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02x03 - A Tale of Two Rappers

Posted: 05/11/23 06:28
by bunniefuu
- YASMINE: Honey, I love this idea

of having the kids pitch their business plans

to us for funding? - Yeah.

- This will really prepare them for future job interviews.

Or for getting start-up money for their companies.

- Yeah, yeah, yeah, I know,

look, look, when I was their age, okay,

I worked hard, you know?

I didn't become a successful architect

by sitting in front of the TV and playing video games all day.

- Honey, when you were their age,

video games weren't invented. - [studio audience laughing]

- You're so sweet. Who's up first?

- Oh, I love this, they look so cute.

We're ready to hear your pitch.

- Fabulous Fashion! - Savage Style!

- These are just a couple of the things we provide.

- Okay, what else do you provide?

- Well, basically,

we're just going to use our sense of fashion and glam

to help people level up.

- Okay, and you need us for what?

- We just need y'all to help us get our website up,

so we can get the word out.

- And by help, you mean? - Money!

- Alright, alright, fine, we'll help.

- [squealing] - [laughs]

- Next!

Oh my goodness, look how cute.

- MYLES: They're boys. - YASMINE: They're cute.

- I know, it's just business. - [clearing throat]

- So, what do you need?

- I need a new autotuner, the one I have is old,

and it makes me sound weird. - How weird?

- [bad autotuner plays]

- Okay, alright, alright, you can turn that off now.

- And the worst part is, I did not realize this

until after I sent the song to Lil Wayne

aka Young Carter aka Young Mulah aka Lil Weezy.

- We get it, he has a lot of nicknames.

- Well, when he hears my song, he's never gonna sign me.

So, I need to hurry and do a proper version to send him.

Which means, I need a new autotuner, feel me?

- How much does this autotuner cost?

- [laughing]

- Yeah, that ain't happening. - [audience laughing]

- Why not?

It's cheaper than that bounce house mansion

we tricked Mommy Yas into renting.

Hit 'em, Chuckles. - Oh, my precious widdle man.

- Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey woman, look away!

- Alright, I have a counter offer.

- There's nothing on here except for a letter.

- Yeah, yeah, I know. It's the letter A.

Yeah, you might not recognize that

since you haven't seen one

on your report card or your homework in "A" long time.

- [audience laughing] - A, A, A, A.

- I can't reward that, sorry.

And we can't reward you, either,

but when you bring home an A, we will get you an autotuner.

- But how come you said you'd help Rebecca?

- Because she brings home As.

- Since when do you reward us for good grades?

- Since always.

- Chuckles, don't hold back!

- Ah! [laughing] - Yeah!

- No, no, eh, babe, babe, stop, no, no, no, no!

- * There once was a kid from the city of Chi *

* Ma knew I was important, not a regular guy *

* Everybody follow me, I'mma take you on a trip *

* Buckle up, let's go, I'mma get you all hip *

* I'm a star, came up from a block in Chi-Town *

* Living large, I'm trying to balance school and these bars *

* Came far, ain't no better feeling *

* I tell 'em, you gonna love Young Dylan *

* Young Dylan, Young Dylan, Young Dylan *

* Young Dylan

* Tell 'em you gon' love Young Dylan **

- *

- Good tidings, how fair thee?

- Mr. Elliot, did Coach Sandra hit you in the head

with the dodge ball again? - [audience laughing]

- Yes, yes, she did.

- You have to stop going into the gym during P.E.

- But I had to go in there

to tell Coach Sandra the good news.

For you see, this class shall be putting on a play!

- [cheering and clapping]

- Yes, this play will most certainly out do

the one Coach Sandra put on last year

with her sports ball people.

- But people are still talking about her

"Friday Night Broadway Lights." - But not for much longer,

for you see, this class shall be doing Macbeth!

[laughing] Yes, let's see Coach Sandra and the track team

try to take on that Shakespearean classic.


- Mr. Elliot and Coach Sandra have been rivals from day one.

- It's true, and it has me rethinking our rivalry, Dylan.

It's been going on far too long,

I wanna apologize for the part I played in that.

Let's end the feud.

- Uh, consider the beef squashed?

- Beef, squash, two of my favorite dishes.

You crack me up.

We should have done this a long time ago.

- Uh-huh, I just have one question.

Who are you?

- I'm Brooder. Brooder! Boo-der?

- Saying his name over and over isn't helping me any.

- I'm the person you've been taking things from

ever since you got here.

[nervous chuckle]

- Sorry, I just straight up don't think

I've seen you before.

- I need to get the part of Macbeth in this play,

and I'm not gonna let you take this from me.

[sighs] - Hmm.

- Dylan, can't help that he's super talented.

- What my cousin is saying is very true.

I can't help it, but chill,

the last thing I want to do is be in a school play.

My skills will be wasted.

- Oh, okay, great!

- Oh, oh, oh! Another announcement class.

Whoever gets cast as my Macbeth,

shall receive an A

while everyone else will be Bs.

- Yeah, I'm gon' probably

have to take that lead part from you, homie.

- *

- Hey, ladies.

- How's the website coming along?

- It's going great, Mr. and Mrs. Wilson.

- Thank you, guys, so much for setting this up.

- Ah, it was our pleasure. Alright, so, what's next?

- We're waiting for people to reach out to us,

so we can help them with their fashion fails.

- Hmm. - We're basically human filters.

- Alright, so, what's the name of your company?

- Bex and Bethany Couture.

- Oh! - Oh!

- Don't you mean Bethany and Bex Couture?

- You know, I just thought

since your name sort of goes first on everything,

my name could go first this time.

- Oh, really?

- Really.

- Really? [giggles]

- [chuckling] Really! - Are you two okay?

- UNISON: Yep!

- Hm, okay, 'cuz, you know, you should never let business

come between you friendship, right?

I mean, it's just not worth it. - Promise us.

- UNISON: We promise!

- *

- Let the auditions--

Let the auditions begin!

Please begin.

- Oh, for a muse of fire that would ascend,

the brightest heaven of invention.

- [whispering] You have toilet paper stuck to your shoe.

- A kingdom for a stage, princes to act,

and monarchs to behold the swelling scene. [chuckling]

And scene.

- Next!

What Shakespearean monologue have you prepared

for me today, Dylan?

- Oh, I got an original rap for you.

Way better than anything Shakespeare ever wrote.

- Have at it then?

- You gotta make me the lead of the show.

You know everybody want my flow.

Been doin' this since I was fo', actin' a fool, you know?

You gotta make me the lead of the show.

Booder's gotta go, Young Dylan's the one, you know?

- Impressive, Dylan! Impressive.

- Yeah, I know.

- *

- *

- Okay, I was very pleased

with most of your auditions.

I'll finally be able to beat Coach Sandra

with the strength of theatre!

Which reminds me,

since most of our theatre budget has gone to the acquisition

of more sports balls!

I've had to hire a new team to do our wardrobe.

Please say hello to the creative team

from Bethany and Bex Couture.

- [applause]

- Uh, no, sorry, I think you got the name backwards.

- Well, that's what it says on this card.

- You did this!

- I'm sure I have no idea what you're talking about.

But, the name's already out there,

so I guess we better stick with it.

- Bethany, how could you do this?

- Because we know my name sounds so--

- I told you not to change the name!

I literally said, don't change the name.

Why would you do this to me? - BETHANY: You always keep--

- I'm sure that won't come back to bite me in the butt.

Any who, here are the names of everyone who received roles.

- [cheering] - Ah!

- Yes!

- Yes, yes!

- Yes, I won! I got the part.

- I got a part as soldier number seven.

I'm not a tree this year.

- Soldier number seven only has one line.

- A whole line?

Yes! And you got--


- What do you mean, uh-oh?

- You didn't get the lead.

- My easy A! Who got picked over me?

Who's Booder?

- Me! I'm Booder, we've been over this.

- Nah, I don't think so.

I'm great with names and faces, I'm great at everything,

which is why I should have gotten the lead part!

- Sorry, but, hey, at least you're my understudy.

- I have to study? This day is the worst!

- *

- Dylan, I'm sorry you didn't get the lead part.

- I was really counting on getting that A.

Because, without that autotuner,

Lil Wayne will think Young Dylan sounds like this.

- [bad autotuner plays]

- I don't know, I think I could dance to that.

- Chuckles, promise me, to never ever do that again.

- Noted.

- Class, I've received word

that we will no longer have the auditorium

to showcase our performance because Coach Sandra has decided

to do her own rendition of Romeo and Juliet.

- So, does this mean our play is canceled?

- Heavens no, it's like the old saying,

"The show must go on, so that one can prove

they're just as good as those who coach sports."

It's a real saying, look it up.

- Mr. Elliot, if we don't have the auditorium,

where are we gonna perform?

- Have you ever heard of a flash mob?

It's when a group of people

suddenly breaks into performance in public.

And that is what we're gonna do in the hallways.

It's gonna be a flash mob musical!

Dylan's rap gave me a great idea.

- To give me an A? - [laughing] No!

I stayed up all night writing an original hip hop musical.

It's the prequel to Romeo and Juliet.

And the best part is,

everyone is gonna have to come to our performance,

or else they'll be completely lost

when they go see Coach Sandra's train wreck of a play.


- I'm not sure that's entirely true,

but, hey, you're the teacher.

- Mr. Elliot, I'm just curious

how someone like Booder got picked for the lead over me?

Look at the guy.

I mean, the kid sharpens a mean pencil,

but this is a hip hop play, and I live and breathe hip hop.

- I'm sorry, Dylan, I am standing by my decision.

- Wait! He's blackmailing you, isn't he?

What's he got on you?

Are you a jewel thief, international spy?

What are you hiding, Mr. Elliot?

- No one is blackmailing me, Dylan,

let's just say, Booder's family may have swayed my decision.

- Oh, so they padded your pockets, huh?

- No, Dylan, look, you are still the understudy,

and that is an important role

because if for some reason Booder can't perform

then you're next in line to take the lead.

- DYLAN: Oh!

Okay, I'll make sure he isn't ready to perform alright.

- *

- Yo, Booder, I just wanted to say, as your understudy,

I got your back. - Thanks, Dylan,

I didn't peg you as a gentleman at first,

but you proved me wrong.

- And look, just because I know a lot about rap and performing,

and you don't, I'm sure you're gonna do great.

- Thanks? - DYLAN: And look,

don't worry about remembering all those pages of lyrics,

you got this. - Yeah, I got this.

- And the crowd,

you'll get used to all those eyeballs staring at you,

watching your every move.

- Every move?

- It's no biggie.

The worst that can happen is you mess up,

and the whole school laughs at you.

- [nervous laughter] Yeah. - Well, break a leg.

- Okay, let's start our very first rehearsal!

- [cheering] Yeah!

- Okay, Booder, that's your cue!

- [stuttering] Okay, uh.

I'm Romeo homie-o, and rapping's what I do, yo.

So, quit wasting my-- Line, please?

- So, quit wasting my time, I need to flow.

- So, quit wasting my time, I need to flow.

- Okay, Booder, Booder,

Booder, Booder, Booder. [chuckling]

Um, why don't you go shake off the nerves,

and we'll let your understudy step in for a bit, okay?

- I just wanna say one thing-- - Dylan!

- I mean, I guess I can give it a try.

- Ready? Let's go.

I'm Romeo, lil homie-o, and rapping is what I do,

so quit wasting my time, if I want her, she'll be mine.

I ain't stuntin' on your sis, bro,

'cuz lil Romeo ride solo.

- [applauding] - Impressive, Dylan, impressive!

I did notice you improvised there at the end.

- Yeah, you're welcome. - [laughing]

- Mr. Elliot, I think I'm ready now, so, okay.

- Oh, yes, um, Booder. - Mm-hmm.

- Let me holler at you for a minute. [chuckling]

You know, I'm afraid, I'm gonna have to make Dylan our Romeo,

and you the understudy.

- But-- - MR. ELLIOT: I'm sorry, Booder,

but if I'm gonna put on a musical

that's gonna finally beat Coach Sandra,

I need everyone to be great,

and Dylan's just more on his game.

You're not even on the court.

Keep working on it, okay?

- Listen, I'll even rap for you, I can do it.

- Not even on the court. [laughing]

I can't believe I made a sports reference. [laughing]

- *

- Hear ye, hear ye.

Hello, strangers, how do you do,

we've got an amazing performance for you.

It's gonna be better than watching sports, that's a bet.

It's a prequel to Romeo and Juliet. [chuckling]

- Look at me!

I can't go out there looking like this.

I don't know if I'm doing Shakespeare or Jay-Z.

- Of course not, take Bethany's stuff off.

- No, take her stuff off.

For me?

- I mean, if that's what you want then--

- She's playing you, Dylan.

- What? That's messed up,

as messed up as what you've both done to all our gear.

- This is her fault, she won't listen to me.

- No, this is her fault 'cuz she won't listen to me.

- No, you won't listen to me! - No, you won't listen--

- Look! I don't know what's going on,

but for so-called friends,

y'all sure aren't acting like 'em.

Work it out and fix this!

- Dylan's right,

I haven't been acting like much of a friend.

- And you're right, too,

I always put my name first on everything,

and that's not cool. - Really?

- Yeah, I can get a little competitive sometimes.

- And I guess I was being a little competitive, too, sorry.

- It's okay, and I promise the next thing we do,

your name goes first.

Oh, um, quick question,

did Mr. Elliot pay you in cafeteria coupons, too?

- Yep, who wants two loose meat sandwiches for the price of one?

- I know I don't. Let's get out of here.

- Um, aren't y'all forgetting something?

- Oh, I guess we better fix this mess then.

- Yeah, probably a good idea.

- MR. ELLIOT: The floss, the floss,

the floss, it's good for your teeth.

The floss, the floss, it's good for your hips.

The floss, the floss.

[indistinct mumbling]

- How long is his opening dance?

- Um, minutes and counting.

- I just wanted to make sure you were cool.

It looks like you're taking this understudy thing pretty hard.

- Dylan, do you know why I wanted the lead part so bad?

- Because you were desperate for an A?

- Please, my GPA score is so high,

they had to come up with a new grading scale.

Truth is, I wanted the part

because I thought my mom might get to see me.

- Man, I don't understand.

- My parents split up. I live with my dad,

and I don't get to see my mom that much, so--

- Man, I feel you on that.

I don't get to see my mom like that either.

- I'm hoping, if I gave her a reason, she'd show up,

and I'd get to see her for just a little bit.

- Man, I had no idea.

- It's okay, she's probably not coming anyway.

- [phone dinging]

- She came!

- Ah! Ow, my leg! - Dylan, are you okay?

- It's my ankle, aw.


Ah! I don't think I can go on.

Booder, you gotta do it.

- No, you were right, people are gonna stare at me.

- Just do what I do,

pretend you're rapping to Bethany

on your hover yacht.



Or, better yet, just focus on your mom.

- That might work, thanks, Dylan.

- *

- [autotuned voice] Hello.

It's your boy, Young Dyl-o!

- Mm, oh, yep, already regret buying it.

- [autotuned voice] Yeah! Yes, sir.