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02x08 - Oceans 11am

Posted: 05/11/23 06:31
by bunniefuu
- ♪

- Doh-doh, yes. [gasps]

- "Sky Punch" was the movie of the year!

- Listen, Triple J went from being the best wrestler

of all time to being the biggest superstar,

action star on the planet.

- I didn't think I would like it, but I loved it!

I don't know how Triple J punched the sky,

but I have to see him do it again in "Sky Punch ."

- I'm just happy I got off punishment in time to watch it!

But I wish Charlie didn't eat three orders of

cheese and nachos!

His toots cleared out half of the theater.

- I make no apologies.

Nachos are my thing.

Besides, all that's behind me now.

[groaning] Oh, no! Gotta go!

- It's all behind him, alright.

- Man, the worst part of being on punishment was not

being able to make music.

- Well, I just hope you learned your lesson.

- You fly one drone into your principal's face,

and suddenly you're on his list.

- Uh, he's learned his lesson now.

- Yep.

And it has nothing to do with someone

giving Principal Matthews the idea to keep

all confiscated items until the end of the school year!

- I'm sorry.

You just can't go easy on kids nowadays.

- Well, I hope you remember our agreement.

If you get in trouble again at school,

we're taking your studio away for good.

- Yes.

Yes, then I can turn the garage back into a dojo.

Start practicing my kara-tay! Hai!

Hai! You know what?

I'm going to the mountains. Oh-yah!

To practice--ah! - [crash]

- Oh, ah. - Really?

- Sorry, baby, I'll clean that up later. [laughs]


Hey, hey, did I tell you about the time that I met

Triple J for real?

Like, actually met Triple J at the wrestling championships?

- Which one?

The Pain Train in Maine? Or the Throwdown in Motown?

I like wrestling.

Don't judge me.

- Nah, it was the Slamma in Atlanta!

Huh, huh? [laughs]

I was begging, "Mommy, Mommy, please, I wanna go, Mommy.

Please take me."

She finally gave in. [laughs]

Yeah, we sat ringside.

We had ice cream.

I was screaming the whole time, too.

I was like, "Triple J. Triple J, we love you, Triple J!

Ah, ooh!"

- How long ago was this?

- Two years ago.

Yeah, look, he gave me his championship belt

after he beat Lethal Leprechaun.

Said I was a true fan. [laughs]

Yeah, that was a good day.

Best day of my life.

- Except for the day we got married, right?

- Right, right, yeah.

- Which was what day?

- Really? Wow, woman.

That is incredible.

You have forgotten our special day.

- Mm-hmm. - That's crazy!

I can't even look at you.

♪ Ma knew I wasn't boring, not a regular guy ♪

♪ Everybody follow me, I'mma take you on a trip ♪

♪ Buckle up, let's go, I'mma get you all hip ♪

♪ I'm a star, came up from a block in Chi-Town ♪

♪ Living large, I'm trying to balance school and these bars ♪

♪ Came far, ain't no better feeling ♪

♪ I tell 'em, you gonna love Young Dylan ♪

♪ Young Dylan, Young Dylan, Young Dylan ♪

♪ Young Dylan

♪ Tell 'em you gon' love Young Dylan ♪♪

- ♪

- [sighs]


Greetings, crump snatchers.

- Ooh, you found Triple J's belt.

- Huh? Wha, ooh, did I forget to take this silly thing off?

Silly me!

- Where was it?

- Oh, it was up in the attic in a box, behind--

[clears throat]--this-- this wonderful painting

that my sweetie made years ago.

- I don't know if it's wonderful.

- What?

- KIDS: Ahhh!

- See that, baby, they love it.

- You don't like it? - Oh.

- Of course they do, you know, it's a--it's breathtaking.


- I do find it difficult to breathe while looking at it.

- Well, I don't like it. - [sighs]

- I love it! - DLYAN AND CHARLIE: What?

- You do?

- Absolutely.

It's very reminiscent of the Baroque era.

- Yes. - Yeah.

- Did he just call her painting broke?

- I think so.

- I can't believe you had this art in the attic.

It needs to be hung up in the house!

- Yes! - Yes.

- [giggles] - Baby, alright now.

Alright now, what are you doing?

Great, now I gotta keep that thing in the house.

- Wait, if you didn't love it, then why'd you act like you did?

- Because, Scooter-- - Booder.

- Booter. - Booder.

- To-may-toe, to-mah-toe.

In this family, we support one another, you know, even if it

means every now and again we gotta tell a little fib.

- Like when we encourage Charlie.

- [laughs]

- Encourage me to do what?

- Oh, nothing, bro.

Hey, have I told you how dope your hat game's been lately?

- Thanks, I feel like I'm in the zone.

- Anyway, good news.

Found a buyer online. Yep.

She'll be in town in a couple of days,

and she said she's willing to pay me handsomely for it.

- Um, can I take a picture with the belt before

it leaves the house forever?

- Oh, yeah, sure, come on, come on, get in here.

Yeah, let's do it. Mm-hmm.

- I meant just me and the belt.

- Yeah, I knew that.

Careful with it, alright? Just, you know,

it's expensive. - Ahhhhh!

- [camera shutter clicking] - [groans and grunts]

- Growl, growl, get mean. - [growls]

- Yeah. [laughs]

- Man, I bet people will pay all kinds of money

just to hold this bad boy.

- YASMINE: I need someone to tell me

if the painting's centered! - Oh lord! [grunts]

You know what? You're to blame for this.

If I gotta look at this painting, so do you, come on.

- I hate to say it, but Dylan's right.

We can make money by charging kids at school to pose

with Triple J's belt.

- With the money we'd make, I could buy that used

hot air balloon I've had my eye on.

- And I can get a new phone.

I might have dropped mine a couple times.

Ah! - Uh!

- Okay, a few times.

- Dylan, what are you gonna get?

- Dylan isn't getting anything,

because Dylan isn't getting involved.

- You're not?

- Normally I would, but since I'm fresh off of punishment,

I can't risk having my studio get taken away for good.

- We'll bring the belt back after school,

and before Dad even knows it was ever gone.

- Pass!

This might sound strange coming from me,

but I don't think you two should do it either.

- Still doing it. - Me too.

- ♪

- So you stayed up all night painting these, Mama Yas?

- I sure did.

And I couldn't have done all this amazing work

in such a short time without Myles' encouragement.

- [chuckles]

- Oh, so it was his fault.

So he was your inspiration? - Yes.

- And you are so welcome.

- Uncle Myles, did you sleep with that belt on?

- Well-- - You should have seen him

cuddling with that thing.

- I told you, she was scared.

- There it is.

Create a diversion, and I'll take the belt

without anyone noticing. - Done-zo.

Dad, can you show me more of your super cool kara-tay moves?

- Yeah. Finally.

Master has his pupil.

Alright, uh, let's see.

First, uh, we wanna make some room,

so let's move some of this furniture.

Uh, that way we don't break anything.

Alright, you--you're sure you don't wanna take off your,

uh, really cool hat first?

- No, I'm good.

- Suit yourself. Alright.

- Pbsst, ppff. - So...

- Mom, you're missing it!

- I can see from here!

- Alright, first thing, you wanna stretch.

Get a nice, good stretch on. - [clapping]

- Kay-kay!

That, let 'em know you mean business.

[inhales and exhales]

Ah-le! Left kick, ah!

Left chop, ah!

What you say about my mama? What?

Yah! - [crash]

- Oh, oh, oh, oh.

- Why do you hate our lamps?

- I wasn't. The lamp was talking about my mama, baby.


- YASMINE: Uh, I'll get a broom.

- No, no, no, I'll--I'll get it, I'll do it.

I'll clean it up. - Uh, come on, Charlie!

We gotta go!

- It's in there. - Time for school.

- School doesn't start for another hour.

- Hey, Dylan, you coming?

- What's my first rule about school?

- ALL: You don't go to school before school.

- Exactly.

- ♪

- See--see ya back there.

- ♪

- Whoa, I can't believe all these kids are paying for this.

- You messed up.

You could've been swimming in all this cash.

- [camera shutter clicks]

- Don't you see the other people waiting?

You'll get your tur-r-r-rn.

Principal Matthews.

What brings you here?

- I work here.

Also, I got word there was a commotion in the hallway,

so I came to see what was going on.

- Nothing, just a couple of entrepreneurs

trying to make money.

- Funny, because it looks like you two are charging students

to take pictures with a silly belt.

Everyone, disperse now.

I'll make sure that each of you gets your money back.

Nuh, uh, uh, uh.

I'm confiscating that belt until the end of the school year.

- Charlie.

- The buyer's coming tomorrow, and we just lost the belt.

We're gonna be in so much trouble.

- I hate to be that dude that says, "I told you so."

So I won't.

I'll text it.

- [phones ding]

- Wow, he's fast. - [crash]

- ♪

- Oh, and I forgot to mention, nice hat, Chuckles.

You're really pulling it off.

- You think so? - Yep.

Don't stop doing you.

You know, unless you want to.

- No, I'm good.

- So, the buyer's coming tomorrow night

to get Triple J's championship belt.

- We know.

- And you still haven't gotten Principal Matthews

to give you the belt. - We know.

- You're running out of time.

- BOTH: We know!

- Charlie, you and I are just gonna have to sneak

into the principal's office and get the belt back

during school today.

- Everybody knows that all confiscated items

are in Mr. Elliot's class, where they have detention.

- Well, I'm not doing that.

I don't do detention.

I've heard stories.

Mostly from Dylan, because he's usually in detention.

- Well, we don't have a choice.

- You know, a daytime heist sounds like

the ultimate challenge for someone.

- Oh yeah.

It's the stuff that kids would talk about forever.

Some might even put it into a song.

A rap song.

A rap song-- - I can't rap about anything

if I get caught and lose my studio forever.

- I got it!

I'm gonna call Principal Matthews

and pretend to be Mom.

- We're not doing that. - [crash]

- Girl, what is your wrong with your hands?

It's clear that without my help, you're absolutely

gonna get caught.

But if we do this, we're all in this together.

Tomorrow at lunch, they're serving nachos.

Once Charlie's full of nachos, he'll do

what Charlie does.

Once that's done, Rebecca will ask to leave class as well,

because when the janitor heads to unclog Charlie's mess,

she'll borrow his cart.

I, of course, will already be inside the trash bin.

Rebecca will push us into Mr. Elliot's classroom,

where it will be empty because that's the time Mr. Elliot

always disappears into the teacher's lounge

for some reason.

- ♪

- Myles!

Can you come help me take my art down?

- [pounding on stairs]

- Hey, so should--should I start in the garage?

You wanna make some room

over there? - What? No.

Since everyone's going crazy over my art,

I decided to stage my paintings in all the houses

that I'm selling.

I know, it's exciting, right?

When potential buyers walk into the newly staged homes

with my paintings, they'll definitely wanna buy.


Myles, stop playing.

Uh, Myles.


Myles, hand the box over.

- Wa-wah-oh.

- YASMINE: Get--ah!

Myles, what has gotten into you?

- [groans]


Okay, baby, look, I might have exaggerated

on how great your paintings are.

- So they're just good?

- Mm-mm.

- Average?

- Baby, they hideous. - What?


You let me walk around like I was this amazing artist.

Do you know how much time I wasted?

- Baby, look, I am sorry, okay?

No, really, I'm really, really sorry.

I was just trying to be supportive.

- Supportive?

[sighs and laughs]

Like how we encourage Charlie with his weird hat choices?

- Exactly.

- Myles.

I appreciate what you did.

But if you wanna be supportive,

be honest with me.

- You sure about that?

I'm kidding, I'm kidding. Okay. Okay.

Alright, new rule.

Um, in this house,

we will be honest with each other no matter what.

- Starting with Charlie's hats?

- Absolutely. - [laughs]

- You forgive me? - Yes.

Well, I guess we have to take all this down.

- ♪

- The pudding cup is empty.

I said...the pudding cup is empty!

I said the pud--get your butts out of the trash bin.

Nobody's here.

- Why didn't you just say that?

- Let's just get this belt, please.

- [door clicks] - Quick, hide!

- I should never have agreed to let Mr. Elliot

use the teacher's lounge for hot yoga.

Uh, I'll just jam out in here.

Uh, that janitor would lose his head if it wasn't

attached to his shoulders.

Ooh, he did lose his hat though.

Mine now.



- [whispers] Is that how I looked?

- Yeah.

- Uh.

I'm done with hats.

- Now let there be jazz. [laughs]

- [saxophone plays]

- The man's got talent.

- I'm gonna go look for another way out.

- [saxophone continues]

- Ew, too much spit in the spit valve.

- [splat]

- I think I'm gonna need a mop.

Uh, bingo.

- [groans]

- Gotta get rid of the evidence.

- No luck.

It's only a matter of time before he finds us.

- Now's our chance. - Go. Go.

- Wait.


- Man, we were so close to getting that belt.

I guess all we can do now is go home,

apologize to Dad for ruining his sale,

and hope our punishment is swift.

- What if I told you that we didn't leave empty-handed?

- What are you talking about?

- Feast your eyes on this! - [gasps]

- I hope you plan on sharing that.

- What? No!

I meant this.

- Wait, when'd you find the belt?

- When I was looking for a way out.

I put it in the janitor's cart.

That's the whole reason I needed you to take it.

- Oh, that makes perfect sense.

- Just say you don't understand. - I don't understand.

- It's simple, I figured that if we get caught,

at least the belt and my drone would still make it out okay.

- Drone? - Yeah.

There was no way I could carry it out

without anyone noticing.

- That was not part of the plan.

- Poor, gullible Rebecca.

Of course it was.

When Principal Matthews took my drone away

for the entire school year, I was determined to get it back.

Once Uncle Myles found his belt, I knew what I had to do.

Get you to want to take it.

- Wait, so you put us through all of that just to get

your drone back?

- If you had just asked us to help you,

we would have said yes.

- I didn't consider that.

Well, good to know for the next time.

- I'm just glad we got the belt back

before the buyer comes tonight.

- Wait!

Do me a favor and wait for me before going home.

- Why? What are--

Bathroom? - Yep.

Out of the way!

- ♪

- Alright, thanks again. - Yes.

I can't believe she agreed to take my paintings, too.

- Well, maybe some people are into weird stuff.

- Did you make the sale? Did you make the sale?

[gasps] - Mm.

Ee-ee-ee. - Come on, Unc, quit playing.

How many stacks did she give you for the Triple J belt?

- Well, let me see.

Uh, none. - Huh?

- None? - Yeah.

- Then what's in the envelope?

- All I got was...

five tickets to the wrestling championship!

It's been sold out for months.

- You really let us down today, Unc.

- Yeah. - Mm, I guess I left out

the most important part.

Triple J's gonna be making a special appearance.

- What? [laughs] - Ahhhh!

- Yes!

What can I say?

I'm a Triple J fan now! Wah!

- ALL: Yeah!

- [Nickelodeon theme plays]

- ♪