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03x06 - Kingdom Come

Posted: 05/11/23 05:32
by bunniefuu
The more you're willing to risk,

the greater the reward.

Next on Airwolf.

They made off with
thermonuclear detonators.

You've got a b*mb onboard,

plus strapped to your lady friend.

My God.

If that girl is hurt in any way,

you're as good as dead.

I have to know. Last night…

Didn't mean a thing.


That's Cate.


This is it.

Move! Come on!

You're com’n with us for security.

Unit , this is Sawyer.

They're headed your way.
Try and cut ‘em off.

You're too good at what you do,
Sawyer, to have let this happen.

What the hell's that supposed to mean?

They parachuted in. Otherwise,
nobody gets by my men.

It's a unique means of infiltration,

but this caper has all the
earmarks of an inside job,

more than likely by someone who had access

to your security contingencies.

No kidding, Michael. Very astute.

Got any more great revelations for me?

Not just yet.

You never could quite fit into
the program, could you Sawyer?

Well, that's why I left the Firm.

I finally realized I could
never learn to condescend.

Well, the investigation of this matter

is now out of the hands
of corporate security.

No way.

I'm in charge of security around here,

and I don't relinquish authority to anybody.

Maxitech is a GOCO operation.

That means Government-Owned
and Contractor-Operated.

So you see Ken, in a way,
you're still working for us.

And I'm afraid that the theft of
nuclear triggering devices

has gone beyond the scope
of company security!

We're talking about a national,
if not a global threat here!

How far out are they?

They should be here any second, sir.


Glad you could join us, gentlemen.

I didn't quite see it as a request.

More like an order.

Well, I never thought I'd see the
day you became company men.

I'd hate to think the Firm
finally got to you.

That why you quit, Sawyer?

Let's just call it a career move.

Now, if you'll excuse me,
I got problems to handle.

Just as long as you understand

that we're handling this from now on.

All right Michael, what's this all about?

Just before sunup,

a -man as*ault team managed
to penetrate Sawyer's security.

Yeah well, know’n Sawyer,

it was no fluke.

Probably somebody from the
inside drop’n the ball.


In any case, they made off with
thermonuclear detonators.

Wait a minute. This is
a little over my head,

but are you talk’n about triggering
devices for nuclear bombs?

That's right. And if somebody's got

either plutonium, deuterium or tritium,

the radioactive ingredients
that make nukes nuclear,

they can make a b*mb.

Well, what do you want us
to do about it, Michael?

The triggers were impregnated with a
special low-level radioactive isotope.

They can't be shielded
in a conventional manner.

So it may be possible for
Airwolf's surveillance system

to pick up the radioactive signals.

And where do you expect us to start
look’n for these detonators?

I suggest you start with California.

You didn't have to make
it look so damn convincing.

I've hurt you a lot worse.

But afterwards, I enjoyed you.

You'll enjoy your share of
the $ million a lot more.

You have a way of making promises, Ken,

and then a nasty habit of not keeping them.

Don't you trust me?

I used to.

This woman you want to
use to get to Airwolf,

why is it necessary to play with her?

Why can't you just get on with it?

Because she interests me.

And because she's an
integral part of my plan.

And because it's Sawyer's way or nothing.


It's always worked for me.

Have a little faith.

I introduce myself to this lady,

and she'll help deliver Airwolf.

You can bet on it.

Well, you'd better hope so.

Because if she doesn't,

I will more than pay you back.

I'm tell’n you, String,

my eyeballs are about ready to fall out.

I had no idea there was so much
radioactive material scattered around.

Unfortunately, most of us don't.

What you got?

Probably another x-ray machine
in a dentist's office.

Can you isolate the signal?

Work’n on it.

Pick’n up a high plutonium
gamma line reading.

We may have something.

Well, you got a fix yet?

Oh, cut me some slack, huh?


Location identification com’n up.

Yeah, we got someth’n, all right.

An x-ray laser emission from the
Livermore Biological Research Center.

What now?

We keep look’n.

Hey, buddy.

Tell me where I can find
Caitlin O'Shaughnessy.

Who wants to know?

Come on. Come on, kid.

I want some directions, not a smart mouth.

Listen, pal, I'm no kid, and…

I'm sorry, I thought you were someone else.

Caitlin. I'm Caitlin O'Shaughnessy.

Yeah, of course you are.

I heard you were one of the best.


Flight Instructors.

Look at this. You hurt yourself.

Well, maybe this will help a little bit.

Yes, I think it will. Thank you.


Well, what about it?

What? What about what?

Teaching me?

Teaching you what?

To fly a chopper.


Yeah, I can do that.


When can we start?

Well, do you have any flight time?

I got a commercial fixed wing.

I just want to get my rotary add-on.

Great. It's no problem.

We can start tomorrow morning,
as a matter of fact,

if you really want to.

Yeah, I'd really like to.

The sooner the better.


I think you'll be a great student.

I know you're gonna be a great teacher.

Hey, Dom!

What? What? What…

Sleep well?

Like a baby.

Like a baby moose.

A what?


Listen, give me the next
grid search coordinates.


And bring up the Firm's
frequency on the radio.

Archangel's not gonna be too
happy we've been off the air

for hours with noth’n to show for it.

Yeah, except for some much needed shut-eye.

I'm tell’n you, I don't think I
could've kept my eyes open much longer.

I know the feeling.

You know, reminds me of the time

your old man and me were ferry’n
a couple of P- 's over the hump.

We hadn't had any sleep in hours.

And when we finally got to Nepal

were we a couple of tired puppies!

I gotta say Ken, you're a quick study.

Like I said, I knew you were
gonna be a great teacher.

No, really. I mean, you've got
an almost natural ability.

Maybe some people were just born to fly.

Well yeah, I believe that.

Yeah, I really need this fix.

There's almost noth’n like it.

I know what you mean.

I don't fly for a while,

and the old cobwebs start to build up.

Yeah, up here you can really
sever those earthbound problems.

Hey, did you hear that now that NASA's
got male and female astronauts,

they're gonna be asking them to take
part in a lovemaking experiment?

You're kidding.

Seriously. I heard it
on the radio this morning.

Wow, imagine that.

I think maybe we'd better get
back to Van Nuys Airport.


Yeah boy, to be one of those astronauts,

Just think, that lovemaking experiment

will give a whole new meaning
to the phrase “T-minus ”

“and holding.”


No, no, no!

I think you ought to do it
exactly as we planned.

And I think you're enjoying this role
you're playing just a little too much.

I don't want this woman
suspecting one little thing.

She's very capable of interference.

And if she does?

Then I'll do exactly what I have to do.

That's the way it's always been.

You mean you'll do whatever you have
to do, as long as it satisfies you.


No woman has ever known me like you do.

You never stop, do you?
You just keep on coming.

You wouldn't have it any other way.

No, damn it, and that's what I hate.

About you or me?

About both of us.

I hate you

because you just left her, you'll use her.

Now you're here with me
and you wanna use me.

And I'll probably let you, and
that's what I hate most of all.

You and I are cut from the same cloth.

We both know exactly what we want.

I want this to be over.

I want to move on to the
next step of the plan.

You want me.

Damn it, yes!

Michael, this is Hawke. Come in.

Where the hell have you guys been?

Hey, don't rag on me
Michael, I'm in no mood.

Put us back in section , search’n.

First rule of the road:

watch where you're going, cowboy.

And cut. And print!

Go get him, fellas.

Terrific, sweetheart. Just great.

You're sure? I could do
it again if you want.

No, you were super.

Next time I'm gonna get you some more lines.



Okay everybody, we're on the wrong set.

Let's all move to Stage for the process.

Bravo! Bravissimo! A star is born!

Ken! How'd you get on the lot?

I've got friends in Security.

You were great out there!

Well, Shakespeare it ain't.

But it's a lot of fun.

Yeah, it is fun. It's a lotta work.

Have you ever thought of
going into this full-time?

- What, acting?
- Yeah.

Well, what little girl hasn't? Of course.

But you see, I happen to be a grown-up,

and I'm also a pilot, and a good
pilot knows his or her limitations.

Spoken like a true grown-up.

I hope not. Grown-ups can be so boring.

What have you got in there? What?

In this little basket,

I have a bottle with a
genie in it named Dom!

Dom Perignon. I know this guy.

He grants great wishes.

I'm counting on it.


Ken, this is perfect.

Your gazebo.

Thank you.

Our Dom Perignon.



Ever since we first met,

I've kind of had the feeling
that you were working on

a little bit more than
your helicopter rating.

Has it been that obvious?

No. Hardly.

Well, how am I do’n?

Well enough for me to wonder if you've
ever been involved with someone.

Really involved?

Cate, in some countries,

if you sit in a gazebo with
a man and drink champagne,

you better be married to him.


No, seriously.

Serious seriously?



Is that bad?

It all depends.

I think maybe I'm just too selfish for it.

Is that a warning?


What if I said I was willing
to take the chance?

Life's a risk,

Caitlin O'Shaughnessy.

But the more you're willing to risk,

the greater the reward.

of the Szechwan specials, please.


I could get really used to this.

Me, too.

I'd like to cut in.

Sorry, this one's taken.

I think that's up to the lady, isn't it?

No, thank you.


Say, you better take me up
on this offer to dance, quick.

In another minutes,
I'm gonna give up and leave.

Look, you're somewhat amusing, but…

In other words, you're bothering us.

Besides not too smart, what
else do you like in a man?

I think that's enough.

You heard the lady.

I don't think this guy's really got
the goods that you need, you know.

Before you make a complete
ass out of yourself,

I'd ask myself the question,
“Wouldn't I rather be at the bar,”

“having a nice, cozy drink?”

Well, would you?

Yeah, sure. Why not?

Well said.

Actually, I hired him to make me look good.

Give the man a bonus.

Michael, we've searched the
entire grid of California,

in fact, the entire left coast.

We're zip on fuel, we've gotta make
a rendezvous with a fuel ship.

Make one final high-speed run
up the middle of the state

and do a pattern recognition
for confirmation.

All right.

By that time, we'll have run a preliminary

sequential sector search in Arizona

and we can transmit it to your
sonic scanner for extrapolation.

You mean we may end up searching
every state in the Union?

If we have to. We're talking
about nuclear weapons here.

Heavy , Airwolf.

Airwolf. Go.

We just about got you topped off.

Anything else we can do
before we disconnect?

Oh, sure! You can check the oil

and clean the windshield, please.

Funny man. Stand by to
disconnect on your count.

… … … … … disconnect.

Okay Ken, watch your attitude.

Collective full down.

Roll the throttle off.


Well, I couldn't have done it better myself.

Thanks coach, we aim to please.

You certainly do.

Ken, what is it?

I want you to know Cate, what's
about to happen has to happen.

What are you talking about?

Get out of the chopper, Cate.


Just get out.

Come on!

What the hell are you doing?


Single vehicle. Looks like it went that way.

What's going on?

We picked up an ELT signal on our radios.

That's an emergency crash locator beacon.

It was identified as Santini Air.

Looks like somebody snatched Caitlin.

For what purpose?

Michael, your guess is as good as mine.

But we're gonna start a search immediately.

Now, wait a minute, Hawke! I'm concerned
about her safety, too, but we've…

Now, look!

Don't you give us any bull about
your priorities Archangel,

not when it concerns Cate,

or, by God, you and me are
gonna go nose-to-nose, pal.

All right, all right!

Besides, I know you
well enough to realize

that until this thing
with Caitlin is cleared up,

neither of you'd be of any
use to anybody anyway.

Place a call to the Governor.

Tell him I'd like to request he
activate the Air National Guard

to assist us in the search
for those detonators.

Yes, sir.

I've still got a job to do.

Well, you do what you gotta do, Michael.

Sir, it's Ken Sawyer. He says
he's looking for Mr. Hawke.

He's got Cate.



Hawke, what are you do’n out
in the middle of nowhere?

Did you lose something?

You listen to me.

If that girl is hurt in any way,

you're as good as dead.

Now Hawke, she'll be fine,

as long as you follow
my instructions to the tee.

So what do you want?


Just like that, huh?

Just like that.

You see, I need to move something
out of the country, fast and quiet.

It requires Mach-plus speed,
stealth capabilities.

This is in exchange for Caitlin, right?

That's right.

On the other hand,

if you go jumping froggy on me,

she's a long time dead.

I'll let you know where to pick me up.


Sawyer wants Airwolf.

Damn it!

He was staring me straight
in the face all the time,

and I didn't wanna see it!

The theft of those detonators
was an inside job.

Who better than the Head of Security?

The woman betrayed.

It's in your eyes.

Can you also see stupidity?

Don't be so hard on yourself.

All set.


I have to know. Last night…

Didn't mean a thing.

Fantastic. I love it.

You know, Sawyer,

this is no E-Ticket ride at Disneyland.

Let's get on with this, huh?

Fly a heading of .

Are we running on stealth mode?

You asked for it, you got it.

Now, this is an interesting little device.

Some kind of b*mb, I suppose.


There's a couple of electronic refinements

that make the device impossible
to be tampered with.

Now, this is a remote triggering device.

It's got a signal range
of just over miles.

If I release tension
or it's jarred from my hand…

Angel I, do you read me? Do you copy?

Sir, I have contact with Airwolf.

Are you sure Sawyer can't
monitor our transmissions?

No, only Mr. Santini can hear us.

He can relay communications via
his terminal modem to our system.

I've also patched in a voice synthesizer.

Their computer’ll talk to us, sir.

What the hell are you doing back there?

This is the engineering console.

I make sure we stay in the air, pal.

Have you informed them
that we've located the ship?

No, sir. I've just made initial contact.

Hawke, Dominic, can you copy?


We've located a ship from which
Sawyer made that call to you.

Have you found Caitlin?


But obviously Sawyer wanted
us to trace that call.

When we tried to board the ship,

we found that it's been systematically
booby-trapped with expl*sives.

We're assuming she's onboard.

He has a b*mb detonator box

with C- bombs.

Cannot be disarmed

or removed from attached point.

The transmitter will set
off a timing device,

and seconds later,

the b*mb will explode.

We're headed straight for Maxitech.

Very perceptive.

Those detonators were never
even stolen, were they?

Perceptive again!

A fake! It was all a fake!

You knew that those detonators
couldn't be triggered conventionally,

that we'd find them sooner or later, huh?

The raid on the plant
was just a smokescreen.

A dog chasing his own tail just gets dizzy.


Glad to see they sent you, Babe.

Sounded interesting.
What's it look like, Mike?

Well, we're not sure if the girl's onboard,

but we've located several
booby-traps on the ship,

and everything else tells us
that it's highly probable.

You run those facts
through one of them there

fancy computers of yours, Mikey?

Well, from the brief’n I got,

I'd lay odds it's a good bet
the little lady's on the ship.

Open it.

That's why this whole area

registered hot on our equipment.

A simple but effective hiding place.

Now pull those detonators out of
there and get them onboard Airwolf.


This one seems to be like all the others.

Yeah, tension-release.

You pull the door open, it
releases the tension on the wire,

the detonator goes off and you're stew meat.

I guess this means I'm not supposed to move?

Not unless you wanna end up
in the Crow's Nest.

When we hit Tijuana, hang a right to
and cut over to the Rio Hardy.

Yeah, and then what?

I've got planes waiting
to escort me south.

We offload the nuclear
triggers onto my plane

and you guys can split.

You expect us to believe that
you're gonna turn us loose?

Well, what's to prevent us
from com’n after you?


And the fact that you've got a b*mb onboard,

plus strapped to your lady friend.

By the time your b*mb squad
guys get it disarmed,

I'll be long gone.

We got a problem here, Michael.

Babe, you're one of the
few people in the world

who can get away with calling me Mike.

When you call me Michael,
I know we're in trouble.

Well, I thought maybe you might
wanna move on outta here.

Sounds like a hell of an idea.



That's Cate.


Michael, I'm in here!

Cate, everything's all right!
Hang on! We're coming!


Come on!

Well, thanks, Hawke.
I really appreciate the ride.

Sawyer, that girl better be all right.

Hero till the end, huh, Hawke?

Assembly and wiring's a pro.

I can't cut out the timing mechanism

without triggering an arming device.

Detonator's protected, too.

will get you there's a
release trigger on the back side.

What do we do?

Well, I think we'll use the old
version of the credit card trick.

Here goes noth’n.

Your choice of words leaves
a lot to be desired, Babe.


Where are you?

Michael, over here!

Boy, am I glad to see you!


Can you fix it?




It's my real name, Henry. I
wanted you to know that, Michael.

I still say you're crazy if you think
they're not gonna come after us.

Well, they sure as hell aren't
gonna send Airwolf after us.


He armed it.

When that top display
gets to zero, that's it.

How we do’n?

I'm work’n on it.

If I can't find a detonator radio frequency,

we won't be able to block
the firing mechanism.

We're gonna to know in seconds.

I'm trying…



It stopped!

That's cut’n it pretty close, Dom.


Caitlin, you're okay.

I told you Michael, everything
is gonna be all right.

It's okay, Cate.

I've got you now.

Everything's all right.

Set those planes down.


The detonator doesn't work.


Where have you guys been?

You missed all the fun.