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03x22 - Might as Well Jump

Posted: 05/12/23 05:37
by bunniefuu
I'm putting a stop to this tradition

of pranks and tomfoolery right before spring break.

This year,

I refuse to be humiliated.

There'll be no sheep in my office,

no whoopee cushions on my chair,

and no banana peels on my floors.


Any student caught playing practical jokes

will be subject to mandatory detention.

[phone ringing]

No, I don't have Prince Albert in a can.


[chatting outside]


Good morning, Principal Cooper.


Good morning.




[students gasping]

Oh, dear. Let me help you up.


-[Cooper groaning]

[all laughing]


[theme music playing]

♪ Look right down Any crowded hall ♪

♪ You'll see There's a beauty standing ♪

♪ Is she really everywhere Or a reflection ♪

♪ One always calls out to you ♪

♪ The other's shy and quiet ♪

♪ Could there be Two different girls who ♪

♪ Look the same at ♪

♪ Sweet Valley Sweet Valley High ♪

♪ Meet me at Sweet Valley ♪

♪ Sweet Valley Sweet Valley High ♪

♪ Meet me at Sweet Valley ♪

♪ Sweet Valley Sweet Valley High ♪

♪ Meet me at Sweet Valley ♪

♪ Sweet Valley Sweet Valley High ♪

♪ Meet me at Sweet Valley ♪

"I'm putting an end to this tradition of pranks and tomfoolery."

Hey, Winston, nice dress.

Can we come to the tea party, too, Tinkerbell?

Hey, I just pulled off the prank of the year!

Right, Eggbert. What did you do? Sneak into Home Ec?

-No. I just got Cooper. -[boy]

Right, Eggbert.

No, I did. You should have seen his face--

Yeah, I'm sure it was really intense,

but stick to the grill, Eggbert.

And be careful you don't, er,

catch your dress on fire.

Yeah, all right!

Good one, man.

Seems like everyone' going away for spring break.

Not me. I'm gonna be a chillin' machine.

So, are you going to the yearbook party tomorrow?


I don't know. I mean, hanging at the Moon Beach

and signing yearbooks, that's not the way

I'd like to kick off my spring break.

Yo, Wilkins, what's up?

What's happening, Todd?

Yo, are you gonna be there this afternoon, bro?

-I'll be there. -Yeah, man.

-Sweet Valley b-ball taking it to the edge. -Yeah!

All the way, all the way.

-All right, man. -I'll see you guys later.

What was that all about?

Just a little b-ball madness.

You're not going train jumping, are you?

No, that's tomorrow night. This afternoon we're going off Jackon's Bluff.

Todd, you can't! It's dangerous.

Someone died jumping off that cliff, remember?

That's what makes it so cool.

Er, look, I've done it before, I can do it again.

Why don't you come with me to the class picnic?

It'll be fun. You'll forget all about jumping off the cliff.

Liz, this is the first time that the basketball team has included me in anything

since I was kicked off. And don't you realize what this means?

Todd, jumping off a cliff won't prove anything.

-It's tradition. -It's stupid.

Well, I'm going.

See ya.

I can't believe we're actually going to Europe for spring break!

We'll go to all the top cultural spots,

Armani, Gucci, Dior...

We'll go to all the beaches, meet guys, dance all night...

When does the picnic start this afternoon?


I have no idea.

We don't do domestic events anymore.

Or local things, either.

Besides, Jessica and I are way too busy

preparing for our first class trip to Paris on the Concorde.

-Au revoir. -Huh?


Cheryl, I didn't know you were fluent in French!

Yeah, I picked some up while malling in Paris.

Really? Listen to this.

Garcon, j'ai gas.

What did you say?

Waiter, I'll have the cake.


You are good!

Hey, if you need any coaching tips, just ask.

Merci, Cheryl.

[both giggling]

What's this?

In English, it's called a test.

Didn't you know we were having

a social studies mid-term today?

Nobody told me!


I can't believe Mrs. Skittles would schedule a test

right before spring break.

How rude!



You said you wanted to work at the Burning Village at Vikingville.

Well, I do look pretty sexy in that helmet and breastplate.

But what's the point if I'm not gonna be around Manny?

So, he'll visit you.

I don't know if he'll have time.

They beefed up his responsibility

at Corn Dog on a Stick.

He's Assistant Corn Dog Dipper.

Gee, can he get me one of those cool red, yellow and blue hats?

-I've always wanted to look like a conehead. -Me, too.

Can you believe that Manny sent out resumes

and they're the only ones that responded?

-Yes. -[Enid]

Isn't he adorable?

I love a man in uniform.

-Enid! -What's this?

Here's a little going away present.

Wow, postcards. Thanks.

For each day we're apart.

And, I even addressed them so it'll be easier

for you to write me everyday.

That is so sweet.

In a psychotic sort of way.

Hey, I have something for you, too.

I made this collage to celebrate our firsts.

This is the piece of gum we passed back and forth

on our first date.

And that's the Kleenex I cried in

when we saw our first movie together.

What movie was that?

The Brady Bunch.

Marsha was so mean to Jan.

-What's that? -A pepperoni from the pizza we had

the first night we said the same thing at the same time.


Extra head cheese, please!

-Hey. -Hey.

I hear you're jumping off Jackson's Bluff this afternoon.

-Who told you? -Liz.

She was pretty freaked. She asked me to talk to you.

Aw, man!

I just have one question for you.

-What? -Can I come, too?


I don't even know if I'm going. I mean, maybe Liz is right.

Maybe I don't have to jump off a cliff to prove something.

Well, I do!

This could be right of passage,

my initiation into manhood.


If I don't prove something soon,

this geek image is gonna haunt me for the rest of my life.

-I don't know, Winston. -Come on!

Jumping off that high cliff over those big rocks.

Man, what a rush!


It is pretty wild.

And it's tradition.

You're right. What was I thinking?

-We're there! -Yeah!

Ow! All right!

What was I thinking?

Jessica, how nice of you to find time

in your busy, busy schedule.

You're the social studies teacher, right?

And I thought you didn't learn anything this semester.

So, what are they wearing on the French River this time of the year?

It's called the French Riviera.

Perhaps if you ever showed up for class, you'd know that.

So, what you're saying is you don't know what they're wearing?

-Jessica, Jessica, Jessica-- -Can I go now?

I've got a lot of shopping to do before I go to Europe.

You can forget about Europe, young lady.

You're going to spend this spring break taking make up classes.

But I have to go to Europe.

It'll be so educational.

I'll learn the European language and go to those buildings

where they keep paintings and stuff.

I'll tell you what.

I'll let you take a make-up test tomorrow.

Oh, perfect!

I know all about makeup.

A social studies make-up test.

But you'd better pass,

or you'll be spending your spring break with me.

[people laughing and chatting]


Come on with me. Let's find a place where we can be alone.

[boy ]

Nice catch.

[boy ]

Heads up!

Liz, the idea is to catch it and throw it back to me?

-I'm sorry. -Do you wanna go on a hike?

-No. -What's with you?

You've been acting weird all afternoon.

I'm worried about Todd.

He should have shown up by now.

I think he's really gonna jump.

I'm really gonna miss you.

I'm gonna miss you, too.

Let's spend every minute together while we still can.

I love it when we're alone, together.

Like this.

Hey, have you guys seen Todd?


Do you know where he is?

He's definitely not here.


There's a great hiking trail through here.

Let's see your map.

Um, the trails are that way.

So, you're sure you didn't see

Todd come through here.

Liz, you're gonna see Todd

over spring break.

How about letting the less fortunate

have some private time?


Come on, you guys, let's go.

Hiya, people!

Everyone having a good time?



I give up.



Now don't start any fires.

We're in drought conditions,

and this place is a tinderbox.

How far are we from Jackson's Bluff?

Oh, half a mile downstream--

Hey, wait. You're not one of those crazy jumpers, are you?

No, of course not.


The water level's at an all time low.

To jump from up there would be su1c1de.

Oh, come on, already.

What are you doing?

Loosening up.

I don't wanna pull a muscle.

-You don't have muscles, Eggbert. -[all laughing]

You going or what?




Let me go first.

-Yeah, man! -All right, let's go, Todd.

-Whoo, come on! -For the team.

Sweet Valley High!


I hope we're not too late.

It's just over that ridge.

-All right, Todd. Come on, man. -Come on, Todd.

-Let's do this. -Come on, Todd, don't be weak!

Tradition! Tradition!

-That's right. -Whoo!

Sweet Valley High, baby.

Come on, Todd.

-Todd, don't jump! -[boys]



[Todd yelling]


Oh, man!



He's probably trapped by one of those dead trees at the bottom.

Oh, no. We've gotta do something.


We gotta get an EMT unit down here quick!

You think he's OK?

How can he be?

He's been under there for over a minute.

[Winston yelling]

[gasps for breath]

Oh, my god!

That was a stupid, crazy thing you did.





I thought I lost you.

My whole life passed before my eyes.

It was a very short movie.

And you were never seen.

-Hey, man, Winston! -All right!

[yelling in pain]


Ouch! OK!


You came through big, Winston.

Over here. Our hero needs some help.


He's the man! -Right here! This is the man, baby!

Clear out, everybody.

Let's give him some breathing room.


Can't breathe!

-Need mouth to mouth. [thuds]

-Oh, OK.

I don't ever want to lose you.

I can't lose you.

-Ever. -You won't.

I'll always be here for you.

Not if you keep jumping off cliffs!


Oh, so many outfits, so little time. What do you think?

Should I wear my Chanel suit to the Eiffel Tower or to the Champs-Elysées?

How about wearing it on your way home?

I'm trying to study.

Any moron can pass the social studies test.

Which country has never had a King or a Queen?

England, France or the United States.


Jessica! The United States has never had a Queen.

Excuse me?

Queen Latifah?

I know. I'll wear the Chanel to The Louvre

when we see Leonardo da Vinci's The Mona Lisa.

What's so great about her?

She's not even smiling.

And hello, how about a little eye shadow? Ugh!

Jess, they didn't have Lancome in .

Whatever. Look.

Stop wasting my time with this boring trivia,

or I'll fail the test, and you'll have to go to Europe alone.

Then who will tell you how good you look in that outfit?

You're right.

Hand me the phone.

[dial tones beeping]

Hello, Carrie?

Wanna go to Europe with me?

I've got a better idea.

You pull the fire alarm tomorrow

while I'm taking the test.

By the time the make-up is rescheduled,

we'll be in Paris, England.

Jessica, it's getting late.

You may want to start your test now.

Come on, Lila.

[people talking]

Concierge, perce le bouton, s'il vous plait.

OK, now, say it again.

Concierge, perce le bouton, s'il vous plait.


I only wish I could be in France to watch you in action.

Doesn't everyone? Anyway, thanks for all the great coaching tips.

I mean, merci, mon cher baudet.

You and Jessica are gonna have such a great time.


Stay here.

I'll grade it right now.

Yo, Wilkins, that was wild yesterday, man.

-We were freaking! -So was I.

Yeah, Sweet Valley b-ball taking it to the limit.

Are we bad or what?

We're stupid.

Hey, who are you calling stupid?


You. Tradition.

So, like, going train jumping with us tonight,

that would be stupid?



Like you're some Gilbert Einstein.

Didn't you learn anything from yesterday?

Yeah, we learned to check the water level at Jackson's Bluff

before next year's jump.

Don't you get it?

My career, my life, could be over.

But it's not.

So let's go train jumping!

No way.

Todd, this a team tradition, man.

There is a reason for tradition.

Yeah? Like what?

I'll tell you what.

Let's start a new b-ball tradition.

It's called "think for yourself."

Is that allowed?


So, you passed with a .

I passed?

With a ?

Move over, Liz.

I'm amazed!

Not only did you know the locations

of the Eiffel Tower and other landmarks,

you even knew The Mona Lisa was in The Louvre

and that da Vinci painted it in .

Yeah, well, I love art.

It's so...


Then you'll really like Florence.

Thanks. But I'm going with Lila.


Not so fast.

I caught your friend here

just as she was about to pull

the fire alarm.

Young lady, what do you have

to say for yourself?

I've never seen that girl before in my life.

You know, some people will do anything for attention.

Hey! It was your idea to pull the alarm.

You want to get out of taking the test.

Why would I wanna get out of it?

I got a .

You passed!


♪ We're going to Europe ♪

[both girls]

♪ We're going to Europe ♪


I don't think so.

It's make-up classes next week for both of you.


Huh? Make-up classes?


So, I jumped off the cliff,

and his leg was caught in this humongous tree,

so with my last bit of strength,

I was able to break the branch with my bare hands.

And I got him out.

[girls sighing]

Will you sign my yearbook?



Will you...







Sign mine next?

Cheer up!

I'm sure Todd would not be crazy enough

to jump off a train

after what happened yesterday.

-You would think! -I'm sure he's just fine.

Hey, guys.

Enid, nice outfit.

-Love the colors. -[Enid]


See, I couldn't bear the thought

of being separated from my Manny,

so, I signed on at the Stick.

Manny, have you come to pillage the Moon Beach?

No, I signed up to work at Vikingville with...


You didn't! I did!


Oh, no!

-Hey man, I'm glad you were there yesterday. -[Winston]

Me, too.

Yeah, man, that was great.

You kicked butt.


I guess you guys want to hang out with me

all the time now, but,

I just have to warn you upfront,

I'm not jumping off any cliffs.

No, no, no, believe me, none of us are.


Hey, man. Er, sign my yearbook for me?



Make-up classes.

Fate worse than that!

Au revior, Paris.


Thanks. -[boy]

Sure, now sign mine.


Will you sign my yearbook?

Todd, I'm so glad you came!

Some traditions are worth keeping.

[theme music playing]

♪ Look right down Any crowded hall ♪

♪ You'll see There's a beauty standing ♪

♪ Is she really everywhere Or a reflection? ♪

♪ Sweet Valley Sweet Valley High ♪

♪ Meet you at Sweet Valley High ♪

♪ Sweet Valley Sweet Valley High ♪

♪ Meet you at Sweet Valley High ♪