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03x09 - Dead of Knight

Posted: 05/12/23 07:17
by bunniefuu
Next time l'll handle him myself.


Why did you try to k*ll Michael?

Because the poison didn't work.

lf l didn't get the one with the poison in it, Cindy did.

Michael, I've isolated the poison.

Frail is a peculiar way to describe an orchid that can k*ll a man Sorry l can't give you the antidote.

Renard still has the antidote, and l'm guessing he's on his way back to LA right about now.

I'm surprised you're still with us, Michael.

Take off.

Now! KlTT, we've got to stop them.

Knight Rider, a shadowy flight into the dangerous world of a man who does not exist.

Michael Knight, a young loner on a crusade to champion the cause of the innocent the helpless, the powerless in a world of criminals who operate above the law.

Still here?

Hey, what a better place to watch the parade, huh?

Parade or circus?

As long as there is music, who cares?

Tell me something, you ever relax, put on some skates and ride the boardwalk?

lf that's an invitation, l'll even bring the ghetto blaster.

Well, l'll see you later.

lt's show time, must go.

You got a date.

Phew! Michael, before you trade me in for a pair of skates don't forget why we're here.

l haven't forgotten.

Just hope this guy shows up.

Michael, what on earth is this?

Looks like the boardwalk Arnold Schwarzenegger.

And what exactly is an Arnold Schwarzenegger?

Wait a minute.

We got a van, pal.

It matches the one our informant described, Michael.

Okay, let's go undercover.

All right, scan what's inside.

A half-dozen unmarked cartons.

Looks like steel canisters.

Filled with HCN, hydrogen cyanide.

A compound when mixed with water could wipe out the entire population of a small town.


Yeah, l know, l see him.

Do you think he's our chemical caterer?

No, pal, l think he's just our delivery boy.

Well, what do we have here?

The resident Fidel Castro.

Michael, if he drives off with those chemicals there's no telling where on earth they'll end up.

l know, l just wanna catch him in the act.

lt's not time to break up the party just yet.

If you don't mind, Arnold, would you please get both dumbbells off my hood?

Hey, there's only one dumbbell on your hood.

Now there's only one dumbbell on my hood, and would you kindly take it off?

KlTT, would you get off this kick?

Whoever you are in there, you'd better be pretty big.

lt's time.

We've been made.

All right, put up the window.

Hey, it's squeezing me! Your delivery days are over.

Hey, l got souvenirs here.

Take a look.

KlTT! ls she all right?

The hospital, buddy.

Scan her vitals.

I'm sorry, Michael, but it's too late.

Too late?

She's dead.

There's nothing more you or anyone else can do for her.

Devon, she was only 20 years old.

She just came in from St.

Louis a week ago.

Yes, l know, Michael, l'm terribly sorry.

We're all sorry, but she's dead.

The worst thing is that the only information we could get from the one you picked up was his name, rank, and serial number.

He's a member of a quasi-military group dedicated to overthrowing the island of Mandominow.

A spot on the Pacific no larger than Venice Beach.

So you're telling me we're no closer to this broker of chemical warfare than we were when we started.

Not true.

At least we know what one of his people looks like.

What he looks like, but not who he is.

KlTT ran the photo we took of him through his image databank but he couldn't get a positive identification.

You get the license plate number on the van?

Yeah, we had better luck with that one.

lt's registered to a delivery service here in town.

Keller Brothers.

The only thing is it appears to be a legitimate company.

And as far as we know, the van could've been stolen from them.

l learned a long time ago everything isn't what it appears.

l wanna check it out.

Michael, l know how important this case is to you but may l be so bold as to recommend caution?

Devon, you can recommend anything you want but that poison gas was meant for me.

Michael, I understand your anger but you really should try to relax.

Your stress level is alarming.

Yeah, maybe l should take up weight lifting like your friend on the beach, huh?

Your attempt at humor is an excellent idea, Michael.

Laughter is a known tension reliever.

Perhaps I should tell you some jokes.

You're going to tell jokes?

Why not?

I've done a lot of research on humor.

For instance the other night I was parked in a garage that was so small the mice were hunchbacked.

KlTT, that is terrible.

Michael, is my act dying?

No, but it's not going to Vegas either.

We're on duty.

Stay on top of it.

How'd you get in here?

The door.

l thought it was locked.


Why would your door be locked during business hours?

lt's a jungle out there.

That's a very good reason.

Hi, my name is Michael Knight.

l'm looking for the person in charge of this place.

Sonny says l'm supposed to ask everybody what company they work for.

Come on in.

l doubt that Sonny's ever heard of us.

l work for a nonprofit organization called the Foundation for Law and Government.


You're right, l doubt Sonny's ever heard of you.



Yes, there's a Michael Knight here.

He's with the Foundation for Law and Government.

Law and Government?

Okay, tell him l'll be right out.

l'm just finishing up something.

He won't be long.


KlTT, is that someone coming or going?

lt's Rosemary, and why are you talking to your arm?

It's a van, Michael.

Loaded and getting ready to leave the premises.

Come back anytime.

Let's get him! All right, get him on the infrared tracking scope and scan the cargo for me.

He's got a three-block lead.

And, Michael, that van is loaded with those horrible chemicals.

All right, three blocks and closing.

Let's not push him too hard.

That van's a rolling b*mb.

I think we've got him, Michael.

l think that's open for discussion.

KlTT, what's he heading for?

Open traffic.

And there's a school at the end of the road.

Michael, if those chemicals Don't even say it.

Michael, there's no one at the wheel.

l figured as much.

Draw a bead on the van, will you, pal?

I've got him.

All right.

Fire Microlock.

Any sign of our driver?

I'm afraid not.

He's out of range.

Why is it that l can always count on you to fret over the most minute details?

Because careless people in my position do not survive very long.

Nor mine, Colonel.

Let me assure you that the safety of this shipment is as important to me as it is to you.

You have nothing to worry about.

That is what l told our President before my military coup.



Have a good day, Colonel.

A case of nerves?

With good reason.

You see, for the Colonel, failure means death.

Odd, isn't it?

That something so frail, so beautiful should mean so much to a man like Faisur.

A man so dedicated to v*olence and destruction.

Frail is a peculiar way to describe an orchid that can k*ll a man without leaving a trace of its poison.

Not too unlike some women l've known.

Present company excluded, of course.

We've got trouble, Renard.


And what indiscretion did we commit this time?

There is a plainclothes cop, Michael Knight he's been snooping around and yesterday, he broke up a sale then he found the warehouse.

l had to clear out, man.

lt's a total loss.

l had to ditch the truck and everything.

What makes you think he's a cop?

l was running stash when the other guys my age were trading baseball cards.

l can smell a cop.

He says he's from the Law Foundation.

Foundation for Law and Government?


You know him?

An associate of mine did.

As he described it, it was a rather unpleasant experience.

l hope you didn't leave any clues.

l didn't exactly have time to tidy up.

That's too bad.

Still, the loss of a truck and one warehouse certainly won't put us out of business nor will it lead him here.

See, l don't know where this guy What are we gonna do about this?

Any suggestions?


Since Michael Knight is so interested in our business he might like to sample our latest product.

I wonder what Cindy wants to see you about.

l don't know, pal.

All l know is she told Devon it was important.

Oh, no.

Not Arnold again.

Well, don't say I didn't warn you.

Think you're pretty smart, don't you?

I'm a Knight Industries Two Thousand with 1,000 megabits of memory and a one nanosecond access time.

l bet you wear contact lenses, too, and eat quiche.

Well, Mr.

Brain, if you won't come out, l'll come in.

Arnold, we really must stop meeting like this.

What can l get you?

Orange juice.

Fresh, if you got any.

Sure you can handle it?

Yeah, l can handle it.

To your good health.

Thank you.

You look real nice.

How come you don't have to wear a uniform?

l'm not the T-shirt type.

You're starting early this morning.


You ought to try some of this, it's fresh orange juice and it's got a lot of vitamin C and whole bunch other things l can't remember.

Are you okay?


l'm really sorry about what happened to Lori.

Hey, l know.

lt wasn't your fault.

Yeah, l know.

Let's have a toast to some wonderful news.

You got some good news?

l can use some good news.

Yeah, l was invited to audition for a lead in a show.

No kidding.

That's great.


What's going on?


Devon said you wanted to talk to me about something.

He said it was important.

lt wasn't me.

Are you sure?

Hey, maybe it was some other Cindy.

One OJ.

Straight up.

But l already got one from the hostess.

Guess this one's on the house then.

Come on, let's have a toast to something crazy.

l don't know.

Break a leg.


You're telling me you had no idea Sonny was selling poison chemicals?

What do l look like, a chemist?

l can barely type.

So much for job security.

How long have you worked here, anyway?

Two weeks.

Next Friday.

And you have no idea where Sonny is?

Why do l feel like l'm being evicted?

Rosemary, a young girl is dead here.

l know that.

But l don't know where Sonny is.

Did you ever go out with him?

For $5.

50 an hour, you gotta be kidding.

Maybe he asked you out.

Twice last week.

Monday and Wednesday.

Maybe he even brought you some flowers.

l've never known a pretty girl yet who had to buy her own orchids.

All right, so he brought me flowers.

The creep.

But l still don't know where he is, that's the truth.

Okay, if you hear from him, anything at all, you call me at this number.

Even if it's only a postcard.

Now can l go?


Are they going to be surprised to see me back at the old unemployment line and only after nine days, too.

Anything hidden behind these walls?

Nothing a good exterminator couldn't take care of, Michael.

Great, we're back to square one.

There is something that's puzzling me though.


Rosemary is likely to be the only young lady in the unemployment line wearing a priceless orchid.

Sonny boy goes first class.

Tell me more, buddy.

It's a Hybrid Jantilius, an exceptionally rare variety.

In fact, according to my research there's only one horticulturist in the country who has had any success growing them.

Where can l find him?

Right here in Los Angeles, Michael.

A Mr.

Paul Renard.

All right, let's check these orchids out.

What do we have on Paul Renard?

Except for failure to pay a traffic citation in '82 Paul Renard has a clean slate.

And speaking of traffic Not another joke.

Remember your stress, Michael.

Yes, it's great to be back on the road again.

How great is it?

But seriously, I stopped for gas the other day and the service was so slow by the time they filled me up, my upholstery was out of style.

lt's going to be a long, long ride, KlTT.

You all right?

Yeah, l guess l'm just working myself a little too hard.

Don't worry, l'm gonna be all right.

ls something wrong, Mr.


No, you surprised me, that's all.

You say you saw a secretary wearing one of my prize orchids?

Yes, sir.

As impossible as it seems.

She said it was a gift from her boss.

She must be a whiz at shorthand.

Ten words a minute.

What sort of business is her boss into?

k*lling people.

Maybe you've heard of him, his name is Sonny Martin.

No, l don't believe l have.

Well, he's a terrific admirer of yours.

Your orchids.

The Jantilius is a rare creature.

Would you care to take a closer look, Mr.


l'd love to.

Yes, so delicate, so lovely.

lt's hard to believe it hides a deep, dark secret.

And what is that?

lf l told you it wouldn't be a secret anymore, would it, Mr.


Well, what do you think of it?

Well, l've got to admit l've never seen another flower quite like it.

No, in some ways, you're fortunate to have seen it at all.

lf that's all l can do for you, Mr.


lf l wanted to buy one of your rare orchids, where would l go?

Unfortunately, they're not for sale.

No kidding, l wonder how Sonny Martin got his?

Well, as you can see there are no armed guards around.

One doesn't expect treachery in a greenhouse.

Nor in a beachfront bar.

Especially when it involves the death of a young girl.

l mean, that's treachery of the worst kind.

l got a sneaky suspicion we'll meet again.


But then, who's to say for sure.

Speak of the devil and the devil appears.

What's Knight doing here?

A better question, what's he doing anywhere?

Yeah, l thought you were going to take care of him.

Something must've gone wrong.

And thanks to your generosity with my orchids he's breathing down my neck.

Welcome to the club.

Don't worry about it.

Next time l'll handle him myself.


The old fashioned way.

l'm gonna k*ll him.

KlTT, Renard's into this up to his geraniums.

But how do we prove it, Michael?

l don't know.

lf l knew that l'd be here to take Cindy for a slow walk on the beach instead of trying to find out if she's even seeing Sonny and Renard together.

You got that hard copy for me?

Now that's what l call instant service.

Keep your scanners peeled, huh?

Michael, duck! Pick me up.

I'm on my way, Michael.

All right, let's get this over with.

All right KlTT, let's haul him in, before he gives garbage a bad name.

Take a good look at him, Sonny.

Look at him! All right, l looked.

What now?

Now we want to know all about Mr.


How long you've worked for him where he buys his chemicals, who his customers are how he's managed to run his ghastly business with such relative ease.

You know something?

You talk funny.

You know something, you've got a big mouth.


One l'm just itching to put on the other side of your face.

l'm sure that when Mr.

Martin realizes the gravity of his situation he will only be too happy to cooperate.

What's my situation?

For openers, you're facing a m*rder charge for k*lling that little girl.

For openers?

Try proving it.

There were a dozen witnesses, man! l had a tough childhood! l'll find religion.

l'll get a couple of years, that's it.

Michael! What l want to know from you, Mr.

Martin is why did you tried to k*ll Michael?

Who tried to k*ll him?

l was trying to give him a shave.

Listen to me, you unconscionable lout.

l'm a man of considerable patience, but once that patience has exhausted itself, it's replaced by a rage the like of which you have never seen.

Now l'm going to ask you one more time and one more time only.

Why did you try to k*ll Michael?

Because Because why?

Because the poison didn't work.

What poison?

The poison they put in your orange juice.

Who put it in his orange juice?

l don't know! l think you do.

Devon, there were two glasses of orange juice.

lf l didn't get the one with the poison in it, Cindy did.

Excuse me, l'm looking for Cindy.

But is Cindy looking for you?

You don't understand.

Sure l do.

Next you'll be telling me your eyes met across a crowded bar and you can't live without her.

She may not be able to live without me.

She accidentally drank some poison here.

Oh, no.

She said she didn't feel well when she left.

Do you know where she went?

She had an audition.


The bandstand on the beach.



lt's okay, l'm gonna take care of you.

l think they liked me, l think they really did.

Liked you?

They had to love you.

Come on, babe.

KlTT, see if you can determine what kind of poison it is.

Right away, Michael.

Michael, I've isolated the poison.

What is it?

A sophisticated derivative compound originating in the orchidaceous Bauhinia veriegata.

ln plain English, please.

The rare Jantilius orchid.

So that's what Renard meant when he said it hides a deep, dark secret.

The secret of death.

Unfortunately, there's no known antidote for it.

KlTT, if the poison comes from the orchid there's also a good chance the orchid could produce the antidote.

That's right, Michael.

All right, as soon as we get her to the hospital, it's harvest time.

But l told you, Mr.

Renard left a short time ago in his private jet.

Did he say where he was going?

Not to me, he didn't.

But l did hear Miss Ava mention something about Mexico.

Where in Mexico, heaven only knows.

KlTT, run a check on every private jet requesting clearance to Mexico in the last hour.

I'm checking now, Michael.


Check radio communications.

Good idea.

A private jet ran a weather check for an area just across the border.

We're getting closer.

Let's get those orchids! KlTT, he beat us to them.

Michael, what is it?

Every last one of them burned to a crisp.

And useless as an antidote.

Guess old Tetzulla fell asleep on duty.


The Aztec God of Fertility.


Renard brought it back from one of his trips and hung it there to look after his rare orchids.

KlTT, what do you got in your banks on Tetzulla?

Besides being the Aztec God of Fertility, Michael he's also the patron God of the Mexican town of Chalaxa.

There's got to be a landing strip in Chalaxa, buddy.

Yes, a small one, but certainly large enough for a private jet.

Michael, if you're thinking what I'm computing, I'm afraid it's a long shot.

Right now, it's the only shot we got, pal.

Let's swing on down Mexico way.

Michael, Devon's calling.

Lay it on me, Devon.

The doctors have her on a life support system, Michael but I'm afraid it doesn't look good.

Devon, look, this is all because of me.

They've got to keep her alive till l get back with the antidote.

Believe me, they're doing everything they can.

You got to get them to do more! Please.

You got to get them to do more.

I'll stay on top of them, Michael.

I promise.

Michael, you know what I think you could use right now?

The antidote.

Aside from that.

Don't tell me.

A little stress reliever.

Very well, since you insist.

When I was a kid- You were never a kid.

Not now, Michael, I'm on a roll.

Now, when I was a kid, we were so poor Michael?

All right, how poor were you?

We couldn't afford cheese to bait the mousetrap.

Another mouse joke?

Please, no heckling.

Anyway, we had to cut out a picture of cheese for bait.

So what happened?

We caught a picture of a mouse.

Michael, what is it?

Are you in pain?

No, it's your jokes.

They're k*lling me.

l trust the compound is totally effective?

Chalaxa is the perfect place to milk the orchids and mass-produce their venom.

One fluid ounce has the k*lling power of 25 gallons of cyanide.

A t*rror1st's dream.

All right, pal, you know the plan.

We both know the plan, Michael.

Now let's only hope they fall for it.

Soon as l give you the signal, pull out all the stops.

All right Everybody stay where you are.

We've got the place surrounded.

And by orders of the Mexican and United States authorities, you're all under arrest.

You're an amazing man, Mr.


No, Renard, just one who keeps his word.

l promised l'd see you again.

No one leaves or comes in this cantina.

No one! l want the antidote and l want it right now.

l know you keep it real close.

Like maybe on your chain right there.

You're right again, Mr.


You there.

Stop! No one goes inside.

Do not enter the cantina.

Play Melancholy Baby.

lt's a trick! There's nothing out there but a black car making noises! Take him! Sorry l can't give you the antidote.

But so you won't be too disappointed, l'm gonna give you the poison.

And l can assure you that the concentrated injection will work much faster than the one diluted in the orange juice.

Don't tell me l've died and gone to that hot place.

Don't rush it.

You've so little time left, why spend it on unpleasantries?

Where's Renard?

Michael Knight, true to your reputation.

Drawing your last breaths and still fighting.

Why don't we try and go someplace where we can find a little privacy?

You don't strike me as the shy and inhibited type.

There's only one question l gotta ask you.



Michael, where are you?

Can you hear me?

lt's what you do with it.


Michael, I'm so glad to see you.


Better get the Federales in here to clean up this place.

Did you find the antidote?

Yeah, and the poison.

Michael, what do you mean?

Scan my vitals.

You'll see.

Oh, no, Michael, they've injected you with a lethal quantity.

Tell me about it.

Renard still has the antidote, and l'm guessing he's on his way back to LA right about now.

You're right.

They took off 14 minutes ago, headed northwest.

I'm afraid that plane was loaded with a very nasty cargo.

Just about enough poison to wipe out an entire city.

Okay, pal, they got a head start.

Head start?

Michael, even at my top speed they'd beat us there by half an hour.

And they're too far up to micro-jam.

l know, but see if you can access the plane's navigation computer to the Palomar uplink.

lf we can scramble their compass and airspeed indicator we may be able to throw them off course, cost them some time.

Brilliant, Michael.

I'll take it from here.

Now you just relax.

Lear 634, tango delta, this is LA Center request U-turn right, heading 043.

Roger, LA Center, turning right to 043.

Anything wrong up there?

lt's okay.

Relax, my friend.

You made a fortune today.

You're right.

And the only man who could take it away from me is dead now.

Marissa, some champagne, please.

Of course.

lt'll do us all some good.

KlTT, how much longer do l have?

Don't ask me that.

An hour?

Two hours?

Cindy, what about poor Cindy?

I'm surprised you're still with us, Michael.

You're living on sheer willpower.

Call Devon.

Have them get Cindy to the airport in an ambulance.

Tell him to meet us there.

The will to live, Michael, it's all you've got.

Don't give up.

You You just keep driving on.

l'll take a little nap here, l wanna rest.

Michael! A friend of mine flew to Las Vegas yesterday and boy, are his arms tired.

I know a man who made so much money in Las Vegas they're still looking for his body.

That body of water.

l don't remember it on the flight down.

So, we're on a different flight path.

Calm down.

You're getting too old for this business.

That's Lake Arrowhead.

We're 100 miles off course.

Turn this jet around.

Yes, sir, Mr.

Renard, right away.

Head winds, Renard, head winds.

Next thing you know, you'll be seeing ghosts.

But when it comes to having fun take my wife, please, someone take my wife.

ls that them, KlTT?

Did we make it?

We surely did, Michael, and not a moment to spare.

Let's give them a reception they'll never forget.

Take off again.

Now! We've got to get airborne immediately! Head on.

Michael, they're lifting off again.

Not if we can stop them.

Just try and clip the wing t*nk.

Michael, what are you planning?

You hardly have the strength to stand up.

lt's time for another dose of willpower, buddy.

Michael, the fire's reaching the jet's main fuel tanks.

Get away from the plane, it's gonna blow! Are they all right?

All vitals are strong, Michael.

Cindy's in the back, Michael.

Devon, l got it.

Cindy! Michael, we're not gonna die, are we?

No, baby.

We got a date, remember?

Beautiful! Not much like a fox trot, but it does have a certain animal vitality.

Animal vitality?

You kidding?

There's no doubt about that.

Guess what?

Got some good news.

Cindy is on her way to Broadway.

You're kidding?

The director called me today and l got the lead in Dance Mania.

That's terrific! Congratulations! You're going to be great.

Congratulations! This calls for a celebration and l have just the thing.

Better be a good year.

A good year, it's an excellent year.


Squeezed this morning.

How about a little champagne?

Speaking of jokes- We weren't speaking of jokes.

Did I ever tell you about my cousin who thought he was an orange?

No, but l got a feeling you're going to.

Well, we would've put him away except we needed the juice! Thank you! You're a beautiful audience.

All right, congratulations.

Hear, hear.

That's right.


Thank you.