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03x04 - Fortune Teller

Posted: 05/11/23 05:30
by bunniefuu
- Michael's Jeep, straight ahead.
- Got it, String, but it's empty.

Where's Archangel?

Next, on Airwolf.

If we don't find him soon, he's a dead man.

You saw him?

Let's just say I had a dream.

I guess maybe this gift you have, that'd be
kind of a heavy weight to carry sometimes.

You're good, cowboy.

What's so all-fired important
about this meeting, anyways?

And how come we gotta do it way out
here in the middle of nowhere?

Your guess is as good as mine.

Archangel just said he wanted
a high-security transport.

He asked me for Airwolf.

- Michael's Jeep, straight ahead.
- Got it String, but it's empty.

Where's Archangel?

Out chasing lizards for all I know.

Start a grid search.

Grid search.

Noth’n human down there.

Just regular assortment of desert critters.

Listen, why don't you drop me here?

Take the Lady and notify the Firm.

They're not gonna like this.

Okay Hawke, what the hell is go’n on here?

I was hopin’ that somebody from the Firm

could tell me what was go’n on.

Look, Hawke, your play-dumb act
doesn't do diddley for me.

I suggest you play ball for once, Hawke.

Bring in Airwolf to aid in the search,
and cut the lonesome-cowboy act.

When I work for the Firm,
I deal with Archangel.

He doesn't seem to be
around right now, does he?

Then butt out. Don't get in
my way on this one, Hawke.

Nah, I won't get in your way Dublin.


I'll be too far ahead of you.

I'll be talk’n to you, Sam.

Mr. Archangel, it's so nice to see you.

- I'm sorry to say, I can't return
the compliment, Mr…
- Mr. Stoner.


The name seems vaguely familiar.

Well, I do try to maintain a low profile.

Stoner. Yes…

Low profile?

- Ireland, wasn't it?
- Yes.

You helped redefine the word trouble.

Word has it that you're now making it very
big as a merchant in military hardware.

Yes well, I have done all right.

It is a seller's market, Michael.

You don't mind that I
call you Michael, do you?

Not at all, Patrick.

Perhaps I can offer you a drink?

I'll pass.

A broccoli quiche for lunch?

Broccoli gives me gas.

How about a doggie bag and
a return ticket to my Jeep

at Crazy Horse Flats?

Well, well…

I might have known. Gurvovich.

Once a traitor, always a traitor.

Oh come on, honey.

We can do it together.

Are you kidding? I get dizzy
just look’n down there.

Okay, if this kills me,
though, cremate the body.

Come on, sweet cakes, let's do it again.

How're you do’n, Sam?

Oh, am I glad to see you guys.

Ah, sorry honey,

I gotta talk to these guys.

You're gonna have to go
down by yourself this time.

How come you guys gotta
bug me on my day off?

We've exhausted everything else.

Look, you guys know more about Archangel's
vanishing act than the Firm does.

Honest, fellows, I mean,
we got noth’n for clues.

And there’s this rumor
that's gotten out of control…

What kinda rumor?

I don't buy it for a minute, see, but…
well, the talk is, Archangel has gone over.

That's a crock!

Hey, Archangel may be a lot of
things, but he's not a traitor.

Hey guys, don't fire on me,
this ain't me talking.

I don't support that kind of talk.

But… the word is, that Archangel's
acting more secretive than usual.

Making meets at unusual times and places,

and, you know, the truth is,
Archangel is too… sensitive.

The Firm, they can't risk him being
out in the cold without contact.

What's that suppose to mean?

They've frozen his section,

and word has it that
Zebra Squad was ordered

on full alert at : this morning.

If Archangel hasn't been found, or if
he doesn't come in within hours,

they're gonna activate the squad.

Now, wait a minute. Hold it…
hold it… hold it… right here.

Now look, would you clue me in
on this Zebra Squad business?

It's the Firm's assassination squad.

If we can't find Archangel before
they do, they'll do a hit.

Let's have the somersault race.

Come on, line up.

Let's go!

You all set?

- Yes.
- No.


On your mark,

get set,


Well, the way I see it, we don't
have a whole lot of options.

Oh come on, Dom, a lady psychic?

Well, how does she find these missing
persons? She hold a seance?

No, it's ESP or something.

It ain't hocus-pocus.
I've seen what she can do.

Hi, Teach.

Dom? I don't believe it.

How are you?

Well, you look great for a relic.

It's not the time,

but the mileage that's
turning me into an antique.

Yeah, I can tell by those
road maps under your eyes.

Those aren't road maps,
those are laugh wrinkles.

No, nothing's that funny!

Listen to you.

Come on, sit down.

What brings you around?


Megan Ravenson, Stringfellow Hawke.


We're looking for this man.

He's a very important friend of ours.

Dom, I can't do that anymore.

You can't, or won't?

It hurts too much.

But Meg, you're one of the best.

I… I've seen with my own
eyes what you're capable of.

You made a believer out of me.

And what did it get us? A dead child.

And it wasn't just that little
girl, it was all the others.

Dom, you know if it was anything
else, I would. I just… I can't.

You know, Miss Ravenson,

I'm not sure I completely understand
what it is you do or how,

but Dom told me he thought that you
could help us find our friend.

Whether you want to or you won't,

one thing for sure. If we don't
find him soon, he's a dead man.

Come on Dom, we're wasting time.

- Megan, are you sure…
- No, Dom!



We'll gain his cooperation
through sensory as*ault.

When we bring him out of the induced coma,

then we apply sleep deprivation.

He'll suffer hallucinations and psychosis.

But he shall give us the information?

Very good. Very good.

You're to be complimented, Doctor.

This is a much more sane
and humane method of t*rture

than the use of gratuitous v*olence.

I'm sure Mr. Archangel
will feel most indebted.

I called every air-charter business I know.

None had contracted any flight into
or out of the Crazy Horse Flats area.

Well, that's strike then.

I called all the law enforcement
agencies. They've got nothing.

So, we've got zip.

What do we do now?

He's still alive.

Megan, I knew it.

I knew you'd come, Megan.

What was it made you change
your mind, Miss Ravenson?

Megan will do.

You said Archangel is still alive?

What have you got, Megan?
What did you find?

You saw him, did you?

Let's just say I had a dream.

Whatever. Where?

Dom, you know it doesn't work that way.

I feel we have a chance to find him.

He's in great danger.

And we don't have much time.

Yeah, that's what I was
telling you before, lady.

- Cate, watch the radio.
- Right.

You see, you gotta think of
psychics as a kind of a radar,

out there scanning the environment.

I tend to think of them as just a
little bit more than out of trim.

Now, I'm having my doubts about you.

You gotta give it a chance, String.
Have a little faith, will ya?

Maybe she needs a crystal
ball, or something.

If you expected a trance, or
spells, or maybe incantations,

I'm sorry to disappoint you.

What I do is not magic.

Just exactly what do you do, lady?

What exactly do you expect me to do?

Find Archangel.

I can't do that if the psychic input

is clouded by emotional bias, prejudice,

or how I'm getting along
with those around me.

In other words, you're causing an awful
lot of static, Stringfellow Hawke.

No, no, don't. Give her a chance,
will ya? Give her a chance.

I've worked with her before.
She knows what she's doing.

Please. Listen to her.

They took him. Armed, masked men.
They took him that way.

Lady, this isn't a Western movie.

That way is north.

It could be straight over the North Pole
into Russia for all the good that does us.

Then go to Russia. Go to
Australia for all I care.

It's Russia! That's what it is.

- The KGB's got him!
- I don't know.

- You think so?
- I don't know.

- But it could be?
- I don't know.

Hell, I could do a lot better
at the crap tables in Vegas.


What is it with you?

You asked me here. I'm here
to help you, remember?

How about a little support?

All right, take it easy now. Easy does it.

I don't believe this.

You've interrupted her bio-sensors.

Now, please, easy does it.

Make it up to her, will you?

If the pain is too much, Michael,
believe me, this is nothing.

Shall I increase it? Double it?


Then stop fighting me, Archangel.

Mr. Stoner, Professor Roberts
has just returned to the lab.

And a unit is standing by.

By no means is he to be harmed.

Yes, sir.

Well Doctor,

your reclusive colleague, Professor
Roberts, will soon be joining us,

and I will be one step closer to owning

the most sophisticated airborne
defense system in the world.

Look, this silent bit isn't
gonna get us anywhere.

I am tired of this.

Listen, why don't you just pipe down?

Where are we?

Megan, you promised.

Dom, set this thing down.

No, we're out in the middle of nowhere!

Set it down, right now.

Set it down, Dom. I want out of this plane.

Set it down! Fine, I'll jump!

Hey, what the hell's the matter
with you? You crazy or what?

All right, all right, all
right, I'm set’n her down.

Hey, what's wrong with you, lady?

That's one thing right, right there, Mac.

I am tired of you calling me lady,

and I'm sick of being treated like
some kind of alien or something.

I am only human.

Why can't you give me a break?

I guess maybe this gift you have, that'd be
kind of a heavy weight to carry sometimes.

Well, no more difficult than
what you carry around, l guess.

What's that?

A whole lot of ghosts.

Yeah, I know, String.

But if you could
just let go of some of them,

maybe you could learn to accept
the things you can't change

and grab on to the things you can.

We managed to circumvent
his coded computer files, sir.

Now, it appears as if Archangel has
been secretly working on a project

- code named the Fortune Teller.
- Fortune Teller?

It's a tactical avoidance system
designed for aerial combat.

In theory, it's a fly-by-wire
piece of avionics hardware.

What do you mean, "fly-by-wire"?

The pilot doesn't have to fly the airplane?

Essentially, yes, sir.

The device is coupled with
a radar-warning processor,

which intercepts an enemy plane's
offensive or defensive moves,

translates them to an onboard
central air data computer,

which in turn transmits evasive
or programmed attack signals

to a flight system's a*t*matic pilot.

Now, what you're saying is, Fortune Teller
out-guesses an opponent's next move.

Yes, sir.

What this amounts to, is a
or second speed advantage

in reaction or attack time over an enemy.

Besides Archangel, who else was involved?


Professor Stanley Roberts,
an avionics wizard of sorts,

who formerly taught

at the Leeds Technical School of
Aeronautical Engineering in Florida.

Do you have a location on him?

He mysteriously came up missing,

coincidentally, with the commencement
of project Fortune Teller.

Find him. Who else was involved?

His name is Mikhail Gurvovich.

Oh yes, Dr. Gurvovich.

I was part of the Firm's debriefing
team who interviewed him

when he defected from Russia.

I know where to find him.

Let me see that.

Give me a pen.

He was taken north,

but originally he was headed here.


Here, huh?


Julian VOR?

Not Julian. Warner!


Julian VOR,

is an air-navigational transmitter.

Sort of a homing device for aircraft.

Hey Dom,

there's a place called Warner
Springs just to the south.

We're on our way.

Move, Roberts, move!

It looks like we might be a little late.

Why, it sure looks like Archangel.

Yeah, but he isn't.

What is that?

It looks like somebody's made
an avionics shop in this barn.


Crene... What?


They're notches. They're the
cutouts on the tops of castles.

The dream I had.

I saw Archangel in a dungeon-like cell.

Castles have got dungeons.

Are you saying that whoever has
Archangel has him in a castle?

Well, the closer we get,
the more targets I see.

But sometimes I can get bombarded
with too much information,

and I can get what we call displacement.

I'm more than a little confused right now.

That's when something or
someplace that I’m sensing,

at first may not seem to be connected,

but it could turn out to
be indirectly related.

Hey Dom, have a look at this.

This could almost make a believer outta me.

“Archangel. Gurvovich.”


Hey, this is the same day
that Archangel disappeared.

Oh, I'm sorry honey.

You just go right ahead

and keep on do’n what you're do’n. Go ahead.

I wonder if that was Gurvovich

they just took off in that helicopter.

Whoever he was, he was definitely
connected to Archangel.

Dr. Mikhail Gurvovich, maybe?

No Dom, don't look at me like that.

I know of him because of his work
in the para-psychological field.

He also happens to be
a genius in physics

and I heard he was working on
some kind of an avoidance system

for MiG fighters.

Avoidance system?

I read somewhere, the Russians
were working on a device

that is supposed to somehow be
able to out-guess enemy pilots.

I think it's time we went and got the Lady.

I'm confident we have everything you need

to complete the wiring and the final
assembly of the Fortune Teller device.

And if I refuse? There are some
things worse than death, Professor.

Archangel's security plan

called for Gurvovich, Archangel, and myself

each to have a key to the
final assembly of the device.

As you can see, I have the
good doctor's cooperation.

I have full faith and confidence
that I will have yours.

Therefore, the only thing
lacking is Mr. Archangel's.

God, what have you done to him?

Psychological surgery.

Archangel has the key to the wiring diagram

for the Fortune Teller's arming mechanism,

and that is solely committed to his memory.

Then Professor, for your sake,

you had better hope he still has a memory.

hours and minutes until
Zebra Squad's activated.

What's so funny?

I don't see you as the kind of guy
that would have a Scottish terrier.

String doesn't have a Scottish terrier.

All he's got is a good-for-noth’n
old Bluetick hound.

Santini Unicom to Hawke, come in.

This is Hawke. Come back.

Your friend at the Firm came through.

The Doctor lives in the valley

at Shotgun Lane.

What a mess!

I'm getting something.

Men in suits.

They have g*ns. Policemen, maybe.

They found a book inside a
piece of furniture. Here.

Funny words. The book has
funny words. I can't read ‘em.

I see men.

Archangel, Gurvovich and some other man.

They're in a sandbox.
They're building a castle.

A dog. A Scottish terrier.

He thinks the castle is a fire plug.

Oh, God, no!

No! No!

I don't want to do this anymore.

No! No.

Easy! Easy!

Easy! Easy!


What the hell is it?

I felt death.

I really felt death.

His name is Patrick Stoner.

Apparently, Dr. Gurvovich's diary

was a fail-safe in the event
Stoner double-crossed him.

It was a simple code to decipher.

So where does this guy,
Stoner, fit into the story?

Stoner is reported to be one of
the world's foremost merchants

of military hardware.

Tanks, planes, missiles… you name it.

My God, if he gets his hands
on the Fortune Teller…

- Do you have a location on Stoner?
- Yes, sir.

Then alert Zebra Squad.
Tell ‘em to saddle up.

Are you ready to tell me
what I want to know, Michael?

Yes, Patrick.

Dungeons, diary, castles, Scottish terrier…

What is this supposed to do for us?

This is the nd time we've been through this.

I've got my strongest
feelings about castles.

Is there anywhere nearby Crazy Horse
Flats with the name "Castle"?

Dom, punch in the bearings
for Crazy Horse Flats,

then take a radial off the Julian VOR.

North. The same direction
the commandos went.


I've got a converging fix.

You got anything that says
"Castle" on the map?


I got a Scotty's Keep.

A keep is a castle!

The Scottish terrier. Scotty's Keep!

I must give credit to Mr.
Archangel's constitution.

He was more of a problem
than I had anticipated.

But you got what you wanted.

I always get what I want.


Excuse me, but you wanted to be informed.

Professor Roberts has finished
wiring the arming device.

Excellent. Excellent.

Well Doctor, I wanted to thank
you for your cooperation.

k*ll him first,

then after Professor Roberts
has completed installation

of the Fortune Teller device
in my plane, dispose of him.

I will look after Mr. Archangel.


Bogey, dead ahead.

Scanning for identification.

Looks like a UH- B

with M mm grenade launchers,

M . rocket pods,

and quad . calibers loaded for bear.

That's a Zebra Squad as*ault chopper.

Looks like it's head’n in
the same direction we are.

Scramble its radar. We'll fly over it.

- Turbos!
- Turbos.

I want to thank you for your help, Michael.

Circling. What do you got, Dom?

Listen to this.

You'll never get it on the market.

The Firm will track you down.

That was Archangel.

What is it?

We have an unidentified target on radar

approaching from the south!

They've picked up the Zebra Squad chopper.

I'm gonna set it down
on this ridge over here.

Is it installed yet?

A few more minutes.

Come on, man. Come on, be quick about it.

Don't stand there looking
at me! Get it done.

It's finished.

Fortune Teller device is installed.

k*ll him, and then see about Archangel.

- Let's go. Come on.
- Stoner!

Stoner! Stoner, we had a deal!

I lived up to my part, Stoner!

Okay Dom, come and get us. Now!

I'm on my way, buddy.

What the hell is that?

You've got to take him out, Hawke.
He's got the Fortune Teller device.

Well, now, let's see what
this Fortune Teller can do.

- Bring me up a Maverick.
- Maverick.

He's on our tail, String.

It's the Fortune Teller. It's functional.

You won't be able to shake him, Hawke.

We've got to jam his signals!

There's no mechanical way! I know,
I helped design the damn thing!

You're good, cowboy,

but you're not good enough
to beat the Fortune Teller.

They haven't built a machine yet that
could replace a good pilot, Hawke.

Let's hope so.

Don't stall.

The Firm is gonna pay for this one.

You guys were gonna k*ll me!

But sir, we were operating
under Special Order # , sir.

And to quote,

"An operative who becomes a risk
to the Firm shall be eliminated."

I know the order, Dublin! I wrote it!

And you can bet your butt there
will be an amendment to that order

'cause it doesn't apply when I'm involved!

All right, men, let's get
these prisoners out of here now.

Come on, let's go. Move it.

I know what you've been through.

So, how about flying me up to
your cabin to meet your dog, Tet,

and take me fishing.

Are you kidding? He'd love that!

- Why, he's one of the best fishermen…
- I never told you my dog's name was Tet.