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03x18 - Hawke's Run

Posted: 05/11/23 05:41
by bunniefuu
I want you in for debriefing.

This is a direct order.

I don't work for you anymore.

I'm sending a team after him.

Priority .

Get go’n! We're gonna die!

String, what’s happened?

I can't tell the friendlies
from the man-eaters.

I'm up to my behind in alligators.
They're draining the pond.

What do your instincts say about me?

He won't make it.

You know, I don't think Dom had you
pegged for a Captain of Industry.

We think it's a load of this.

That old wrench buster. I sure
wish he could've come with you.

You know, I'll bet you
he still thinks I stung him

on that used chopper I sold him, doesn't he?

You know he does. I hear about
it over and over and over.

Jennifer, I want you
to meet Stringfellow Hawke,

the second-best chopper jockey in my unit.

It's a pleasure, Mr. Hawke.

Was my boss really as good as he claims?

Well, he could probably
major up with a little help.

Here, too, regardless of what he says.

I have several messages,
and your tickets came.

Oh, thank you.

Come on, stray dog.
We're swapping w*r stories.

Jennifer, no calls. Only priority, you hear?

All right partner, name
your poison. What'll it be?

None for me, thanks.
That stuff makes me drunk.

I'll tell you something, Hawke.

It gets late a whole lot quicker
than you think, you know that?

years it took me to put this together.

years of stringing
together all kinds of junk

with bubble gum and baling wire and spit.

There it is. Not bad, huh?

I know where the spit is, but
I don't see any baling wire.

Well, you don't see any sand
in my teeth, either, do you?

But I have kissed a few feet
on the way up, believe me.

Before I forget about it, this is for you.


It's for a showing of an
artist that I'm sponsoring.

That's some of his work
right there, you see.

Real good.

This is for tomorrow. I…

Hold on a minute. Don't
try weaseling out of it.

You promised me the weekend.

The whole weekend, right?

If I can't convince you to
come to work for me by then,

why hell, I'll never
mention it again, all right?

Besides, you're gonna like this guy Tolnor.

His work is right up
your alley. Now, you be there.

: tomorrow, no excuses. You hear?

This guy's gonna be the biggest
thing in the country by next year.

Well, you know,

you might just be right. He is really good.


I just really don't wanna
be in your arms business.

Hawke, Hawke, I'm not in the arms business.

We simply teach and advise.

The only thing we manufacture here are
a few small spare parts. That's it.

Listen, Hawke. Hawke, you come in with me.

Hey, why don't you bring Dom with you?
Hell, bring anybody you want.

We'll be st-class all the way, pal.

Hold that thought for a second. Yeah?

It's a call I have to take.

Oh, yeah, I'll get some coffee.


Can I get a cup of joe here?

Sure, help yourself.

Can I help you?

Yes, we have an
appointment with Mr. Karston.

Sanitize the building.

Drive, lady!


Sorry, Victor. He got away.

That's all right.
I recognized him. His name's Hawke.

Stringfellow Hawke.

He must be Karston's contact.
We've got to find out.

Stop at the first phone booth.

My God, he tried to k*ll you and me!

You're not a criminal, right?

Lady, just drive.

No, of course not. He wasn't a cop.

We've gotta call the cops.

Jeez, you're hurt! You need a Doctor.

A phone, too. I'll manage from there.

All right.

My name's Marilyn.
Marilyn Kelsy. What's yours?

Oh, yeah. I like to read a lot.

Daphne De Lane's my favorite.

In fact, she wrote this book
called The Rose and the Lance.

It had a similar situation as this.

It was about this highwayman, and he
had an arrow through his shoulder,

and he commandeered the Queen's carriage.


Well, don't worry. It worked out.

Marilyn, do me a favor, will you?

Keep both hands up on the wheel

so I can see them from the phone.


I don't know if it was just a coincidence

that you drove by that intersection or not.

Right now, I haven't got
time to take chances.

You don't trust me?

I got shot at and you
don't trust me? Unbelievable.

Listen, I haven't got time for arguments.
Put your hands on the wheel.




Trust me.


He said urgent?

All right, put him through.

Michael, why did the Firm
hit Jerry Karston today?


I don't know anything
about a hit on Karston.

Why do you think it was us?

Don't you stonewall me, Michael.

It was the Firm all the way.

I could tell from their
uniforms and their weapons.

I even recognized one of the guys.


I don't know. It was one of your boys.

I've seen him in the hallway before.

Hawke, this is Zeus.

I want you in for debriefing.

Damn you, Michael. I thought
this was a private conversation.

Don't play games with me.

I'll have a team after you in minutes.

Yeah, well, you've already
done that, haven't you?

Hawke, if you'll come in, I'll
personally guarantee your safety.

If you could, I might come in.

I'll be in touch with you
when I find some more answers.

You listen to me, Hawke.
This is a direct order.

You listen to me!

You seem to forget.

I don't work for you anymore.

That's it.

I'm sending a team after him.

Priority . National security.

One question.

Did we hit Karston?

So where are we going to next?

What makes you think we're going anywhere?

Well, you've got people out there
who are trying to k*ll you.

You don't wanna go to the Police.

I can tell from your expression

you didn't get the answer that
you wanted on the telephone.

So I can only deduce that you haven't
been entirely forthcoming about…

"Deduce, forth…"

People don't talk like that.

You must read too damn much Agatha Christie.

Enough to know that a wounded man
can't just slide into a taxi

and ask for the nearest hotel.

Hey, what's this?

Are you gonna sh**t me
to show your appreciation?

Oh, no, no, I was just kidding.
I don't want a reward.

There's most of $ there. Take it.

No, I couldn't.

I'm gonna have to take your car.


You take the money as a security deposit.

I'll get your car back to you
just as soon as I can. I promise.

Forget it. No way.

You're not in any shape to drive.

Lady, I don't need another argument.

It's Marilyn.

Marilyn Kelsy is the name, not "lady."

And I've got news for you. I
have already paid for this car,

all but payments.

I don't loan this car to anybody.

Not my Mother, not my
Father, not my friends.

You just flew in my car out of nowhere.

I missed my appointment, I got
shot at trying to help you.

Now you come along, you tell
me you wanna take my car,

and you won't even call
me by my proper name?

I think I've got a little
reason to be upset, okay?

I wanna keep my car, not let
you go out and wreck it.

I'll take you wherever you wanna go.


I need to locate a friend.

That way.

I don't care if we have to
tear the place apart, find it.


I want a bug on the phone,
strong transmitter.

And I want the radio frequencies they use.

Hawke goes to ground
somewhere else. He'll call.

When he does, I want it.

That job you were talk’n about,

what was it?

It wasn't a job, just an interview.

Interview? What kind?

It was catalog modeling. No big deal.

You probably would have got it.
You're awful good-look’n.

Just don't try to make up with me, okay?

Would it make you mad if I told
you I sure like your outfit?

Looks brand-new.

$ new,

on sale.

This represents weeks
of tips at a coffee shop

you wouldn't even know the name of.

You probably wouldn't even go there

if you did know the name of it.

I'm not a model,

and after years of pounding on doors,

they tell me I'm not an actress.

I'm a waitress.

And that makes you mad.

No, you make me mad.

You're the one that asked to drive.

You should be going to the hospital,

and all you care about
is to get to this hangar.

That's right.

Take a right at the next
street up here, please.

Well, Dom's not back yet.

He must have made the finals.

Oh, great.

Don't tell her who your
friends are or what's go’n on.

She might understand it.

Listen, you stay right here.

No tell’n if we have a
reception committee or not.

Look at this place.

What happened here?

They came here look’n for someth’n.

Hey, are you okay?

I can't think straight.

Can I help you?

I've gotta… I've gotta get going.


Hi. How you do’n?

How bad is this?

Well, you almost died from macho.

You nicked a major artery. They had
to perform microsurgery, Mr. Hawke.

Oh, I discovered your ID in your wallet.

Did the Doctors report a g*nsh*t wound?

Oh probably, but don't worry.

I gave them a name that no
one would ever suspect.

John Stringfellow.

I thought it had a certain
literary ring. I hope you approve.

Where's my clothes?

What are you do’n?

Where's my clothes?

This is nuts. You're supposed to be resting.

Yeah well, I'll have plenty of time
to rest while I wait for the cops.

But if you just tell them the truth,
then the Police will protect you.


the Police can't protect you
from pros like these guys.

They just sit and they pick their time.

Come on.

Hey you, hold it!

Bring it around back.

Come on.

We lost him.

Where's this friend's house?

It's over there, on the beach.

It belongs to an old boyfriend.

What's the matter, no key?

I don't know about you, but I'm starved.

I'll see what he's got in the fridge.

Brian doesn't use this place that much,

but he keeps it stocked for emergencies.


Yeah well, he's in the record business.

A lot of gush and go,
if you know what I mean.

Pretty plush.

Lota bucks, too, huh?

You care that much about money?

Only when I don't have any.

I thought so.

You know, you're not an easy guy to read,

but you've got a few qualities
that slip through the facade.


I wasn't aware I had one.

You know, in Thompson's Run, Carla Dayton
writes about a character like you.

The guy's got fear,

but he doesn't let it overcome
him, you know? He harnesses it.

You don't do so bad yourself.

Oh no, that's panic.

It's a completely different thing.

You know, you don't trust so easily.

But it means a lot to you,
maybe above all else.

Hawke, where are you?

Zeus has got half the Firm on
the streets looking for you.

Well, I must have run into the other half.

Somebody's trying to punch my ticket.

Well, not from here.

You can't guarantee that.

You've had agents go independent before.

Got anything on why Karston was hit?

Not yet, but I do know we didn't do it.

I'd like to believe that.

Hawke, we just have bits and pieces so far.

Listen, you just keep work’n on it.

I'll get back to you.

No, wait… Hawke?

Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to eavesdrop.

I just wanted to know if you
wanted something to drink.

Beer, wine, soda?

Wine sounds good.

You gonna join me?

Oh Lord, what a mess!

Oh, mamma mia!


- Santini…
- Hey, Dom.

String! What the hell has happened?

Where is he? Is he okay?

Check the phone.

String, we found it. Now, what happened?

Now, the news is screaming that there's
been a m*ssacre over at Jerry Karston

and that you're involved!

And that you're armed and dangerous

and the cops are looking for
you and all that malarkey.

Listen, Dom,

right now I'm up to my
armpits in alligators

and they're drain’n the pond.

I can't tell the friendlies
from the man-eaters.

Listen, I need to be picked up.

Sure, where you at?

I'm south of the Cohen,
first house on the point.

You'll land right in the sand.

I know the place.

Did I hear Caitlin?

Yeah, she's standing right here.

Listen, tell her to stand by with the Lady.

And Dom, please hurry.

I'm on my way.

Well, what? Is he involved?

I didn't get too many details.

But I'm gonna airlift him outta that place,

and he wants you to
monitor us from the lair.

Airwolf? Is it that serious?

You made a phone call.

Yes, Inspector.

I called my agent about my
missed appointment this morning.

But don't worry, I didn't
give away any secrets.

So, you plan on deserting me
when your friend gets here?

My friend?

Well, it's obvious
you're waiting for someone.

I don't suppose you'd
consider taking me with you.


The Police have your name
and your car registration.

It's just a matter of time.

Those people are trying to k*ll me.

Here, you're safe.

Well, you would be safe here then, too.

No, I don't think so.

I suppose you're wondering why.

Why I helped you.

Maybe it's because I'm a romantic.

I read a lot of adventures
like other people,

but until today, I never touched it.

In the last few hours,

I have lived more than any
other time in my life.

Every minute, every second,

I was alive.

Well, don't develop a taste for it.

The next time you turn the
page, it's liable to be empty.

I don't care.

I know what I have a taste
for, Stringfellow Hawke.

I wish you'd trust me.

And don't deny it,

'cause I can see it right there.

Every single time something unusual
happens, it gets a little bigger.

Like my knowing about the key,
and the phone conversation.

Marilyn, you know, in my business,

a healthy skepticism
is just that. It's healthy.

I know, but you've gotta
have instincts, too.

What do your instincts say about me?

That you're somebody special,

someone I should count on.

Listen, you stay here.

You don't move from here.

I'll call you.

Okay, if that's the way it's gotta be.

No sign of ‘em.

Check the house again.
They've gotta be here.

Stay here.

If you think you're gonna
go and leave me here…

Listen, if I don't get to that chopper,

Dom lands as a dead man.

My best chance is alone.

This is it, then, huh?


Hawke, come back.

To claim my lady?


Get them.

He won't make it.

Dom. Come in, Dom. This is Hawke.

I hear ya, babe.

Listen, I'm about minutes from touchdown.

Abort that, bandits have taken that area.

Okay. Okay. What bandits?
Are you all right?

For the moment.

What's go’n on?

Listen, land someplace quick.

Get on a clear line to Archangel.

I'll meet him at Twin Oaks in minutes.

Twin Oaks, minutes.

Then get to the Lady
and stand by with Caitlin.

I'd feel a lot better
if I knew what was go’n on.

So would I. Just stand by the Lady.

Where the hell have you been?

Dodging b*ll*ts, and I'm tired of it.

Talk to me, Michael.

Take a look at these.

That's the guy.

Victor Resnick.

Disappeared in East Berlin
about months ago.

We weren't sure if he
defected or was captured.

Now we know.

So, you're say’n this guy works
for the other side, huh?

Why'd they k*ll Jerry Karston?

And why the hell are they try’n to k*ll me?

Your friend, Hawke, was a double agent.

Jerry? Oh, come on.

We had him cold, and then Zeus pushed him.

The only way he could
avoid prosecution as a spy

was to deliver something, something big.

You guys always push.

That's part of the job.

Anyway, Karston promised to
deliver the engineering schematic

for the new ground-to-air missiles

the other side is moving
into the Middle East.

So, Victor and his pals showed
up to collect the material

and k*ll Jerry.

Then when they saw me,

they must’ve assumed I was the pickup man.


And obviously, they still
haven't found the material.

They think I still got it.

That's Zeus.

Rhonda! Call this in and get out of here!

I'm going with you.

Code ! We have a Code !

Do something, Hawke.

Not that!

You're certifiable, you know that?

Yeah, but it’s not nice work.

Yeah, but there's always tomorrow,

and these people aren't gonna quit.

Not until they find that schematic.

Are you sure Karston didn't say
something or mention a place?

You know,

he did give me this.

I was supposed to go to an
art show tomorrow afternoon.

Well, this could be it.

No, that is it.

He wouldn't take no for an answer.

Well, what was supposed to happen?

I mean, was the drawing supposed to
be hidden in the building somewhere?

Under a painting?

Or maybe he was supposed to meet a rd
party who was holding it for him?

I don't know.

In order to find out, we're gonna
have to play the whole thing out.

You're right.

Your ticket, sir?

Keep this. There'll be a drawing later.

For what?

A painting. A Tolnor original.

Oh Hawke, they made me come here.


Okay, all they want is your ticket,

that little stub.

If you give it to ‘em, they'll let you go.

They'll let us walk outta here.

What do they want with this?

I don't know, they just said to get it.

Could have a microdot with a schematic on it.

Don't ask me. Just give it
to me, please. Then we can go.

Hawke, listen.

All I want is your ticket stub.

And what do I get?

Safe passage.

Your life. The girl's life.

Your friend Karston made a
terrible mistake. He stole from us

in order to square his
accounts with your man Zeus.

Zeus is not my man.

Well, be that as it may, we've
gone to a great deal of trouble

and considerable expense, loss of life.

Yours and the girl's will not
make any great difference.

Your ticket, please.

All right.

She holds it till we get outta here.

Whatever you say.

Marilyn, if those guys get that
ticket, we're as good as dead.

But he said…

I don't care what he said.

What he says and what he does are
different things. He's dangerous.

Excuse me. Oh! What are you
doing? Hey, let go of him!

What are you doing? Stop! Stop pushing!

How… some people have no manners.

Come on, let's get outta here.

What are you doing?

Red alert. Code .

Hold it. Don't panic.
Everybody just stay back.

Hold it! Hold it!

Hold it! Just don't panic!

Remain here, stay calm, and
everything will be all right.

as*ault squad!

It's a trap. Let's get outta here.


We gave it our best shot.

I'm ready to take a draw.

Game's not over yet.

Marilyn, you stay here.

I'm in this thing till the
end, Stringfellow Hawke.

I'll hold onto the outside
of that thing if I have to.

What the hell. Come on.

Calling Beta . This is Beta .

We need emergency retrieval.

Roger, Beta . We are ready to receive you.

Proceed out of the danger zone.

String, did you copy that transmission?

It sounds like they plan to
rendezvous with a trawler.

How the…

Just like Antoinette Desmond's
novel Spy's Secret Passion.

Oh, yeah.


There's no time. We got less than minutes.

And if they reach that foreign ship,

outside of US territorial
waters, they're home free.

Resnick, give it up.

Land at our instruction.

My God!

Well, at least you know
how the story ends this time.

Well, you've done your country
a great service, Ms. Kelsy.

Unfortunately, there can be
no official recognition

due to the nature of the circumstances.

Why not, Michael?

The lady risked her life.

I still prefer Ms. Kelsy.

Yeah, without Marilyn, you and
Zeus would be on the carpet.

Yeah. Come on, Michael,
she's a legitimate hero.

I agree, but if we call attention to it,

every Agency in the country will
know we don't have the microdot.

Oh, but you do.