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03x16 - Little Wolf

Posted: 05/11/23 05:39
by bunniefuu
You got to tell me what
you want, little man.

Otherwise, I got no way of know’n.

What have you done with my grandson?

Where is he?

I know all the legalities and
you are in a lot of trouble.

Take him alive.

We gotta get that baby
out of the county pronto.

Leave that baby inside and
come out with your hands up.

Who is that clown on String's tail?

Herb Waldren. Look at him go.

Come on hotshot, show
me what you're made of.

He's a friend of mine Dom, don't worry.

Yeah, famous last words, "don't worry."

Oh relax, pal, he's
just have’n a little fun.


Greg, that's your pal String
up there testing your plane

and that clown's having fun?

Oh, no.

Just call me Super Glue, hotshot.
I'm sticking to your tail.

What do you think, String?
Should I buy that old w*r bird?

You know, you could have k*lled us both.

Aw come on, you know we were
just kidding around up there.

I don't ever fool around up there.

Anybody who does is a damn fool.

Who is this guy?

He was my Instructor when I was
a -year-old nd Louie.

He never stopped talking about safety, about
controlling our instincts to “hot dog.”

He's the best pilot I've ever seen.

Apparently, you haven't seen
that many real pilots.

Waldron, you were out of line up there.

And you're lucky I don't report you.

Sure. I'll tell you what I did
figure out while I was up there though

is how you Nam boys piled up
all those oak leaf clusters.

And what's that supposed to mean?

Well, the way I figured is you took off,

and you came back.

So, you got credit for the mission.

You know something, Waldren?

You'd have had the shortest
career ever in Vietnam.

Your own men would’ve seen to that.

Hey, your friend Greg's got
a nice little set-up here.

Well, when your name is Stewart

and you live in a place called Stewartville,

that oughta tell you someth’n.

I'm impressed.

But remember, we came up
here to go fish’n, huh?

Yeah, we'll go first thing in the morn’n.

Hey, could you see yourself live’n here?

So what, you've got
something against rich people?

None of ‘em ever adopted me.

- Rainey…
- Please, Greg.

I wanna do the right thing.

Rainey dear, don't you
think I know how you feel?

I know what it would have been
like if I'd had to give Greg up.

But I ask you not to think with your heart.

I'm trying, Mrs. Stewart.

Motherhood is a responsibility.

The responsibility of doing
the best for your child.

I know that. I just…

I need the time to think it over again.

Sign the papers, Rainey.

Give me custody of our baby and
know for the rest of your life

that he'll grow up
strong and safe right here,

educated, knowing books, music, everything.

Everything I can't give him.

Rainy, the baby is a Stewart.

Someday, he'll take his rightful
position in this State.

A position of wealth and power.

And he must be trained
to be ready for that day.

Do you think I'm not capable of raising him?

Not for that.

You have no experience of that world.

It baffles you.

- Mother.
- Greg, it's all right.

She's probably right.

What is it, Herb?

Excuse the interruption but that hotshot
pilot, Hawke, is outside look’n for you.

You remember Stringfellow Hawke?
You met him at our wedding.

Sure, how could I forget a name like that?

And Greg, remember you've got to get
that plane back to San Jose by : .

I didn't know it was that late.

Mother, let's finish this tomorrow.

- But…
- Mrs. Stewart,

I'd like some more time.

Very well.

Why'd you break me and Greg up?

It was Greg's decision to end
the marriage. That's the past.

I want to talk about my grandson's future.

Not now, Mrs. Stewart. Excuse me, please.


I want you to make sure that
she does not leave the grounds
until those papers are signed.

No problem.

Incidentally, Mrs. Stewart, any time you
want me to talk to her, just say the word.

No, that won't be necessary.

Now, I'd better see about my guests.

Thank you.

Hors d'oeuvre, gentlemen?

- No, thanks.
- Hey, Greg.

Hawke, Dom, hey listen, glad you made it.

I'm sorry I wasn't here to greet you.

We've been looking over your spread.

Great place.

Greg, you know Dom and I were
think’n about take’n off this afternoon,

try and make the mountains before dark.

Come on, you can't go
now. You just got here.

Look, I've got to ferry that
Corsair back up to San Jose.

I'll be back in a couple of hours.

Why don't you stay here, enjoy the party?

Greg, you know I'm not
much of a party person.

Well, you haven't even
had a chance to visit yet.

Hoist a few, swap some stories.

The fish will be there in the
morning. I'll pay for the motel.

That's not necessary Greg, just…

you've got all these guests, I
figured you'd be entertaining.

They'll all be gone in a few hours.

We can spend the whole evening
together. Now what do you say?

One condition.

We get to meet that son of yours.

Yeah, we want to see what
all that brag’ns about.

It's a deal. He's in the house.

As soon as I get back, you'll
get a formal introduction.

Look, I gotta go.

Dismissed, Lieutenant.

Get outta here, adios, will ya?

Something tells me it's going
to be along couple of hours.

Let's make the best of it.

What do you think I should do?

If I leave you here, you'll grow
up to be educated and confident,

rich, without even trying.

I take you with me, all you'll get
is all the love I can give you.

What do you say, little guy?


Come on.

Sorry, ma'am.

This car isn't going anywhere
until Mrs. Stewart wants it to.

What do you say, we hop
the fence, get the car?


Hi, Hawke.

Dom, you remember Rainey, Greg's wife.

Of course I do.

Well, used to be Greg's wife.


Is this little Greg?

- Yes.
- May I?


Look at him, he's smile’n at me.

He did.

He's usually afraid of strangers.

What? Who's the stranger?
I'm his Uncle Dom here.

You know Rainey, it's hard to think
about you and Greg be’n apart.

I remember the wedding,

I never saw happier people.

Yeah well, things change, I guess.

Hawke, could you do me a favor?


I need a lift into town.


Well, our station wagon's right over here.

It's crammed full of fish’n gear,

but we can make room for you. Come on.

Hold it.

Sorry, I can't let you leave, ma'am.

Who says?

It's Mrs. Stewart's orders.

It's quite all right, really.

No, it's not all right.

You want to leave,
that's fine. She stays here.

If I was you,

I'd take your hands off the lady, now.

I don't want any trouble. Why don't you
let Mrs. Stewart explain it to you?

If you like.

It's very sad. She's a very sweet girl.

But she's not taking
the divorce well at all.

She's been distraught and moody.

That's no reason to
hold her prisoner, ma'am.

Oh really, gentlemen, there's no
reason to be so melodramatic.

It is true that we are trying
to keep Rainey on the estate,

but it's for her own good
and the good of the baby.

She is not in a proper emotional condition

to be on her own with a young child.

We do appreciate your
concern, but please believe me,

we have only Rainey's interest at heart.

You buy what she said?

No, not exactly.

I'd like to double check
everything with Greg.

Hi, what'd you think of Mrs. Stewart?

Quite a lady.

I understand that you've
been kind of upset lately.

I guess that's true.

It's been very hard.

Look, if you still want to leave…

Oh, no, no. That's fine.
Everything's been taken care of.

Are you leave’n?


I'm really not much into party’n.

I think we'll come back this
evening and have a talk with Greg.

Great. Maybe I'll see you then.

Thank you both,

for everything.


Mrs. Stewart?


This is Herb Waldren.

Herbert, what is it? You sound strange.

Right after Greg took off,
there was an accident.

Greg's all right, isn't he?

No, no, he's not, ma'am. I'm sorry.

I am really sorry. I
know how close you were.

Mrs. Stewart, are you there?

You haven't contacted the
Coroner's Office, have you?

No. No, not yet.

Nobody knows but Amie, me
and a couple of farmers.

I want you to bring my son home.

You think that's wise?

Just bring him home.

Right away.

Oh, God.


It's a damn shame.

nice kids like Greg and
Rainey and that little baby.

They ought to be the
happiest family in the world.

Instead, one big miserable mess.

Well, I'll reach Greg in an hour or so.

I'll have a little more to talk
about this time than just old times.

Did you just gurgle?

Great Jumping Jehoshaphat!

Look at what we got here. Hey, how are you?

- Oh, brother.
- My goodness.

Kid's got a lot of class.

“Dear String and Dom, Greg's
Mother wants to take my baby from me.”

“Please get him out of
this county right away”

“and bring him to my family.”

She's got an address.

“Thank you and God bless you. Rainey.”

She sure sounds desperate.

You think we oughta take him to her folks?

I don't know.

We don't want to be accessories to
some kind of custody kidnapping.


Maybe I better get a hold of Greg.

So, what are we gonna do
with him in the meantime?

I'm sure you'll figure out someth’n, Mom.

Where did you get this…

Oh, honest.

Greg was supposed to be back hours ago.

I'll speak to his Mother then.

What about Rainey?

Yes, that's right.

Where's that? All right.

Boy, this stinks.

They say that Greg's nowhere to be found,

his Mother's not available,

and Rainey's gone back to her
parents' farm some miles from here.

Mrs. Stewart?

Where do you want me to put him?


For a while.

Tonight. Tomorrow.

We'll have to move him tomorrow.


Rainey mustn't know.

I understand.

Still no answer at Rainey's parents.

Well, it doesn't mean she isn't there.

Maybe she's just not answering.

From the looks of it, it seemed to me

she was due for a little
rest and relaxation.

Suppose you could be right.

Listen, I'm gonna go out there.

It's the only way I'll ever know for sure.

I'll be back.

Okay, okay, Uncle String
wasn't that good a company.

Okay, I got it, dinner time.

Yeah, dinner. Okay. There we go.

Just what Mama wanted. Lookie here.

And now, the bottle…

How the hell are you gonna
pour anything into this?

Santini Air.

What? You have a baby?


Dom, you really do have a baby there.

And look,

I'm sort of baby-sit’n, you know
what I mean? And I swear to God

I got a baby bottle here
that's more air than bottle.


you need the disposable
liners in that bottle.

You know, the little plastic
bags that hold everything.

Little plastic bags… Hold it,
just a minute. Hold it right there.

Little plastic bags.

We're get’n it, baby.
We're get’n it, sweetheart.

I got it Cate, I got it, baby.
Thanks a million.

Right. Hey, where did you get that baby?

No, no, no. I got no time now.
I got no time. Tell you later.

Mamma mia.


Sit down.

You know Herbert, it's more
important to me now than ever

that Rainey sign over my grandson's custody.

Yes, before anyone finds out about Greg.

In the outside world, you
see all kinds of behavior,

some of it violent.

You must have many ways of dealing with

difficult problems.

Well, yes I do.

So, if Rainey should continue to refuse…

I will deal with the problem.

With no ties to this house.

Absolutely none.

I assure you there will be
a big bonus in it for you.

A bonus big enough for you to want
to hide it in a distant bank.

Perhaps something in the Caribbean.

What are you doing here?

Take it easy, take it easy.

You get out of here right now or I'm
gonna scream. You understand me?

- You hear me? Get out.
- All right. All right.

Santini Air.

Cate, help.

Listen, the kid won't stop cry’n.

I fed him, I burped him

and he's wailing like a banshee.

How hard did you pat him?

Gently. Very gently.

Okay, well, do it just about as
hard as you do for your heartburn.

Where are you guys, anyway?


But where? I mean, what's going on?

The burp of the year.

Thanks, Cate. See you later.

Anytime, Dad.

The burp of the year.

Dom, String here.

Any luck?

I've been to Rainey's parents' place.

They haven't seen anything of Rainey.

I believe she's probably
still at the Stewarts'.

Which means?

Which means somebody's lying to me.

I doubt it's them.

I spent most of the night talk’n with
‘em about Rainey and the Stewarts.

And those folks are on the level.

Where you go’n now? You need some sleep.

I've got to get some answers.

I'll probably go over
to the Stewarts' place.

I'm gonna find Rainey or Greg or
somebody who'll tell me the truth.

You're nuts, you know that?

It's wonderful what a little burp’ll do.

Good morning, Rainey.

You asked for one more
day and that time is up.

Now, take this pen and sign.

Do the sensible thing for you and your son.

I'm sorry, Mrs. Stewart.

I have made a decision and I'm not
gonna give you custody of little Greg.

No, you can't mean that, Rainey.

There comes a time in every young
person's life when they need guidance.

You might as well save
your breath, Mrs. Stewart.

You can't wear me down and I'm
not going to give you my baby.

You should just understand
that and let me go.

Deep down there is some strength.

What have you done with my grandson?

Where is he?

Rainey, where is he?

Rainey. Rainey it's me, String!

- Hey, Rainey!
- Hawke?

Now I know what you've done with him.

Hello, chicken.


You've got Waldren for your County Sheriff.

Must be kind of embarrassing,

having a peace officer
that's more dangerous

than most of the criminals in the country.

Keep that up, bright boy…

That's enough, Herbert.

What can I do for you, Mr. Hawke?

I wanna talk with Greg.

He's not here.

What about Rainey?

She's gone too, with Greg.

With Greg?

Yes, they left early this morning.

I think they are going
to get back together again.

And I'm to take charge
of the baby until they return.

I'm very sorry about that, Mrs. Stewart.

It's not gonna happen

unless I speak in person
with Greg or Rainey.

Now you listen to me, Hawke.

I've got written permission from the parent

to take charge of that child.

I want my grandson, Mr. Hawke.

And I want your son
right here in front of me.

Because he'll tell me the truth.

Mrs. Stewart, we had a
discussion a little while ago

about how you wanted things done.

Does that extend to this situation here?

Yes, I believe so, Herbert.

Then let's go.

Now Herbert, I would like to have…

All right, that was Hawke! Take him alive!

Let's go. Move it, now!

Arnie, come in.

Yes, Herb?

Santini Air.

Cate, we need the Lady.

We're in trouble here.

Okay, give me the location.

Yes, yes, yes.

All right, okay, yeah.


Waldren and his Deputies
are all over the place.

We gotta get that baby
out of the county pronto.

We can't do it by go’n over the roads.

I already called Caitlin, She'll be
at the motel as soon as possible.

She's bring’n in the Lady.

What about you?

I'm go’n back to the Stewarts'
to see if I can find Rainey.

Okay, okay, buddy.

Why is it taking so long?

strangers and a baby in a small town.

Waldren here.

It's about time. Where?

All right, stay there. Wait for me.

- We've located ‘em.
- Where?

They're holed up in a motel
out on the old highway.

I'll have your grandson
back here for you in no time.

- Herbert.
- Yes, ma'am?

Be very careful with little Greg.

I will.

And when you come back,

I want that girl taken care of.

I'll see to it.

You don't seem to have grasped the
fact that there is no more talk.

I've already talked to Herbert and
told him to do whatever was necessary.

Greg'll never let you
hurt me no matter what.

Don't you understand?
Greg can't help you anymore.

Greg is dead!



He's dead.

She said that Greg's dead.

You think it's true?

Honey, I don't know. I've
looked for him everywhere.

Everybody I ask about him seems
like they're hiding something.

His Mother's been acting
so weird since last night.

What happened last night?

A helicopter came and landed on the lawn

and men carried something into the house.

Could you tell what it was?

No, it was too far away.

Do helicopters land here often?

Yeah, but not at night.

Rainey, is there a cellar
or storage or anyplace cool?

There's a wine cellar.

Couple of minutes, you and me are
gonna go for a nice little ride.



This is the Sheriff.

I'm ordering you to leave that baby inside

and come out with your hands up.

And I'm ask’n you if you've
got a search warrant.

They got a search warrant, all right.

Now, either you come out,

or we're come’n in.

Which is it gonna be?

Come on, kid. We're gonna go, huh?

Gonna go for a nice little ride, okay?

All right, we're come’n out.

We're come’n out, you hear me?

Put down your g*ns.

You hear me? We're come’n out.

Put down those g*ns, now.

You got no right to do this. His
Mother asked me to take care of him.

She changed her mind.

Well, I wanna hear that from her.

Back off, Sheriff.

You're obstructing justice.

I order you to get out of the way.

Is he in for a surprise!

Come on, let's get out
of the way, little man.

Give it your best shot.

Open fire.

No! Greg!

Rainey, listen to me.

Put this out of your mind, right now.

You think about your baby.


Get down, get down. Stay outta sight.

Poor, sweet Greg.

I'm so sorry I got you in all this trouble.

You didn't, Waldren and Mrs. Stewart did.

Pull over. Don't make me sh**t.

Waldren, we're down.

Hawke and the girl are heading east on .

Don't worry, we got him. Safe and sound.

Thank you.

He's gorgeous. What's his name?

Greg, after his Father.

Oh, baby.

Come on, let's get outta here.

No, no, no. Me and Greg can't…

No, no, no, he's safer then he would
be in his own playpen. Come on.

Come on Dom, get this thing fired up.


That's a P- .

Yeah, same one that came after me.

- The same pilot?
- Probably.

He was the guy at the motel, the Sheriff.

Yeah, Herb Waldren.

Dom, open Waldren's radio channel.


Waldren, don't make me take you down.

You couldn't do it on your best day.

It's all over, Rainey. Baby still okay?

You bet.

Talk about your cool customers.

Look at him. That
little wolf was born to fly.

You must be very happy.

No, ma'am. I lost someone I loved.

Well now, if you'll escort me,

I will place myself in your charge.

My lawyer will outline
for you what I expect.

I want a cell all to myself

with ample room and lots of privacy.

Well apart from the
other cells. And I would…

Oh, yes, I must make
arrangements for phone service.

Thank you very much.

Well, I know I shouldn't,
but I feel sorry for her.

That's okay, I do too.

You're going to your folks' house now?

For a while.

I think we're gonna need
some family around us.

Well, they're awful good people.

They'll help you through this.

Say, look…

on my weekends off,
do you mind very much if I…

Anytime you like. You
have an open invitation.

Besides, little Greg cannot miss
seeing his favorite Uncle Dom.

There he is. Hey!