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02x18 - Out of the Sky

Posted: 05/10/23 19:04
by bunniefuu
What's your favorite game?

Stay up late and do anything I want.

Ground control has taken over.

Word is getting out that you
are losing control of her.

Let's get out of here!

[upbeat country music playing]


♪ Well, it came out of the sky ♪

♪ Landed just a little south of Moline ♪

♪ Jodi fell out of the tractor ♪

♪ Couldn't believe what he'd seen ♪

♪ Landed on the ground and shook ♪

♪ Fearing for his life ♪

♪ Then he ran all the way to town ♪

♪ Screaming, it came out of the sky ♪

And cue to space man.

(Dominic) Ground control has
taken over. It's lowering its way.

All right Dom, you're right on the mark.

Hey, hey, hey. All the way.

From Pluto to Pasadena,
we always hit our mark.

♪ Well, a crowd gathered 'round ♪

♪ And the scientist said it was Martians ♪

♪ City council came ♪

♪ And made a speech about building a monument ♪

♪ Preacher man said the Devil had come ♪

♪ Hollywood rushed out an epic film ♪

♪ Boys down at the mill
said it was a Communist plot ♪

(Caitlin) Look at that thing,
String. It's incredible.

Out of this world.

Look, swing around to starboard.
I'll get a better angle.

Yeah, this is just the shot Mr. Desoto wants.

No! Not that one, Rox.


Hey Dom, something's wrong.

Get some altitude so we
can see what's going on.

You got it.


- (man) Get somebody over here.
- Hey, you okay? You hurt?

- What happened?
- You all right?

I'll tell you what happened. You used the
mike stand instead of the rubber wand.


Yeah, the rubber wand.

The UFO picks up an electrostatic charge
from the chopper blades, remember?

You grounded yourself with the mike stand.

Okay, okay, okay.

- Look, how many times do we have to
rehearse this?
- That's why we do rehearsals.

We'll do it one more time, she'll get it…

Nick, I'm going back to the hotel.

Wait a minute, wait a minute. Let's
just finish it. Do the rehearsal…

You finish it, Nick. And you tell this
toadie-roadie to get it straight,

otherwise, I'm not doing the concert.

Oh absolutely, Miss Roxy.

I'll be glad to change the laws of
physics for you. You just say the word!

Don't talk to her like that! Now
she's a superstar. You respect her.

Come on.

(Air Traffic Controller) Santini, come in.

Pick up Miss Roxy and take
her back to the hotel.

(Dominic) You pick her up, String.
Cate and me’ll go back to the hangar.

(Stringfellow) With pleasure.

(Roxy) Nick, I know he told me to use
the wand. It's just that I was so…

You’re tired. You’re tired. I understand.

But you're a pro. You'll
come through. You always have.

I know.

But sometimes I wonder
who I'm doin' these shows for.

Am I doing it for them, for
me, for you, for your %?

Don't take sh*ts at me, Roxy. That
% doesn't make up for losing you,

and I'd give it back in a minute.

Stay with me tonight.

Oh Nick, please don't start that again.

[knocking on door]

What do ya want?

I'm standing by to take her back to her
hotel if you're done with your rehearsal.


Take Roxy back to the hotel.

Take it easy.

Special handling, all right?

And this time, will you stay up in the
sky until I tell you to come down

like nice flyboys, okay?


That's what us flyboys do best.

I'll be ready to go in a minute.

I'll wait for you outside.

Ya’ll set?

What's that in the back? Is that a camera?


We're gonna sh**t some footage for the concert.

Gonna make me look good?


Wouldn't have to do much
to make you look good.

Thank you.

I saw your concert last year.

You looked good even from the last row.

What were you doin' in the last row?

Don't even ask. The thing was a sell-out, so…

I had to buy some scalper's tickets.

Cost me, but I just had to
hear you sing “Curse of Love.”

That old thing?

(Roxy) It's the first thing
Nick and I ever did. I was .

(Stringfellow) Yeah? Are you
gonna record another album soon?

I will if I stay with Nick Desoto.

He's gotta be on the charts all the time.

Hey listen, I'm sorry if I
interrupted anything personal.

Oh no, no, you didn't.

Nick and I have that discussion
about or times a week.

You see, we're divorced, but both of
our names are on the business contract.

So it's just like we're married.

It gets pretty confusing,
and I know it's got to change,

but that's the “Curse of Love.”

(Roxy) Hi, how ya'll doing?

Hawke, how did they get up here?

Come on, I'll help you out.

Excuse us please. Come on, guys,
let the lady through. Excuse me.

Come on in, Hawke.

These aren't bad, as far as hotels go.

And believe me, I know a lot about hotels.

Where do you live?


I'm sorry. Make yourself
a drink if you want one.

more weeks.

(Stringfellow) more weeks, and then what?

Well, then the tour is over. The
recording sessions are done

and then it's Roxy's time to play.

Play? What's your favorite game?

It's called superstar in Paris.

I shop, go to the clubs, stay
up late and do anythin' I want.

And live in hotels.


And what do you do, Mr. Hawke?
I mean, to relax.

I've got a cabin up in the mountains.

I'm goin' up there tomorrow.

What are you, some kinda hermit?

No, I've got a couple of friends goin' with me.

I'll be back in time for
your technical rehearsal.

And I was thinkin'…

well, it is a -place chopper.

[phone ringing]


Yes, I'll tell him.

I know. They want me to get
my machine off the roof, huh?


Just kind of lost track of time.

I'll see you in a couple of days, huh?


Maybe sooner.

(Rusty) Look, I don't know what
to tell you, pal. He's not here.

It's not worth breaking
you in half to find out.

Just remind Desoto about his weekend in Vegas.

He lost.

And he owes.

(technician over speakers)
, , … can you hear that okay?

Those guys don't scare me.

Not your hide they're after.

$ , ? Easy off the next album's budget.

Rusty, she's flakin' out on us.

She may not do the album or anymore shows.

Well then, you've gotta get
control of her again, Nick.

I know that. I've been trying
everything I can think. Nothing works.

I've gotta talk to her.

[phone ringing]

Look at me.

I'm less worried about getting
my legs broke than losing her.


suppose I could guarantee her co-operation,
at least as far as finishin' the tour?


Just something I saw on
television. It might work.

Try it.

What? Are you sure?

I can't believe it!


Rusty, she split.

She flew off to the woods with
those jerks from Santini Air.

I mean, I can't believe
she would do that to me.

It doesn't matter. It's okay.
It's gonna work out.

Watch. Come on in.


(Rusty) And the audience will never know.

Might work.

You remind me of someone I used to need.

Boy, when you said mountains
you weren't kidding, were you?


It's worth it, coming up here.

I saw a pregnant doe when I was here
last week. It might have foaled by now.

(Roxy) When are we going to see somethin'?

Well, sometimes we come up here
and we don't see anything at all.

Are you bored?

I don't know what I am.

It's the first time in years
that I've been away from Nick.

Boy, you wouldn't catch him
doing something like this.

Everything he does is fast and furious.

Yeah, well, you can't keep a
pace like that up forever.

Try telling Nick that.

Have you ever tried telling Nick that?

We climbed to the top together.

It's hard to forget that.

Even when the love is gone.


[Roxy gasps]

You were right.

(Caitlin) Anybody else want
some more of this coffee?

No, thanks.

That was the best meal I've ever had.

Well you see, the fresh air
titillates the taste buds.

Especially with fresh caught fish.

Not to mention my skill
with the cast iron skillet.

Ho, ho, ho. Let's not forget.



It's a pretty strange sound.

That's how you tell good friends.

When you can be quiet together.

I keep hearing the echo of cheering fans.

A couple of weeks out of the
city, you can hear the crickets.

Might take a lot longer in my case.

I've got a lot of noise to forget.

Oh, well, I've had it. Good night.

Yeah, me too. Listen, you
guys bring in the coffee pot.

Good night.

Hasta la noche.

This is so beautiful.

Where have I been all my life?

Where have you been?

Back in the last row, scalping tickets.

Hawke, I'm not going back there.

Nick is through.

What are you going to do
about your last concert?

Let the scalpers take the loss.

[door opens]

See you later.

Nick Desoto, Mickey, Sal. I've
used them before. They're good.

Did you explain the job?

If you give the word,
we'll detain the lady for you.

I don't want her hurt, and it's
got to be done discretely.

Discrete is the only way
we do kidnapping, mister,

seein' as how it's a felony.

It may never come to that,

but this, this is standby money.

[“Out of the Sky” playing on Jukebox]

That was wonderful. I've never
seen so much open country before.

Get ready for some of the best soul
food home cookin' you've ever had.

That's Roxanne Marvel.

Yeah, I'm tellin' you. That's Roxanne Marvel.

I'm gonna go… I'm gonna go check it out.

Hawke, I don't want a mob scene.

Can we get out of here?

Roxanne Marvel. I knew it. I knew it.

That's right. How you doing?

How am I doing? You kidding me?

With Roxy Marvel in my
favorite little h*nky-tonk?

Hey girl, you ever dance a
-step with a real mountain man?

- No, I don't think…
- Come on, come on with me.

Don't you think you're just bein'
a little rude with the lady?

I think you're makin' a big mistake.

Look it, cowboy, I don't
want any trouble with you.


[sobbing] Stop.

Please stop, stop.

I'm sorry about my friend. He's drunk.

He should've known better.


You see? You are respected and you're admired.

They want a piece of me.

Everybody wants a piece of me.

You give them a piece of you
every time you sing a song.

Roxanne, it's your life.

But you have a different kind of life.

You have a professional and a personal life,

and they have to be separated.

It's in your blood, isn't it? Singing.

I know it's in my blood.

Singing is my first love.

But I'm just burned out

from overdoin' it, from
havin' Nick push me too hard.

Like I said, it's your life.

If it were me,

I'd finish the tour, and I'd fire Desoto.

Of course, you're always welcome

to come back up to the cabin
and stay as long as you want.

But you have to go out like a pro.

Hey Dom, it looks like they're gonna
start the technical rehearsal.

Holy cats! We better hightail it back to
the hangar and pick up that other camera.

They want film of all the rehearsals.

I forgot it was at : today.

Come on String, let's go.



Hello, Ms. Marvel.

Sally, would you wait outside
for a moment please?


Nick, what the hell is going on here?

Won't you ever learn to knock?


Okay. Watch your step. Watch the wires.

- Would you get ready for some playback for
me, Rusty?
- Yeah, yeah.

“Out of the Sky,” all right?

Here's your microphone,
sweetheart, right there…

Oh, don't hold it by the antenna.

Hold it right here. Hey Rusty,
let's have some playback.


Okay. Playback coming up.

[“Out of the Sky” playing]

Okay, back up.

That's it.

Here we go!

That's it. Just a little bit.
Just be comfortable.

Just move the way you want to. That's it!

Just make sure you keep the microphone
in front of your lips all the time.

That way if you don't know the words,
they won't know the difference. Go!

You have to keep it in front of your mouth.

♪ …Moline. ♪

That's it, big smile!

That's right.

That's it, now. Cover your mouth.

I don't know if this is gonna work.

You're doin' great. You're
doin' great. Believe me.

Do that. That's it. That's it.
You're gonna be great!

All right Cate, stand by.
We're comin' into position.


Drop down feet String,
so I can get a lower angle.

All right, make your run.

(Stringfellow) Start your camera rollin'.

We can't fly over the crowd. I'll
swing around the other side.

(Caitlin) Hold her steady, String.

(Dominic) Stay on the stage area, Cate.


She really shines down there.

Oh, wait.

(Stringfellow) I say zoom in at the end
of the verse. Cut to the musicians.


Okay, yeah, I think we got it.



Hey, you're gonna be great. Take
a bow for your millions of fans.

Big bow. Keep your face up.
That's it. Big bow!

All right, Roxy!

Come on.

Okay, go ahead and roll that thing, Dom.
Let's have a look at these test sh*ts.

We're gonna have to watch our
f-stop when we're filmin' tonight

or we'll end up underexposed.

Hey, not bad, huh?

Yeah, that's fine. It'll work real good.

Hey, good stuff, Cate.
It's gonna make a great video.

You know, she's really very photogenic.

What was… Hawke, I think I saw something.

Hey Dom, roll it back.

(Dominic) Hey, look at those guys.

Yeah, what are they doing?

Looks like they're hassling somebody.

Freeze the frame.

You know, Dom, I must have taken this when I
leaned back on the camera to talk to you.

(Stringfellow) Can anybody
make out that license number?

That's Roxanne!

They kidnapped Roxanne!

Oh, they couldn't have. She was
on the stage all the time.

[knocking on door]

- (Sally) Who is it?
- It's Hawke.

Here you go.


well, it's like I told you before,
I'm not after an autograph.

Look, you're all dolls and I love ya, but…

- I got a show to do, okay?
- Hey.


I'd just like to know if Desoto's
giving you trouble or not.

You want me to call Security?

I guess she's still got the sound of
those cheering fans ringin' in her ears.

Hey, what are you people doing back here?

We came to see Roxanne.

I'm sorry, nobody backstage.
Mr. Desoto's orders.

Yeah, you know, I'd like to talk to Mr. Desoto.

Do you understand English? Nobody backstage.

Come on String, it's not
worth it. Come on, come on.

You can't be serious.

It was $ , , not $ , .

That is the problem with borrowing
from our institution, Nicky,

the interest rates float.

Well, I'll need some more time.

Look, the way we figure it,
you got only one asset.

And the word is gettin' out that you
are losing control of her. You fix it

so that one asset stays put.

Either that, or liquidate it.

Liquidate it?

What the hell are you talking about?

Hey, you are the man with a dozen hits.

You figure it out.

How did those guys get in? Where have you been?

Those guys from Santini Air
have been snooping around.


Hey, I told you. I got a chopper license.
I should be flying that UFO.

Who's gonna film the concert?

I don't know.

Videos are important to album sales.
We gotta stick with Santini now.

Those guys just walk right on in here.

We gotta have some kind
of protection around here.

Mickey and Sal got a little sideline going.

Mickey and Sal?

Arms for the serious investor,
if you know what I mean.

What kind of stuff?

Heavy enough to bring down a
chopper, if it comes to that.

(Dominic) I'll admit there's
something fishy back there,

but I don't see what you hope to
find out there in the desert.

It looks like the limo
was headed toward Barstow.

There's been nothin' but high winds and
sandstorms out here for the last week.

You won't find anything.

Let's kick in that matrix scanner.

Coming on.

(Stringfellow) Is that gonna work?

Hey, if the space shuttle can spot , -year-
old river beds using this technique,

we ought to be able to… ah, bingo!

There's a cluster of old miner's shacks.

A mill settlement? The last miner
pulled outta there years ago.

You probably couldn't even find a
lizard movin' down there right now.

(Stringfellow) I've got an
abandoned vehicle down there, Dom.

(Dominic) Hey, it's an old Lasalle.

My uncle had one just like that before the w*r.

Which w*r?

[laughing sarcastically]

We're coming up on that DC- .

Boy, what a haul that would
make for an old desert rat.

Huh, me and my big mouth. There it is.

[radar beeping]

(Dominic) Hey, it's got
the same license number.

Yeah, but where's Roxanne?

There's no tracks leadin' away from that limo.
They could be anywhere, in any direction.

(Mickey) You want something to drink, honey?

We're gonna be spendin' a lot of time together.

Come on, honey.

[screaming] Hey, don't do that!

We just want to party with the famous star.


We even got one of your records
here. Let's give it a spin.

See what it sounds like.


[horn honking]

Your biggest fan is here to see you.

Give me a minute.

My biggest fan.

I am.

I always have been.

How many ways can I tell you, Roxy? I still…

You still love me? You just had me kidnapped!

Listen, damn it! For one time, just listen.

We can go back.

It's not too late.

It can all be like it was
in those first years, Roxy.

I still care about you.

But I just want out.

If you cared about me, you wouldn't
just leave me flat like this!

Nick Desoto will never be flat.

You'll rebound.

You made me and you can do it again.

With another Roxanne Marvel, a better one!

I won't rebound, Rox.

I'm broke.

And I owe gambling debts.

Maybe I can help you out.

I don't want your damn charity! I
just want a share in what's mine!

You do share, Nick!

% of everything goes to you. It's
not my fault if you gamble it away!

% of the old songs is % of nothing!

They're hits!

They're oldies. Oldies!


All right, I'll tell you what I'll do.

I'll slit my wrists.

I'll go off to country heaven with Elvis
and Hank and then your % will be gone!

Shut up!




Get in here, you guys!

Did you see her?

What are you talking about? She was with you.

She must have gone out back.

I don't wanna see her again!

(Dominic) I've picked up
a mobile telephone on VHF.

Dom, let's check it out.

(Nick) Rusty, I just said
goodbye to my ex-wife.

We got a whole new plan.

(Rusty) I got the firepower if
those Vegas creeps come around.

Forget them. They're as good as paid off.

It came in over a dirt road.

Yeah but look, it breaks up
and goes all over the canyon.

Well, the heat source from his car
engine says it was that one right there.


We got g*nf*re bearing .

Combat mode.

Combat mode.


[b*ll*ts ricocheting]

(Roxy) He tried to k*ll me.

He thought if I died, that my
recordings would become classics.

You know, you've got a double back
at the concert. Dead ringer for ya.

Yeah, I saw her.

If you die in public, it would
be an even bigger splash.

[people cheering]

[guitar playing]

(man on PA system) Ladies and
gentlemen, your attention please.

No one is allowed to use flash cameras,

video recording devices or
any audio recording devices.

The guys from Santini Air never showed.

Just as well.

We don't need any stray film of the accident.

You fly the copter. I'll be there
with you. I'll run the cable.

I only trusted myself with my ex-wife's safety

and look what happened.

Ha! Tragic.

Oh! Honey, tonight you are the star.

Well, I'll try to do my best.


You can't just take over.
My boss leased that chopper.

Yeah, and my boss is his boss so
pack it up and go home, lady.

No way. It's a tricky stunt,
and I'm gonna do it.

[helicopter whirring]

Don't go too far away.

No, we'll be real close by.

You call Security and you stay in your room.

Hello Security, this is Roxanne Marvel, I…

I need an escort to the concert.

(Dominic) We're approaching the concert.

Hey, but who's flying the UFO?

(Stringfellow) It's gotta be Caitlin.

Caitlin, this is Hawke. I'm about
a mile east of the concert area.

You copy? Caitlin?

Hey, that's Hawke and Santini.
They're nearby, man.

Forget them, we're almost up to the cue.

[crowd cheering]

[“Out of the Sky” playing]

♪ Well, it came out of the sky ♪

♪ Landed just a little south of Moline ♪

♪ Jodi fell out of the tractor ♪


Hawke, this is Caitlin. I'm on
the Stage Manager's channel.

String, I've got Caitlin on a walkie-talkie.

Caitlin, we got ya. We're in the lady.

Hawke! Crawford's in the chopper.
Desoto's up to somethin'.

♪ Screaming, it came out of the sky ♪

♪ Well, a crowd gathered 'round ♪

Farewell to a legend.

♪ City council came ♪

♪ And made a speech about building a monument ♪

♪ Preacher man… ♪


(Dominic) I've got his remote frequency.

(Stringfellow) Jam it.

[crowd cheering]

[Sally screaming]

Bring it down, Desoto.


Nick, it's not going to work.
Come on, let's get out of here!

[sirens blaring]

[crowd cheering]

Okay, let's go. Come on.

[music starts playing]

[crowd cheering]

♪ Well, it came out of the sky ♪

♪ Landed just a little south of Moline ♪

Back off, Hawke. I'll cut this cable.

I'll drop this thing right in the
middle of a shopping center.

That snake, he'd do it, too.

Dom, we've gotta cut that saucer
loose. It's full of expl*sives.

Hey, wait! If we do it now, we'll
take out a whole city block.

Nick, the box!

No! What is this stuff?

Hey, you told me to get
some heavy a*tillery, man.

You're out of your mind?

Hey, we're out of time.
Blow ‘em out of the sky.

(Stringfellow) Hey, we gotta do somethin'.

Every one of those rockets
is doing damage below.

But there's no place to take ‘em out.

It's all city as far as the eye can see.

Wait! Straight ahead.

There's a big city park.

No heat sources, with air speed…

Hold her steady, String.

How far to that park, Dom?




♪ Landed on the ground and shook ♪

♪ Fearing for his life ♪

[crowd cheering]

♪ Then he ran all the way to town ♪

♪ Screaming, it came out of the sky ♪

[crowd cheering]

Thank you. Thank you. I love you all.

It's great to be here, and I'll be back!

[crowd cheering]