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03x13 - Knight by a Nose

Posted: 05/12/23 07:20
by bunniefuu
That horse died.

Hearing and believing are two different things.

We did it, bud.

We made him disappear into thin air.

l had Lewis show you the coming attractions in case your horse scam bottoms out.

Something tells me that King Jack is still alive and kicking.

Losers don't last long in my stable.

You got a winner there.

First, it was a horse.

Now there's a human life at stake.

Now, where is she?

Michael! Max, hang on! Help! Knight Rider, a shadowy flight into the dangerous world of a man who does not exist.

Michael Knight, a young loner on a crusade to champion the cause of the innocent the helpless, the powerless in a world of criminals who operate above the law.

Morning, Harley.

You big speed demon.

You loved that, didn't you?

You'd race the wind if l let you.


You say you want to take me away from all this?

How soon?

Hey, Max, what are you holding him back for?

Holding him back?

That had to be 23.

2 quarter mile.

Try 24.

Little lady you've got to remember the futurity tomorrow is a mile and a quarter.

Now, we don't want our baby fading in the stretch.

Can you believe this railbird?

He's got half interest in the surprise sensation of the racing season and he's still treating King Jack like an also-ran.

Well, l don't know.

From what l saw, Max, his stride looked a little off.

You see?

Always listen to your partner.


But this time you better watch out because he's going to blow your blinkers off.

What happened?

He took a fall, honey.

Lie still.

You might be hurt.

l'm fine.

King Jack, where is he?

He's okay, isn't he?

l'm afraid, he isn't, Max.

His foreleg is badly shattered.

No! Harley, you can't! lsn't there anything you can do?

l'm sorry.

He's in tremendous pain.

Don't do it! Please! l can help him, l'll nurse him back! Don't do it! Please! Max, Max.

No! No! Please! No! No! Sleek, spirited and moves like a hurricane.

Michael, you're too kind.

Not you, pal, the futurity preview on Max's horse.


A horse?

Try stubborn, skittish, and expensive to maintain.

Not at all like you.

Never, and capable of only 40 miles per hour in short bursts.

Useless creatures.

What do people see in them?

Dreams, buddy, dreams.

This is Max's big day.


You mean Maxine Fleming?



Wolf Creek Pass just winding up the Grimaldi case?

Six feet of snow, mid-January?

How can I forget?

You had me hitched up to her horse trailer.

I recall thinking, ''what next, a plow?

'' Well, that little pony you were pulling is now the hottest comer on the thoroughbred circuit.

Speaking of which how about dipping into Bonnie's little magic money machine for me, will you, partner?

Michael, it's called an Auto Currency Dispenser and there's nothing magic a bout it.

We have to account for every penny.

l know.

l know.

l'm just a little lean on cash this week.

You wouldn't be thinking of squandering Foundation funds on something as chancy as a wager.

Who me?

All right, but $40 and not a penny more.


Besides how can a horse named King Jack lose?

Michael! Don't tell me.

Let me guess.

That horse is making you so much money, you're moving to a better place.

Hi, Michael.

King Jack's biggest fan.

Hello, sweetheart.

You didn't hear?

He's dead.

What happened?

He just collapsed, mid-stride.

l tried to cushion his fall but his leg Broken?


l still can hear that r*fle blast.

l'm sure it wasn't your fault.

l pushed him too hard.

l must have missed all the signs.

l saw you ride King Jack once, remember?

lt was like you and that horse had one heart and one mind.

lf he had a hangnail, you'd feel it.

Don't sugarcoat it, Michael.

lt was my fault.

And l'm through with horses.

l don't believe that.

Michael, l know you mean well but l've got a bus ticket to Atlanta tomorrow.

You take me out and you show me the spot.

Michael No.

l mean it.

l'm not gonna let you run away from this.

Come on, what's that saying?

''When you fall off a horse, you get'' ''Right back on.

'' But in this case l can't 'cause the horse is dead.

And l've got nothing but bad memories out there.

l know.

So let's go bury them.

Now, l mean it.

Come on.



This is the spot.


l was riding him.

Maxine, who else was out here?

Just my partner, Tommy-Lee Burgess and Dr.




Who's he?

The local vet?


Just what are you trying to prove out here, Michael?

KlTT, scan this area of the track for me, will you?

Normal carbon silicon composite soil soft to a depth of Wait, there's some glass over to your right.


This doesn't look like it belongs out here.

Knowing the grounds keeper, that's just part of last night's beer bottle.

No way, Maxine.

lt's much too thin.

KlTT, run an analysis on this.

Reconstruct what this came from, will you?

Taught him some new tricks, huh, Michael?

Taught me?

Really, Max, that's like the tail wagging the horse.

A micro syringe?


Residue shows that it recently held promazine, a veterinary tranquilizer.


Strong stuff?

Like heroin for horses.

They use it for surgery.

l don't know what it'd be doing out here.

How fresh is the residue?

My calculated guess would be 36 hours.

Thirty-six hours.

Maxine how many other horses train out here?

None this week.

Just King Jack.

Michael, what are you thinking?

Thinking about insurance and about partners.

Well, put a rein on it.

Let me tell you about Tommy-Lee.

There'd been times he had to choose between burgers for himself, and oats for the horse.

And he chose the oats.

You're darn right he did.

He's been a real good partner, Michael, and a better friend.

Well, then he won't mind me asking him a few questions, will he?

You'd do anything to avoid helping me pack, wouldn't you?

You got that right.

Come on.

That's my million-dollar baby, King Jack.

What are you doing, Harley?

He'll hurt himself on those ropes.

Yeah, well, try feeding him without them, he'll kick your skull in.

l want this horse out of here.

Harley, relax.

We did it, bud.

We made him disappear into thin air.

l got my practice.

Now, how long do you want me to keep him here?

A day, tops.

By tomorrow, we'll be pulling in enough long green to choke a horse.

Have fun, pal.

l'll be right back.

Michael, you're leaving me alone in this lot of iniquity?

Maybe you can show them the error of their ways.

December Bride's got the form.

The old Molly runs with class.

But, Foster Folly owes me one, the bum.

There's no room for emotion in betting.

Taylor's Goose in the fourth.

Who's in there?

Never mind who's in here.

I've given you a scientific projection.

Kindly remove yourself to the betting window and spare me your superstitious prattle.

Hey, watch your language.

You got inside information?

Let's just say, I have a hot system.

Tommy-Lee Burgess.

Excuse me, my name is Michael Knight.

l saw your picture on Max Fleming's wall.

l'm a friend of hers.

Hey, any friend of Max's.

How's she doing?

Taking this any better?

l wish.

You know, l've never seen her so down.

Me neither.

lt seems she blames herself.

Yeah, well, l haven't told her this yet but apparently, our insurance company feels the same way.

They're holding back payment on suspicion of trainer negligence.

Boy, when it goes, it all goes.

Maybe not.

See, l know Max real well, and l don't think she's to blame.

l'd like to believe that.

Yeah, well, you could believe this.

lt's promazine.

l found it on the track where King Jack went down.

Must be at least two dozen horses train on that track.

ls that a fact?

Yes, every day.

But listen, if you think you're onto something, you hang with it.

Max and l could use that insurance.

Yeah, yeah, l'm sure you could.

ln fact, if you want, l'll call Doc Thorpe.

He might know something about this.


Thanks for the offer, but l'd rather talk to him myself.

See you around.

Sure, l'll be here.

Tommy, just in time.

l need a nine letter word for ''hopelessly in debt''.

''Desperate'' should fit.

You'll get your money.

l still got 48 hours.

Well, if you value your life, you better make sure l get the whole $92,000.

l had Lewis show you the coming attractions in case your horse scam bottoms out.


Cavanaugh, you don't understand.

The money's as good as in your hand.

l pulled it off.

You pulled it off only comes when l cross your name out of my little book.

Have you got that?

Because from what Lewis says, you may already have bloodhounds on your heels.

But smile.

l pride myself on protecting my investments.

lf anybody gives you any trouble, having Lewis around is well, almost as good as having a dog catcher around.

Except Lewis puts the bloodhounds to sleep.

Okay, buddy, go for it.

Give me everything you got on King Jack's bloodlines.

By Prince Jack out of Whirlaway Dee.

Tracing back further, I find two derby champions and a Horse of the Year in his background.

Further still in 1915- You asked me to program him with everything about horse racing, so l did.

You may never hear the end of this.

Horse racing?

What's all this about?

l have some maintenance to do.


Well, whatever it was, l'm glad to see you're back, Michael.

We have a pressing appointment in Seattle.

l need another day.

Another day?

You've just taken l see.

Your friend, Maxine.

l gather you had a good day at the races?


l didn't.

l never made it.

Devon, yesterday Maxine's horse took a fall under her.

She lost him.

l'm so sorry.

She has my sympathy.

However, accidents will happen.

Yeah, well, l don't think this was an accident.

That's why l need some time to investigate.

lnvestigate what, Michael?

There are people who specialize in dealing with these matters.

l know that, but sometimes a fresh eye helps.

Besides, her partner's not exactly Abe Lincoln when it comes to telling the truth.

That may well be but l believe it's your eye that's dictating your decision here.

She's a very pretty girl.

Devon, that's got nothing to do with it.


Then l presume you have some concrete evidence to show me.

That's what l thought.

All right, l admit, l don't have that much to go on, except for one thing.

She's a very, very close friend of mine who refuses to ride again because of this.

Twenty-four hours.

lf l don't come up with some concrete evidence by then off to Seattle.



Right on.

Not so fast.

KlTT's Auto Currency Dispenser is $40 short.

But l don't see any receipts.

Bonnie, l'm on the road.

l can't keep track of every nickel.

Is it possible the malfunction is in me, Bonnie?

No, and covering for him puts a strain on your systems, KlTT.

Who, moi?

Thanks, buddy.

Where to, Michael?

First, we pick up Max.

lt's bad enough you're using my stable.

Now you want to use my horse trailer.

You just ease off and think about that retirement condo in Florida.

What's that?

lt's Max and that guy Knight.


l'll get the horse out of here.

You get rid of them.



Just do it.

Hello, Max.


Thorpe, this is my friend, Michael.


He'd like to talk to you about King Jack.

What about him?

l'd like to see the report, if you don't mind.

l don't know, son, that's not how we do things around here.

He's got my permission, Doc.

lf you don't mind, l'll just wait out here.

All right, but l don't know what you expect to find.

You working with the insurance company?

No, sir, just a friendly interest.

l'm trying to figure out what caused the accident, and give Max some peace of mind.

Well, l'm afraid it's pretty standard stuff, Mr.


lt's always sad, but in our business, we lose thoroughbreds every day.

Max doesn't.

This is King Jack's fracture?

Yes, it is.

As you can see, it's a very bad fracture.

Hey, boy, how you doing?

lt would take some strong stuff to dull the pain on something like this, wouldn't it?

Something like, promazine?

Yeah, guess it would.

But, why would anyone dope a horse they were gonna put down?

lt's a good question.

Hate to hurry you, but l've got rounds to make.

Yeah, l can understand how busy you are.

One more thing.

How did you happen to have your r*fle with you that morning?

l always keep my.

30-30 in my pickup.

This can be wild country.

Thank you, sir.

Thanks for your help.

Come on, girl! Out! Get, get.

Outside! Go on! Out! KlTT, where is the doc right now?

He's putting the file away, Michael.

All right.

Scan inside this barrel.

l wanna know when and what this g*n last fired.

Even as we speak, Michael.

Michael! Help! lt's the stable, KlTT! Let's go! Michael! Michael! Max! Max, hang on! l got you, Max.

Come on, baby.


KlTT, spray some CO2 on this.

Right away, Michael.

You all right?

Did the horse get out?


And she'll probably name her next colt after you for saving her.

Think that fire was just one more accident?

There's no proof it wasn't.

Whoever drove that trailer out must have knocked the lantern over.

How can anyone be that careless?

l don't think carelessness had anything to do with it.

Michael, I've completed the analysis on that r*fle.

Fire away, pal.

It was discharged yesterday, and I scan traces of paper wadding in the barrel.

Which means he might've fired a blank.

Oh, great.

Now you're dragging Doc Thorpe into your little conspiracy, too.

Maxine, Tommy-Lee lied to me.

When l brought up the promazine, he told me there were dozens of horses training on that track where King Jack died.

He must have misunderstood you.

You know, he's got a lot on his mind.

You wanna hear something else that sticks in my gut?

When KlTT scanned the track, he found no traces of blood.

Now, you add that to the r*fle blank and something tells me that King Jack is still alive and kicking.

Now you're being cruel, Michael.

No, l'm just calling it like l see it.

Look, if you want me to shut the door and walk away from this, l'll do it.

lt's your call.

Can you give me a little time for all this to soak in?

You got it.

ln the meantime, why don't you whip up one of those famous home stretch javas you're so good at?

Come on.


KlTT, dig up everything you got on Burgess, Tommy-Lee.

Right away, Michael.

Oh, no.

Hey, pal.

Where've you been keeping yourself?

Come on.

l know you're in there.

lf you're funny-looking or something, don't be shy.

l got no prejudices.

Please go away.

I'm busy.

You got company in there, huh?

Come on, pal.

Who do you like in the seventh today, huh?

If you must know, I'm on the line.

What do you got, a wire to Hialeah?

Come on, pal.

Let me in on the action.

l mean you and l could go places together, you know?

What will it take to make you go away?

Oh, very well.

Baltimore Ned and Flying Fenwick in the Daily Double.


Are you kidding?

Flying Fenwick, at those odds?

You asked for my opinion.

Now, run along to the betting window or you'll get shut out.

Right, pal.



lf l can ever lay one down for you, you know, just say the word.

What did you dig up on Tommy-Lee Burgess?

His bank balance fluctuates like a roller coaster.

And he makes an inordinate amount of long-distance calls to a number in La Playa.

Registered to one Randy Cavanaugh, a known racketeer.

No kidding.

lnteresting playmate for a good old boy.

Let's check this one out.

Let's take a look inside.

Some party.

Only for the winners.

I'm scanning an illegal gambling casino inside.

Better and better.

So this is where Tommy-Lee's money goes.

Slip me a couple of $100, will you, partner?


Whenever it's money, it's ''partner.

'' l always call you ''partner.

'' Now, come on, it's Foundation business.

Whatever you say, but don't forget you still owe me $40.

And I can't cover with Bonnie forever.

Thank you.

That's okay, l'll park it myself.


May l see your invitation, sir?



l forgot it.

sh**t, l can't let you in.

Did you lose this picture of President Grant?


l lost two pictures of President Grant.


Well, yeah.

Here's the other one.

No more betting.

Seventeen! Okay, new bets.

No more bets.

Five red.

Five for $100, please.

Here you go.

Good luck.

Thank you.

You're welcome.

Place new bets.

Number eight?

All bets closed.

Nine red.

That was close.

''Close'' only counts in horseshoes and hand grenades, handsome.

New bets.


Not another penny.

The odds on that silly game are 35-to-1.

Not in here.

Something tells me that wheel's got a mind of its own.

Okay, partner, let's make a little spectacle of ourselves.

Give me a winner.

If you insist, Michael, 23.

l got a feeling about 23.

l'm gonna let it all ride, 23.

No more bets.


Twenty-three, red winner.

Well, what do you know?

Pink, the color of my bedroom.

This is great.


Okay, there's another $100 for you, sweetheart.

Thank you, very much.

Number nine.

No more betting.

Red nine.

l haven't had this much fun since l was six.


All bets closed.

Six black.

The gentleman wins again.

Thank you.

Quite a run, Mr Cooper.

You the pit boss?

Well, you could say that.

Yes, actually l own this place, Mr.


l'd like to buy you a drink.

No, thanks.

l'm on a roll.

You see, l've been superstitious since l was eight.

Place your bets.

How'd you happen to find this place?

You know, players tell players.

l've been a player since way back.


Eight, it is.

Usually, l'm a horse man.

Horses aren't my game.

Neither is roulette, today.

You're right.

But if l want to find one special horse, l heard you were the man to talk to.


What horse would that be?

You know, the one who had that terrible accident.

King Jack.

Didn't you hear?

That horse died.

Hearing and believing are two different things.

You see, me, l believe that King Jack is still alive and kicking.

And for the one who delivers him, l'm prepared to go as high as Thank you.

Seven figures.

No questions asked.

Well, l might know someone that might know someone.

Well, when you want to cut the bull and talk business, you know where to find me.

Have a good time.

Thank you.

That's for you, sweetheart.

Thank you very much.

Place your bets.

l can't reach Tommy-Lee.

What's this change of plans?

Well, let me put it this way.

We might have to call our marker in a day early.

But all he's got is that horse.

l know.

See that high roller over there?

He just made a very attractive offer.

l want you to check him out.

High roller?

Are you kidding?


What do you know about him?

Just that his name's Michael Knight.

And, he's the one that l saw leaning on Tommy-Lee.

His luck just ran out.

Well, everybody, it's been a real blast.

Where do l cash out?

Right through there, Mr.


Thank you very much.



$50s and $100s will be just fine.

You're out of your league, Knight.

Take the limo.

Get rid of him.


High-tempered, isn't he?


He's vicious.

But that is something l relish in stallions.

l want him.

Well, l knew you would.

You got a winner there.

For his sake, l hope so.

Losers don't last long in my stable.

Bring him to Lincoln Hills Airport tomorrow.

You'll have your $1.

5 million.

KlTT, can you read me?

Faintly, Michael.

Where are you?

Feels like I'm in the trunk of a car.

I guess this means your plan isn't working out.


Slight understatement, pal.

All right, follow my signal and get in as close as you can behind us.

Silent mode.

Hey! How about a tip?

Cassie's Gold in the fourth at Pimlico.

KlTT, how close are you?

lt's getting stuffy in here.

Any closer and I'll have to marry this limo.

l'll be your best man.

Will you pop the trunk?

The cat's out of the bag.

He made us.

How shall we deal with him?

Let's teach him not to speed.

Brace yourself.

All right, KlTT, call the police.

While you're at it, steer them over to Cavanaugh's club.

Okay, man.

Good buddy.

lt's time we had a man-to-man talk about Tommy-Lee Burgess.

How much is he into you guys for?

All you get out of me are four words: l want my lawyer.

Afternoon, Tommy.

What are you doing way out here?

l just came to get some fresh air.

You know how the air is in the club.

Doc Thorpe told me where to find you.

A nice man, Doc Thorpe.

Easy, boy, easy.

He gets a little nervous around strangers.

Don't we all?

The fact is, a stranger came to see me.

A man by the name of Michael Knight.

He kind of let me know just how valuable this horse really is.

That's why l'm becoming your new partner, Tommy-Lee.

l don't need a new partner.

l didn't ask you what you need.

l'm telling you what you got.

Now, your credit's run out, and it's time for me to collect my interest which l figure is about 75% of what you're getting for this horse.


You heard me.

You better be thankful, Tommy-Lee.

l could take it all.

Well say hello to your new owner.

Now look what you've done.

Don't just stand there.

Go after him.

There ain't no way l can catch him on wheels in these hills.

What are we gonna do?

You may know about gambling, Mr.


But l know about horses.

We'll get him back.

Don't you worry.

l'm sorry, Michael.

Cavanaugh's club was clean by the time the police got there.

Not a gaming table or chip in sight.

And even Cavanaugh himself had disappeared.

lt doesn't surprise me.

What about his man, Lewis?

True to his word.

He let his lawyer talk for him.


Let me guess.

His bail was set for $10,000.

Close, but no cigar.


Yes, needless to say, he made it.

What now?

Devon, l think Dr.

Thorpe is the weakest link.

l'll pick up Max, and pay him another visit.


Be careful.

Thanks, Bonnie.

And take care of yourself, too.

You got me again, didn't you?

l'm gonna get you.

King Jack.

You're alive.

King Jack.

Oh, baby.

Glad you're alive.

What did l tell you?

They always head for home.

You know your horses, Tommy-Lee.

King Jack.

Now let's go get him.

l'm glad you're back, King Jack.

Why, Tommy-Lee?

After all we've been through together, all our dreams.

How could you do this to me?

To us?

You should have let me sell him when l had the chance, Max.

Sell him?

He's not a piece of real estate.

He's everything we ever worked for.

l trusted you.

You don't understand.

l was in debt, deep.

Either the horse got it, or l did.

Get the horse loaded up now.

And bring her, too.


Cavanaugh, l'll tie her up.

By the time anyone finds her, we'll be long gone.

You may be planning on disappearing, but l've got a business to run.

And l don't leave any loose ends.

Bring her.

Let's go.

Bring the horse.

Come on.

Move it.

Michael, what do you think they have planned for King Jack?

l don't know, KlTT.

But whatever it is, it doesn't include Max.



KlTT, what can you tell me about these hoof prints?

Estimating size and weight, Michael, those very well could be from King Jack.

By the depth of the cut in the ground, I'd say they're no more than an hour old.

l bet these tracks belong to a truck with a horse trailer rig.

Yes, but I'm afraid those aren't the only tread marks.

There's a third set, and you won't like what it matches.



You ought to be a handicapper.

No future in it, partner.

Doc Thorpe, on the double! Seems like everybody in this territory's in a hurry to pack up and leave.

You've got no right to be here.

Don't talk to me about rights! Now, first, it was a horse.

Now there's a human life at stake.

Where is she?

l don't know what you're talking- You know exactly what l'm talking about, man! You made that horse fall, then you faked its death.

Now, where is she?

l don't know.

Don't know?

lf they hurt Max, l'm telling you, man, l will not be held responsible for my actions.

Now, for the last time, where are they?

They're making the sale.


Little airport.

Two miles south of here.

They're jetting the horse out.

All right, you can quit packing and the police are right behind me.

KlTT, tap into the tower of the airport.

Check out the traffic.

Anything big enough to carry a horse.

There's only one plane big enough, Michael.

It's a private jet belonging to a wealthy horse dealer.

All right, buddy, we got to beat them there.

I'm scanning a horse trailer and a limousine less than a mile ahead, Michael.

No kidding.

Sounds like our party.


All right.

We'll take them one at a time.


l thought you left the driving to the others.

How rude?

He's trying to make a sandwich out of us.

l think l have just the thing to loosen him up.

Let's give them a little fresh OJ.

Arm your oil jets.

Ready and waiting, Michael.

Just the thing for a slick guy.

Good shot, buddy! One down, one to go.

Okay, let's make our move.

Open the sun roof.

Now, as soon as l get out, jump in front of them, box him on the rail.

Here l go.

You got it.

Damn! lt's him.

KlTT, be careful.

Maxine's in here.

She's safe as a baby in her mother's arms.

Watch it, KlTT! Wait a minute, l gotta pull on this Go! Let go of me! You got enough for the run, but not nearly enough for the stretch.

KlTT, have Devon notify the authorities to pick them up.



Welcome back, King Jack.

Welcome back.

How's she doing, KlTT?

Fast enough to win the Jackson Stakes tomorrow.

Right on.

Real Triple Crown winner, huh?

l'm sure, even Man O' w*r never looked better.

You've got yourself a real champion, Max.

Thanks to Michael.

Where would l be without you?

Saddle shy in Atlanta.

So, l finally get to see you.

What did you do to me, pal?

Do l know you?

Know me?

You told me Foster's Folly was a sure thing.

He ran dead last.

l told you that?


KlTT, is there something l should know here?

Don't look at me.

$20 l bet for you.

Big deal.

Me, l parlayed my whole week's winnings.

Now l'm gonna have to start working for a living.


Did you bet a horse?

With Foundation money?

Michael, I was just trying to bail out your Auto Currency Statement.

Statistically, I couldn't lose.

That's what they all say.

Michael, can I ask you a favor?

Yeah, partner, what is it?

Lend me $20.
