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03x02 - Airwolf II

Posted: 05/11/23 05:28
by bunniefuu
The man who built Airwolf II

is the same man who built Airwolf I.

Next, on Airwolf.

They've got another Airwolf.

It's impossible.

Hawke will come for her,
and we'll take care of him.

The talk is over. It's proof time.

Put up or shut up.

Just you and me, Hawke. Airwolf to Airwolf.

Land that thing now, while I'm
still in the mood to let you.

There have been many words
written and spoken

that have attempted to describe courage.

But all have fallen woefully short.

Bravery is not an easy quality to perceive.

If courage, however, is the
willingness to face danger…

You'd think you could
invent a comfortable tux.

without withdrawing…

Testimonials and comfort
don't go together, pal.

- that the man we honor tonight
- I'd rather be fighting a w*r.

- has never withdrawn from anything
in his life.
- You already have.

And so, it is with great
pleasure that I present to you

a man whose life embraces courage,

the Chamber of Commerce's Man of the Year,

Ray Starky.

Thank you. Thank you.

Thank you, ladies and gentlemen.

Not only is this award an honor for me,

but it's also a reflective honor

for million other Americans
who are physically challenged.

This better be really important, good buddy.

It's an awfully important night
for a good friend of mine.

You better believe it's important.

Where were you last night?

What, we had a date or something?

Don't get cute with me, Hawke.

Right now, I'm the only thing

standing between you and
an immediate FBI arrest!

Gentlemen, please, let's
have little courtesy.

For those who have to deal with handicaps…

Everything's been arranged, sir.

I believe the innate faculty
that serves them best is

self discipline.

You mind telling me what's going on? I
find this a little less than amusing.

Hawke, you know I'm not
a man of rash conclusions.

I deal in facts and logic.

What kind of bug you got
in your pants anyway?

You have no idea why I'm here.

Where were you last night?

Michael, why are you coming down on me?

Last night, a fully-loaded military train,

property of the United States
Air Force, was h*jacked

at exactly… What was it?

hours in Lassen Pass

utilizing a precise military-style…

And the reason I'm coming
down on you is that

the attack was led by none other than…

Michael, you're telling me that
you believe I was involved

in a military train hijacking?

I am telling you facts. I'm trying
to arrive at logical conclusions.

Well, you're not doing too hot.

Check the report, Hawke.

The as*ault on the train was
led by a Santini helicopter.

, gallons of jet fuel,

cases of and mm cannon a*mo,

cases of Sidewinders and Hellfires,

and Redeye missiles were stolen.

All items applicable to an Airwolf mission.

These are facts.

I'm going to try and tell you
as calmly as I possibly can

that myself or anyone I know,

meaning Dom and Cate, would
never, ever, for any reason,

steal or hijack anything.

I've been doing nothing but telling
myself that I've got to believe that.

The fact that you don't,
sets my guts on fire.

The talk is over. It's proof time.

Either put up or shut up.


Let's see what this does for your gut.

This is a tape from the
security car on the train.

That's Santini's chopper.

I don't know what's going on here, Michael.

But I guarantee you one
thing, I'm gonna find out.

The Committee is pressing
real hard for your arrest

I don't know how long
I can hold off the FBI.

Well, this old bird's
gonna be down for a while.

It's a cinch those holes
aren't pigeon peckings.

Yeah, but they don't look exactly like
b*llet holes, you know what I mean?

Somebody's gone to an awful lot of trouble
to make this look like the chopper

that was used in the
train hit the other night.

Or one just like it.

At any rate, the FBI is gonna be around
asking us all kinds of questions.

And we all better have some
answers or get outta Dodge.

Come on, let's go find
some of those answers.

Sure, but where?

At the movies.

Should I come with you?

That won't be necessary.

Desirable, but not necessary.

Follow me, please.

Well, well, well.

If it's not my old friend, the
Angel of Secrecy. How you doing?

What's this?

A delicious little slice
of angel food cake?

Homer Jenkins, isn't it?

Well, it has been a long time, hasn't it?

Harlan, Harlan Jenkins.

Yes, one of Moffett's assistants
on the Airwolf design.

No, I think it's the other way around.

Well, now that we're establishing
identities, who are you?

What's the matter darlin’, you don't talk?

Only if it pleases her, or if I tell her.

Nice seeing you, Harlan.

By the way, I wouldn't make a move on her.

She's a cobra.

Hey buckaroo,

next time you see me, you're
gonna know exactly who I am.

This Committee has tolerated long enough

the division of your loyalty between
Stringfellow Hawke and the Firm,

a division, I might add,

which has never been far from treason.

Unless he's been selling
vodka to the Russians,

treason seems a little strong to me.

Nevertheless, by protecting the man Hawke

and his theft of Airwolf, you have
consistently placed this organization

and the security of the
country in severe jeopardy.

There is no question of either
Hawke's loyalty or my own.

You know that.

The decision of this
Committee has been formulated.

Minus my vote, I'll tell you.

In short, Hawke has gone too far,

and you, Mr. Coldsmith Briggs
III, have not gone far enough.

Therefore, as of this day,
you are suspended from duty

with this organization until further notice.

You will have no access to Hawke

and no access to the files

or the offices of the Firm. Clear?

You've been canned, son.

Without me, you have no Airwolf.

All right.

The truth is, Mr. Coldsmith Briggs,

we have no further need of Airwolf.

Archangel, please meet Airwolf II.

So, we meet again buckaroo.

How long have we been here?

hours, minutes and seconds.

You sure this guy knows what he's doing?

Every move. Trust me. I used to date him.

He never misses.

I didn't mean that.

Hold it. Right there.

I can bring that up a bit.

Can you show me the tail section?

If you got any portion on that screen
no smaller than an ant's behind,

I can bring it up times.

You've cleaned up your act, Mel.

Only in public.

He never used to say "behind."

Look at the tail section.

That might just be what keeps
the FBI off our backs.

I don't see a thing.


No weld seam, right?

You got those pictures?





It's for you.



Keep your pants on.



Damn it boy, why can't you use my name?

You know, as a spy, you'd
make a fine Sports Announcer.

How'd you know I was here?

Now listen to me carefully.
They've canned your pal.

- Michael?
- Yeah, that's right.

Right down the tube.

And I wanna tell you something.

You never had a better friend in your life,

and this country's never had a
better man working for it either.

I want you to get out there and find him.

- Help him.
- But why would…
- Don't ask questions.

Just do it.

Come on, let's go.

- Where are we go’n?
- To help out a friend.

Look’n mighty fine today.

Well, wait a second, I don't
think you should just run off.

I've got to give you credit, amigo.

You certainly know how to pick a
fine meeting place, don't you?

I doubt that the Firm will
intrude on us here, Mr. Jenkins.

I think that's a real safe bet.

Well, as pretty as they might be, I

know you didn't invite me here to look at…

fine bodies.

Quite true.

My people are getting, shall we say, eager

for us to proceed with our arrangement.

They request a more precise time schedule.

You listen to me.

Now, I'm gonna be steal’n
a piece of machinery

that costs over $ billion,

and I don't really think the United
States Government is gonna package it

and ship it to a tortilla republic,

if you comprendo my meaning, sir.

So that there's no
misunderstanding between us,

our mission does not have to be compromised

with talk of tortilla republics.

I can assure you I'm aware of your problems,

but I also know that you are
being paid exceptionally well

for the risks you are taking.

Listen to me, amigo.

You and your People's Republic
couldn't afford to pay me

if I was charging you what
this job is really worth.

I'm doing this to settle an
old debt, do you understand?

And before I'm done, this
whole world is going to know

that the man who built Airwolf II

is the same man who built
Airwolf I. And that is me.

Your vengeance is directed at a dead man.

Moffett is burning in hell.

Without a doubt.

I just wanna make sure he has some company.

So, you tell your people I'll deliver when
it is time to deliver it, all right?

And you remind them of the fact that
only pilots can fly Airwolf.

And personally, I don't think
Mr. Stringfellow Hawke

is gonna deliver one to you, do you?

No, I didn't think so.

Well, that's the third place
we've looked for Archangel.

Where do you look for a guy
whose life is full of secrets?


You know, those b*llet holes,

they were . calibers. They leave
a ragged edge when they exit.

The rims of all those holes were smooth.

You're right.

And you were right about that weld seam too.

Well, that means that the chopper that
hit that train wasn't ours, right?

That's right.

Somebody's set’n us up.
I don't know who or why.

And they're do’n a good job of it, too.

Without those close-ups, I could’ve sworn
that that chopper on that tape was mine.

Hell, Michael did too.

If you'll pardon my
enthusiasm, Mr. Secretary,

what you are about to see may be the finest

single aircraft in the world.

- As good as Airwolf?
- Perhaps better.

And if you'll pardon my sense of realism,

a half-billion dollar cost overrun

and years of development
ought to buy that.

Plus dozen angels of the Lord

flying around the thing
singing Amazing Grace.

I believe my report stated
that this is a prototype,

the only one of its kind.

To avoid duplication,

the plans are stored only
in the on-board computer.

The cost of this alone...

All right man, let's get on with it.

Redwolf, you have a go.

Shall we begin, Mr. Secretary?

My God.

Permit me to say, Mr. Secretary,

the cost overrun is money well spent.

The last demonstration is coming up.

Come and get it!

Congratulations, Mr. Jenkins.
The test was superb.

Well, thank you very much, Mr. Secretary,

but for a bird like this,

the test was routine. The pilot was superb.

You're harder to find
than a cat in a doghouse.

Before you say anything,
I wanna tell you that

I know that I came down
on you like a damn fool.

If my brain had been working
at all, I never would have

even entertained the thought that my
friends would steal anything from anybody.

Sounds vaguely like an apology.

Let him go. Let him go.
I love to see a fed grovel.

About the only excuse I can
offer is that the Committee

has been on my back in a way that exceeds

all prior harassment.

Only yesterday did I find out why.

Well, all right, why?

I could be brought up on some heavy
charges for telling you this,

but they've got…

they've got another Airwolf.

You mean the Committee has
developed another Airwolf?

That's right.

It's impossible. I don't believe it.

Believe it, it exists. I have seen it.

Obviously, somebody set you guys
up because you've got Airwolf,

and it was Airwolf's kind of fuel
and armament that was stolen.

Yeah, except for now,
from what you're say’n,

there's another ship around
that uses the same stuff.

Somebody figures to have
it in their possession.

The question is, who?

The "who" comes later. Right now
we better take care of the "what."

Next time, you call Zeus.

I will, but only for the
sake of National Security.

- Dom, please.
- Yeah, sure.

This is Angel One.

Yes, I know my code has been
deleted! Who is this?

I see.

Well I suggest, for your sake,

that you contact Zeus and inform
him that he has a possible

Bravo Code situation involving Airwolf II.

Tell him to get back out to the test site.

I'll meet him there as quickly as I can.

Who did you talk to at the site?

Harlan Jenkins. Remember him?

“Good ‘ol boy,” Harlan Jenkins?

That's the one.

Your old flight school buddy.

Boy, how could he forget?

I'll tell you, when String beat out Jenkins

for that high test-pilot slot,

Jenkins went to work for Moffett
as his number-one lackey.

And spent years trying
to convince everyone

from the President on down that
he was the one responsible

for the major developments in Airwolf.

With an ego as big as Texas.

Well, that ego now belongs to the Committee.

He's back working at the Firm,

only this time, he's # pilot.

Redwolf, this is security!

Your actions are not authorized.

Shut down! I repeat, shut down your engines!

Adios, air base.

So you wanna play catch with a mule, do ya?

Hey, what's go’n on?

That's gotta be Jenkins.


Jenkins, this is Stringfellow Hawke.

Hawke, old buddy, You cannot
believe how good it is to see you.

Seems to me that I'm in an eagle

and you're fluttering around
in some sparrow, don't it?

It had to have been Jenkins. He set us up!

Dom's right. If he wants to,
he can blow us clean outta the sky.

I'd say we'd better play to his ego.

Jenkins, so what's all this about?

Well Hawk old buddy, I'll
say it's a matter of pride,

otherwise I would have
blown you outta the sky

when you first came
into my sights, wouldn't I?

So what made you hold off?

You want the truth?

I'll tell ya, I have been wonder’n
and I have been dream’n

for a long time, what you would do

up against me on equal terms.

Just you and me, Hawke. Airwolf to Airwolf.

I thought that was settled a long time ago.

Not in my mind, cowboy. Not in my mind.

Yeah well, how do you see it?

Well, I think you'd be coyote
meat in about minutes, son.

You know Harlan, you sound a
little like a coyote yourself.

Always, "Yip, yip, yip"

That's funny. I'll tell you what though,
I could blow you right outta the sky

right now and spare you
any future embarrassment.

I could do that for you.

I'm not flying alone, Harlan.

I thought you were bigger than that.

Bet you did.

That's very nice of you and I’ll
tell you what, we'll do it later.

You just name the time
and I will name the place.

I'll tell you what, when you think
you're ready, you just call me up.

Hawke, I have always been ready.

But you hang by that phone, you understand?

Because I'll call you.
You can count on that.

I don't mind telling you, dirt
farmer, I nearly got religion.


If you were try’n to draw him out,
I'd say you did a bang-up job.

At least it bought us some time.

If you ever wanted to see that chopper
again, you'd better hope it works.

What reason is worth jeopardizing a fee

of $ million?

The ship is waiting for us
in the harbor right now.

I told you before, I got this little matter

I wanna settle, that's all.

A little matter?

We're on a very precise time schedule.

The entire delivery is in
danger every hour we delay.

I need a better reason than
"just a little matter."

All right, how does this sound?

First, I'm gonna check the Redwolf
over, make sure it’s okay,

and then when I'm through
with that, I'm gonna arm it.

Then I'm gonna make a phone call.

Then I'm gonna blow Stringfellow Hawke

right outta the sky.

No, no, you're not crazy enough
to think that I'd let you

jeopardize everything
so you can play cowboy.

What, you're so stupid to think
the Firm is just gonna let us

fly south in a billion-dollar-plus bird,

now that we've become a national threat?

You that stupid?

Damn right, they're not.

They're not gonna let that happen.

Old Moffett, he tried to take off
in the first Airwolf, didn't he?

They sent Hawke after him.

You can bet your butt they're
gonna send him after me, too.

So, I say forget it.

Right now, we handle it right here and now.

Settle it for good. On
this side of the border.

Except this time, I'm gonna do it my way.

Texas style.

Oh, adios amigo.

Would you like to explain this?

Wait’ll you hear this, son.

I regret, first of all, the manner in
which you were brought here, Michael.

But would you have come had we
simply requested your presence?

I think you know the answer to that.

Precisely. Now, to the reason we have taken

these extraordinary measures to
assure your appearance before us.

Here it comes.

With due respect Admiral,
if you persist in commenting

on these proceedings,
I shall be forced to rule you

out of order and remove
you from these premises.

All right, all right.

Now then, Michael.

We are distressed to report
that Airwolf II has been stolen.

I know that.

Yes, of course.

Then you also know the man who
took it is Harlan Jenkins.

What plan he might have for
such a ship is problematical.

However, we have reason to suspect

because of the v*olence
of this morning, that,

whatever his motives, they are
decidedly less than honorable.

Therefore Michael, we wish
to ask you to help us

to retrieve the helicopter we call Redwolf,

or to have your friend,
Mr. Hawke, to sh**t it down.

We're asking you to help us, Michael.

A friend said to me recently that
he loves to see feds grovel.

I'd like nothing better at this
moment than to see you on your knees.

However, the obvious dangers involved
here forbid me that pleasure.

I most certainly will not
help you, Mr. Chairman.

But I will help my country.

- We appreciate that.
- In exchange for which,

I want total access not only to our files

but to the NDC Alpha Brackett computer,

I want the Airwolf budget doubled,

I want full international
access classification

and I want you to leave me alone

to do my job.

Whatever you need, Michael.

Nice shot, kid.

C'mon muchachos, let’s go, chop, chop!

We can't risk letting him fight Airwolf.

But there might be a way to
stop him before it starts.

Let's hope this is all for nothing.

The entire Firm has been
put under Michael's command.

He's promised me he'd try everything
before he has to send us in.

Yeah sure, but this isn't just
another milk run, you know.

When it comes right down to it, can you
think of a better way to stop Jenkins?

Against Airwolf?

They could call out the Air Force, the Navy,

even the Marines.

Send 'em where?

Just hope I've baited him
enough to come after me.

I'm gonna go relieve Cate at the
office. You finish up here.

Okay, sure.

But you call me right away if Jenkins calls.

He'll call. Like the man
said, you can count on it.



Hawke, where the hell are you?


Get everything you need?

Where's Caitlin?

Was she supposed to be here?

Yeah, she was going to

watch the phone, and wait for Jenkins' call.

“Sorry we missed you, but perhaps
your friend will serve the purpose.”

“She is over the mountain of the
moon, safe as long as you come.”

What's it mean?

It means they were after me,
and they're using Caitlin

to get to me.

Over the mountain of the moon.

Down the valley of the shadow.

Edgar Allan Poe.

“Ride, boldly ride,
the Shade replied,”

“if you seek for El Dorado.”

Dorado Canyon.

Could be.

Dom, it's Hawke, come in.

Dom, do you read me? Come in, Dom.

Go ahead, String.

Listen, they got Cate.


You know where Dorado Canyon is?


Meet me there. Bring the Lady.


Meet us there.

Remove the rope and gag.

I apologize. We are not always
so ungentlemanly with ladies.

Who are you and why am I here?

Let us say, to lure your friend, Hawke.

Hawke? A trap for Hawke? Why?


This is a nice surprise.

How'd you know it was my birthday?

Hi. My name is Harlan. Who are you?

Don't worry, she’s Hawke's lady friend.

Hawke will come for her,
and we'll take care of him.

You fly Airwolf II aboard our ship.

Hawke's gonna come, but he's
gonna be loaded for bear.

Alonzo, excuse me,

you'd better hope I'm
as good as I know I am.

Very nice to meet you, ma'am.

Where do you suppose Jenkins went?

I don't know, but I don't
suppose he's gone too far.

I want Hawke to see you.
He's nearby, I can sense it.

My main priority is to stop Jenkins.

If he gets Airwolf II off the ground,

we have no way to stop him
but to send you after him.

I don't particularly want
to sh**t it out with him.

The Firm doesn't want that, either.

We can't afford to risk
losing both Airwolf's.

But if he plans to fly his out of
the country, we've got no choice.

I understand.

All right, hold it right there.

Throw those weapons out in
front of you. Now! Real easy.

Here's a present for you.


Welcome to El Dorado, Mr. Hawke.

Please don't force me to hurt her.

His name is Alonzo Delomo.
He works for rebel forces.

You know, there's no way on God's Earth

that harm’n that girl is
gonna help your cause.

She dies, you die.

You know me. You know I mean it.

I don’t wish to k*ll anyone,

but I will do what must be done.

Looks like we got a
standoff then, doesn't it?

How do you suggest we settle
this standoff, Mr. Hawke?

String, I've got an incoming bogey.

Stringfellow Hawke.

This is the time baby,
and this is the place.

String, I've got him covered.

Back off, Tonto.

This is between me and the
Lone Ranger, you understand?

If you don't, I'm gonna start with him, I'm
gonna finish with you. Now, get outta here.

Looks like Jenkins has
called both our hands.

Drop it. Drop it or the girl dies.

Drop it.

It is not what I planned but
I accept the terms of w*r.

You can't afford it.

You are right, I cannot.

I think the wise thing to do
is to hope that Jenkins is

as good as he thinks he is.

A true revolutionary would have k*lled her.

I know it’s against my better instincts,

but why do I find myself wishing you well?

It's a matter of class.

Come on Hawke, tell the old goat-herder

to get the hell outta the way. Now!

Not both of us. Not this time. Please, Dom.

All right.


keep your backside to the sun, you hear?

Don't make a liar outta me!

Come on, I'm wait’n, hotshot! Let's go!

Old goat-herder, huh?

String will put you in the backside of hell!

Good sh**ting there, hotshot.
You just k*lled a mountain.

Try this, chicken Hawke.

Couple more of those and
you're gonna be noth’n

but a desert barbecue, boy.

You know Harlan, anybody
that sh**t as lame as you

sure didn't design an
Airwolf weapons system.


You're late for the rodeo, Jenkins.

Land that thing now, while I'm
still in the mood to let you.

Not a chance, Hawke. Not one chance for you.

That's the greatest bit
of flying I've ever seen.

Michael, you're seriously
not going to quit the Firm.

I'm considering it.

But they apologized, right?

Not elaborately enough.

Sounds to me like he's reconsidering.

Don't bet on it. They called me a traitor.

Well, you called me a liar.

As I'm calling everyone to dinner.

Chow time.

The ladies will gather immediately
afterward for dessert

at my place.

Ladies and gentlemen, allow me to present

a human being in a business of pigs.

This is the Admiral.

The Admiral. The Admiral!

Oh boy, look at this.


Bon appétit.

Wonderful. What is it?

Cochon roti.

Cochon what?

Roast pork.

Roast Pig.