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03x03 - And a Child Shall Lead

Posted: 05/11/23 05:29
by bunniefuu
I'll find your Dad.

I'll bring him back safe, I promise.

You can't just grab people
at gunpoint and hold them.

But I have.

Run for the woods as fast as you can.

You understand, Bobby.



If he won't accept his responsibilities,

then he just doesn't exist for me anymore.

And I don't care what you say!

I'm gonna have this baby
and I'm gonna raise it alone.





What was that?

Applause. You were sensational.

Dominic, thanks.

I sure hope my acting coach thinks so.

You know, scene study is such an
important part of becoming an actress.

Well, I guess.

But is that what you really want?

I mean, it seems like such a tough racket.

I know. But I'm already
sort of in the business,

and anyway, getting that speaking
part last week really cinched it.

All you said was, "The helicopter's ready."

I think the Producer did it to save money.

Now don't tell me I didn't hear that.

There's something in there.

There's noth’n. Just ignore it.

- No way.
- All right. All right.

I was gonna save it as a surprise.

But if you insist…

No, wait a second.

Dominic Santini, if some kind of
rodent comes charging out of there,

I am gonna blast it and you.

Rodent, huh?

You call this a rodent?

Dominic, he's darling!

What's his name?

Her name is Alexandra the Goat.

And she's not a darling.
She's a tough little hombre

who, I think, could make one hell
of a watch-goat around here.


Keep all those marauding tin cans at bay.

Oh, sure, sure, go on.

Have your fun.

But I wanna tell you one thing.

A goat saved my life one
time, you know that?

I had crash-landed in the Sierra Nevadas,

and I didn't have the faintest idea
how to get off those mountains.

Along came a goat,

led me right down to civilization.

Dom, you don't have to
convince me. I love him.


- Shown her to Hawke yet?
- Shown me what?


meet Alexandra the goat.

- Yikes!
- Okay, another wise guy.

I'll have you know that
this goat is a present

from my friend, Monique.

And she says that goats
are a symbol of virility.



Sister Monica.

What a pleasant surprise.

I am sorry to interrupt, Dominic.

You were saying something
about your virility.

Oh, no, forget it. It's noth’n.

I am sorry to hear that.

I just want to make sure
you hadn't forgotten about

Saint Julien's school picnic on Sunday.

Wouldn't miss it for the world, Sister.

- We're looking forward to it.
- Excellent.

Mr. Hawke.

Bobby Phelps tells me that you
and he have some sort of deal.

Yeah. Yeah, I guess
we've got a deal, Sister.


Sometimes the children misunderstand
and end up being disappointed.

No Sister, you won't be disappointed.

Well, I guess that takes care of everything.

Except perhaps, finding a way
to revive Dominic's virility.


Bobby, what's this?

It's a girl, Dad. See.

Yeah, it's a girl. I can see that.

But I just wondered why are you drawing her?

She's pretty.


Wait a minute.

That's the billboard
off the freeway, isn't it?

She smiles at me every day.

You drew that from memory?

I draw good.

Well, Bobby. You draw well.

I draw well, too.


Hey, it's getting late.
Time for the homework.

It's not, Dad.

Come on, I'll help you.

Okay, show me what you can do.

“The big ball.”

“The big ball.”


“and the boy.”

“The big ball…”

You can do it, Bobby.

I sure will be glad when this
little operation's over with.

Hell, I don't see what we're wait’n for.

Turn me and my little friend here loose,

and we'll handle this job in no time.

No, Bobby, that's "went".

See, W-E-N-T. Went.

It's hard, Dad.

I know it's hard, but you can do it.

Needs work.

You don't wanna give up
when things get tough. Right?

- Yeah.
- Right.

Move over.

I tell you what,

I think it's time we made a family deal.

All right, if you can read this
entire book by Thanksgiving,

I'll take you back up to Crystal Lake

for camping and fishing.

Fishing! I got a big one!

I remember.

- Now, what do you say? Deal?
- Deal.

And remember, a Phelps never
goes back on a deal. Right?

- Right.
- Right.

Right. Right. Right.

Bobby was born with extraordinary ability.

Although he's below average
in general mental development,

he sees things in great
detail and can reproduce it.

We don't know why,

but Bobby can draw anything.

- Can't you, son?
- I draw good, Dad.

No well, Bobby, you draw well.

Yeah, I draw well, too.

Come on, he can't draw anything.

He's not that good.

Here you are, guys.

- Here you go.
- Thanks.

Here you are, hon, enjoy 'em.

This is home base.

Are both of you read’n me?

Okay, stay on your toes.
We'll have to move soon.

Who wants to learn how to play an E chord?


Here, you practice it, okay?

- How you been, buddy?
- Hey, where's my hug?

Thanks, cutie.

Hey String, how about our deal?

Our deal? We had a deal?

You forgot?

Nah, I didn't forget. I thought you might.

I did not.

A Phelps never goes back on a deal.

Phelps' don't go back on a deal.
All right, for you.

Oh Bobby, that's beautiful.

You did all this from this photograph?

I don't know what to say.

Thank you.

Hey String, listen, where's
the rest of the deal?

Rest of the deal?

Oh, yeah, I think I got someth’n
here with your name on it.

You got it!

Yeah, I just called a
buddy of mine at NASA,

told him I had a special
guy that needed one,

just like mine.

This went to the moon, too?

Yeah, it went to the moon.

You know, this is made of special alloy
that they used in the Apollo mission.


Since you're a special bona
fide honorary astronaut now,

how'd you like to go flying?

Really? You and me?

You take over guitar lessons, Cate.


- Come on, I'll race you.
- Yeah.

Okay, all right, now who
wants to go for a boat ride?

How you feel’n?


Nope. This is lucky.

Yeah, I guess so. Honorary astronauts
are always safe up here, huh?

There's Caitlin.


Hey String, do you like girls?

Sure, I like girls. What about you, buddy?

Yeah, I like to draw pretty girls.

Draw’n pretty girls sounds
pretty normal to me.

My Mom was pretty. She died.

Well Bobby,

sometimes it's kinda hard when
you lose someone close to us.

Dad says Mom's an angel, she can watch me.

That's a good way to look at it.

Hi Mom, it's me, Bobby.

I'm here in the sky with String.

I love you, Mom.

Okay, Collins, the crowd
has thinned out enough.

Let's do it.

- Mr. Phelps?
- Yes?

Hi, I'm Alan Collins.

I understand you've just been appointed
to the Scholarship Committee

- here at the school.
- Yes.

I'd very much like to discuss
the program with you

if you have a minute, sir.

- Sure, I'd be glad to.
- Great. Shall we walk?

Okay Rogers, he's on his way.

Cover his back. No one interferes.

Hey, there's my Dad.

Excuse me, we want an ice-cream.

String, they're taking my Dad.

Somebody take care of the kid!

Sister, take care of Alexandra for me!

What happened?

Somebody grabbed Phelps.

How could they grab him
from the middle of a picnic?

They used an ice-cream truck.

That ought to be easy enough to spot.

They couldn't have gotten that far.

They got to be around here somewhere.

I don't know how, but we've missed them.

Maybe if we swing back south.

Are you kid’n? We've lost ‘em.

And sooner or later we've got
to go back and tell Bobby.

Hey String, where's my Dad?

Bobby, I'm sorry, I couldn't find him.

When is he coming back?

I don't know.

Those men took him, didn't they?

They might hurt him?

They might k*ll him?

Bobby, look at me.


Listen to me.

I'm not gonna let that happen.

I'll find him, I promise.

It is a deal?

Yeah, let's make a deal.

Listen, you hang tough and you give
me a chance, I'll find your Dad.

I'll bring him back safe, I promise.

Okay, it's a deal.


Welcome, Mr. Phelps. The name is Maxwell.

What is the meaning of all this?

Oh no, come, come, let's not
play the outraged victim.

I know who you are, and I know
all about your new wing designs.

Simply put, I have some friends
picking me up in hours.

And I'm gonna have with me either
those designs or you, Mr. Phelps.

And believe me, if you
leave the country with me,

my friends will get those designs,

but you won't be coming back.

I'm really not feeling very well.

You disappoint me.

I expected more from you
than cheap theatrics.

Oh, God.

Help me! Help me!

He looks real bad, Mr. Maxwell.

I don't think he's faking it.

Get a doctor. One that won't cause trouble.

Okay, the house is clean now,

but we found audio surveillance in rooms.

Sounds like professionals.


Here's the file on Mr. Phelps.

Thank you.

“Robert W. Phelps, , widower of years,”

“one son, holds patents
in aircraft design,”

“all paying substantial royalties,
estimated income last year $ , .”

“Estimated net worth $ . million.”

“Latest project: a new wing design”

“with extraordinary lift capabilities.”

“Extremely valuable applications”

“to combat aircraft and space travel.”

Bottom line,

he's prime value to both sides.


One more thing. He had a
heart attack years ago

and some recent episodes of angina.

A probable candidate for a bypass

which he put off until
finishing this latest project.

The Firm has taken over from
the locals and the Feds.

We'll give you anything you need.

This man needs to be in a hospital.

He's had a myocardial infarction
of moderate severity.

And of course, you'd recommend the hospital

where we acquired you.

He needs immediate treatment,
or he's going to die.

Well then, you'll have to stay here
and give him that treatment, Doctor.

But I have other duties.

You can't just grab people
at gunpoint and hold them.

But I have.

Now you have choices,
be a Doctor or a patient.

I'll need equipment.

Anything you want.

Are you gonna pull the plug?

And lose millions? No, of course not.

But they'll be here in less than days.

You haven't got his designs,
and you sure can't take him.

True, but I've been examining our options

while you were arranging
Dr. Stuart's house call.

Now you told me Phelps'
son has a special talent.

Yeah. I mean, the kid's Ret*rded,

but he can draw anything he sees.

And he saw the designs?

Yeah, just when I was pulling surveillance,

he must've been at his
Dad's desk a dozen times.

In fact, one night he was drawing something,

the old man told him to stop
and not to copy Dad's work.

Well, that's the solution.

The son may be as valuable as the father,

under the circumstances.

It's a great idea, Mr. Maxwell,

but the cops will be
swarming all over the kid.

Well, I think I have a way
around that little problem, too.

That's not much time to
raise that kind of money.

I'll do it.

Guess I was wrong.

They didn't kidnap Robert for his
designs, they just want money.

$ , to be delivered sometime tomorrow.

I can authorize that myself.

We'll have Mr. Phelps
back by tomorrow night.

You hear that, buddy?

I knew you'd keep your deal. I'm lucky.

Hawke, I need a word with you.

They said Robert collapsed.

We've got to get him back by tomorrow.

You are lucky.

You all set?

I think so. Just so long as I know

that you and Cate got that
Lady ready to pounce.

- Here's your surprise.
- All right.

We're ready.

Nothing like a radiation dipped $

for a homing device.

Airwolf's scanners will pick
this thing up for miles.

All right. Now listen, these guys are pros,

so they're gonna be running me all
over the place, you understand?

Just so they won't think
they're being followed.

But please be patient, will you?


Right. I'm on my way.

That's Archangel. First drop, Burger Barn.


Testing, testing, … … … Do you hear me?

Loud and clear.

This is it, g*ng.

I'm heading for Route

on the edge of the desert.

I have to leave the money
behind a tree. Okay?

That sure sounds like the drop to me.

Dom, we'll do a high-level
recon before you get there.


Dom, everything is negative on the recon.

There's nobody around for miles.

After you make the drop, drive a couple
of miles north over the ridgeline.

We'll be wait’n for you.


What are they wait’n for?
It's been over an hour.

Yeah. They seemed so anxious

to grab some dough and get lost.

You don't think they're on to us, do you?

That just doesn't add up.

I mean, they act like they don't
want the money after all.

Damn it! You know maybe that's it.

They don't want the money.

They want Bobby.

He's with Sister Monica at Saint Julian's.

Hey, let's go.

Sister, where's Bobby?

Why, he went with those FBI men.

The ones who said you
had rescued his Father.

What happened to my Dad?

This is what I did last time
Dad was sick. He got better.

Listen Bobby, I'm sure that's
helping your Father a lot,

but there's something else
you could do for him

that would help even more.

I could sing to him.

No, even better.

You see, when your Dad got sick,
he was making us those drawings

that he was working on,

the airplane wings.

You remember those, don't you?

Half my life in the intelligence business

and I get suckered like a rookie.

Hey, face it. We blew it.


Obviously, the kidnappers were
after the designs all along.

They needed Bobby because
they couldn't use Robert.

I'd say chances are they were telling
the truth about his collapsing.

That's our best clue.

So, we're looking for a man
who suffered a heart attack

within the past days.

What does that tell us?

Well, they might have gotten him
treatment under an assumed name.

We'll check every hospital, clinic,
and Doctor's office in the area.

Of course, they might be trying
to treat him themselves.

Wouldn't they really need
a Doctor and medications?

Sure. Medical equipment, a heart monitor?

That would mean a medical supply
house. Get right on that.

And this time let's do it right.

No more screw-ups, okay?

I made that kid a deal, and we've
gotta find some way to keep it.

Okay, you sit down over here

and you draw it right there, okay?

I can walk funny, too.

Hey, you sit down. Now, come
here, come here. Sit down.

I'm not playing games with you anymore.

I got a boil on my foot.

And you've been to the kitchen twice,

and the bathroom times in the last
hours, so you ain't helping any.

Now, do your work.

I don't like you.

I don't care if you don't
like me. Just do your work.

No sale at Memorial Hospital.

That guy fit Phelps' description,
but it wasn't him.

Damn it.

You know, if anything happens to this kid…

Easy does it, easy does it.


Hi String, we got something.

A medical supply house in Oakwood Hills

sold a whole complex of heart attack
equipment and medical supplies

to a Dr. Stuart days ago.

Dom, check the map for an Oakwood Hills.

Oakwood Hills, check.

Oh String, that's not all.

It seems the clerk remembered her

because she bought way
too much of everything.

We cross-checked this Dr. Stuart.

She was reported missing yesterday.

Got it.

Great work, Cate.

Come on, Dom.

I want my Dad, I want my Dad!

What's going on? Why is he cry’n?

He wants to see his old man every minutes.

Listen to me, you stupid ape,

that kid is the key to more
money than you ever dreamed of.

Anything he wants, he gets.

If he says "jump", you ask, "How high?"


Hi Dad, it's me, Bobby.

Hello, Bobby.

He's waking up. He's coming better.

I'm tak’n a break.


What's the matter with you?

I got a boil on my foot. It's k*ll’n me.

What? Is it red and swollen?


Very painful to the touch?

What do you think it is?

Well, don't you know

there's been an outbreak of Rocky
Mountain fever in the area?

A sore like that is one
of the first symptoms.

Now you've got to get off
that foot and soak it.

I want you to turn on the hot
water and I'll be right there.

Bobby, listen carefully.

You've got to get help.

I help Dad. Yeah.

It's up to you, Bobby.
I can't leave your Father.

You see, you take this note,

run through the woods as fast as you can.

You give it to the first person you meet.

They'll call the police.
You understand, Bobby?

Yes, Dad, I can run fast. I'm an astronaut.

I know you can do it.

I can do it, Dad.

You can do it, Bobby.

- I love you, son.
- I love you, Dad.

The kid's gone! He got out a window!

- He what?
- Jenkins is after him.

Well, you better hope he finds him,

or that kid'll have a perfect likeness

of your mug plastered from coast to coast.

Jenkins will find him.
He's just a harmless kid.

Oh yeah, just a harmless
kid that could hang us all.

Well, at least he's given
us nearly all the drawings.

Listen, the ship should be on site by now.

Contact our friends, tell
‘em to send a special taxi.

- They'll understand.
- Right away, sir.

- Should we pack up?
- Yes.

If that kid ever reaches civilization,

it would be better if we were long gone.

Get’n anything on standard scan?

I'm get’n plenty, but none of it helps.

Let's try thermal for a while.

I already tried thermal.

There are people down there,

but who knows if they're the right people.

Okay, let's just make another pass.

Right, I'll try matrix scan.

Oops! String, I just got a very
high reading on beryllium.

Listen Dom, the medal,

the one I gave Bobby, was mostly beryllium.

Stay on that source. We're go’n down.


Bobby! Bobby!

Bobby, it's me, String!


Remember String, we made a deal?


It's okay, son. Are you all right?

String, my Dad's sick. He give me a note.

Bobby, all it says is to call the Police.

Do you… do you know where your
Dad is? Could you show us?

I don't know, String.

Bobby, tell me how long
have you been running?

Do you remember that? How many minutes?

I'm too dumb.

No, you're not. Don't worry about that.

Come on. Bobby, you're not
dumb. You've done plenty.

Bobby, you see anything that looks familiar

with those cabins or houses down there?

No, no I don't.

I was afraid of that.

Hey, I got an idea.

Bobby, you saw the front of the house

when they brought you there, didn't you?

You think you could draw it for me?

I need a paper.

No, no, no, no.

I want you to take that
graphic pad with a light pen

and you draw it right on there.

I can see it right over here
on my monitor, okay?

- You think you could do that?
- Sure. I got one at home.

Attaboy, I can see it right up
here on my screen. Attaboy.

It's coming in good.

Great idea, Dom.

Do a horizontal scan.

- We're almost ready, sir.
- My special taxi?

- On its way.
- Excellent.

What do we do with Dr. Phelps and Stuart?

Well, have you heard the expression,

"cut off the head and the body dies?"

Well, cut off the Doctor
and the patient dies.

I'll attend to it personally, sir.

This is the house.

Hey, we got it.

A quarter mile dead ahead.

I also see a craft leaving
the area at high speed.

I'm running an ID scan on him.

It's a BX- gunship.

Roger, Dom. Let's take care
of business here first.

Give me combat mode.

Give me a thermal scan.

Got one person in a back room,

subnormal body temperature.

That's gotta be Phelps.

It's okay, Bobby.

Oh, brother!

Like trying to


a , Bobby.

All right.

All right, Bobby, I think
he's gonna be all right.

Put that machine on the ground now,

or I'll do it for you.

Arm the weapons. I've got to make that ship.

Listen Robert, the next time you
get one of these super-sensitive,

high-tech brainstorms,
I wish you'd let me know.

I'll get the Firm to assign a few
people to keep their eye on you guys.

Like her?

I'll tell you one thing,

if it hadn't been for this boy's drawing,

we never would've found that house.

Yeah, so I understand.

In a few days, I'll be out of here,

taking Bobby with me up to Crystal Lake.

It'll be a first for me, going
fishing with a full-fledged hero.

I catch a big fish, too.

You sure better not forget about me.

String, I'd never forget you.

I draw a picture for you.


You look good smiling.

Oh boy!

I'll tell you Bobby, this is real good.

I just don't think I’m the model type.

You look good when you smile.

You know, you look great with a smile, too.

Since you made me such a great drawing,

I'll tell you what, I promise
you I'll smile more, okay?


All right.