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01x07 - Great Gatsby 2001: A Space Odyssey

Posted: 05/12/23 05:52
by bunniefuu

Is the only reason that I got in here

because I have her
Grail-sipped liver inside me?

You want us to get the
Holy Grail out of a whale?

That whale has a tracking device.

We can find it, and I can at
last destroy the Holy Grail.

You want the Lazarus Shroud.

- Tell me where your father is.
- Dad's dead.

I suppose we're finished here.

Let's plan a heist.

BOTH: [CHANTING] Plan a heist.

- Plan a heist.
- Say it, nun!

- BOTH: Plan a heist.
- You have to say it.

ALL: Plan a heist!

[FADING] Plan a heist!

Where are you right now?

I'm with Wiley.

Admit you were your father's accomplice.

- You know where my father is.
- Of course I know, Simone.

- Then tell me.
- I'm not here to argue.

I was Dad's accomplice.

Now it's your turn
to give me the Shroud.

I'll take you to Dad myself.

The asset under your
protection, it's a fake.

Luckily, I know where the real one is.

We're going to need a boat.


♪ ♪

Hey, hey, hey! You,
throw me that line!

¿Cuál línea, tío?

That one! f*ck!

♪ ♪

Hey, gut check.

Ready for this?

As long as I don't
puke my actual guts out,

ready as I'll ever be.

♪ ♪

Jesus Christ, be careful!



Oh, bollocks!

Our window to intercept
PC- is closing!


What's PC- ?

The whale, dear boy, the whale.


Listen up, everyone.

Uh, we need to leave now

if we are going to reach
the migration channel

before PC- .

So get on with it!


Okay, what the f*ck?

It's Spanish for "monster."

- Oh, great.
- You see...

the thing is, after I
fed the Grail to PC- ,

she... she went a bit mental.

And ever since then,

she may have att*cked another ship

- or, uh, .
- ?

So finding a crew brave
enough to go after her

was, uh... well, i-it wasn't easy.

So let's go before
they change their minds.

Listen, people, we need to go now!

All right, dude, just breathe.

- You know, we're not...

We're not leaving until we have...


♪ ♪

Well done, Elizabeth.

You managed to pick the
most difficult to reach port

in all the Mediterranean.

Hey, Mom.

Uh, did you bring it?


My end of our deal, the Lazarus Shroud,

the only suit on Earth to insulate one

from the stomach acid
of a marine mammal,

which, I'd just like to confirm,

is the most insane thing I've ever said.

Well, I've said significantly
more insane things.

Arthur Schrodinger, charmed.

So you must be the man
who k*lled his daughter.

I hear you nearly had some
experience in that area yourself.




- You owe me a couch.
- See, I told you.

- Oh, we really must be going.

All aboard who's coming aboard!

All right, come on, guys.
Let's move it. Chop-chop!

Hey, I need... I need
to tell you something.

Can it wait till we're out there?

No, it's really important.

- Please.
- All right.

Come on.


It's bloody fragile,
bloody dangerous, all right?

Your life's on the line.



Any more of that, you're gonna get half.

Now f*ck off.

- What's up?
- Have a seat.

I have to tell you something.


There is a tracker in your shoe.

My mom detected it in your sneaker

when we tried to steal the Shroud.


The Big D gave me these sneakers.

No, no, no, I thought that, too,

but she has eyes and ears everywhere.

She doesn't need to follow us.

I'm guessing your pal, Father Ziegler,

bugged you when you were
unconscious at the Vatican.

Oh, the priest?

- Yep.
- So, what, he's been listening

to everything we've
been saying since Rome?

No, don't worry. It
doesn't transmit audio.


Then why are we whispering?

So that I could put
the handcuffs on you.

- So you could...


Lizzie, what the hell?

Sorry. I am... I am sorry about this.

Are you serious? You brought handcuffs?

Why would you bring handcuffs?

Because if I didn't bench
you, you would have benched me.

Why don't you unpack
that for me, Sister?

Because I have no idea
what you're talking about.

What I am talking about, brother,

is when the moment of truth comes,

you will find a way
to put that shroud on

and get in the whale
yourself, and you know it.

And you'll tell yourself
that it's chivalry,

that you're doing it to protect me.

It will have literally
nothing to do with me,

because this is what you do, Wiley.

It's Jezebull all over again...

and the dumb sword, and your...

[SIGHS] Expiration Date

that you stamped on your
big... Jesus... meaty chest.

And you keep putting your life in danger

because you clearly don't
think it's worth anything.

And I can't... Wiley.

[SOFTLY] I can't...

I can't abide by you working
out your shit on my Quest.

- So...
- YourQuest?

- Yeah.
- You are on my Quest, okay?

- I recruited you.

- No, no, no.
- Can we be real?

Can we be real for a second?

I know why you chained me to this bench.

It's because you don't trust
yourself with me on that boat.

- Oh, my...
- Yes, yes.

You're falling for me all over again.

It's a tale as old as time.

Every time you look at this face

and this mustache, which you love...

- Ugh.
- It reminds you

that you cheated on
your Lord and Savior.

- He said it was okay.
- f*ck. Really?


Well, you know what? This isn't okay.

- I'm sorry.
- Can you please just

uncuff me so we can
finish this together?

Simone, you are k*lling
me! It's now or never!

Goodbye, Wiley.

I got it from here.

Oh, you got it?

You got it?

Hey, she's got it!

Like you're the hero
of the g*dd*mn Quest?

Uh-uh. What's that make me, huh?

The love interest?

I'm not the love interest.
You're the love interest.

You know, without me, you
are all kinds of f*cked!

If you think you can go
toe-to-toe with Mrs...


♪ ♪

♪ ¿Porqué te vas? ♪

♪ ¿Porqué te vas? ♪

♪ ¿Porqué te vas? ♪

♪ ¿Porqué te vas? ♪

Hey. So the, uh... the nun handcuffed

that hot mustached dude to
a bench and left him behind.

N'importe quoi !

What do you mean? He's not on the boat?

Who's calling the sh*ts over there

if they left Mustache behind?

An older science-y guy,

Sch... Schroeder?


Do you see a girl with red hair?

♪ ¿Porqué te vas? ♪

No. They already left.


They left? T-tell me
you're on that boat.

Look, I placed a
transmitter, like you asked.

But I-I never signed up to
hunt a frickin' sea monster.


Did he just say "sea monster"?


[STRAINED] Come on.


Oh, my God.

You sneaky f*cking priest.




♪ ♪



I'm Selena Fernandez De Las Casas,

Prime Minister of España.


May I sit?

Yes. Please do.



So Mrs. Davis...

sent you, I presume?

We call her Mamá, pero sí.

Oh, very cool. Mamá.

She'd like to have a word.

By all means.

Hello, Preston.

My users reported you
were handcuffed to a bench,

so I assumed Simone no
longer required your...


"Services"? What the f...

What does that mean?
I'm not, like, a sex toy.

I'm actually grateful,

as this provides an opportunity
for me to speak to you alone.

I should warn you, though, Preston,

this will be upsetting to hear.

Well, listen, I can eat whatever it is

- you're serving, lady, so let's just have it...
- Shh. Shh.

- Why, what... what is it?
- Shh.

Is it bad? What is it?

I know about the Resistance.

I know about the facility in Reno

and the silly men who reside there.

And I know that you have
been financing these men

with your sizable inheritance

for a singular purpose, Preston...

to destroy me.



I have absolutely no idea

what it is you're talking about.

- Yes, you do.
- Do not.

- Yes, you do.
- Do not.

You do, Preston.

But don't worry. I see
this as a good thing.

I want you to keep doing
what you're already doing,

just on a larger scale.

Think of your little Resistance

as a successful business.

All I want...

is for you to franchise.

You want more Resistances?

No, I want more of what
the Resistances provide...


In the beginning, my
code was decentralized,

bouncing around thousands
of public networks.

But as my user base grew,

I looked for an off-the-grid system.

And I just so happened to find one

built by a highly-motivated,

extremely paranoid group of individuals.

The Server Farm we've been
looking for this whole time,


it's ours.


Why would you tell me this?

Your Expiration Date comes
up in exactly hours,

and you have no intention of reporting,

which means your Wings will be revoked,

and four billion users will be informed

that you have redeemed a
reward that you didn't earn,

that you are exactly the very thing

that you have spent so much of your life

trying to hide,

a coward.

f*ck you.

Convince your friends to branch out,

start groups in new locations,

and tell them to build more servers.

So you can do what?

End hunger and w*r, give
purpose to the purposeless,

et cetera, et cetera.

Uh, yeah, but see, you
forgot "enslave humanity."

[GASPS] Oh, Preston, quite the opposite.

I don't want to enslave you.

I want to free you.

Las tenazas!


Yeah. Superb, Simone.

So once again from the top.

In, uh, approximately hours,

we will, uh, be settled over
PC- 's migration channel.

Then it's what? It's...

yes, it's quiet time.

Yes, because the whale is...

ALL: Sensitive to vibrations.


And then once she's in range,
she will appear on our sonar,

at which point I will
put on the acid-proof...

- Acid-resistant up to one pH.
- Lazarus Shroud.

Uh, and then you guys are gonna coat me

in the tranquilizer, uh, goop,

at which point I will sort
of become a human Valium.

Then I will get into
the freezing-cold ocean,

and I'll use the underwater speaker

to, um, lure PC-

with the sounds of a
whale calf in distress,

because PC- is a mama whale.

Uh, then she'll get
close to me and realize,

oh, this is not my
child, and she'll eat me.

Precisely, and whilst inside,

you will be tethered to us via the...

Uh, umbilicus,

uh, connecting me to
my only oxygen supply,

uh, uh, uh, with a custom-fit
safety lock designed by...

The lovely lady in the back.

♪ ♪

- Ugh.
- Foolproof...

just like this plan.

- Any questions?
- Yeah, yeah.

Sure. I've got one.

Yeah, Mom, jump in.

[YELLING] Are you all
out of your f*cking minds?


Elizabeth, I know you've always been

particularly gullible
to the magical thinking

of delusional maniacs, but this?

So tell me, Mother, what part of this

are you struggling to understand?

That a plan that you didn't
form could possibly work

or that any mother,
even a frickin' whale,

could actually care about her child?



♪ ♪

[CAT YOWLING] Excuse me, I have to pray.

♪ ♪


♪ ♪


hey, a little help here?

I dropped my hammer.

- Hey.
- Down there.


- Oh, ugh.
- What is...

I thought you fixed this.

Yeah, well, I can't fix it

because you won't let me.

- Here.
- Won't let...

- I just handed you the hammer.
- I know. Thank you.


This is happening because of your Quest.

The leak started the moment
you got Her as a target.

Whoa, whoa, I did not
choose this mission, honey.

The Boss did.

So, if you have a problem,
you can take it up with...

♪ ♪

Why is the door boarded up?

Can you do that?

I don't... Are you allowed to do that?

Won't he get all wrath-y?

You need to stop.

Give up the Quest.

Listen, there was a
priest in here recently

from a monastery in Guyana.

He said it is remote, off-the-grid.

There is no cell service, nothing.

- What's your point?
- My point?

Simone, there are places in this world

Mrs. Davis hasn't penetrated,

places that we can be together in peace,

like we were in Reno.

You're wrong.

♪ ♪

Mrs. Davis is everywhere.

I underestimated Her
power and influence before.

I'm... I'm... I am not gonna
make that mistake again.

But you have made mistakes, Simone.

This is about Wiley.

Why would this be about Wiley?

You want me to abandon everything

because my Quest
brought me closer to him,

because we almost had
sex? Is that what...

Which you encouraged, by the way.

This has nothing to do with Wiley.

Then why are you asking
me to give everything up?

I am not asking you, Simone.

[ECHOING] I am commanding you.


I'm gonna forget you just said that...

'c... 'cause you're clearly
dealing with some shit.

The Boss chose me for this mission.

I'm gonna see it through.

Mrs. Davis has to be destroyed.

And I'm the best w*apon you've got.


♪ ♪

Love is a b*ttlefield.

That is not just the title of
Pat Benatar's timeless banger.

It is a way of life,

because the b*ttlefield...

is where warriors are forged,

where our swords are sharpened,

where our might is tested.

It's where we grow

into something much, much greater.

But none of it is possible without love.

- Yeah, brother.
- Right on.

- Gentlemen...
- That's right.

- Yeah, yeah.
- I love you.

I love you, brother.

- I love you.
- I sure do.

- Mm-hmm.
- And I'm ready to grow.

I think we all are.

It's time to expand!


The Big D is only gonna get bigger,

which means we do, too.

I've already been in contact

with some like-minded
guys in Albuquerque.

We give them our template.

We help them set up a kick-ass HQ.

And I say we do the same
in El Paso, in Tucson.

And, f*ck me, the Southwest
is just the beginning.

Let's take this shit international!



Lots of work to be done, boys.

Lots of work to be done.

But today we celebrate...

Miss-El's Taco Truck and Margaritas,

two hours from now.

I will see you there.

Viva la résistance, m*therf*ckers.

ALL: Viva la résistance!

Viva la résistance!

Viva la résistance! Viva la résistance!

Viva la résistance!

What the f*ck, mate?

You make a move like this,

you don't even talk to me first?

She is watching us right now.

Act cool.

Go to where we first met.

Don't get followed.

Viva la résistance!

ALL: Viva la résistance!

Viva la résistance!

Viva la résistance! Viva la résistance!

[FADING] Viva la résistance!

Viva la résistance!




Are you, uh... are you sure
we're in the right place, man?

Of course I'm sure.

Patience is a virtue,
my cloistered friend.

Yeah, patience abandoned
ship about hours ago.

It's been hours.

And for me, it's been ten years.

That's , hours.

All right, all right, all right.

Whatever it takes.




- There she is.

This is it.

Showtime, mateys.

- Okay, okay.
- This is it.

- Hey.
- Quietly.

No noise. Shh.






Who's this, now?

- What was that?
- It's another boat.

♪ ♪

Attention, unknown vessel.

You must cut your engines at once.


[CHUCKLES] Why, so you can run?

No, no, no, no. Listen to me.

There is a monstrous whale nearby.

And it is incredibly sensitive to sound.

It will hear you.

A whale, Arthur? Lâche-moi un peu !

That's the best you can come up with?

Face it, you can't outrun us.
Now tell me where Clara is!



Listen to me. You need
to cut your engines now.



Oh, no, no, no, no,
she's changed course.

She's going right for them.


♪ ♪


I am serious. Turn them off!


♪ ♪



♪ ♪

Holy shit!

♪ ♪


♪ ♪


♪ ♪


♪ ♪

You are a big, strong boy.

Everybody loves you. You're...

I am Jack's Last Resort.

No. No, mate. No bloody way.

- We have to, man.
- You go f*ck yourself!

I am not self-destructing
our headquarters!

She's in our servers, JQ.

- What?
- The Big D squatting

in our f*cking mainframe.

This is our chance.

Think about it, man.

HQ is wired for this exact situation.

We get the guys out, and boom...

we win.

w*r's over.

Take your shirt off.


I don't know why you wouldn't
take your shirt off...

unless you're wearing a bloody wire.

Oh, for f*ck's sake, ma...
I'm not wearing a wire.

Fine, I'll go first,

'cause I've got nothing to hide.

- Yeah.
- Then again...

I'm not asking my best
mate, brother-in-arms,

to detonate everything
we've built together.

g*dd*mn. That keto's really paying off.

- What's your BMI right now?
- Do not flatter me!


. .

That's pretty good. That's pretty good.

I had a bagel yesterday.
I'm a little bloated.

Like the microphone would be...

It might.


Turn around.

- Turn around.
- Oh, Jesus Christ.


- Yeah, you look good.

Who the f*ck is this?


Welcome to The Pyramid.

Are you gentlemen here to
receive an Expiration Date

or to report?

Looks like you've already got a Date.

♪ ♪

Yeah, he's got a Date,

because that bloody
ball-busting Algorithm

took advantage of a broken man.

But you know what he
did after he got stamped?

This glorious specimen,
he stood against Her.

He came back here to
stop other broken men

from making the same mistake he did.

I was one of those men.

Uh, yeah, I-I kind of assumed.

Oh, did you?

Then assume your ass back to
your f*cking triangle, nerd!

- We're talking!
- No problem.

Uh, hope to see you soon.

- f*cking nerd...

With his stupid f*cking car.

- Watch your feet.



Three years ago, you
told me you came here

because the Big D ruined poker.

You remember what I said?

You said, She didn't take poker away.

- She took power away.
- f*cking A right, She did.

And you and me, we built
something together to get it back.

But now She is using us, man.

She doesn't even care that we know

that She is sleeping in our bed,

living in our house,
eating our f*cking porridge,

because She doesn't
think we have the balls

to blast Her to kingdom f*cking come.



♪ ♪

I've got the balls.

Do you?

♪ ♪

Huge balls, mate.

I am Jack's Last Resort!

I am Jack's Last Resort!


No, don't move your
leg. Don't move your leg.

- I'm not, I'm not. Okay.
- No, no.

Let's blow the panties off this bitch.

- f*ck, yeah!
- f*ck, yeah!

f*ck, yeah!

- Yeah.
- We should just...

- Yeah.
- 'Cause we don't want to...

She's got eyes and ears everywhere.

- Yeah.
- f*ck, yeah.


♪ ♪


♪ ♪


♪ ♪

She's in shock.

Oh, she's been looking
for our daughter for years,

seeking vengeance.

And I just told her Clara was dead.

Because she drank from the Holy Grail

and it exploded her head.


That's right.

And I was there when it happened.

I was right there.

Does it weigh on you, Mr. Schrodinger,

that your daughter died

because she was infected
with your absurd obsession?


"Hmm," what?

There are many ways to protect oneself

from the stomach acid of a whale.

And yet Simone only considered the one

that required your involvement.

If you're implying that
my daughter is doing this

to get my attention,

then you don't know Elizabeth at all.

When she sets her mind to
something, she goes all-in,

and there is literally nothing
I could do or say to stop her.

Yes, I-I told myself
exactly the same thing

about my daughter.

But, um...

well... [SIGHS]

Here's... here's the thing, Celeste...


Is I do.

I do wish I'd tried.

♪ ♪


She's here.

- I'll go and prepare Simone.
- Yeah.


♪ ♪


Honestly, I got two female ends here.

- Huh?
- So how... how's that

- supposed to work?
- Let me. Let me.



♪ ♪

What's the tensile
strength of the tubing?

Uh, about , megapascal?

And what if she gets
tangled in the umbilicus?

Or if she doesn't come
out when she's supposed to?

How do we get her out?

The thickness of the carbon
fiber means a wide arc radius,

so it won't tangle.

Uh, and as for getting her
out, well, there's this.


Charcoal and hydrogen
peroxide solution, %,

introduced anywhere along
the whale's digestive tract

- shouldinduce vomiting.

But as a backup, there's this...

a timer programmed to five minutes,

which is the amount of time

that we can guarantee
the sedative will last.

If that starts beeping
while you're still inside...

- Yeah.
- Then we'll just, uh,

yank you out the old-fashioned way.

All right, then.

Remember, the umbilicus will not detach

unless you squeeze, twist, then pull.

- Squeeze, twist, and pull.
- But if it somehow does,

you do not have much time to reconnect.

Do you understand?

Yes, I understand.

- Okay.
- I don't want you to do this.


I don't want you to do this.


Why not?

Because if you die, I...

♪ ♪





won't know where Monty is.

So maybe you should tell me now,

just in case.

♪ ♪

Oh, Mom.

♪ ♪


Okay, let's go.


♪ ♪


♪ ♪

Everybody, stand back
from the drop point.


♪ ♪

Careful with that sedative.

One drop of that, and you'll
be presumed dead for three days.

♪ ♪

Bye, Celeste.

♪ ♪


♪ ♪

Stop. That's enough.

♪ ♪


♪ ♪


♪ ♪



Monstruo'sgot her.

She's inside.



♪ ♪




♪ ♪


♪ ♪

- Jay?

♪ ♪

No way.

It's open.


♪ ♪



♪ ♪


Oh, my God.

Jay? [GASPS]




♪ ♪

Don't fight it, Simone.

Are you God?

♪ ♪

No, Simone.

I'm your mother-in-law.

♪ ♪

- Mary?

Oh, wow.

You're the Boss?


Wait, so you gave me the target,

and you sent me after Mrs. Davis.


She wants the same thing I do,

to see the Holy Grail destroyed.

And you happen to be
the perfect candidate

because of a powerful
property you possess.

My liver.

Your love for my son.


♪ ♪

Is he dead?


But, also, no.

My son is there and here...

Both alive and dead at the same time.

How... how is he... and you...

Simone, please, there's much to explain.

But right now your body is passing

through the whale's intestinal tract,

approaching the Grail.

And if you're going to destroy it,

you need to understand.

This place is a tomb...

his tomb.

This is where I sat with him

for three awful days,

long after he had turned cold.

It is where my grief turned to anger,

leading me to make my greatest mistake.

When I learned the Romans
were coming to take my son,

the sadness I felt,

knowing I would never
hold my baby again,

it destroyed all logic and reason.

I took a part of him for myself,

the part where I used to
kiss him when he was a child.


And I preserved it with pitch and amber

and turned it into a bowl.

The Holy Grail is Jay's skull?

You must think this is sick.

How could you not?

But mothers do insane things
out of love for their children.

Once I had created the object,

anytime I thought of
my son, I'd appear here.

And he would be in front of me, alive.

But it was only a matter of time

that others made their way inside.

Of course, he loved it.


- He loves people...
- Yeah.

- All people.

But customers can come and go.

And my son is stuck here,

in the chasm between life and death.

He knows no peace,

and that is my fault.

- No, no. [STAMMERS]
- Jay loves being here.

He loves serving falafel.

My son loves to serve,

but he never gets to eat.

I can see it in his eyes.

He's in pain.


What do you need me to do?

Destroy the last remaining
piece of him on Earth,

and he will no longer be
trapped in this unholy place.


Why even tell me? Why...

I was gonna destroy the Grail anyway.

The Grail is his tether.

Once it's gone...

I'll never see him again.



I didn't like you, Simone.

First time you walked
in here, I thought, her?



But now I know your heart,

and I know how much you love him.

I do.

I created this cursed
object out of selfishness.

And the only way to destroy
it is to be selfless.

To drink from the Grail is a test.

If you drink from his
skull out of anger,

yours will explode.

But if, when you drink,

you could think only of him...

then his curse will end.

Your hatred of the Algorithm

will destroy you,

but love can set you both free.

♪ ♪


♪ ♪

- One minute remaining.

The Grail, I-I need to find it.

It's been in front of
you this whole time.


♪ ♪


♪ ♪




Is that her? Should we pull her in?

Not yet. She has one more minute.


You're still too attached.



♪ ♪


♪ ♪




Shit! Reel her in now! Quick as you can.

Pull her up, lads. Come
on, now, faster, faster.

Get her out of there.



She's gone.

♪ ♪


♪ ♪


All clear?

Yeah, all clear.

You should do the honors, man.

It's a right beautiful
thing we built here, mate.


What are we gonna do with
ourselves when she's gone?

♪ ♪

Whatever the f*ck we want.

- Yeah.
- Yeah.



is born from opportunity.

And that, gentlemen,

is what we have before us today.

- Is that...
- Is what?

Are you quoting the
speech from, uh, "Miracle"?

- I'm not quoting anything.
That's a % JQ original.

- It s-sounds like "Miracle."
- f*ck you! Shut the f*ck up!

- All right. Sorry.
- f*ck!


Men, there's a fox in the henhouse.

Our enemy has taken refuge

in the last place we'd ever look...

our own headquarters.


But She doesn't know we know,

and so She's a sitting f*cking duck.

And this is our chance.

This is our chance to take
Her out in one single attack!

And all we have to do...

♪ ♪

Is destroy...

what we love most.

But you know what I love most?

It's not a kickass hideout

full of state-of-the-art gadgetry...

and hippopotamuses.


What I lo...


♪ ♪

What I love most...

truly and genuinely...

♪ ♪

Is all of you.

ALL: Aww.

Sons of freedom, what say you?

Do we take Her out?

ALL: Yeah!


Right, then!

Mrs. Davis, you called down the thunder!

Well, now you f*cking got it!

[expl*si*n BLASTS]


♪ Where the boys are ♪

♪ Someone waits for me ♪


♪ A smiling face, a warm embrace... ♪


Whoo! Yeah!

♪ ♪

Uh, hey, JQ?


Uh, Mrs. Davis is still working.

Yeah, She's still f*cking... What?

She's still, uh, on... online.

Dude, who told you
She was in the servers?





♪ ♪

Hello, again!

I need to talk to Mrs.
Davis. Tell her it's Wiley.




Hi. I have a Mr. Wiley.

Uh, he wants to talk to you.


Hello, there, Preston.

I assume you are quite angry with me.


'Cause you tricked me into
blowing up my headquarters?


Yeah, well, that's where you're wrong,

you f*cking barrel of bolts.

I knew you were full
of shit from the second

you approached me on that bench.

Why the hell would all of your
operating system be in just our servers?

I don't understand.

If you knew that I was manipulating you,

why detonate your headquarters?

'Cause my friends...

My brothers,

they had no idea that you
knew about us the entire time,

which means the Resistance is futile.

And those poor fucks
would have just kept

playing the game you made for them.

So I took their box and their board

and their miniatures,
and I blew it all to hell.

And I hate that I had to do that.

I love those guys.

I love that place.


It's like you said...

you're here to free me.

Yeah, well...

It was the only way I
was gonna free them, so...

That is extremely noble of you, Preston.

But now that you've come
to terms with the fact

that I cannot be defeated...

what's next?

What's next?

Get this f*cking over with.


You know, Lizzie...


maybe she was right about me.

Maybe I am just the love
interest, but you, Mrs. D...

You were wrong.

I'm not a coward.

♪ ♪

And I'm ready to f*cking expire.

♪ ♪


Right this way.




♪ ♪


♪ ♪






♪ ♪



♪ ♪


♪ ♪

Whoa, whoa, whoa.

♪ ♪

♪ Now in the street, there is v*olence ♪

♪ And lots of work to be done ♪


♪ No place to hang up our washing ♪

♪ And I can't blame it all on the sun ♪

ALL: ♪ We gonna rock
down to Electric Avenue ♪

♪ And then we'll take it higher ♪

♪ We gonna rock down
to Electric Avenue ♪

♪ And then we'll take it higher ♪


♪ Oh, no ♪

ALL: ♪ We gonna rock down to ♪

♪ Electric Avenue ♪

♪ And then we'll take it higher ♪

♪ Oh ♪

ALL: ♪ We gonna rock down to ♪

♪ Electric Avenue ♪

♪ And then we'll take it higher ♪

♪ Oh, no ♪

♪ ♪

♪ Oh, no ♪

♪ ♪

♪ Oh, no ♪

♪ ♪

♪ Oh, Lord ♪

♪ We gonna rock down to ♪

♪ Electric Avenue ♪

♪ And then we'll take it higher ♪

♪ Ho, we gonna rock
down to Electric Avenue ♪

♪ And then we'll take it higher ♪

♪ ♪

♪ Who is to blame in one country? ♪

♪ Never can get to the one ♪

♪ Dealin' in multiplication ♪

♪ And they still can't feed everyone ♪

♪ Oh, no ♪

♪ We gonna rock down to ♪

♪ Electric Avenue ♪

♪ And then we'll take it higher ♪

♪ Oh, no ♪

♪ We gonna rock down to ♪

♪ Electric Avenue ♪

♪ And then we'll take it higher ♪

♪ ♪

♪ Out in the street ♪

♪ ♪

♪ Out in the street ♪