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04x15 - Deadly Knightshade

Posted: 05/13/23 06:24
by bunniefuu
KITT, Henderson's dead.

I got someone going down the back stairs.

One second he was on my scanner the next he was gone.

Austin believes he's a true sorcerer.

He's coming at us head


Michael, he was in a straight jacket inside a sealed bag and then in chains.

Where's Devon?

Where is he?

He's inside the t*nk.


Knight Rider a shadowy flight into the dangerous world of a man who does not exist.

Michael Knight, a young Ioner on a crusade to champion the cause of the innocent the helpless, the powerless in a world of criminals who operate above the law.

Magic shows are for kids, RC.

I don't know how I let you talk me into this.

You are going to thank me.

I mean, this Templeton dude is outrageous.

the incomparable, the amazing Templeton! It's him.


It's him.


You know that dude?

Yeah, I met him on the tennis courts today playing pick

-up doubles.

He's really He's got a great backhand.

And now, may I have a volunteer from this illustrious gathering?

Someone with a car in the parking lot?

Over here.

Very well.

This young lady.

Would you follow my assistant?

And for the most charming young lady a red rose.

It whispers of passion.

The white rose breathes of love.

Oh, the red rose is a demon.

But the white rose is a dove.

Until later.

Looks like he wants to play singles this time.

Hey, you're kind of hung up on this guy.

The handkerchief.

And I think I have one more article.

Yes, here it is and And who might claim this?

And as you can see the car is now perfectly empty.

Plot me the most direct course to the airport and I'll get Henderson.

Done, Michael.

Shall I park myself?

Yeah, please.

Oh, yeah.

Patch into the airlines' computer.

I want to make sure he's got a reservation.

That's already been taken care of.

You're the greatest.

Lower the curtain, now! Watch closely.

This won't take long.

Sorry to interrupt, Mr.

Henderson but Devon wants you to fly back immediately.

Oh, what's the problem?

There's been a legal snag with the Curtis Foundation.

I'll need a little time to pack my things, Michael.

I'll meet you at your room in about, say, 10 minutes.

Anything wrong?

Devon wants me back.

Some problem with the bequest.

I'm changing the sequence.

We'll do the escape next.

Take it up.

And now my friends, if I may have two volunteers from the audience.

Two gentlemen.

And if you would tie him at the top.


And place him on the table.

And manacle him.

Now, if you'll stand aside, gentlemen.

The Table of Death is prepared.

The countdown will begin the instant I light this candle.

The Amazing Templeton will have exactly three minutes to escape before it burns through the rope and the spikes plummet onto the table.

I better go get Henderson.

See you guys later.

My God! What are you doing here?


Your last

-minute change of plans makes it necessary.

Two minutes.

Henderson! Did you see anyone?

A man.

He went that way! KITT, Henderson's dead.

I got someone going down the back stairs.

On my way, Michael.

I have him on my scanners.

Keep on him! It's a dead end.

One second he was on my scanner the next he was gone.

KITT, the only way out of here was past you.

I'm sorry, Michael, there was no one.

I really thought you'd gone too far this time.

Always keep them guessing, my dear.

Always keep them guessing.

I'm stunned, Michael.

I don't know what to say.

Devon, the police think he surprised a burglar when he went back to his room to pack.

And you agree?

There were no unusual circumstances?

Well, there was one thing.

When I chased this guy he vanished into thin air.


Because of the four Curtis Bequest trustees Henderson was the second in recent months to die unexpectedly.

That's too much of a coincidence.

Devon, I know this is not foremost in our minds but the deadline is near.

Now, considering Max didn't sign those papers can just you and I award the grants?

Yes, of course, lan.

I thought you were aware that power of attorney reverted to the surviving trustees.

I'll be on the next plane.

I'll let you know the time of my flight.

You know, Bonnie, one minute we had this guy on our scanners and the next minute he was gone.

Check KITT's systems, will you?

A malfunction in any number of them could have that effect.

You know electronics, Doc?


Browning developed many of KITT's systems, RC.


And they're all working perfectly.

We had the guy trapped in a dead end alley, too.

This looks more and more like a well

-planned escape.

I think Devon's onto something.

Michael, how could it be a premeditated k*lling?

Henderson wasn't supposed to be in his room.

A lot of people saw him leave the cabaret.

Maybe one of them followed.


According to the usherettes, nobody else left during the show.

There was one person who left.

Oh, you lost me.




Michael, he was in a straight jacket inside a sealed bag and then in chains.

You yourself just said that the police thought it was a burglary.

I think maybe you've malfunctioned this time.

Whoa! What did I say?

The magic word.


Bonnie's having lunch with him.



No, that's not how I work.

You decide who.

I pick when and where.

That degree of risk doubles my fee.

Yes, I've got it.

KITT, ultra scan.

There's got to be another way out of here.

I'm still reading negative on all systems.

Maybe Bonnie was right.

Maybe we did malfunction.

Wait, I've just found a concealed fire door.

Probably covered over when they gave the hotel a face

-lift, huh?

Where is it?

In the left

-hand corner.

Bet you it still works.

I still don't know why I missed it last night.

Don't worry about it.

You weren't analyzing for structure you were analyzing for personnel.

Feel a draft here.


See you later.

And How did you do that?

Okay, look.

Show me how you did that all right?

All right, hold the left hand out like this.


Now, fingers in front, thumb in the back.


Cards are bent and you come around like this Okay.

All right.

Now you bend your fingers throw and catch with the right hand.

One motion.

One motion.

All right.

Bend your fingers Bend your fingers.

Throw And what do we have here?


Remind me never to play cards with you.

Hiding cards everywhere.

Up to some of your old tricks, Templeton?


Sorry to intrude.

But I found a hidden door in the alley where I lost Henderson's m*rder*r last night.

What a coincidence.

It led me right here.

This is a very old hotel, Mr.


Its basement is a maze that leads to many places.

Now, Miss Barstow and I were about to leave for our luncheon.

So, if you'll please get to the point?

I'll show it to you.

This is the hood you use in your act, is it not?

Indeed, I'm afraid it is.

The k*ller left it behind last night.

Perhaps I should have said, one of them.

You see, Michael?

Anyone could have taken that hood.

Oh, I assure you, Mr.

Knight, I'm working on it but, to date, being in two places at one time is a state of being that has eluded me.

Shall we?

Oh, interesting little toy but not to my taste.

You be a good girl and wait in the car, huh?

I got to go back in and pay the bill.

But who will I talk to?

Listen to the radio.

Just don't wear out the battery, huh?

I wore your battery out a long time ago.

This is the car for me.





You're not so bad yourself.

Hey! Hey! You must've left your car phone off the hook.

Where you calling from?

From within my central terminal brimming with the freshest software, megabytes.


Whoever you are, you sure sound sexy.

I'd love to see what you look like.

Actually, I'm right under your nose.

I'll bet you're tall and dark and handsome.

I'm definitely dark and handsome.

I'm only tall when I'm climbing a steep incline.

Excuse me.

Are you Templeton's assistant?

Yes, I'm Nancy Martston.

Hi, Nancy.

My name is Michael Knight.


I caught the show last night.

Whoo! It was terrific.

I was wondering if you could answer some questions about how Templeton does it.

I'm sorry, I grew up in this world but I never really got into it.

I spend most of my time working on my MBA.

I'm just helping out my dad.

Your dad?



If you're Templeton's daughter then his youth is his greatest illusion.

No, no, my dad's over there somewhere.

His name's Ariel.

He's the one you should talk to.

He taught Templeton everything he knows.

Just a second.

Dad! Can you come here a second?


Dad, come here.

This is Michael Knight and he has some questions for you.

More questions?

I told the last fellow from the Humane Society that the tigers are never drugged, they get plenty of exercise and the doves are perfectly happy

- Oh, no.

What I wanted to know about was the spike machine.

If it's specially constructed so that Templeton stays inside or can he get out and then come back in after the spikes are withdrawn?

You're not the first to wonder.

It's a brilliant escape, isn't it?

It's a supreme expression of Austin's genius.

But one magician can never reveal the mystique de mode of another.

It's an unwritten code.

A pact among sorcerers with unspeakable consequences if it is broken.

Why do you want to know?

Let's just say I'm a fan.

By the way, the escape act went right down to the wire last night.

Did it take longer than usual?

No, no, it didn't.

It was all part of the act.

But Austin did move it up all of a sudden.



It's usually his finale.

Somebody else's, too.

You sound so classy.

I can just picture you decked out in black tie.

Try black top.

KITT, pick me up.

We have to meet Devon at the airport.

Hey, where you goin'?

You'll have to excuse me, but duty calls.

Wait! How about a phone number?

It's on my license plate.

You suspect Austin Templeton, the magician?

Yeah, I do, Devon.

More and more.

I don't understand.

What would he have to gain by the deaths of the Curtis Trustees?

I don't know.

But with $50 million at stake I'm sure he's thought of an angle.

Devon, who was the last trustee to die unexpectedly?

A gentleman in Tucson, Arizona named Jason DeSylva.

Let's see if Templeton played Tucson recently.

He performed there during the month of July.

July 18th.

It's a day I'll never forget as long as I live.

Pop the trunk, KITT.

Thank you.

See you later, pal.

Wait for me in the parking lot, KITT.

KITT, I need you.

On my way.


- I know.

Be careful.

Piece of cake.

Try to get an ID on the driver.

It's impossible at this range, Michael.

What's the matter with that guy?

He's taken a wrong turn and he's going to get us all a ticket.

Where did all the mourners go?

All right! He's coming back at us! No, that isn't the hearse we're

- You maniac! Can't you see this is a funeral?


I tried to warn you.

Just keep scanning.

There he is! He's coming at us head


Hit the CO2, pal! No need to, Michael.

No vital signs?

None whatsoever.

As a matter of fact, there's no one in that vehicle.


Cover the back alley.

No sign of him, Michael.

This is becoming a daily event, Mr.


And it's going to continue until I prove you k*lled Henderson.

I thought you'd gotten that out of your system.

Getting out of things is your specialty.

Straightjackets, chains, a flaming hearse.

You do have a vivid imagination, Mr.


You think I can get out of anything.

Not solitary confinement.

Hey, Nancy, can I talk to you for a minute.

Sure, soon as I finish this.

You'd better be careful, she's bad.

You better stand back.


It's okay, I'm allergic to cats.

Especially big cats.

That's a mean tiger to use in a magic act.

No, we're using the other tiger this week.

This one's in heat.

And take my word for it, you never want to get close to a tigress in heat.


I thought that was the whole idea.

It's an interesting one.

Yeah, I agree.

You didn't happen to see Templeton go into his dressing room in the last five or ten minutes, did you?

No, I haven't seen him at all.

I've been here for over an hour.

Nancy, I'm looking for the props he uses in the escape.

Well, they're taken away and stored after each performance.

Austin doesn't like anyone messing with his props.

Yeah, I'll bet.

Do you know where they're kept?


Except for it's not here because they go by truck.

But you could ask my dad, he might know.

Great, thanks.

Sure, bye.

Hi, baby.

No, I'm afraid I can't tell you that.

I don't understand.

You just told me they were taken to a warehouse but you won't tell me where it is.

I told you I can't betray him.

Like all those who have sold their souls to the devil Austin Templeton must be left to destroy himself.

You really believe that?

What I believe isn't important.

Austin believes he's a true sorcerer.

And if you're going to catch him, Mr.

Knight you'll have to catch him in the act, so to speak.

I intend to.

That's twice you've been positive it was Austin and proven wrong, Michael.

No one else could've pulled off a stunt like that.

That hearse was an inferno.

Maybe it's time to start looking somewhere else.

Not until I'm certain there's no way Templeton could have left the cabaret during his Table of Death act.

Either his alibi holds up or it doesn't hold up.

I agree with you, Michael.

In the meantime, Dr.

Browning and I have $50 million in grants to award.

Shall we, lan?

lt'll just take me some time to get my papers together.

How about over dinner?

Of course.

I have some Foundation matters to attend to.

Join me when you can.

Keep an eye on 'em, RC.

You going to check out that Table of Death?

No, he trucks it out after every performance.

I assume you have a plan in mind.

Yeah, I'm going to check out his act again tonight.

I'm gonna take KITT with me.

I could use an observer in the audience.

Oh, I'll be there.

Well, hello, there.

Creep! Please, it's KITT.

He's gone again! What is the matter with you?

You afraid to face me or something?

On the contrary.

I'm always delighted to take in your ample personality.

What's the big idea taking off like that?

I had other priorities.

Like your wife?

I'm not married.

Or maybe your girlfriend?

No, I don't have one of those, either.

Did you say you're not married?

That's right.

Why not?

You might say I haven't yet met my match.

Well, what kind of match are you looking for?

Oh, something very stylish preferably in red, loaded with sophisticated software total artificial intelligence, fully padded seat removable top with an adaptive megabyte system that can interface for hours.

You animal! What kind of a girl do you think I am?

What did I say?

You nearly gave me a heart attack.

That would have been a very costly mistake.

I lose $5 million if I k*ll the wrong trustee.

We both lose $5 million until you k*ll the right one.

You're supposed to be the best.

Why isn't Devon Miles dead?

What happened?

What happened?

I planned and ex*cuted the escape of the century this afternoon.

That's what happened.

It was brilliant.

Beyond your wildest conception.

It was Hades brought to life.

And no one was there to see it except Michael Knight.

Miles would be dead if it weren't for him and that car.

I'll have to deal with them first.

That won't be easy.

That car contains state



-art technology.

And Knight plans to use it tonight to disprove your alibi.

That is a problem.

And perhaps also the solution.

I'm not sure I understand what you mean.

Remember, lan, I'm not only a master assassin but a truly master magician as well.

capable of hanging an opponent not only with a piece of rope but with his own logic.

Knight is very capable of hanging you, believe me.

Hanging both of us, lan.

I'm going to need your help this time.

And now, may I have a volunteer from this illustrious gathering?

Someone with a car in the parking lot.

Right here.



I must tell you that this gentleman and I met earlier today but he is in no way part of my act.

You can say that.

As a matter of fact, he's something of a magician himself.

Okay, pal, you're on.

Now, Mr.

Knight, if you would please check your car make sure that it is empty and the doors are locked.

It is empty and the doors are locked.

Yes, if you'd kindly step over to the side.

What are you doing here?

Austin thought it would be fun if I was in the act.

Yeah, well, let's see if he's still laughing after KITT analyzes it.

Now, watch closely ladies and gentlemen, this won't take long.

This is very undignified.

Did your scanners pick up how he did it?

No, I'm afraid not.

Thank you.

This is getting us nowhere, lan.

These are all reputable companies and you've vetoed all of them.

And for good reason.

Now, here's my list.

lan, everyone in the business community knows that these are inactive corporations.

Shells producing nothing.

Surely you're can't be serious?

Oh, but I am.

You see, I'm getting a considerable fee for awarding 40 of the $50 million to them.

You're retaining $10 million?

Is that what you meant

- Devon, there is a g*n in here.

And if I take my hand off the handle it will go off.

Do you understand?

What do you want?

Send RC on an errand.


Be a good chap and fetch the Rigg Electronics file from the semi, would you?

It's on my desk.

Sure thing, boss.

You two ought to be okay for a few minutes and I'll be right back.

Are you reading this, KITT?

I started scanning the Table of Death the instant Templeton got into it.

I'm having the same problem I had with the tiger.

No scan at all?

That's correct.

My systems are going haywire for some reason.

Let's go, pal.

Bonnie's gonna meet us at the semi and run a check on your scanners.

No! Simba! No! Heel! Heel! KITT?


Michael, where are you?

I'm in deep trouble.

Why didn't you warn me about the tiger?

I don't know.

My scanners didn't detect her presence.

So I noticed.

What do you know about tigers?

Not much I'm afraid.

Now is a good time to learn.

Can you synthesize the mating call of a male tiger?

I'll check my anharmonic data bank.


Sounds like KITT's doing the job.

I may be able to reproduce the tiger's mating call but after that, she's on her own.

Go away! Shoo! Look, we'll get help.

In the meantime, just keep her happy.

Keep her happy?

The only thing that works is Mozart.

The Eine kleine Nachtmusik.

It really calms her down.

Do you hear that?

Thank you.

At least the tiger has taste.

There's a good kitty.

Michael's here.

I thought you were keeping an eye on Devon and Dr.


I was.

Devon sent me to get a file.

When I got back to the restaurant, both of them were gone.

I can't find them anywhere.

I don't like this, Michael.

What are we going to do?

For openers, check out KITT's scanners.

I think I'm going to be needing them.

None of his sensory circuits are damaged.

Which leaves his program.

I'm checking it now.

He's been revised.

His scanners have been deactivated.

Bonnie, only two people can change that.

You and Dr.


That means Dr.

Browning's got Devon.

Michael, I blew it.

I'm sorry.

It's all right.

It's not your fault, I'm going to need your help.

What we need is a place to start.

I know.

That we've got.

Out of the car.

Welcome, Mr.


I understand your Foundation is heavily involved in research of all kinds.

I don't see what research has to do with any of this.

Oh, you'll have to give your life to it.

I want the location of that warehouse.

Come on, Dad.

Two people have been k*lled and more are going to die.

This isn't going to vanish in a puff of smoke.

I'm telling you, we're talking about two greedy K*llers who are gonna stop at nothing.


Okay, plot me a course Super Pursuit Mode.

The warehouse is at the end of this street, Michael.

Okay, back to cruise.

As I said, all in the spirit of research, Mr.


You see, in this escape the audience must believe that I'm drowning.

After watching you die my performance will be frighteningly authentic.

Austin, I don't like this.

Let's get it over with, quickly.

It's one thing to order an execution quite another to witness it, isn't it, lan?

Who's in there, KITT?

Three men.

My metal scan indicates one of them is bound in chains.

That's our move.

You cover the back, RC.

You got it.

You want to crash through that door?

Piece of cake, Michael.


A valiant attempt, Mr.


But all for naught.

Where's Devon?

Where is he?

He's inside the t*nk.


I need some help with this lock.

Okay, got it.

Get him up! Get him up! You okay?

Right as rain, my dear fellow.

Oh, blast.

I've ruined my suit.

Bless you.

Thinking of getting into the act?

No, thank you, Michael.

I've had enough magic to last me a lifetime.

Very amusing.

But hardly mystifying.

Then maybe I can dazzle you with the help of a simple handkerchief.

Be my guest.

Ladies and gentlemen, the famous Michael Knight.

As you can see nothing on this side.

Nothing on this side.

Watch this.

One, two, three.



Where'd you learn to do that?

Very good.

For you.

I think I'm the one that should be making the peace offering.

I mean, not even a master illusionist should make you doubt your friends.

Don't worry about it.

That character even had me under his spell for a while.

But two can play the magic game.

I believe that's three, Michael.

Counting your assistant.

Yeah, you've got to give KITT his moment in the spotlight, too.

You know, you're right, RC.

KITT, since Templeton is history we've got an unemployed tiger on our hands.

On second thought, Michael I think the only magic I'll perform is a disappearing act.

Whoa! KITT?