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03x01 - The Horn of Plenty

Posted: 05/11/23 05:28
by bunniefuu
The next subject will
be Stringfellow Hawke.

NARRATOR: Next, on Airwolf.

I want you
to deliver Airwolf.

Given in the instructions
you received with this tape.

Take cover!

Would you betray me?

Thanks for coming.


Revert to all
primal instincts.

Revert to all
primal instincts.

He saved your life.

You owe him.

Undying allegiance
to the end.

He saved your life.

WOMAN : Revert to all
primal instincts.

WOMAN : You owe him.

How do you feel,

I feel fine.

And what is it
you want to do, Donald?

Whatever you want me
to do, Mr. Horn.

And you know what that is,
now, don't you, Donald?

Yes, Mr. Horn.

Then do it.

(g*n FIRES)

The next subject will
be Stringfellow Hawke.

DOMINIC: What kind of charter
and for how long?

Oh, no problem.

You called the right place,

I got two of the best,

myself and Stringfellow Hawke.

Nobody over ?

Then I guess you want
Stringfellow Hawke.

Yeah, yeah, I know.
I'll be there.


What the hell's so bad
about being over ?

Mr. Van Dorian.

Sir, excuse me,
but I'm curious.

You've hired myself and
this helicopter for three days.

It's only a three-and-a-half
hour trip to Scottsdale.

We could be there
and back by tonight.

Look, look, mister,

this is
no ordinary charter.

These precious gems that
you and Miss Bolotin will deliver,

they are worth over
one half million dollars.

My client is very, very
important, very busy man.

He don't like
to be pressed.

The Van Dorian
jewelers do not press him.

Isn't that so,


So don't be surprised,
Mr. Hawke

if we find ourselves lying around
the hotel pool for a few days.

Life sure is sweet when
you're under , huh?


That goes in there,
that one in there.

Hey, what about the buyer?
Don't you think we...

He knows we're here.
He'll turn up in his own time.

Now, I'm gonna race to
the tub, take an hour's nap,

and I'll meet you in the lounge
for cocktails straight up at : .

How does that sound?

Yeah, that's fine by me.

And, Hawke, wear a tie.

A tie?


What do you think
about purple?


This is Angelica Bolotin.

Suite .

Mr. Hawke and I
don't wanna be disturbed.

No phone calls,
no messages.

No exceptions.
Thank you.



You know, this may
be the greatest

vacation I ever had.

Yeah, me, too.

Oh, no.

We got a problem here.



Well, when the man snaps
his fingers, it'll be over.

Now that is a problem.

Yep, it sure is.

Who is this guy,

Nope. Sorry.
Can't. No names.

He likes to keep a very
low profile. Very eccentric.

Very unpredictable.

Does most of his wheeling
and dealing under street lamps.

He's as likely to show up
at : in the morning

as he is at :
in the afternoon.

Kind of sounds
like Howard Hughes.

He is like
Howard Hughes.

You know, I'm afraid that
I could get used to you.

Angelica! Angelica.

I'm mighty sorry for the intrusion
at this ungodly hour, honey,

but plans have changed,
as usual.

What is it, Neal?

Well, the boss got himself
held up down in Texas,

other kinds
of business,

and he wants the gems to be
delivered to him down there.

Of course.



Neal, this is
Stringfellow Hawke.

This is the pilot
that flew me down here.

String, this is
Neal Streep.

He's the gem buyer's
representative here in Arizona.

My apologies, Mr. Hawke,
but you see

my employer has decided to fly
out to the Netherlands this morning,

in his own plane, and
he's gotta have those gems.

He's gotta have them
with him.

Where in Texas?

Why, down around his home, it's
down around the Palo Duro Canyon area.

We can have a limousine waiting
for you right down by the pad,

if you can get down
there around dawn, and...

Well, you've been
there before, Angelica.

I have some flight
plans right here for y'all.

We'll be there.

I appreciate it.

Until then, Angelica,
Mr. Hawke.


Mr. Hawke.


I am John Bradford Horn.

I am John Bradford Horn.

Bradford Horn.

You owe him, Hawke.

Undying allegiance
until the end.

He saved your life.

Revert to all
primal instincts.

You owe him, Hawke.

Undying allegiance
to the end.

I am John Bradford.

Revert to all
primal instincts.


Revert to all
primal instincts.

You owe him, Hawke.

Undying allegiance
to the end.

Revert to all
primal instincts.

John Bradford Horn.

Please, have a seat,
Mr. Hawke.

Mighty nice having you
with us, Mr. Hawke.

You know this gentleman, son?

Yes, sir.

NEAL: Do you know
his name?

Better than I know my own.

Well, what is it?

John Bradford Horn.

Do you know
where he is now?

No, not exactly.

I... I lost touch
with him.

There's one thing for sure.

I owe that man
my eternal allegiance.

I'd die for him.

How do you feel
about me, String?


I like you.

I truly like you,

And how do you feel
about my deceiving you?

Deceiving you
to bring you here?

You know I don't
like to be lied to.

But if you did it for the
purpose of helping me find John,

I owe you many thanks.

I'm glad, String.

Because that's exactly
why I brought you here.

And I want you to
know something else,

I am John Bradford
Horn's daughter,

and you're gonna see
my father now.



That's right, Hawke.

John Bradford Horn,

and I need your help now.

Anything you ask.


I got a special delivery
package for a Dominic Santini.

Hey, Dom. Special
delivery for you.

I'm not expecting
any special delivery.

Well, you got one anyway.

Well, sign for it,
will you?

Right here.


Hey, you want to
give me the package?

Oh, yeah.

What do you want me
to do with it?

I'd like you to cut it up
into small pieces,

put it in a big bowl
with lots of salt and...

Open it, what else?

It's an envelope marked
"personal” and a videotape.

Dom, I'm being
held prisoner.

I want you
to deliver Airwolf

at the exact time
and the exact place

given in the instructions
you received with this tape.

If you do,

I will be set free to return
with you in the Jet Ranger.

If you don't
deliver Airwolf,

I'll be k*lled.

The detailed instructions for the
exchange must be followed to the letter.

There will be
no further communications.

Dom, my life is
in your hands.

The place is stripped.

Let's try that.

MAN: This is a recording.

If you persist in
doing things your way,

you are building
a casket for your friend.

Follow the instructions
you were given,

or he is dead.

This is your last warning.

This whole thing
is fixed.

Well, we know that
Van Dorian is tied in.

So he's tied in, so what?
He's flown the coop.

That's it.

We got to get the Lady.

Not we, me.
The instructions say me.

don't do that to me.

I care about him, too,
you know.

Probably more
than you know.

Neither one of you
is going.


What the hell
are you saying?

Hawke told you not to tell
me anything about all of this,

and I wish to
God you hadn't.

But now that you have, it's my
responsibility to alert the Firm.

Well, if you do that,
they'll send in the Marines!

And that'll k*ll
String for sure!

There's no way the Firm is gonna sit
back and let you just give Airwolf away.

Hey! We're talking about
String's life, buddy!

I know that, Dominic!
I'm not a machine, damn it.

It rips my guts, too!

Now, if we can just find some way
to save Hawke and still keep Airwolf,

I'll go along with you.

Maybe we can.

We all know that if those
people that nabbed Hawke

hadn't already known
about Airwolf's existence,

he wouldn't have
told them, right?

Go on.

Okay, people operating on that
stratum demand a thorough job.

Now, don't you suppose
they know that Hawke and Dom

are the only ones
who can fly the Lady?

Well, of course. That's how they
knew that Dominic could deliver her.

Well, I know something
they don't.

And that is?

I can fly her.

You can fly Airwolf?


Hawke and Dom taught me.
Nothing can undo that.

Now, you want to talk
about letting us go?

All right. Let's talk.

Come on, come on.

I'm giving you

and then I'm hitting that location
with everything I've got. Understood?


This is an experimental serum
the Firm has been working on.

It blocks the action of all
other dr*gs on the cortex.

If Hawke is under the influence
of a mind-altering serum...

Wait a minute. You mean,
this will set his head straight?

It's supposed to, but don't use
it unless you absolutely have to.

Reported side effects have been radical
drops in body temperature and convulsions,

and in about a third
of the tests, death.

We're going in, Cate.

If you get hung up,

remember the m*ssile
compartment. You got it?


Good luck, Cate.


How you doing?

You okay?

Fine. Thanks
for coming.



I don't understand. I
simply do not understand it.

The world is full of plenty
of important young men,

and you have the wherewithal
to have any of them.

Spoken like a true
father, Daddy dearest.

Then why this
Stringfellow Hawke?

Because he touched me.

Can't explain it. When it
happens, it just does, that's all.

He's a paper hero.

All you have to do is look
at his dossier to know that.

Then why is he here?

Because, my dear,

he's expendable.

And why are we having
this conversation?

Because I don't want you
to get hurt when...

If something should
happen to him.

No, no, no, no. I mean,
why are we really having it?

Don't smokescreen me, Daddy!
It doesn't track.

This isn't some wonky-ponky, windup
Barbie doll you're talking to anymore.

I now know
whereof my father speaks

and it is never
without devious purpose,

even when talking with me.

Why must you be
so damned intelligent?

You don't trust me,
do you?

After all the years, and
you still don't trust even me.

I love you.

But you don't trust me.

And you're trying to find out if,
because of my feelings for Hawke,

I might conceivably
try to save him.

Isn't that it?

Indelicately put, yes.

I've got too much at stake
not to cover all my bases.

What do you
want me to say?

Would you betray me?




DOCTOR: Mr. Horn.

Why isn't he
out of it, Doctor?

Well, he's a big man, but
Hawke shot him three times.

Any one of those pellets would
have knocked him out for four hours.

He won't be fully recovered
until morning.

As soon as he comes to,

I want him programmed
the same as Hawke.

Yes, Mr. Horn.


Where are you going?

I'm going to see Hawke.

Since he's taking off
at dawn,

I thought it might be nice
to see him one last time.

I'll see you
back at the house.

Isn't that all right
with you, Father?

Of course, Daughter.

You see,
I do trust you.

I wanted to see you.

I'd like to talk.

I know that you said you
could handle the deception.

I want you to know that I
hate it as much as you do.

And I just wanna know if
there is still a chance for us.

Is there?


'Cause, damn it,
I want you!

I care about you.

And because ...

I'm afraid that
you may not come back.

I'll be back.

Do you care about me?


Mr. Hawke's dinner tray.








No, no!

I thought it'd help you.










You all right?



I k*lled Dom!

I k*lled Dom!

No, he's in a cell here.

Your g*n was filled
with tranquilizers.

He's all right.
I've seen him.

I've seen him.

Hawke, who is
this guy Horn?

It was all over the news
a couple of years ago, he...

He built the biggest...
A bunch of people with him...

High-rises that didn't get built
and oil wells that didn't get drilled

and government contracts
that didn't get done, I don't know.

The government had him up
for a grand jury indictment, right.

He disappeared.

Oh, yes.

And the feds have been
after him ever since.

What does
he want with you?

An Airwolf mission.

I've got to find a way...

I got to find a way
to get us all out of here.

We will.

Everything all right,

I'm fine, John.

I don't know if you are familiar
with my accomplishments

of the past
several years.

As a matter of fact,
I'm not.

My intellect has been
pitted against oil tycoons,

Wall Street wizards,

even the United States

And, of course,
you've won.

Every time.

But as a result, I've
been labeled a fugitive.

A lawbreaker.

I'm a man without
a country.

A man of intellect such as
yourself should be above the law.


I am in the process of
establishing a world base

on a magnificently beautiful,
independent island country in the Caribbean

for those
who think as I do.

What can I do to help?

An agreement has been reached
with the government in power

for me to take
control of the island.

A leftist rebel group
is causing problems.

I want it out.

The rebel stronghold is
surrounded by radar.

It's heavily fortified.

Your mission is
to root it out

and destroy everything until
a flag of surrender goes up.

You'll then radio our planes
which will be circling off the coast.

We will then move in
with our paratroopers.

You will rendezvous with our
other planes one mile south of here.

They'll be taking off
at the same time, .

Your flight plan is across the
Gulf of Mexico just south of Cuba,

over Jamaica,

then directly in
over the island of Maura,

your target.

Do you have
any questions, Hawke?

No, sir.
I'm ready.

I'm depending
upon you, my friend.

Angelica... I don't
want to talk to you now.

Take cover!
Take cover!

Take cover!
Take cover!

What the hell?

Take the emergency exit.


What do you think
of the paper hero now?

I haven't lost yet.

I want to take care
of this personally.

Horn's mine.

I've got dibs
on Angelica.


I got them, String.
Quarter mile ahead.

I'll handle this.
Stay out of it.

Where'd they go?

I don't know.

Horn's gonna turn up
again sometime.

And when he does...

And the daughter!

Remember, she's mine.

Now, we got to notify
the authorities.

Let's go.