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02x22 - Short Walk to Freedom

Posted: 05/10/23 19:07
by bunniefuu
I am the government in this country,

Stringfellow Hawke.


We're gonna go back there and bust him out.

(Marella) Rescue One to Airwolf.

[g*ns firing]

Air support, combat.

(Ernie) Where is this Quinzumel?

I told you, the museum
should've sent us to Crete,

and we'd be diving for
sunken treasures right now.

(Jonathan) And miss the chance to
explore an ancient Mayan culture.

Listen to this.

The Mayan civilization developed a calendar
superior to that of the Egyptians,

and in mathematics they discovered
the use of zero before the Hindus,

and they were considered
to be the most advanced.

That book say anything about
the hotel where we're staying?

You know, last summer
when Mommy took me to China,

they had places that didn't
even have hot water.

(Jonathan) Look, down there! Right
in the middle of all that jungle.

[g*ns firing] It's them, the Mayan pyramids.

(Ozzie) That's our dig, all right!

And you kids get whole
weeks to sift through it.

Quite a change in climate,
crossing over those mountains.

Yeah, it sure is.

Lake Toneopah, the locals
call it the “Oven of the Gods.”

There's our airstrip dead ahead.

Señor Hathaway!

Bienvenido! How you doing, boss?

Tip-top Comargo, really raring
to go. Where is the bus?

Over here. Dumb tie rod cracked on me.

Don't worry, mechanic's got it %.

Forged me a brand new one as
good as Detroit's. You'll see.

- (Caitlin) Miguel, you forged that?
- Si, señora.

- Good work.
- Gracias.

You're not gonna find me driving
any clients across that lake

in any vehicle that's not %.

Good way to find yourself
as a pile of bleached bones.

On the way to the temples is no
place to lose a wheel either,

especially with guerrillas runnin' around.

There been a lot of guerrilla activity lately?

Si, lots.

Miguel, do not scare my friends.

There's always going to be
bandits in those hills, señor.

Alzar is not just a bandit, Comargo.

This Alzar, he's one bad guerrilla, huh?

Si, señor.

Across the Toneopah, many people
are joining the side of Alzar

because he says he is against Americans.

Señor Hathaway, we gotta work out that trip.

Follow me.

What have you got for me?

Ozzie, my friend, you're going to be happy.


th Century, nicest pre-Colombian
stuff you ever saw.

But are you going to be able
to smuggle it all at one time?

I have this private plane to
load up, I can take out a fortune.

You just get the shipment
ready while I'm at the dig.

I'll do my best, boss.

You know you can count on me
to make it worth your while.

[laughing] You got it.

You know Cate, I'm a little bit
worried about what that mechanic said.

Hawke, there have been bandits out
here for years. We're gonna be fine.

Take care, huh?

Thanks. I will. Bye.


(Kay) Jeez, it's so hot. The least they
could do is have air-conditioning.

[man exclaiming]

I'd give $ for a chocolate soda.

Hey listen, we ought to have a contest
to see who finds the first artifact.

(Comargo) Don't worry, little ones,
we'll be out of the desert soon.

In the mountains it's very cool, no?

What'd I tell you, g*ng? Safe and sound, huh?

Maybe you want to open up the windows,

let the mountain breezes get in your lungs.

[Comargo laughing]

(Caitlin) Comargo, did we leave the main road?

(Kay) Short cut señorita,
big windstorm last month

knocked some trees across the bridge.

Comargo, I think we're going the wrong way.

No, we're not, boss.

The temple is back that way. It's got to be.

Boss, there's some very
valuable stuff around here

you'll be interested in looking at.

[Comargo exclaiming in Spanish]

Hey Comargo, take it easy!

Is everybody okay?

Yeah, we're okay.

[sighing] There's got to be
a better road around here.

Now turn around and find some
other way. That's an order.

My best greetings to Colonel Arturo Alzar.

Okay, just do whatever he says.
Understand? No heroics.

That's very wise of you, señorita.

You, fat man, you follow behind.

[speaking Spanish]

[all yelling]

[g*ns firing]


All right, everybody out!


So Comargo, our paths cross again.

Colonel, I am very honored you remember me.

Comargo, if you know this boss-man,
tell him about the business.

Tell him I can make him a fortune.

You can speak for yourself.

I have means of exporting

any amount of pre-Colombian art
you can lay your hands on.

I have buyers in the States, they're
paying ’s of thousands for good pieces.

Colonel, let us go and I'll be your Agent.

You have the only access to the temples

now that you're controlling
so much of Quinzumel.

If I controlled the whole world,

and could not control my own greed,

I would be nothing.

Bribery will be added to your list of crimes.

Take them away.


(Kay) Where are we?

(Cookie) I don't know.

What's going to happen?

(Caitlin) We're gonna be
okay. We're gonna be fine.

(Caitlin) Don't be afraid. Don't be afraid.
Just do what they want.

(Dominic) Go ahead, Michael.

(Michael) Well, we have
a little more information.

Their bus has been found abandoned
in territory known to be held

by a Colonel Arturo Alzar.

We also have unconfirmed reports of Americans
being sighted inside his compound.


(Stringfellow) You know, Michael,
I really don't understand.

Caitlin cleared this thing with your office,

just like we all do when we go overseas.

And we gave her the green light, I know.
And we feel terrible about it.

But Alzar's new activity
just took us all by surprise.

He used to be just a local nuisance,
little more than a bandit.

He must have gotten some new backing
somewhere, a big brother in the region.

He'd never risk this without it.

Well, who's his backer?

That's what I want you to find out.

So get down there, free those people,

and then if you can, find out who's
behind Alzar and what his plans are.


Map coordinates to follow. Good luck.


Never seen one outside a zoo before.


Genus Amazona ochrocephala oratrix.


A parrot.

I'm sick and I'm getting worse.

- Come here.
- Really.

Well, you don't have a fever, Kay.

How can you tell without a thermometer?

Braille system.

(Ernie) Cookie.

What's really gonna happen now?

Whatever it is, I ain't gonna barf over it.

Hey, I didn't barf…

very much.

What the devil were you
trying to pull with Alzar?

I was trying anything. I was trying to save us.

I'm not a smuggler. I was just
hoping he would go for that.

Comargo's the one that turned us in.

Comargo's your friend, Ozzie.

He took a wrong turn, maybe.

We were sold out man, and you're responsible.

[Kay screaming]

It's okay. You're all right.
You're okay. You're okay.


I brought you a very rich gift, my friend.

Their scientific equipment, their cameras,

plus nearly $ , in traveler's checks.

Chema, you ever think back to the time

when we were both driving taxis in the States?

Do I ever Arturo, do I ever?

And if a limo from Boca Raton had
a flat tire in the Everglades,

what would you do?

Strip it clean, just like you would.

I don't settle for stripping anymore.

I take the whole car. I take the whole country.

That's a hell of a big bite
to take, my old friend.

Kidnapping US citizens.

I am not afraid.

You must have some protection. Some juice?


Jefe, the connection to Havana is made.

Hello? Yes, this is Colonel Alzar.

Hello, my friend.

(Dominic) I've got something.
There's a camp dead ahead.

(Stringfellow) I got it.

, people.

And I'm getting a lot of heat sources.
Some kind of sophisticated machinery.

Yeah, military machinery.

That's it.

If Cate can just give some kind of signal…

If Caitlin is in there, she'll find a way.

[machine beeping]

Move, come on.

[helicopter approaching]

Move. Everybody get up. Get up and move around.

Just move. Keep moving.

I've got something.

Give that lady a cigar for ingenuity.


Keep moving, move!


W-A-L-L. Wall.

Blast south wall.

Let's take out that wall and Caitlin
and the kids'll get in the courtyard.

String, what we need is a little diversion.

Looks like an a*mo dump down river.

(Dominic) At : .

[g*ns firing]

Okay, okay, get up against that wall
and get these mattresses. Come on.

(Ozzie) Okay, do what she said, kids.

(Cookie) Whoa, whoa what are we doing?

(Ozzie) Come on, get down. Hurry up.

- (Caitlin) Quick, move it.
- What's going on?

[g*ns firing]

Small cannon.


(Caitlin) Get outside. Come on.

(Jonathan) Hurry up.


(Ozzie) Get out there. Get out there.

Get the bazooka.

Hang on!

Come on baby, climb.


(Caitlin) Hawke!

It will not fly far.

Stay inside of this.

Oh, come on, baby.

(Caitlin) Okay, everybody
get out! Clear the basket!


Oh, man.

- Well?
- Well,

the pitch link was damaged by that rocket.

I figured as much.

[groaning] How is it, your back?

It's been out before. I'll be okay.

What about String?

He jumped off the net, so we could lift off.

That sounds like him.

What about Ozzie?

He didn't make it either,

but I don't think self-sacrifice
is in his character.

Character or not, one thing's for sure,

we're gonna go back there and bust him out.

A deal?

Deal. Thanks.


Can you fix the radio?

No, the generator's out.

Anyway, using the radio

would be the surest way of letting
those bandits know where we are.

Well, do you think they'll come after us?

Yeah, I'd bet my last dollar.

If for nothing else, they're
going to come after Airwolf.

You know, the human body can
survive without food for days,

but without water…

Jon, thank you.

You know, that mechanic across the lakebed,

if he's as good with
aircraft as he is with buses,

we don't have anything to worry about.

All we have to do is get Airwolf over there.

Yeah? How?

We'll do it together. Let's go.


Kay, put this in the cockpit for me, okay?


Cookie, there's lotion in that kit in there.

No, it's all right.

And they're gonna need it more than me.


Didn't you already have a drink?

No, I didn't, you started with Ernie.

Okay guys, the recess is over.

You are a lying spy.

My name is Stringfellow Hawke.

I work for a private charter service

hired by the Los Angeles Archeological Museum

to transport a group of science students

on a field trip to Quinzumel.

A charter service that just happens
to own a military helicopter?

It's a private aircraft, experimental.

With private and experimental weapons.

Why does Washington send such a
mixed bag of agents to Quinzumel?

What kind of listening
posts are you setting up?

Colonel, those young people are
exactly what they say they are.

Their presence here is illegal!

They were given government permits.

I am the government in this country

and I do not permit foreigners
to steal our heritage.

You damn Americans take anything
you want, anywhere in the world.

You steal the record of our past
like brats from a candy store!

Strip us of our civilization, a
civilization more advanced than yours.

My ancestors had calendars
and astrological observatories

when your ancestors were still living
in caves and painting themselves blue!

You will be tried by a people's court.

Before we are through with you, the
world will know your name, I promise.

You will be as famous as Francis Gary Powers,

Stringfellow Hawke.

(Dominic) Damn it Cate,
I feel like a big lummox,

sitting up here while all
you people are working.

I know, Dom.

But your back's too bad and I
need you to steer it anyway.

How're we doing?

I'm not exactly sure where we came down.

I can tell you we're in for a
couple of days of hell, maybe more.

Yeah, I just hope they
don't come looking for us.

Bite your tongue. Listen,
how're the kids doing?

Great, they're just great.

If they just work together
and don't lose heart.

Dom, the wind's coming up. It looks
like we're gonna have a sandstorm.

(Dominic) Worse.

- Stop right here!
- What?

Stop! stop!


(Dominic) All right, drop your harness.

Get outta your harness, get back here.

All right, come here.

Let's swing this bird around,
so the g*ns are facing ‘em.

Aren't your systems out?

The radio's out and she can't
fly, otherwise she's perfect.

Now get back there, swing me
around. Come on, let's go.

It's one of Alzar's men. They followed us.

Hold it right there.

I have been sent by my
Commander, Colonel Alzar.

You must return to the camp at once.

Well, you send the Colonel our regrets.

And tell him we're on our
way home. Now back off.

Back off or I’ll sh**t.

You remain his prisoners. I have my orders.

[g*ns firing]

Then die here, in the “Oven of the Gods.”

Okay kids, get ready.

- But they're leaving.
- (Dominic) Not on your life.

Get ready to swing ship.

Turn right. Turn right.

Turn right.

Port! Come on, push the other side.

Come on, quick. Push her left.


Mamma mia, what am I doing?

Caitlin, get in here, and give me a Copperhead.


Hey, I'm over here.

I know where you are, slime.

[whooping] Yeah.

(Ernie) Yeah, let's go.

You were wonderful.

- Great shot.
- All right

If you could've just somehow saved
the jeep, we'd have been home free.

Jonathan, you get a good idea, fine,

until then, just be thankful.


- You get some sleep.
- Can you hold on a minute?


- What? What's up?
- I've been thinking.

I mean, something like this
really makes you think, right?

It's like I've really
never been scared before.

Yeah, a little bit maybe.

Cookie, we're gonna make it.

But just say in some lousy case we don't.

Well, there could be one experience.

I mean, I've been thinking.

You're absolutely… there's no better
lady in this whole world than you,

and it's sort of a special experience.

Get what I'm kind of referring to?



you're right, it really is very special,

but it doesn't mean anything unless
you share it with someone you love.


I'm very fond of you, Cookie.


You get some sleep.


[both grunting]

Hold it right there.

Hey, he said hold it.

Relax, muchacho.

You see, my plan worked like a million dollars.

It was a great plan, Jon.
You guys were brilliant.

Ernie, you're a positive lion.

Thanks Cookie, without you
I would've ruined everything.

You're welcome, Kay.

[man grunting]

(Alzar) I don't know what to do
with an insect like you.

A man who hides behind
children for his own profit.

You're hardly worth a b*llet.

What are you going to do?

I don't know.

You know, it is not hard to k*ll a man,

but you don't deserve a man's death.

Take him away, he offends me.

[greeting in Spanish]

I'm not a man? You butchers!

[g*ns firing]

How's that?

Who isn't a man?

[sighs] Stringfellow's
escaping! Stop him. Stop him!

Get me Air Minister Pizarro
in Havana. This is Arturo Alzar.

Get the armored vehicle ready,
we're going in pursuit.

And load the -caliber.

Mr. Minister? I regret
I must ask you for a favor.

Yes sir, air support, combat.

[tires screeching]

Dom, I got through to Washington.

They said Marella is well on her way.

She should be here any second
with that transport.

What'd they say about String and Ozzie?

I told ‘em, we're going back.

Archangel's got reports of MiGs
being scrambled out of Cuba.

They're headed this way.

[sighs] This is Little Brother, do you read me?

(man) Red Squadron leader to Little
Brother. Come in, Little Brother.

Welcome to our airspace, Comrade Major.

With the exception of this vehicle,

you may feel free to fire
on anything that moves,

and particularly anything that flies.

All set Cate, keep your fingers crossed.


Come on, baby.

All systems coming online.


Looks pretty good so far, Dom.

(Caitlin) Come on.

(Dominic) Power's up.

Easy does it. Come on.

- Damn.
- What is it?

I can't get enough power to the turbines.

Move over, Cate.

Hawke, you made it.

How'd you get away?

Ozzie got me out, before they k*lled him.

Let's get this lady in the air.

We can't get enough speed in the
turbines to start her, Hawke.

(Stringfellow) Bypass the mains, Dom.

We'll try for a quick start on the secondaries.

Go lady, go. Go, sweetheart, go.

(Marella) Rescue One to
Airwolf. I'm miles out.


[g*ns firing]

Rescue One to Airwolf. Final approach.

(Stringfellow) Marella, we're
drawing fire. Go around.

Good job, Marella.

Airwolf will escort us all the way home.

My name's Marella.

This is the first airline I've ever
heard where all the pilots are women.

[chattering] Hey, look out there.

- Bye.
- Bye Airwolf.

(Caitlin) Would you look at that?

Hardship just rolls off their backs.

Kind of makes you wonder, doesn't it?

Now, what would you do if you had
to live it all over again, huh?

Well, I'll tell you one thing,
if I had to live it over again,

I wouldn't want to do it with anybody else.