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03x11 - Knight of the Chameleon

Posted: 05/12/23 07:19
by bunniefuu
The Chameleon has already threatened to k*ll you if your paths should ever cross again.

You don't get to be the Man of a Thousand Faces without learning a few new tricks.

l always thought there wasn't enough of me to go around.

Here l always thought there was one too many.

Shall we say the price is $5 million?

Cash, of course.

Shall we say when can l get it?

Michael! Just when you think he's run out of surprises.

Knight Rider, a shadowy flight into the dangerous world of a man who does not exist.

Michael Knight, a young loner on a crusade to champion the cause of the innocent the helpless, the powerless in a world of criminals who operate above the law.

Look at it, Bryson.

Smell it.


They must've just waxed the floors.

l'm not talking about floors, Bryson.

l'm talking about American jurisprudence.

The District Court of Appeals.

The conscience of the criminal justice system.

Save it for the judge.

l'm just warming up.

ln this game, you've got to come out of the blocks fast.

Do you mind if we make a little pit stop?

You know, there's always something with you.

Bryson, will you lighten up?

You'll live longer.

All right.

Come on.

You know the routine.

Age before beauty.

How long you been doing this?

About six years.

Take off your robe.

No, it's not what you think, Your Honor.

Come on, just take it off.


That's it.

Move it.

Escaped prisoner.

Hit the alarm! KlTT, give me the point spread on this week's game, will you?

Michael, I really don't think gambling is a proper use of Foundation equipment.

You're absolutely right.

Forget it.

l shouldn't have asked.

l was way, way out of line.

Thank you, Michael.

Just tell me who's gonna win.

Michael! Devon is calling.

Yo, Devon! What's up, buddy?

Nothing good, I'm afraid, Michael.

You remember that thief you caught with a shipment of stolen arms?


Gordon Baxter?

Alias, the Chameleon.

How can l forget?

But he's in prison.

Was, Michael.

He was scheduled to appear at the District Court of Appeals this morning.

He's just escaped.

Knowing the Chameleon as well as l do, he's long gone by now.

Not necessarily.

They've cordoned off the building.

There's reason to believe he may still be in the vicinity.

All right, l got you.

We're on our way.

You have my sympathies, Judge.

At least l can take this face off when l'm finished.

He's in there.

The escaped prisoner's in my chambers! Hurry! He's done it again! Okay, buddy, out! l'm commandeering this van.

Did you see what that lady just did?

KlTT, that was no lady.


We're going for it, partner.

That's the van over there, Michael.

It's only been a matter of seconds, Michael.

He couldn't have gotten far.

That's the Chameleon, partner.

Couple of seconds is all it takes.

l mean, it's remarkable.

lmagine being capable of producing a mask of this quality while locked up behind prison bars.

You don't get to be The Man of a Thousand Voices and a Thousand Faces without learning a few new tricks.

l had him, Devon.

l had him! Yes, it's an all-too-common story, l'm afraid, Michael.

The important thing is now with his reputation for stealing sophisticated weapons and selling them to the highest bidder he's got to be caught, and the sooner, the better.

Anything new on him in the computer?

Nothing useful.

He's been in prison since you helped put him there back in August, 1982.

What about his daughter, Tonie?


According to our information, she still lives here in town.


lt's a good place to start.

Michael, l know it goes without saying, but l'm going to say it anyway.

Be careful.

l will.

Perhaps later, my place?


Believe me, Bertil, it's not the impossible dream.

My friends, yes.

How are you doing?


Excuse me, my good Gordon, is that you?

Yes, it is you, isn't it?

Welcome home! lt's good to be back, Armand.

l see, the place is about the same.

Only the bellybuttons have changed.

lt's all right, Ryles.

He's an old friend.

Two years is a long time, eh, my friend?

You have no idea, Armand.

That's why l plan to make up for every moment of it.

Of course.

Of course.

How may l help you?

First, l need one big job.

And the bigger, the better.

All right.

l've recently received inquiries about an item that might be right up your alley.

lt's called Project Lone Eagle.

The Air Force is testing it now at Webly Field.

And how much is in it for me?

$1 million.

lt's a start.

l'm glad you think so.

But you said, ''first.

'' May l ask, what's second?


l plan to k*ll someone by the name of Michael Knight.

Michael, if Tonie Baxter lives where that so-called music is coming from I suspect she hasn't heard about her father's escape.

l don't know.

Guess that depends on how she feels about him.

KlTT, run down the name of the top dog in illegal arms around here.

I'll get right on it, Michael.

And keep- Your scanner peeled.


No, thank you.

Who said that?

I did.

Please keep your advertisement off my person.

''Off your person?

'' You're a car! A figure of speech.


l've heard of alarm systems that do everything, but now they've got one that talks.

We all got a job to do.

Not on me! Look, l got my professional pride to deal with here! l got integrity! When l promise to deliver 500 circulars l don't just dump them in the sewer like some other guys! The things I'm forced to put up with.


Hi, Tonie.

Whoo! You look terrific.

The place is kind of a mess.

l've been rehearsing all morning.

lt's my band's new song.

l didn't say your place, l said you.

Don't tell me.

You just happened to be in the neighborhood and What's my father done now?


What's that got to do with me?

Tonie, he's your father.

So what?

lt's a biological fact, not a relationship.

Whether you want to believe it or not, there is a difference.

One doesn't necessarily equal the other.

Tonie, l know how painful this is for you.

Then why are you here?

Because someone had to come.

l thought you'd rather hear it from me than from some rookie cop taking notes.

l'm sorry, Michael.

You were straight with me before.

lt's just that every time l think he's out of my life once and for all someone knocks on my door, or l turn on the TV and there he is again.

Looks like you put a lot of room between you and your old life, huh?

What happened to college?

l quit.

lt's all part of burying the past.

You can see how successful it's been.

The answer's no.


Your eyes have been asking ever since you walked in: ''Have you seen your father?

Has he contacted you?

'' All right.

You've always been straight with me.

Your answer's ''no.

'' l got no more questions.

Just one request.

lf you happen to see your father, l'd appreciate a call.



Don't give up on that new life.

lt can be done.

Did she give you anything, Michael?


The truth.

She hasn't seen him.


What did you get on that arms dealer?

Armand Pressler, one of the most ruthless traffickers in illegal arms on the North American continent.

Sounds like my kind of guy.

KlTT, this Armand Pressler didn't get to be number one arms dealer playing with kids.

He's got to think l'm a top mercenary.

Michael, top mercenaries always seem to have other mercenaries out to assassinate them.

Wouldn't you be happier with a more modest rating, say, fourth or fifth?

Forget it, pal! Armand only deals with the best and if l'm not the best- He won't lead you to the Chameleon.

That's the bottom line.

So let's make me one mean machine.

As you wish, Michael.

Since soldiers of fortune invariably use aliases you can choose between John Doe, Jack Smith, or Joe Brown.

l'll take Jack Smith.

Sounds like a winner.

Very well.

Jack Smith it is.

Former Special Forces commando, active in the Congo Namibia, Dominican Republic.

Let's not overdo it here! Michael, you wanted to be top dog.

Anything else you want to tell me before l enter this den of jackals?

Yes, Michael.

Don't tell me.

That means, ''be careful.

'' In Swahili.

Thanks, partner.

Hey! You need a membership card.

My initiation fee.

We don't need any new members.

Then l'll just visit.

That's all right.

l'll just seat myself.

Hi, my name is lngrid.

Hello, lngrid.

Can l buy you a drink?

Thank you.

Dar Bel Dormey.

Put it on my tab, please.

That's a very good choice.

Cool, fine, elegant.

Nice flavor.

Just like a woman named lngrid.

And what is your name?

Jack Smith.

Good choice.

l'm glad you like it.

lngrid, can you tell me where l might find a man by the name of Armand Pressler?


Try over there.

l'll see you later?


Easy, Ryles.



That's quite all right.

Don't get up.

Good afternoon, gentlemen.

My name is Jack Smith.

That hardly seems reason enough to attack my bouncer, Mr.


He att*cked.

l just retaliated.

A man after my own heart.

Now, just why are you here?

l'm in need of something very special.

l heard you were once the man to see.

''Once,'' as in past tense?

When the Chameleon was working for you.

But now that he is in prison, Armand they say you've lost some of your touch.

Whoever ''they'' are, Mr Smith.

Smith don't know what ''they'' are talking about.

As for the Chameleon, well, l have someone just as good, if not better.

Fine, l'll talk to him.

No, no, no, l don't think so.

Now, just what is it you wanted?

Scorpion missiles.

Scorpion missiles?

For that, l'll need a little time.

Take as long as you want.

Up to 24 hours.

l'll be in touch.

Telephone for Mr.

Armand Pressler.

Telephone for Mr.

Armand Pressler.

KlTT, Armand just got a call.

Let's see what it's all about, huh?

Right, Michael.


They're using a scrambler.

I'm afraid so, Michael.

A very good one, I might add.

It's beyond my deciphering capabilities.

Bonnie's been dying to try out that new LBG analyzer.

Here's her big chance.


Don't be afraid, l'm your father.


ls that the role you're playing now?

l never stopped being your father.

What about all those years you spent in prison?

Or off somewhere selling g*ns?

Tonie, a man does what he has to do.

That's all.

And he gets what he deserves.

ln your case, that was prison.

Yeah, but not this time.

No one's ever gonna put me away again.

Especially Michael Knight.

Tonie, what did you tell him?

What could l tell him?

l don't know anything.

Good girl.


Tonie, look.

l am working on a big one.

This time l'm going to make more money for us than you've ever seen in your entire life and l'm doing it just for us, honey.

For you and me.

l don't want your money.

You want to know what l want, Dad?

l want you to leave me alone.

Because you hurt me.

And l don't want to be hurt anymore.

Tonie! Look, l have to go to the High Desert.

We'll talk about this when l get back.

Baby, believe me.

Hurting you is the last thing l ever want to do.

Getting any closer, Bonnie?

Should be.

The LBG analyzer is on the cutting edge of sonic distortion technology.

ln English please, Bonnie.

lt'll break down any scrambled message, given enough time.

How much time?

How much time?

l'll tell you when l get it.


It's me.

That's it.

That's it.

You are beautiful.

The Lone Eagle is about to fly.

Very good.

And once you finish this job, my friend I have a new buyer you may wish to meet.

Forget it, Armand.

After this job, I'm retiring.

Lone Eagle.

Any idea what that means?

A code name for the Chameleon's next target.

Do you know where that phone call came from?

A phone booth in the Laurel Canyon area.

Laurel Canyon.

That's where Tonie lives.

Michael, do you think he's gone to meet her?

l don't think, Devon.

l know.

Now that's what l call a very nice flowing, easy stride.

How did you find me?

Don't tell me that car of yours is psychic, too.


But this time l asked your friendly next door neighbor.

You mind if l join you?

Michael, you're weird.


Half the men in America jog.

With their dogs.

Not their cars.

Rocky Marciano, Muhammad Ali are still pretty after all those fights.

The Bronx Bomber, Joe Louis every one of them did road work with their car following behind them.

Right, KlTT?

Whatever you say, Michael.


l take that back.

You're both weird.

Now what do you want?

To know what your father said to you.

l haven't seen him.

What happened to us playing it straight with each other?


All right, he came by.

Thanks for calling.

Michael, whatever he's done, he's my father.

lt's a biological fact, remember?

He's also the one who caused you to give up college and a very promising future.

Meaning, as a singer, l should take up law?

No, meaning, you don't owe him anything.

Tonie, l'm sorry.

Just tell me what he's after.

He didn't tell me, Michael.

And that's the truth.

All right.

You have no idea where l can find him?


Only What?

He said something about having to go to the High Desert.

And l don't think it was for his health.

That makes two of us, thank you.

Bonnie, fill me in on High Desert defense installations.

He could hit any of a dozen places, Michael.

They're all low profile, high security testing sites.

It's hard to learn much about them.

Well, the Chameleon managed to.

KlTT, does any of them show a computer file on the Lone Eagle Project?

I have it, Michael.

Webly Field is conducting tests on a project X 12JP1.

Code name.

: Lone Eagle.

Bonnie, have Devon warn the base.

They could be in for a nasty surprise.

Just keep driving, Major.

l'll tell you when to stop.

Michael, we've reached the outer limits of Webly Field.

Give me the ETA for the main base.

Two point five minutes, Michael.

Morning, sir.

Morning, Sergeant.

Your lD, sir?

Thank you, Major Anderson.

All right, tap the base security channel.

All's quiet, Michael.

There's no breach of security indicated.

There's gotta be something.

Use your infrared to scan the area.

Michael, there's a four-wheeled vehicle heading for the ordinance testing ground and it's traveling fast.

All right, use the lGP and try for an lD.

It's him, Michael.


Gordon Baxter.

l think we just caught ourselves a chameleon.

Let's nail him! KlTT, where does this road go?

He's outsmarted himself, Michael.

It dead ends at a cliff just ahead.

We've got him.

Don't count on it.

He might disguise himself as a rock or a bush, or even a chameleon.

There he is.

I see him.

Michael, what on earth is he putting on his back?

Something tells me that's the Project Lone Eagle, partner.

l'll give the Chameleon credit for a brilliant deception.

He walked right through top security and flew off with their prototype jetpack.

KlTT, give me everything you've got on the Lone Eagle.

It makes all its predecessors look like toys.

It can stay airborne six minutes has stealth scramblers and night-flight vision.

What about its offensive capabilities?

Definitely possible, but still in the development stage.

lmagine what a t*rror1st could do with that.

Yeah, and now it's on its way to Armand Pressler.

You call the bank, will you?

l'm gonna need some money to flash around.

How much?

Say, $500,000.


l can't go in there with yen or shekels, can l?

Now, if l'm a high roller, l got to look like one.

Michael, your pulse and adrenalin levels are high.

Phew! Right where they should be, partner.

Got a lot of bread in here.

Keep your scanner warm.

Oh, no! Not you again.

You really a talking car?

No, I'm a tight end for the Chicago Bears.

l like the 49ers myself.

You work hard.

Don't you think you deserve some time off?

Like a few years?

Are you kidding?

l'm performing a very important service here.

See this?

lt's got a puzzle on it.

lt's a tough one.

But whoever figures it out wins a fortune in valuable prizes.

l mean, l could be responsible for changing somebody's whole life around.


A tough puzzle?

lt's a good way to lose a hand.

But, Mr.

Smith, l don't understand.

You saying you are no longer interested in the Scorpion m*ssile?

You heard what l said, Armand.

l want the Lone Eagle jetpack, instead.

lt was stolen yesterday by a man who could have only been the Chameleon.

Now, can you deliver or can you not deliver?

l'm sorry.

l already have another buyer.

However, l'm not a man to let honor stand in the way of greed.

Shall we say the price is $5 million?

Cash, of course.

Shall we say when can l get it?

Call me here in an hour.

l'll tell you the time and the place.

Now, if this is too heavy for you to carry.

No, thank you very much.

l believe l can manage.

What do you think you're doing?

What l do best, make money.

Shouldn't you be getting the rockets for the jetpack?

For your information, that was Michael Knight from The Foundation for Law and Government.

Well, what do you know about that?

l thought you were going to k*ll him?

That's right, Armand.

And l know just the way.

lf it goes the way l plan we'll smoke out the jetpack and the Chameleon.

Michael, it's Devon.

Yo, Devon.

Michael, you've just had a call from Tonie Baxter.

She needs to talk to you right away.

Okay, l'll get her and keep you posted.

All right.

KlTT, get me Tonie.


Michael, l need to see you.

Tonie, is something wrong?

Michael, he's here.

He's had a change of heart and he wants to turn himself in.

Only he's afraid.

Afraid of who?

The police?



Michael, l've never seen him like this before.

He's afraid he won't even make it back to prison alive.

All right, Tonie, you have my word.

l won't let anyone hurt him.

l'm on my way.

Goodbye, Michael.

KlTT, call Devon and fill him in on this.

Michael, you know this could be a trap.

Way ahead of you, partner.

l'm way ahead of you.

Keep your eyes open.

Michael, thank God you're here.

Where's your father?

ln the kitchen.

Take it easy.

Who are you?

Where's my father?

He had another appointment to keep.

Michael, l didn't know.

l swear.

l know, Tonie.

lt's all right.

Look, it's me you want.

Let her go.

Fat chance, Knight.

Or should l say, Smith?

Now let's move toward the back, slow and easy.

You first, Knight.

No fancy stuff or she gets it first.

All right, I'm asking you one more time.

Leave the girl here.

Forget it.

Michael was right, Devon.

It's a trap.

I hope to heaven he hasn't been hurt.

Not yet, but these plans of his make me nervous.

And they have Tonie as well.

Be ready when he needs you, KITT.

Don't let him out of your sight.

Not a chance, Devon.

Okay, you drive.

I'm in back with her, so don't try anything funny.

Phase two KITT, right now.

This is the police.

l'll ask you once.

You better listen good.

Where is the Chameleon going?

All right.

Have it your way.



He's heading for JBX lndustries.

That's all l know.

That's plenty.

Let's go.

Jump in.

Nice job, KlTT.

Have Devon call the police and pick up the garbage.

Give me anything you got on JBX lndustries.


You really must show me how to do that.

l'd like to make up as my wife's hairdresser.

lt might be interesting to hear what she has to say about me.

JBX Industries.

Hello, this is Devon Miles from the Foundation of Law and Government.

l'd like to talk to the head of plant security.

You sure your people understand about Tonie?

Stop worrying.

l'm in the business of supplying arms, not hurting young women.

Devon, it's nice to hear from you again.

This is John Maxwell.

What can l do for you?

John, we've been contacted by the Department of Defense to make an emergency check of your facility today at 1400 hours.

That's rather short notice.

And you know how they are in Washington.

l'll be sending Michael Knight.

He'll have the proper papers signed by the Secretary and bearing his seal.

And a half an hour after that, you'll have a fancy little flying machine armed with prototype rockets that can destroy anything from a t*nk to an aircraft carrier.

Michael, I have the information on JBX Industries.

All right, let's have it.

They have the government contract for RX-9 rockets.

Whoa! That's a gruesome little fella.

They carry the punch of a Sidewinder m*ssile but aren't any bigger than your arm.

Perfect to mount on a jetpack, right?

I'm afraid so.

Hang in there.

We'll stop him.

Security looks excellent so far.

This door opens only when we make a shipment.

And this is the only card key.

Sounds great.

Show me how it works.

What's the meaning of this, Knight?

Open the doors or l'll blow you away and do it myself.

After you.

Where do you think you're going?

With you.

You stay in the car.

l always thought there wasn't enough of me to go around.

And here l always thought there was one too many.

Give it up, Baxter.

No way! l'm too close to my dream.

Not close enough.

Hey, they're loaded.

Let's get out of here.

Come on.

Michael! Tonie, get out of here.

Go! KlTT, l need you, buddy.

Let's go.

KlTT, pop the trunk! You all right?

Does that answer your question?


All right, let's get him.

I have their van, Michael.

All right, let's move on it.

lt looks like we lost Knight for good.

l don't believe my eyes.

Stay ahead of him.

Look out! Michael, you're not thinking of- You bet l am.

All right, let's go.

Chameleons hate water.

Good work, buddy.

Notify Devon to pick up Armand and his merry brigade, will you?

Right away, Michael.

Now you can get on with your life, Tonie.

Good, huh?

Hot! Hot! Hot! Very good.

Thank you, Michael.

l hear you and your group may be going to London.

The group's going, but not me.

l've decided to go back to school and get my degree.

That's great.

Not that you couldn't make it as a singer.

But l think going back to school is a good idea.


Michael, this time I need your help.

What's all this?

This is distressing, that's what it is.

l don't know how he did it, but this little T-top figured out the puzzle and won a lifetime supply of auto accessories.

No kidding.

Congratulations, buddy.

Check this out.

Girls, velvet seat covers.

A compass, in case you get lost.

A perfumed Christmas tree.

A pair of fur dice to hang from your mirror.

Great, huh?

Look, a horn that plays Happy Birthday.

Buddy, how did you do it?

you know me with puzzles, Michael.

And when I saw that one in the circular- l know.

They made a puzzle you couldn't refuse.

Check this out.

Lace curtains, huh?

Michael, where did I go wrong?