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03x08 - Guess Who's Coming to Dinner

Posted: 05/12/23 06:14
by bunniefuu
Previously on "Superman & Lois"...

- Crime's up.
- So are profits.

Well, where's that money going?

Straight to Lex and his
people in Metropolis.

What, you want to take Luthor out?

What the hell is wrong with you?

I know your family.

And not just that sister
of yours in Metropolis.

- Where is Darlene?
- Anything happens to me, they all die.

Isn't risking a few lives

for a breakthrough that
could save millions worth it?

- But jeopardizing even one life...
- This is your wife we're talking about!

I'm not sure that it is.

I don't want to just be
cancer friends, though.

I want to be friend friends.

This isn't really the recipe
for a lifelong friendship.

My husband's not who you think he is.

Everything he's done,
it's all been for me.



♪ ♪

♪ ♪

Oh, that's all you're gonna eat?

I'll grab a bite at the station.

Mr. Cushing wants me to show
up a little early for my shift.

Your shift? Dude,
you're a trainee, not a firefighter.

Whatever, man.

Speaking of training,
I'm not sure I can make it

- to the fortress today.
- That's okay; I actually had

a plan to hang out with
Sarah later, anyway.

Oh, just you and Sarah?

As friends. It can be done.

I mean, look at you and Ms. Lang.






♪ ♪


Okay, I got three
cappuccinos, a latte...


Am I... late or something?

You think 'cause you got a
shirt with your name on it,

you're the big cheese of Smallville now?

We don't just let anyone off the streets

join this station, son.

Yes, sir. I know that.

And if we're gonna invest the
time it takes to train you,

you gotta promise us you understand
the commitment you're making

and that you're gonna give us your all.

And that no matter how hard it gets,
you are not gonna give up.

I promise I'm not gonna give up.


♪ ♪

We know.



♪ ♪

You are now officially a member

of the National Junior
Firefighter Program.

Wait, seriously?

You ready to do this for real?


Well, then I think it's
time we show little Kent here

how to throw a ladder.



♪ ♪

God, Mom. Do you ever stop working?

Oh, you wouldn't believe
how many emails I get a day.



- Is everything okay?
- Yeah.

It's just a reminder of a concert

I was supposed to go
to with your father.



- So who's playing?
- The Cure.

- I'm not really that familiar.

Every time I hear "Just Like Heaven,"

it takes me right back to high school.

Is that supposed to be a good thing?

Wait, why don't you come with me?

It could be so fun.

Kind of like a girls'
night out in Metropolis.

Yeah. It... it seems nice.

It's just, I don't
really know their music.

Then I'll make you a mix CD.

[SNORTS] Mom, I...

I don't have a CD player,
and it would just be

a really expensive waste of a ticket.


All right. Well, I'll ask someone else.



I'll tell Matteo we're canceling.

- We're not canceling.
- Peia...

No. I said no.

[SIGHS] This is important for our son,

and it's important to me.

You'll have more opportunities

to meet this girlfriend of his.

I'm meeting her today.

I heard coughing.

You okay, Mom?

Some tea went down
the wrong pipe, is all.

Baby, I got you a little
something for today.

Oh. Okay.

Oh, Mom.

Mom, you didn't have to do this.

Yeah, I did.

You're gonna look so handsome in this.

Are you gonna be crying all day?

[TEARFULLY] Yeah, probably.


Come here.

I love it. Thank you.

I love you.


So, um... [LAUGHS]

How do you get this thing on?

- 'Cause I...

- Come on, I'll show you.
- All right.

Bruno Mannheim should be worried.

He's managed to keep his
marriage a secret. Why is that?

My guess is, he wants to
keep his private life private.

Except Bruno's not a private guy.

He's been the public face
of Hob's Bay for years.

There has to be a reason.

So, I think that Bruno knows

this information could lead to more
secrets he'd rather keep hidden.

That's a bit of a stretch.

Well, actually, it's a strategy
you gave in your MasterClass.

I never should have
done that stupid series.

Why are you making me feel
like I'm doing something wrong?

We've been working on
this story for months.

Not this story.

Lois, I think Chrissy is right.

We all agree Bruno should be in prison.

- And if this could help us...
- I'm just not comfortable

informing the world
about their personal life.

The "Gazette" isn't a gossip rag.

- This isn't gossip, Lois.
- It reads like gossip to me.

This is news that our
readers want to see.

We're not running it.


I am co-owner of this paper,

and I don't want my name on this story.

I need to rest.

♪ ♪

I'll talk to her.

I'm so tired of feeling
cold all the time.

Could you please make
me a hot tea, babe?

Yeah, of course.

Look, babe. [SIGHS]

Chrissy worked really
hard on that article.

I just don't think it's appropriate

to out Peia and Bruno's
relationship right now.

I know the timing isn't great, but...

She has cancer.

She is fighting to
survive, just like I am.

Okay. So then this is personal.

Yeah. Maybe a little.

But ultimately, what
does that even accomplish?

Bruno being married to Peia
doesn't help us take him down.

I know. It's a tough call.

But you never know what other
secrets this might shake loose.

- I mean, if people looked closer at us...
- They're not us.

But if they looked closer,
they might find out about me,

- about Jordan's powers.
- Exactly.

That would ruin our lives.

I don't want to do that to her.

But like you said, they aren't us.


Bruno is responsible for the
deaths of a lot of people.

He's almost had me k*lled.

And one of his guys shot Jordan
in the chest, point blank.

He's the leader of Intergang

and the biggest illegal
weapons dealer in the country.

He's not a good guy, Lois.

- And if Peia married him...
- What? That means she can't be good either?

No, but it does mean
their secrets might be

a lot more dangerous than ours.

So it's our job, our responsibility
as journalists, to keep digging.

Fine. Fine.

You can look into her, but you
and Chrissy can do it without me.

I'm done with the Mannheim stuff.


♪ ♪

Can I please have my tea?



This is close enough.


You sure you don't need me to join you?

Dad, I thought you had
someone you need to see.

I do.

But I'm here if you need me.

They're gonna love you.

Thanks, Dad.


♪ ♪

Welcome to Little Ace's.

There she is.


One second.

- You look amazing.
- Thanks.

I love this bow tie.

Thank you. It was
actually my mom's touch.

Well, come on. They
can't wait to meet you.

Mom, Dad, this is Natalie.

It is so nice to finally meet you.

Matteo's been talking about
you pretty much nonstop.

- Mom.

Oh, please. It's nice.

You came all the way from Smallville?

Yes, sir. Have you been?

Oh, not personally.

But it has been on my radar lately.

Shall we?


This is a total disaster.

That was basically our whole front page.

And, I mean, I'm not gonna publish it

if she's not gonna be a part of it.

It's a really big story.

I know. I know.

Just give her a day or
two to change her mind.

Great, so we'll just keep
publishing town hall stories

until we can be real journalists again.


- Hey, guys.
- Hey.

Clark, I saw your truck outside,

and I thought I'd see if
you maybe wanted my tickets

to the Cure tomorrow night?


That would be so awesome.

Um, but Lois isn't feeling great,

and I'm gonna stay in
and take care of her.

Any chance you want them?

I know Kyle's a fan.

Oh. Um, thanks, but no.

I have a conflict.

Not of interest! Oh, my God.

No, I mean, we're... we're
totally, totally cool.

Um, it's just a conflict of time.

Just timing.


Uh, let Lois know that
I'm thinking of her.

- I will.
- Okay.

- Wha...

Was that as awkward as it felt?

I mean, I wasn't even
using the super stuff,

and I could hear your heartbeat, so...


Look, I think we should
dig deeper into Peia.

Aww, it seems like someone else
has been taking Lois's MasterClass.

Yeah, I had a front row seat.

Come on. Let's go to Metropolis.

- There's someone there we should talk to.
- Okay. [GASPS]


Does that mean we're gonna fly?


Now that's flying done right.

Fly higher. Fly better.

Fly Luthor.

Even in prison, he's still making money.

Special delivery, straight
from the ARGUS vaults.

Anything and everything
they have on Bruno Mannheim,

even the classified stuff.


You should take that to the "Gazette."

Maybe Chrissy and Clark
will find something.

But you've been on me for months
to get these from Diggle.

- Things have changed.
- Why?

'Cause you've been getting
treatments at Bruno's hospital?

That doesn't mean he isn't a criminal.

You've been after this guy for years.

Doesn't feel right anymore.

"Feel right"?

Is this you talking or the cancer?

- Dad.
- 'Cause it sounds to me like

you're letting this
disease cloud your judgment.

You're starting to sound like Clark.

For once, I agree with him.


You really expect me to believe
Lois Lane isn't one bit curious

about what's in these files?

♪ ♪

Come on, pumpkin.

How about you and I take a look?



All right, we gotta move!

Fire out at Fowe's. Let's go!

Uh, Mr. Cushing, can I come?

As long as you promise
to stay by the truck.

Watch and observe only.

Let's go! Let's roll.

♪ ♪



♪ ♪


We're missing one employee.
You got eyes on him, Tamera?

Negative. All aisles are clear.







♪ ♪

I think he inhaled too much smoke.

♪ ♪

What the hell are you doing, Kent?


I told you to stay by the truck.

What'd I tell you about
staying in the truck?

I just wanted to help.

What, by busting down the
door of a burning building?

No, I didn't... it wasn't...

So you're just gonna lie to me now?

Look, I know you want to be a hero,
son, but fires are deadly, okay?

Okay. I'm sorry. I just...

You were a liability today,
and I can't have that.

Does this mean I'm fired?

Hey, Chief, you need to come
and take a look at something.


We'll talk about this later,
but you're done for the day.

Get on home.

Copy. On my way.

I can't believe it.

There is so much here.

I could have used these files years ago.


It just makes me happy
to see you like this, pumpkin.

Like what?

Like yourself again.

Some of these files are from weeks

after Lex Luthor k*lled Boss Moxie.

It is amazing how quickly
Bruno rose to power.


Well, he knew how to take
advantage of the chaos.

That's the way the crime world works.


- Who was that?
- No one.

Which means it was clearly someone.

It's just a reminder for this...

Senior Swipe meetup thing.

You have a date?

It's coffee at Vicky May's.

Dad, that's a date!

When is it? Tonight? You have to go.

I can't go now.

We're about to make a break in the case.

We literally just started.

All the more reason I
should stay and help.

Dad, I've got this.

Besides, it makes me happy

to see you getting back out there.

So please, get back out there.


For me.

♪ ♪

I've known Peia for a long time.

She's always been the sweetest girl.

She used to babysit my daughter
when she was young, and...

Diana just loved her.


She always wanted to be just like Peia.


- It sounds like she was a good kid.
- Yeah.

Would you say she had
any less desirable qualities?

We're just trying to get a really

full picture of her history.


Well, back when she
was in high school...


I don't know, it was like...

something happened to her.

What do you mean?

She became quiet and withdrawn.

I never saw her smile or laugh.

Any idea what might have happened?

It wasn't my place to pry.

But when she married
Bruno, it was wonderful.

It was like Bruno taught Peia

how to find her voice again.

That man reminded her how to smile.

So random question:

do you think that Peia had any knowledge

of Bruno's ties to Intergang?


Exactly what kind of
article are you writing?

Peia has nothing in
her heart but kindness

for the people of this community.

You should know that by now.

Shame on you.

♪ ♪


Hi. I'm looking for Megan.

Oh, the pretty blonde with
the Farrah Fawcett waves?

- That's the one.
- You just missed her.

But she did leave you this.


♪ ♪

Okay. Well, let me
know if anything changes.

Sam, hi.

Wait. That was your date?

[LAUGHS] Can you believe it?

First time in my life
I'm late for anything.

What happened?

I got caught up.

Got caught up, or got cold feet?

[LAUGHS] Uh, we're gonna
need another round of fries.

So Matteo tells us that
you're interested in robotics.

Yeah, I just really
love building things.

Nice. So you're a part
of a team at school?

Actually, Smallville
doesn't have a robotics team.

But I like to work on my
own stuff in the mornings.

Oh, in the mornings?

Hmm. Can you imagine?

This one right here, he
likes to roll out of bed

ten minutes before it's time to leave.

I'm . We get up late.
That's just biology.

Yeah, well, you know what beats biology?

Being woken up at dawn by roosters.



Maybe we'll try that one.

- Okay, okay.

If my dad pulls some
Old MacDonald stuff,

- I'm blaming you.
- But maybe you need it.

[SIGHS] You know who they remind me of?

me, when we were young.


Did you feel that?


Peia, you are not well. We should leave.

I'm gonna flag the waiter
and get the check, okay?

Bruno, stop.


Natalie came a long way
to have dinner with us.

I'm fine.

Now, Natalie, as a mother,
it is my job to tell you

at least one embarrassing
story about my son.

- You don't have to...
- Yeah, I do.

♪ However far away ♪

♪ I will always love you ♪

♪ However long I stay ♪

♪ I will always love you ♪

See? Told you they were dope.

Yeah, they're great.

Pretty dark for my mom.

- Who is she?

- Jordan!

- Hey, I heard...

Yo, what the hell's your problem?

- What are you talking about?
- The fire.

We didn't need Superboy flying
in there to save the day.

You're pissed because I saved someone?

Dude, he was just trying to do his job.

Yeah? Well, now I might lose mine.

- Why?
- Because Jordan decided

to leave that guy with
me, so now your dad thinks

- I went totally rogue.
- I was just trying to help.

Yeah, we didn't need your help.

Guys, stop. Look, I'll
just talk to my dad.

You know you're not the only
one who has to save people, right?

- I've been training for this.
- Yeah, I've been training too.

That's not the same thing at all.

- Oh, why not?
- 'Cause I have heat vision,

and you're taking coffee orders!


♪ ♪


You're right.

Guess, uh, you're the only one
that gets to be a real hero.




Oh, my God, flying is awesome!

I mean, yeah, I do...

I do feel unwell, like...

like I might vomit up lunch,

but if there is one thing
that I learned in college,

it is how to rally.


Babe? What are you doing here?

I needed more space to
go through these files.

Oh, my God.

This guy looks like he
was chainsawed to death.

Great. I was looking for that.

I thought you were done
with the Mannheim story.

I know. I'm sorry that I said that.

I wasn't feeling like myself.

- And Chrissy...
- You don't need to apologize.

Except to our readers, who now know

way too much about the town hall.

Well, tomorrow we're running
your story about Mannheim.

Are you sure? Because we just
did some more digging on Peia...

And came back with absolutely nada.

I'm sure.

What I said earlier
was the cancer talking.

I didn't want to hurt
Peia because I know

what she's going
through, but I also know

that Bruno's secrets have to be exposed,

and there are a lot of them.

- You found anything yet?
- No.

But Clark, there is so
much stuff here on Bruno

that I've never seen before.

I think this is how we nail him.

What the hell was I even thinking?

Dating again, after all this time?

It's not like riding a bicycle.

I'm sure it hasn't been that long.

Going on years.

Oh, wow.

That is... huh.

I have a lot of questions. [LAUGHS]

Though they can wait for
a more appropriate time.


After Ella left, I just never wanted

to be hurt like that again.

So I buried myself in work,

shut everyone out.

It's not very hard to
disappear from real life

when that's what you want.

But wait.

Why in good heavens are you here

alone on a Saturday night?

Oh, I had a bunch of work to do.

And I'm trying to get rid of
these Cure tickets that I have.

I'm gonna assume that's a band
and not some weird cult situation.

But why would you want to do that?


Because I have no one to go with.

Well, sounds like maybe it's time

for you to get back out there too.


You're probably right.

Truth is,

Kyle broke my heart,
and I'm terrified of getting hurt again.


♪ ♪

Wish I could tell you it'll get easier.

It won't.

Not unless you take the first step.

How did you know when you were ready?

Peer pressure.

Jordan insisted I give it a try.



I had a responsibility to save that

guy's life that he didn't understand.

It's not my fault that I
have powers and he doesn't.

Yeah, but you didn't have
to rub it in his face.

- That's not what I was doing.
- Jordan...

just try to see it from
Jon's perspective, okay?

He found something that makes himself

feel special, the same way

that your powers make you feel special,
and now he might lose it.

So can you just admit that it sucks

without being so defensive?

You're right. It sucks.

Yeah. So maybe just go talk to him.

Maybe I should.

♪ ♪

By the way,

going to that concert
is not just about liking the music.

That's, like, the whole
point of going to a concert.

Could be that your mom's lonely

and just wants to spend
some time with you.

Wait, are you trying
to make me feel guilty?




So let me get this straight.

Bruno Mannheim takes over Intergang

after Lex Luthor kills Boss Moxie.

And most of the ers.

With a literal chainsaw?

Am I the only one who
didn't have power tools

on my Lex Luthor bingo card?

Luther and Moxie were feuding
over territory in South Metropolis.

He wanted to send a message.

Which he bragged about on a phone line

the cops happened to be listening in on.

And there are more photos.

Wow, I have miraculously
not vomited yet today.

Two of these guys were stabbed
with some sort of longsword.

Oh, my God, and these other two...

there's barely anything left of them.

They look like they were
hit by a bus, or a...



- No.
- It could be the same person.

Let me see the coroner's reports.

Two of the ers were shot.

Yeah, but they never found any b*ll*ts.

Where is the recording
of Luther confessing?

Oh, um...


♪ ♪

We need to listen to that again.

Thank you for seeing me.

It's the least I could
do after you set up

those security systems for my family.

My mess is the reason
they needed them in the first place.

Well, not really your mess, though.

More my brother's.

After seeing you, I realized

how much I miss him.

I felt the same way about you.

How has your daughter been?

Natalie, right?

Yeah. She's great.

Actually, uh, Nat has
her first boyfriend,

which has been kind of hard on her dad.

Oh, God, please tell me that you
have been better than our dad was.

I'm working on it.


Fortunately, he's a good kid.

Lives not too far
from here in Hob's Bay.

Area's really coming up these days.

That's what I hear.

His family's taking her
out to a nice restaurant,

this place called, uh, Little Ace's.

- You can't be serious.
- What?

Little Ace's is a place
that my brother used to go to

all the time with Bruno Mannheim.

♪ ♪

So he only wanted
wallpaper with dinosaurs,

and only dinosaurs who were smiling.

This is your first time meeting Natalie,

and this is the story you tell her?

Son, your mom has been
waiting years for this moment.

Oh, Natalie. I went to every
home goods store in Metropolis,

but they only had angry dinosaurs.

Oh, let me guess... too scary?

- What? No.
- No, you got it.

You're right! [LAUGHTER]

So I ended up having his dad

draw the smiles on the
dinosaurs with a marker.

Now, I am no artist,
but they looked good.

- They were all right. Decent.

Aww. You got your happy dinosaurs.

Yeah, I did.


Welcome to Little Ace's.

Oh, hey, look. Your dad's here.

♪ ♪


♪ ♪

Uh, Dad?

What's going on?

Is this your father, Natalie?

Yeah. Is everything okay?

[g*ns COCKING]

Nat, we need to go.

- Take the kids outside.
- Dad, no. Get off of me!

- Let go of me!
- Hey, hey, you let go...

Hey, get off of me!

Dad! No, let go of me!

No! Bruno, don't.


Bruno, stop.





Get him up.


I told you if I ever saw you again,

I'd show you exactly
the kind of man I am.


He had it coming.

I'm not giving up my
piece of South Metropolis

for Moxie or anyone else, ever.

Now they won't forget it.

That's him, though. That's
Luther bragging about what he did.

No, no, no. It's not. Play it again.

I'm not giving up my
piece of South Metropolis

for Moxie or anyone else.


Okay, that. That buzzing sound.

Every time I faced that sound assassin,

I heard the same thing.

It's an imitation of Lex's voice.

But that means all these victims...

Intergang, Boss Moxie...

Lex Luthor didn't k*ll them.

Mannheim and that assassin did.


I told you to stay away.


I told you what I'd do to your family.







And now I'm gonna do what I
should have done a long time ago.

Wait, wait, wait, wait.


You don't have to do this, Bruno.


If I don't stop him, he'll stop us.



Your suit!



What is it?

John Henry.


♪ ♪



- What was that?

My dad.


Come on. Come on.




♪ ♪

Finish this.





♪ ♪






[MUFFLED] Peia! No. No. No.

No. No, no, no, no.

[CLEARLY] Peia. Peia.



Peia, come on.

She needs to get to a hospital.


I have to take her now,
or she's going to die.


♪ ♪




♪ ♪


♪ ♪



♪ ♪


We have control.

Thank you.

That'll keep her powers from
working while she's here.

Is that even necessary?

That woman almost k*lled me.

Not to mention all the damage
she's done in Hob's Bay.

So yeah, I think it's
more than necessary.

John, I know the doctors
managed to stabilize

her condition, but she still
has cancer, and it's spread.

She doesn't have much time left.

She's a m*rder*r.

I get that Lois may have bonded with her

during her treatments.

She's a bad person.

You need to remember that.

I'm gonna go call Sam so we can
start figuring out our next moves.

♪ ♪

Sorry I have to leave so suddenly.

Is everything okay?

Never a good thing when
work calls this late.

Listen, I've been eating alone

in places like this for over years.

It's a lonely way to live.

Do yourself a favor...

don't be me.


Find someone to take to that concert.

Thanks, Sam.

- Hey. You got a sec?

Yes, sir.

That's all I saw.


Hey, man, look,

I wasn't trying to get you in trouble.

I was just trying to help.

But I really shouldn't
have said that stuff before.

It doesn't matter now.

Why? Did they fire you?

Was that Mr. Cushing on the phone?

It was.

But he hasn't made up his mind yet.

So what's the problem?

He and the other firefighters
found ice inside the store.

Mr. Cushing said that
this is not the first time

that something like this has happened.

He thinks someone with
powers put out the fire.

Congratulations, Superboy.

They're on to you.


Is Matteo's mom okay?

She's contained.

- Dad...
- Look.

I know you didn't know
who Matteo's parents were,

but you can never see
him again. Is that understood?

Wait, but it's not his
fault. He didn't know either.

It doesn't matter.

I'm also gonna need your phone.

Are you serious?



♪ ♪

You okay?

I can't believe I was so
wrong about everything.

There's no way you could
have known about Peia.

That's not who I'm talking about.

You mean Lex?

I think we put Lex Luthor in prison

for a crime he didn't commit.


♪ ♪

♪ However long I stay ♪

♪ ♪

♪ Whatever words I say ♪

♪ ♪

♪ I will always love you ♪