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04x01 & 04x02 - Knight of the Juggernaut

Posted: 05/13/23 06:16
by bunniefuu
What was that?

It's a huge armored vehicle.

This is Edward Mulhare.

Tonight, a special two

-hour Knight Rider from Chicago.

For all intents and purposes, KITT is dead.

That's not Devon Miles.

I propose that Michael Knight be placed on probation.

I think we can get a 40% increase in speed and a new braking system.

Bump him! An expl*sive detonator has been added to the ramrod since our last meeting.

Knight Rider, a shadowy flight into the dangerous world of a man who does not exist.

Michael Knight, a young Ioner on a crusade to champion the cause of the innocent the helpless, the powerless in a world of criminals who operate above the law.

Come on, sweetheart.

It's 6:00 in the morning.

Give me a break.

Can't this wait till I get home?

You don't have to tell me how serious this is.

I know how serious this is.

I don't care what Ellen says I wasn't flirting with her sister.

I barely know her.

Recognize the man in the booth?

It's not Frank.

We don't have control of the guard booth.

Our man's not here.

I understand.

Yes, sir.

What the I'll call you back.

Hello, police?

No! I'm sorry, your call could not be completed as dialed.

Please check the directory and dial again.

''Call me Ishmael.

'' What?

Our game, Michael.

Don't tell me you've forgotten already.

''Call me Ishmael.

'' Everyone knows this book.

All right, ''Call me Ishmael.

'' Let's see, that's gotta be Sounds like Hemingway.


Good morning, Michael.

''Call me Ishmael.

'' I beg your pardon?

The first line of what novel?

Moby d*ck by Herman Melville.

Everyone knows that.

Oh, man, it was on the tip of my tongue.

What's up?

I'm going to ask you to postpone your present assignment and meet me as soon as possible in Chicago.

Sounds serious.

Yes, I'm afraid it is, on several fronts.

A Foundation

-sponsored laboratory has inadvertently produced a mysterious, powerful new isotope which needs safeguarding during a temporary layover in Chicago.


Sounds like a piece of cake.

It's not as simple as it sounds.

Cernium 116 is volatile and potentially dangerous.

So, unfortunately, is the second front.

What's the second front?

The Knight Foundation's annual Board of Directors meeting is scheduled for this afternoon and you have been requested to attend with me.

Oh, Devon, anything but another black

-tie affair.

Come on, tell them KITT and I Tell them we're not feeling well.

I'm afraid you don't understand, Michael.

Wilton Knight's daughter, Jennifer has resigned from the President's Advisory Council to take a more active interest in the Knight Foundation's operations.

No kidding.

I didn't think she was interested in FLAG.

You'd be surprised just how interested.

Number one on her agenda is to phase out the Foundation for Law and Government.

Michael, I don't understand.

Neither do I.

Where were you?

You were supposed to be at the booth.

He wasn't.

''Why'' is irrelevant.

Jim, I was on my way.

I got a flat tire.

I called tow service, the guy said 10 minutes.

Jim, tell him, please.

Come on, it wasn't my fault.

I swear

- Frank.


Nordstrom, I This is mechanical perfection.

I expect that from everyone and everything.

Now, when will the additional armor and the contact detonating tip be ready for testing?

With any luck, sometime before 2400 hours tomorrow night.


Hower, we've been presented with a unique opportunity.

The isotope Cernium 116.

If we lose it, it's gone forever.

Yes, sir.

The point is, sometime before 2400 hours tomorrow night with or without luck.

Ah, Chicago.

The Windy City, a toddlin' town.

You seem awfully chipper considering what Devon said.

I can't believe it's a real possibility, Michael.

I've come to the conclusion it's much ado about nothing which, though not from a novel

- I know, I know, it's the title of a play by Willie Shakespeare.

Really, Michael?

All right.

William Shakespeare.

Thank you.

Don't mention it.

I'm picking up a robbery alarm on the police band, Michael.

Two males, Caucasian, one is six foot, denim jacket the other in a sweatshirt, and something quite odd.

What's the odd part?

They're being chased by a man wearing a strange costume.

It could be that ''Street Avenger'' we've been hearing about.

All right, let's give him a hand.

Hey, man! Through that alley on the left, Michael.

All right, I'll take it on foot! Right on.


I'm here to see a gentleman by the name of Devon Miles.

Is he expecting you?

Yes, he is.

My name is Michael

- Michael! It's all right, he's with me.

Thank you.


Hello, how are you?


You'll need this ID card.


You made very good time.

Well, I had to.

The suspense is k*lling me.

Yes, it is exciting, isn't it?

No, I'm talking about Jennifer Knight and the board of directors.

Yes, of course.

Well, all in due time.

First, I have to show you something.

We bombarded a mass of plutonium with titanium ions thereby creating a new isotope.

What's that in English?

That is English.


May I introduce Cernium 116.

Fortunately, it's encased in lead because preliminary tests indicate it's more radioactive than uranium.

It may turn out to be the scientific discovery of the decade.

Devon, why the layover in Chicago?

And how long?

It was merely a precautionary measure, Michael.

We're still charting its half


Our best guess is somewhere between 36 and 48 hours.

Thank you.

It proven to be a highly unstable material transportable only in its inactive cycle.

Meaning it's active right now.


Preparations are being made at Bergen Rock Laboratories for its permanent home.

I think we'd better go, we don't want to keep the Board waiting.

Heaven forbid.

Excuse me, Mr.


An urgent message for you, sir.

Thank you.

You're to report immediately to Dr.

Jonas Quinlin's residence.

I have a cab waiting.

It's impossible.

I have an important meeting in 15 minutes.

Sir, they did say it was urgent.

Devon, who is Dr.


One of the top nuclear physicists.

He dates back to the Manhattan Project.

We're bringing him in as a consultant.

Sounds to me like you should go.

What about the meeting?

I'll be fine, you know.

Best behavior, I promise.

Decorum at all costs.

At all costs?


Come in, please.

Good afternoon.

Good afternoon.

I'm Devon Miles.

I have an appointment with Dr.


Oh, he isn't here.

I received an urgent message from him.

I was pulled away from a most important meeting.

Oh, I'm sorry, there must be some mistake.

He left for a conference downtown.

I'm Marta Simmons, Doctor Quinlin's assistant.

How do you do?

The conference is at Thortex.

Are you familiar with the city?

I'm afraid not.

It's been some time.

Well, if you'd like, I'd be very happy to drive you over.

No, thank you.

But if you'd be kind enough to call a taxi for me?

Yes, certainly.

Keep the change.

Thank you very much.

I'm Devon Miles.

I want to see Dr.

Quinlin, please.

One moment, please.

Send him up.

Excuse me, are you one of the chauffeurs?


My name is Michael Knight.

I'm from the Foundation for Law and Government.

I see.

Of course.


You'll be notified when your presence is requested.

Good afternoon, Mr.



Quinlin! What's the meaning of this?

I wouldn't concern myself with meaning right now, if I were you.

I'd concern myself with survival.

I understand that Devon Miles won't be attending.

Yes, sir.

Devon had to attend an emergency meeting with Dr.


I see.

This particular segment of the meeting has been requested by Miss Knight so I respectfully turn the chair over to her.

Thank you, Mr.


Gentlemen, I'll get right to the point.

Generous though the Knight Foundation's resources may be they are finite.

They demand choices.

We find ourselves on the cusp of a new age.

An age of technology, of quantum leaps in pure and applied research.

Witness the discovery of Cernium 116.

If we use this gift we have within our grasp the resources to help change the world.

If we simply spend it all we'll do is continue to fund a project like FLAG.

To borrow a phrase, gentlemen ''A picture is worth a thousand words.

'' Jeffrey.

What you see here is a waste of resources.

Human and otherwise.




-art technology to support a James Bond fantasy run amok.



You know, I wasn't sure about what was gonna come down here.

I considered all possibilities, except an outright indictment of FLAG and the people who make it work.

It turns out I'm really glad that Devon's not here.

This stuff would break his heart.

That's a cheap shot! Gentlemen, I wasn't born into money or to influence I don't have a PhD in Physics and I'm not exactly sure what ''cusps of a new age'' means, or ''quantum leaps.

'' Sounds great.

I hope it happens.

In the meantime, I agree the world needs help.

There's w*r, there's starvation, there's disease.

Any feeling human being wants to see it end.

Your father, Wilton Knight, felt the same way.

But he also felt very strongly about the law.

And about the rights of the individual.

Your father, on his deathbed, took my hand and he bequeathed to me the belief that one man can make a difference.

That's what FLAG is all about.

One man can make a difference.

That's what I'm about.

And whether you people approve of our methods it's necessary to get the job done.

That's it.

This is obviously a complex and highly charged issue.

And, due to circumstances, we've not yet had the benefit of Devon Miles' thinking.

I therefore postpone a final decision until Friday.

However, until that time I propose that funds for FLAG be suspended and that its operative, Michael Knight, be placed on probation.

What exactly does that mean?

It means no more notoriety no more stunts, no more car chases no more James Bond fantasies.

This is insane.

Is it insane to reproduce the one man responsible for security at the vault?

The one man to whom Jennifer Knight Iooks with total confidence?

You're wasting your time.

By the time plastic surgery heals the Cernium will be secure at Bergen Rock.

I cannot work with him talking.

The measurements must be precise.

You listen, I'll talk.

When we're finished, Mr.

Elliott over there will look exactly like you, in every detail.

You see, this isn't plastic surgery.

This is a concept borrowed from the future.

Laser reconstruction.

It requires no surgery and the results are virtually immediate.

Your time is over.


Roger, come back here! What are you doing?



My name is Michael Knight, I'm a colleague of Devon Miles.

Oh, yes, yes.

Won't you come in?

Thank you.

If he and Doctor Quinlin aren't too busy, I'd like to see him for a minute.

He isn't here.

That is, Dr.


I'm afraid there was a big mix

-up in plans today.

Look, would you excuse me?

I'm just gonna stick him in the other room.


You know, he's not usually like this.

There you go.

I think he knows he's having an operation tomorrow.

Nothing serious, I hope.

He's being fixed.

They tell me it'll make him less excitable.

Yeah, I imagine so.

Any idea where I can find Devon?

Well, Dr.

Quinlin had a meeting at a place called Thortex and Mr.

Miles took a taxi over there.

Is something wrong?

I don't know.

I just haven't heard from Devon in a couple of hours.

It's just not like him.

Where's Thortex?

Well Well, look, I have some messages for Dr.


If you like, I'll drive you over there.

Tell you what, we'll split the difference.

I'll drive you.


My name is Michael Knight and this is Marta Simmons, Dr.

Quinlin's assistant.

We're here to see the doctor and Devon Miles, please.

One moment, please.

Ardell, come here.

What, what, what?

Will you look at this T

-top here?

Man, how many times I gotta tell you?

It ain't new.

You're gonna rip a car, it might as well be new.

Yeah, but Ardell, it's in great shape.

Look at the

- Shape! So what?

Who cares?

Sugar Ray Leonard's in great shape, but he's retired.


Come on.

What ''dig''?

I'm talking about cars you're talking about Sugar Ray Leonard?

What is You know, I don't understand you sometimes.

Whoever accused car thieves of having taste?

Sugar Ray Leonard indeed! I'm Jim Hower.

I'm afraid neither Dr.

Quinlin nor Mr.

Miles are here.

Where are they?

I really couldn't say.

They left together over an hour ago.

Maybe they're back at the house.

No, Devon would have called me in the car.

Who did they meet with?

Are you always this persistent?

Are you always this evasive?

Gentlemen, please.

I'm sure everything is all right.

She's sure, I'm not.

Now, once again, who did they meet with?

Wait here.

I share your dream.

I know you do.

Oh, I'm sorry, sir, I didn't

- What is it?

Trouble downstairs.

That guy who works with Devon Miles, Michael Knight he won't take no for an answer.

Stall him.

I'll be with Elliott in the security room.

Yes, sir.

Anything else?



Next time, knock before you enter.



They're trying to locate him now.

Excuse me, Mr.


It's Devon Miles for you.


Michael, what are you doing at Thortex?

I'm looking for you.

Where are you?


Quinlin and I haven't stopped moving, Michael.

He's an extraordinary man.

You're going to like him.

Now, what happened at the board meeting?

That's a long story.

Look, we've got a lot to talk

- Yes, not now, Michael.

I really have to go.


Quinlin and I have a meeting with the physicist with whom he worked on the Manhattan Project.

I'll be in touch.

Thank you.

Are they still together?


Come on.


No problems with my clipped consonants?

You did fine.

Thank you.

I'm sorry, sir.

I didn't mean to interrupt you and the doctor.


Hower, do you have a problem with Dr.

Von Furst and me?

I don't understand it, sir.

You could have anyone you want.


Von Furst fills a very special need.

Right now, I want Michael Knight out of the way.

He's dangerous.

I handled him.

With the help of a phone call you handled him.

I want him out of the way.



Is something wrong?

Oh, I don't know.

Nothing I can put my finger on.

But you talked to him on the phone.

Michael, if something's wrong, please tell me.

Now I'm starting to worry about Dr.


You know, Devon's always accusing me of having an overactive imagination.

I mean what could happen to them, anyway?

A bad bottle of wine?

A touch too much tarragon in their veal piccata?

Will this security project be taking all your time?

Well, it better not, 'cause I'm already planning on spending some of it with you.

Business, of course.

Not on your life.

Well, I'll have to take Roger along.

The vet said he needs a lot of affirmation before his operation.

Well, that eliminates plane rides, movies and I tell you what.

I'll settle for outdoor cafes and long, quiet walks.

You could be asking for problems, Michael Knight.

That's exactly what I'm doing, Marta Simmons.

I'm asking.

I gotta check in at the vault make sure the new isotope is resting comfortably.

I will call you as soon as I get out of there.

I'll be waiting.


Michael, we really must talk.

What's up, buddy?

How do I look?

What's wrong, aren't you feeling well?

I feel fine.

I'm asking you how I look.

KITT, you look great.

Same as always.

That's exactly my point.

I never change.

Well, you're only three years old.

I mean, come on, that's pre


For a human being, yes, but for an automobile, it's different.

We age more quickly.

Not you, KITT.

You are ageless.

I am?

You defy time.

I do?

You do.

Thank you, Michael.

Don't mention it.


I've got you, pal! All right, full scan the area.

I want to make sure we're not double

-teamed up ahead.

Come on, come on, bring him down! I'm trying! But the b*ll*ts are just bouncing off.

I'm afraid we are Michael.

They've got the road blocked up ahead.

All right, hit it! All right, give me all the turbo boost you've got.

Michael, we may not clear.

No choice pal, hit it! Michael, I don't understand.

Who would try to k*ll you?


Good questions, partner.

Wish I had some answers.

Perhaps it's a repercussion from our last assignment.

I don't think so.

There was only one person who knew where we were going and when.


You got it.

Okay, guys, let's back off.

We're going to test the detonating tip.

She's all yours.

Ready, Mike?

Okay, ready now.

Three, two, one, fire.

We're getting closer.

Closer is not good enough! It still didn't penetrate.


What do you mean, ''he escaped''?

I told Mr.

Nordstrom he was taken care of.

What did you say?

His car did what?

Who is it?

Michael Knight, back from the dead.

Open up.

Michael, thank God you're all right.

Two men.

Right after you left, there was a knock on the door I thought it was you coming back again.

Michael, they asked me where you were going but when I didn't tell them, one of them hit me.

Come on, sit down, come on.

They hit me.

Roger bit his leg and he kicked him across the room.

It's all right.

No idea who they were or why they wanted to k*ll me?


Michael, what's going on?

I haven't heard from Dr.

Quinlin and now these men are trying to k*ll you.

Is there something you're not telling me?



Is there something you're not telling me?

Why do you feel you even have to ask?

I don't know Dr.


I barely know you.

But Devon Miles is like a father to me.

If something happens to him

- Oh, Michael.

I feel exactly the same way about Dr.


Why do you think I'd ever do anything to harm him?


Look, I gotta go.

I guess I don't have to tell you to keep the doors locked.

No, you don't.

I'll call you if anything develops.

Oh, no, not these two again.

Ardell, come here.


Notice the T


It's the same one we saw before.

Yeah, I know that, but it looks better at dark.

I think you're expecting too much.

It's not an oracle.

Hey, Bonnie.

When did you get in?

Earlier this evening.

I told them not to tell you.

I wanted to surprise you.

Well, you did.

Wait a minute, how did you get past the palm print?

Devon left orders to include me.

Speaking of Devon, I'm worried about him.


I don't know, something's going on here.

I just can't put my finger on it.

Well, he's got a lot on his mind.

He always has a lot on his mind.

It never stopped him from staying in contact before.

Michael, for the sake of the project give it at least until noon tomorrow.

Because given what we're dealing with, if there's a whisper of anything irregular and the press gets wind of it

- I'll be discreet until tomorrow.

In the meantime, you hold down the fort here?

Okay, I'll see you.

I got a way that never fails.

Oh, yeah.

Right through the old windshield.

Right, go for it.

Hit it man, hit it.

Yo! Uh


We don't play that game in this neighborhood.

That's that guy that That's the guy they call the Street Avenger, man.

Now I don't want to see your faces again! All right.

All right.



Get! Go, man! Michael, I think you just missed the Street Avenger.

My loss, buddy.

We've got bigger problems.

Devon's got to be somewhere in this city.

I want you to access his Chicago contacts over the last three years.

I want to talk to every single one of them.

That could take all night.

Not if we're lucky, pal.

Not if we're lucky.

Hower tells me your pain threshold is quite high.

I want this secret formula that makes your Michael Knight car invulnerable and high threshold or not, I'll get it.

I don't know the complete formula.

No single person does.

I have some background on you.

You are one of three who knows its key components.

All I need is its chemical base to develop a neutralizer.

As you say, I have a high threshold for pain.

And I lack the time to enjoy your discomfort.

An innovative new truth serum.

In some cases it can produce brain damage, but you leave me no choice.

Look, I want to see Hower right now.

I'm not sure he's in.

Make sure he's in, right now.

Tell him I'll be right down.

Get Mr.

Nordstrom for me, quick.

I'll save him a trip.


Only authorized personnel are allowed on the second floor.

He won't get far, sir.

I promise you.


Hower assured me the building was secure.

Well, don't feel alone.

He assured me that Devon Miles was perfectly fine.

What makes you think he isn't?

Probably a wasted night looking in all the wrong places.

And since you pushed that button over there I'll think I'll get right to the point.

I want to see Mr.

Miles right now, in the flesh.

And if you don't?

I'll tear this building apart piece by piece starting with you.

Hold it! Michael! I am so sorry.

I promised to keep in touch and I haven't.

But as you see, things have been so hectic here.

So much to accomplish in so little time.

Well, I trust you've kept yourself occupied?

Yeah, you could say that.


Well, Michael, I have so much to tell you.

Really, Mr.

Hower, you must learn to be more careful.

You weren't worried, were you?

Of course I was worried.

I thought you'd be interested in seeing this.

I'm not quite as sure as you are that everything is in order.

Devon, I've covered everything.

There's no way of getting into this vault without passing through three security checks.

We've got the men rotating every four hours to make sure they're alert.

The Cernium 116 seems to be stabilizing and I've laid out four different exit routes.

Any three can be used as decoys.

I don't doubt your professionalism, Michael.

All I'm saying is that I wish to check everything to my satisfaction.

I couldn't agree more.

a subordinate to determine security.

If you want to delay the transfer I'll explain it to the Board and back your decision.

How much time will you need?

A minimum of 24 hours.

Consider it done.

We're due for the consultant's briefing in 15 minutes.

I hate to see a man with half Devon's experience and only a fraction of his intelligence, question his judgment.

And don't forget, you're on suspension.

If I didn't know better, I'd think Devon Miles was grandstanding for Miss Jennifer Knight.

Now if he is, he's probably trying to keep FLAG alive.

I don't question that.

I question his style, his attitude.

For a moment there I felt myself feeling something I've never felt before.

I found myself disliking him.


Where are we with the contact detonating tip?

We're making final adjustments now.

She'll be ready in time.

Are you still thinking about Devon?

Maybe I'm overreacting.

I mean, he's probably tired, and he's not a kid anymore.

Perhaps I could give him a medical scan.

I do not, however, share your thoughts about age.

Oh, no, you're not gonna start on me about this again, are you?

No, Michael.

Since you don't wish to discuss that problem with me I intend to continue to work with you during my decline.

As you requested, I checked the police computers.

The semi had been reported stolen and neither the city nor the state had authorized any road crews on that off


The Board of Directors wants my hide and now someone else wants my bones.

And by the way, I hope you realize that if it weren't for your abilities your turbo boost and your expert tracking radar system I wouldn't have made it over that truck back there.

I'd be talking to you from a cloud right about now.

Thank you, Michael, but how did I look?

Am I interrupting a family argument?

I think you just saved us from one.

Then I'll add the eternal triangle to it.

I just received an urgent call from Marta.

Is she all right?

I don't know.

She simply said she wanted to meet you at Timmons and Fifth Street.

All right, thanks, Bonnie, I'm on my way.

There's a taxi approaching on your left, Michael and Marta's in it.

All right.

Hang in there, pal.

I'll be right back.

Thank you very much.

What's up?

I got a call, a man's voice.

He wants to meet you at the end of those abandoned warehouses.

Did he say what about?

He said there was something about Cernium 116 you should know before it's too late.

Oh, dear.


-eye to Target Control, mission accomplished.

You know, you could have just left me a message.

Then you wouldn't have let me come with you.

I still won't.

You're gonna wait right here.

Michael, it could be a trap.

Well, if it is, I got a few surprises for them.

Listen, be careful.


Stay here, okay?


What'd you do, buddy?

Take a shower?

Please Michael, no humor.

No humor.

Keep your scanners peeled, pal.

Okay, KITT, scan the area for anything unusual.

I'm getting a false reading from my scanners, Michael.

There must be a huge, unshielded electrical system nearby.

All right, try the heat sensors.

Varying temperatures, Michael.

We're sitting on underground steam lines.

All right, I'm going to slow down a little bit here.

KITT, do the best you can, 'cause I'm still going in.

I was afraid of that.

Michael, I've picked up something.

I can't read it.

What was that?

It's a huge armored vehicle.

All right, give me a damage report.

Rear stabilizer's out.

Traction control nonfunctional.

Michael, we're no longer protected by the molecular bonded shell.

That's impossible! Michael, we're losing power.

Michael, we're virtually defenseless.

Abandon ship and save yourself.

Not a chance, pal.

We'll use what we got left.

Michael! Michael, are you all right?


Yeah, I'm okay.

Are you sure?

I'm all right.

I'm all right.

What happened?


- We He'll be okay.

You just fix him.

You always fix him up real good.

Don't worry, KITT, she'll fix you up, buddy.

Let's get out of here.


KITT, you all right?


KITT, talk to me! Talk to me! Michael, I just don't believe this not with KITT's molecular bonded shell.

That was my first reaction, too.

Then I realized there's only one possible explanation.

Devon, someone found a way to neutralize it.


No one person knows the formula, you know that.

I know that, and I had Bonnie analyze a chip.

Come here, take a look.

It appears to be fragmented.

Devon, it was sprayed with a destabilizing agent specially formulated to do exactly what it did.

I know where it happened, and when and one of the key players involved.


Quinlin's doe

-eyed little assistant.


Michael, you can't be serious.

I'm dead serious.

Are any of his internal systems still intact?

I'm afraid we have an enormous job ahead of us.

I see.

What you're saying is, that to all intents and purposes, KITT is dead.

I wouldn't exactly put it that way.

Well, that's the essence of it, isn't it?

I'm afraid we must face the facts.

Bonnie, you're to return to the Foundation with KITT and await further instructions.

Michael, you're always complaining about aborted vacations.

Well, now is your chance.


Yes, four whole weeks to do with as you please.

What is going on here?

You just don't throw KITT away like a TV set or a toaster.

And what about the assignment?

What about the security of Cernium 116?

As far as security is concerned, I'm satisfied that it is perfectly adequate.

As far as KITT is concerned well, look at him.

Face the facts.

He's dead.

I'm sorry, but that is my decision.

Michael, send me a postcard.

''Call me Ishmael.

'' I beg your pardon.

You remember.

The first line from a classic novel.

You were right, it was Hemingway.

Of course.

I don't believe what just happened.

Michael, what is wrong with him?

You're not going to believe this either.

But that's not Devon Miles.

Don't ask me what's going on here or how it happened but that is not Devon.

You're not going back to the Foundation and I'm not going on vacation.

We're gonna stay right here and we're gonna rebuild KITT ourselves.

Michael, you don't just

- Bonnie, just go with me on this, okay?

Find a garage.

We've got less than 24 hours before they can move the Cernium.

We've got less than 24 hours to figure out what's going on here.

End of the line.

Wait a minute, where's the alley?

You'll have to find that on your own.

I've been mugged down here twice.

This is as far as I go now.

That'll be $14.



Excuse me, I'm looking for an alley behind a surplus store Yeah, you've got your own problems there, buddy.

Hey! Why don't you give me $10?

I'm a little short on cash tonight, guys.

We'll take whatever you've got, dude.

Every little bit helps.

Come on, give me $10.

Come on, brother.

What's $10 to a dude like you, huh?

Why don't you give me $10?

Give me $10! Come on, man.

Come on.

Cool it, suckers.

Ain't that the Street Avenger?

Ain't you the same creeps I stopped just last week?

No, man.

That wasn't us, was it?

Come on.

Let's get out of here.

Let's get out of here, quick! Let's go.

Come on! Run, run! You Michael Knight?


Bonnie said you might get lost.

You look familiar.

We met the other day.

Different alley, similar circumstances.


Follow me.

Bonnie, I found him.


Hello, Michael.

I'll be right out.

By the way, Reginald Cornelius III, RC3 for short.



Hey, thanks for that.

No big deal, man.

Excuse me?

It's rubber.

Yeah, I can see that.

All right, see, what happened is, a few months back things started getting pretty nasty around here.

So I borrowed this M

-16 that my brother brought back from 'Nam You want some coffee?


All right.

So anyway, I borrow this M

-16 I get all dressed up like this and I run around the city calling myself the Street Avenger.

I shot up a couple of g*ng rides, you know.

No big thing.

Anyway, I made myself the dummy r*fle out of rubber.

You do this often?

Well, not much anymore.

I'm in semi



Oh, yeah.

How do you like the garage?

Um It's the cheapest thing I could find.

And given our nonexistent budget, I grabbed it.

Given our nonexistent budget, I love it.

It belongs to RC3's father.

Your dad.


Don't tell me.


Any luck this afternoon?


Marta's gone.

She took everything she needed: Clothes, dog.

How's KITT coming?

I think we bit off a little more than we could chew.

Wait a minute.

You said you could get by with the equipment in the semi.

I can to a point.

I can recreate his systems and technology.

But the structural damage was a little bit more than I bargained for.

To repair that, I'd need a fully

-equipped machine shop and skilled technicians.

From your lips to RC3's ears.

Who is this guy, anyway?

The Street Avenger.

All right.

All right.

Yo, yo, yo.

Come on, man.


All right.

All right, now, Bonnie, say hello to your new pit crew.

Hey, guys, this is the boss, Bonnie.

Now, this tall guy is Michael.

Obliged, how you doing?

All right, now this is how it is.

Okay, now listen.

I answer to Bonnie, you answer to me.

And this is the patient.

Let's check it out.

All right now, just cause this is the ghetto does not mean that there's no talent down here.

Don't let the way these guys look fool you.

These brothers are bad.

Well, Cinderella, looks like your wish came true.

Now, now, you must eat.

You must keep up your strength.

You still have an important role to play.

And, trooper that he is, I'm sure he'll do an admirable job.

Cheer up, you won't be here much longer.

Taxi! Mr.

Miles! Mr.

Miles! Excuse me, do I know you?

Yes, it's Marta Simmons.

Marta, I hardly recognized you.

Where is Michael?

Have you seen him?

Is he all right?

Yes, of course.

He's a bit banged up but he's all right.

Is something wrong?

Yes, there is.

But I can't talk to you here.

If any one from Thortex sees me There, there, my dear.

Come with me.

No, I We'll find somewhere safe, where we can talk.

Come, you'll be safe with me.


No, I can't.

No, I can't.

Please, my dear, I want to help.

You'll come with me and we'll phone him together.

No, Mr.

Miles, you do it.

Just tell him that I have to talk to him.

As soon as I find a safe place, I'll call you.

All right, hey, you guys! Guys, we can't take this long to tear it down.

Yeah, come on! Let's go.

Let's move it.

If I could just find Marta.

She's the key to all this.

Why, so she can set you up for another execution?


What does that mean?

Double A Kennels?

Yes, hello.

I'm calling to check on the condition of a patient.

It's a little dog.

He's being fixed today.

His name is Roger.

I know it's a personal question, but I'm a very close relative.

All right, thank you.

Bon Vivant Kennels?


So, Michael Knight has apparently not gone on vacation.

Bonnie Barstow has not returned to FLAG headquarters.

And now I learn this Marta Simmons you recruited is running about the city talking to anyone who will listen! You told me she was beyond question.

She'd never failed before.

Neither have I.

I won't again, I promise you.

Then find her.

Quickly! This steel wall has a seam here.

It opens onto the subway tunnel.

It should make it 20 to 25% more vulnerable.

What about the security system?

There's an emergency manual alert here.

It seals off the entire vault area.

And access via the palm print?

This overrides it.


Nice day.

Devon told me you were on a tropical vacation.

What did you do?

Trade your ticket in for burglars' tools?

Okay, so you don't like me.

Except for the fact that you're the daughter of a man I respected I don't like you very much either.

But we got something in common here.

Yeah, we're mammals.

Look, I don't have time for your cute little insults right now so I'll get right to the point.

There's a group of people who intend to steal your precious Cernium 116.

That's impossible.

The vault's impenetrable.

Nothing is impenetrable.

I know the machine they intend to use, and I know the man.

Jennifer, the man is Devon Miles.

You know, you really should go on vacation.

You need one.

Jennifer, listen to me.

I'm telling you, the man you're dealing with, the man you're trusting is not the real Devon Miles.

It's amazing.

It really is! Not only do you look like my brother Garth, but you think like him.

Oh, that's it.

That's the reason you hate me so much.

I remind you of your brother Garth.

It's a good place to start.

You're virtually a reincarnation of him.

Garth was a criminal.

Flip sides of the same coin.

Cops and criminals, sinners and saints.

Just like Garth, you're hooked on action to the point of inventing it if it doesn't exist! I'm not inventing this.

It's my resignation.

And what do you want in return?

I want you to believe me.

Jennifer, I'm telling you, the man you're trusting is not Devon Miles.

Now, if this Cernium 116 is as valuable as you say it is, don't trust him.

You're asking a lot.


I'm offering a lot.

Everything that's important to me everything I believe in, it's right there.

All right.

All right, I'll do what you ask.

But don't expect me to trust you.

Your father did.

He's dead.

Not as long as FLAG is alive.

Oh, sorry.

Royale Hotel, please.

6th and Evans.

How's Roger?

A little less excitable?


What are you doing here?

I've been looking everywhere for you.

Yeah, I'll bet you have.

We got some talking to do.

Michael, I want to.

That's why I've been looking for you.

I want to tell you everything.

It's the truth.

Yeah, I've heard that too many times from too many people.

Marta, you lied to me You set me up.

And what's worse, you set Devon up.

Michael, they asked me to pose as Dr.

Quinlin's assistant.

I didn't know what they were planning.

What happened to his real assistant?

She's all right.

She thinks she won a three

-month cruise around the world.

Nordstrom arranged it.


What did Nordstrom arrange for you?

She's not in her room.

Let's check that patio restaurant.


Everything seems to come back to him.

Did Hower talk about Nordstrom much?

No, hardly at all.

I think he's afraid of him.


I think they've done something to Devon.

I know it sounds real crazy, and I don't know how but I think they've reproduced him.

I mean, there's a guy walking around that looks like Devon and talks like Devon, but it's not him.

Oh, no, Michael, I went to see him.

He asked me to call him when I got settled and I did.

Come on, let's get out of here.

It's not a good place for us to be.

Come on, come on, come on! Over there, come on.

Come on, let's go.

Come on, let's go.

Get down! Go on, go on, go on, get down! put a little spray over here.

Wow! This is great! It's a car again.

This is These guys are good.

Man, I told you they were bad.

See, with all the unemployment around they don't get a chance to show their stuff very often.

So when they do, look out! Michael, I am telling you, this car is going to do some great things.

Fantastic! I can't wait.

Where's Marta?

She's in the semi with Bonnie.

Man, if Bonnie could write checks as quick as she writes blueprints we could build us a whole fleet of KITTs.

Work on the car.

All right, thanks.

Yo, Steve, Steve, man, give my man a little room with that arc.

You're gonna burn him to a crisp.


Excuse me, Rembrandt.

What happened?

He's not there.

What about Dr.


He's not there either.

I got in.

I got up to the second floor where the security wing is, just like you said.

I even managed to get into the room where they were keeping him but he's gone.


- Now look, wait.

I honestly believe that he's still alive.

My guess is they've got something in mind for him.

Some kind of purpose that ties in to whatever they're planning for Cernium 116.

Bonnie, how's KITT coming?

We're running out of time here.

We're working as hard as we can around here, Michael.

I've had to integrate some concept changes into him.

Without his molecular bonded shell he's just too vulnerable.

What concept changes?

I think we can get a 40% increase in speed.

Forty percent?

lmproved maneuverability and a new braking system to handle the increases.

Bonnie, that is incredible.

I have a surprise for you.


He has no preceptors yet but I'll let him know you're here.

Michael, is that you?

Yeah, it's me, buddy.

He can't hear you.

Oh, okay.

Tell him I'm fine and I'm looking forward to working with him.

Me, too, bro.

Sickbay ain't my style.

I'm the Knight Industries Two Thousand, sure enough.

Ready to ramble, ready to roll, ready to strut my stuff.

Does he always talk like that?


Absolutely not.

Does he always talk like that?


He's just picked up a few colloquialisms during his reprogramming.

I'm working on it.

Speaking of working Oh, yeah.


Let's get out of here and get a cup of coffee.

''Strut my stuff.

'' Maybe you should just go to the police.

With what?

We don't have any real evidence at all.

The only edge we got here is KITT.

They think he's dead.

Michael, I've told you everything I know.

Now, you told me everything you think you know.

Now I need all the rest.

Anything you might have heard.

Any conversation by telephone, anything that's gonna give us a clue.

Wait a minute.

What did Hower call it?


The place he was going to meet Nordstrom.

You said it was a restaurant.

Oh, yeah.

Someplace called The Foundry.

Are you sure it was a restaurant?

What else could it be?

Marta, did he say it was a restaurant?

No, no, I just assumed it was.


Come on.

There no local restaurant or business called Foundry.

Or a local Thortex subsidiary.

It's a shell company, Michael, it's a paper corporation.

I'm sorry.

Try Nordstrom.

What's his first name?



Philip Nordstrom.

''President of Thortex, Inc.

'' It's the same thing, it's a closed corporation.

Wait a minute.

He also owns half

-interest in a company that designs and manufactures anti

-as*ault vehicles.

The Foundry.

Okay, I'm out of here.

This side up a little.

Hey, RC, you got some wheels I can use?

Yeah, it's right out back.

Now, it ain't much, but it's a rag top with 320 horses.

patch it up right here a little bit.

Let me just work out Wonder how he'll like riding my convertible.

We should reach the target area by 6:30 the departure area by no later than 7:00.

Make sure Dr.

Quinlin's aboard the plane in plenty of time.

I could have him sedated and carried on.

It would be easier

- No, no sedatives.

I want to arrive with one of the world's top nuclear physicists not a limp, drooling old man.

Where are they?

Where's Devon Miles?

Where did he go?

Who're you?

You don't have enough air for questions, only answers.

Now, where is Devon Miles?

All right, Bonnie, listen to me.

They got Devon.

And they got the armored vehicle that nearly destroyed KITT.

They are heading towards the vault through the subway system.

I want you to call security and alert them.

I'm on my way back.

Have KITT ready.

I know that.

I know that.

I wish we had a choice here, but we don't.

Even if he's at only 50%, that's 50% more than I've got now.

Okay amigos, ready to roll in 15 minutes! What?

15 minutes?

You crazy?

You're sure this is ready for transportation?

Good morning.

Good morning.

I wasn't expecting you so early.

I understand the Cernium is to be moved.

I wanted to be here for the grand event.

Preparations are almost complete.

It won't be much longer now.

How much longer?

Not more than half an hour.

I want all of you upstairs on perimeter security.

I'll remain here.

Devon, I don't understand.

If you're preparing to move the Cernium, why do you strip security?

My dear Jennifer, you asked me to provide security.

Please allow me provide it.

I have one or two things to check.

I will secure the area and meet you upstairs.

Who are you?

It's a long story and I'm short on time.

And for that matter, so are you, my dear.

RC! Hey, the main man.

We're almost finished.

Where's Bonnie?

One second, Michael.

Come on, guys, move like you're hearing sirens! Supper's in the backseat and Mama's home hungry! RC3, what's this button?

What button?

This one, marked ''C.

'' Come on, guys, I got to go.

All right, all right.

Except for some fringe programs, he's fully operational.

Michael, wait.

I developed two new systems.

They won't make up for the loss of his molecular bonded shell but they may help.

Thanks, Bonnie.

Thanks, fellas.

RC! Supper's in the back seat and Mama's home hungry.


Hey, buddy, welcome back! Thank you, Michael.

It's certainly good to be back.

Plot me the fastest route to the vault, will you?

Right away, Michael.

How do you feel?

I feel fine.

Michael, may I ask you a question?


How do I look?

Some things never change.

According to Bonnie my new Super Pursuit Mode and E.


S produce an altered configuration.

According to Bonnie, Super Pursuit Mode also gives us 40% more speed.

But what's this E.




Emergency Braking System.

I'm quite anxious to see how I'll look.

Unless I missed my guess, you'll get a chance real soon.

I have it, Michael.

May I suggest you try my new Super Pursuit Mode?

Why not?

If we ever needed an edge, it's right now.

Well, what do you think?

Wow! I take it you're pleased.


Are you kidding?

I'm knocked out! Estimated time of arrival has been reduced from 14 minutes to eight minutes, 20 seconds.


It's not working.

Use your w*apon.

No good.

Get around back.

Tom, Jim, get in here.

Now you see your ultimate value.

A scapegoat.

The assumption being you masterminded the theft of the Cernium accidentally blowing yourself and Miss Knight up in the process.

That assumption will divert attention from my escape and my plans for our precious new element.

So, I bid you goodbye and thank you.

Move back! Move it, move it, move it! You got some serious speed here, pal.

Why don't we try our Emergency Braking System?

Good thinking, Michael.



KITT, what's this button marked ''C'' over here?


'' I have no idea.

Probably something Bonnie forgot to tell us about, huh?

All right, give me a scan and infrared on the vault, will you?

Michael, the vault has already been entered through the sub

-basement wall! What about the Cernium?

None whatsoever, but I'm picking up an expl*sive timing device inside the vault and my heat sensors indicate two people.

It's gotta be Devon.

Can you micro jam it?

It's mercury weighted.

An attempt could set it off.

How much time's left?


-seven seconds.

Goodbye! On the wall to your left, Michael! In the nick of time, as they say.

KITT, give me little help with these cuffs, will you?

Right away, Michael.

Michael, they've got the Cernium! I heard them talking.

Philip Nordstrom is a total fabrication.

Even his face was produced by laser reconstruction.

He was Dr.

Von Furst's initial subject.

You're losing me.

Philip Nordstrom is an international t*rror1st.

He disappeared some years ago, and he was thought to be dead.

But he's very much alive.

Now if he succeeds in getting the Cernium out of the country

- I read you now.

I'm on my way.

I'll let you take care of Jennifer.

Between you and me, her silence is a treat.

I haven't got a key.

All right, if the Juggernaut was driving surface streets we'd be picking up police reports.

KITT, scan the area for a truck with a serious overload.

Right away, Michael.

I have one! All right.

Good work.

Now, check for an airstrip or a pier nearby.

Both within a mile, but Lake Michigan only connects with the other Great Lakes.

There's an airstrip south of Soldier Field.

All right.

That's gotta be it.

Plot me a course.

Let's hit Super Pursuit Mode again.

By all means.

If I do say so, I'm quite pleased with my new look.

Well, I'm pleased that you're pleased, KITT.

Believe me, I'm pleased.


Nordstrom, I don't believe it! Stop him, once and for all! Looks like we got a fight on our hands, partner.

My Comprehensive Configuration Analysis denotes no outward weak spots in that monster.

An expl*sive Contact Detonator has been added to the ramrod since our last meeting.

That's the bad news.

Michael, don't forget, I have no molecular bonded shell.

No, but we learned a few things since our last encounter.

All right, let's not use Super Pursuit Mode unless we have to.

Let's go.

Michael, the plane! Got you, pal.

How long will it take that plane to swing around for another takeoff?

I estimate 22 seconds, Michael.

That's exactly how much time we got to get rid of that ramrod.

All right, let's slow it down.

Let him stay close to us.

Get ready for a little oil slick.

Turbo! Phew! All right, they got a head start.

It's a real good time for Super Pursuit Mode.

Oh, good.

Patch me into the plane.

You're patched in, Michael.

All right, folks, everybody out.

It's all over.

Hand me that microphone.

I have Dr.


Any further interference and I'll k*ll him.

All right, the cops are on the way.

I can keep you here indefinitely.

The Cernium 116 won't stay stable indefinitely.

It's your move.

I was hoping you'd do that.

Stay right there.

Right there.


All right, now if you'll all just move in a little tighter, we'll get a nice family portrait.

KITT, would you do the honors, please?

My pleasure, Michael.


Yeah, by the way, ''Call me Ishmael.

'' From Herman Melville.

Devon, what is the mystery here?

It's just a little button with a little letter ''C'' on it.

Why won't you let me push it?

Michael, I'm afraid you're just going to have to wait.

I promised RC3.


- I have learned two things from this recent incident.

One is to be patient and not interfere with things I know very little about.

And the second is your name is Michael Knight.

Spelled just like mine and I'm very grateful and proud that it is.

Then tell the other employees here to let me push the button.

Hey, look who's here.

You ready for the great moment?

I'm ready.

I'm ready all marry.

If this is a joke Are you in on this too?

As I understand it, Michael, I am it.

Countdown Three, two, one "C" button! "C" button! In fact to incredible! Michael, I love it but is it me?

It is now, pal.

Who do I thank for this?

Man has to have a rag roof and at least 400 horses under him or life is just regular.

A man also has to have a job and a future How would you like one, Reginald?

With you?

With the Foundation for Law and Government.

I'm offering you a job, not an adoption.

- I'll take it!

- Good.

All right.

Thank you, Michael.

For what, buddy?

Getting away from RC3 before he tried to break that bottle of champagne on me.

Let's do it.