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02x09 - Cruisin' for a Bruisin

Posted: 05/11/23 06:32
by bunniefuu
- ♪

- [knocking]

- Come in.

- Rebecca, this is gonna sound like a big ask, well, it is.

But I already asked Charlie, and he said, "No."

So, that makes you my last hope.

- I'll probably say no, too, but go ahead and ask anyway.

- [audience laughing]

- I need you to go half with me on this,

it's a motorized scooter.

I'm good for the other half,

but I just need someone else to fork over the rest.

Now, before you say no -- - Okay.

- Man, why you always gotta step on a brother's dream?

If you would ask me, I would've said --

Wait, what you say?

- [audience laughing]

- I said sure.

- Oh, in that case,

I also need money to get Kendrick Lamar

to bless my next track with his b*mb lyrics.

- [audience laughing]

- Don't push your luck.

- [audience laughing]

- Okay, okay, just the motorized scooter.

Hold up, you do realize that the scooter will be mine,

and you won't get to use it, right?

- Oh, I'm gonna use it alright.

I'm gonna use it to show up Rebecca M.

- DYLAN: Man, are you two still beefing?

- Yes, and it's heating up.

She just posted all these new photos

with her and her electric bike

all over her Post-A-Gram account.

She's got tons of new followers.

- Man, y'all really gotta stop this competition thing.

It's really kind of getting petty.

- Yesterday, didn't you play rock, paper, scissors

with my dad for an hour

just to see who got the last scoop of ice cream?

- [laughing] Yeah, he was so mad.

- [audience laughing]

- Point taken. - [audience laughing]

- Well, so will Rebecca M. be

after I beat her at her own game.

And posting pictures of me on that motorized scooter

will do just that.

Why do you want it?

- Because, all the rappers I look up to

are into skateboarding.

Tyler the Creator, Lupe Fiasco, Future.

- But, this is a motorized scooter, not a skateboard.

- I know that,

you expect me to push off the ground,

and scuff up my fly kicks?

- [audience laughing]

- No?

- Exactly,

and getting that scooter will be the coolest thing

next to the time I met Beyoncé.

- [audience laughing]

- Boy, you never met her.

- Yes, I did, her name was Beyoncé Jones,

and she lived in the apartment above us.

- [audience laughing]

- So, are we doing this or what?

- Sure, I guess I can share the scooter with you

since you putting up most of the money.

- I thought you said half of the money.

- I said that?

- [audience laughing]

- Fine, we can go half.

- [audience laughing]

- ♪ There once was a kid from the city of Chi ♪

♪ Ma knew I was important not a regular guy ♪

♪ Everybody follow me Imma take you on a trip ♪

♪ Buckle up, let's go, Imma get you all hip ♪

♪ I'm a star

♪ Came up from a block in Chi-town ♪

♪ Livin' large

♪ I'm tryna balance school and these bars ♪

♪ Came far ain't no better feelin' ♪

♪ I tell 'em you gon love Young Dylan ♪

♪ Ay Young Dylan, ay ♪ Young Dylan Young Dylan

♪ Ay, Young Dylan ♪ Dyl, Dyl, Dyl

♪ I tell 'em you gon' love Young Dylan ♪♪

- ♪

- Pork chops, candied yams, collard greens,

and mac 'n cheese, mmm.

- [audience laughing]

- Well, all I know is, I'm ready to throw down.

- [audience laughing]

- Which is why I'm wearing my eating pants.

- [audience laughing]

- So am I. - MYLES: Eh, eh!

- So am I. - [laughing]

- Just make sure you leave room for dessert.

I made turtle praline cake with fudge icing.

- ALL: Oh!

- [banging] - Ah!

No! No, no, no, no, no, no!

- [audience laughing]

- I don't understand. - [audience laughing]

- I followed the recipe to a 'T'.

- You sure 'T' didn't stand for terrible?

- [audience laughing]

- Uh, you know what, baby,

it -- it -- it don't look that bad.

You know what, I'm -- I'm still gon' have a slice, yeah.

I'm sure everybody here is gonna have one, too, right?

- [audience laughing]

- [moaning] Oh my god, oh my gosh!

Mom, these pork chops are delicious.

- VIOLA: [chuckling] I know, right?

But, I didn't make 'em, Charlie did.

- The secret is rosemary butter.

- [audience laughing] - ALL: Mmm!

- [unintelligible yelling]

- Boy, what's wrong with you?

- I've been watching a lot of "The Angry Chef."

- [audience laughing]

- Oh yeah, I get it, okay.

- His yelling may hurt people's feelings,

but his food heals their souls.

- [audience laughing]

- Mom, Dad, can, uh, me and Dylan be excused?

Our new scooter arrived, and we wanna test it out.

- A scooter?

I don't know anything about a scooter.

- Uh, yeah,

this is the first time I've heard about a scooter.

Where'd they get the money for a scooter?

- How many times are y'all gon' say the word, "scooter?"

- [audience laughing]

- [bell dinging]

- Oh, it has a motor on it?

- I don't wanna scuff up my fly kicks,

why doesn't anyone understand that?

- [audience laughing]

- MYLES: Mm-hm, well, that thing's going back.

- Yeah.

- But I need it, so I can outpost Rebecca M.

- [audience laughing]

- And I need it because -- because, um, because I just do!

- [audience laughing]

- Okay, neither of you two can be trusted on that thing.

- Yeah. - What? Why?

- Really, do I need to say it out loud?

- [audience laughing]

- You're clumsy! You both are.

- [audience laughing]

- I'm offended, how could you say that?

- Can someone pass me a roll?

- [audience laughing]

- Man, that was just bad timing.

- [shrieking]

- [audience laughing]

- See!

- And that was also bad timing.

- [audience laughing]

- Mom, Dad, Rebecca M. has more followers than me,

do you know what that means?

- That you have less followers than her?

- [audience laughing]

- Okay, the answer is no, you can't have your scooter.

We have to think about your safety.

- [grunting]

- Ah! Mm-mm.

- Well, thank you, Mom,

you never help us clean up after dinner.

- I'm not, I'm packing leftovers,

Charlie stuck his foot in this dinner.

- [audience laughing]

- I did, I really did.

- [laughing]

- If you want some, there's plenty of cake.

It might not look good, but I'm sure it tastes fine.

- [laughing] We both know that's a lie.

- [audience laughing]

- Mom!

Baby, look, I bet your cake is delicious.

Yeah, a lot of foods that look horrible,

but still taste good.

- [audience laughing]

- Yeah, like, um, crawfish, yeah.

- Um, kiwis.

- Ki -- kiwis, yeah, yeah, um, the guacamole.

- [audience laughing]

- Why don't you two, uh, give it a try?

- [audience laughing]

- MYLES: Well, we will.

- Dad, I don't wanna die.

- [audience laughing]

- Just eat it.

- [audience laughing]

- Mm! Mmm!

- Mm-hmm!

- [audience laughing]

- Well?

- Mm! - [audience laughing]

- Mmm!

- [audience laughing]

- I can't, I can't, I can't, I can't do it, I can't do it!

Ah! - Ah!

- It's alright, Yasmine,

you just stepped outside your lane, is all.

- And, exactly what is my lane?

- Oh, you know, uh, ordering take-out,

toast and fried bologna, you real good at them things.

- Well, I'll have you know,

I can make far more complicated things than that.

- Is that so?

- Yes, and to prove it,

I'm going to make your favorite dish

for next week's family dinner: beef Wellington.

- [laughing] Little girl, that's a big one.

- [audience laughing]

- You sure you up to it?

- YASMINE: Oh, I most certainly am.

- Oh, well, in that case, I will see you next week.

- YASMINE: Mm, well, make sure you bring your appetite

because I'm about to put my entire foot

and all its appendages up in that dish.

I'm talking 'bout toes, nails, ankles, bones.

- MYLES: Baby? - Muscles, mm-hm.

- You should stop talking now.

- Okay. Mm-hmm, yeah!

- ♪

- So, you're saying I can just have the scooter?

- I mean, you can give us some money if you want.

- No money, we just want her to have a good home.

- Yeah, a home where people have money

to give to people who --

- [audience laughing]

- I mean, I guess a hug will work.

- I'd rather pay.

- [audience laughing]

- REBECCA: No money, it's a gift.

- So, what's wrong with it?

- DYLAN: There's nothing wrong with it,

it's a brand-new, used beauty.

- [audience laughing]

- My mom and dad won't let us keep it

because they think we'll hurt ourselves.

- Because of how clumsy you both are.

- [audience laughing]

- ♪

- [audience laughing]

- More flour!

- [audience laughing]

- We got -- oh!

- [audience laughing]

- We got enough flour?

- I said more flour.

- Okay.

- [audience laughing]

- What kitchen nightmare did I walk into?

- [audience laughing]

- Oh, who am I kidding?

Aargh! Viola's right, toast and bologna is my lane.

- [audience laughing]

- Just so happens

that beef Wellington is the Angry Chef's best dish.

I've watched him make it a hundred times.

- Do you think you can teach me in time?

- I will gladly take you under my wing!

But you cannot question my ways,

you must do exactly as I say.

Also, expect me to yell!

- [audience laughing]

- A lot!

- Whatever it takes.

- Great, now clean up this mess, we have work to do!

[unintelligible yelling]

- ♪

- How long has it been

since our precious scooter was ripped away from our arms?

- [audience laughing]

- It wasn't ripped away from our arms,

we gave it away.

- [audience laughing]

- It's been eight hours.

- [audience laughing]

- It feels like a hundred and eight.

- [audience laughing]

- Well, Rebecca M. has been posting up a storm.

Check this one out.

- Whoa!

Is she doing a handstand on her electric bike?

- Yes, yes, she is.

- Man, that is sick!

- [audience laughing]

- Oh, I mean, I'm not impressed at all.

- [audience laughing]

- Well, I guess, I'll just have to accept

that I've lost then,

and admit that I'm the second-best Rebecca at school.

- [knocking]

- Hope that's not the guy from Hip-Hop Times

here to interview me and record me doing tricks

on the scooter.

- I thought you said they hung up on you.

- You remember too much.

- [audience laughing]

- Well, well, well,

looks like someone changed their mind about that hug.

Ow, ow!

- [audience laughing]

- Hey, Bethany, what's going on?

- I can't keep the scooter.

- Why, you fall off it or something [laughing]?

- [laughing]

- Yes, I did.

- [audience laughing]

- Oh!

- So, my mom said I had to give it back.

- Well, what are we gonna do now?

We can't keep this thing.

- [audience laughing]

- Well, technically, we did what we were told.

We got rid of the scooter, right?

- Yeah.

- Well, it's not our fault it came back.

- So, are you saying we should keep it?

- Duh!

- So wait, you're going to hide this scooter

from your entire family for as long as you both live here?

- I think the word I'm looking for is, duh!

- [audience laughing]

- Believe me,

it's not one of the worst ideas he's come up with.

- [audience laughing]

- So, are you gonna help me keep this a secret,

or call Rebecca M. and admit defeat?

- I know what you're trying to do,

and it worked!

- [audience laughing]

- Let's hide this upstairs.

- ♪

- [camera snapshots]

- [audience laughing]

- ♪

- [camera snapshots]

- [audience laughing]

- [camera snapshots]

- They're gonna be like, "Rebecca M., who?

Electric, what?"

- [audience laughing]

- We need a wardrobe change,

but, first, let me give you my savage look.


- Yes!

- [audience laughing] - [camera snapshots]

- Yes, yes!

- [audience laughing]

- Yo, what's up? I said I need the scooter today.

I'm gonna practice some cool new tricks,

so I can do 'em in a music video.

- But, we're not done with our photo sh**t.

- Too bad, so sad, I'm taking the scooter,

so don't be mad.

- No, you're not! Give me that thing!

- You're not stronger than me. - Yes, I am!

- Don't act like you're that strong,

I'm taking this, you been hogging it all day.

- [gasping]

- [laughing]

- Okay, you said to run, I ran,

you said to squat, I squatted.

You said to do burpees.

[grunting] I burped.

- [audience laughing]

- When can we start cooking?

- When I say you're ready.

You're ready!

- Perfect! - [audience laughing]

- Because, woo, I really need --

- Thanks!

- I really need to master how to make the beef Wellington.

- Oh, you're not ready for that yet.

- [audience laughing]

- We need to start small.

I want to see you make scrambled eggs.

I set up your station.

- Eggs?

- [audience laughing]

- [unintelligible yelling]

- I mean, yes, Chef, thank you, Chef.

- [audience laughing]

- Peace, I'll get the scooter back to you

in, like, a week or so.

- [audience laughing]

- Ah!

- That's what you get,

I told you we weren't done with it yet.

- Ah!

- [audience laughing]

- Maybe Auntie Yas and Uncle Myles were right

about us being too clumsy.

- So, you wanna get rid of the scooter?

- No, we're keeping it,

but this secret thing is just too much.

- So, what are you saying?

- We're just gonna have to show them

that we aren't clumsy.

Which means, we gotta work on our balance.

Then, when they see how good we are,

they'll let us keep the scooter.

- Dylan's like two for two on good ideas.

- [audience laughing]

- Girl, please, I've got tons of good mind thoughts.

- [audience laughing]

- Yeah, that's more like it.

- [audience laughing]

- ♪

- [audience laughing]

- Are you sure this will help?

- I found it on the internet, it's called a "Tree Pose."

- [audience laughing]

- Well, that explains this.


- Times two!

- Now can we make the beef Wellington?

- You think you're ready to wrap dough around delicious beef?

No, ma'am. - [audience laughing]

- We'll start with these hot dogs.

- Pigs in a blanket? - [audience laughing]

- [unintelligible yelling] - [audience laughing]

- Oh!


- [audience laughing]

- [shrieking]

- ♪

- [audience laughing]

- ♪

- [audience laughing]

- ♪

- Oh!

- ♪

- [audience laughing]

- ♪

- This, Madame, is delightful!

- [crying]

- That's it, let it all out.

- [audience laughing]

- [crying]

- You're ready for the Angry Chef's beef Wellington.

- [crying]

- Our tricks are going to be legendary.

- Rebecca M. did a handstand on her electric bike,

well, I'm gonna do a headstand on this scooter.

- MYLES: What's up, guys?

So, I heard you wanted to show me something?

Why do you guys still have that stuff on?

- [audience laughing]

- Check it!

- Why is that thing still here?

I thought we told you to get rid of it.

- Yeah, because you said we were clumsy,

but we've fixed that.

- Is that right?

- It sure is.

- [bell dinging]

- [audience laughing]

- Okay, well, you know, prove it.

- Um, do you want the privilege?

- No, how 'bout you go first, dear cousin.

- [audience laughing]

- If you insist, but maybe I'll start small,

so I won't blow his mind too much.

- REBECCA: Maybe like a bar spin into a tail whip.

- [audience laughing] - Yeah, I suppose that would --

- Okay, will somebody just show me?

- [audience laughing]

- ♪

- [yelling]

[grunting] Ah!

- ♪

- My studio!

I guess there's no need to punish me anymore

than I already have.

- Guess again.

- ♪

- Well, certainly smells like food in here.

- Thank you.

- Charlie tells me that he taught you a thing or two.

- She's my best student, also my only student.

- [audience laughing]

- Well, I just hope you all enjoy

this perfectly cooked beef Wellington.

- Wow!

- [audience laughing]

- Would you do the honors?

- Absolutely.

- It's flaky on the outside, and moist inside,

brava, Mother, brava!

- Yes, but, does it have any flavor?

- You tell me.

- Yasmine, I think I owe you an apology.

I take back all the things I said about your cooking.

And all the things I told my church group about your cooking.

- [audience laughing]

- I accept your apology.

Can you let everyone know

that dinner is ready to be served?

- It's the least I can do.

- [audience laughing]

- Time to eat!

- [audience laughing]

- I know I was hard on you, Mom,

but you handled it, and you made me proud today.

I don't think I can make a beef Wellington this perfect.

- Thank you, Charlie, thank you.

- What is this? - What is what?

- This is take-out from Jack's Bistro.

- [audience laughing]

- You didn't cook anything.

- I tried, I really did,

but somehow, the one I made was cold on the outside,

and, like, crazy hot on the inside.

- That's alarming.

- I know.

But I couldn't have Viola talking about me.

Sadly to say, I cheated.

But, it's not your fault.

- Oh, I know, I'm a great chef.

- [audience laughing]

- So, I guess I should tell Viola the truth.

- Or not.

- [audience laughing]

- Today was the first time I ever heard her apologizing;

you could use the win. So, your secret is safe with me.

- ♪

- Thanks, Chef [giggling].

- ♪

- Mom, that food was so good.

- Thank you.

- Yeah, Auntie Yas,

I'm gonna use Beef Wellington as my new battle rap name.

- [audience laughing]

- [chuckling] Yep, baby,

you can give Jack's Bistro a run for their money

with your beef Wellington.

- [chuckling]

- Well, I think Yasmine should make family dinner all the time.

- [unintelligible yelling]

- [Nickelodeon theme]