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01x01 - Queen to Be

Posted: 05/12/23 07:36
by bunniefuu
[Lady Whistledown]

Dearest gentle reader.

This is the story

of Queen Charlotte from Bridgerton.

It is not a history lesson.

It is fiction inspired by fact.

All liberties taken

by the author are quite intentional.


- [birds calling]

- [horse neighing]

[horse trotting]

[upbeat instrumental music plays]

[indistinct conversation]

[light laughter]

[indistinct conversation]

[music intensifies]

[music recedes and builds steadily]

[theme music playing]


Move it along now!

You give the appearance of a statue.

Statues are works of art.

Art is beautiful.

Art can be beautiful to gaze upon.

You are ridiculous to the eye.

- Is there a point?

- [scoffs]

You have not moved an inch in six hours.

I am wearing Lyonnais silk,

encrusted with Indian sapphires,

working with overlay of 200-year-old lace.

Apparently too much movement

can cause the sapphires to shred the lace.

If that were not enough,

the gown sits atop a bespoke underpinning

made of whalebone.


Yes. Whalebone, Brother.

The bones of whales.

Whales died, so I could look like this.

All the finest corsets are whalebone.

You'd know that if you knew anything.

If you ever paid attention

you would also know that

the problem with whalebone is that it is

rather delicate and also very, very sharp.

And, of course, I'm in the height

of fashion, so this corset is quite snug.

So I give the appearance of a statue,

ridiculous to the eye,

but that is because I cannot move.

And because I must arrive on display,

I am forced into a ludicrous gown

so stylish that if I move too much,

I might be sliced and stabbed to death

by my undergarments.

Oh, how joyful it is to be a lady.

You are upset.

'Tis a viable option I have considered.

Moving. Choosing to be k*lled

by my undergarments.

- Charlotte.

- We have what? An hour to go?

I believe if I'm diligent

with my movements,

I could most certainly bleed to my death

before we reach London.

Like I said, you are upset.


- I understand

- Do you understand? Truly?

This I would love to hear

because I'm not upset, nor am I emotional.

I am angry, and I cannot breathe.

- And both are thanks to you, Brother.

- Charlotte.

You were chosen.

This is a great honor.

Oh, how difficult was it to be chosen?

Someone who can make lots of babies.

Someone who can read.

Someone with all the social graces,

with a royal bloodline.

That is all they required.

It is not an honor.

You could've told them

to choose someone else.

Someone stupid enough to want it.

They did not want someone stupid.

They wanted you.

Adolphus, think! Why me?

He could have anyone! Anyone!

And yet they came hunting

all the way across the continent for me.

- There is a reason for that.

- You are special.


I am a stranger to them.

They are strangers to us.

You cannot think me this ignorant.

There is reason

they wanted me, a stranger.

- And it cannot be a good reason.

- [sighs]

I know it cannot be a good reason

because you have not looked me

in the eye since you told me.


[chuckles dryly]

This is a good thing.

You shall be happy.

Turn the carriage around.

I am not doing this.

I signed the betrothal contract. You are.

- No.

- Yes.

Brother, turn the carriage around,

or I will bounce.

I will bounce, and I will impale myself on

this ridiculous corset and bleed to death.


I know I should have taken a firmer hand

with you when Mama and Papa died.

I allowed you to read too much,

and I indulged

your every whim and frivolity,

so I take full responsibility for the fact

that you are now exceedingly headstrong

and mistakenly think

you can make decisions.

You cannot. I am in charge.

- This is happening.

- I don't see why you

Because they are the British Empire.

And we are a tiny province in Germany.

We had no choice.

I had no choice.

[somber music plays]

There is no good reason.

In fact, the reason might be terrible.

I know that no one

who looks like you or me

has ever married one of these people ever,

but I cannot question

because I cannot make an enemy

of the most powerful nation on Earth.

It is done. So, shut up,

do your duty to our country, and be happy.

[sighs deeply]


I am sorry,

but there are worse fates

than marrying the King of England.

Sit back.

You are endangering my gown.

I need to look perfect when I arrive,

do I not?

[tense music builds]

[horses neigh]


[doors creak]

- [wind whistling]

- [man huffs]

Your Majesty.

I am sorry to disturb you

at this hour with such news.

- Shut up, Doctor, and talk. Is he dead?

- He?

The King.

- Is he dead?

- Oh, no.

No, ma'am. Your husband is quite hearty.

Long live the King.

Have you no sense?

It is treasonous

to interrupt my beauty sleep.

- You're lucky my face is a rare jewel.

- Your Majesty.

If I could still have people beheaded,

you would be in the queue.

Your Majesty.

Doctor, if the King is not dead

Who is?

[tense music continues]

[Lady Whistledown]

Dearest gentle reader.

This coldest time of year

has become that much colder

with the sad news

of the death of the princess royal.

The granddaughter

of our dear King George the Third

and Queen Charlotte died in childbirth,

along with her baby.

[sobbing heavily]

Sorrows, sorrows. Prayers.

[Lady Whistledown]

And while our hearts grieve

for the loss of the princess royal

our heads grieve more

for the future of the monarchy itself.

[bells tolling]

[melancholy music playing]

[Lady Whistledown]

For the Crown

now has a crisis on its hands.

A crisis one can only imagine

that Queen Charlotte must find galling

after ruling over

the matchmaking efforts of the ton

and the marriage mart

with such an iron fist.

This author and all of England

can only hope that Queen Charlotte

finally turns her matchmaking energies

onto her own family.

After all, her majesty has 13 children,

and now,

not a royal heir from any of them.

At least, not a legitimate one.

It causes one to wonder.

Is the queen's knowledge

of how to make a good marriage

nothing but talk?

Please be your most agreeable.

[footsteps pacing slowly]






You have good hips.

You will make lots of babies.

That is good.

That is your job.

As many babies as possible for my son.

Yes, Your Highness.

Will I be introduced

to His Majesty soon or


Take Charlotte to the seamstress,

so we can have her gown fitted.

Oh, no need. I brought my wedding gown.

'Tis quite a perfect fit.

But we have provided a gown for you.

My gown was designed

just for the wedding, in Paris.

The lace is handmade by nuns.

The modiste called it à la mode.

Our gown is traditional. Simple.

It will be better.


I have not seen

this other wedding dress you speak of,

but a traditional English gown

will not carry

all of the fuss and the frills

that the European gown

you currently have on does, for instance.

The traditional gown will be more

in our fashion for our family.


Yes, of course.


[Charlotte exhales]

Well done.

And I shall see you at the ceremony.



[light whimsical music plays]

[Charlotte sighs]

- Your Highness.

- Walk with me. I have questions.

- That is not how it's done, Your Highness.

- What do you mean?

You walk there,

and I walk back here, Your Highness.

You cannot walk with me?

I'm always with you, Your Highness,

five paces behind.

- Five paces behind?

- Five paces behind.

- Always?

- Always, Your Highness.

You are always there,

behind me, just all the time?

- Whenever you need me, Your Highness.

- What is your name?

Brimsley, Your Highness.

Brimsley. Tell me about the King.

He is the King, Your Highness.


- And?

- He is ruler of Great Britain and Ireland.

- And the colonies, Your Highness.

- Yes.

He has been Monarch since October

with the death of his grandfather.

Brimsley, you've told me he is the king,

he is the ruler, and he is the monarch.

- Those are all the same things.

- They are all facts, Your Highness.

[Queen Mother]

She is very brown.

I did say she had Moor blood, ma'am.

- You did not say she would be that brown.

- But I did say she had Moor blood.

Very brown.


It is a problem. People will talk.

People will talk. It is a problem.

- We have already made the trade deals.

- Can they be canceled?

We cannot cancel

the royal wedding on the day.

You may need to. It is a problem.

We are the Palace.

A problem is only a problem

if the Palace says it is a problem.

That is a fact. Is it not?

It is.

And the King is the sovereign head

of the Church of England

and ruler of this great land.

Therefore, nothing he does would

ever be a problem for the Palace.

Would it, Lord Bute?

It would not.

So this must be

as the Palace wished it to be.

Must it not, Lord Bute?

- Yes, it must.

- Good.

Then, the King's choice

has been most intentional.


To make that clear

we shall expand

the guest list for the wedding.

And add to her court.

- Are you saying

- The King is saying.

I am only his mother. I say nothing.

The King wishes to expand

the guest list for the wedding

and add to her court.

Of course, ma'am. It is only

The King realizes

that the wedding is in six hours?

Well, who does not want

to attend a royal wedding?

[upbeat instrumental music plays]

[horses neighing]


[birds chirping]

- [rhythmic thumping]

- [man panting]

[man panting, moaning]

[man groans, sighs]




That was a good ride.



[grunting softly]

You may nap here, wife.

And then I have a surprise.



Of course, thank you.

[man sighs]

[snoring lightly]

[footsteps departing]

[door creaks open]

- I have your bath waiting, ma'am.

- You gave me no warning.

- I had no warning.

- We always have warning.

Not this time.

I had no warning

because the butler gave me no warning.

This was spontaneous.


Is it not enough that I must endure that,

and now I must endure that

without warning?

At any time!

He said he had a surprise.

Is this to happen twice in one day?

I believe the surprise

is why he was excited.

The butler says he received a letter

from the palace.

The palace.

The palace?

That is the surprise.

You have been invited

to the royal wedding.


Coral. Have you gone mad?

It is true.

An invitation has arrived for you both.

I've already called for the modiste.

She's on her way over.

She cannot make

a new gown before tonight, but

No, you are mistaken.

Our side and their side do not mix. Ever.

I am certain!

The ladies' maid at the Bassets

said they received an invitation.

But the Dowager Princess

has invited our side. Well, your side.


I know not. But there is more.

You are to attend the new Queen

as part of her court.

I think you'd better show me this letter.


Is he handsome?

Is he kind? Is he funny?

Is he warm? Well-read? Artistic? Athletic?

We can discuss the order

of the matrimonial ceremony.

Is he ugly?

Perhaps deformed in some way

because beauty is inside.

Well, it is certainly not inside,

but I am a good person and shall overcome.

The Archbishop sent over

some verses for Your Highness

Is he dull? Not very smart? Mentally slow?

I can work on those.

You can tell me.

Is he cruel?

You're going to have wonderful children

together, Your Highness.

You said you're going

to always be with me, Brimsley.

Yes, Your Highness.

You need never worry. I shall be here.


I need to use the chamber pot.

Are you with me for that too?

Uh withdraw.

Her Royal Highness requires privacy.

[chattering lightly]

[somber music playing]

[door creaks closed]

[bright, lively instrumental music plays]

[indistinct chatter]

[horse neighs]


Whoa, there!

Do not gawk like a peasant. [chuckles]

Behave as though you've been here before.

[bright, lively music intensifies]

They have all arrived.

I shall greet them first

to make clear their standing

and the king's intentions.

Yes, ma'am.

[indistinct overlapping chatter]

[inaudible dialogue]


Your father was friendly

with His Late Majesty,

my son's grandfather, was he not?

I am so pleased

to have you here with us today

on this family occasion, Lord Danbury.

Lord. I

You shall be receiving

the official proclamation from the King.

You are honored

to be Lord and Lady Danbury now.

All the members of the ton must be titled.

The ton, your Royal Highness?

It is time we were united

as a society, is it not?


Lord and Lady Smythe-Smith.

Lord Danbury.


I am [scoffs]


There is a problem.

- What have you done now, Brimsley?

- The bride is missing.

[hushed chatter]

[indistinct murmuring]



[birds chirping]

[man clears throat]

Hello, My Lady.

Are you in need

of assistance of some kind?

Uh, I am quite fine, thank you.

You can go back inside

and wait with all the other gawkers.

I will. But first, I'm curious.

What are you doing?


- [man]

You're doing something.

- I am not.

- [man]

You are.

- I am not.

You are!

[bells tolling]

If you must know, I'm trying to ascertain

the best way to climb

over the garden wall.

- [man]


- [Charlotte sighs]

Whatever for?

I think he may be a beast.

- A beast?

- Or a troll.

Who are we discussing?

Oh, well, that is impertinent.

None of your business.

The King.

No one will speak of him. No one.

He is clearly a beast or a troll.


You know, if I grab there Yes!

You could assist me by lifting me up.

Uh, one question.

You do not like beasts or trolls?

What he looks like matters?

I do not care what he looks like.

What I do not like is not knowing.

Now, here. Just take hold here.

With a lift, I I believe

I can make it over the garden wall.

You want me to lift you over the wall

so you may escape?

That is what I said.

People will notice you are missing.

Will they not?

I shall worry about that later.

Now, if you please.

I just need a little help.

Come. Make haste.

I have absolutely no intention

of helping you.

I'm a lady in distress.

You refuse to help a lady in distress?

I refuse when that lady in distress

is trying to go over a wall

so that she does not have to marry me.

[gasps softly]

Hello, Charlotte.

I'm George.

I am deeply s

Your Majesty.

Not Your Majesty.


I mean, yes, Your Majesty,

but to you, just George.

I am

Please accept my apology.

If I had known that you were you

You would have what? Not told me

that you were trying to escape?

- Well, yes. I mean

- [chuckles]

I do apologize, Your Majesty.


Just George.

The "King" situation.

It towers over us.

Accident of birth on my part,

but I thought, maybe, perhaps as my wife,

you could ignore it,

and I could be just George to you.

That was, of course, before I found out

that you do not want to be married to me.

I did not say that.

- Oh, you did.

- I did not.

- You did.

- It is not Mm.

I do not know you.

I do not know you either.

Except that you are

terrible at climbing a wall.

You try climbing a wall

in all of these garments.


[soft instrumental music plays]

You are incomparable.

No one told me you'd be this beautiful.

You may be too beautiful

to marry me. People will talk

given I'm a troll.

Your Majesty.

- George.

- [chuckles softly]

- George.

- What do you want to know?


You do not know me.

What do you want to know about me?

- That is quite, uh

- Mm-hmm.


I do not


All right.

[clicks tongue]

Uh, everything?

I was born prematurely, and everyone

thought I was going to die, but I did not.

I am a fair fencer, an even better shot.

My favorite food is mutton.

I will not eat fish. It is horrible.

I like books and art

and good conversation.

- Most of all, I like science.

- Science?

Chemistry, physics,

and botany, especially astronomy.

The stars in the heavens.

I'm quite the farmer.

Probably would be a farmer if I were not

already oc occupied.

I have a scar here from

falling off my horse.

A scar here from just being

incredibly clumsy with a paring knife.

And I'm very nervous [chuckles]

about marrying a girl I'm only just

meeting minutes before our wedding.

But I cannot show it

and climb over a wall because

I am the King of Great Britain

and Ireland, and that would

cause a scandal. But I promise you,

I am neither a troll nor a beast.

Just George.

Liebchen, we have been looking

everywhere for you. What are you

Your Your Majesty.

You must be the man responsible

for my possible future happiness.

Ja. Um, my apologies. Yes. No

Well, you have arrived

at the most opportune moment.

Charlotte was just deciding

whether or not she wanted to marry me.

- Oh. Uh

- Mm.

Charlotte is overjoyed to become

No, she's still deciding.

She might go over the wall instead.

Either way,

the choice is entirely up to her.

Now, I should get back

because I suspect that

by now there are some very anxious guards

who think I am kidnapped.


[joyful instrumental music plays]

I hope I see you in there.

And if so, I shall be the one standing

next to the Archbishop of Canterbury.

Do not tell me you are still hesitating.

Well, first [chuckles]

I need to change. [sighs]

[classical violin quartet playing]

[music ends]


[fanfare playing]

[ethereal classical music builds slowly]

The pieces fall into place.

- Uh, what?

- Shh. I said she looks beautiful, husband.

["A Feeling I've Never Been"

by Kris Bowers playing]

Shall we?


[choral music playing]

[no audible dialogue]

[applause continues]

- [indistinct cheering]

- [choral music fades out]

[bells tolling]

[light, pleasant classical music playing]

[no audible dialogue]

[indistinct overlapping chatter]

- Take care, Your Majesty.

- Adolphus.

I shall pray that you are soon

blessed with children, ma'am.

[carriage door opens]

Your Majesty.

It is an honor. I'm Lady Agatha Danbury.

- I am to be on your court.

- Ah.

- Then we shall be great friends.

- Yes.

Be careful, ma'am.

And know that

if you send for me, I shall come.


[Lord Danbury]

Make haste, Agatha.

Coming, my dear.

I have a surprise for you.

A surprise?

A present, really.

You should need your cloak.

[classical rendition of "Halo" playing]

- [woman]


- Thank you.

- [guests chattering happily]

- [chuckling]

What is the surprise?

Where are you taking me?

You will see. Just wait.

[chuckles softly]

[classical rendition of "Halo" continues]

What do you think?


It is lovely. Who lives here?

Oh, I had it redesigned just for you.

This is our house? George.

It is your house.

[song fades out]

It is my house. What do you mean?

This is where you shall live.

I had all of your things moved here

during the ceremony.

I'm not sure I understand.

If this is my house,

is it not also our house?

I suppose officially,

St James's Palace is our house,

but this is where you shall stay.

And you shall stay

I have an estate in Kew.

- So, you shall live in Kew?

- Yes.

- And I shall live here?

- Yes.

It is our wedding night.

And it is late. And you've been traveling,

and I should let you get inside.

You'll need to meet your staff.

You'll want to get some sleep.

No, George. It is our wedding night.

We are supposed

We are married.

Are we not supposed to do

what married people do?

Are you demanding

I perform my marital duty to you?

I I am not demanding. I

I'm not even sure

what marital duty is. I just know

Do we not spend this night together?

My governess said that is

what happens on our wedding night.

Fine. I shall stay.

- George.

- I said I shall stay. Are you coming?


George. George.

- George, I cannot keep up. Slow down.

- You wanted me in the bedroom.

- Is that not where I should be?

- No.


Not if you're going to behave

You are angry.

What is wrong? What have I done?

Whatever it is, I am sorry.

You've done nothing

to be sorry for. I just I

I want to go to Kew.

- So let us go to Kew.

- No, I

You do not want me to go to Kew.

This is your home.

And that is yours.


- I see.

- You do. Good.

So you are all right.


I shall speak with you later.

I'm not all right. I

George, this is how it is to be?

This is our marriage?

You there, and me here?



I I thought it would

It is easier.

For whom?


Easier for whom?

- You or me?

- I'm not going to debate this with you.

I merely want to understand.

You need to tell me

I do not need to do anything. I decide.


I have decided. I am your king!

My mistake.

I thought you were just George.

Forgive me, Your Majesty.


May I withdraw, Your Majesty,

or did you want to say

anything else to me?

Ch Charlotte, this is for the best.

Of course, Your Majesty.

Whatever you wish.

[tense instrumental music plays]

- Brimsley.

- Yes, Your Majesty.

- You are here as well.

- I am wherever you are, Your Majesty.

I am fine.

- Yes, Your Majesty.

- Need not follow me.

- But I shall, Your Majesty.

- Stop calling me Your Majesty.

You are the Queen, Your Majesty.

I cannot call you anything else.

- Then stop following me.

- I cannot do that.

As your Queen,

I order you to stop following me.

It is my sworn duty to take care of you,

Your Majesty, at all times.

I do not want you here.

I hope in time you'll become

used to me, Your Majesty.



We can spend

the rest of our lives together.

Are they sober?

I do not know that it'd be right

for me to say, Your Majesty.

It is not yet 11 in the morning.



- [doors creak open]

- [light chattering]

Her Majesty, Charlotte,

Queen of the United Kingdom.

Hello, my children.

[light, whimsical music plays]

- Mummy, it is so early.

- Mother, you cannot summon us this way.

It's not fair. I will not stand for it.

- Really. We have lives.

- We have business to attend to.

By business, do you mean

fornicating with your mistresses,

or do you mean producing

more bastards for me to ignore?

My word.

There are impressionable ladies present.


Trust me, Edward. No sexual innuendo

makes an impression upon your sisters.

I wish it did, that they might get ideas

to marry and start fornicating.


Perhaps, then,

I might have legitimate grandbabies.

Instead, virgins to the left of me,

whores to the right.

I believe I am a married woman.


And where are your babies?

You have made zero heirs to the throne.

I am trying.

Are you? Really?

Dearest, I explained everything to you.

- I drew you pictures.

- [chuckling]

You are doing it correctly?

Making sure he's putting it

in the right place?

- Mother!

- [laughter]

The only heir to the throne is dead.

[sobs loudly]

Sorrows, sorrows. Prayers.

I am stating facts.

The princesses have had no babies.

The princes have had

a record number of babies.

Illegitimate whore babies.

We had one heir, one royal,

and she is gone.


Sorrows. Prayers.

Children, this is a crisis.

I've heard

from the Prime Minister on the topic.

Worse, Lady Whistledown

is talking about it,

which means everyone

will be talking about it.

Mother, I think you are being

a bit zealous.

- Perhaps the grief

- No!

It is time to find husbands.

It is time to trade in

the mistresses for respectable wives.

Get started.

One of you had better produce

the next ruler of the United Kingdom,

or your father's line dies with him.

Make me a royal baby.

- [chattering]

- Mother, you can't really expect us to

[overlapping chatter]

It is not a difficult task.

Your father and I made

15 royal babies all by ourselves.

I do not see why the whole lot of you

cannot make just one.

[continues sobbing]

[indistinct overlapping chatter]

[melancholy instrumental music plays]

I should have gone over the wall.

[tense instrumental music playing]

[closing theme music plays]