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03x15 - Day of Jeopardy

Posted: 05/11/23 05:39
by bunniefuu
I loved you, Tess. What's over is over.

They got us, Hang on.

With what she's got on us, they could
hang us all with the same rope.

Do whatever is necessary to silence her.

This lady's life is in great danger.

Hang on.

Can I have a light, man?


You mean to tell me you saw nothing?

Yes, sir.

I mean, no sir. I mean, one minute
she was there and then she wasn't.

Yeah, she just disappeared.

You were responsible for her.

You were responsible.

Yes, sir.

All right.

All right.

I have no tolerance for fools.

Hello, String.

Hawke, wait a minute. Wait, hold it.

Would you have come if I told
you who you were going to pick up?

Will someone tell me what's going on here?

Who is this lady, anyway?

years ago, I…

I knew her as Tess Rogers.

It's Mrs. Dixon now.

Mrs. Dixon. Mrs. Cullen Dixon?

He told you about us?

No, I did some flying
for your husband one time.

I still haven't been paid.

Let me ask you something.

What is one of the richest
men in America do’n

let’n his wife gallivant around here
to meet the country's number one spy?

Perhaps you should ask the spy.

This is classified top secret.

Even I don't have all the details.

Michael, quit tap-dance’n,

or Dom and I are gonna sit this one out.

Okay, okay.

A high-level Washington Investigative
Committee has been formed

to hear testimony from Mrs. Dixon.

She's agreed to appear at a
Hearing late this evening.

In exchange for what?

I'm afraid that's privileged information.

Hawke, they put a lid on this one.

Not even the President is talking to me.

So what can you tell us?

Only that the mission calls for
you to transport Mrs. Dixon

to the Hearing by way of
a computerized flight plan

that'll deliver you to
a classified location

which will be transmitted in code

to Airwolf's On-board Flight
Data System. That's all I…

Hold it, hold it. Hold it right there.

Are you saying that we'll be flying
a*t*matic-pilot under Firm's control?

No way, I don't like it, String.

We get in trouble, we'll be
hang’n out there in our shorts.

Who's to say it isn't some scheme cooked up
by the Firm to regain control of Airwolf?


All you've got is my word.

And the fact that I do
know that this lady's life

is in great danger, Hawke.

Clothes you requested.

Thank you.

All systems green.

Turbo's on the line, String.

She can destroy years of work and planning.

She may have already done so.

I have been assured she hasn't
revealed any of our identities yet.

You don't know that.

I know she's running scared.

And I know she doesn't know who to trust.

If she's allowed to testify
before the Committee,

none of us will ever see
the outside of a prison again.

With what she's got on us, they could
hang us all with the same rope.

Well gentlemen, you all know me

as an ingenuous man,
so I'll be perfectly candid.

What I am here, is a
man caught in the middle.

God knows how crazy I am about her.

I've seen the way you all looked at her
and the way every man looks at her.

You all wanted her.

But not in the way you wanted her.

You wanted her the way you want everything.

You had to possess it.

But there's a lot more at stake here
than one more of your possessions.

My ambitions have served me well, Mr. Kase.

To be sure.

You take pride in not being
hypocritical Barkley,

so don't be sanctimonious.

You wanna talk about greed,

let's be truthful and admit
that that's why we're all here.

This conversation has become
convoluted to the main issue.

We should be talking about our survival.

Gentlemen, to be honest,

I'd do anything, anything
to have her back again.

But I am sane enough to realize that
she can do us all irreparable harm.

As much as I despise it,
I see no other recourse

but to stop her.

What I'm hearing here is a commitment
to do whatever is necessary

to silence her.

Is that what you're saying?

Yes, I'm saying do what's necessary.

Whatever's necessary.

You know, I asked you
before to put these on.

No, you told me.

You're not used to being told.

Just the opposite.

Look, put 'em on.

We've gotta have clear
communications, please.

There now, isn't that better?

Now, what’ll we talk about?

How about what our position
is and where we're go’n?

Well, we just cut inland
from the Gulf of Mexico.

And according to the azimuth
and range resolution,

we should be crossing Baja and entering
Southern California in about minutes.

And I'll say it again
String, I don't like this.

I just don't like it one bit.

Well, maybe you oughta call
up Michael and tell him again.

I would if I thought it would do any good.

We got company.

HX- gunships on a closing course.

Time to intercept?

minutes seconds.


Either they're mighty serious

or they're a flying advertisement
for “Missiles R Us.”

They're serious.

And they're sending us
a sample, air express.

Give me a copper-head.

By the numbers.

Evade, evade.


Who the hell are these guys, anyway?

Your guess is as good as mine.

All right, all right, attaboy String.

You know, this cloak and dagger
stuff has gone far enough.

Dom and my's butts are
on the line out there.

Yeah, lady.

And I'd kind of hate to lose mine on
account of we were up here flying blind.

I wanna know what's going on
and I wanna know now.

I guess I owe you both that much.

You owe me a hell of a lot more than that.

This'll do for a start.

I'm sure they were after me.

Looks like they want you pretty bad.


I… I can name names.

Because I…

I know about a conspiracy to assassinate
key international Heads of State.

Including some of the highest-ranking
officials in Washington.

A hit squad.

You seem kinda surprised, Michael.

I'm stunned.

Particularly by the fact that they knew
where to try to make a hit on Airwolf.

Well, we've been flying under your
computerized machine guidance system.

If this is supposed to be such
a top-secret caper, Michael,

why don't you go talk to some
of your people in the Firm?

That is precisely what I'm going to do.

Yeah well, meanwhile, we'll be
flying on our own flight plan.

You call us when you find this leak.

Talk to you later.

All our radio communications
are being scrambled.

And GCS is also encoding

all command signals to
Airwolf's Flight Director

via satellite transmissions.

Then we'll start with our Ground Control
Station and talk to the Flight Controller.

Call Security and have them meet me there.

And then pull all the personnel
files on the GCS section.


We may have underestimated the capabilities
of this machine they call Airwolf.

From the after-action report, I'd say
you overestimated yours, Barkley.


At this very moment,

their position is being
transmitted to a nd fighter group.

Do you have any ambivalence
connected with this, Barkley?

I have no illusions about my part in this.

I'm fully aware of my involvement.

Your integrity will
probably k*ll you someday.




And Tess, how do you feel about her?

God, I wish there were some other way.

Yes, I'm sure.

I understand you were quite friendly.

We talked.

I was one of the few allowed that privilege.

That's my mistake.

There was never anything
but talk between us.

Right. There was nothing more than
talk between her and the Arab.

He's responsible for
what's happened right now.

And I hold you responsible
for introducing them, Barkley.

You got this whole thing twisted around.

Have I?

It was you who drove them together!

It was him who tore us apart, Kase.

If you'll excuse me, I've got to
see about picking up some pieces.


I never saw you miss before, sir.

Hey, you're not headed where
I think you are, are you?

Can you think of a better place?

What about her?

I mean, take’n her in where the Lady sleeps?

We'll just have to blindfold
her go’n in and come’n out.

What are you talking about?

About a nice, safe place for us to set down.

While we get a few things ironed out.


No, no way.

Listen, I'm very sorry, but right now I
don't think you have any other choice.

I should have known.

I should have known something
like this was gonna happen.

I knew it.

I can't trust anybody. I want out of this.

Set this thing down now. I want outta here!

There's noth’n to be afraid of.

Right, like those planes.


Those planes, those damn planes.

You think we had someth’n to do with them?

How do I know?

How do I know this whole thing isn't
just a set-up? How do I know?

Now, you gotta be kid’n, lady.

Look, how do I know it's not a set-up
to get me to talk before I can testify?

Look, you said yourself there might
be a traitor inside the Firm.

Well, how do I know it isn't you?

We just dusted planes.

If all we wanted from you was information,

we'd just hold a g*n to your head.

Hawke, this is Ground Control, come in.

Hawke, this is Michael, come in.

Go ahead, Michael.

We have sufficient evidence to
believe we have our man in custody.

Why is it then, Michael, that I
hear such reservations in your voice?

Well, you know me Hawke, the eternal spy.

I never believe anything until
I see it in black and white.

Yeah, but you're ask’n us to.

Hawke, I just got off the
phone with the White House.

This thing has much bigger
implications than I thought.

You're just gonna have to
trust me on this one.

All right, Michael.

We'll try it one more time.

Dom, put us back on remote.

But if you can't get us to the rendezvous
point, we'll just do it on our own.

Fair enough.

Okay Michael, she's all yours.

You're making a big mistake.

Look at the facts. You were the
Flight Control Officer on duty.

You're having financial difficulties.

I've got ex-wives.

You show me a guy with ex-wives

who's not having financial difficulties.

So how does $ , suddenly show up
in your personal checking account

days after you were given this assignment?

I told you, I don't know
anything about that money.

Now, this whole thing is a set-up.

No one else inside the Firm
had access to the flight plan,

including Archangel.

But it was transmitted directly to
GCS from the Committee Headquarters

on a -way data link system
with only a -second lead-time.

Now you tell me how I could have relayed
that information out of here, huh?

I have to admit

we'll need more time to corroborate.

They still got Flight Control.
How's the Lady do’n?

Under the circumstances String, she's okay.

Keep your eye on her, okay?


Pretty scared, aren't you?

How come Cullen Dixon?

You know me, String.

I was raised on Hollywood movies.

Hollywood yearnings.

I wanted to be Grace Kelly.

But instead of ending up a
princess, I ended up a prisoner.

And the dream became a nightmare.

Bearing - F- fighters
closing at Mach . .

Take it off of auto, Dom.

Combat mode.

Negative function on the
a*t*matic pilot disengage.

The Ground Control must be overriding.

We've been hit.

They nearly stuck the rocket up my tailpipe.

Give me g*ns. ADF pod.

They won't deploy.

Dom, I can't hold her.
She's lose’n altitude fast.

Airwolf to Ground Control. Mayday, mayday!

We're going down. Mayday!

There's noth’n here, Dom.
I can't even muscle it.

It'll tear her apart.

Mayday, mayday!

I've managed to champ
Ground Control's override.

Missiles Dom, gimme all you've got.

Red flight leader, this is Ground Control.

We're still picking up a homing
signal from the aircraft.

Can you confirm the k*ll?

Roger. There's a hole in the ground
deep enough, it should be pumping oil.

Hold it. I'm getting… Incoming!

You mean to tell me you
just lost jet fighters?

I suggest, Mr. Kase,

you think of activating your ground forces.

Nice sh**t’n, String.

That's one hell of a way to spend $ , .

And you can double that. Those
Stingers you used on those jets.

Not to mention the fact of
fire’n off half of our armament

just to make a great, big
smoke’n hole in the ground.

But I gotta admit, it was
pretty slick. Pretty slick.

Well, thank you.

So how we do’n here?

Well, most of the electricals’ fried

which means the radio's out, of course.

And this engine has a cracked turbo section.

I can probably jury-rig the wiring
to get us back up into the air.

But she'll be limp’n.

I was already on my second Hail Mary.

So I know she was about
ready to give up the ghost.

Hey, if I'm outta line, tell me, will ya?

But what the hell is it between you ?

We were in love

or at least I was.

She was pregnant with my baby.

Didn't want it.

I guess we were just too young.


I thought maybe you'd like
to freshen up a little.


I'm sorry.

For what?

For doubting you.

For thinking you could ever be like them.

I know you're not.

You know, it just may be that you do not
realize what the stakes are here, Barkley.

We're running out of time, man.

Perhaps Mr. Kase isn't capable
of carrying out his role.

The only thing I fail to do

is to anticipate the abilities of the crew

and the capabilities of Airwolf.

You have another plan.

Now that Airwolf is disabled and down,

it's most vulnerable to a ground attack.

And if this one fails also?

I have a backup plan.

Which is…

An insurance policy against failure.

Code name: “Blue Star.”

“Blue Star?”

“Blue Star,” isn't that lovely?

It's appropriate.

Well, I trust this falls short of us
all committing su1c1de, Mr. Kase.

I'll see to “Blue Star” personally.

Now we've bypassed the capacitor
and the circuit breaker.

And now we'll go red wire

to red wire.

That's gonna work?

Like putting a penny in a fuse box, baby.

We'll find out.

Dom, we need some help.

On my way, buddy.

What are you do’n?

Look at that radar blip, man.
She's head’n for the main road.

Chew him up and spit him out, Dom.

Well, it looks like this is my lucky day.

What the hell do they want?

They're after me.

Hang on.

Hang on.

Oh. Oh, God.

Oh, no. Oh, please God, no.

Don't let me lose this one, too.

Come on, Tess.

Why the hell didn't you
tell me about this?

You know why.

That was a long time ago.

What's over is over.

Is it, Hawke?

Is it?

Listen, I'll stand by on radio, huh?

Hawke, you never have forgiven me, have you?

I loved you, Tess.

I really wanted our baby.

I know you did.

But we were so young.

I wanted so much.

You want this one though, don't you?

Very much.

What about your husband?

It isn't Cullen's baby.

I told you.

He made a prisoner of me.

He isn't happy unless he can encompass
everything and everybody around him.

You've never been stupid enough
to let anybody do that to you.

Well, I was stupid enough
to have an affair.

Maybe you were just look’n for a way out.


He was a…

a visiting

dignitary from an Arab state.

He was a Prince.

Kind of like your fairytale.

But it only lasted long
enough for him to tell me

that East and West
could never really meet.

But I know one thing.

I want this baby more than I've ever
wanted anything in my whole life.

And this might be my only chance.

What do you mean?

Because I…

chose to terminate our baby,

the doctors told me that I might
never be able to have another one.

Tess, I promise.

I promise you.

You're gonna have this baby.

Hawke, what do you mean
you had a little trouble?

Yeah, I'll explain when I see you.

Meanwhile, we'll be fly’n to the
Committee Hearing on our own.

Roger that. Just get her to the
meeting before anything else goes wrong.

We'll meet you there. Angel One out.

Well Barkley, this has
been very interesting.

But you do realize, of course,
if your plan fails,

the next meeting we'll be
holding, will be in Hell.

I assure you Cullen, it will not fail.

So after their hit squad knocks off
these Heads of State, then what?

The leadership vacuum
will spawn a monetary crisis.

After which they plan to step in

and take control of the
International Banking Committee.

That'll give them regulatory
power over world currency.


The Committee's waiting. I trust
you're ready to testify, Mrs. Dixon.

You're damn right she's ready.

- Hold it. Pick up that g*n.
- Hawke!
- Nobody move.

Easy. Easy, boys. Easy.

Easy, easy…

There's your traitor.


Will you please take the
witness stand, Mrs. Dixon?

Raise your right hand.

Now, do you solemnly swear

to tell the truth, the whole truth,

and nothing but the truth, so help you God?

Mrs. Dixon?

Mrs. Dixon?

Yes, I do.

How did you know?

Dom uncovered this listening device.

It was tuned into the
same one your girl wore.

You know, I picked it up on radar.
That's how they were able to track us.

So Vivian planted it in the
clothes she gave to Mrs. Dixon.

What about your girl?

Ever find out why she turned over?

Yeah, something new… money.

That and an excuse about her disenchantment

with the way the Firm's
been handling world affairs.

How'd your lady do?

She's still at it.

She'll probably be
testifying until morning.

What about her husband, Cullen Dixon?

The Mexican Federales took
his yacht down for us.

They've got everybody in custody.


Guess I owe you both on this one.

Yeah, you do.

You take care of Tess, and we'll be even.

I will.

Yeah, you better.

‘Cause she promised to name the
baby Stringfellow if it's a boy

or Dominique if it's a girl.

Poor kid'll never have a chance.

Looks like I'm driving.

Oh, allow me.