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03x19 - Ten Wheel Trouble

Posted: 05/12/23 07:24
by bunniefuu
This job is worth $10,000.

And l could go up for m*rder.

Janetti's brake lines were cut.

Give me Michael to drive the Flynn truck.

KlTT, l'm blind! Micro jam the brakes! I can't.

I suggest you abandon.

We can pull this whole thing off with the produce delivery contract that Joe set up.

l want those lndependents.

Michael, there are two more vehicles moving toward the rear of the convoy.

Knight Rider, a shadowy flight into the dangerous world of a man who does not exist.

Michael Knight, a young loner on a crusade to champion the cause of the innocent the helpless, the powerless in a world of criminals who operate above the law.

Come on, get up you creep.

You turned over on us.

You're worse than a traitor.

Calm down, Joe.

l'm trying to make a living.

We used to be friends.

Not anymore.

Come on.

Take it easy, Joey.

Slow down.

This ain't life or death.

There's no w*r.

l'm still going to k*ll him.

You're dead, Janetti.

l know your route.

l know your schedule.

l'll find you and run you off the road.

Come on, Flynn.

Now come on, Phil.

Get out of here, you'll cool down.

l only left your lndependents 'cause l was about to lose everything.

l need the security of Shatner Trucking.

l have a family to support.

And Shatner's gonna put you all out of business.

Now we would have gone down together.

You're a traitor.


Tell it to my grocer, Joe.

He deals in cash.

Now look here, Mr.


I don't mind keeping my eyes on Independents, but this is a little bit out of my line.

Nothing is out of line if l'm willing to pay the price and you want to earn it.

This is a perfect chance to get rid of Flynn and break the back of the whole lndependent operation.

But k*lling Janetti l mean, l could go up for m*rder.

Not if you stage it correctly.

The one they'll grab will be Flynn.

l don't know, Mr.


Don't you have other guys around to do this?

This job is worth $10,000.

Maybe even an additional bonus when l control the area trucking.

Flynn is the energy and the brains behind the whole Independent move.

lf he gets arrested, he'll lose most of that support.

Then it'll work, Curtis.

Well, Janetti has a pick up and delivery in the hills.

That's the best place to do it.

Whatever you say.

This is Eugene Hansen with a KNX morning traffic report.

The good news is all of you eastbound on the 607 freeway are excused from being on time to work today.

The bad news is a three-car collision which has traffic How did you let me get into this, anyway?

Sorry, but you were driving.

l know, l know, but why is this happening to me?

Well, to tell you the truth this is called the morning traffic jam.

It's not an hour you're usually involved with.

You're usually going in the opposite direction.

However, we've only got 15 minutes to meet Devon.


Yes, Michael?

Can you get me out of this traffic jam?

May I drive?

Well, it is against all Foundation regulations, but l won't tell Devon, if you won't tell Devon.

I won't tell Devon.

Be my guest.

Have l told you you're the greatest lately?

Not lately, Michael.

Michael, it's the simple matter of a group of small operators being swallowed up by a larger organization.

Shatner Trucking has done it very successfully before in the Midwest with disastrous results.

Except in this case the lndependents were being held together by Joe Flynn.

He's wanted for the m*rder of one of the Shatner drivers.

A man named Janetti.

Yeah, Flynn threatened Janetti and four hours later Janetti's brake lines were cut.

But with what's been going on over this past month we're not sure that Flynn did it.

And although he's a brawler and a hothead he's also the sole support of his family.

And he's the one man that Shatner has got to get rid of.

Excuse me, Devon.

You said the past few months?

You've been involved in this situation that long?

Well, we've been monitoring it rather than being involved in it.

Somebody's broken our code.

We've been getting messages on the computer.

No kidding.

Who's been sending them?

We don't know.

Shatner is apparently planning to repeat his Midwest coup.

There's no federal or state authority investigating, and l believe that we should.

You both know that Joe Flynn could be guilty.

Yes, l'm sure that is possible.

You find him, put him in a safe place, then prove the case.

Guilty or innocent.

Now, it sounds to me, you two are personally involved in this.

lsn't that a strict rule of The Foundation: No personal involvement?

Michael, our code has been broken.

l got you.

Anything else?

Yes, respect your equipment.

Be careful.

That too.

They had three rigs when the father was still alive.

Flynn is down to one, and operating out of his garage.

Michael, you're being scanned by an electronic beam.

A harmless but effective alarm system.

Gotta be a guard around here somewhere.

Damn right there is.

Now, freeze.

Take it easy.

l just want to ask you a few questions.

ls that so?

Well, you better not be from the cops, or from Shatner Trucking and we sh**t burglars in this neighborhood.

l'm none of the three.

Now, can l have a little conversation instead of looking at the barrel of that thing?

Take it easy, junior.

l'm not armed.

l'm no junior.

l'm a girl.

He's got nothing on him, but some sort of wrist radio.

That's no regular metal detector, is it?

She's no regular kid.

Now what do you want?

l'm from The Foundation for Law and Government.

l'm here to investigate an incident involving Joe Flynn.

My son's innocent.

Your name Devon Miles?


No, it's Michael Knight.

How do you know Devon?

l'm the one who's been sending him messages.

By computer?

Once you break the code, all you gotta know how to do is type.

l do 80 words a minute.

You gonna help us out?

l'm willing to try, but l gotta talk to Joe first.

You're going a little too fast.

Talk to Shatner.

l'm sorry, but Shatner's not the one wanted by the police.

You just became a burglar again.

Get off my property.

The longer Joe is on the run the longer it's gonna take to get to the bottom of this.

Now, l'm telling you, l need to talk to your son.

Get out of here.

That's an aggressively close-knit family, Michael.

That's why they know where Joe is.

Put a tap on their phone.

So, what else does this car do besides look hot?

Well, it's a lot more than a car.

Thank you, Michael.

Voice modulator?

That's great.

Will it give verbal response to major mathematical computations?

Of course.

You gonna put my brother in jail?

l said l was here to help.

You seem like an okay guy.

You know, you're a pretty bright girl.

You got The Foundation's attention.

Cute, too.

You're teasing me.

That's what my brother always does.

l know l'm not pretty.

Yeah, you are.

Flynn Trucking.

Hello, Mom.

It's Joe.

You're tapping our phone.

You're no friend.

You're a creep.

Joey, you okay?

I'm okay, Mom.

Michael Knight had the phone tapped.

He's gonna know where Joey is.

Joey, get out of there.

A big guy in a black T-top is on his way to get you.

Get going right now.

He's on his way.

Sorry, Michael.

l know, partner, l know.

Look, backtrack that call and see if you can give me a location, will you?

It's about a mile from here.

ETA, 40 seconds.

Michael, there's Flynn's rig up ahead.

Thanks, buddy.

We're going around him.

You'll be cutting it close, Michael.

The road is too narrow.

We'll make it work for us.

Nice work, buddy.

Now just one more thing.

Michael, are you testing our courage, or my superstructure?

Would you like to know exactly how close that truck is to us, Michael?

Absolutely not.

Now, cool it.

lf you wanted to k*ll me, you would've flattened me with the truck.

You from Shatner?


Not from Shatner or the police.

Now all l want is a little conversation.

Then why are you twisting my arm?

'Cause l think you'd rather fight than talk.

All right, fair enough.

Let me go.

No more fighting.

l'm not gonna believe that.

Hey, l'm no liar and l'm no m*rder*r.

All right.

l'll deal with one thing at a time.

You'll have to deal with me first.

You just went from burglar to mugger.

Now, get your hands up and turn around.

Need a little diversion here, partner.

Of course, Michael.

This is the police.

You're surrounded.

All right.

l think we've had enough ambushes for one day, don't you?

Oh, where are the police?

There are none, Mom.

lt's that car of his.

lt's something special.

lt isn't special enough to take on three Flynns.

Enough! All you people do is fight?

So far all it's gotten you is a warrant for m*rder and a license for Shatner to hunt you down.

Now, how about a little honest conversation for a change?

Talk to me, Joe.

Look, l didn't cut Janetti's brakes.

lt's not my style.

Janetti pulled into the depot yard with full set of brakes.

When he pulled out, he was pumping air instead of brakes.

You were there at that depot when he was there.

l'm a trucker.

They have loads there.

You didn't have a load that day.

Come on, tell me the truth.

What were you doing there?

l went to see Janetti.

l had to talk to him, had to apologize.

l shouldn't have hit him.

But l didn't k*ll him.

l'm innocent.

l don't know about that.

But l don't know you're guilty, either.

Who are you anyway?

My name is Michael Knight.

l'm from The Foundation for Law and Government.

l've been sent here to make sure you're kept in a safe place until l can get a handle on what's coming down here.

''Safe place.

'' l think l know where that is.

All right, all l can say is you gotta trust me.

Doesn't look like l have much choice, does it?

You do now.

Put this away.

All right, l'll go in with you.

Me, too.

No, stay here with Mom.

But l want to go.

l'll be all right.

Pull over.

That's the car l'm looking for.


Hold it, Sally.

The only thing you'll damage is your foot.

Shut up.

l knew he was lying.

Nobody tells the truth.

You can't trust anything you don't program yourself.

Not true.

Who programmed you to argue?

I don't argue, Sally, I merely correct improper calculations.

You can trust Michael Knight.

Yeah, says you.

He turned in my brother.

Now, listen, little girl.

I think I like you but not if you won't keep an open mind when it comes to Michael.

He's a fair man.

What makes you so smart?

l have computers that are pushed up to handle over two million K's.

What's your capabilities?


I now have over 50 million K's in storage and can introduce one million more every day, if needed.

Tap into my equipment and we'll talk sometime.

Anytime, Sally.

But if you wait for Michael, I can arrange a guided tour of my backup and design headquarters.

You expect me to be nice to him?

Just be fair with him.

He'll help your brother if he can.

l don't know.

Sit down and relax, and we'll wait for Michael.

Relax, Mr.


You'll just mess up your stomach again.

You're a rich man.

You've got nothing to worry about.

l didn't get rich by squandering my money or wasting my time and l'm not about to let you do it for me.

And it doesn't cost me any more money to get value for my dollar.

Like what?

You are earning fat paychecks.

You got a $10,000 bonus for handling Janetti.

l want control of all trucking in this area.

l figured with Flynn out of the way there'd be nothing to stop us.

Don't figure, don't think, don't make decisions, and above all don't tell me how to make a profit on my investments.

Now, you get out there and make sure those lndependents stay disorganized.

l don't want them even thinking they can pull together for the crop season.

l want that contract with Linden.

Finish Flynn's operation once and for all.

What are you waiting for?

Car fare?

Get back to your lndie friends, so we know when and where to hit.

You're a Flynn, all right.

Now take it easy! You're a liar.

You turned in my brother.

l told him l'd keep him in a safe place until l looked into this mess.

Now, he is safe.

ln jail.

Don't con me.

You just wanted to see him arrested.

No, you're wrong.

Now, l'm not positive about anything yet but if your brother is innocent and people are after these truckers this could bring it out in the open.

l don't know anything about that stuff.

All l know is that you took Joe in and he was framed.

Sally, if your brother was framed, there are people who want to put him away real bad.

Now, if he's out there running loose like a wanted man they have a license to k*ll him.

Joe is very safe in there.

Believe me.

Why don't you come with me?

l want you to meet some other friends who want to help.

Come on.

You might say that Bonnie is KlTT's mother.

She takes care of him with all the maternal love and the ferocity of a tigress.

Michael's kidding.

KlTT is his.

l just put him back together again.

And Michael gives her a great many opportunities to do so.

Joey would love to see all of this.

He still doesn't have a lot of faith in computers or any of that technology in spite of the fact that l ln spite of what?

Oh, nothing.

Excuse us.

Step into my office here.

You set everything up, right?



l checked the schedules and loading capacities of the lndependent deliveries.

They were to the minute, and they were to the ounce.

You did that.

My brother Joe runs the family business.

Sure he does.

You can't tell anyone.

You have to promise not to.

l think it's something you should be proud of.

Yeah, right.

Try and convince a bunch of truckers that a 15-year-old girl is running their schedule.

Those guys listen to Joe, and they really look up to him.

Besides, he's the best.

l'm sure he is.

But, you know, you're not so bad yourself.

And you got him in jail.

We're going to lose everything we worked for.

We were counting on Joe to keep things going until after we made the crop season.

Then we'd be home free.

Well, we're willing to do everything we can to help you.

You too?

Of course.

Then give me Michael to drive the Flynn truck.

Wait a minute, l already got a job.

Hey, l'm talking to your boss.

l think it can be arranged.


All right, listen up.

You'll get union wages, profit participation, and supplemental health benefits.

But you better be clear about one thing.

l think l know.

You're the boss.

You got it.

Then you pick up at the train yards for an intermediate drop at Armorbuilt.

Got it?


l got it, Boss.

Say, does a lunch break enter into any of our schedules?

Eat it on the move.



Hey, you hungry back there, partner?

Perhaps a little lonely, Michael but rather enjoying my independence.

And if I may say so, that schedule that Sally laid out is well planned and fiscally sound.

In fact, it's excellent.

Easy for you to say, you're not driving.

Yes, I am, Michael, and without union benefits.

Don't worry, you'll be on a coffee break in just a couple of minutes.

l'm stopping by the truck stop to see Mama Flynn.

What about your schedule?

We'll work overtime.

Easy for you to say.

lf you were on our side, you wouldn't have had Joey put in jail.

He's gotta face that charge or he's gonna end up running from the cops for the rest of his life.

We would've covered for him, kept the association going.

Now he didn't k*ll Janetti.

Then why don't you do something about both of those problems?

That's just so much talk, man.

We're through as lndependents.

We might as well save our breath.

Oh, yeah, yeah.

Come on, come on.

Come on, guys.

At least listen to him.

What for?

l've got more to lose than any of you and l don't see anybody else rushing forward to do us any favors.

Oh, yeah?

We're done, and so we might as well just forget it.

You're not done unless you're just looking for excuses to give up.

The way l figure it, there's still a chance of keeping this whole group together.

That is, if you guys really want to.

l'd be real careful with your words now, mister.

You're about one sentence away from insulting me.

lt's about time l got you guys to listen.

We can pull this whole thing off with the produce delivery contract that Joe set up.

We got enough people in this room to meet the original date and the full season delivery.

We've only got 24 hours.

Without Joe.

lt's not worth it without him.

l'd just as soon repaint my rig with Shatner's colors.

He's right, big guy.

We could all end up like Joey.

Well, l think Joey is innocent.

Well, we all do.

So what?

l think l know who did it.



Well, that's gonna take a couple days to prove.

ln the meantime, don't you think it would be nice to keep the lndependent truckers alive while l'm at it?

Be a nice present for Joey, once he gets out of jail, huh?

Hold it there.

Now we're gonna make that produce delivery but you got some delivering to do yourself.

l intend to.

Michael, I think you did very well in there.

Well, thank you.

But there are other possible problems one of which is you've replaced Joe Flynn as a target.

Yeah, l know.

l believe Joe's innocent, partner.

Based on what?

Him, his family, his friends Shatner's history.

Most of all, my instincts.

What do you think?

I deal in facts, but I also trust your instincts.

Thank you.

Michael, what is it?

I can't get a reading.

KlTT, l'm blind! Micro jam the brakes! I can't or you'll fishtail.

I suggest you abandon.

lf l bail out, we'll lose the rig.

And live to fight another day.

Michael, please.

l got the message.

Now, Michael.

All right, micro jam the brakes.

lt's worth the gamble now.

We were very lucky, Michael.

Lucky to have you, partner.

The whole brake system is shot.

Downtime is rated at 4% of total working days.

You are out one day and you lose a complete rig.

lt's gonna take weeks just to get the parts.

As of now, your overall safety record is rated as poor to uninsurable.

You're fired.

l'm fired?

Look, l'm sorry about the truck.

The truck won't make any difference now that we've lost.

We can't make the produce run, and there's no way the guys will hang in now.

They gotta hang in there.

They don't like to give up.

Did you do what l asked?

l've known those men for years.

Any of those men could be the man who framed Joe.

Curtis was the only one who left the meeting early and he had time to put the b*mb in your rig.

Well, well, well.

l've managed to stir things up.

You've managed to make yourself a target.

Don't worry about me.

l wanna do this for you and Sally.

l don't want her to lose any more.

She lost her father when she was two.

Any chance of growing up in frilly dresses by the time she was five and now her brother, and her business by 15.

You're important to her.

l don't want her to lose you, too.

l don't plan on that, either.

You mind if l talk to her?


Hold it.

Hold it! Get in the car.

Now we are going to talk.

You know what you get for stealing kids?

l only borrowed you and l got your mother's permission.

Okay, so you got me.

What are you going to do?

Put me in a safe place like you did my brother?

l'm going to try and explain things to you once more.

Forget it.

l'm not listening.

You're a loser.


You're a loser.

You got any suggestions, KlTT?

Children should be treated with great patience reasoned with and educated so that they can be brought slowly into maturity and a solid relationship with society.

l don't have all that much time.

Then I suggest a firm, but kindly spanking.

Oh, so you're going to beat me up just 'cause some computer tells you to?


l thought you were my friend.


You know, buddy, that's not a bad idea.


Come here.

You're not really going to do it, are you?

Of course l'm not.

You know, nobody but Joey ever spanked me.

And he was like you.

He only threatened.

Well, if he's a little bit like me, then maybe, just maybe l'm a little bit like him.


You're a lot like him.

lt's just l don't know.


Hey, it's okay to be scared.

We're gonna lose the house and the truck, and there's not gonna be anything left.

lt's not right.

And even you and that fancy Foundation can't help us.

l am gonna help.

l am gonna help.

You know why?

Because l care about you.

l care about you, and l care about your mama and l care about your brother, Joe.

Now, l'm betting everything that l can deliver for you.

All you've got to do is one simple little thing.

Trust me.

That's it.

How about it, cutie?

That's my girl, that's my girl.

There is no Joe Flynn or an lndependent organization for you to deal with, Linden.

Well, l still have an arrangement.

l have been dealing with the Flynn family for years and l gave my word.

And they gave theirs.

They said they'd deliver and they can't.

You've got over 100 tons of produce in every day starting tomorrow.

You truck with me or it'll sit in here and rot.

Can you afford that?

You know l can't, Shatner.

That would put me and lot of farmers out of business.

Then you should sign for the season's crop now.

'Course, doing business with a reputable firm it is a little more expensive.

About 15%.

l can't manage that much.

Then don't pay it.

The lndependents will deliver your crop at the quoted price.

Who are you?

For the sake of conversation, why don't you call me Flynn.

Flynn is finished.

You must be looking to join him.

Now, you tried that and you couldn't pull it off.

l'm here to confirm, Mr.


Mama Flynn said that you could deal for her and l'd like to help.

But l represent a lot of people and l'm responsible to them.

You got the message, big boy.


Sign both- What if l guarantee it?

Guarantee it?

Just how would you go about that?

How about a completion bond?

lf you can put up a $50,000 bond by midnight then you get the contract.

l'll put up a hundred.

Fifty is sufficient, Shatner.

l did have a deal with Flynn first.

lf he meets the bond, then he's got it.

You know where to get in touch with me.

Thank you, sir.

And when they can't make it, you're gonna come back to talk to me.

Only it's gonna cost you 30% this time.

You might as well make it 50% because you're never gonna have a chance to collect it.

Did we arrive in time?

Just in time.

Now for phase two.

Hey, what do you think you're doing?

l was checking for smoke damage.

What's that supposed to mean?

Figure it out yourself.

Yeah, l'll just do that.

As a matter of fact, l'll be waiting for you.

l don't care what you have to do.

l want those lndependents stopped.

They'll be in convoys.

lt's gonna take a lot of men.

Then get them.

lt's not just money now.

That guy's got it in for me.

He's not going to stop till he gets me.

All the better.

When you wreck that convoy, make sure he doesn't live through it.

A $50,000 bond?

Michael, you've got to be round the bend.

You want the truckers to go down without a chance?

Joe Flynn to stay in jail?

Of course not.

Mama Flynn and Sally?


And The Foundation to look like fools?

Naturally not.

Look, we're all in this together.

What is a $50,000 bond among friends?

All right, Michael.

l have a couple of calls to make.

By the way, how are you going to replace Flynn's truck?

l've got an idea.

Devon, it's going to be all right.

But The Foundation mobile unit to haul produce?

Really, Michael.

I don't know how you talked me into it.

Don't blame me, Devon.

You always told me you'd never do anything you don't really want to do.

Well, that's the way I always felt, till now.

You'll get used to it.

By the way, what kind of produce is it?



Really, Michael.

Barring any accidents, the smell could last for months.

Well, if you whistle or put a pin in your mouth l won't have to watch a grown man cry.

l gotta go, Devon.

Yes, just as well.

Good luck, Michael.

Thanks, Devon.

Michael, I've come to understand your humor but don't you think you're being a little rough on Devon?


Thank you for your prompt answer.


All set.

l think you guys know this is Shatner and his group's last shot at us.

Let them come.

l think they will.

Keep moving.


Stick together.

Get the cement truck in position and let's take them out.

l don't like this, partner.

Everything's going too smooth.

Well, then you'll be happy to hear that I'm picking up a signal from the homing device on the Curtis truck.


What's the location?

Moving towards the rear of the convoy.

There are two vehicles with it.

Mom, watch out on your blind side.

What are you doing here?

Yell at me later, just drive.

That's our man, let's get him.

Wait, Michael, there's something up ahead.

There's a vehicle blocking the road and it contains 10 tons of broken concrete.

All right, give me what l need.

Michael, I said it contains 10 tons of concrete.

You're not going to Not without you, partner.

Shatner, you there?

It's over, Shatner.

We can't stop them.

Finish them off.

You can catch them.

You do it.

l'm done.

Let's get out of here.

Which one do we want, Michael?


The cops can pick up Shatner anytime.

That's Curtis off to the right.

All right, how do you suggest we take him?

Gently, Michael.


I hate making excuses to Bonnie.

She worries.

All right, all right.

l'll do my best.

Okay, micro jam his brakes.

My pleasure, Michael.

Turbo boost, now! Hey, what are you hassling me for, man?

You could've k*lled me.

Like you tried to k*ll the people in the convoy, huh?

l don't know what you're talking about.

l'm on my way to pick up a load.

You wanna see some pictures?

KlTT, punch up the pictures of our friend here and the convoy.

Take a look.

Now, zoom in on that one.

Hold it right there.

You see that picture?

That picture and the homing device l planted in the truck tie you up on this one.

Now, would you also like to see the pictures of you cutting Janetti's brakes?

Wait a minute, hold on.

Can we talk?

l mean, l'm not the one making the big score here, you know.

KlTT, hit the record button.

Ready, Michael.

All right, start talking and give him to me.

All right, Michael.

Thanks, man.

You got it.

Take care.

Geez, l think you look great.

All right.

It's nice to have a family and friends to come back to.

We've got a family.

We got Devon, we got Bonnie.

l got you.

Thank you, Michael.

You know, you really are a good guy.

You know, that really means a lot to me.

l mean, we won the whole thing.

The lndependent Association, Joey out of jail everything's going to be just great.

Take care, little girl.

Could you lean down a little?

l gotta go.

You know, Michael, we're going to miss her.

Yeah, if she was just ten years older and two feet taller.