03x11 - Epitaph for a Lady

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "In the Heat of the Night", Aired: March 6, 1988 – May 16, 1995.*
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A sequel to the 1967 film, follows the cases and adventures of the police forces in and around Sparta, Mississippi.
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03x11 - Epitaph for a Lady

Post by bunniefuu »

♪ In the heat of the night

♪ I've got troubles
wall to wall ♪

♪ In the heat of the night

♪ Yeah

♪ Must be an ending
to it all ♪

♪ Oh

♪ But hold on

♪ It won't be long

♪ Just you be strong

♪ And it'll be all right

♪ In the heat of the night

♪ In the heat
of the night ♪

Sure was
a pretty sunset.

Like the ones
we watched from
our hotel room...

Lake geneva.

W-when was that?



Before nelson
was born.

that's my dorothy.

Best memory
I've ever known.

We'll go back.

Well, not next week,
but soon...

When you get
your strength up.

Oh, uh, excuse me,

mrs. Haber's room?

Room 118, chief.
Right over there.

Thank you.

[Door opens]

Look, dorothy,
it's bill.


You'll say
I'm looking
real good,

I know.

Well, it's true,

Just as it always was.

You're just
too pretty for words.

What a sweet,
sweet liar.

That's such
a beautiful flower.

Your anna and i...

Yeah. Yeah.
You and anna,

You always favored
yellow roses,

Just as amos and I
were always lucky

To be favored
by you and anna.

Isn't that right,

Amos: oh, yes, right.

Changed the course
of history.

Well, ours anyway. Sure did.

You took anna
back to italy

For a second
didn't you, bill?

Oh, yeah,
a long time ago.

It was more fun
than the first one.

Well, I brought
a yellow rose,

But it sure looks
as if you have
more than you need.

Well, it's the one
from you, bill.

[Door opens]

Chief gillespie?
Excuse me.

You have a call.
Would you like to
take it in here?

No, I'll take it
from outside.

I have to be
running back anyway.

I don't want sparta's
criminal element

To gain
a foothold on me.

Take care
of yourself, bill.

I will.

I will.

I'll be just
a minute, honey.

O.k., I'm on my way.


Thanks for coming.

It means a lot.

Oh, don't mention it.

If there's anything
I can do...

It's too late now.

Turnby saw to that.
It's his fault.

Don't dwell
on that, amos.

If I'd just
followed my gut

And taken her
to jackson earlier.

From what I hear,
it might have been
too late already.

Might not be.

Don't think about
that now, amos.

What you should
think about
is your grandkids.

You're all
they've got now.

If you ever
have a sore back...

That's what
dr. Turnby gave her

To cure cancer.

than sweet.

Not bad,
but I'll get you.

Darts? A saloon game
in a police station?

Yeah, come on, chief.
I thought the men
could use

Some r and r
during this quite spell.

You know, come on, chief.
Let's see what you can do.

I learned this game
in world w*r ii
over in england

While waiting to
invade north africa,

Sicily, and italy--

Whip those
faraway people

So you could live
comfortable in mississippi.

Wow. Excuse me, chief.

There's a call
for you.

Amos haber.

Well, uh...

Excuse me.

[Knock on door]

Look at grandma.
She could
fix cars, too,

Couldn't she,

She could do
lots of things.

Hello, amos.


Rollie, lisa,
how are you two?

We're watching

So I see.

Wasn't she great?

She was.

[Telephone rings] she certainly was.

Rollie, I was noticing
that 15-speed mountain bike
you got out there.

That's quite a machine.

Mr. Haber,
dr. Turnby's
on the phone.

Tell him
to go to hell!

Rollie, would you take
your sister outside
for a few minutes,

So's I can talk
to your grandpa?

Thank you very much.

Thank you.

I won't be long.

Bastard's got
a lot of nerve.

No doubt
he feels very bad

About this thing,

If he was here now,
I'd k*ll him.

Listen, I want to
show you something.

This is a picture
that I got framed.

I had two of them
just alike.

I've been meaning
to give you one.

It's a picture
of you and dorothy

And anna and me.

It was taken
a few years ago...

Well, 43 years ago
to be exact.

So, uh, here it is.

That butcher's

Cost dorothy
her life.

Only he didn't
k*ll her quickly
or painlessly.

No, he made her

Now, amos, the man
made a mistake.

It was
a tragic mistake.

You shouldn't
go on about--

We've been friends
a long time,

But don't
you ever take

That man's side
to me again.

But I talked
to a specialist

In this kinda thing
and he assured me--

Go home, bill.

Chief: it's just
that amos haber

And his wife

Were very kind
to my wife anna

When I brought
her home
after the w*r.

She was an italian
w*r bride.

Few people
would give her
the time of day.

They felt
I married the enemy.

Excuse me, chief.
Nelson haber
just called.

Really? Nelson haber?

that's amos' son.

He's probably home
for the funeral.

Is he on the line?

No. He said
his daddy left the house

Heading for
the country club, drunk.

Oh, lord.
What does he
expect me to do?

Some nursemaiding,
I imagine.

He said,
"I'm worried about
papa's state of mind."

He sounded upset.

Well, I'm upset myself,

If that's of any
interest to the world,

And it probably isn't.

Well, chief,
why don't I
go down there

And take a look?

Would you, bubba?
I'd be very much obliged.

Yes, sir.


an incompetent fool.

Mr. Haber.

He's a dangerous

Why don't
we go somewhere
where we can talk?

Talk about what?

You're going to tell me
it was unavoidable?

That it could happen
to anyone?

She was in agony
the last six weeks
she lived!

Your ex seems
to have a problem.

That big moose.

What can amos haber
do to him?

Is he an
incompetent doctor?

Oh, no. He's just
a lousy husband.

Let's go inside. I'll k*ll you!

Get away from me.
Get your hands off me!

Excuse me, ma'am.

Amos: let me go!

Let me go!

Mr. Haber,
settle down, now.

You don't want
to do this,

Not in front
of these people.

He k*lled my dorothy.

I don't think so,
mr. Haber.

Let's just
go home, o.k.?

Come on, now.

Excuse us.


Whoa, buddy, whoa.

Whoa. Come on.
Come on.

Come on. Come on.

That's all right, boy.

We'll do it your way.
We'll do it your way.

Look at that.
That's not that high.

See that?
Let's try this again.

Come on. Come on.

Come on. Come on.

That's a good boy.
Come on, son.

Look at it, son.

Let's do it,
all right?
Come on. Come on.

Come on.


We'll have some
police officers
there shortly.

Just a minute...
Do we have
anybody near there?

Parker's on his way.

There's a man
on his way
right now.

No, you don't
have to call
anybody else.

And listen,
don't walk around
in that area.

Don't let
anybody else
walk around there.

Try to keep
yourself calm,
will you?


That's mrs. Korry,
the housekeeper
out there.

Luann, find virgil
for me, please.yes, sir.

You boys just
run out there
right away.

Yes, sir.

Chief: now, bubba...

Yeah?call me, won't you?

Aren't you coming?

I got to go
to this funeral.


Let me get this straight.

You were standing there
when you heard
the g*nsh*t.

I suppose that's all
you can tell me.


Find anything?

Nothing there.

Virgil: [sighs]
yeah, chief, but...

It's well-known
in town.

Amos haber
had a collection
of r*fles.

Yeah, I know.

They're mostly
world w*r ii.

Yeah, but chief,
I got the ballistics

The shot that
k*lled dr. Turnby

Was fired by
an m-1 garand
.30 caliber.

That doesn't
mean anything.

There's a lot
of m-1s around.

But the one I found
k*lled turnby.
This one.


Look at
that lab report.


Nice turnout
for the service.

I want
to thank you, bill.

Thank everybody.

Amos, this may be
the hardest thing

I've ever had to do
in my life.

What is?

Dr. John turnby
was k*lled

By a r*fle
owned by you.

No, bill.

No way.

Well, the evidence
says otherwise.

Your fingerprints
are on it.

You threatened
the man.

I did not
k*ll that man.

I'm obliged
to treat you
as if you did.

This is insane.

So much of life is,

I'm very sorry.

I'll have
to ask you
to come with us.

You can only talk
openly to a group

When you want to,

Not when someone
wants you to.

That's when
you won't talk.

Then talking
becomes a punishment.

what do you know
about this d--

Excuse me.

I have to ask
my wife a question.

What do you know
about dr. P--

That doctor?

He's a gynecologist.

He examined me
after I was r*ped.

Althea...i mean...

You don't have to--

Virgil, it's o.k.,

It's one
of the topics
we were discussing--

Right? Or at least
how to talk
about r*pe.

This is
an informal class
in communication--

How to use plain,
direct language

For tough,
complicated topics.

I thought it was
about volleyball.

Topics like abortion,
capital punishment,

And preventive w*r.

Say something
about any one.

Or all three,
mr. Tibbs.

No. Virgil.

I'm in a rush.

It would take a while

To get my answers
together to questions
like that.

Will you then
speak to the group? No.

What about
a written statement?

Yes, unsigned.

Please, please.

You want
a vague impression?


I think
he's a pompous,

Anti-female fool.

I know who that is.
That's dr. Preston.



A nelson haber?

My father couldn't
have done it,

Not without
a just reason.

He couldn't have.


Let's go see.

I didn't do it,


I called
lou wayland, daddy.

No better lawyer
in the state.

What do
the children say?

They want you back.

Good to have
you back, nelson.

Your children
need you.

That's all
I want to say.

Stay out
of my affairs.

You stay in town.

Don't leave
your kids alone.

I wasn't planning to.

When things
get tough, you run,

Just like when
your wife died.

That is none
of your business!

That's right.

And I've got
nothing more
to say. Go home.

You're going to try
to convict my father!
Aren't you?

It's not my business
to convict anybody.

Go home.

You're busy. I'm busy.
Let's not waste time.

Your partnership
with turnby

Was more
profitable than
your medical practice.

So what?

An electronics company
investment failed.

He got out
and left you
holding the bag.


Don't believe
everything you read.

His housekeeper said
he phoned you yesterday.

Right. He asked me
to drop my lawsuit

And take a $50,000

But you said you wanted
the whole $200,000.

He told you to
jump in the gulf.

You said,
"I'll k*ll you."

Was the housekeeper
listening on the other


His death means
I'll never
see my money,

But I am glad
he's dead.

I got to get a line

On a guy
named roy chandler,

A big ape about
35 years of age,

Kind of a mental case.

He claims dr. Turnby

Let his mama
die last year

she wouldn't pay him.

He's got
an arrest record.

Did he ever
thr*aten turnby?

I don't know,

But he was very close
to amos haber.

He worked for him.
He loved him.

He built that
tree house out there.

Dr. Vance preston's
a suspect.

I never liked him.

Drink your milk.

What brought you
to dr. Preston?

Mrs. Korry,
turnby's maid.

The maid?
What are we talking
about here, gossip?

Can I get
anybody anything? No, thanks.

Chief? Just a fresh fruit cup.

I got to
watch my cholesterol.

Whipped cream?

Yeah, all over it.

Now, you've all
finished your lunch.

Go check up
on chandler.

Yes, sir. Yes, sir.

Now, virgil...


Let's talk about
this dr. Preston.

Well, there's a whole lot
of money involved.

There he is.

Roy chandler? What?

A question
about dr. Turnby.

He's at heaven gate
with dirt on him.

Excuse me!

When did you
last see him?

Last year when he
k*lled mama.

Where were you
day before yesterday
about 9:00?

Seeing a head doctor
in tupelo,

Seeing as I'm crazy.

You got it
in your files.

What you looking
in my truck for?

For anything else to put
in our files.

See you later.

You can go
in now.

Well, how's
everybody doing?

Poorly. Oh...

These are the things
they wanted to bring.


Well, rollie's
all grown up,

So I'm going to let
him see his papaw.

Miss parks,
would you take lisa

Across the street
for some ice cream?

Yes, sure, chief.
Come on, baby.

Uh, luann? Yes, sir?

Would you
please inspect

The contents
of that bag?

Then take
this young man

To see mr. Haber.

Yes, sir.
Chief, the stableman
from turnby's called.

He said he wanted
to talk to you

And hung up.


Well, go ahead.

Well, well.

This was
very thoughtful.

How are you?oh, all right.
I'm all right.

some books here

And, um,
some granola bars.

A picture of grandma.

You're a good boy...

A real good boy.


I know you
didn't do it.

Chief: why didn't you
tell this

To officer sweet
when he talked to you?

why didn't you?

I didn't feel
like talking then.

But you saw a woman
going through
that shrubbery.


Did you make out
a woman's figure,

Long hair, dress?

I saw a woman.

I've got
my work to do.

Well, go ahead
and do it.

Well, I know a woman
we ought to see.

what's going on?


Hi. I'm sorry
to intrude.

I told them
you were coming.
They don't mind.

You have a question
about the will,

John turnby's will?

Uh-huh. Yeah. You know
he never changed it,

Even when you
became estranged.

Oh, you're still
in it.

Mmm...my attorney
notified me.

I can
hardly believe it.

He would have
written me out

If he'd have
lived longer.

When was
the last time
you saw him?

The day before
he was shot.

He was over there
on the driving range.

Uh, millie? Hmm?

Who k*lled him?

Oh, chief,

You are so funny.

Who do I look like,

That woman that does
the crystal ball reading

Down at the bottoms?

You've got an idea.

I will say it
confidentially once,

And I will never
say it again.

Norma byers.

Why her?

He dumped her.

Where were you
when john was shot?

Mrs. Virgil tibbs
can tell you.



On that day
your dear wife and I

Were attending
a r*pe crisis class

Over in jackson.

You see...

I was r*ped, too,

But john thought I'd
encouraged the man

Who did it to me.

That's why
he dumped me.

Well, amos...

You know,

If it weren't for
those fingerprints
on that g*n,

I could
turn you loose.

You're not
the man we want.

You're wrong, bill.

I am the man.

Why would you want
to go and say

A thing like that?

To tell you
the truth, we think
it's a woman.

As a matter of fact,
we have a witness-- no.

No, it wasn't
a woman.

You'll never prove
it was,

And the investigation
will go on and on.

My family, the children
will suffer.

It's not going
to go on that long.

You found
the evidence.
You arrested me.

What else
do you want?

A confession?
All right.

I drove over there
that morning,

I shot turnby
in the head,

I threw the r*fle away
and drove home.

I k*lled him, bill.
I k*lled him.

Norma byers
is heading someplace.

I'm going
to find out where.


Bubba: well, lookey here.

Norma byers
and doc preston. Hmm.

I didn't stick around
to witness

The consummation
of the act,

But the beginning
only promised one ending.

If someone told me
that that woman

k*lled turnby because she
was jilted and unhappy,

I'd express my doubt.

The stableman's got us
on the wrong track.

He says he saw
a woman

The woman he names
was with my wife

Over in jackson.

you wanted me?

Yeah. I want you
to go to haber's
and keep watch.

Let us know whoever
comes and goes.

Yes, sir.
Right on it.

Now, this stableman,

Could he be lying
about this woman

In order to keep us
from looking
for a man

Because there's
some man

That he wants
to protect?chief?

Yeah, what?

We dug out the files
on chandler.

He went
to his head doctor,

But he didn't get there
until 5:30 p.m.

He could have gone
and k*lled turnby
in the morning.

Oh, come on,

Why would
poor roy want
to k*ll turnby?

He told us turnby
k*lled his mama.

And he's a mean,
mean-looking character.

Where is
this chandler guy?

He's working
at sammy's junkyard.

Can't you
bring him in

For a chat with me?

Yes, sir.

Uh, chief.

Do you mind
if I go
with the boys?

I know roy
from way back.

I'll bring him
in peaceful.

Peaceful fella, huh?

Just a little chat
with the chief, eh?

You want to put me
in a cell.

You're a snake-eyed,
treacherous liar.

Roy, I really wish
you hadn't said that.

You getting up,
swamp crawler?

Yeah, yeah,
I'm getting up.

I'm going to split
your head.

Hey! You'd better
drop that, or--

No g*n stuff, lonnie.
No g*n stuff.

No visitors, detective.

None of
the family's left
the place,

Except to go walking
in the woods.

Who went?

Nelson haber
and his boy rollie.

Just two of them.

They took a path
over by that oak.

They return
the same way?

They ain't
come back yet.

How long they
been gone?

Right at
a half hour.

Stand by, parker.

I may have to contact
the station.

Yes, sir.

Why, roy,
do you behave
so stupid?

That's what I am,
ain't i?

I hardly think so.

Your friend
amos haber always said
you had plenty of sense

And good ability
at different jobs.

I'm sorry, bubba.

I'm going
to overlook it,

But you'd better
sh**t straight
right now.

A woman
might have
k*lled turnby.

You think that so? Yeah, that could be so.

We heard that you
might have done it.

That ain't so.

Well, you hated turnby
because of your mama.

You must have
hated him double

When poor
dorothy haber died.

I did.
I studied
on k*lling him,

But I was too scared.

You'd come at me
like hounds at a possum

'Cause I had good reason
and said so.

I didn't do it.
I didn't have to.

Well, bubba,
what do you suppose
he means by that?

I knew somebody else
would do it for me
soon enough.

A woman.

That's what furth
told you, ain't it?

How do you know
what furth said?

You said he did.

No, roy, I never
mentioned furth.

Maybe you and furth
made it up between you

That it was
a woman.

Ha ha.

And I did it
with the g*n

Of my only friend
in the world

And left it with his
fingerprints on it.

Does that sound
like me?

You wouldn't have
made the mistake

Of not wiping
the fingerprints off?

I sure wouldn't
and didn't.

That wasn't me.

Hmm. Well...

Bubba, we're going to
have to put him
in a cell.


Come on, roy,
let's go.


Yes, sir?

Would you find virgil
for me, please?

Yes, sir.

Well, it's good
to be back, son.

Virgil: parker,
do you copy me?

Yes, sir.
The chief wants
to talk to you.

I want
to talk to him.

Have somebody come
and get my car

Ask the chief
to pick me up.

Got you, detective.
Where are you at?


The trail brought me
through the woods

To dr. Turnby's.

I'm standing here
looking at it,

And now I know
what it's all about.

The night that
mrs. Haber died,

What was going on here?

Mr. Amos
was drinking.

It didn't do
no good, though.

And lisa...
Lisa was crying.

I held her most
of the night.

And where
was young rollie?

Oh, downstairs
here just staring.

Then he went out
and stayed out.

Out? Where?

I think he was up
in that tree house

That roy chandler
built for him.

happy times or sad,

That tree house
was more his home

Than this was.

His grandma used
to say it was good

That he favored
that place.

His room
was less messy.

I assume he kept
a lot of stuff there.

Just about

Baseball cards,

Some of everything.
for the dogs...

He likes to hunt.

Uh, chief, I think
it's about time

For me to start
fixing supper.

Well, I wouldn't want
to keep you

From doing that.
Go ahead.


Let's take a walk.

I'm not much,
am i, chief?

No, you're not much.

You think your daddy
k*lled turnby?

He says he did.

Do you believe
that confession?

I guess I have to.


What about rollie?
How's he holding up?

Well, how is he?



Virgil: rollie,
you went hunting

Every so often with
your granddaddy,

And sometimes with
roy chandler, right?

Yes, sir.

Roy taught you how
to use this r*fle,

The m-1.


You use it a lot?

No, sir.


Yeah, some.


How do you think
dr. Turnby was k*lled?

I don't know.

Think your
grandfather did it? No.

I want to go,
all right?

No, no, no.

I want you to stay.

I'm going
to tell you
what happened

The morning
dr. Turnby was k*lled,

Unless your father
wants to tell it.

He knows it.
You told him

You walked him
through it.

You rode your bike
through the woods

To dr. Turnby's
in the morning.

You took the garand
with you.

You k*lled
dr. Turnby with it.

You wore gloves
to keep

Your fingerprints
off the g*n,

But you forgot your
grandpa's prints
were on it.

Roy chandler
knew you did it,

But he scared mr. Furth
into making up that lie

About a woman.

You're trying
to scare me.

Chief: nope.

You went
into that cell

And you told your papaw
that you did it.

That made him
change his mind

And confess
to doing it.

He was trying
to look out for you

The way he always has.

After grandma died,
he hurt so much.

I wanted to hurt
whoever hurt him.

And so you did everything
detective tibbs

Just said you did,
didn't you?

Yes, I did.

I thought
it would help...

But it didn't.

He's still
so sad.

I'm sorry.

I'm sorry.

What happens
to the boy now?

His lawyers will probably
plead guilty

With special

After psychiatric
evaluation and treatment,

He'll probably serve
a minimum of time.

Can I see him
for a moment?

could you wait
a moment, please?

Go ahead. Thank you.

I'm going to come
to see you
as often as I can.

I hope so.
I want to see you.

Let's go home, daddy.

Chief, I need
a vacation.

Me first.

Because of
long seniority,

Increasing softness,
and vanishing sanity.
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