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03x21 - Tracks

Posted: 05/11/23 05:43
by bunniefuu
You know guys, we're gonna do it.

We're really gonna all make it to the top.

Next, on Airwolf.

They're scaling the back
side of San Jacinto Peak.

You can leave, or you can die.

Pack it up! We gotta get moving!

It looks like they might
have run into the Cat Man.

Good shot.

How's it going?

You k*lled a felis.


Felis Canadensis… bobcat.

You shot him.

What the hell you do’n?

You can't do that to a man's g*n!

You can leave, or you can die.


It's your choice.

Don't let me make the decision.

Tom, maybe we should just clear out, huh?

You know, this is public land.

We got a right to be here.

You got no right to k*ll my cats.

Hey… um…

how about we just leave, huh?


We'll leave,

but that doesn't mean we're gonna stay gone.

I'll be watching you.

You've been warned!

Go, go!

Come on, String!

String, come on!

You got him! You got him!

Come on!

Thank you.

I don't even wanna begin to
tell you what you cost me.

I don't even wanna hear about it.

I love it! I love it!

You had him all the way, Kirk.

Caitlin, you're a traitor.

Hey, a bet's a bet, you
gotta go with the odds.

He almost had you, sweetheart.

Now don't tell me you were betting on Hawke!

Are you kidding me? I know
which side my bread's buttered on.

You're a smart lady.

I'm a lucky lady.

You're a lucky guy.

Hey, no way pal, I beat you fair and square.

Next time I go up against
you with one of those things,

I'm gonna hijack that wheelchair of yours,

go do an extra long workout.

Now tell me, is this a snivel?


Just don't tell me you're gonna
backstroke out of our agreement.

Agreement? What agreement?

Hey friend, you promised
you'd be here tomorrow,

and we're counting on you as our safety man.

Snivel, snivel.

Snivel not. I said I'd
be here, I'll be here.

Not to worry, we'll be there.

I already got a chopper that's gonna
bring you guys down off the mountain.

Now, what exactly is this POINT outfit?

Oh, it's Paraplegics On
Independent Nature Trips.

This time, they're scaling the
back side of San Jacinto Peak.

Boy, sounds torturous.

Who wants a street curb

when you can climb the mountain?

Don't worry.

Everything's gonna be all right.

I'll keep you all from harm.

I'll protect you.

Your family.

I have to.

Loved ones.

Okay, your signature goes here,
and your initials here and here.

What's with all this legalese?

Oh, it's just standard waivers.

That's just in case this climb kills you,

see, the rest of us guys can
divvy up your earthly goods.

You're gonna have to fight
that one out with my wife.

She's got dibs on everything.

I'm still trying to figure out
what you're trying to prove.

Maybe nothing.

Maybe everything.

Now, this is only an over-nighter.

You think you've got
enough gear there, Hawke?

You tell me Captain, you're supposed
to be leader of this expedition.

A little more diverse than I expected.

Hey, hey, hey, look at that guy.

He'll have no trouble get’n
up to the top of that mountain!

Yeah, Rudy's a survivor, all right.

He was a professional car thief.

High-speed Police pursuit
put him in that chair.

Blond guy's awful familiar.

Yeah, probably from the Olympics.

Ben Foran's his name.

Pole vaulter.

Right, I remember reading
about his accident.

Say, isn't that Maurice,
your old golfing partner?

Man, he could hit a ball
farther than I like to walk.

You should’ve seen his swing before
a land mine blew his legs off in Nam.

Guy was really a pro.

Kirk, who's the cop?

That's Charlie Callahan. Retired after
a sh**t with some bank bandits.

Says the g*n's for snakes,
but you know ex-cops.

Once a cop, always a cop.

We'll be go’n up that hill, right up there.

Cuts back in on a pack trail,

and there are a lot of little switchbacks.

And it gets real hairy.

I'll stick real close to you.

Yeah, big bad ex-con.

Hey man, this ain't no
exercise yard at the county jail.

This is “Smokey the Bear” country.

You oughta know about that.

Hey, what's happen’n?

All right.

Good to see you guys.

Hey, in case you haven't met him yet,

Stringfellow Hawke,

- he's our safety man,
- Hi, Hawke.

We'll try not to run over you, man.

and Caitlin O'Shaughnessy.

Hope she's our safety lady.

Actually, Cate and the
duffer in the red satin cap,

Dominic Santini,

they are our pilots.

I hope he's a better pilot
than he is a golfer, man.

Now, Dom and Cate will pick us up
tomorrow in the chopper and bring us

back down from the top of the mountain.

- You got it.
- Yeah, that's the plan.

Let's get up there and start look’n
down on everybody else for a change.

You called it man. Let's go for it!

Hey, let's get it together.

Come on, guys. Come on.

All right. How we gonna do it?

The hard way!

Which way?

The only way! The only way! To the top!

- All the way to the top!
- All the way!

That's right!

Do it! Do it!

Right, let's hit it!

You got it.

All right.

Keep up there.

Take it easy, boys.

See you at the top.

What's this?

A poacher?

No, he wouldn't be hang’n a
k*ll out in the open like that.

He's probably a bounty hunter.

Farmers down in the valley.

Hey, watch out for this one.

No sweat.

Man, that was some ride, huh?

You all right?

Well, pretty good.

Hey man, you could've broke your neck!

I could have broke my legs.

Gimp, you ain't got no legs!

I can at least dream, can't I?

Hey, what do you say?

Let's take a break and have a beer.

Hey, my kind of safety man!

Yeah, let's have a beer.

All right.

Okay. Come on, break ‘em out.

What do you think, crew?

It wasn't too bad for a first day, was it?


You sore?

I ache.

Crew, why don't you stop clowning
and come help me out back here?

I'm busy, I'm building up the fire…

You're always busy.

Come on, Ellison, you always got
a problem. Use that rock, all right?

Okay, Kirk.

I guess we'll have to
go on up the next hill.

God almighty!


That's the first cat I seen since sunup.

You know, I say it's time we clear out.

You know, you've been spooked ever
since we ran into that cat tracker.

Has he been around lately?


But I can feel him.

Besides, when a bunch of crips come
rolling through your hunting camp

in wheelchairs, then these damn
mountains are too crowded for me.


I swear to God!

They came rolling right through here.

Like a troop of disabled boy scouts

on their way to a handicapped
jamboree or something.

You're getting awfully shaky.

Listen, that tracker may have
kitty litter for brains,

but he's not crazy enough to try
to chase us off the mountain.

Unless he want us to end
up like one of his cats.

♪ Yeah, I'm being followed
by a moon shadow ♪

♪ Moon shadow, moon shadow ♪

♪ Leaping and hopping on a moon shadow ♪

♪ Moon shadow, moon shadow ♪

♪ And if I ever lose my eyes ♪

♪ Or my colors all run dry ♪

♪ Yes, if I ever lose my eyes ♪

♪ Well, yeah ♪

♪ I won't have to cry no more ♪


♪ If I ever lose my hand ♪

♪ Lose my plow and lose my land ♪

♪ And if I ever lose my land ♪

♪ Well ♪

♪ I won't have to work no more ♪

♪ And if I ever lose my legs ♪

♪ I won't have to walk no more ♪

You know, that song…

you didn't play it that way, but
it sounds like a blues song.

Maybe it should have been.

Gimme a blues song, Hawke.

- Play it that way.
- Here.

I'll tell ya.

If I lost my legs,

it'd make me real angry, you know.

Just mad as hell for a while.

We all were.

It sounds like the blues.

Yeah, that's it.

♪ If I ever lost my legs ♪

♪ I would moan a little bit ♪

♪ If I lost my legs ♪

♪ I wouldn't have to walk no more ♪

I can hear that.

Right, that's the blues, man.

What do you say, Charlie? Let's
do it again the right way.

Ah, Johno?

you know,

we do have a schedule to make.

I don't think I'm gonna be able to keep it.

Man, you made it this far, you can go on.

Man, my blisters have blisters.

All right.

I think I'm gonna wait here till
the chopper comes picks me up here.

You can do that if you want.

But you'd probably regret it.

What difference does it make?

Only you can answer that part.

Good morning.

Yeah, isn't it?

Expression of speech,
I'm not really sure yet.

Hey, maybe some hot coffee would help.

Oh, probably save a life.

How about some breakfast?
You know, we have plenty.

Oh, that'd be asking too much.

No, I don't think so.

Besides, it doesn't look like you came
prepared with any creature comforts.

Well, my idea of roughing
it is a condo in Aspen.

If you don't like the
outdoors, why'd you come?

Oh, I like the out of doors, all right.

I saw Robert Redford in
Jeremiah Johnson times.


my husband talked me into
letting him make the trip.

I think he may have pushed
himself too far this time.

Oh, no, don't worry about him.

Really. If anything was wrong,
they would have radioed in by now.

Just hope it's not just one more thing
that's gonna help tear us apart.

Base Camp.

Do you copy? It's Hawke.

Dom, can you get that?

Dom, are you up?


Can you get the radio?

You get it!

I've got my hands full
with your breakfast.

You're gonna catch a cold.

Dom, Cate, are you there?

Base camp. Go ahead.

Now, Dom, I didn't wake you, did I?

"Did I wake you, Dom?"

No. No, no. You didn't wake me.

What do you want?

I just wanted to hear your voice, Dom,

tell you everything was all right.

I'll be check’n in with
you in a couple hours.

We're right on schedule.

See you at the top.


Hawke, can you do us a favor?

I’m not gonna carry you up that
hill, if that's what you mean.

Look, do you mind go’n on ahead?

If we gimps are gonna make it up this one,

it’s important that we do it on our own.

You know what I mean?

Yeah, I sure do.

See you all at the top.

Thanks, buddy.

Come on, we can do it.

- Let's go!
- To the top!

Yeah, gimme some of that!

All right!

Man, you are one go-get’n gimp.

Thanks, man.

- Good climb.
- Thanks.

more of those, and we'll be home free.

No! No!


You know guys, we're gonna do it.

We're really gonna all make it to the top.

Did you have your doubts, man?

Yeah, I did.

I guess you don't think
of me like that, huh?

Having my doubts and all.

Let me tell you someth’n.

I was so scared I wasn't
gonna make it on that last climb,

I couldn't even spit.

Who had spit?

For what it's worth, I just
thought ya’ll might wanna know that.

Well Sarge, coming from
you, that means a lot.

Get down, damn it! Take
cover! Get outta sight!

Get down, guys! Down!

Down, now!

There he is!

Get down!

Get down and stay down!

Who the hell's up there, anyway?

Why'd they get Charlie?

Maybe they just saw his
baseball cap and figured…

- Figured what?
- figured he was a cop!

He couldn't walk! None of us can walk!

Charlie wasn't a threat to anybody!

Well, come on!

Pack it up! We gotta get move’n!

Moving? What the hell are you talk’n about?

I'm talk’n about we gotta get
off this ridge. Let's move it!

Man, we're not like you! We
can't just get up and run away!

Damn, the radio's broken.

Now what?

We gotta get off of here and under
the trees and get some cover.

Yeah, by then, if we're not at the top, Dom
and Cate will come in with the chopper.

That's easy for you to do
alone, but help’n us?

This guy could follow!
He could k*ll us easy!

Yeah, John's right!

We gotta stay put, right
here and wait for help.

Man, I'll be damned if I'm gonna
sit here, and play bull's eye!

Yeah, like Charlie.

Look, we made it up,
we can make it back down.

Yeah, that's right. We can do it.

We gotta do it.

Come on, guys.

It looked pretty smooth.
It looked pretty smooth.

Slow it down, you guys!
We're losing control, here!

Brake! Brake!

All right, come on, we gotta keep move’n.

Get down, get down!

I see him!

- Think he's dead?
- I don't care, Hawke is my friend.

And I can't let him lie
down there, not knowing,

not knowing one way or another.

I gotta do someth’n!

But I can't do this one alone.

Okay. All right.

We know what we gotta do.

But you're not going down. You obviously
know how to use one of those,

so you stay up here and cover us, okay?

All right.

Come on.

Dom, he said they'd be on
schedule. That's what he said.

Can't you try him on the radio again?

Okay, worry-wart.

String? Come in. This is Dom.

String? This is Dom. Come in, will ya?


Come on, get in. We'll go find ‘em.


Come on, come on… real slow.

Easy, easy now.

You all right, John?

All right, let's move it, don't lose him.

- Firm. Don't lose the hands.
- Okay.

All right, we've got it.
Slow down just a little.



Easy does it.

Man, what a fall.

How you do’n?

I broke my leg.

Is he alive?

Yeah, but he's hurt bad.

We gotta get you outta here somehow.

Where'd you come from?
How'd you get down?


I may have my limitations,

but brains aren't one of them.

Come on.

- Let's go.
- All right! All right.

We haven't heard from him since
this morning. He said he'd check in.

Well, it could be they're in an area
that's cut’n off the radio signals.

He'll call if he's in trouble. Don't worry.

Don't let that line slip.

Steady. Steady.

Keep it going. He's come’n up fine.

Keep coming.

Keep coming.

- Almost there.
- Okay.

Okay. Okay.

Steady! Steady!

We've got him!


Keep him coming.

Okay. Okay.

Good job, good job!

All right.

- Right on, over here.
- All right.

All right Dom,

we've backtracked the whole trail.

Now, they have to have
taken a different way up.

Or down.

Maybe they are in trouble.

What do you think? Should
we call in the Sheriff?

Could be.

And maybe we'd better break out the Lady.

We can cover a whole lot
more territory that way.

Hey, Dom!


Hey! Up here!

Here! Down here! Come on!

Down here man, down here!

Okay, he's up there and
we're down here, now what?

I figure he's come’n back.

There's not much we can do about it, either.

Well, whatever we can do about it,
we're gonna have to do it now.

Do what?

Bait him. Draw him out.

We've still got Charlie's g*n.

Got one good b*llet left.

What if you miss, man?

Then we use whatever we got.

Just like Nam.

Just like Nam.

Sheriff Tuttle?

Caitlin O'Shaughnessy.

Dominic Santini.

My God! This isn't any of our group, is it?

Couple of varmint hunters working the hills.

- Oh, thank God. Well… I mean…
- That's okay.

It looks like they might
have run into the Cat Man.

The who?

His name is Paul McClelland.

And it also looks like he's
probably tracking your group.

Tracking the… What for?

Wait a minute Sheriff, there's
something about the way you said that.

Could be, I'm hoping not.

What's that supposed to mean, Sheriff?

Well, this man McClelland,

used to be some kind of Professor.

A naturalist or something like that.

Anyway, he came up here about
years ago to study the wildcats.

Ended up writing a book.

“Cry of the Cougar.”

Kind of interesting.

About how he had to learn
how to live like a cat

in order to track and study them.

Yeah, well, that's all
well and good Sheriff,

but what's that got to do
with our missing group?

Well, we've also got people missing
up here in these mountains.

People we think

might have had run-ins with
McClelland over his cats.

That's what looks like
happened to these hunters.

Well, are you saying that
he might be after our guys?

That's what I'm saying.

Cate, what do we got on the scanners?

I've got nothing but a
bunch of mountain goats.

Let's roll!

You, hold it!


Get the man on the hill!

You are not all right, Stringfellow Hawke!

You know what, sometimes you
can be the most stubborn man!

We gotta get you to the hospital.

I'm not go’n to any hospital.

Hawke, your leg is maybe busted,

and you got shot with an arrow.

I'm okay.

I was so afraid.

I was so afraid of losing you!

I don't think we're ever gonna have
to be afraid of anything else again.

I love you.

Think Charlie would mind?

He'd be proud, Rudy.

More than proud.

Ben, you okay?

Yeah, I'm okay. Yeah.

You sure?

Well, I do have a cut right here, you know.

Over here, too.

You do.

Well, I guess you guys didn't make
it to the top of the mountain,

but we sure are glad to have you back.

We made it!

Yeah, we all made it.