straight up and loop back.

All right, let's go to video.

Michael, I've completely lost traction.

I'm sorry about that, Michael.

That's all right, pal.

We can't beat an ATV at its own game.

Looks like somebody's trapped in there.

My scanners verify, Michael.

Hey! Hey, over here! I'm okay, man.

I just stopped for a rest.

Yeah, sure you are.

Come on.

Come on.

I told you I don't need no help.

I'm just leading you out of here.

I'm okay, man.

Get the door, KITT.

I'm okay, man.

What are you doing in the middle of a forest fire?

Checking out some friends.

There's people still in there?


The rest of his family scooted off and left without him.

Oh, my.

May I suggest that you keep a firm hold on that creature, young man.

I doubt it's housebroken.

What is that?

That's my partner.

This guy's cute.

Michael! The fire is spreading rapidly.

We've got to go back the way we came.

You got it.

Hang on.

You nuts?

We go through that, we get melted.

How did we do?

Wow, man.

These wheels are something.

Why, thank you.

It's always nice to give credit where credit is due.

Hey, come on, what is this?

You a ventriloquist or something?

I'm telling you, this is a friend of mine.

You can hear him, you just can't see him.


You don't believe me?

What's your name, anyway?

My name is Michael.


How you doing, Darryl?

Darryl say hello to KITT.

Go ahead, say hello to KITT.

Hello, KITT.

Hello, Darryl.

Oh, boy, oh, boy, you're gonna get it.

I don't know if I'm gonna hug you for being okay or I'm gonna wring your neck for worrying me.

My money's on the hug.

Couldn't do either if it wasn't for Michael or KITT.

Backtrack a little for me.

It's going by too fast.

The dude and his car.

I mean, this man is driving a serious set of wheels.

Blasted through those flames like The Refrigerator heading for the end zone.

Not quite.

How are you?

Oh, sir thanks.

You're welcome.

I could use some clarification, too.

I'm Deputy Clark.

Our chopper spotted your car out past the fire line.

You better state your business here.

My name is Michael Knight.

I'm from the Foundation for Law and Government.

We're on retainer from the Perkins estate.

We're overseeing its transition to a public park.

Well, your responsibility ends at the fire line.

Not if I'm checking out who's started the fires.

Are you suggesting we have an arsonist at play here?

Yes, sir.

He drives an ATV.

Your choppers must have spotted him when you saw me.

There's nothing on the report.

You best leave this one to us, Mr.


Well, what do you have in here, Darryl?

What is that?

Put him in back.

I don't know If we have any cages left.

I don't know what's going on around here.

Come on, I'll go with you, Darryl.

Thanks Michael, thanks KITT.

You got it.

Thank you.

Thank you, sir, that was You're welcome.


You're quite a collector, aren't you?


Listen Tess, where you think that ATV I saw was headed?

North Ridge.

Rock walls, wilderness.

An ATV's the only way in there.

If you see it, would you call me at this number.



And thank you again.

Got it.

There, right there.

Freeze frame.


-check that character with our active files first chance you get, will you?

Man, that is a lot of tire.

We're gonna provide KITT with a lot more tire to catch up with it.

Yeah, we'll call them ''RC Radials.

'' Easy, RC.

Those tires will get us up the slope but Tess Hubbard told me there's nothing up there but rock wall and inaccessible wilderness.

Besides once we get up there KITT and I are going to stick out like a sore thumb.



What's terrific?

This is a perfect opportunity to field

-test SID.


Satellite Infiltration Drone.

The only one of its kind.

Looks like a hi

-tech hatbox.

Audio, video and a heat sensor to let you know when it's unsafe to activate him.

And Easy now.




You see?

He's specially designed to get into all those tight places where KITT can't go.

He's also gonna be really easy to spot in the wilderness.

I can disguise him.

Boulder, tree stump.

Name it.

Of course, we're pleased to have been able to help out.

You're most welcome, it's a pleasure.

What the That was very good, Bonnie.

Turn it off.

Thank you.

I'm sorry to dampen your enthusiasm but that was Sandra Rusk on the telephone just now.

The Perkins land is off limits to the public because of the fire danger.

And that terminates our responsibility.

Wait a minute, wait a minute.

Who's Sandra Rusk?

And what's she got to do with this?

She is the liaison officer between the Perkins estate and the local authorities who are just about to take the place over.

The local authorities meaning Deputy Clark?



That's as good as not having a patrol at all.

Now, Michael

- Devon, I'm telling you, other people have claimed they've seen the ATV.

But Deputy Clark claims he's never spotted it.

There's an arsonist on the loose here.

Now, I'm not letting up yet.

I can't.

All right, Michael.

But like it or not you are going to have to clear your activities with Sandra Rusk.

Thank you, Miss Lawrence.

Have a nice day.

Excuse me, but just what do you think you are doing?

Wait a minute.

Wait a minute.

Hey, am I on Bloopers and Practical Jokes?

Where's Ed McMahon?

Who is this?

What's going on?

The black car next to you.

Now I reiterate, what are you doing?

Well, if I'm going to talk to a machine it might as well be a car.

Well, I'm trying to facilitate a transaction, of course.

But, uh Well, I'm road

-weary, you know and I seem to have mentally misplaced my code number so come on, give it to me, come on, be lively about it.

Sorry, no free samples.

What I need is $5.

According to my memory banks FLAG has an account at this bank.

It's a reasonably good cause.

Very well, you vagrant but you better put this to good use.

Oh, bless you.

Thank you.

Thank you.


Knight, now that you're here in the flesh I want to thank you for the fine job you and the Foundation have done.

Look, Miss Rusk, the job isn't over yet.

I need more time to investigate the fires.

Michael, there's nothing left to investigate.

No campers, no hikers, no fires.

I hate to think that you drove down here for nothing.

So how about lunch?

On the estate.

It's really the least we can do for everything you've done for us.

Look, Miss Rusk, I don't have

- Sandra.


We are not dealing with careless campers here.

We're up against an arsonist.


Well, this is the first I've heard of it.

Are you sure?

Yes, a guy in an ATV armed with a t*nk of napalm.

Well that certainly changes things.

I'll go along with you on one condition.

When you catch that firebug the first round's on me.

I'll keep that in mind.

Thank you.

Gomez! Knock it off.

We gotta talk.

Yeah, well, I am sick of talking and I am sick of waiting.

When is that chopper going to get here, anyway?

Tomorrow, if you didn't screw up.

What's the matter with you?

I did it all.

I burned them out.

Yeah, and you were also chased by that black car.

No, no, I left that guy eating my dust.

He's an investigator.

If he arrives here the same time as the chopper we can kiss a $10 million sale goodbye.

What do you want me to do?

Load the ATV with hardware.

If he chases you again, I want you to blow him away.

Manuel Gomez.

A promising world

-class soccer player who injured himself early in his career and faded from the scene.

Didn't take him long to jump from the team roster to the FBI's number one draft pick, did it?

He's been connected with break

-ins at several pharmaceutical manufacturing plants.

Legal dr*gs being worth easily as much as heroin and cocaine on the black market.

Probably more.

And considering the size of the thefts Gomez has probably stockpiled several thousand cases.

That's strange.

A guy who's into dr*gs is suddenly into arson.

How is SID.


It's tuned up and ready to roll.

I hope you're not taking that aluminum box seriously.


As a matter of fact, it's time we gave SID its new personality.

You mean you're actually going to use him?


I think Gomez is going to get a big kick out of it.

Yeah, yeah, it's him.

It's that kid, Darryl.

It looks like he's tracking the ATV.

Well, what do you want to do about it?

Knight's looking for a firebug, right?

You're going to give him one.

What's our destination, Michael?

The north ridge of the Perkins estate.

How do we get in there without being spotted?

I thought you'd never ask.

I walked right into that one, didn't I?

More like turbo


Don't rub it in, Michael.

I mean, it's bad enough he's sitting in front right next to you.

Frankly, I think I prefer Darryl's rabbit.

Just remember, once I activate SID he's controlled by your CPU.

Well, as long as he understands who's in charge.

Ah, there you are, Michael.

Yo, Devon.

What's up?

Good news.

Deputy Clark has just apprehended the arsonist in the Douglas Ridge area.

And they'll have him locked up by nightfall.

It seems you stirred him to action.

Well, what do you know?

lt'll be very interesting to hear what Mr.

Gomez has to say.

He's your suspect?

You got evidence?

A witness?

Look, Knight, I caught him myself.

He was trying to set a fire right there on the trail.

He's lying, Michael.

I was tracking that truck.

He drove up and said he had a couple of animals for Tess.

We got here and he hits me with this arson thing.

Why should I get into a scuffle with him?

I was alone up there.

Look, the kid has a rap sheet.

You want to look at it.

Vandalism, shoplifting, g*ng activity.

He was 12 years old then.

Hey I don't need you to tell me how to do my job.

Well, I'm here to do mine.

Would you open up?

I'd like to talk to him.

Darryl, look at me.

Did you do what he said?

The dude set me up, like I just told you.


All right, then I'm gonna get you out of here.

Everything's going to be okay.

Man, I've been hearing that from counselors since I was nine years old.

Nobody ever delivers any ''okay.

'' What about Tess?

She came through for you.

Darryl, you're scared, it's okay, you got a right to be.

I think you're innocent.

Why, because you say so?

I mean, you think that's going to do me any good?

I got a sheet, like the man says.

Back home, nobody's gonna believe I didn't do it.

Man, every time a purse got ripped on my street the man came towards me.

It's different now! You've got people who care about you now.

Darryl, you got a new life.

You work hard, it pays off.

Man, don't give me any of that college jive Tess is always laying on me.

You think I bought that stuff?

Yeah, I think you bought that stuff.

You'd be a fool if you didn't.

Maybe some of it.

All right.

I'm gonna get you out of here.

I promise.


Open up, will you?

Darryl! Wait! Hey! Darryl! Darryl! He's just a kid! Get away from me! Now that's an obstruction of justice.

And I'm going to take care of you later.

Make that two obstructions, KITT.

Is that what you meant, Michael?

Right on the money.

You see where Darryl went?

Deep into the woods.

I'm afraid we can't go after him.

He knows them like the back of his hand.

Two hundred cases methaqualone.

Sixty cases diazepam.


-five Demerol.

I'm telling you, this isn't necessary, Paxton.

Why don't you just bring the chopper in and get this stuff out of here?

I don't see the promazine.

We couldn't get it in time.

Oh, well, what's the rush?

This week, next.

No games.

You've got to get this stuff out of here, today.

This isn't a game, Wilson.

I need 50 cases of promazine.

Call me when they're here.

Hold it.

I burned down half a mountain to keep the lid on this thing.

I've got a guy in a T

-top breathing down my neck.

I've got all kinds of pressure.

I know.

But that's your problem, isn't it?

You're not the only player in the game.

I have other sources.

No promazine, no deal.

That's ridiculous.

Sure Darryl's been in trouble.

All my foster kids have, as you can imagine.

That's how I get them.

But only one of them didn't make it.

I didn't get him in time.

But Darryl Not Darryl.

He isn't the arsonist.

He just isn't.

I know that.

It's a man named Gomez.

I just haven't been able to nail him yet.

I don't get it.

If you know that, how come Clark hasn't arrested this Gomez?

The way I figure it, Clark is working for Gomez.

He framed Darryl to protect him.

Oh, yeah?

Well, he's not getting away with it.

I'm going right down there and I'm gonna demand they release Darryl.

Wait a minute, wait a minute.

Darryl is two steps ahead of both of us.

Tess, he escaped.

He took off before Clark knew what hit him.

He's got more spunk than anyone I know.

You're running a close second.

Oh, thank you, I'm flattered.

Yeah, we're cut from the same cloth.

You know, when they sent Darryl to me from juvenile hall we went a few rounds there, toe to toe for a few months, and finally the mean just came up all out of him and he started picking up the pieces of his life again.

Now, they're all going to fall apart again.

They're not gonna fall apart again.

I promise you they're not gonna fall apart.

Michael, I'm picking up a report on the police band.

There's a robbery in progress at Whitney Pharmaceutical.

And an ATV has been sighted in the area.

Who's that?

That is a very long story.

You stay here in case Darryl comes back.

Where are you going?

I'm gonna catch a firebug.

Come on, come on.

Let's go.

All right, let's button this up, come on.

Let's go! Gomez, step on it, the black T

-top is behind us.

We can overtake him easily, Michael.

I know, but we're going to let him think he lost us.

It appears you're about to resort to that novelty.

I sure am.

SID's the only one who can get to the top of the mountain and find out what's going on.

All right, activate SID.

The toy is activated, Michael.


All right, put him to bed, pal.

Make it fast.

All right, button him up.

All right, we're out of here.

SID's homing pulse is coming in strong, Michael.

All right, keep monitoring until we're ready to activate him again.

Michael, I'm glad I caught you.

Sandra Rusk wants us off the case.

Devon, I don't believe this.

First I'm on the case, then I'm off the case.

Look, I'm this close to cracking this thing.

Yes, I understand how you feel, Michael but we still have an obligation to accommodate her.

All right.

But I'm gonna try and change her mind first.

All right, come on! Let's move it! Let's unload these! That chopper's coming soon.

And the sooner we get this stuff unloaded the quicker we get out of here.

Come on! Let's go! Try to understand my point of view, Michael.

First you ask for time to catch an arsonist and then you help him to escape.

In my position you would've done the same thing.

What do you mean?

The suspect was a teenager.

Darryl Staples.

Clark was gonna sh**t him! The Deputy's reaction may have been extreme but forest fires can be started by young people as well as grown men, and l

- Not Darryl Staples.

He risked his life to save a rabbit from that fire.

I was there.

I won't let him be railroaded because it's convenient.

I'm not sure that that's the case but if you're right, this doesn't make much sense, then, does it?

None of Clark's actions make any sense.

I think he's up to his neck in this.


Yeah, Miss Rusk?

This Darryl.

Darryl Staples.

Is Michael Knight there yet?

Just a moment.

I'm sorry.

It's a personal matter.

I'll be right back.



I'm afraid Michael isn't here.

Oh, Mr.

Miles at the Foundation said he was.

He just left.

Can I give him a message if I see him?


Tell him I tracked the ATV.

I know where it goes.

Oh, you've been tracking the ATV?

Tell him you'll pick him up.

I'll pick you up.

Where are you?

I'm at Flanders Automotive on the outside of town.

Okay, I'll be there in ten minutes.

All right.

Oh my.

I say old man, are you in there?

I don't believe it.

It's not possible.

Is that you?

It is me.

I, the bum.

But how can it be?

I gave you five dollars.

What kind of investment could you have made?

Well, let's see now, I bought some shampoo and the new Penthouse and some gum.

That's all?

Well, no, I bought a piece of beef jerky.

But, but Oh, oh, and I bought a lottery ticket.

And the rest, as they say, is history.

Well, then, my friend, you were a good investment after all.

Well, now, all men are.

Here you go, this is for you and thanks.

No, keep it and pass it on to the next man.

You choose him this time, my friend.

Shall we?

Well I'm sorry about before, Michael.

Maybe I was a bit off


Perhaps you should continue to look into this.


We'll have that drink sooner than you think.

I thought you were going to get him to back off.

No one can get him to back off.

Michael, this is a model of a new tire we just installed on KITT.

Wicked, huh?


And the beauty of it is you can kick them in on the move.

What do you hear from SID?

Nothing yet.

I don't want to activate him until we're close enough to back him up.

Perhaps we could get Darryl to suggest a shortcut up the mountain.

We can use all the help we can get.

What does he have in mind?

Well, he tracked the ATV.

Didn't he tell you?

No he didn't.

That's odd.

I could have sworn that you were at Sandra Rusk's when we transferred his call.

Devon, she stepped out to take a personal call but she didn't say anything about it being from Darryl.

He said he was at the service station at the south end of the estate.

All right, KITT, we're out of here.

I don't see Darryl anywhere.

Neither do I, Michael.

He's definitely gone.

Excuse me, I'm looking for a kid about 16 years old.

Black kid.

He called me from here.

Oh, I saw him.

Somebody picked him up in a beige wagon.

How long ago?

Five, ten minutes.

You just missed him.

Headed towards Route 6.

Thank you.

All right, scan Route 6 where it turns off into the high country.

I've picked up a car traveling at high speed.

Let's pour on some of our own.

Super pursuit.

Hey, hold it.

This isn't the way to town.

I thought you said Michael was Don't be a dead hero, sonny.

Come on, that chopper's due right now! Move it! All right, back to normal mode.

I see him, buddy.

Let's get him.

Damn it! That's Knight.

Cover the kid.

Get him! Now! He's heading for that slope again, Michael.

Yep, only this time we can really stick it to him.

Get ready for some evasive action.

It won't work, Michael.

A laser sight just locked onto me.

Give me a damage report.

All systems functioning.

Your brand new tires, pal.

Now is the time we use them.


That was great.

I feel like a kid.

So do I, Michael, and I've never been one.

All right let's reactivate our friend SID.

Well, that explains why Gomez turned firebug.

dr*gs were the deal, arson was the insurance.


This is Sandra Rusk.

How do you do?

What do you know?

The g*ng's all here.

I guess SID does have his uses, doesn't he?

There's Darryl, KITT.

He looks all right.

And very closely guarded.

They don't know we're coming.

We got the edge.

Come on, hurry up! Come on, let's go.

All right, hand me the promazine.

Put it in there behind the Demerol.

Michael, SID's emergency system has just buttoned him up.

Not a second too soon, Michael.

SID is quite literally in the hands of the enemy.

Gomez! Come on, let's wrap this thing up! He's free and clear again, Michael! Okay.

Activate and give me a bird's

-eye view of what we're up against.

SID's in trouble, Michael.

All right, get him out of there, fast.

What's that?

I don't know, and I'm not staying around to find out.

With that thing here chances are Knight's not far behind it.

Michael, we lost SID.

Nothing we can do to help him now.

We gotta get that ATV.

Stop him! Michael, that chopper's about to get away.

All right, micro jam the engine and the doors! Good work, buddy! I'm picking up laser tracking again.

I don't think they want us here, Michael.

Feeling's mutual.

Let's take them out.

The ATV's on the move.

But I can't micro

-Iock it without releasing the chopper.

I hear you.

The ATV's ours! He's gaining on us.

He's headed for that rocky terrain.

All right, let's cut him off.

Hit the CO2, pal.

Now what, Michael?

We're gonna turn that pickup into a memory.

We're big enough to take him out.

Retribution has its moments, doesn't it, pal?

It certainly does.

That one was for SID.

Arson's a nasty habit.

But prison can also burn you out.


Thanks, Michael.

You got it.

Wow, man! Oh, yeah, Darryl, this is Devon.

Hello Darryl.

Hello Mr.


And Bonnie.



And Mr.

Muscle over here is RC3.

What's happening?

Hey, good things.

This is where it all happens, huh?

That's right, SID came to life right out of that computer.


Hey, man you look like somebody just pulled your plug.

You okay?

Yeah, I'm just a little upset.

I just feel bad about SID getting blown away, man.

I mean, I know the little guy isn't human or anything but My feelings, too, Darryl.

Hey, Darryl, don't worry about it.

Look at it this way.

SID went out in a blaze of glory.

As you see, SID's glory days are far from over.

How did you do that?

It was in a million pieces.

I just picked them up and started over again.

You know what she means?

I hear you.

If at first you don't succeed You got it.

Oh, I got something for you.

For high school.

For high school.

Oh, wow!