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02x16 - Bunk Hate

Posted: 05/11/23 06:38
by bunniefuu
- Y-D with the jumper.

From the logo!

- [audience laughing]

- Dylan! Watch it!

- My bad, Chuckles. My bad.

That hoop's not regulation.

I'm still trying to dial in that range.

- Do you think maybe you could dial in that range

in the living room?

- I would but I'm not allowed to hoop down there

no more.

Last time I dunked on Uncle Myles so hard

he got another gray patch in his beard.

- [audience laughing]

- I'll just be over here.


Man, when are you gonna clean up around here?

I almost broke my neck.

This dude.

- Hey!

- I said when are you gonna start to clean up

around here?

- I heard you.

I was just ignoring you because this mess...

This is your shoe and it stinks.

- Yo, those are expensive, man!

- Ow!

- Oops.

- [audience laughing]

- MYLES: Come on, come on. - You're going too fast.

- MYLES: No, I'm not. - It's heavy!

- We'll get some more oatmeal in the morning.

Come on, come on, come on, come on.

To the left. - It's heavy.

- Okay, sit it down, sit it down.

Alright, there you go.

Alright, alright.


- I don't understand why Mrs. Henderson

keeps giving us assignments we can't do at home.

It's called homework for a reason.

Work to be done at home.

- Baby, can we talk about this a little later?

'Cause this is a little heavy.

- Or you could help us carry it.

- For our term paper, we have to watch wild animals

in their natural habitat and make audio recordings

of our observations.

Where am I going to find wild animals

in the suburbs of Atlanta?

- [audience laughing]

- Maybe try the zoo.

- Dad, there is nothing wild about the zoo.

Last time I was there, I'm pretty sure I saw

a birthday party for a walrus.

- Walruses are wildlife.

- Mom, you don't understand.

Last week Rebecca M. passed my grade point average

and if I want to pass her back

I have to get an A on this report.

You're not helping.

- We're not helping?

- Baby, you know what?

Mmm, you're a smart girl, Rebecca.

I'm sure you're gonna figure it out.

Come on. [buzzing noise]

- Thanks for the advice, Dad.

- Okay, you ready?

Okay, go. Oh.


Hey, hey, Yasmine, I'm gonna need you

to be a little bit more careful, okay?

This is my new baby.

You okay, sweetheart?

- I'm good, thanks for asking.

Why do you even need this thing?

- Thing, thing?!

Honey, this, this is the King of grills, okay?

It's a smoker, it's a fryer, and it grills.

- You have all three of those things

collecting dust and rust.

- Yeah, but I don't have all three in one

with no dust or rust.

- [audience laughing]

- Why didn't you pay for the expert assembly

and have them put it together at the store?

- Pssh, a hundred dollars? I think not.

- I'm just saying, looks like

it's gonna take you all weekend.

- Well, the Sistine Chapel wasn't built in a day.

- Did you just compare yourself to Michelangelo?

- [audience laughing]

- I do have a bar-b-que brush.

- I'll have no part in this.

- [audience laughing]

- Don't worry about it, I got this.

- We'll see.

- I know what I'm doing.

- Okay. - You better ask somebody.

- YASMINE: Okay.

- Ask somebody what, what's this for?

- [audience laughing]

- What about this and this?!

And this!

- Dylan, I already told you, this is not my mess.

- Well, I'm pretty sure I didn't make it, soooo...

- Well if it bothers you so much,

why don't you just leave?

- Well if my hooping bothers you so much,

why don't you just leave?

- This was my room first.

- Okay, so it's gonna be my room last.

- No it's not, I'm not leaving.

- Oh, you wanna bet?!

- Yeah, actually I do!

- Okay great, the usual?!

- Yeah, works for me!

- Aight cool!

- [audience laughing]

- Wait, we're talking about slug racing?

- Yeah, uh-huh.

- Okay, great!

- Alright, I'mma get the sleeping bags!

I'mma be right back!


You didn't see that!

- DYLAN: ♪ There once was a kid from the city of Chi ♪

♪ Ma, know I was important, not a regular guy ♪

♪ Everybody follow me, I'mma take you on a trip ♪

♪ Buckle up, let's go, I'mma get you all a hit ♪

♪ I'm a star, came up from a block in Chi-Town ♪

♪ Living large

♪ I'm trying to balance school and these bars ♪

♪ Came far

♪ Ain't no better feeling

♪ I tell 'em, you gonna love young Dylan ♪

♪ Young Dylan

♪ Ay, young Dylan

♪ Young Dylan

♪ I tell 'em you gon' love young Dylan ♪

- Let's get this over with.

You know the rules, the first person to get it

to the other side wins.

Winner gets to keep the room.

Loser has to pack it up and kick rocks.

Got it? - [audience laughing]

- You better get your rocks ready then.

- Oh, it's like that?

- Yeah, it's like that.

- Then it's like that.

- [audience laughing]

- Ready? Go! [grunting]

- Hey! That's cheating.

- Sorry, can't hear you.

- Get back here!

- BOTH: [grunting]

- Man, interference! Interference!

Judge! - There is no judge!

- Man, you're the nastiest slug I've ever seen!

- What is going on?!

Hey, hey, hey, hey!

What's going on?

- We were slug racing and Dylan cheated!

- No I didn't!


- I don't care who did what.

Knock it off and clean up your room.

It's a zoo in here.

Seriously, you two have been sharing this room long enough,

you should know how to get along by now.

Now, clean this mess up.

Don't go in there, it's disgusting.

Animals wouldn't live in there.

- [audience laughing]

- Yo, Momma Yasmine's right.

We've been sharing this room for too long.

I'm sick of this mess, man.

- Pft, not as sick as me.


- Yo, what are you doing?

Those are all my clothes, you're gonna

wrinkle them all up!

- I'm sorry, I didn't realize you cared

since you were keeping them so neatly piled

here on the floor!

- [audience laughing]

- Hey, I just worked on those!

- Oh, I'm very sorry Charlie.

- [growling]

You're gonna pay for this.

- Yeah, what you gonna do about it?

- ♪

- [audience laughing]

- ♪

- MYLES: [grunting] Get in, get in there!

- Yo, Uncle Myles.

- MYLES: Yo.

- Did you and my mom ever have to share a room?

- Oh yeah, yeah, we shared a room

until I was years old.

Worst years of my life.

- [audience laughing]

- Huh.

Sounds pretty terrible being forced to share a room

with someone.

- Ha, sure was.

- [audience laughing]

- Seeking time away from his younger brother.

Subject One spends time with an older male.

- [audience laughing]

- So did you guys ever fight, or get on

each other's nerves, or anything?

- You kidding me? We fought about everything.

You know, whose turn it was to clean up,

whose space was whose, how much hot water she used.

You name it, we fought about everything.

- Yo, how'd you handle that?

- I got her to move out.

- Seriously?!

- Yeah. - How?

- Made the room unlivable.

Yeah, trashed the place.

I mean, made the place such a mess

and refused to clean up anything

that she couldn't prove was mine,

books, food, whatever, you name it.

Yeah, worked like a charm.


Hey, hey, why do you--

- [audience laughing]

- Ask....

Alright, let's see.

I'm okay.

- Don't you think Mrs. Henderson is gonna know

you're using Charlie and Dylan as subjects

for your project?

- Girl, I'm way ahead of you.

I'm not using their names.

Dylan is Subject One and Charlie is Subject Two.

- Ooh girl, you're smart.

- Thank you, I know.

But I want this "A" so I'm gonna need to turn up

the heat on Charlie and Dylan.

- What do you have in mind?

- ♪

- So, that's what happened.

- So, let me get this straight.

Dylan actually told you he was gonna make the room

so messy I'd wanna move out?

- Mmhmm, something like that.

- [audience laughing]

- What do you think I should do?

- Well I'd hate to get between you two...

- Yeah, I get it.

- But if I were you...

I should just stay out of it.

- No, please say it!

- Well if you really want me to, okay.

Well, I would just, you know, beat him to the punch.

Make sure the room is real messy first.

- That could work. Yeah.

- Oh, and maybe put something under his pillow.

Like dirty socks, garlic, something like that.

- Thank you, Rebecca.

You really are a good big sister.

- Thank you, I try.

- [audience laughing]

- I really do.


- ♪

- C'mon, work with me here, aight?

We got a mess to make.


- [audience laughing]

- [grunting]

- Ahh, all cleaned up and ready for bed.

I am tired.

- Charlie, what's all this stuff?

- After our race earlier, it felt like a good day

to stay active, you know?

- There's a difference between staying active

and hosting the Olympics, bro.

- Wait.

You don't have a problem with this stuff do you?

- A problem?

Why would I have a problem?

- Oh, I don't know.

I just wanted to make sure all this junk

didn't make you want to move out or anything.

- [audience laughing]

- Nope, all good.

Actually, I think I'mma turn in early too.

- [audience laughing]

- I wanna get up and work on my bars.

You know what they say, the early birds get the worms

and the early rappers got that swagger?

- [audience laughing]

- That's it!

I don't want anything to do

with you or this room!

I am out!


- Hey!

You wanna go there?

- What's up?!

- BOTH: [grunting]

- [unintelligible]

- Our two subjects are locked in a battle for territory.

Dylan, I mean, Charlie, I mean, Subject Two.

Man, this is hard to keep straight.

Subject Two is surprisingly holding his own

despite clearly being the runt of the litter.

- [audience laughing]

- YASMINE: What is going on?

- BOTH: [yelling]

- What in the world?!

Hey, hey! Stop.

- [grunting]

- I'm gonna let that one slide.

- What is going on here?

- He made this place a mess!

- He was gonna do it first!

- No I wasn't.

How'd you know?

- [yelling]

- Enough, enough, enough!

Okay clearly something is going on between you two.

I don't know what it is,

but maybe you need a little space.

- You mean a lotta bit space.

- Dylan. - Hey.

- Until you two stop driving each other crazy,

Dylan, you're going to stay in Rebecca's room.

- What?! - What?!

- [audience laughing]

- ♪

- [audience laughing]

- What, what?

Lucky I'm not allowed to hit a third grader.

- [audience laughing]

- My bad!

Sup roomie?

- Yeah, no.

This is only temporary until you make up with Charlie

and go back to your own room.

Chile, where's my tablet?

- Oh I put it over here.

It was kinda messing up the flow of my lil studio.

- Isn't your studio in the garage?

- Yeah but the acoustics in here are dope.

- [audience laughing]

- [groans]

- For real, I thought staying in here was gonna be wack,

but low key, it's kinda chill.

A little too much purple but I could get used to it.

And we could probably put the bunk over here,

it's not like Charlie needs it anyway.

Half of it's mine anyway.

Psh, bunk mate, more like bunk hate.

- [audience laughing]

- Bunk mate, more like bunk hate.

That might be good.

- [audience laughing]

- ♪ Bunk mate, more like bunk hate ♪

♪ I got a new roommate and now we straight serve ♪

- You... [groans]

- ♪ Bunk mate, more like bunk hate ♪

♪ I got a new roommate

- ♪

- See what I mean?

I've got to get Dylan out of here.

- But I thought him and Charlie fighting

was giving you good stuff for your paper

so you can get your GPA higher

than Rebecca M's again?

- It did.

But after their blow up last night,

I already have plenty of material to get an A.

Now I just want my room back.

[crying] Bethany, help me.

- Here, comfort food.

- Thank you.

- [audience laughing]

- Okay listen,

Charlie and Dylan are like best friends

who broke up, right?

So all you gotta do is get them back together.

- And how am I supposed to do that?

- Have you ever watched TV before?

All you got to do is make plans with both of them

at the same time and when they both show up,

you bounce.

They'll talk things out.

Blah, blah, blah.

They realize they miss each other.

Blah, blah, blah.

And end up back together.

- Does that actually work?

- You got a better idea?

- ♪

- Sup roomie?

- Stop calling me that.

- Okay.

So, what do you have in mind for game night?

- Actually I downloaded some cool games on my phone

so we have our pick.

- CHARLIE: Hey Rebecca, for game night

do you want red drink or purp--

- What are you doing here?!

- What are you doing here?

- I'm out of here, man.

- No, no, no, no, no, no!

No one is going anywhere until you two make up.

- Why do I have to make up with him?

- Because I can't have him turning my room

into a studio.

- Girl, any room I'm in is a studio.

- [audience laughing]

- Come on you guys, you have to make up.

You're best friends, you're bunk mates.

And my room is mine!

There has to be something you two like

about each other.

- This lil runt?

Psh, yeah right.

- Hey Dylan, tell me.

How'd those socks taste?

- Get back here you little runt!

[growling] - [hissing]

- BOTH: [yelling]

- Guys, come on stop.

Y'all gotta stop.

Y'all got to quit.

Seeking time away from his younger brother,

Subject One spends time with an older male.

- What was that?

- Um, what, what, what?

- I said what was that?

- It's just a silly school project

about some test dummies.

It's really boring stuff.

Our two subjects are locked in a battle for territory.

Dylan, I mean, Charlie, I mean, Subject Two.

Man, this is hard to keep straight!

- [gasps]

Wait, are we the test dummies?

- Subject Two is surprisingly holding his own

despite clearly being the runt of the litter.

- Hey!

- You can't call him a runt!

- You did like two minutes ago!

- Yeah, but you can't.

- What?

- He's my brother and I can call him whatever I want.

- You think of me like a brother?

- Well, not like a brother.

Um, like a room brother.

Um, and like, you're a brotha, but--

- It's okay, you don't have to admit it

if you're not ready.

- But I guess maybe if someone asked me,

I would say, I don't know,

you're kinda sorta like a brother to me.

Like sorta.

- I've missed you too, bro.

- Whoa, hey, chill with that...

- [audience laughing]

- Bro.

- Aww, that was so beautiful.

- [audience laughing]

- So that's why you told me Dylan

was gonna make the room a mess.

- DYLAN: So you just wanted us to have a big fight

so you could get material for your report?

Explain or this test dummy deletes this.

- Okay, okay.

I only did it because Rebecca M. passed my GPA

and I really needed to get an A on this report

so I could get my top spot back.

- You know what, I'm not even mad.

That's kinda slick.

Messed up, but slick.

- [audience laughing]

- Unh-uh.

That A's gonna cost you.

- Please, please, please.

- Let's go!

Baby Bron, out here making plays!


- Oh, man.

- Yo, yo, you're getting close.

The room's almost clean.

- [audience laughing]

- Keep up the good work!

- You know what? I'm done.

You two can finish cleaning up this mess yourselves.

- Oh, okay.

That's cool, I'll just go ahead and delete

your little recordings right quick.

- I guess that space between you and Rebecca M.

is gonna get a little bit bigger.

- [growling]

- If you can't do the time... - Don't do the crime.

- ♪

- ♪

- [audience laughing]

- That looks about right.

- [audience laughing]

- Pay $.

For what?

- [audience laughing]

- [grunting]

Come on, baby.

Come on.

Woo, yeah.


- [audience laughing]

- [sighs]

- [audience laughing]

- Should have paid the $.

- [audience laughing]

- [screaming]

- I warned you.

- ♪

- ♪