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03x10 - The Deadly Circle

Posted: 05/11/23 05:35
by bunniefuu
Drop the phone!


Next, on Airwolf.

Does it hurt badly?

Everything on my body hurts.

I have been your only lover.

How could I forget?

We've got live ones, Hawke.

Well, there it is.

Lucky old flight jacket, took
me all the way through the w*r.

This is mighty good of you, Dom.

You bet it is.

I know how much that means to him.

Yeah, sure brings back a lot of memories.

I can remember when your Dad and me,

we use to tear up the Rhein-Mein Ridge,

and sh**t down a couple of Messerschmitts,
then fly home on the fumes,

party all night long.

You know, I'm kind of glad
those days are over.

I can't drink like that anymore, you know.

You mean I have to take these ice teas back?

Oh, no.

He was just telling old w*r stories.

Oh, which one this time?

The Rhein-Mein Ridge run.

Oh, that's the one where you shot down
Stukas all in one day, right?

No, it was Stukas and it
was over the Black Forest.

That's a new one.

Oh, you never heard that one before?

Lemme tell you.

We were operating up around Bad Tolz.

Now Bad Tolz, there's baths…
You know what I mean?

We used to go up there for those
nice steam baths. Hot water baths...

- We gotta talk.
- The Germans won the town back, so…

- This is not the right time or place.
- I don't care.

You know what I mean?

Back in Saigon, the right time was anytime,

especially if someone had
the right amount of scrip,

or maybe a couple of Thai sticks.

The boss already warned me, all right?

I don't care if he fires you.


I don't know if I'm interrupting
something I shouldn't.

You tell me if I am.

Well, I'm telling you, pal.

I'm tell’n you, I'm talk’n to the lady.

It's all right, Hawke.

Look, it's a different time
and a different place,

so why don't you grow up
and leave me alone.

Just a minute, friend.

I'd suggest you bail on outta here

before Hawke here decides to
rearrange your nose gear.

Lia, why don't you join us for lunch?

Yeah, come on over.

Come on over and sit down there.

I was just tell’n the boys about

the time I was over the Bad Tolz, you know,

and this Junkers was just about ready
to put some tracers up my tailpipe.

What the hell is so funny
about being shot in the butt?

I ate too much.

Ice tea did that to me, I wouldn't drink it.

Next time you'll have to tell
us how you won the Boer w*r.

I missed that one.

Only because it was before the airplane.

Listen, I'll see that Lia gets home.

I'll catch a cab back.

and a half, and three quarters.

. Hey, that's it. Great. Come on.

Okay guys, time for bed.

Upsy-daisy. No, nothing.

Come on, lights out.

Oh my God! No!

You know, I can't believe this, Michael.

Jim's family taken by t*rrorists.

- And there's Ralph and Pete's, too.
- Believe it.

Oshiro's family was taken last
night, Kovac's almost a week ago,

and Miller's family, weeks back.

You won't get an answer.

How the hell do you know?

Oshiro is at the Firm.

So are Kovac and Miller,
undergoing questioning.

Listen, I'm in this because of Oshiro.

He has access to top-secret documents,

so this could be t*rror1st action
directed against the Army.

Now I know you're upset, and I
know you want to help your friends,

so I want you to just listen
before you go off half-cocked!

All right.

Now, you men have a
connection to each other,

a very strong connection.

Hell, we've been close since Nam.

And you're still buddies.

You call each other, you stay in touch.

Oshiro told me last month he and
his family came to visit you

and Dom took the kids
for a ride in a chopper.

Michael, what are you getting at?

You guys are so close that if
you had a family of your own,

I'd be worried they'd be next.

You don't.

But maybe there is something that you know.

Something that these guys
all have in common.

Like what? What do you want from me?

I want you to think about it.

Try to remember if something
could have happened that would

link all of you together
with these kidnappings.

I have no idea, Michael.


My debriefing team should
be finished this afternoon.

I'll let you know what I find out.

Yeah, Santini Air.

Hello, Hawke?

I feel like a fool for calling you, but…

What's the matter?

That squid bother’n you again?

I'm really starting to get scared.

Okay, I'll be right over.

He helped arrange my evacuation
through his contacts.

I was able to get out at Tan Son Nhat.

It was years after the w*r,

but he was able to track
me down in the States.

I felt obligated to him.

Yeah, I can understand that.

But he had changed,

he wasn't the same.

I tried to break it off
with him, and Art got mean.

He's been making my life miserable
and it's getting worse.

You have family or friends,
or anyone you could stay with?

- Santini Air.
- Yeah, hi Caitlin.

Hawke, hi. How's Lia?

This guy is getting a little mean.

You think maybe you could
put her up for a week or so?

Yeah sure, she can stay at my place.

In fact, she'll have it all to herself.

I'm gonna be here working
on this engine mostly.

Drop the phone!


- What are you…
- Out!


Stringfellow Hawke?

Who the hell is this?

This is the guy who's got
your little family, pal.

Now just shut your face

and keep it shut until you hear from me,

or they're as good as dead.


- What's the matter?
- He's got Cate and Dom.

I'm gonna double the number of
agents I've got working on this.

My initial gut reaction was
that this is retaliatory.

What, for something that happened in Nam?

More than likely.

But so far, you guys haven't
been able to pinpoint it.

I think it's time you put your heads
together. I'll arrange a meeting.

I'll be there.

My own problem doesn't
seem very important now.

The fact is, you still have one.

You know, I think I've found
a place for you to stay.

I gave this to him when my
dog chewed up his old one.

Boy, was he odd.

- No.
- Here.


- God!
- Just so everything is upfront.

Yo, little man.

You don't want to get on the bad
side of Dao. He's flat mean.

Just what the hell's going on around here?

It would be better if you
didn't ask questions.

Just obey orders and don't try to escape.

Do as you're told and you'll
be released in days.

It's Dominic and Caitlin.

Go on in.

I've never been so happy and so sorry
to see people in my whole life.

Are you all right?

- So far.
- How about you kids?

- Not bad, Cate.
- Not too good.

I miss my dog.

Well, we'll get you all outta
here. Don't worry about it.

Carol, who are these guys?
You know what they want?

I wish I knew.

- The Kovacs are here, too.
- And the Millers.

They said they're gonna keep us here

for just a couple of
days and then let us go.

Yeah. They said about days.

Yeah, if you believe that, you
still believe in the tooth fairy.

I do.

The kids and I are all right, Jimmy.

Except Billy, he misses Rusty awful bad.

Jimmy, I love you, Jimmy.

Rusty is Jimmy's puppy.


- And you.
- No one's been hurt.

They're feeding us okay and everyone's
trying real hard not to be afraid.

Hey Dad, look who's here, Mr. Santini.

Remember when he gave us
a ride in his chopper?

He says Hawke is gonna give us
a ride in a real special one.

That's right, you know
the one I mean, String.

Oh, we really got it good here.

We're right up close to some
pretty granite mountains

and we can hear the sound of…

I love you, too.

I sure wish you could introduce
the Lady to these folks, String.

Daddy, I don't like this.

These people are bad. I wanna go home.


- Jim, listen.
- Why?

That's what's really
driving me crazy, Hawke.

Why would anybody want to do
something like this, huh?

What do they want?

You got anything?


Except that tape. It arrived
at the Firm this morning.

And that means

that they know you're in on this now.

Yeah, and they don't care either.


we're all agreed that the root cause
has to be in Vietnam. But what is it?

Now, I know we've gone over this hard,

but either you're not
remembering or maybe you're

holding something back.

Something that you'd all
rather not talk about.

What is that supposed to mean?

What the hell are you saying, huh?

That we might've done something
in Vietnam we can't talk about?

We're buddies, chopper pilots, that's all.

Michael, you listen to this.

There is nothing, and I mean nothing

that any of us have to apologize for.

We went there to fight a w*r and that's it.

I believe that.

You had better think about this, Michael.

You better figure out a way to get those
women and children back here now

or else we're gonna have
to make our own moves.

And Lord help anybody that gets in our way.

Hey Dad, look who's here, Mr. Santini.

I sure wish you could introduce
the Lady to these folks, String.

Daddy, I don't like this, these
people are bad. I wanna go home.

Please come and take us home! Please?

Hawke, I saw your friends leave.

Yeah, I'm…

I'm sorry about having
to ask you to take a walk.

That's all right.

Do you know her?

You know, I can't understand anybody

would wanna harm innocent
women and children like that.

It's crazy, it's insane.

Hawke, I think it would be best if I left.

You have enough going on without
having to worry about me.

I'll be all right, really.

Who is it out there?

It's clear.

Dom, do you really have a plan?

Cate, the greatest plan in the
world never could replace

dumb luck.

Watch, watch.

Now, if I could find myself a loose board…

After all the sacrifices

that have been made to bring this about,

after all the loneliness and the
bitterness of a thousand nights of tears,

now, to finally realize
the sweetness of revenge.

You have done well, Dao.

Very well.

Thank you.

It's taken him a long time to come around,

but I think he finally can appreciate me.

How about that?

Hey, what's with you?

I'm surprised. You do not
seem to share in our joy.

Perhaps, you're having second
thoughts about what we are doing?

Lia? No way.

The pictures have been burned into my mind.

Our village destroyed, my parents m*rder*d,

my wife and children dead and dying.

Could you so easily forget?

Dao's family slaughtered, yours also.

I kept you alive when you wanted to die.

I became your family.

We became your only friends.

I have been your only lover.

Then why do I read in your
look doubt, reservation?

I saw the tape that Dao made
and I saw a little girl,

and she had my eyes.

Eyes of fear.

Hawke and his friends,

how much do they know?

Very little.

Then they must know a little more,

enough so when they find the
bodies of their loved ones,

they will know exactly why they died!

I want you to say precisely what I tell you.

- Hello, Hawke?
- Lia.

Are you okay?

Yes, I'm okay.

The question is, have you
found out anything more?

Hey, Michael promised us
he'd pull out all the stops.

So far nothing's come in.

Perhaps I have someone who can help.

We're sure look’n for
all the help we can get.

He can't promise anything,

but he was once very influential in Vietnam.

He still has contacts.

Look, you just tell him anything he wants,

anything, I can get it.

I'm sure he'll ask for it.

Call me back.

How does it look out there?

Same as it did when you
asked me a minute ago.

It's quiet.

Carol, are you sure she's gonna do it?

She said she would.

Wait a second. There it is.
She did it! She did it!

How does it look?

Are you still here, Dom?

I'm gone.

Come back with my Daddy.

And hurry up! This
thing's gonna burn down!

Fill up the buckets first!

See if you got a hose!

Come on, get the hose over here!

- Go, go, go!
- Hurry up, guys!

Check for the kids!
See the kids in there?

Did we get the lady out yet?

But hurry, your tailgate's…

You made a mistake, partner.

You made a big mistake.

You were warned not to try to escape, but
you wouldn't listen, would you partner?

Just so there's no more
misunderstandings, okay?

Come on kids, let's play a game, okay?

Get him outta here.

You stay here and guard the door.

I'll get this fixed later.

Meanwhile, anyone tries anything else,

and I'll k*ll everyone in here.

You sure that this is right?


Looking for someone?


No! No!


Stop it!

Hawke, Hawke...

No! No! Stop it!

No! Stop it!

Stop it!

Back off!

Back off now! Now!

This is far from over, pal.

Are you all right?

Yes, I'm fine.

Why are you looking at me like that?

I've got a real funny feel’n.

What are you talking about?

I'm not sure,

but I don't believe in coincidences.

Maybe we didn't just meet.

Could be you called me when you did
to keep me away from that hanger.

And maybe you knew that these
guys were gonna be here,

and that your influential
friend was not gonna show.

You're wrong, Mr. Hawke.

I am here.

I have, in fact, been here for some time.

You were in Vietnam during the w*r.

So were a lot of guys.

Like Miller,

Kovac, Oshiro.

I came here because this lady

told me that you might be
able to answer some questions.

The answer to that question

begins with the destruction
of a village in Vietnam.

There were a lot of villages destroyed.

I believe you knew this
one, it's village .


Was that an operation or did this…

this village have a real name?


That's all I can tell you for now.

I'm certain you'll make the connection.


- Hey, what connection?
- Let him go.

That's all I got, village .

Run it on my nd Nam tour sir, ' , ' .

That's when we were all together.

Yeah. Look, I'll clean up and I'll meet you.

I'm sorry, does it hurt badly?

Everything on my body hurts.

What else can I do to help?

You can start by tell’n me if
this was a set-up or not.

Hawke, I swear to you.

Look, If I had known anything,

why would I help you when they att*cked you?

Who's this guy you called Tran?

Where do you know him from?

The American-Vietnamese
community is a tight one.

What about the others?

Their names would mean nothing.

He told me we destroyed that village.

If that had happened I
would have remembered.

You said you flew a lot of
missions during the w*r?

Yeah. And if we'd hit that village,
I would have remembered it.

The hardest part was to forget.



But you were there.

My brother, Sin Jin.

Sin Jin.

I was scheduled to go on a mission.

The code name was . That's right, .

You said you were scheduled?

Yeah, I was.

But during the flight briefing,

a Recon team came in and
he had a VC prisoner

that he'd picked up real close to
where my brother had last been seen,

and I requested that I be allowed
to interrogate the prisoner,

and my Commanding Officer

scrubbed me from . That was it, .

Are you sure?

Yes, I can remember the day and the month.



I never went on that mission.

Did you ever find your brother?


No, he's still there.


Cross-checking the mission roster.

I'm telling you.

I stood down on that one.

Some company clerk failed to
take me off that duty roster.

What have you got on that village?

Looks like the mission was a
search and destroy operation
on… a suspect Viet Cong village.

Oh, my God.

An entire village destroyed

because of a false intelligence report.

What kind of a follow-up
was conducted on this?

The files indicate that
the village's survivors

were compensated by the United States.

How the hell do you repay
somebody for something like that?

We k*lled innocent people
just to get Viet Cong.

Those names in the bottom there.

Tran, Lia and Van Lat.

Can you isolate those?

The woman was at the hangar with you.

What about him? What have you got on him?

And the other .

Like to see who sponsored them.

It all fits, Hawke.

Yeah it does, but where do we start?

Hopefully at the top. Let's go.

You lied to me, both of you.

He wasn't supposed to be hurt.

What's with you?

This Hawke dude's got into you?

Tomorrow at sunrise it will matter little.

Stringfellow Hawke and the others
have a rendezvous with destiny.

We can't go through with this, Tran.



What we are planning is ugly and horrible.

What was done to us was ugly and horrible

or have you forgotten?

I haven't.

I couldn't. But it was a mistake.

I was an atrocity!

It was a wartime mistake,

and we convinced ourselves that it
wasn't because we were crazy with grief,

and now we are crazy with revenge.

Hawke wasn't even on that mission
that k*lled our families.

How do you know that?

He told me.

He also told me that he
lost a brother in the w*r.

We've suffered enough.

Every time I recall that picture of that
little girl on that obscene tape…

Perhaps you're right, Dao.

Maybe our Lia has fallen for this

Stringfellow Hawke.

There has only been one man in my life,

and because of my love for you

I was fooled into thinking
that I too wanted revenge.

But the w*r is over.

The enemy is only in our minds.

And if we follow through with this,

we become no better than those
who k*lled our loved ones.

Please, for the sake of our love,

don't do this.

Could I have made such a terrible error?

Then before I make another mistake,

I must correct it.

Oh, yes.

Please, before it's too late.

Our best bet is Tran's business address.

What more can you tell me about Tran?

Only what Lia told me,

that he had connections.

From his file, looks like these connections
are still tied heavily to Vietnam.

th floor.


I'm afraid that I know
what this is all about.

Village was destroyed
years ago to the day,

at exactly .

And only hours away.

If you had families hostage,

where would you keep them?

Somewhere that I could
control the situation.

And some place that was familiar.

Like Tran Van Hieu's
property holdings. Right.

Look like Tran's got more
than just a cabbage patch.

He's got , acres up in Los Osos canyon.

, acres is a lot of ground to cover.

Not in Airwolf.

Let's do it.


This is the last section
of Harvest Valley land.

Stay on that scanner.

Let's try the audio scan, maybe
we can pick something up.

Right after breakfast we'll move those
head down off of the north .

We've got live ones Hawke, voices.

What the…

It's just a bunch of cowboys.

Less than minutes, Hawke.

There's more structures miles north.

Anybody out there?

Dom, what's go’n on?

Listen, get everybody ready.

I don't think that anybody's left out there.

Come on.

Everybody's gone all right.

Come on, let's go.

Get ‘em down there by the van.

Out, out. Come on, let's go.
Hurry up, we're leave’n.

Okay, Freedom Express leaves in minutes.

What a beautiful sight!

That's them. We found ‘em.

Hawke, check the scanner. Something's
coming in over those hills.

Where'd they come from? There are
no military bases around here.

They've got enough hardware to blow up…

- They're headed straight for the compound.
- This is insane.

They're gonna repeat here
what happened to village .

Go, go. Get in the van.

Just like Nam.

Hey, you missed!

Dom, you okay?

Yeah. Yeah, I'm all right.

Where's the women and the kids?

What women? What kids?

In the van. It's empty.

Well, of course it's empty.

Then I came stumble’n out of the van

and the first thing I knew,

String grabbed me and he says,

“Hey, where's the women and the kids?”

And I said, “What women and what kids?”

He said, “Those women and the kids.”

I said, “Oh, those women and the kids.”

He said, “Yes.”

I said, “What do you think I am, crazy?”

“I left them back there under a tree.”

Dom, a toast.

No, no, no, wait a minute.

Let me finish, let me finish.

See, what I didn't tell him

is that it wasn't my idea about
leaving ‘em under the trees,

it was Caitlin's.

So there's your toast.

Here, to our pretty good mechanic

and a pretty smart cookie,
Caitlin O'Shaughnessy.

I want to further this toast.

I'm gonna include the kids,

and it's for my family, Caitlin
and Dom, and to all our families.

- To us.
- To us.