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02x02 - Inherit the Halibut

Posted: 05/12/23 17:28
by bunniefuu
- Did I ever tell you
about my aunt esther

Who was a matron
in a movie house?

- No, but go ahead.

- Well, she was a
matron in a movie house

For years and years and years,

And one time she was
walking down the aisle

And she sees this
guy lying there

Stretched over about
six seats like this.

And she said, "don't you know
how to act in a movie house?

You can't do that...

Just what do you
think you're doing?

Where did you come from?"

He said, "the balcony."

♪ Welcome back ♪

♪ Your dreams were
your ticket out ♪

♪ Welcome back ♪

♪ To that same old place
that you laughed about ♪

♪ Well the names
have all changed ♪

♪ Since you hung around ♪

♪ But those dreams
have remained ♪

♪ And they've turned around ♪

♪ Who'd have thought
they'd lead ya ♪

♪ Who'd have thought
they'd lead ya ♪

♪ Back here where we need ya ♪

♪ Back here where we need ya ♪

♪ Yeah, we tease him a lot ♪

♪ 'Cause we've got
him on the spot ♪

♪ Welcome back ♪

♪ Welcome back welcome
back welcome back ♪

♪ Welcome back welcome
back welcome back ♪

- Goo-o-o-d morning.

- G'morning, mr. Kotter.

- Looks like we're in
for a few late fines

For the class fund today.

- Barbarino, what
are you listening to?

- The news.

- Barbarino, cough
up 25 cents, late fund.

- What, are you kiddin'?

I just bought this
beautiful new radio,

I can't afford that.

- All right, write
an iou for 25 cents.

- Hey, mr. Kotter, let's
count the money in the fund.

All: hey, yeah.

- Wait, wait. Washington's late.

Don't you want to wait until
your treasurer gets here?

- Nah, I know where it's hid.

- Some place to
keep your money...

Halibut savings and loan.

- Nice place to go if you
ever wanna borrow a fin.

- Oh, I betcha we got about
a million dollars in there.

- Oh, sure, a million dollars.

- Or at least eight bucks.

- Hey, it's gone!

Somebody ripped
off the class fund.

- Hey, what do you mean, hey?

- Looks like some sweathog
made a sweatpig out of themselves.

- Wait a minute!
Freddie's the treasurer.

Where is he anyway?

- Yeah, where is freddie?

Have you seen him, mr. Kotter?

- Yeah, where'd he go?
- All right, sit down.

Just sit down.

Come on, let's not
accuse anybody

Just 'cause they aren't here.

- Oh, I'm sorry I'm
late, mister kot-taire,

But I don't wanna leave
my new bike outside.

There's a whole lotta
crooks in this neighborhood.

- Yeah, no kiddin'.

While you was peddlin'
around the neighborhood,

The class fund ain't
in the fish no more!

So what?

- So what... You're
the treasurer, man.

Did ya rip us off?

- Did I rip us off?

Yeah, what about it.

- Oh, wow.

Well, you guys
are somethin' else.

You remember you
elected me treasurer...

Let's give the money to freddie.

We can trust him.

Now you're all
callin' me a thief?

- No-o-o... Embezzler
is a better word.

- What's the story, freddie?
- Yeah.

- I got nothin' to say.

- Oh, wow, hey, freddie, guy.

Look, if you stole the
money, just tell us, you know.

We'll understand... Sorta.

- Wait a minute, wait a minute.

Everybody is accusing freddie

Without stopping to think
who else might have done it.

- You know
somethin', mr. Kotter,

The guy who stole that money
must have been like really dumb,

Like the dumbest
guy in this classroom,

A real idiot.

What money?

- Well, epstein knew right
where the money was hid.

- Come on, arnold,

Everybody knew where
the money was hid.

- Horshack, how come you knew

Exactly how much
was in the fish.

- Yeah.
- And what about you, vincent?

With your brand new radio
and your jet set lifestyle.

- Horshack, I got this
radio from you, remember?

- Yeah, for six bucks
which you still owe me.

- Well, that proves
it then, I'm broke.

- All right, look, how
'bout freddie's bicycle?


- All right, hold it.

Hold it!

Let's stop accusing.

Let's just reconstruct events

From the last time
we saw the money.

- All right, yeah.

- Yeah, okay,
reconstruct events.

- Okay.

Now, when the bell
rang yesterday,

Barbarino was the first
one outside the door as usual.

- Yeah, and as usual, all
the girls followed me.

- And I left very
quickly, mr. Kotter.

- That's right, arnold,
I remember that

Because epstein was chasing you.

- Yeah, yeah.

Nobody calls me
sheephead, arnold.

- Okay, that left
you and freddie.

- That's right; freddie
and I were alone,

Then I left and I said
good-bye to freddie who was...

Standing alone by the fish t*nk.

- That's it.

- I ain't no thief.

- Freddie, just
put it back, please.

- Ju-just wait a minute, right.

I didn't take
anything, all right?


- Look, what you guys
are doin' to freddie

Is called railroading.

You're convicting a
man without a trial.

In this country, you're innocent

Until you're
proven guilty, okay.

Now if you wanna have a
trial, we'll have one tomorrow.

- All right, we'll have a
trial, then we'll convict him.

- Hey, what's... What's
the matter with you guys?

You guys call yourselves
my friends, right?

My fellow sweathogs.

- Hey, I'm really
sorry, freddie.

- Oh, arnold.

- But that's the price you pay
when you choose a life of crime.

- Look, don't worry
about it, freddie.

I'm gonna be your
defense counsel.

- Oh, thanks, mister kot-taire.

At least somebody
around here trusts me.

- Hey, I trust you, freddie.

- Yeah.

- You didn't take
the money, did you?

No, you didn't.

You did?


Did you, freddie?

- Here ye, here ye.

The superior court of sweathogs
in and for the state of buchanan

Can begin just as soon as
mr. Kotter and the guilty party

Pull up a chair.

- I am gonna send your
client so far up the river,

He's gonna come back with gills.

- Horshack, will ya
take off those glasses

And that silly novelty nose.

- Ha, ha, ha, the joke's
on you, mr. Kotter.

I ain't wearin' no novelty nose.


- All rise. Court
is now in session.

The unbearable vinnie
barbarino presiding.

- Barbarino, I told you
to wear a black robe.

- Oh, I'm sorry, mr. Kotter.

I thought you said a bath robe.

All right, now openin'
statements will you...

- Yeah, I got a
openin' statement.

In the words of our
former president,

"I am not a crook."

- Okay, would the prosector
please present his briefs.

- Certainly, your honor,
just let me get them out.

Your honor, ladies and
gentlemen of the jury,

Esteemed losing
attorney, guilty defendant.

- Objection.

Who asked you?

- Thank you, your honor.

I intend to prove to this
court that the defendant,

Freddie "boom boom" washington

Is guilty beyond a
re-e-e-asonable doubt.

Thank you, your time.

- Ladies and
gentlemen of the jury,

I have prepared a
lengthy defense,

But I'm gonna talk to
you like you're my friends,

'Cause you are.

Yeah, certainly is some hot
weather we been havin' lately.

Real scorcher.

I am honored today to have
such a worthy adversary

As the big city lawyer,
mr. F. Lee horshack.

My task today
will be a simple one,

So we can all go home
and enjoy a nice dinner.

I believe the
defendant is innocent,

And like my old
daddy used to say,

When you walk through
the cow pasture of facts,

You're bound to
step in some truth.

I believe with my heart and
my soul and my conscience,

This boy committed no crime.

Thank you for your time.

How my doin'?

- You'll be lucky if they
don't send you up, too.

- All right, will the
prosecutor please present

His next witness.

- I call verna jean williams.

Verna jean williams!

Miss williams...
- Yes.

- That's a very smart
outfit you're wearing today.

- I know.

- Now yesterday you were
seen talking to mr. Washington.

Will you please tell the class

The subject of
that conversation.

- Well, boom boom was
just showin' me a bicycle

That he bought
at a police auction.

- For how much?

- Eight dollars.

- Eight dollars!

Eight dollars!

- Guilty!

Guilty! Guilty!

I am gonna bury
your client so deep,

He's gonna be the
treasurer of sierra madre.

- Miss williams, did
you ask mr. Washington

Where he got the eight dollars?

- No!

- No further questions.

Next witness...
- If it please the court,

I would like to call
my surprise witness.

Surprise witness.

Surprise witness.

- Come on, let's
get on with this.

- Okay, raise your right
hand and repeat after me.

- What is this? Am I sworn in?

- No, but you've just
been bar mitzvah'd.

Today you are a man.

- Keep your hands
off me, sheephead.

- Do you swear to tell
the truth, the whole truth,

And nothin' but the truth?

- Certainly, washington did it.

- Objection. This
witness is hostile.

- Thank you, kotter.

I, uh, I'm glad we're finally
starting to communicate.

- Mr. Woodman, you are looking
very chipper this morning.

Please tell the court what
you saw washington doing

In the halls yesterday.

- Counting money.

- He was counting money.
And what did you do?

- I checked to see if
my wallet was missing.

- And how much
money did he have?

- I don't know,

But it was all in dimes,
nickels, and quarters.

Oh, no.

- It was all in dimes,
nickels, and quarters.

Your witness, mr. Kotter.

This is like taking
candy from a baby.

- Mr. Woodman, is it?

- You know my name, kotter.

- Well, mr. Woodman, are
you currently employed

Here at buchanan high school?

- No, I'm a jammer
in the roller derby.

- Mr. Woodman, you are
in fact employed here,

And you are employed
in the position of

Vice principal, isn't that true?

- Yes.

- For how long have you
been the vice principal?

- Twenty-seven years.

- Twenty-seven
years, mr. Woodman.

One step away from the top.

So close you could
almost touch it,

Yet so far away.

Frustratin', isn't it?

- Yes.

- Mr. Woodman, what induced
you to testify here today?

- Well now, that's
easy, kotter...

A desire to fulfill
my duty as a citizen,

An interest in
seeing justice served,

And last but
certainly not least,

I saw a clean shot at
torpedoing one sweathog.

- Ladies and
gentlemen of the jury,

I must question the impartiality

And the competency
of this surprise witness.

No further questions.

- Well, I think this
is a good experience

For your students, kotter.

In the future,

They'll be spending
a lot of time in court.

Ha, ha, ha, ha.

- Your honor, the
prosecution rests.

- All right.

Okay, defense will
now call on its witness.

- I only have one witness.

I call to the stand

Mr. Freddie "boom
boom" washington.

- Raise your right hand.

- Nah, do not bother.

I ain't got nothin' to say.

- Freddie, I'm only gonna
ask you one question...

Did you take the money?

Freddie, say something
in your own defense.

Freddie, they're
gonna find you guilty.

Your witness.

- Aren't we quiet this
morning, mr. Washington?

Now, isn't it true

That when mr. Kotter
left you in the class,

You had an easy opportunity
to get to the money?

Isn't it true that
you did, in fact,

Willfully and knowingly
steal the money?

Isn't it a fact...
Isn't it a fact...

- Oo-o-h.

- Well, look at this. We
got our eight bucks back.

Look at that.

- You better guess
again, barbarino.

There's a lot more
than eight dollars here.

- There's uh,
thirty-two dollars.

- Hey, mr. Kotter,

The prosecution
is willing to discuss

A little plea bargaining, huh?

- What are you talking about?

- Let's pardon washington,

And you and I split the
money as legal fees.

Mexico awaits!

- Horshack, you cannot
pardon somebody

Unless you first establish
that they're guilty.

It's a court... Not
the white house.

I wanna find out how that
fish turned eight dollars

Into thirty-two dollars.

- In an unprecedented move,

The defense would like
to call as its next witness,

The prosecuting
attorney, f. Lee horshack.

- Me? On the stand?

Yuck, yuck, yuck.

- All right, horshack.

I have some questions
about the thirty-two dollars.

- All right, ladies and
gentlemen of the jury,

The defense must be desperate.

Even if I knew anything,

You would never
get it out of me.

- Just take the stand.

- I know what you're gonna
try and do, mr. Kotter.

You're gonna try
and break me down.

Me? The man of steel?

Well, unless you got
some kryptonite on you,

You'll never weaken me.

I will never crack.
Never, never, never.

- You know anything
about the $32?

I did it!

I put eight dollars in its mouth

So that freddie
wouldn't get into trouble.

Oh, I don't know
what came over me.

Mercy on the court,
mercy, mercy, mercy.

- All right, the
witness is excu-u-u-sed.

- You finally broke me down.

I don't know how
ya did it, but ya did it.

- Epstein, take the stand.

- Do I gotta?
- That's right.

This court does not recognize
notes from your mother.

- Can you throw any
light on this mystery

That we're unraveling?

- I plead the eighth amendment.

- That's the fifth amendment.

- Inflation's
hittin' everywhere.

- Well, it sure hit our fish.
Did you put money in the fish?

- Yeah, yeah, sure.

Sure I did.

I mean, uh, I don't want
my friend washington

To take a bum rap, you know.

I mean, I just couldn't see
freddie walkin' that last mile.

- Walk?

The way the money's coming
in, he could take a cab!

All right, you're excused.

I call as the next witness,
judge vinnie barbarino.

Did you put any
money in the fish?

- Judge, do I gotta
answer that question?

Tell the witness he's
gotta answer that question.


The question... Did you
put the money in the fish?


Boy, are you stupid,
you know that.

You're a real idiot!

The question is did you
put the money in the fish?


Put me down for
eight bucks, would ya?

I was saving for my
college education.

- Mr. Kotter,
well, we all guilty.

Between us, me and the
girls put in eight dollars, too.

- All right, that explains
how the $32 got into the fish,

But it doesn't explain where
the original eight dollars went,

And we're not goin' anywhere
until the shadow of guilt

That surrounds
my client is lifted.

- All right, I think
it's time for a verdict.

So I'd like the jury,
the members of the jury

To please come to a decision.

- Okay everybody, follow me.

- Take your time about it.

You got a man's
future in your hands.

Please take your time.

- Sorry it took so long.

I had a hung jury on my hands.

- All right.

Has the jury come to a decision?

- Yeah, your honor.

We the jury find the
defendant guilty as charged.

- All right.

Um, would you guys
come on up to the bench

And get your sentence.

Come on.

- Ya had a lousy lawyer.

- You're really gonna do this...

You're really gonna
convict the man

On circumstantial evidence?

- Yeah, but mr. Kotter,

We all know that
freddie is guilty.

- Is that right?
That's really right?

Well, maybe you
might be interested

In takin' a look at this.

- Lemme see this.

It's a bank book
for eight dollars.

- That's right. Now
what does that name say?

- The sweethogs.

- The sweathogs,
sweathogs, sweathogs.

- Right?
- Oh, wow.

You mean, freddie put
our money in a bank?

- You know, you
never asked me once,

"Freddie, where's the money?"

All you sad was freddie,
why did you steal it?

- That's right.

If you hadn't
assumed he was guilty,

He woulda told you where
the money was in the first place.

- Dang.

- Freddie, what did you
put it in the bank for?

- Because a rubber fish
don't pay 6% interest.

- Not only were
you ready to believe

That your friend was a thief,

But you made things worse
by puttin' money in the fish

And tryin' to cover up for him.

I think everybody owes
freddie a big apology...

Including myself because
I had my own doubts.

I'm sorry, freddie.

- Freddie, I'm real sorry.

- I'm sorry, freddie.
- Can you forgive me.

- Hey, hey, look.
Forget the apologies.

You know, I probably
woulda convicted me, too,

Under the same circumstances.

- So, what are we
gonna do with the $32?

- You know what I say...

I say we give it to fredrick
"boom boom" washington,

Our class treasurer,
for safekeeping.

Yay, yeah.

Yay, freddie.

- It's all right.

Hey, I tell ya what
we're gonna do...

We're gonna take all this money,
we're gonna put it in the bank.

We gonna all be typhoons.

- That's uh, tycoons.

- No, typhoons 'cause
at the end of the year,

We gonna all blow it.

Yeah, yay.

- Julie?
- What?

- Guess what I have in my hands?

No, guess, come on.

- Um, a butterfly.

- Nope.

- A-a-a-a flower.

- No, guess again.
- Aw.

Gabe, this is stupid.
All right, all right.

Um, an elephant.

- What color?

♪ Welcome back ♪

♪ Your dreams were
your ticket out ♪

♪ Welcome back ♪

♪ To that same old place
that you laughed about ♪

♪ Well the names have all
changed since you hung around ♪

♪ But those dreams have remained
and they've turned around ♪

♪ Who'd have thought
they'd lead ya ♪

♪ Who'd have thought
they'd lead ya ♪

♪ Back here where we need ya ♪

♪ Back here where we need ya ♪

♪ Yeah we teased him a lot ♪

♪ 'Cause we got
him on the spot ♪

♪ Welcome back ♪

♪ Welcome back welcome
back welcome back ♪

♪ Welcome back welcome back ♪

♪ Yeah we teased him a lot ♪

♪ Welcome back welcome back ♪

♪ 'Cause we got
him on the spot ♪

♪ Welcome back welcome back ♪

♪ Yeah we teased him a lot ♪