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03x13 - Wildfire

Posted: 05/11/23 05:37
by bunniefuu
All you have to do is drop it off

and you're in for a full cut.

That punk kid of mine
never flunked out of A&M.

He got thrown out!

You really do have a way with words.

The big guy carries a g*n.



Let's go, Alvin. Let's go.

Stop that plane.

It's a bust!

This is the DEA.

Come out with your hands up!


Come out! Right now!

This is the DEA.

Now, Hawke, you know you
can't rush a starter generator.

- Hi, guys!
- Hey, Dom!

There she is, that little beauty!

How are ya, sweetheart?

How's it coming, for our girl?



Oh! Frank!




Have one.

Time to go. Come on. Come on, come on.

See you, Frank.

Well, how do ya like that?

Hey, Dom! My Mom made these!

You know, it doesn't seem right

leaving Frank to do
that work all by himself.

Oh, he never did like me
looking over his shoulder.

Besides, how often does Dom invite
you out to meet his best friend?

What is this best friend
anyway, Dom? A gopher?

Horned toad maybe. A gopher
couldn't stand it out here.

Come on, Carnes! Give him a shot!

I told you, Cece, you could do it, huh?

I told you, Cece.

You knocked the heck
out of him with that one.

Hey man, it's Dom!

Hey, Uncle Dom!

All right!

Ah, you got a right just like your old man!

Hey, I know you. Dad's got
a picture of you at home.

You're that w*r hero, aren't ya?

I was just there, that's all.

Hey, how's Big Cece?

He had this dumb little
accident. He's home, laid up.


Noble Flowers, this is Dominic
Santini, Dad's best friend.

How are ya? Glad to meet ya.

Hey, you think you can get
off and take us to him?

I'm on shift.

Oh, that's okay, Carnes. Catch a rabbit.

Tell the boss I've got
everything under control here.

Hey, thanks a lot.

- You're up front with me.
- All right!

Dom tells me your old man made
it all the way through Korea

without so much as a scratch. What happened?

This rack of drill pipe shifted.

Pinned his leg. But he's okay.

Dom Santini.

Danged if you ain't still
as ugly as a mud finch.

You looking pretty good yourself.

For you.

What are you do’n off of the job?

Dom, asked him to show us the way.

Oh, come on, come on,
will ya? Let's go. Come on!

Hey, did you make any of that sip’n whiskey?

Just like Korea, Santini wins again.

You had fresh goat over there, and
all I had was government issue.

Oh, and my special thanks to Little Cece.

Seconds times!

Well, you know, he does eat out
of this kitchen all the time.

It's probably just 'cause
it was someth’n different.

Sure was.

If the boy hated my cook’n that much,

it's a wonder he never took his
turn at the stove, ain't it?

Well, you know I hate to eat and run,

but Cate and I have got a
real early morn’n tomorrow.

Hey, keep in touch now, will ya?

And stay on top of that guy, will ya?

What are you folks do’n here anyhow?

You're stay’n on, Dom.

Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah.

As a matter of fact, I happen to
have my over-nighter with me.

I'll drive you folks into
town. I'm go’n in anyhow.


Cecil Junior,

you stay out of that saloon and get
your butt back here before midnight

or I'm gonna kick it so hard,
you'll be wearing it for a collar.

Hell Carnes, you really do
have a way with words.

Much thanks.

Did we come at a bad night?

No. This is the Carnes house.

You know, Cece,

it's funny that we never met before,

'cause you sure do remind me
of somebody I knew once.

Yeah? Who?


You oughta be ashamed of yourself.

Don't start in on me now.

He's a good kid!

You can have him for cents on the dollar.

But I don't get it!

- The last time I was here, you were…
- Things have changed.

Ever since Evelyn.


But that was years ago!

You was at the funeral.

You saw how he looked at me.

But it was the shock and everything.

He got over that.

Well, the last time I was here, he…

We was put’n on an act for ya.

It got to where we just
don't bother no more.


If Evelyn knew how you
were tear’n at each other…

I know! I know.

What can I do when he keeps
look’n at me like I k*lled her?

Oh, you've got it all wrong.

Oh, the hell I have!

Every time we get into a fight,

it always ends up with him talk’n about her

like she never should've been there at all,

drive’n him to school. It shoulda been me!

But I took off for the rig.

You want to know what hurts the most, Dom?

Not him a-blame’n me for her not be’n here.



not be’n here.

I remember how you used to write
her letters every night in Korea.

I just don't understand about Little Cece.

I mean, he's always been such a good kid.

You think so?

Well, if he's such a good boy,

how come he didn't reach
in there and pull her out

instead of hang’n back with
his tail between his legs?

Now, you hold it right there, Cece!

You know it wasn't like that at all!

I talked to the Police the same as you did.

When that drunk ran that light

and rammed her car,
Little Cece was thrown out!

The car went up like a matchbox!

He could not’ve gotten her out!

And the report said she died on impact!

I just hate it when you get
those stubborn streaks!

Did anybody besides me ever tell you

that you're ½ mule and / ’s jackass?

Evelyn did all the time.

So don't worry about Little Cece.

Look, it's just a phase
that he's go’n through

just like all kids his age.

He gets a few days of
hard work under his belt,

he'll know how much easier
college is than real life!

Next year, when he goes to A&M,

he'll crack those books. You'll see.

If you're gonna keep tell’n fairy stories,

I think I'll hit the sack.

This ol' leg of mine is ache’n up a storm.

You gonna stay up?

There's a quart of that sip’n
whiskey in that cabinet over yonder,

rassle’n on the cable.

Texas holiday, huh? Ha!

Well, I'll sample some
of that sip’n whiskey,

but on the educational channel,
they've got Rigoletto!

Dom, you never was like regular folks.

I got better things to do than to walk
a mile through snakes and mesquite.

Let's see the goods.


I'll have it to my main
man for testing tomorrow.

When do we get the rest of the keys?

I can't carry pounds on my back.

I have to bring it in by -wheel drive.

Well, when do we get it?

Tomorrow afternoon.



What the hell.

What the hell are you do’n? It's freez’n!

That punk kid of mine
never flunked out of A&M.

He got thrown out!

You wanna know for what?

For sell’n marijuana.

They figured he was sell’n
for somebody on the outside,

but he wouldn't tell 'em noth’n!

The only reason the law wasn't called in,

is 'cause I got friends down there

that didn't want to see the family
name dragged through the mud.

I should've let ‘em throw him
so far back in jail,

they'd have had to sh**t him
his beans to him with a -gauge!

Oh, Cece.

I'm really sorry.


I gotta take some of the blame my own self.

I knew he was into someth’n
that he couldn't handle.

But all I done was crack down on him harder.

You know how I am.

He looks up to you, Dom.

Always has.

I want you to see if you can't
straight’n him out for me.


But I'm only here for a couple more days.

Take him back to California with ya.

Put him to work. Get him back in school.

And if he gives you one
little bit of trouble,

you got my permission to kick his hind end
clear up betwixt his shoulder blades!

I just can't help it, can I?

You know what I mean.

All right. I'll talk to him.

And I'll tell him how you really feel.

And if it'll do you any good,
I'll stay over a few more days.

But will you do me a favor?

Lay off Little Cece, will ya?

Something I left out. This busted leg…

Little Cece let a rack of pipes slip

and I couldn't get outta the way of it.

Are you tell’n me he did it on purpose?

Oh, no, no, no. No, just butterfingered.

But I was so dang mad, I said he did.

When you talk to him,

tell him I didn't mean that.

You must be Cecil Carnes, Jr.

Don't rub it in.

Flowers said we might find you here.

He needs you tomorrow.

Hey man, I always show up for work.

He wants to make sure
you don't take the day off.

We got a special job.


Sorry, fellas. I'm not in grass anymore.

Neither are we, kid.

We graduated.

It's candy now.

Nose candy.

Count me out.

Flowers said you're in.

And if Flowers said you're in,

you're in.

You wanna fly her?

Didn't the old man tell you
I never soloed before.

I figured he couldn't wait to tell you that.

No, he didn't.

Did you ever figure maybe
you got him all wrong?

All right, you got her.

I'll take over in case you get in too deep.

You know, there is someth’n your Dad told me

about the accident.

Yeah, he said I did it
on purpose, didn't he?

No, he said you were butterfingered.

And he said he was sorry
that he flew off the handle

when he said you did it on purpose.

My old man said he was sorry?

That's a first.

Well, you know, he's hard-headed.

From what I've seen so far,

you're pretty bullheaded yourself, you know.

Hey, watch those birds!

That was pretty good.

Noble, I gotta talk to you.

Later, Carnes. Get over
there and help Moose out.

Mr. Santini?

Hey, if he's late, it's my fault.

No, no, nothing like that.

I was just wondering if you
could do us a big favor.

Sure, what is it?

Well, with Cece being out, it's
really put us in kind of a bind.

He's the only one who flies a chopper.

Well, I'd be glad to help. What is it?

Well, we got some instruments that
really need to go into the shop.

And also, we got test samples.

I thought you could see your
way clear to take 'em on in.

The company will pay your
hours, whatever it is.

You know, I'd be embarrassed to
admit what Santini Air gets,

so I better just do it for noth’n.

- We sure appreciate that, Mr. Santini.
- Sure.

Listen, Carnes can go with you.

He knows where everything's
supposed to go back in town.

And I'll give him the
rest of the day off after.

Hey, that's great!

Listen, why don't you grab
yourself a cup of coffee.

- I'll get the boy organized.
- I'll do that.

- Thanks.
- You bet.

Noble, what you mean put’n
those g*ons on me last night?

Shut up and listen.

We got in some high-grade sample last night.

It has to go in pronto. Alvin tell you?

Yeah, he tried to but I wasn't listen’n.

All you have to do is drop it off.

And you're in for a full cut.

Yeah, like with the grass? No, thanks.

I'm not look’n for thanks.

Santini's gonna fly you in.

I don't believe that.

He'll never know what he's carrying.

It'll be mixed in with the other drops.

All you have to do is follow the checklist

and make sure you hand
Alvin the right package.

There's no way in hell I'm
gonna be mess’n with cocaine,

or let Uncle Dom.

You don't go along,

Alvin's not gonna like it.

There's noth’n he and Carlos
like better than hurt’n folks.

And hey, I don't wanna see
either one of you get hurt.

Either one of us?

You or your Daddy.

You are scum.

So what are you gonna do
on your unexpected day off?

Ah, you got a girl.

Had a girl.

She didn't like my hours.

So why don't you take me fishing?

Maybe your Pop will come too.

Not if I was along.

Watch out! Piper at o'clock!

What the hell's going on?

Careful, Cece. The package is
jammed between the rudders.

Hold her steady, hold her steady.

What is this?


Oh, Cecil, how could you be so stupid?

Who else was in this? Flowers?

Keep’n quiet's not gonna get you anywhere.

You'd be a lot better off if you
give me someth’n to work with.

Now, where was this stuff go’n?

Where is the next stop on your list?

I'm gonna find out where
this poison goes to and why.

And without your help.

Uncle Dom, I know I screwed up bad,

but I just can't rat on ‘em!

Rats on your not ratting!

And don't call me Uncle Dom!

I'll find it without ya.

When the punk gets here, how 'bout I
bust something for being late, huh?

If he gets here.

I'm calling Flowers.

Uncle Dom, the big guy carries a g*n.

When we set down, you don't open
your mouth, you understand?

Who are you?

I'm sorry, but I don't
do business with strangers.

Show me some ID.

Who is this joker?

You want the goods,

you gotta show me something.

That's me, all right?

That's you, all right.

Who's Alvin Brock? And the other goon?

I don't know.


They just came up to me at the Shy Texan.

Do you expect me to believe that?


You are just like him.

I suppose you're gonna
turn me in now, right?

Can you give me good
reasons why I shouldn't?

But don't worry. I'm gonna
get you some company.

You're not gonna take this rap alone.

And yes, I am just like him.

Because neither one of us want
to see you ruin your life.


What's going on, Flowers?

Your couriers just took off with my stuff.


It's not my do’n Alvin, I swear.

I know you wouldn't be that stupid.

I figure they're either go’n
into business for their selves,

or they're go’n to the cops.

Well, what do we do?

Listen, and get this right.

Carlos and me are go’n after your people.

If we get 'em, I'll call ya.

If you don't hear from me, you'll
have to meet the Mule yourself.

Tell him the heat's on.

I understand. I'll take care of it.

What's happen’n?

Well Moose,

we may be go’n to do some travel’n.

That's my house.

Oh, you couldn't wait to give the
old man his crack at me, could you?

For your information, we're
getting your Pop outta there

until I decide what to do.

It'll be the first place
your buddies will look.

They're not my buddies!

Cece, get some things together and come on!

- What? What's happen’n?
- I'll explain later.


They're coming!

Big Cece!

Oh, wait a minute, I forgot someth’n!

Come on, Big Cece! Hurry up!

Hurry up!

Here. Come on, get up there!

I'm almost glad your Mama ain't here
to see what you're mixed up in.

You happy now?

I finally proved I ain't any good.

Oh, shut up, both of ya!

Now, is there any more stuff
back there at the refinery?

- Answer him!
- I said shut up!

I don't have to take that
off of you or nobody else.

Look son,

I'm not ask’n you to name names.

But if there are any more dr*gs out
there that you haven't told me about,

the Police will get it out
of you. Don't you understand?

I checked all motels.

Nobody there with a broken leg.

There's only one other place they could be.

Read this.

Out loud.

“Dearest Evelyn,”

“can't wait till this here job is over”

“so I could see you and my little guy.”

“It's the second best thing I
ever did, next to marrying you.”

Things sure have changed, haven't they?

Now read this.

It's just last week.

“Sorry I missed my visit yesterday.”

“I had this fool accident
and I broke my leg.”

“But I'm do’n fine now.”

“Cecil Junior is doing
real good out at the refinery.”

“I’m proud of him.”

“You would be, too.”

“Now, he's gone through a bad spell”

“but he'll be okay.”

“We both know when you
come right down to it,”

“he's the best kid in the world.”

What's the matter?

Swallow a bug?

You still got noth’n to say to me?

Flowers said someth’n about the real
shipment coming in this afternoon.


I don't know.

Probably the oil field.

String? It's Dom. Do you copy, String?

String, are you there?

I got ya, Dom. Go ahead.

String, we need the Lady.

Dom, I think it should be later on tonight.

Tonight's not good enough!

Look! Meet me at that refinery as
soon as you get her buttoned up.

I'm go’n with ya.

With a busted leg?

There ain't nobody else here in this
room that's man enough to help.

It's all over for him, ain't it?

He asked for it. Serves him right.

I don't believe you mean that.

Now look,

if we can nip that shipment
before it gets into town,

maybe, just maybe, we can get
Little Cece a separate deal

than that scum who used him.

How do you tell him
from the rest of the scum?

Oh, come on, will ya? We're
waste’n time. Let's get move’n.

You're leave’n him here?

Ain't you afraid he's gonna duck out on us?

No, he's coming with us.

Little Cece!

Little Cece!

What the…


Where's the stuff?

Where's the kid?

He got my goods with him?

Oh, was that your box?
I'll get it for you.

Kinda reminds me of that time at
the Golden Dragon Bar in Yonchon,

don't it you, Dom.

Hop! Hope! Heep!

- Did you hear from Alvin?
- Nope.

We're take’n off with the Mule.


The day shift's finished.

We're gonna give ‘em something
to take their mind off of us.

We found your letters.


He read them, too.

Well, you didn't have no right…

If you had said some of the things to
him that you wrote in those letters,

maybe he'd have turned out different.

So now it's all of my do’ns, huh?

I didn't say that.

But you don't exactly come off
smell’n like a rose, either.

By the time she blows, we'll be on our way.

What about that dynamite?

Is it gonna go, too?

Who knows, who cares.


That's Big Cece's chopper.

Let's get outta here.

You're coming with me, both
of you. Get in the chopper!

Now, you're make’n a big mistake, son.

Let's take it easy. Simmer
down, let's talk it over.

No, now! Come on, let's go!

Better get him inside
before somebody sees us.

The rig's on fire!

Get on that derrick, and try
shutting down the capping line!

That oughta get their minds off us.

My God! The rig!

String, do you hear me?

May Day, May Day! We got a fire on the site!

That's my bird down there.

You spot Cecil Junior anywhere?


Well, come on! Get me down there!

Get back!

It's gonna blow!

Come on!

Somebody hand me a shovel!

Where is my boy?

What happened?

It went off like a b*mb!
I ain't seen Little Cece!

Dom! Go find Little Cece!

All right, shovel! Shovel hard, men!

It's like shoveling
some sand against the tide.

All right, keep shoveling!

Can't let the fire get
to that dynamite shack!

Keep shoveling! You heard Carnes!


Are you all right?

Flowers and Moose took off
with someone in a -by!

You gotta stop ‘em! They set the fire!

Let's go! Come on!

Get away from that dynamite shack!

Stay with your Dad!

Keep the fire away from that dynamite!

String! String, do you receive me?

We're airborne.

Oh, String! That fires spreading
fast! We need you, boy!

Hang on Dom, we'll be there.

All right, everybody. Move out.
Hurry up. That dynamite's gonna go!

Everybody back! There's
noth’n we can do now!

Pops, where are you go’n?

Are you crazy? Get out of there, Pop!

Cece! Cece!


Pops, No! The dynamite's gonna blow!

- Cece!
- Pop!

- Cece!
- Pop! You all right?

Damn! I think I just broke my good leg.

Oh God. All right, let's get him outta here.

Here we go! Up! Come on!

- Come on, let's get outta here!
- Watch out!

Son, we don't get that fire out,

the whole refinery's gonna go.

I'm gonna put out that fire.

Come on, you guys!
Give me a hand! Hurry up!

Come on, dig! We gotta put this thing out!

You see how my boy just flat took charge?

Come on, get over here! Come on!

You gotta control it!
I need your help! Move it!

Come on, keep shovel’n!

Spill! Fire!

It ain't gonna work, Dom.

They can't get it out.

Everybody pull back!
Come on! Get outta here!

Everybody pull back!

Listen, give me a hand and put him in here.

Hey, look!

Let's take a closer look.

Dom, I've got the fire power.

We'll just dig a trench and divert it.

Sequential firing locked and ready.

Let's do it.

All right! Whoo!

The fire, it's stopping at the trench!

All right!

Okay! All right!

He did it! He did it!

String! String, nice sh**ting!

Listen, Flowers and Moose set
that fire to cover their escape!

Now, if I were them,
I'd be head’n for the border.

You understand?

Roger, Dom.

We'll see if we can't change those plans.

Hawke, I've got something.

A -wheel-drive vehicle but it stopped.

Nobody's around.

Sounds like they made a switch.

Checking. Nothing on the ground.

Hold it!

There it is! It's a
helicopter headed due South.

On our way.

Mexico is a great country
Moose, if you get a few bucks.

We're take’n you in, Flowers.

Tell the pilot to land that ship, now!

If you don't want to rot in jail,
I suggest you take him down.

Give me a hellfire, Cate.

Hellfire ready!

I got me a letter from the
Railroad Commissioner of Texas,

and a get-well card
from the Lieutenant-Governor.

And ‘ol Red Adair sent me this his own self.

All right!

And I don't know what all's in here.

Incidentally, your Pops says
you can come live with me

and go to college in Los Angeles.

Los Angeles!

The Prosecutor tells me that he's willing
to let you do your probation in California.

I bet you could even get a part
time job with Santini Air.

Oh, no. No, he ain't go’n to no California.

He's stay’n right here in Texas, with me.

We got our own schools

and if he wants to take up fly’n again,

you tell me a better teacher
than this old man.