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03x03 - The Ice Bandits

Posted: 05/12/23 07:12
by bunniefuu
l see you've had extensive plastic surgery before.

Any particular reason?

My face became too popular with the cops.

Welcome to Napa, KlTT, where wine is king.

l was hoping you might have seen something.

l mean, anything The only thing l remember about this morning is that l was scared to death.

l want those diamonds.

lt's very good.

Now, how about a glass of Châteauneuf du Pape?


You heard me.

Hey, what are you doing in Napa?

Well, l could ask you the same thing.

It's a longer jump than you think, Michael.

You had to tell me that, huh?

Knight Rider, a shadowy flight into the dangerous world of a man who does not exist.

Michael Knight, a young loner on a crusade to champion the cause of the innocent the helpless, the powerless in a world of criminals who operate above the law.

Between you and me, Bonnie l can think of at least 10 different ways l'd rather be spending my day off.

Wait a minute, wait a minute, hold everything.

Make that 11.

Poor Michael Knight: victim of the work ethic prince of the powerless.

l wouldn't go that far.

Neither would I.

Who asked you?

According to Devon the late Mrs.

Potts was a staunch supporter of The Foundation.

No kidding.

From the looks of these cars, staunch isn't all she was.

She must've been worth millions.

$10 million to be precise.


Potts may have seemed a bit eccentric, Michael but she had impeccable taste in husbands.

She didn't do too badly in diamonds, either.

The auctioneer tells me that the stones alone should fetch about $3 million the proceeds of which have already been earmarked to fund our various charities.

So you see why l wanted you two here with me.

l smell public relations.

Not an altogether unpleasant odor.

Speaking of which, even as we speak over my left shoulder is a gentleman with a corporate checkbook about to purchase a small present for his wife.

Very good.

You're learning.

Excuse me.

With a little practice, you could be dangerous.

Have l told you lately it's good to have you back?

Come on, let's do it.

Just remember, we do it clean.

What is this, a stickup or a political campaign?

lt's what l say it is, Lyle.

l plan it, it's my dance.

l was told Napoleon gave this to Joséphine.

Some men know how to treat women, Michael.

Yes, but do you know what happened to Napoleon?

Freeze! Nobody move! Don't! Drop the belt! Get over there! You people, over there, now! Back up! Get off, over there! Go! You come with this, pretty?

You came for the diamonds.

Take the diamonds.

One move, and that's all that's standing between you and the grave! Don't press your luck! Now, just a moment.

The money from those jewels is pledged to charity.

Tell me about it! Go ahead! Press your luck.

Come on! KlTT, meet me out front.

ls he okay?

Yes, go! Michael, what happened?

He hit Devon.

Who hit Devon?

One of those guys on the bikes, KlTT.

They had what they wanted.

They didn't have to hit him.

Michael, there's cars and a truck stalled ahead.

We gotta go for it, pal! Hang with them, buddy.

They got nowhere to go.

Michael, unless you're planning on changing my design and yours there's absolutely no way I can squeeze into that pipe.

KlTT, scan the drainage system, they gotta come out somewhere.

That's true, Michael.

But right now, they have their choice of 25 exits, covering an area of over 100 miles.

l don't care.

l want them, KlTT.

Whatever it takes, l want those guys.

We did it! Didn't l tell you?

Now listen to the old pro, Charley.

You sure did, Lyle.

Now, you want my advice, you come up to Napa with me have that doc fix you up.

Time he's through nobody's ever gonna know who you are.

But nobody knows who l am now.

You're the one with the record, Lyle the one that's wanted for breaking his parole.

There's no one on earth looking for me.

Hey, look, all l'm saying is, you know, you can't be too careful.

Just when you least expect it, some punk pops up out of the woodwork and points a finger at you.

All right, come on, let's split it up.

Why not?


Hey, what are you doing?

Just listening to the old pro, Lyle.

Eliminating the only punk who could ever point a finger at me.

Come on, Charley.

All right, KlTT, who's next on the list?

Jody Tompkins, the model from the auction.

You sure, you don't want some coffee?

No, thanks.

As you can see, modeling is just a means to an end.

l'm really an artist.

Recognize it?


Yeah, this is that vase and those flowers.

My stove and refrigerator.

Your stove and your refrigerator.

l mean, of course, what else could it be?

You been painting long?

Well, ever since l broke my leg trying to learn how to ski which was right after l almost drowned trying to learn how to scuba-dive.

To be truthful, it began as a matter of survival.

Are you interested in neo-expressionism?

To be truthful, l'm more interested in what happened at the robbery at the auction this morning.

Look, l told the police everything l know, which is nothing.

l was just hired to model some jewelry, that's all.

l was hoping you might have seen something.

l mean, anything no matter how small or insignificant.

l'm sorry your foundation lost those diamonds.

But the only thing l remember about this morning is that l was scared to death.

Well, l don't blame you for that.

Look, if anything comes to mind you can reach me at this number.

Charley! Hey, you okay?

l am now.

Thanks for coming.

Oh, l'm sorry.

Charley, this is Michael Knight from The Foundation for Law and Government.

This is my fiancé, Charley Winters.

Hi, Charley.

Jody told me about the robbery.

lncredible! Any leads?

No, no, nothing yet.


Yeah, just a minute.

Michael, it's for you.

Excuse me.


Michael the police have just turned up something very interesting.

Right, Devon.

l'll get right out there.

Well, looks like we may have a lead after all.

That was fast.

Anything you'd share?

Yeah, a kid found an abandoned bike in the Hillcrest Canyon area.

He called the police.

They speculate a falling-out amongst the thieves.


Yeah, they found blood but they didn't find a body.


Charley, you wouldn't believe how awful it was.

l can imagine.

l just wish l didn't have to leave so soon.


What are you talking about?

Remember the real estate deal l told you about?

Well, it's gonna close faster than l thought.

Real estate deal?

Well, l'll go with you.

Honey, this is business.

Hey, as soon as l get back, we'll go out and tear up the town.

Charley, l don't wanna be alone.

You won't even know l'm there unless you want to.

Where are we going?

A little place up in the wine country called Napa.

Michael, you know how I feel about dogs.

But perhaps this is one job better suited for a bloodhound.

KlTT, l got complete faith in you.

Besides, the Sheriff's Department can't have their dogs up here for another hour yet.

Somehow, Michael, I don't look upon that as a compliment.

My hemometer has picked up a figure down in that ravine.

Bingo! l knew we had to find traces of blood somewhere.

Time to part company, pal.

All right, you distract him, and l'll do the rest.

Be careful, Michael, there's nothing more dangerous than a wounded animal.

Michael, are you all right?

Yeah, l'm just a little dusty.

I don't suppose he has any diamonds on him.

No, KlTT, not even a rhinestone.

But l found an airline ticket.

Where to?


KlTT, why would a guy like Lyle Austin be going to Napa?

A good question, Michael.

He doesn't exactly seem like a connoisseur of fine wines.

You know, he was scheduled to leave this evening.

Let's run a check on passenger reservations.

See if anyone's going up there who might have served time with him in the past.

Right away.

I'm cross-checking with the Department of Corrections now.

Negative, Michael.

There's no one scheduled to fly to Napa over the next 24 hours who has ever served time with Michael! Yeah, what is it?

There are two names here I'm sure you'll recognize.

Jody Tompkins and Charley Winters?

They caught a flight to Napa less than an hour ago.

Do you think it's just a coincidence?

Yeah, but one too many.

Plot out the fastest route to Napa.

Welcome to Napa, KlTT, where wine is king.

Or as the French say ''Le vin est l'élixir d'amour.

'' That means - l think l get the general drift.

Anything on Charley Winters yet?

Negative, Michael.

I ran the name through databases in this country and abroad.

No one with that name matches the man you describe.

It would certainly help to have a picture of him.

Well, we'll see what we can do, KlTT.

Michael, do you think Jody knows any of this?

l don't know, pal.

l'd like to believe not, but at this point, l wouldn't count on it.

Looks like someone's having some trouble up ahead.

Let's see if we can give him a hand, huh?


Looks like you could use some help, huh?

Oh, yes, we were delivering some food and clothing to the poor when l'm afraid we strayed a bit too far from the straight and narrow.

Oh, l'm Brother Francis.

Name's Michael Knight.

And that's Brother Tyrone.


Nice to meet you.

You'll have to forgive Brother Tyrone.

He's taken a vow of silence.

Unfortunately, he was never able to work without talking.

Yeah, l know how that is.

And that's Kit.

How did you know that?

Oh, but l named him, when he was just a little ass.

I beg your pardon! Your donkey's name is Kit?


Well, you won't see any flies on me.

Yeah, it's the car.

Dear Lord, a talking car?

Will miracles never cease?

Well, perhaps it's a sign, Brother Tyrone.

Michael, I suggest we give them a hand and be on our way.

Yeah, right.

Hey, KlTT! Send a grappling hook.

If you don't mind, I believe he's talking to me.

Oh, my.

lt even drives itself.

Which is more than I can say for Big Ears over there.

What is that sign, ''Monastery of the Grape''?

Oh, that's us.

Perhaps you've tasted some of our wine, Monk's Cellar?

Oh, we make a perfectly delightful cabernet.

Or at least we used to until our winemaker, Brother Julianno Perhaps we will again someday.

The good Lord willing.

l'm sure you will, Brother.

You ready, KlTT?

Ready, Michael.

Something definitely has to be done about this.

Michael, just keep that overgrown dog away from my tires.

After we right the wagon, we'll tow it back on the road for you.

And the sooner the better.

Bless you, both of you! Brother Tyrone, l'm sure it's a sign.

Brother Julianno's going to be back with us soon.


Come on, he's waiting.

All right, all right.

This way.

lnside your cage, Brother Julianno.


Go on.

We'll make the eyes a little rounder.

Raise him up, please, Nurse Jones.

And, yes, narrow the bridge of your nose raise your cheekbones, and even alter your fingertips.

ln time, you'll forget there ever was a Charley Winters.

lsn't that right, Nurse Jones?

Charley who?

And how much is this gonna cost me?

l usually charge according to what my patients can afford.

From what l've heard, you can afford quite a bit.

Oh, now, wait a minute, don't believe everything you hear.

l had to split 50-50 with my partner.

Your partner was shot under mysterious circumstances and picked up before he got his cut.

Which gives you even more reason for wanting to become someone else in case he ever gets out and comes looking for you.

All right.

So what are we talking about?

You stole around $3 million in diamond jewelry.

l like round figures.

Ten percent is a nice round figure.

That's $300,000.

A small price to be born again without having to listen to a lot of sermons.

Of course, that includes a new lD, passport, credit cards, and all the other little necessities of modern-day life.

When can we get started?

l don't take Blue Cross, Charley, but l do take white ice.

You come back here with $300,000 in diamonds and you've got yourself a new face.

Now don't tell me.

The lnn! You recognize it?


Are you kidding?

What else could it be?

There's the inn, l mean Wait a minute! You missed the left front window.

You're right.



Hey, what are you doing in Napa?

Well, l could ask you the same thing.

Charley had some business to take care of, so l decided to keep him company.

What kind of business is he into, anyway?

Real estate.

He works for the Boulder Land Development Company.

Ever hear of it?

No, no, can't say that l have.

Charley's one of their top men.

Bet he is.

How long have you known Charley?

We're getting married in a couple of months.

That's not what l asked.

Four weeks, all right?

Four weeks?

Charley's a good man and he loves me.

And more importantly, l love him.

Charley! How'd the meeting go?

You know me, l had them in the palm of my hand.

That's my Charley.

Look who's here.

l see.


Anything we can do for you?

No, no, l'm just following up on that diamond robbery.

ln that case, l think you should stop bothering Jody.

Charley, he's- She's been through enough.

What she needs now is a little R and R.

So if you don't mind No.

No, l don't mind at all.

Besides, she's not the one l'm interested in.

lt's you.

Michael, according to Charley's vital signs, I'd say you definitely hit a nerve.

Did you get a photo scan of him, KlTT?

Does that answer your question?

I'm running it through my Image Data Bank now.

Good work.

Care to take one last look at yourself before we begin?

l've seen enough of myself.

Let's just do it.

That's the spirit.

Now, the drug should be taking effect.

l want you to begin counting backwards from 100.

Ninety-nine, ninety-eight ninety-seven, ninety seven Just a minute.

All right, all right, all right.

Hey, what do you want?

The diamonds.

What diamonds?

The diamonds l'm gonna retire on.

Now, where'd he hide them?

l don't know what you're talking about.

l want those diamonds, and l want them now.

Sorry it took so long to get a make on Charley Winters.

With his past, l'm sure it wasn't easy.

Now, let's find out what Jody can tell us.

I don't see Charley's car anywhere, Michael.

KlTT, scan her room.

Michael, there's definitely two people inside.

l was hoping Jody would be alone.

Sure would make it a lot easier telling her what we found out about her fiancé.

Come any closer and she's dead.

l hear you.


Just don't hurt her.

Jody, be cool.

You'll be all right.

You drive.

Yes, but not very well.

That wasn't a question, get in there and drive.

All right, KlTT, let's get them.

All right.

We can't let him see us, buddy.

Another project for Bonnie.

: find a way to make me invisible.

Can't you drive any faster?

l told you, l can hardly drive at all.

This could be our chance, KlTT.

Michael, surely there's a more conventional way.

All right, pal.

Here we go.

All right, l'll see you later, pal.

It's a longer jump than you think, Michael.

You had to tell me that, huh?

Thanks for the lift.

You're fantastic.

l have my good days.

Hey, KlTT, let's take him in and see what he can tell us, huh?

This is great.

l mean, this is just what we needed, the man who never was.

He's got fake lDs, fake credit cards, fake driver's license even his fingerprints don't belong to him.

lt's obvious he's been given a totally new identity.

Yeah, the question is, who was he?

Maybe KlTT can tell us with the three-dimensional lnteractive Graphics Plotter l just installed.

Well, that sounds very impressive, but what does it do?

See for yourself.


It's obvious our friend here has undergone extensive plastic surgery so I'll simply use the IGP to break down his new face and then activate my Linear Predictive Graphics Routine to give us a 3-D reconstruction of his previous face.

You're remarkable, KlTT.

Of course, that goes for you, too, Bonnie.

Thank you very much.

And now I'll search my Image Data Bank.

Does the name Eric Sanders mean anything to you?

The condemned m*rder*r who escaped from death row last year?

They've been looking for him everywhere.

Wait a minute.

That's it.

lf Charley Winters is our man, that's why he went to Napa.

To buy a new identity.

Where in Napa does one go to buy such a thing, Michael?

That's a very good question.

When l find out the answer, you'll be the first to know.

Michael, you don't know Charley's a thief.

The police searched that room inside out and they couldn't find any diamonds.

Which only means Charley must've taken them with him.

l do know one thing, he is not who he says he is.

What do you mean?

His real name's James Benson.

Over the years he's had a half a dozen aliases.

Before he crashed into the big time, he was a con artist and there was always a pretty woman involved.

Jody, he was engaged to three of them.

l don't believe you.

l think you do.

You told me yourself it was more important for you to love him than it was for him to love you.

Maybe you suspected he didn't love you as much and that he was only using you.

That's a lie! Then where is he?

l told you, he went to go look at some land in Rosa Linda.

The Boulder Land Development Company doesn't exist.

l checked it out.

He loves me, Michael.

l'm sure of it.

Look, maybe he says he does but l'm telling you, it's not the kind of love you want or the kind of love that you need.

Now, do you have any idea where he is?


When you got to Napa, what did you do?

We checked in here.

After that?

Now, come on, think.

lt could be important.

We went to this winery.

Which winery?

The Monk's Cellar.

What did you do when you got there?

We went to where you taste the wine and Charley did something kind of strange.


He asked for a glass of Châteauneuf du Pape.

A French wine in a California winery?

l told you it was strange.

All right, what happened after that?

He sent me on the tour and when l came back he was there waiting.

All right.

Are you going to be okay?

Yeah, what can happen with this private security guard following me around?

Absolutely nothing.

That's exactly what l want.


lt'll have to look like the police are hot on my tail.

l got it! We invent a crime, feed it to the wire services.

As you wish, Michael.

Let's see.

I think you fit the embezzler mode.

Thanks a lot, pal, but l was thinking of something a little more violent.

Let's see.

That's it! Armed robbery.

Michael, I'm sorry.

But armed robbery just isn't you.

I still think embezzling- KlTT, if l'm gonna pull it off, l gotta go for broke here! Whatever you say, Public Enemy Number One.

l'm also gonna need some front money.

My guess is about $100,000.

Michael, you know how Devon feels about money.

Front or any other kind.

Just get him.

lt's our only chance of getting those diamonds back, KlTT.

lt's very good.

Now how about a glass of Châteauneuf du Pape.


You heard me, Brother.

A glass of Châteauneuf du Pape.

And as icing on the cake, l can give you a slight break in your nose.

lt's quite popular these days.

Something wrong, Doc?

l see you've had extensive plastic surgery before.

Any particular reason?

Yeah, well, my face became too popular with the cops.

l know the feeling.

Well, what do you think?

What do you think?

lt's definitely you.

Then let's get on with it.


Now about the fee.

How much did you say you got from that armored truck hit?


1 million.

That's strange.

Because when my people checked you out they told me it was more like $1.

5 million.

Yeah, well, after the first million, who's counting, huh?

Well, l'm glad you feel that way, because l want $150,000.


Fellows, l got $100,000 in here.

Take it or leave it.

ln that case, l'll take it.

When do we get started?

Within the hour.

Just make yourself at home.

Black 9 on the red 10.

Get lost.

You have no right to keep me prisoner like this.

Take it up with your congressman, Brother Julianno.

Get in there.

Afternoon, Brother.

Anything wrong, Charley?

Looks like you've seen a ghost.

Not yet, Nurse Jones, but he'll be one soon.

Get me Dr.


This is totally humiliating.

''Pursuit Mode.

'' ''Turbo Boost.

'' ''Eject'' button?


Truly the design of a supreme being.

KlTT, l found Charley's room.

What about the diamonds?

I'm looking for them now.

Is Brother Francis with you?

I have Brother Francis and Brother Tyrone here with me.

What did you get on Dr.


He was kicked out of the American Institute of Plastic Surgery almost a year ago.

That's when he showed up at The Monastery of the Grape with an offer of financial assistance.

You see, the monastery had hit upon hard times.

But we had no idea he was going to be using the winery as a front for his pardon the pun, illegal operations.

Why didn't you go to the police?

Because they're holding our winemaker Brother Julianno, hostage.

They said they'd hurt him if we tried to get help.

l saw Brother Julianno.

He's okay.


KlTT, l found the diamonds.

I knew you could do it, Michael.

Okay, l'm gonna take off and see if l can find Charley now.

Be careful, Michael.

I don't know why, but I've grown accustomed to your face.

Truly, truly a miracle! Bell ringing time already?

See if he's got my diamonds! Charley! l wish l could say it's an improvement.

KlTT, if you don't hear from me in 30 seconds, come get me.

Make that 10.

That shot won't last long.

Get him into surgery.

Is there another way into Dr.

Fellows' office?

Only if you like going through solid brick walls.

It's not my favorite pastime, but it sure beats socializing with a donkey! Let's find out how much this foundation knows about us.

That's it! Glory, hallelujah! Now that's the way to break a vow of silence! Michael.




What is that thing?

Thanks, pal.

Brother Julianno.

What is it now?

Come on, l'm a friend.

Oh, God God bless you, my son! KlTT, have Devon notify the police to round up Fellows and the others.

Come on, get in.

Meet me outside.


Bless you, my son.

And nail that sucker.

Amen! Let him blow off some steam, pal.

He's not going anywhere, and he'll be a whole lot easier to handle once he does.

All right, take over, KlTT.

l'm gonna go for a little swim.

All right, get Devon.

We gotta raise some money for that charity, huh?

My, this is a fine cabernet! Pity you can't have some, KlTT.

I don't need artificial stimulants to make me feel good, Devon.

Bless you.

Oh, well, cheers anyway.

As you know, l'm not much of a speechmaker, l'd just like to say thank you for your help and God bless you.

That was a beautiful speech, Brother Tyrone.


Hear, hear.

Who asked you?

Brothers, we have work to do.

Our thanks to you all.


All right, see you.

Oh, Jody, l almost forgot.

Great news.

Devon has agreed to buy two of your paintings.

Haven't you, Devon?


Oh, insisted is more like it.


And, Michael, to show you my appreciation to you, l painted your portrait.

l can hardly wait.


That is fantastic.

l also painted one of Kit.

Jody, you shouldn't have.

Although I have been told I have nice lines.

Why don't you show KlTT?

On second thought, Devon, maybe some wine is exactly what I need.

And, Michael, keep that thing away from me.