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09x11 - A New World, Part 2: The Blues

Posted: 05/12/23 06:26
by bunniefuu


♪ ♪


can I help you?

This is gonna sound insane,

but I, um...

I was just in an accident.

And I found this file,

but what I saw inside

doesn't make any sense.


♪ ♪

Oh, my God.

♪ ♪

We need to talk.

♪ ♪


♪ ♪

Six hours and minutes ago,

Barry vanished right in front of me.

We don't know where he is,
if he's in danger,

or why he's not back yet.

We don't know anything.

Whether he's even alive!

Since then,
I've doubled back to the loft

to look for evidence
at the scene of the crime.

Picked up some weird energy
signature from the air,

trace amounts of a radioactive isotope

of cobalt.

Did anyone else just get a bad feeling?

I... I don't get it.

What could leave behind
radiation like that?

I'm not sure.

But isotopes like this don't
just occur spontaneously.

Barry's disappearance
wasn't an accident.

He was taken, which
is even more terrifying.


It sounds like y'all
could use some help.


Welcome back, man.

It's so good to see you.

I was just thinking about you!

Where have you been?

Tundi, the Arctic, Corto Maltese,

volunteering at a few
different research facilities.

What are you doing back here?

I called for him.

You knew how to get in touch with Mark?

A few months after I left,
I reached back out to Cecile.

Guess I just needed a friend to talk to.

Khione, honey, I'm so sorry
that I couldn't tell you.

But Mark wanted some space,
and he asked me to stay quiet.

I'm sorry, too.

But I am done keeping my distance,

especially now.


♪ ♪

Barry never gave up on me, you know,

even when I was at my lowest point.

So I'm not ready to give up on him,

and I do not think that
any of you are either.

I can try resetting
our satellites to scan

for the cobalt isotope.

And I can call Cisco at ARGUS,

see if maybe they've heard anything.

I'm gonna go to the office and search

the database for anything
about cobalt radiation.

I'll come with.

And Khione and I can recheck the loft

and surrounding areas.

We'll make sure we didn't miss anything.

Wherever Barry is, we're gonna find him.

I know it.

♪ ♪


Hey, I found some more files
that we can check out.

You okay? What's wrong?

I was searching for other
unexplained disappearances

in the database, and I came
across this old draft.

I thought I deleted it,
but I guess it was backed up.

♪ ♪

Hey, Barry's survived Crisis,

and he's gonna survive this, too.

You know, when we first met
Nora, she was from a timeline

where Barry did vanish in Crisis.

So she grew up without a father.

Living with the weight of that pain,

I thought that this time around,

we would give her a better life,

one that she deserves...


But someone's trying to pull us apart

so that Barry won't be here
for a second time.

It's like my worst nightmare
is coming true.

And I just...

I feel powerless to stop it.

♪ ♪

Do you remember
when I first saw that article?

I was just some smart-mouth kid
with a record.

But Iris, you took me under your wing.

You taught me to be
a reporter and a leader.

So let me help you and be there for you

like you've been there for me.

And I can start by grabbing
you some tea.

Chamomile, right boss?


- Be right back.
- Thanks.

♪ ♪


♪ ♪

Oh, hey!

- What are you...



♪ ♪


We gotta shut that thing.

Get everybody out of here!

Come on, people, move!

What's happening?

Uh-uh, get back in your office.

- We need to stop that leak!
- No.

You have got to protect your baby!


If you wanna help,
call for backup, okay?





Oh, no. What's wrong with them?

Iris said it was a gas leak.
It must be halon

from the fire suppression system.

Are they alive?

Their heartbeats are so faint.

Well, if they were breathing in halon,

their brains were starved of oxygen.

I don't know what we can do
to help them.

I do.


♪ ♪

What are you doing to them?

Growing plant cells inside their body

to help them breathe.

Since when can you do that?

♪ ♪



Don't worry.

Your lungs are just getting
used to breathing again.


My chest!

It's on fire!

It's worse than breathing in tear gas!


What the hell did you do to us?

I'm sorry. I didn't mean to scare you.

Just give it a few minutes,
and your bodies

will be back to normal.

I don't know what you are,
but stay away from us!



What the hell was all that?

Hang on.

Where's Allegra?


Allegra, wake up!


Wake up, Allegra!

I just don't understand.

She's not waking up.

I mean, did the halon gas
do this to her?

I don't think so.

I'm so sorry, Chester.

She just left my office.

She was trying to help me, and...

I finished analyzing
Allegra Garcia's symptoms.

She appears to be suffering
from acute radiation syndrome.

There is evidence of a blast
of the cobalt- isotope.

She was att*cked with cobalt radiation?

That means whoever took Barry...

Also att*cked Allegra.


Someone is coming after this team.

The radiation made Barry disappear.

It didn't put him into a coma,
like it did with Allegra.

We don't know that.

He could be comatose wherever he went.

Hey, wherever Barry is,

and whatever happened to him,

we need to trust that he can
take care of himself,

'cause right now, we've all got
targets on our backs.

Any one of us could be next.

Khione, what you did at CCC Media,

do you think maybe you could cure

Allegra's radiation poisoning?

I can only expel
the unnatural from people,

and the cobalt isotope
is part of the natural order.

Let's lock this place
down then, shall we?

Khione and I can survey
the building together.

And, Iris, for the time being,

maybe you should wait in the time vault?

I can't help look for Barry
from inside of there.

- What...
- Let me handle that.

I just started resetting the satellites

to scan for the cobalt isotope.

The algorithm just needs another hour.


Let's stay safe, yeah?

We need to make sure
that everyone is alive

when Barry gets back.

It's unbelievable.

You look exactly like Detective Thawne.

Do you have any ID on you, Mr. Gilmore?

Dr. Gilmore.


♪ ♪

There a problem?



♪ ♪

You wanna tell me again
how you found this file?

We've been through this!

There was a lightning strike
in my office at Mercury Labs.

♪ ♪



When I woke up,
it was there, staring at me.

And I suddenly had this feeling
that I needed

to know more about Detective Thawne

and why he looks just like me.

You think I'm crazy.

You know what? Forget this.

Keep your classified file.

I don't need it anyway.


I worked with Detective Thawne.

And even though he was a vet
and I was a rookie,

he went out of his way
to make me feel welcome.

I don't think any of us
ever really got over his death.

What happened to him?

His cause of death
was redacted in the report.

Never got an official story.

Sadly, not the only mysterious death

to happen in Central City.

[SNARLING] Find her.


♪ ♪

Did you hear something?

Hear what?

Find her!

I'm sorry.

I need to leave.

Wait. Please!

Let me help you!


Lounge looks clear.

You okay?


You upset that I've been
in touch with Cecile?

No, not at all.

I'm glad you had someone to talk to.

It's just, these last few months,

there were so many things
I wanted to talk to you about.

I guess you just didn't
wanna talk to me.


It's not... [SIGHS] Look, I...

I spent the last seven months

trying to get my head on
straight, you know,

so that I could accept my...
my grief, which I think I have.

But I also learned that...

sometimes, people grow apart.

Not when you have a bond like we did.

I know we had our problems,

but I forgave you before you left...

for everything.

So what changed?

You did, Khione!

You are not the same person
you were when I left!

What you did to those people tonight.

They were dying.

I needed to help them breathe.

Oh, so you turned them
into mutant plant people?

I used nature to bring
air to their lungs.

Khione, there was nothing natural

about what I saw today.

You warped their bodies.

You made them into monsters!

What... what right do
you have to do that?

I didn't have a choice.

I saved them!

Saved them?

You tortured them.

They could barely speak.

Their skin was green.

You hurt them!

I would never hurt a living being!


Did you notice
they didn't say thank you?

They ran away!

Before I left Central City,
I told you there was

something amazing inside of you.

I really thought
you were gonna be a hero,

but I was wrong.

Khione, you...

you're an abomination.




Iris, I know
that you're hurting right now.

I can feel the despair
pouring off of you.

These last few months,
getting everything

ready for Nora, painting the nursery,

letting myself dream

of the world that's ahead of us...

it was too good to be true.

Every time something
really great happens,

something worse comes along
and just cancels it out.


Iris, Barry will come home.

He always does.


♪ ♪




- [GASPS] Mark?

Khione's gone.

We were doing a perimeter sweep
in the lounge,

and she just bailed.

What? Why?

When we were at CCC Media,

Khione really scared the people
she was trying to save.

She said she felt like a monster.

But Khione wouldn't just leave us,

not while we're in danger.

I was so excited to see her again,

so excited to reconnect.

And then she just left.

It's like losing Frost all over again.

I'm so sorry, man.

I... I know how hard
it was when she died.

After Frost came back
from fighting Deathstorm,

Caitlin had her in the med lab.

I never should have left that room, man.

And maybe I couldn't
have saved her either,

but at least I could have been there

at her side to hold her hand,

to tell her that I loved her
before she...

♪ ♪

Uh... maybe when I'm done
resetting the satellite, I'll...

I'll go check on Allegra.



You know, I'm not
doing anything right now.

You just need to recalibrate
the scanners

to look for cobalt radiation, right?


I can finish it for you, if you want.


Of course.

Thanks, man.

Be with her.


♪ ♪


♪ ♪





♪ ♪

Find her!


Find her!

Who said that?

Find her.

Who are you?

- [g*nsh*t]

No! Eddie!

♪ Laughing like children ♪

♪ Living like lovers ♪

It's you, Iris West.

Screw the future.


Screw the future.

♪ I guess that's why they call it ♪

Iris West. Iris West.

Iris West.

Hey, guys!

Picked up some Big Belly Burger for you.

Come and get it.

Hey, yeah.

Thanks, Mark. I'll come grab it.

Be right back.




What the hell?



Mark, what the hell's going on?

Oh, Mark isn't here right now.

[DISTORTED VOICE] But he served
his purpose, didn't he?

To get all of your teammates
out of the way

so that I could get to you,

the Avatar's lightning rod.

You're the Negative
Speed Force, aren't you?

Now I'm gonna do what I've
wanted to do for a long time.

I'm going to gut you like a fish,

and your little baby, too.

Time to eliminate
the competition, permanently.


Leave her alone!

Nora, are you okay?

Dos she seem okay to you?


You can't stay in this plane

of existence forever...

not in the state you're in.

And the moment you leave to go and heal,

I am coming back for her,

and the entire Allen family!

This is crazy!

We trusted Mark.

He was supposed to protect us.

Turns out he was
hunting us the whole time.

He distracted me from the satellites,

and he must have upset Khione,
too, to make her leave.

Does this mean he's the new avatar?


Mark's body is just a vessel.

Whatever they're trying to use him for,

it's unlike anything I've ever seen.


- Whoa.
- Oh.

Yeah, the negative forces...

they're attacking me right now
on the cosmic plane,

trying to distract me
from whatever their plan is.

Oh, my God.

Is that why Barry can't get home,

because he's being held
c*ptive somewhere?

I think so.

Because his connection to me...
it's been disrupted

ever since he's vanished.

I can't find him anywhere
in time or space.

Chester, you need to get

the cobalt scanners online fast.

I'm really trying, but Mark sabotaged

all the work that I had already done.

Well, try harder, please.

He wants to k*ll my baby, my family,

and we don't have a way to stop him!

There's still someone who can help us:



♪ ♪


Come on!

There's gotta be something
about you here, Eddie.

♪ ♪

I need security
to the CEO's office right now!

No, I just need to talk to Iris West.

So you broke into her office?

You need to leave!

She used to know someone, Eddie Thawne.

I need to find out what happened to him.

It's a matter of life and death.

- Eddie!
- Eddie!



What did you do?

What did you do?

That's how you and I met.

What did you do, Eddie?

- In here!


I need to see how he died.


♪ ♪

Gideon, can you start a recording

for Barry's eyes only?

Yes, Iris West-Allen.

Can you show me a picture
from our wedding day?

Barry, I have no idea
how this is gonna end.

We're under attack from
the Negative Speed Force.

Deep down inside, I have a feeling

that right now,
you're under attack, too.

Tonight, a new world begins!

No matter what, I know
that the love that we share

and the connection that we have

can never be broken,

because we will never stop
fighting for it.


♪ ♪

I felt so powerless today,

but I guess this is me saying

that I'm standing on my own two feet.

And I'm gonna be strong.

And I know we'll find our way
back to each other.

We always do.

♪ ♪

What is happening?

Did you just summon me?

Who are you?

I'm the Speed Force.


Are you okay?


I used up some of my last bits
of strength to bring you here.


I can't help your friends, not anymore.

It's up to you.

I can't help anyone.

Even when I try, I hurt people.

That's what a friend of mine
told me, and he's right.

I'm inhuman.

I know. That's the point.

Human emotions, human feelings...

they give us strength,

but they can also weigh us down.

Look what happened to you today.

You were so blinded by emotion

that you couldn't see the truth
right in front of you.

The Mark wasn't really Mark at all.

Well then, why don't you defeat him?

Because my power is fading.

I am running out of time,
Khione, and so are you.

But you are still denying
who you really are.

No, I'm not denying anything.

I've tried to figure out
who I am, what my powers are,

where they came from.

Seven months ago, you made it snow.

Today, you transformed people's
physiology with a thought.

What else have you done?

I can become any element.

I have rescued people, animals,

entire ecosystems

from invading unnatural assailants.

I can feel everything
all over the planet,

a volcano exploding in Bali,

a blade of grass in Peru...

every living thing.


♪ ♪

It sounds to me

like you already know what you are.



♪ ♪

Please, Khione, help your friends.

Embrace your power.

What if I can't?

Then your team, this city,

and everyone on the planet will suffer.

♪ ♪

What's happening?

I got the cobalt scanners working.

They picked up on Mark's signature.

Wait, isn't that...

Caitlin's old apartment? Yeah.

Oh, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa!

The barometric pressure there

just shifted , millibars?

That's like a hurricane's
about to hit the place.

No, that's no hurricane.

♪ ♪

I've been waiting for you, Khione.

You're the only one left

that I have to take off the board

before I can get everything I want...

the only one who can protect her.

So.. let's do this.

Bring it on.

Something's different about you.

The Speed Force helped me embrace

all the power that's inside me,
and it is a lot of power.

But I don't wanna hurt you,

so I'm gonna give you one more chance.

Leave my friend's body

and crawl back to whatever hole
in the universe you came from.


There's not a chance.

See, if you wanna take me out,

you've got to m*rder your best friend.

What are you talking about?

Oh, did your life coach
not get into the nitty-gritty

with you when she gave you
your little pep talk?

[LAUGHS] So here's the deal.

Mark... he's still in here,
and I am not leaving this body.

So if you wanna stop me, really stop me,

the only way is to k*ll Mark.




Can you scan me for anything unusual?

Of course. Scanning.

You're having mild contractions.

I'm in labor?

So long as I have this crystal...

I am in charge.

I know.

That's why I'm removing it.



♪ ♪


Sorry, Mark.

This is gonna hurt.



♪ ♪




What the hell?

[CHUCKLES] What'd you do to me?

I saved you.



♪ ♪

Where'd that thing go?

I don't know, but it can't be good.

Oh, frak yeah!

I'm not picking up
cobalt radiation anymore.

Yes! Yes!

That means Khione won...

- Yeah. Yeah.
- Right?

- Ah!

What... what's wrong? What happened?

Oh, God, I just...

I'm getting a massive wave of panic...

but also joy?

Guys, the baby's coming.

Iris, honey, that's great news!

Hey, you all right?

I'm getting a lot
of wild emotions off of you.

No, I am really happy. I am.

I just... I thought Barry
would be back in time.

- Guys, what's... what's that?


♪ ♪




Is it really you?


I'm back.


I'm back.

Oh, man, I knew you'd
find your way home.

Yeah, I did, too, but, Barry,

we gotta get Iris
to the hospital, like, now.

- Right now?
- Yeah.

We're having a baby.

- There you go.

- Oof.
- You got this.


- Okay.
- Yeah?

I think they're gone.

- Okay.
- Oof. Ooh.

- You okay?
- Uh-huh.


I didn't think you'd enjoy contractions.

Oh, no, they're horrible.

I just...

I don't care,
just as long as you're here.

I'm just sorry that I
wasn't there for you today,

everything that you went through.

I always knew that someday,
my life would lead me

back to that night,

the night my mom died.


I just thought that when
it came, I'd be afraid.

I wasn't.

I got the chance
to see my parents again,

and I felt peace.

♪ ♪

I'm home now.

I'm not going anywhere.

I love you, Iris.

I love you.


She's doing great.

Oh, thank you.

Oh, that's terrific.

Allegra's almost done
with her iodine treatment.

She'll be here any minute.

Oh, tell her to take her time.

The doctor says
we still have a few more hours

before the baby arrives.

Now we just need to hope that crystal

doesn't show up again in the meantime.

Nora said Mark was possessed
by the Negative Speed Force.

Whatever that crystal is,
it's unlike any w*apon

we've ever seen before.

It's traveling through time,

trying to use our friends to k*ll us

all through the timeline, all at once.

I'm gonna go and start
looking for this rock

before it finds another victim.

Mark, are you sure you're up for that?

You were just reborn.

Yeah, I feel fine, you know, physically.

I'm just glad you're back.

I missed my friend.

You know, I was away
these last seven months.

I thought about you all the time.

I was wondering how you were doing.

Look at you.

You've already become even more powerful

than I ever could have dreamed.

You saved me
from the Negative Speed Force.

How did you do that?

I returned you to Earth,

the mother of us all.

And once you were safe in her embrace,

I raised you up.

Given that kind of power,
what even are you?

I'm a goddess.

So what, are you like
the Speed Force now?

Not exactly.

I'm not just connected
to one force, or one element,

but all of them.

And if I'm gonna explore
what that really entails...

I don't think it's my destiny

to protect just this team, or this city.

Everything's got to change.

What are you saying, exactly?

I don't think I can stay here...

with you, with this team.

I think I need to leave.

Uh, what?

Not yet.

First, I'll help you stop
the negative Speed Force.

Look, Khione,
whatever you need, we... ah!

Oh, no!


I can't feel him anymore.


He's gone, again.

♪ ♪



♪ ♪




Stop what you're doing, okay?
This is a crime.

I need to see his corpse.

It's the only way I'll know the truth.

About what?

This is insane!

I look like him!

I have visions of his memories!

And there's this voice in my head,

pushing and pushing!

You can't be him.

It's all just coincidence.


There's no such thing as a coincidence.

No such thing as a coincidence.



♪ ♪




I couldn't wait.

I love you.


Eddie, we need your help.

Iris West.

Eddie? Eddie!

- [g*nsh*t]

What did you do?

What did you do?

What did you do?

Eddie, no! It's just you and me, okay?

Say it.



No! Eddie!

I remember everything.

I shot myself in the chest.

That wasn't you.

Now put your hands behind your back.


I am Eddie Thawne,

and I'll prove it to you.




Now do you believe me?




♪ ♪

Greg, move your head!