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03x08 - Knight in Disgrace

Posted: 05/12/23 07:17
by bunniefuu
lt looks like heroin.

lt is heroin.

l've been tailing this guy.

The Foundation cannot operate above the law.

l'm no longer working for the Foundation, remember?

l'm on suspension.

l'm willing to pay you $50,000 for an hour's work.

l don't do your bidding anymore.

l do my own.


Back in the saddle.

Butch and Sundance.

Rock 'n' roll.



No! What do you want done?

Something dangerous.

But I cannot aid in anything that could jeopardize a human life.

Michael, I can no longer support your actions.

KlTT, we're about to hit three feet of reinforced concrete wall.

l'll abort if you say you can't do it.

Knight Rider, a shadowy flight into the dangerous world of a man who does not exist.

Michael Knight, a young loner on a crusade to champion the cause of the innocent the helpless, the powerless in a world of criminals who operate above the law.

Devon, he went into the Catfish Bar over an hour ago.

Well, maybe we're just wasting time.

lf you've got to waste time, Devon, there's no better place to do it than in New Orleans.

I'm sure you're right but you've been tailing this Willis character for almost 24 hours now and all you've got to show for it is a tour of the city.

He likes to enjoy himself, there's no question about that.

Devon, if we're going to put Lasalle out of business we gotta squeeze his key people.

People like Willis.


Well, keep in touch, Michael.

To tell you the truth Michael, it's not the waiting that bothers me.

It's the Dixieland jazz that goes with it.

If I hear When The Saints Go Marching ln one more time Wait a minute.

There he is.

Michael, he didn't have that case when he went in.

Got that right.

Let's take a little peek inside.

A kilo of pure heroin, Michael.

Known on the street as China White.

I didn't think Lasalle was involved with dr*gs.

Why not, pal?

He's into everything else.

All right, he made us.

Notify Devon, then cut Willis off! Hey, watch it! Police officer! Get your hands up against the wall! That goes for you, too.

Officer, my name is Michael Knight.

l work for The Foundation for Law and Government.

l said spread them.

This yours?

lt's his.

Sergeant, it looks like heroin.

lt is heroin.

l've been tailing this guy.


l'm sorry, but until this mess is straightened out, l have no choice.

But, Devon, l was framed.

He must have slipped the heroin in my pocket while l was busting him.

Please, Michael.

l want to believe you but l've got to have proof.

And at this moment, the Foundation must concentrate all its efforts on this key.


What is it with this key?

l'm being suspended here and you're worried about a key they found on Willis.

Michael, the police have requested that l use all our resources to discover exactly what this key unlocks.

lf Lasalle has anything to do with it, it's got to be important.

Well, in case you've forgotten, l'm one of those resources.

Not under the present circumstances.

Michael, the Foundation has people to answer to.

lt's a visible organization.

lf we let these charges against you pass without investigation it would be looked upon as a cover-up.

Devon, that's fine.

lnvestigate all you want just don't keep me from doing my job.

l'm sorry, my decision is made.

Yeah, well, l got news for you.

l've made a decision, too.

l've been framed here, and there's only one guy who could clear me.

Willis is sticking to his story.

l'm not talking about Willis.

l'm talking about his boss, Lasalle.

Michael, the Foundation cannot operate above the law.

l'm no longer working for the Foundation, remember?

l'm on suspension.

Well, I'm glad you got that little matter straightened out.

The only thing l got, pal, was a suspension.

A suspension?

But how can that be?

Well, it's a long story and l don't want to bore you with it.

But l'm leaving.

Where are we going?

We aren't going anywhere.

l'm going alone.


But, Michael, we're a team.


Yeah, l know.

But you belong to the Foundation.

But, Michael, without you Yeah, l know.

l feel the same way.

Look, it's not over.

Not by a long shot.

Until then take care, huh?

You again.

You're worse than a bad dream.

All you gotta do is tell me where l can find Lasalle and l'll take my business down the street.

l told you before.

l don't know what Lasalle you're talking about.

How many Lasalles could own a big chunk of the French Quarter, including this joint?

Look, you want a drink or not?

Sure he wants a drink.

l don't think he's here for the scenery.

Give me a beer and a zombie for Jane here.

Just love a man with a sense of humor.

Make it a gin and tonic.

Here's to a long friendship.

To a long friendship.

Even if it lasts all night.

You know, Jane l've kissed a few ladies in my life.

But you Oh, really?

Could have fooled me.

Why don't you tell me all about it lady by lady kiss by kiss.


l'm talking about you.

l mean l mean l don't think l feel very good.

l thought you were dead.

Who says l'm not?

lf l didn't know better l'd think somebody slipped something in my drink last night.

Now why would anyone want to do that?

You tell me.

Boyd's waiting for you out on the veranda.


You must be Michael Knight.

How did you guess?

l'm Boyd Lasalle, and this is Linda.

Oh, yes.

We almost met earlier.


l know.


Now, l understand you've been looking all over New Orleans for me.


Because one of your errand boys framed me, that's why.


So what do you want with me?

l want my suspension lifted.

l want my name cleared and l want you to talk to Willis and tell him he made a very big mistake.

But you and l are natural enemies.

As long as you're on suspension l sleep better at night.

But l'm not gonna be on suspension forever.

No, you're not.

As a matter of fact your status at the Foundation has taken another turn for the worse.

Well, what does that mean?

Thanks to my electronic wizard here l've recently gained access to the Foundation's inner sanctum.

We actually use your surveillance equipment to spy on you.


But, Devon It was the board's decision, Bonnie not mine.

But why?

Well, the consensus was that Michael was compromised.

I'm sorry.

I argued against it.

I did everything I could.

Have you told him?

I'm trying to locate him now.

Well, what are we going to do?


We're going to replace him.

Just like that?

We have no choice, Bonnie.

Seen enough?

l can imagine how difficult this is for you.

Fortunately, l think some good can come out of it after all.

l can't imagine what.

l can use a man of your talent.

What do you think l am?

For sale to the highest bidder?

No questions asked?

You haven't heard my offer yet.

Save your breath.

Then what are you gonna do for a living?

With your present security rating you couldn't get a job as a rent-a-cop.

l'm willing to pay you $50,000 for an hour's work.

What kind of work?

Stealing something l want very much.

No, Charles.

Ski Mode is used only in emergency situations.

l'm just checking out the equipment, little buddy.

Little buddy?

And, by the way, you can call me Chuck.

I can, yes, but why would I want to?

Well, if l'm going to be your new partner Unless I'm mistaken, Chuck, at this point you're simply one of the many candidates being considered for the job.

Well, that's true but when Chuck Wallyburton goes after something he usually gets it.

I see you and KITT are getting to know each other, Charles.

You can call him Chuck, Devon.

Oh, we're getting along just fine.

l must say, this is some organization you run, Dev.

Just give me the right word and it's goodbye Feds, hello Foundation.


Well, you realize, of course, that we are still in the process of interviewing possible replacements.

Well, like l always say, why shop for ground round when you've got top sirloin right on your plate?

That's what you always say, is it?

And what does this little button do?

''Eject left.

'' Why don't you check it out, Chuck?

Now you're talking, little buddy.

I didn't see that, KITT.

Danton's ready to take you to the plane now.

What if l'm not ready to be taken?

Are you asking a question or are you just making conversation?

Maybe a little bit of both.

ls that allowed?

lf it makes you feel better.

Hey, what is it with you, anyway?

Do you have contempt for everybody, or am l just special?

Hi, buddy, miss me?

Michael! I thought I'd never see you again! Well, you can't get rid of me that easy, pal.

You've talked with Devon.

It was a misunderstanding.

Everything will be the way it was.

No, pal, l'm afraid it'll never be the way it was.

Then why did you come back?

To get you.

I don't understand.

Come on, KlTT.

You said it yourself.

We're partners.

Michael, this is all very confusing.

We got places to go and things to do.

I'm the property of The Foundation for Law and Government.

Come on, pal.

Open the door.

Let me in.

This is the last time.

l won't ask again.

All right, back in the saddle.

Butch and Sundance.

Rock 'n' roll.



No! Come on, admit it.

lt feels great.

There is an undeniable nostalgia.

Unfortunately, it's clouded by your recent behavior.

My recent behavior is history.

We have a whole life ahead of us.

As fugitives, it would seem.

Michael Knight.

l don't see your name on the guest list, Mr.


Are you here for the birthday party?

What birthday party?

l work for Lasalle.

Please wait here.

l got a guy out here.

A Michael Knight?

Are you thinking what l'm thinking?

Michael Shall we?

Just for old time's sake?

Michael, it is good to have you back.

Hey! Our new business associate who favors dramatic entrances.


As agreed.

Maybe you shouldn't park on the grass, huh?

Don't worry.

I'll find a place for myself.

As agreed, yes.

But considering we live in a time when agreements are broken as often as honored, l'm impressed.

The price was right.

ls that a hint?

No, l'd like my money.

Follow me.

Oh, my.



Bug off.

I support endangered species, but this is ridiculous.

Not again! This calls for extreme measures.

Thank goodness.


That's all?

l forget something?

Let's not play games.

Without you, the car is virtually useless.

You know that and l know that.

lt's a means to an end.

What will it cost me?

What do you want done?

Something dangerous.

l figured.

l need you right away.

Excuse me.

l won't be a minute.

No! You promised! No! Wait! No! Go ahead.

No, you promised! He'll see you now.

Now l'm impressed.

Thank you.

Shall we get down to business?

l've already gotten down to mine.

That's nothing.

Six months if you're not too extravagant.

l'm prepared to make you a wealthy man.

Could you be more specific?

Five times that.

$250,000 cash.

Who do you want me to k*ll?

That was a joke.

What you see here is state-of-the-art in digital communications.

With it, l can detect and monitor any electronic transmission in the world.

A treasure hunt off the coast of Haiti.

lf they find the treasure, we're gonna rip them off, too.

Now tell me what you know about the Bohr-Fellows Lock?

lt's the most impregnable lock ever designed.

Titanium alloy tumblers, a coded magnetic key that's next to impossible to duplicate.


And l was this close to getting my hands on one until Willis decided to moonlight a drug deal on his own.

And the rest is history.

History l intend to rewrite.

l want that key back, Michael.

And we both know who has it.


Michael! What are you doing here?

It turns out we have some unfinished business, Devon.

The only unfinished business we have is the theft of KITT.

That, and breaking into my office.

l demand an explanation.

Sorry, but your demanding days are over.

l don't do your bidding anymore.

l do my own.

Don't step on the alarm.

l can't believe this.

Michael, for God's sake, stop this insanity before you do something that you will really regret.

Save the moral indignation.

l've had enough to last a lifetime.

Open the safe.


Open it.

What do you want?


The key.

What key?

Don't press your luck.

The key they found on Willis.

Now, open it! Michael, listen to me- Devon, the key.

Right now! Well, gentlemen.

Phase two is complete.

lf you don't mind, l think l'll turn in.

lt's been a long day.

Good idea.

We complete the third and final phase tomorrow.

Be ready to leave at 7 a.


You mind telling me what the third and final phase is?

From now on, information will be on a need-to-know basis.

l need to know.

You do, but not tonight.

Was it difficult for you?


Dealing with Devon Miles.


Yeah, it was.

But l did it.


Don't say anything.

You're on their surveillance system.

l have to talk to you.

Somebody left something in my bedroom.

lf it was you, show me.

Give me some kind of sign to let me know.

KlTT, l want you to knock out the system monitor in my room.

Michael, this is a very sophisticated operation.

The old saying ''easier said than done'' comes to mind.

Buzz me twice when it's okay.

All right, it's safe.

Are you sure?


Come on.

All right, l want to believe you, but right now l can't take any chances.

What was it you left in my room?

A birthday card with something inside.

What was inside?


You better get down here, genius.

All l can see is soccer.

Yeah, you know, soccer.

Where you hit the ball with your head.

Yeah, hurry it up.

Just who are you?

l'm someone you can trust.

That doesn't tell me who you are.

lf you can trust me, it doesn't matter who l am.

Now, l'd like to trust you if only you hadn't put what you did in my drink the other night.

Boyd told me to do that.

Oh, and you do everything Boyd tells you to do, like a good little girl?

You don't refuse Boyd.

He's sick.

You know that, don't you?

Well, l didn't.

When l met him, l thought l thought he was wonderful.

l thought he was different.

l thought he was a savior.

l guess if you go looking for saviors, you're gonna see one whether he's there or not.

Who was the little girl?

Your daughter?

Mary Beth.

Mary Beth was three when l met Boyd.

l was working down on one of his clubs on Bourbon Street.

l was doing everything that l could to support the two of us, and Well, then along comes Boyd and promises that if l would just move in with him that he would take care of everything, and Okay, l know that l shouldn't have, and l know that l should've said no and l wanted to, but l didn't.

Anyway, when l tried to leave, it was too late.

All right.

What happened at the limousine?

He promised me l could see her for my birthday.

And then when she came, l found out that he'd told them no more than 10 minutes.

He thought it might be too upsetting for me.

l guess l got a little crazy, l don't know.

So to make sure that you never leave him he's keeping your daughter prisoner?

Do you know where?

He would never tell me.

Someplace outside of town.

Maybe l can trace it through the limousine's license.

Yeah, what is it, pal?

They're working on the system.

I can't hold the override more than another 10 or 15 seconds.

l got you.

What was that?

lt's just a friend.

Come on.

Good luck.


You know, l'd sure feel a lot better if l knew where l was going and exactly what l'm supposed to do.

When the time is right, you'll know.

Well, Butch, where now?

Shall we make a run for the border?

KlTT, l meant that as an example of partnership, of friendship.

We are not outlaws.

What would you call us?

Models of civic responsibility?

l wouldn't go that far.

I thought not.

In fact, how very odd.

Someone's trying to penetrate my voice transmission.

All right, let's check it out.

I can't.

I'm being overridden.

I can't.

Michael, can you hear me?


Listen carefully.

You are 15.

3 miles from Fire Mountain Chemical Facility.

After penetrating security proceed to Delta Level refrigerated storage vault which can be opened by punching the code 3280.

There, inside the Bohr-Fellows wall depository, you'll find our target object.

A canister of trihydrosulfate-g.

You'll receive additional instructions when needed.

How dare that person override me?

KlTT, what's trihydrosulfate-g?

Coming right up.

Trihydrosulfate-g is an experimental genetically-engineered amino acid being tested as a bacteriological agent.

It is quantumly more powerful than anything that is presently in use.

Biological warfare?

To say the least.

If one liter were accidentally released into the atmosphere no living organism within 1,000 square miles would survive.

KlTT, get me a site map of the Fire Mountain facility.


Michael, given the severity of the situation, I can no longer support your actions.

l'll manual override.

What you do is sadly beyond my control.

But I cannot and will not aid in anything that could jeopardize a human life.

Last chance.

Someone just busted through the north fence.

Get on over here.

KlTT, we're about to hit three feet of reinforced concrete wall.

l'll abort if you say you can't do it.

lt's about time.

Hello, Michael.

Hello, Devon.

l am glad to see you.

Me, too.

l see you've also discovered what the key unlocks, huh?

Only a short time ago.

He's after the trihydrosulfate-g.

Any idea what he wants with it?

Look, why can't we just fill this thing with shaving cream, huh?

Be a lot safer.

l know what you're thinking, Michael.

What if Lasalle outsmarts us and gets clear away?


Unfortunately, we have no choice.

Lasalle wouldn't even get 30 days for masterminding the theft of a can of shaving cream.

But once the trihydrosulfate-g is in his possession we'll have him right where we want him.

All right, you just make sure you get the authorities there to arrest him.

We'll track your destination by monitoring KlTT's homing signal.

You take the labs.

We'll check out the cold storage vault.

Come on.

Go! Get out of here.

And for heaven's sake, be careful with that.

Piece of cake! Good luck, Michael.

Come on, buddy.

lt's no time to hold a grudge! Thanks.

We'll talk about it later.

No! Don't move! Well done, Michael.


Now, where do l get rid of this thing?

l can imagine you might be a little nervous.

Continue on l-10 for another 30 minutes at your present speed.

You got it.

You heard the man, KlTT.

Ready for our little trip?

Boyd, where are we going?

What about Mary Beth?

Can't she come with us, please?

She won't be any trouble, l promise you.

lt's not Mary Beth l'm worried about.

lt's you, Linda.

You and Michael Knight.

And your little rendezvous behind my back.

The chopper's ready, sir.

Then let's get started.

No, l won't go.

Boyd, don't make me come, please.


Michael, Boyd.

l hear you.

You should be approaching Laffite Crossing.

Turn off there, then take a left onto the old River Road.

Follow it to the end.

You're the boss.

And just to be sure you don't forget that, Michael l've decided to take out an insurance policy: Linda and her daughter.

What does that mean?

Call it the paranoia of a suspicious mind.

But if anything goes wrong, if for some reason l don't get that canister Linda and her daughter will die.

Well, she's your girlfriend, not mine.

What do I care what happens to her?

Somehow, Michael, l don't believe you mean that.

That's why l'm sure you won't let anything go wrong.

Anything at all.

You call this a road?

Even an alligator would have a hard time around here.

Sorry, KlTT.

Well, what do you know?

l think it's time we had a little heart-to-heart.

l got a feeling l'm gonna need all the help l can get.

KlTT, l wasn't suspended from the Foundation.

Devon and l planned the whole thing to infiltrate Lasalle's operation and put him away.

What about the heroin the police found in your jacket?

l put it there myself.

lt's all part of the plan.

But why didn't you let me in on it?

We were afraid Lasalle might have been tapped in to you, too.

l couldn't tell anyone, pal.

Not even Bonnie.

Michael, I recall you turned off my homing signal.

I truly hope part of your plan wasn't to have Devon monitor our position.

Well, it was, KlTT but after what Lasalle said, l couldn't risk Linda and her daughter's life.

No, of course you couldn't.

We partners again?

Butch and Sundance.

Butch and Sundance.

There's not much time.

Hand it over.

On one condition.

What's that?

You let Linda go.

You ask too much.

l got the ace in the hole.

l could k*ll you now and just take it away from you.

Then l might as well just open this thing up right now.

No! Wait! You have a deal.

Get in the car.

But what about you?

l can take care of myself.

Now get her out of here! Where are you going?

No one said nothing about poison gas and a talking car.

Sure is hard to get good help these days.

The canister.

lt's all yours.

k*ll him! That's the old teamwork, pal.

Come on! Michael, they're getting away.

All right, microwave jam that chopper and bring it down.

lt's working, KlTT.

Keep jamming him.

Pull up.

Pull up! l can't.

l can't.

More power, KlTT.

Stay with it, buddy.

l'll take this.

You won't need this where you're going.

Are your things packed?


And by tonight, all of this will be nothing but a very bad dream, thanks to you.

l could not have done it by myself.

And I hope you remember that, Michael.

KlTT, l promise you, l will never keep anything from you ever again.

Well, I certainly hope not.



Mommy! Mary Beth! We're never going to be away from each other again.

Not ever, ever.

Let me look at you.

Oh, baby Thanks for finding her.

My pleasure.

And l even forgive you for not letting me in on your little secret.

Devon told me KlTT might have sensed l was keeping something from him.

Where is Devon anyway?

He's helping the authorities prepare their case against Lasalle, Danton, and all the others who worked for him.

Oh, no! Not again.

What's the matter, buddy?

Alligator just wants to be friendly.

Michael, it's not the alligator I'm worried about.

Look! l forgot to tell you.

Chuck Wallyburton.

Handling the case for the Feds.

Hey, little buddy, look who's here! Given a choice, I prefer alligators.