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03x01 & 03x02 - Knight of the Drones

Posted: 05/12/23 06:50
by bunniefuu
Still with us, Jackson?

What is it about solitary that keeps you coming back for more?

Your face, Carter.

l've always liked horror movies.


All prisoners in Section D.

You have 45 minutes on the exercise yard.

Hi, honey.

No, nothing's wrong.

Matter of fact, guess what happened to me this morning?

Well, you know how l always stop off for coffee and doughnuts on my way in.

Well, just as l'm getting back in my car, this woman walks over and Just some woman, l don't remember what she looked like.

Anyway, she gives me this radio.

Yeah, just like that.

Said it was a prize.

l'd just bought their one millionth doughnut.

Chocolate glaze, my usual.

What difference does it make what kind of doughnut it was?

l was not flirting with her.

l never saw her before.

No, l won't stop off for a beer.

l love you, too.

Get in.

I said get in.

Welcome, my friend.

We'll meet in person soon enough.

Now, sit back, relax.

Leave the driving to us.

Knight Rider, a shadowy flight into the dangerous world of a man who does not exist.

Michael Knight, a young loner on a crusade to champion the cause of the innocent the helpless, the powerless in a world of criminals who operate above the law.

Just think of it, pal.

An hour from now l'll be sailing under the Golden Gate Bridge challenging the winds, riding the high seas.

If memory serves me right, Captain Bligh and I'm sure it does the last time you went sailing, your boat sprung a leak and the Coast Guard had to tow you in, in case you don't remember.

l remember.

But it didn't spring a leak, it was taking on water.

And it wasn't my fault the bilge pump broke down anyway.

Blame whomever you like, Michael but the fact remains you came back one hour later, soaking wet.

You know, l'm sure glad you weren't around when Columbus sailed for America.

Devon's calling.

Good morning, Michael.

Morning, Devon.

From your position you're about 10 minutes away from the Santa Clara Penitentiary.

No, wrong.

l'm only two minutes away from renting a sailboat.

An adventure l've been looking forward to for about two months now.


All right, what's up?

This is top priority.

A prisoner named CJ Jackson has just escaped.

I want you to help the police in any way possible.

Devon, you look very concerned.

Who is this guy Jackson anyway?

This is not just another escaped prisoner, Michael.

This touches the very heart and soul of the Foundation.

What's that mean?

Look, Michael, please, trust me on this, will you?

Okay, we're on.

All right, KlTT, patch us into the police frequency and let's see if we can get a fix on the getaway car.

Feeling better?

l'll feel better when l'm safe.

When l'm safe and l know who you are and what you want.

ln due time, my friend, in due time.

I don't have no friends.

I do business.

You want to do business with me, don't call me friend or brother.

As you wish, CJ.

This one looks like it could be trouble.

That's part of the fun.

Hi, sugar.

l think you're going my way.

Now for phase two.

Michael, I've been monitoring the police band and the suspect vehicle has been spotted heading north towards the Haight-Ashbury district.

Good work, buddy.

All right, KlTT, see if we can pick them up on your infrared tracking scope.

Good work, pal.

As the saying goes, let's head them off at the pass.

Your Passive Laser Restraint System on, Michael?

l wouldn't drive without it.

Michael, there he is.

l got you, pal.

Michael, why aren't we overtaking him?

lt's too risky in here, KlTT.

l don't want him getting desperate, not yet.

We'll pick the place.

Young man, are you sure this is the right way to Fisherman's Wharf?

According to my map, it's that way.

Relax, Henrietta, relax.

l'm sure he's just trying to save us money and taking a shortcut.

Now just sit back and enjoy the sights.

All right, KITT, time to move in.

For goodness sake's, Henrietta, don't let go of me.

Be careful, Michael.

l hear you.

You have any idea who he is?

No such luck.

KlTT, there's no one inside here.

Michael, that's impossible.

A car doesn't drive by itself.

Doesn't it?

Tell me about it.

You say your radio turned into a robot?

l know it sounds crazy, but that's what happened.

And then this little robot shot out a puff of smoke and you passed out before you reached the alarm.

Dead to the world.

And when you came to, this was all that was left?


Look, if you don't mind, l don't want that thing anywhere near me.

You know, the description of the woman who gave this to you was pretty vague.

Hey, what can l say?

l was more interested in a free radio.

Check with the doughnut shop, they've got to know her.

The police already have.

What did they say?

They said they don't give away prizes and they don't count doughnuts.

My wife's never gonna believe this.

She'll have a lot of company.

Welcome, Mr.


l hope your trip here wasn't too uncomfortable.

Well, l have been on worse trips in my life.

Yes, l'm sure you have.

My name is Margo.

This is David Halston the genius who engineered your escape.

Those two over there are Clifton and Turk.

But don't worry, l don't let them in my house unless it rains.

Babette, why don't you get Mr.

Jackson a glass of champagne.

You do like champagne, don't you, CJ?

l used to drink it all the time in my cell.

Those days are over, CJ.

We've given you your freedom and soon we're going to give you even more.

There is no more.

Sure there is.

There's the money it takes for a man like you to stay free.

CJ, we're going to guarantee your freedom by making you very rich.

And what do l have to do for it?

Do for it?

You heard me.

l spent half of my life behind bars.

There's one thing l learned, that nobody gives anything for nothing.

You're right, CJ, l do want something from you.

But l don't intend to tell you what it is until l'm ready.

Now you have two choices: You can leave and try making it on your own or you can stay and definitely make it with us.


Well, now that that's taken care of.

To the beginning of a beautiful and prosperous relationship.

Thank you.

Michael, you don't believe this nonsense about a robot, do you?

Devon, after seeing the way that car handled by itself, l'm afraid l do.

Any ideas?

Only one.

What's it?

Too bad Bonnie's not around.

Didn't l tell you?


She is.

She's taking advanced studies at the university here.

No kidding.

Did you talk to her?


And if you're wondering why l haven't asked her to return to the Foundation, l have.

Her answer was no.

A very polite but firm no.

Devon, who's this CJ Jackson and what does he have to do with the heart and soul of the Foundation?

Michael, before Wilton Knight discovered you, we had another man in your position.

His name was Ken Franklyn.

He had all the qualifications.

Well, all except one.

He wasn't a police officer.

One night, several years ago l remember it was raining, most unusual for the time of year.

Franklyn had been tailing Jackson.

He was convinced that Jackson hadn't made him.

But he was wrong.

Jackson k*lled him?

One b*llet did it.

But Jackson shot him five more times.

We all took the tragic loss very hard, but no one harder than Wilton Knight.

He closed the Foundation, put the entire FLAG project on hold and didn't reactivate it until we found you.

Jackson belongs in jail, Michael.

Wilton Knight will not rest easily until he is back behind bars.

Nor will l.

All right, Devon, that makes three of us.

This one's for Wilton, huh?

Good luck, Michael.

Thanks, Devon.

Are you Ho Chin?


How may l be of service?

Yeah, l hear you have some maps.

Some old maps of the tunnels your people dug under the city years ago.


Are you from the University?

Yeah, associate professors.

You think l could see them just for a minute?

They are not for sale.

They have been in our family many, many years.

l'd like to look at them for a minute.

Come with me.

Let's go.

He's hitting him with a right, a left.

Another left to the midsection, that one hurt him.

There's no question about him- Where is the Peking duck?

Say what?

The Peking duck, you idiot! Oh, that duck.

lt's coming right up.

l thought you said you were a chef.

l am a chef.

l am a great chef.

l'm just a little bit rusty, that's all.

All you do is bet sports and gamble.

l'm a great chef who bets sports and gambles.

Now, watch out.

This is really hot.

If you lie to me, I'll break every bone in your body.

Now, where's the Fong Delight?

Wong Delight.

Fong Delight.

Anything made in this kitchen bears my name.

My name's Fong, yours is Wong.

Mine's Fong.

Now out of my way.

Say what?

Michael, where are we going?

To see an old friend, pal.

I thought this case was top priority.

lt is.

l'm hoping this old friend can help us out.

Where are we going to see this old friend?

North Beach?

Bite your tongue, pal.

The University.

Plot me the fastest route, will you?

Yes, Michael.

You! Me?

Out! Out?


Hey, what did l do?

What did l Hey, l'm warning you.

Yeah, l'm warning you.

Don't come any closer.

That's right, you see, because l'm a black belt.

That's right, a black belt.

l fought Bruce Lee to a standstill.

l fought- lf l see you again, l'll slit your throat! Hey.

Hello, Peter.

Need a lift?




Why not?

Chinese jerk! Hey, get rid of it.

Excuse me.

l was wondering if l could get a student loan.

l think you're in the wrong department.

Yeah, well, l bet Devon you'd return after a year and you didn't.

Michael! Hi, Bonnie.

ls it good to see you again! Broke as usual?

Some things never change.

What are you doing here?

Let me look at you.

You're still tall.

And you're still beautiful.

How's Devon?

British as ever.

As a matter of fact, he sends his love.

Then he knows you're here.

Michael, if this is something to do with the Foundation, or a case we've been through all that.

This is different.

They're all different, Michael.


Bonnie, CJ Jackson escaped from prison.

He had some help.

CJ Jackson?


l leave for Boston on Thursday.

Someone went to a lot of trouble.

They designed a self-destruct robot to work it from the inside and a drone car to work it from the outside.

MlT is presenting two research projects for funding.

Only one of them will be approved.

This is the drone car's computer processing unit.

One of them, thanks to my mentor, is mine.

Bonnie, l'm not here asking you to sign up for a tour of duty.

Just help us find CJ Jackson.

No obligations, no contracts, no promises.

You're trying to tempt me.

How am l doing?

No contracts, no obligations?

Scout's honor.

Oh, we missed you.

Boy, we missed you.

This is perfect.

These maps are exactly what we need.

You're sure the old man won't tell anyone?

Only his ancestor.

Good boys.

Now why don't you go outside and chase some rabbits?

Yeah, but - Don't worry, Clifton, we'll play later.

Don't say boo to him or he'll run.

Miss me, baby?

You know it, mama.

Hello, Peter.

l'm Margo, and this is David Halston and CJ Jackson.

Hey, you one of those martial arts dudes, man?




l look like one?


Look, what is this all about?

Relax, Peter.

We just want to make use of your extraordinary talents.

My talents?

As one of the best wiremen in the business.

That was in my past.

No, see, l'm trying to go clean now.

l'm a chef.

Peter, as a chef, you couldn't heat up a frozen egg roll.

Now why don't you just be a good little boy and let Margo decide what's best for you.

That's a computer, not a sofa.

Oh l was wondering why that thing was so hard.

How's it coming?

Put it this way.

lf it was a m*rder mystery, Sherlock would call it a tough case.

Whoever created this little monster sure knew what he was doing.

Take a look.

Don't you ever sleep?



How many times do l have to tell you?

lt's David.

D- A-V-l-D.

David Halston.

Michael Knight.

l'm sorry, l should have introduced you.

Michael's an old friend.

We used to work together.


What kind of work do you do, Michael?

l'm with a non-profit organization.

Don't be so mysterious.

He works for the Foundation for Law and Government.

Sounds exciting.

lt has its moments.

Project for class?


l hope you don't mind.

lt's something Michael wanted some help with.

l see.

l'll make you a deal.

Since Bonnie is helping you, you can help me.

l don't think so.

l'm kind of on a tight schedule.

Good, so am l.

lt won't take five minutes.

Go ahead, Michael.

l'm going to be here for a while, anyway.

All right.

There, all finished.

How do you feel?

Like a guinea pig.

That's exactly what you are.

l'm doing a computerized project on pain, from inception to threshold.

Don't worry.

You can abort any time you choose by stepping on that button there in front of your chair.

lf that's not enough, l'm wired in just as you are.

l will feel everything that you feel, and believe me l'm not a masochist.

Are you ready?

Wait a minute.

What am l supposed to do?

Feel the pain.


Until one of us aborts.

Why do l feel like this is some sort of contest?

Perhaps it's just your competitive nature.


Okay, stay right there.

l'll unstrap you.

How come you're not sweating?

l never do.

l didn't feel any pain.

Maybe it's because you forgot to hook up your wires.

lmagine that.

Still, you make an excellent subject.


Halston you try something like that again, it would be a big mistake.

Good night.

Good night.

Who is this character, Halston, anyway?

My mentor.

You have no idea how much he's helped me with my project.

l think l've got something.

The drone's CPU did what, Michael?


Right before our eyes.

What do you make of it?

l don't know, Devon.

l don't know what to make of a lot of things.

Any leads on this guy Jackson?

Nothing, I'm afraid.

In prison he was a loner.

No g*ng affiliations, no friends, no mail in over two years.

So the only thing we know for sure about this guy is that he's a boxman.

One of the best, apparently.

Show him a safe and he'll find a way into it.

Okay, Devon.

You know how to find me.

Michael, I may have something.

What is it?

I've been monitoring the police frequency as you requested.

There was a fire yesterday at Fong's China Trader restaurant.

Arson investigators traced it to a piece of melted-down plastic containing traces of acid identical to those found in the radio at the prison.

All right, let's hit it.

Now, come over here and get ready for the pi?

ce de r?


David, you're not at the University.

Get on with it.



Congratulations, David.

As you can see, we are virtually indestructible.


You said we'd also be rich.

l did say that, didn't l?

So we shall.


Margo, for God's sake.

Gentleman, l present to you the object of this very special endeavor.

That's Federal Reserve.

So it is.

The main vault contains between $15 and $20 million, depending on the day.

Man, you're crazy.

Nobody hits the Federal Reserve, nobody.

l bet you said the same thing about breaking out of solitary until yesterday.

CJ, you're the best boxman in the business.

Believe me, l know.

l've checked you out thoroughly.

And, Peter, you're the premier wireman.

You can handle the most sophisticated security systems in operation today.

Yeah, but l quit.

l'm through, remember?

l don't do that stuff anymore.

Didn't, Peter, didn't.

Until someone offered you 25% of $15 to $20 million.

You know what?


You just came out of retirement.

Since you put it that way, maybe one more time.

But l need my equipment, my stuff.

l built it myself.

Where is it?

Well, it's in my apartment.

How long will it take you to get it?

Half-hour, hour at most.

No, Peter, a half-hour at the most.

There's something about Chinatown that's so mysterious.

$20,000 from the mahjong parlor $15,000 from the den of rarefied pleasures $7,500 from the ladies who travel light.

Not bad for Monday.



Excuse me.

l'm sorry to bust in on you like this.

Who are you?

My name is Michael Knight.

l work for the Foundation for Law and Government.

Get him! All right, what should we see first?

How about there?

Well, that looks good.

KlTT, l need you! Right away, Michael.

Arthur, what was that?

l don't know.

There's no one driving that car, Henrietta.

Our maps.


Michael, it's two against one.

Have they no sense of fair play?

l don't think so.

All right, you two overgrown bean sprouts, take a hike.

l don't think they understand the language.

Very well.

Are you ready to talk?

Anything you want to know.

All right.

Tell me about the fire last night.


You want to know about the fire.

Why didn't you just ask?

l tried, but you and the egg roll brothers over here obviously had something else on your minds.

Now, what about the fire?

He started it.

That idiot chef and his radio.

His radio?

Did it look like a robot?


How did you know?

We tossed it in the trash, the next thing l know the kitchen's on fire.

My kitchen's on fire, l looked out and l saw my idiot chef being picked up by a Silver Phantom car.

Your chef, you know his name?

His name's Peter Wong.

He lives with some girl on Bay Street, a place called the Ramparts.

Say goodbye to your friends, KlTT.

But why, Peter?

You've managed to stay out of trouble for over a year now.

Out of trouble and out of money.

Look, Su-Lin, l want to be able to buy you presents.

Nice jewelry, clothes, all the pretty things that you deserve.

But all l want is you.

Besides, you'll be rich someday, l know it.

Well, how, huh?

By stuffing fortune cookies?

You are a great chef.

You created Wong's Delight.

Well, l created Wong's Delight by working for Fong and that makes it Fong's Delight.

No, Su-Lin, the only way l'm going to be rich, is if l just do this one last job.

And if you get caught?

And if they send you back into prison again?

l'm not going to get caught.

And l promise you, Su-Lin, no one will separate us again.

You promise?

Well, here we are.

By the way, those karate twins didn't hurt you, did they, buddy?

Are you kidding me, Michael?

Would l kid you?

Keep your scanner peeled.

Looks like l've got everything.

Peter! For one last job, l promise.

l love you.

l'm afraid.

Don't be.

Just remember, you haven't seen me.

Who is it?

My name is Michael Knight.

l'm looking for Peter Wong.

He's not here.

Can l talk to you for a minute?

lt's very important.


Do you know where he is?

He hasn't been here for two days.

Are you sure of that?


Yeah, KlTT.

What is it?

Someone left the apartment.

Meet me around back.

Excuse me.

You got him on your scanner, buddy?

He was picked up by that Silver Phantom that Fong told us about.

All right, let's get him.

Who are you?

What do you want?

lt's not important who we are.

What we want is your silence.

Michael, aren't we going to apprehend him?

Not yet.

l want to see where he's going.

Michael, what on earth are those bells?

And what on earth is that thing with people hanging out of it?

lt's a cable car, KlTT.

Well, right now it's in our way, and there's no room to turbo boost over it.

All right, let's try and pick him up.

I'm sorry, Michael.

lt's okay, pal.

You got a license plate number for me?

166 UEA.

British plates.

All right, pal.

That's all we need.

That's all we need.

We gain access here.

We stay in the main tunnel for 480 feet.

That brings us parallel to the main vault.

You shouldn't have to cut through more than 25 feet to reach it.

That's solid rock.

The bigger the dream, CJ.

Do you really have to smoke that thing?

Practicing for when l'm rich.




You Margo Sheridan?



Name's Michael Knight.

l work for the Foundation for Law and Government.

l gave at the office.


Well, do you own a Silver Phantom license plate 166 UEA?


Well, if you do, l'd like to talk to you for a minute.

Do you mind if l come in?

l'll hold you to your word.

One minute.


Nice house.

Just the right amount of pretentiousness.

l feel better knowing you like it.

Now, what can l do for you?

Your Silver Phantom.


Well, unfortunately, it was stolen from my garage sometime last night.

Did you report it to the police?

No, l'm afraid l didn't.

What's one Silver Phantom more or less, huh?

l'm touched by your concern for my personal property.

That's hard to get these days.

Silver Phantoms?

No, Cuban cigars.

That is what l smell, isn't it?

Or is it Jamaican?

You mind if l use your bathroom?


Knight, where do you think you're going?


Halston, what a surprise.

l guess this is what is known as private lessons, huh?

Margo and l are old friends.

Your minute is up.

Oh, yes.

Well, l'm sorry if l disturbed you.

Not at all.

lncidentally, you're right.

lt is Cuban.


Well, l know that l just got here, guys, but l really must be going.

Don't tell me.

l know.

lt's back to the old books again.

How did you know?


l do hate to rush you.

You've livened up an otherwise dull afternoon.

Perhaps another time?

lt's a crazy world.


lsn't it?

What was that all about?

And how did he get here?

How isn't important.

l want him k*lled, David.

And l know just how l want to do it.

You're wrong, Michael.

ls that why you asked me here?

To spy on Dr.


Bonnie, l'm sorry.

But whether you like it or not, he's involved.

You don't know that.

Then what was he doing at Margo Sheridan's house?

Why was he hiding in the den?

Do you know who Margo Sheridan is?

We checked her out.

She's a freelance agent on the international market.

She walks on both sides of the street.

He's right, Bonnie.

She deals with everything from illegal arms to top-secret documents without regard for the consequences.

Her only criteria is money.

lf you were talking about anyone other than David Halston He's not some maverick scientist, he's nationally known.

He conceived the Tri-S Satellite and developed its microcomputer.

He lectures across the country.

And more importantly, Michael, he's been good to me.

Bonnie, look, l know this isn't easy for you, okay?

But do you remember what we said to each other at the University?


What do you want me to do?

Right now, not a thing.

We just want to know that you're with us, if we need you.

Was there ever any doubt?


Only a moment's hesitation.

They're working their way through college.

Well, let's hope they're going for their PhD.

Well, Bubba, do we have a deal?

You know, if my boss finds out l'm- Yeah, but you said he's out of town, remember?

Let me get this straight.

Now, all you want to do is to use the basement to explore some old Chinese tunnels.

ls that right?

That's right.

What could be simpler?

Or more profitable for you?

$50,000, Bubba.

That's enough to put those foxes out there through medical school.

But not half enough to pay your medical bills if you start jerking us around.

You two guys are archeologists or something?

Look, do we have a deal or not?

Well, when do l get the money?

You just made a very wise decision.

Bring in the equipment.


You're all gonna be great assets to the medical profession.

Come again?

This is certainly a perplexing case.

You got that right.

With CJ Jackson involved, what could it be other than a bank robbery?

That's a good question.

But somehow my gut tells me it's something else.

Devon's calling.

Yo, Devon.

What's up?


I just received a rather surprising message for you.

Anyone l know?

Margo Sheridan.

She says you intrigue her.

She wants to get to know you better.

She suggests a rendezvous at the Twin Peaks area followed by an intimate afternoon at her nearby mountain retreat.

Well, that sounds very intimate.

Anything else?

What more do you expect?

Be careful, Michael.

It could be a trap.




l got you.

Scan that car, KlTT.

It's Margo, and she's alone.

Michael, to our left.

Got you.

You missed him.

He has another m*ssile, Michael.

l read you, buddy.

I won't miss this time and you better get out of there before the expl*si*n.

Michael, he's zeroing in on my exhaust system.

l read you, pal.

Sorry, pal.

Forgive me! What?


KlTT, you okay, buddy?

Oh, KlTT, he really did it to you this time.


KlTT, did you say something?

Bonnie, is that you?

lt's me, KlTT.

l'm here.

I feel so weak.

Where are we?

Everything is so dark.

Is it night?


Don't worry.

l'll take care of you.

I don't know what I would do without you, Bonnie.

Michael, you can't do it.

Why not?

That house is the hub, so is Margo.

l feel like an lndian circling the fort and being shot at.

What you propose to do is certainly no solution, quite the contrary.

All you'll succeed in doing will be to present them with a better target.

lf that's what it takes, that's what it takes.


Can't you exercise without all that grunting?


l guess we got our signals crossed.

l could have sworn you said Twin Peaks.

Twin Peaks.

Yes, l'm sorry.

Did you wait long?

No, not very long.

As it turned out, l had plenty to keep me busy.

You won't mind if l come in?

Of course.

By all means.

Oh, hi, guys.

l was hoping for a little bit more privacy.

These are for you.

Go chase a bone.

And take that stuff with you.

l didn't catch you at a bad time, did l?


As a matter of fact, you couldn't have picked a better time.


Thank heaven your Self Diagnostic Routine is still intact.

Let's see what the damage is.

lt's worse than l thought.

How could anyone have done this to you?

At least a dozen of your CPU components have been short-circuited.

Most of your memory bank is destroyed.

And your miniature relays are badly damaged.

KlTT, l'm gonna make you as good as new.

No, l'm gonna make you better.

l can't work with all this dirt piling up.

Hey, l'm shoveling as fast as l can.

The way you shovel, l don't know how your people got these tunnels dug in the first place.

No more racial slurs.

One more racial slur and you can shovel your own dirt yourself.

Break time.

Break time.

Well, look who dropped in, Doctor Feel Good.

How's it coming?

lt's coming.


l'd hate to think we did everything right but dig fast enough.

So, show me where we are.

Right about here.

15 or 20 more feet, we got it.

lncidentally, if you were concerned about Michael Knight, don't be.

He and that car of his met with an unfortunate accident earlier this afternoon.

So now nothing stands in our way except 15 feet of dirt.

So tell me, what do you do, Michael Knight?

Besides trace missing cars and tempt lonely women?

You strike me as anything but lonely.

lf you mean Clifton and Turk, you're mistaken.

They're overgrown children.

They'd be lost without me.

And what about David Halston?

Would he be lost without you, too?


No, he's terribly self-sufficient.

And very possessive.

Why do you say that?

l saw the way he looked at you.

Probably because he saw the way l looked at you.

ls something wrong?

Well, l feel a little bit like the baby-sitter's boyfriend.

You know, afraid the kids will pop in any moment.

l have just the place in mind.

lt's very private.

Give me five minutes.

l'll be counting.

So will l.

You were right.

The kids did pop in.

l'll go for it.

Well, l'm not jumping.

Clifton, she's not gonna be too happy about this.

This is it, Devon.

All we need to tie Halston to the drone.

Yes, if Bonnie can break down its components, its programs.

l'll have to use the facilities at the University.

All right, l'll go with you.

Thanks, but l'd rather go alone.

No way.

lt's too dangerous.

Michael, l can handle myself.

Besides, l can get through a lot faster without you getting in my way.

Micro torque, please.


The micro torque ratchet.

lt's next to the exhaust alternators.

l believe this is the object in question.

Thank you.

Laser diode.

Laser diode.

That's it.

You know, l could just come in there and help you.

lt'd be a lot easier.


Bonnie, l could scrub down.


Devon can certify me germ-free.

Guess not.

Just like old times, huh?

Don't kid yourself.

Bonnie, how much longer is this going to take?

We're on a tight schedule, you know.

l'm finished.

But l haven't checked out all his systems yet.

Very well, l'll arrange for transportation for you to the University.

KlTT's final checkup will have to wait.

On one condition.


No peeking.


l'm sorry to hear that.

Thanks for calling, Lieutenant.


The body of a girl named Su-Lin was fished out of the bay this evening.


That's Peter Wong's girl friend.

That's right.

The police think she may have been k*lled somewhere else.

They have no motive as yet.

Motive, what motive?

She was in love with the wrong guy.

She probably knew a little too much.


One thing is for sure these fellows are playing for keeps.

Two things for sure, Bonnie's been gone for over two hours.

Two hours and 17 minutes precisely.

She'd never forgive you.

l'd rather have her not forgive me than not be around to make that choice.

Halston's capable of anything.

Well, l won't try to stop you.

Let's go.

Ready or not.

Well how you feeling, buddy?

Take a look, Michael.

All right, here goes.


Looks like you got a serious face-lift.

Bonnie added some new functions.

This is my self-analyzing probe.

In conjunction with my new onboard computer it can isolate and diagnose virtually any malfunction.


Thank you.

Now if l only knew what some of these things do.

Only one way to find out, Michael, but don't push the Turbo Boost.

He's still got his sense of humor.

All right, here goes, lGP.

That stands for my new 3 - dimensional Interactive Graphics Plotter.

What's that?

Let's say we run up against someone wearing a disguise and want to find out who he really is.

Like this man here.

l hope you don't run into him in a dark alley.

I simply break down his face with my IGP.

Then activate my Linear Predictive Graphics Routine and voil?

, a 3-D reconstruction of the real face.

You're right, l wouldn't want to run into him in a dark alley.

What else you got, buddy?

That's my Thermodynamic System.

Sounds hot.

That little flashing red light, Michael, represents 3,000 degrees Fahrenheit.

Enough to expand and eventually melt steel.


Electrical Generating Mode.

Puts out enough current to power a small city.



And then there's my new Polyphonic Synthesizer which allows me to duplicate and project any sound from anywhere.

l get the message.

Let's go get Bonnie.

Devon, it's me.

Michael was right.

Halston might as well have autographed the CPU.

He used a microchip he designed for the Tri-S.

lt's not even in production yet.

You know, my great grandfather spent half his life in tunnels.

l end up doing the same thing.

Only in America.

Yeah, well, l quit.

Now, you pick it up.


l'm a wireman, not a tunnel digger.

You're either a tunnel digger or a gravedigger.

Now take your choice.

Now shovel.

Michael, since l talked you the police have put out an APB on her.

Devon, the CPU is also missing.

Halston must have surprised her.

Yes, l'm sure you're right, Michael.

The question is where has he taken her?

We'll find out.

Count on it.

Let go of me you big anthropoid! l've been called worse things.

l think.

What are you going to do with her?

This should put her out for a long time.

Not long enough.

l'm not gonna k*ll her if that's what you mean.

lf you haven't got the guts for it l'm sure one of my little playmates would be more than happy to oblige.

Margo, l might be a lot of things but a m*rder*r is not one of them.

David, as long as l'm in charge here, and l am in charge here you are exactly what l say you are.

Just make sure she doesn't get in the way.

You can't do this to me! l've always looked up to you.

Hold her arm.

Respected you.

l All right, take her in the other room and tie her up.

l talked to my contact a little while ago.

l assured him nothing would go wrong.

And nothing will.

For your sake, David, l hope not.

Ready, boys?

l smell rain in the air.

Tonight you'll sleep inside.

Do you really think those two gorillas know where Bonnie is, Michael?


But knowing and telling are two different things.

I'm sure you'll figure out a way to make them talk.

Well, thanks for the vote of confidence.

Michael, my scanner tells me if you so much as touch that fence it's going to activate an alarm inside.

KlTT, let me have that new voltage induction coil.


Okay, KlTT, disappear.

lt's at the front gate.

Probably just a squirrel again, l'll go check it out.

All right, give him some juice.

Morning, Clifton.

Rather electrifying day, don't you think?

Clifton! Clifton, is that that new breakdancing stuff?

Hey, that's pretty good.

You guys keep that up, l could get you a couple of weeks in Las Vegas.

Now l'm going to ask you one question, one time and you better come up with the right answer.

Where's Bonnie?

All right, suit yourself.

Give them some more juice.

One fresh squeeze DC coming up.

Okay, bring them down a little bit.

Where's Bonnie?

At the boatyard.

What boatyard?

Hunters Point.

What building?

The electronics building.

You got that?

Yes, Michael, the electronics building at Hunters Point.

Okay, notify Devon to have the authorities pick up the electric muscle necks, will you?

Accessories to kidnapping.

Turn them off.

lt's too quiet, Michael, l don't like it.

Your scanner pick up anything, buddy?

I'm sorry, Michael, even with my new ATX surveillance equipment there's just too much electrical interference around here for me to tell if there's anyone inside or not.

Well, there's one way to find out.

Tell them l'm going in.

Good luck.


You ready, pal?

Ready, Michael.

Let's do it.

There's no one here! More flash! More flash! More cash?

Turn down the music, you might be able to hear me! What?

Where did you learn how to do that?

lt's something you have to be born with.

Like having an ear for music.

Well, l'll have to admit you're Rod Stewart and Prince rolled into one.

Coming from you, CJ, that's a real compliment.

Now this is what l call room service.

Did you bring one for CJ?

Don't get any ideas.

Hey, what is this all about?

lt's a long story.

But don't worry.

By the time she comes to we'll be far away from here.

How's it coming?

l should have those alarms neutralized in a couple of hours.

The vault?

By daybreak.

Exactly on schedule.


l better let you get back to work then.

Wait a minute.

What are we supposed to do if she comes to before we finish?

She won't, but if she does l'm sure you can handle it.

No sweat.

Feeding time! Hi, guys.

How are they treating you?

l'll tear your head off, pencil neck.

Come on, no hard feelings.

My motto is let bygones be bygones.

Win some, lose some.

Every dog has its day.

Oh, this.

lt's just a little pain inducer.

Pain inducer?

Yeah, state of the art.

lt's part of a computerized program to test tolerance levels.

You see this dial?

lt goes all the way from drilling into the nerve of a bad tooth all the way up to being burned at the stake.

Which do you prefer?

Okay, then why don't we just start with the old drill-into-the-nerve bit and work our way up the ladder?

What do you want to know?

Why did you k*ll that old man in Chinatown?

We didn't k*ll anyone.

The police have your fingerprints and someone lD'd you leaving the scene.

And there's the little matter of Peter Wong's girlfriend.

Suit yourself, no answer.

Well, then why don't we just skip number one and go all the way up to thirteen?

Margo told us to get some maps.

What maps?

Of the Chinese tunnels.

Why did she want maps of the Chinese tunnels?

We don't know.

She didn't tell us.

That's the truth.


Thank you very much, guys.

By the way you ought to get one of these little squirt g*ns.

They're pretty nifty.

You assured me nothing would go wrong.

No, l assured you that you'd be able to make delivery on schedule, and you will.

And what about my little pets?

They were this far from being housebroken.

Clifton and Turk?

You should have had your lawyer bail them out.

l tried that.

They refused bail.

l don't understand why.

Margo they know nothing about our plans.

lf they did and they talked, the police would be here right now.

As for their other talents, l Well, l'm already housebroken.

That's what's wrong with you, David.

You were born housebroken.

The Chinese immigrants who first came to San Francisco honeycombed the city with tunnels.

They created a whole underground to smuggle in illegal immigrants.

KlTT, access everything you've got on the Chinese tunnels underneath the city.

Coming right up.

The Chinese tunnels, Michael.

Pinpoint the location of the major vaults.

How major is ''major''?

Anything designed to safe keep over $1 million.

That might take some time.

Time's what we don't have, KlTT.

Now step on it.

Well, what do you know?

The sleeping princess is awake.

Don't be afraid.

l won't hurt you.

Then let me go.

l can't do that, but l'll get you a drink.

No, thanks.

Well, suit yourself.

Hey, how long has this been here?

Guess Halston wanted us to rock and work.

Yeah, sure, now that all the work is done.



Something's wrong here.

What are you talking about?

We dug in the wrong direction.

Here, look for yourself.


Here's the club.

Here's where we started.

Now Halston told us to dig in that direction.

Only problem is, is that the bank is over there.

You crazy?

l'm down here in a tunnel with a k*ller digging in the wrong direction, and you ask me if l'm crazy?

Sorry, brother.

l wonder what's in that vault there.

l don't know.

But the bank's that way.

l had a feeling it wouldn't be much of a match.

What's this all about?

About, CJ?

lt's about getting what you want in life.

About what's rightfully yours.

The bank vault's over there.

l know that.

lt's not money l'm after.

lf it were, l could simply peddle my own inventions.


Just as poor Peter over there wanted his name on Fong's Delight the recognition that he created it.

l want the world to know that l created what's in that vault over there.

And what's that?

The Tri-S, the Surveillance and Strike Satellite.

lt was my conception.

l designed it and l gave it life.

And if our government won't give me my due credit l'm sure that another government will.

No, it's not money that l'm after, CJ, but glory.

And power.

You're insane.

Perhaps l am.

That's all the more reason for you to behave.

Here are the locations of all the major vaults.

Sorry it took so long, Michael.

All right, bring the lower quadrant into close-up.

The center dot, screen left, why isn't that pulsating?

That particular vault doesn't contain money.

It belongs to the Megafax Research Center.

Megafax Research Center?

You're familiar with it?

Yes, it's a private company with a number of Defense Department contracts.

ln fact, unless l'm mistaken, Dr.

Halston was in charge of one.

The Surveillance and Strike Satellite Bonnie mentioned.

Only Only what?

l seem to remember reading that there was some talk amongst the scientific community that Megafax had refused to give him full credit for it.

And now he wants it back.

l knew it wasn't money he was after.

KlTT, if Halston wanted the most direct underground route into the Megafax vault, where would he start digging?

Right beneath the Golden Fox Club, Michael.

Golden Fox, that's a go.

l'll take that.

Michael! Stay where you are! Get in.

Get in.

lf you try and follow us, she's dead.

Remember that.

Now you hurt her and there's not a place on this Earth that l won't find you.

You remember that.

All right, as soon as they get far enough ahead we'll tail them on your lnfrared.

Michael, I'm truly worried about Bonnie.

Yeah, l am, too, pal.

But as long as she's in that car we're not gonna be too far behind.

Let's go.

Michael, they're approximately two-and-a-half blocks ahead.

l'm telling you he's following us.

Of course he is.

What are you going to do about it?

Get him off our backs once and for all.

l can't remember when l've enjoyed myself more, Arthur.

Me neither, Henrietta.

Michael, behind us.

ls it armed?

With those dreadful missiles.

All right.

Let's see if we can buy a little time with your new Traffic Control System.

Young man, take us to the airport.

Yeah, we can send for our luggage later.

KlTT, scan those piers.

Maybe we can get some idea where they're going.

That chopper could be it.

See if you can get me a reading on it.

It's owned by Hydra Enterprises suspected of being a front for the t*rror1st wing of the Middle Eastern Communist Alliance.

All right, give me Devon.

Michael, where are you?

Devon, l'm at the Embarcadero.

l'm gonna need some backup.

Michael, look ahead of us.

l see them, buddy.

There's another one behind us.

All right, monitor their firing mechanisms.

Tell me the instant they're activated.


Did it work?

l don't believe it.

You idiot! lf l ever run for president, l'll be sure to make you my running mate.

lt would be a first.


Margo, you're not gonna believe this, but my partner is right behind you.

Good idea, Michael.

Michael, you're a man of many extraordinary talents but lying is not one of them.

All right, suit yourself.

KlTT, she's all yours.

Put down the g*n, Margo.

Nice work, KlTT.

Hey, can you untie me?

l'm glad we found you.

KlTT, l need a hand, buddy.

Right away, Michael.

How about two hands?

Welcome back, Bonnie.

Thanks, KlTT.

Okay, pal.

Anchors away.

Well, pal, it's off to the briny deep.

Following the North Star, sailing over the waves.

Really, Michael, I'm getting seasick just listening to you.

Oh, no.

What does he want?

l thought you might need a first mate.

As long as it's not another assignment.

My word on it.

Glad to have you aboard.

Thank you.

How about a second mate?

You can sail with me anytime.

For the entire cruise?

No kidding?

No kidding.

Welcome back! That's terrific.

Lead the way, Captain.

All right, going to slip number 3.

I can't look.

Wow, is that it?


That's it.

Mates, what do you say we go have lunch?

Good idea.

Yes, l'll even pay.

l don't believe it.

So long as it doesn't exceed $650.