03x17 - Home Is Where the Heart Is

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "In the Heat of the Night", Aired: March 6, 1988 – May 16, 1995.*
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A sequel to the 1967 film, follows the cases and adventures of the police forces in and around Sparta, Mississippi.
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03x17 - Home Is Where the Heart Is

Post by bunniefuu »

♪ In the heat of the night

♪ I've got troubles
wall to wall ♪

♪ In the heat of the night

♪ Yeah

♪ Must be an ending
to it all ♪

♪ Oh

♪ But hold on

♪ It won't be long

♪ Just you be strong

♪ And it'll be all right

♪ In the heat of the night

♪ In the heat
of the night ♪


Let's get going!

I've had enough
of y'all!

You're a plague!

You're a blight!

You're a disease

That will infect the healthy
souls of this community!

I'm taking action...


Morning, sir.
Can I help you?

the reverend soames.

I must see
chief gillespie.

Chief's busy.
What's your problem?


I want to talk
to gillespie

About the whores
and harlots

And unholy sinners
who are infesting
this area!

What is the problem
out here?


I trust
you can spare me

Some of your time,
chief gillespie.

Yes. Certainly, sir.

Step this way, won't you?

Now, sir,
make yourself

Please take
that chair.

I don't believe
we've met.

Not till now.

My wife and I
are just settling in,

Looking for
a proper house

These past few months.

Did you find
something nice?

Unfortunately, no.

We're living
in a mobile home,

But the lord
will provide us

With good shelter
in time. Amen.

I'm not here
to discuss my
living arrangements.

I've come to talk
about a deplorable

And to demand
police action,

Quick police action.

I heard you
talking out there.

I'm not sure
what I heard.

Did you hear me
say, "whores"?


I heard that, too.

Who is this?

This is
virgil tibbs,

My chief

Are you talking
about girls

By the old
produce market?

Yes, what used to be
the produce market,

Which we're
into my church.

Is the brothel
that close?

Too close.

How's it doing?

Oh, the church,
that is.


Until a month ago

When the women
moved into the area.

A madam
and her passel
of prostitutes

Set up shop
in two trailers

A quarter mile away.

The bible tells us
to stone them!

Well, sir, I certainly
hope you won't do that.

Not if you
do something...




a little slow
in hattiesburg?

Yeah. Had too much
cold, wet weather.

Keep a lot
of men home.


Come in.

Thank you.


You are looking
pretty good,

Maybelle, you
looking younger

Every time
I see you.


You remember
bubba skinner?

Looks like somebody
got promoted.

I'm glad for you.

And thank you, ma'am.

Sorry we had
a complaint.

I know you did.

How do you know?

Honey, I'm just
brimming over
with instinct.


Well, maybelle,
you know,

I advised you
not to come back.

I got to tell you,
I don't understand you.

You own
gus' landing here.

I hear
you got property

In natchez
and hattiesburg.

Why do you do this?

Why? Oh, it's a...

Calling, bill.

Besides, this
is the first time

Anybody complained,

Oh, now,
maybelle, uh...

I complained long ago.

Oh, shoo...


This time I know who
it was complained.

It was
reverend soames

And his band of
angels, wasn't it?



How about
a cup of coffee?

Uh, well, thank you.
We--we can't.

It's my own blend,

And it won
first prize

At the fair
in baton rouge.

Changing the subject
won't change why
we're here.

You'll have to put
this show back
on the road.

You know, chief,
since the last time
that we spoke,

I got me a map
of sparta.

When's the last time
you looked at one?

Meaning what,


That this place here

Is outside your city
and you're county limits.

Grover checked it
before we come.

He did?

He sure did.

Well, uh...

Chief, if that
is the way it is,

This is a problem
for the butler county
folks, not us.

[Clock chimes]


I do declare.

Are you sure
about this?

I'm just as positive
as I am

That you're standing there
and I'm standing here.

You know, maybelle,
I will have some
of that coffee.


What's reverend soames'
church called?

The caravan
of the holy few.

How few?

Under 75.

Well... They're votes.

Sure are.

The chief thinks
the situation

Is out of our hands.

Sheriff dukes,
I respectfully submit

That it's out
of the district
attorney's, too.

Where is it, then?

Put on your glasses.
Look at this map.

Not in sparta proper.

The county line
ends right here.

Harkness creek.


That map's crazy.

There ain't
no creek there.

There used to be

When the county's
boundaries were drawn.

When, in president
buchanan's time?

Map's an antique.

People swear by it.

40 Years old.

It was official then,
and it's official now.

You won't
argue with that?

I sure am.

I'll take this
to the state
supreme court

If I have to,

Put you both
on record

For evading
your legal duty.

I wish you wouldn't
excite yourself this way,

But you must do
as you think best.

You got that right.

Chapel should
be finished soon,

Thanks to you,

It was my pleasure.

you need any help?

No. I'm fine.

Feeling better after
that talk we had?

I feel more content
about things.

We all have
hard problems.

If we're prayerful
and patient enough,
we find solutions.

You're going
to be all right.

Carter, any word
about that wood?

Biloxi said we
should have it
next week.

[Engine revs up]

That's fine
if it doesn't rain.

and hollering]

All of you!

You hear that truck

Heading north with those
aimless, lustful young men

Being led on
by the devil himself?

[Train horn honks]

Hey! I'm calling
the law on y'all!

Keep your cool,
preacher man.

I hit them paint cans
'cause I want to.

I can hit anything
I want to.

You're heading
straight to those
women at maybelle's!

a good friend of mine.

to damnation!

That's right,

So why don't you pray
for us, preacher?

That's what you're
supposed to be doing.

[Woman laughing]

[Dog barking]

[g*nsh*t] [groans]

[Truck door shuts]

[Engine starts]

What you got here?

Body's down there.

Somebody shot
the preacher, huh?

Shotgun blast right
in the middle of him.

They wanted
to make sure.

Luann said
some kids reported it.

A young couple
was parked

A quarter mile away,
heard the shot.

They're right
over there.

When we
finish up here,

We'll move
the body.

Yeah, you do that,

And tape off
this area.

You got it.

Tom and marla
heard the sh*ts

And found the body.

They called us
from the interstate.

Was the reverend
soames still alive

When y'all
found him?

No, he was dead.

On our way here,

We passed three guys
in a pickup.

They'd obviously
been drinking.

With a g*n rack in it.

What kind
of truck was it?

It was a red chevy
with a 20-inch lift kit,

Ground hawg 18/44s,
and a push bumper.

We also saw
someone walking,

Caught a glimpse
through the trees.

Did you hear the shot

Before you saw
this figure or after?

It was after,
about midnight.

Marla looked
at my watch,

Said we should
head back.

Did you all know
the reverend personally?

Oh, no. Uh-uh.

We're lds.

Say what?

Latter-day saints.



You mrs. Soames? Who are you?

I'm sergeant jamison.
This here's
chief gillespie.

Can't you
leave us alone?

Sorry. We would
if we could.

It's all right,

Come in, chief.
Hannah's just
trying to help.

I'm mrs. Soames. Mrs. Soames.

Well, you have
a nice little
place here.

Carter demanded
a clean christian

Said we should
set an example.

Well, I'm glad
to see you

Taking it
so strongly.

Did your husband
have any enemies

Of the kind that
might thr*aten
his life?

None but the same enemies
the lord god jehovah had.

Those who have done

And continue to do
the devil's work.

Like maybelle chesbro
and her friends.

When you say
maybelle chesbro's

Who do you mean?

Reverend soames called about
three guys in a pickup.

We're looking for them.

Mrs. Soames, may I ask,

Where you were
at midnight?

At the church.

The church?

Old produce market.

Oh, yes, i,
I know it.

I was with several
church members.

At midnight?

Yes. It's where
I most wanted to be.

You know, it sounds

As if you expected
something bad
to happen.

In the midst
of life, chief,

It's dangerous
for christians...

Always has been.


Thank you.

Ordinarily, we'd offer
our sympathy, try to help,

But I don't think
she'd appreciate that.

I think
I understand,
mrs. Halloran.

She said she was
at the church
last evening.

Do you know
if that's true?

We saw her
and her friends go in.

They were up after midnight,
singing and praying.

They're as noisy as
the trucks on the interstate.

But they don't
sound near as good.

Did, uh,
reverend soames
ever come over,

Get you to join
his church?

Well, you'd think he would,
but he didn't.

You'd think they'd mix
in the community,

But they weren't
like that.

Well, what
were they like?

They were rude,
unfriendly, and distant,

So we left them alone.

You saw mrs. Soames

Entering the church
just before

But did you actually
see her after that?

No, can't say that I did,

But that singing went on
till way after midnight.

I ain't got nothing
against worship,

But how you
going to sleep

With all that hooping
and hollering?

I'm sure I don't
know, mr. Halloran.

Thank you, folks,
for your time.

[Dog barking]


Oh, ooh!

Well, now, I
don't often see you
in civvies, bill.

Are you a customer,

Or do you insist
on being a cop?

I'm afraid so,

In the words
of the old song,

"A policeman's lot
is not a happy one."

Uh, this reverend soames
was k*lled last night.

He was raising cain
here with y'all.

Do you suppose
one of your good friends

Came and cashed him in?

Where were you
last night
around midnight?

I was having
a late supper
over in kenard,

The most romantic
little place
called tony's.


With whom?

Now, bill,
you know I can't
tell you that.



Well, now, maybelle,

I admit your profession
can be most therapeutic,

But, uh...

But you can't
exactly enjoy

A doctor-patient

Well, in this case,
maybe I just can,

But I'm not exactly
on the witness
stand, am i?

Well, not yet.

What about grover?
Where was he?

he was right here

my property

And protecting
my five nieces.

Did soames
ever come here?


Several times.

I mean did he ever
personally tell you

That you had
to leave town?

Once, but he came
here several times

To see the girls.

As a customer?

Well, he said
that he came to
save their souls,

But what he really
wanted to do
was watch.


French have a word
for it, voyeur.

We used to call
a fellow like that

A knotholer.

Bill, it's not
a laughing matter!

Uh, no.
That wasn't me.
That was the, uh...

Somebody like that,
they can't love

From the inside
or the outside
of their body.

It's pitiful.


So he didn't have
anything to do
with the girls?

He was mainly interested
in one girl,

Just somebody who worked
for me part-time.

Where is she?

I don't know.

I had to let her go.

dr*gs and booze,

But, oh,
was she talented.

She lost control.

You know, bill,

is everything

In the entertainment

Did she
have a name?

Well, she was black,

And she had black
hair about to here,

And her name
was nana beety.

Auntie maybelle!

Pauline won't
give back my earrings!

Be a lady
and give back
her earrings!

And that nana,

Oh, she was a lovely
thing, but...

Kind of lost.

Well, um...

I better try
and find her.

Chief, the southern
ministers association

Doesn't list a church
called the caravan
of the holy few.

Maybe it's
from up north.

It's not listed
with the national
council of churches.

That fits
with something
I just found out.

What's all this
accountancy stuff?

We subpoenaed
their bank records

And soames'
personal ledger.

I just read
through them,

And there are three
large transactions

To a "n.b."


It could be
nana beety.

You know her? I know of her.

She was one of
maybelle chesbro's



But listen,

If that
is the same,

N.b., Nana beety,

That girl
might be working

Down in the bottoms.

Mr. Tibbs. Hey, man.

How are you doing?all right.


What's wrong,
someone complaining

I'm watering down
the juice?

Actually, I'm looking
for a woman.

Will I do?

Do you know where
to find nana beety?

What you want
with nana beety?

I want to ask her
a question

About one
of her friends.

Which one?

Take your pick.

Can I talk
to you alone?

Talk? Well,
sure, honey,

If that's what
you want to do.

Now, what you want
to talk about?

Uh, carter soames.

I don't know nothing
about that.

Your name was
in his ledger.

He gave you money.

He ain't the first man
to give me money,

But he's the first
to write it down.

He's an unusual man.

That's what it's called?
I call it freak.

Did he say he could
save your soul?

That's what he said.

At first,
I thought he cared.

No one ever
talked to me
like that before,

Said I could be
part of the flock,

One of the chosen few.

He turned out to be
just another john,

And a weird one.

Soames was a john?

I wasn't
the only one

Who fell
for his act.

You should talk
to joelle.

Joelle. What
was her last name?

I don't know.

She probably
still works
for miss chesbro.

That's all I know.
Is it worth a drink?

Sure, I'll buy you
a drink. Come on.

I'm going to talk
with bill gillespie.

You men in blue
coming around here

Aren't helping
my business one bit.

Well, look
at it this way

We're giving you
a chance

To catch up
on your reading.

We're looking for
a girl named joelle.

Does she still
work here?

Joelle? No.
She wasn't here long.

She up and left
a couple of months ago.

She went back to, uh...

Oh, her home
was new orleans.



Was she one
of the girls

That reverend
soames, uh...

Spent time with?

Not on my time clock.

Don't know what
she did on her own.

Have you got
any idea?

Oh, uh, listen,

The only reason

That I let joelle
stay around here

Was because I felt
sorry for her.

She was a strange one.

I take care
of my girls.

This poor thing
didn't know

If she was coming
or going.

You know
her last name?

Her name was brinner.

Did joelle brinner
have long blonde hair?

Long blonde hair?

No. Uh-uh.


She had, um...

Black, raven hair.


Sometimes red or brown.

You know, whatever
your pleasure is.

Well, we'd better
get going.

I said, we'd better
get going. Now.

You, uh, gentlemen,

Come back, you hear,
on your day off.

And don't wear blue.

Yes, ma'am.

There you go,

Thank you, cheryl.

"Eat to live,
not live to eat."

So said socrates.

And then he died.

He sure did.

Good afternoon,
doctor.good afternoon.

Hey, gillespie,
may I join you?

Hello, dr. Robb.

Make yourself at home

As long as you
don't talk

About cadavers
and autopsies.

The words are in
your mouth, not mine.

My wife, rest her soul,
used to say

I could take an 18-foot
intestinal tract,

Lay it on
a operating table,
slice into it

Remove buckshot and
bird feathers from it,

And still sit down
to a five-course meal.

Hmm, yeah...
You know, uh,

They serve a lot
of meat loaf here.

I've eaten
too much of it.

Too much meat loaf
can k*ll a man.

Is it any good?

Well, try it.
Try it.


In fact, the night
before last,

I removed
a sebaceous cyst,

a hysterectomy,

And an hour later
sat down

To a gourmet meal
over at kenard.

Uh, kenard?

That's right.


Yes, you heard
of it?

I heard it's very
high priced.

Delightful evening.

How can dining alone
be delightful?

Who said
I dined alone?

Flip us a "u,"


We wasn't speeding.

I know, but my truck
ain't street legal.

Hop on out
of there, boy.

Let me see your
driver's license.

Did I do something?

Well, to begin with,

This rig is about
5 3/4 inches too high.

Are you herbert
francis mcgillicuty?


Were you on
county line road

Two nights ago
about midnight?


What you doing
there, herbert?

Well, we was just...

You know,
we was just...

Go after them women.

They were
tempting us all.

Step down out
of that truck,

And hand me that
r*fle real slow.

This the r*fle
you used

To sh**t
at reverend soames?

Come on, now. I was
just kidding around.

Step back against
your vehicle

And keep quiet.

Why are you making
a federal case
about this?

No, son,
just a sparta case.

as*ault with
a deadly w*apon,

Dangerous use
of a deadly w*apon,

the peace...

This is bubba
out at old route 140

Where it crosses
dean road.

Send out
that crime van.

Crime van?
What's that?

A special taxi
for customers
just like you.

This is all silly.

I forgot to mention

What else we're
bringing you in for,

Suspicion of m*rder.


What did this
nana person
look like?

Oh, you know.

She was all right.


Yeah, yeah,
I guess so.

And you bought her
a drink?


She tried to, uh...

Sell you her wares?



She knew I wasn't
there for that.

Well, mrs. Tibbs,
what a pleasant surprise.

She figured I was down
in the bottoms

Cavorting with women.

Oh, well,
let me ask you,

What do you think
about that ancient nuisance

That's called

I don't like it.

Would you like us

To stamp it out
like mosquitoes?

Chief, you can't
stamp out mosquitoes,

And people
don't want them.

Uh, chief,
message from bubba.

What is it?

Joelle's last name
is brinner.

She left maybelle's
place months ago.

She might have gone
to new orleans.

We ought to call
the new orleans p.d.

And see if they have
anything on her.

I'm right on it.

I keep thinking
about that

Nothing expression
on mrs. Soames' face

When she was
talking about
her dead husband.

You mean
she wasn't upset?

No. Not a bit.

I might not be upset
if my husband

Were keeping the same
company soames was keeping.

Oh... Bye. Good-bye.

I'm depending on you

To keep my husband
out of trouble

Till this case
is wrapped up.

Yeah. Sure,
mrs. Tibbs.


Uh-oh. What is it?
I know that look.

I just think
we're following

The reverend soames'

What do you mean?

We keep chasing
those girls around,

And what we
should be doing

Is taking
a closer look
at mrs. Soames.

Mrs. Soames,
it's virgil tibbs.

She's in there.

She's not moving.

I don't like this.

Mrs. Soames?

I think something's
wrong with her.

Mrs. Soames?


"The lord has a plan
for everyone."

I don't think this was
his plan for her.

Yes, sir.

Well, certainly,

No, no, we're not

We're checking
on anybody

Who might have had
adverse relations
with the victim.


Yes, I'll call you.

Yeah. Bye.

What's bothering
the d.a.?

He wants us to keep
bird-dogging maybelle.

He says maybelle
had as much reason

To k*ll
the reverend's wife

As to k*ll
the reverend

Because he says the wife
was going to continue

That ministry
or crusade or whatever.

He may be right.

Yeah. Trouble is,
maybelle has an alibi

That can
be corroborated.

It would be kind
of amusing

To investigate
that alibi

Because it
involves a kind
of colleague of ours.


But I won't do it.
Forget about it.

Oh, what...

what about joelle?

Brinner? It's coming
over now, chief.

Oh, good, good, good.

Well, let me
see that.

Oh, yeah.

Well, well. Look
at little joelle here.

Arrested, new orleans,
1987 for prostitution.

She got probation.

Then arrested again,
new orleans,

1988 For prostitution.

She got six months
that time.

Well, I'll be...

What, chief?

I know this woman. Really?

That is to say,
I knew...

I have known her.

That sounds like
the biblical sense,

You knew her
or have known her.

Don't be
a smart guy.

Though you may not
be far from wrong.

I know this woman
as hannah

From the caravan
of the holy few.

She's one of the few?

Yeah, but not one
of the holy.

Well, well,
joelle brinner.

This is very
interesting, virgil.

So what's the story?

It's short
but not sweet.

She did it.

Strip away the cloak
of wretched

Human desire!

Cast out the evils
of the flesh.

check the back.

Joelle brinner?


My time is at hand.




We have to talk to you
about beverly soames.

She has been punished
for her sins.

Do you understand that?

Yes, ma'am,
we did see that.

As i, too,
shall be punished.

Did you punish her,

I am but an instrument
of his will.

Did you also punish
reverend soames?


He was my salvation
and my light.

He led me from the path
of sin and degradation.

Mrs. Soames k*lled
her husband,
didn't she,

And that's why
you punished her?

Thy will be done.


Punish me!

I think the woman
wants you

To nail her
to them 2x4s.


You've got your
religious motives

And your methods
very mixed up.

We punish m*rder in
a different way than this.


Uh, yes, sir.

Look what I found.

You've got it
packed in, huh?

That's right, bill.

Those arrests you made,

It's the wrong type
of publicity for this show.

Where are you going,

Well, the weather's
getting warmer.

Grover and I figured
we might visit

My sister in virginia.

She has a similar setup
that I have,

And she hasn't been
feeling too good lately.


You be careful
of your money up north.

I imagine that many
a sparta husband's

Going to be spending
their nights home now,

Watching tv
and playing with the kids.

But it won't last.

Winter is here,

But can spring
be far behind?

She's really
more ladylike

Than a lot of highfalutin
females I could name.

That's true,
that's true,

In her own way.

"Can spring be
far behind?"

That means
she's coming back.

Yeah. No.
No, it doesn't.

She knows if she
comes back here
ever again,

I'm really going
to crack down on her.

You are?
You told her that?

I didn't need to.

She could tell
from my attitude.

Chief, I respectfully
and strongly disagree.

Well, I'd fall down
in a fit of surprise

If you did
anything else, virgil.
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