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02x17 - Natural Born

Posted: 05/10/23 19:03
by bunniefuu

String, chopper, dead ahead!

(Narrator) Next, on Airwolf.

You're gonna like the new operation, Chester.

You tricked me into running that poison once.

There's money in that powder.

There's not a soul in sight, Dominic.

(Dominic) Let's take her in.

We got to stop him. He's the
one who k*lled my uncle.


Caitlin, help!

I'm trying, Kevin.

(Kevin) Hurry!

Force him down.

(woman) Come along, ladies.

It's still not too late to enter your
pies and cakes in the baking contest.

(Chester) Step right up!

There's always room for one more!

There's nothing to worry about!
Bring the wife and kids!

Safe as a buggy ride!

Don't forget, it's all for charity.

Yes, siree.

That's a modern-day bicycle up there.



Kevin, I'm gonna die if you don't stop.

What's the matter? Don't you like it?

No, I love it! It's outrageous!

Oh, my gosh!

I've never done anything like this in my life!

Hey, wait’ll you get a load of this one.


Hey, watch this, no hands.

Oh my God!

Oh Kevin,

do you have your seat belt on?


Oh, my gosh!





String, chopper, dead ahead!

Yeah, I got it.

Whoa! What was that thing?

(Winter) What?

Whoa! Some big, black huge thing.

Kevin, don't try to scare me.

Oh, man!

Phew, that was close.

Yeah, we gave him a stiff
one on that flyby, Dom.

Let's go back and check it out.

You're the teacher.

Oh my God!, I mean gosh.

Who are those guys?

Oh man, oh man, oh man.

You should have seen it, Uncle Chester.

I was about to do a side roll when out
of nowhere this incredible chopper…

I've seen plenty and so have
them people over there.

I had to give back $ worth of tickets.

And you, young lady.

That's the last time you're ever
going up in one of those things.

Dad, that's not fair.
Kevin was always in control,

even when he was flying with his feet.

No more.

Damn it, boy. We would've
taken in well over $ today.

And half of that would've been ours.

That showboating of yours is gonna
get you in serious trouble someday.

But if you only saw what I saw up there…

I don't wanna hear it!

I'll get you next time.

(Chester) Do you have any idea
why I paid down on this place?

Yeah, sure. It's like you said.

“You can't barnstorm all year long, son.”

“You got to have a place to
hold up in, come wintertime.”

Yeah, a person needs a permanent place.

But that's not the real reason.

The real reason is you.

I ain't done right by you, son.

Sure you have. What are you talking about?

Nobody's had a better life than us.

Barnstormin', air shows, county fairs.

Anywhere the wind blows is all right

for an old air gypsy like me.

That's why I'm telling you,
flying ain't everythin'.

Wait a minute. That's not what you…

Just hold on, don't disturb me.

Flying ain't everythin'.

People are.

And you're gonna have to start payin' attention.

Well, what kind of attention?

Kev, you are the best damn natural-born
pilot I ever saw in my life.

It's a God-given gift.

You sure as hell didn't get it from me.

Why, you're twice the pilot
I am now or ever was.

You're the best.

But along with that comes responsibility, too.

First, the safety of the people's
lives that's in your hands.

Yesterday you violated that trust,

and that's why I'm groundin' you.

For what? You can't tell me what to do.

Your wings are clipped until I say otherwise.

Now, take this in the back and
soak this unit one more time.

[phone ringing]

Hansen Helicopter.

Sure, I know the name.

Yeah, you tell O'Donnell the answer's
the same now as it was then.

It's a flat “No” and “No discussion.”

Oh, he's coming up? That's fine.

Then I'll tell him in person.

Look Unc, I'm sorry about
all that stuff before.

And I thought about what
you said and everything.

Well, I'm not saying this because
you grounded me or anything.

And well,

I'll be more careful next time.



well, you think I can still take the
chopper up to Pine Lake this weekend?

Boy, you're good at a lot of things,

but when it comes to being a con artist,

you're Texas league all the way.

Now you get your sorry butt into town,

pick up the lug nuts at the express office.

Yeah, but you said at least
weeks minimum on those.

Humor me.

I'm an old man.

[motorcycle engine starting]



Kevin, we need to talk.

Well, if it's about this weekend, I think
I can still pull it off. My uncle…

Kevin, you're not letting me talk.

My Father says that I can't
go out with you anymore.

What, because of that little
stunt at the church fair?

Not just that, Kevin.

He thinks you're too wild and too reckless.

And what do you think?

That you're too wild and too reckless.

But I still like you, anyway.

A lot.

Come on, you know I never do any stunt

unless I've practiced it
at least times before.

Let me talk to your Father, all right?

(girl) Winter.

Hey, we got to get going.

Call me.

He's so cute.

No, I'll call you.


Doggone it.

Our generators are just fine
for a few light bulbs,

but I need a precise cycle
to fix that radar image.

Can't fix it, huh?

Not here.

And we're really blind flying
at turbo speed without it.

Well, how about back at the
hangar, could you fix it there?

Sure, piece of cake.

In and out, overnight.

Let's hope so.

[helicopter whirring]

You've come a long way, Chester.

Yes, sir.

A long way from some of those
days down in the Yucatan.

No thanks to you, Jake.

I never told you it was gonna be a party.

No, you never told me about the
Mexican brown either, did you?

There's money in that powder.

There was then, and there is now.

Look, you tricked me into
runnin' that poison once.

I ain't about to do it again.

You know where the door is.


Would you look at that?

You weren't so choosy in the old days.

Some good times after the w*r.

Crossin' the border with a load
of cigarettes is one thing.

But dr*gs, heroin,

that's another.

I draw the line.

You're gonna like the new operation, Chester.

We've moved on to bigger and better things.

years, you can retire to a Swiss lake.

And a man your age should
be thinking about that.

You ain't hearin' me, Jake.

The answer's no.

It wasn't a question.

You know too much about us, Chester.

And I never leave loose ends,

so give me your final answer.

So long, Jake.

So long, Chester.



(Pilot) Yeah, yeah, I'm
approaching the fire now.

Looks like I've got an injured man down here.

Let's get a medical unit out here right away.

I'll take care of you. You'll
be all right. It's okay.

(Kevin) Come on! Hurry!

Help him. Come on, help him!

This looks like a g*nsh*t wound.

There's nothing I can do. He's gone. I'm sorry.

Is there anyone left inside?

Is there anyone left in there?

They k*lled him, they did.

[sirens wailing]

Hey! Hey, what the hell are you doin'? Hey!

We've got company, o’clock.

We can outrun him.

Yeah, but we can't outrun his radio.

[helicopter exploding]

I was so worried about you.

The police were here. Everybody's
been looking for you.

After what happened,
nobody can blame you, Kevin.

You have to turn yourself in.

I can't!

I gotta find the ones who did this.

But you don't even know anything about them.

Maybe I do know something about ‘em.

Kevin, talk to my Father.
He'll know what to do.

(man) Winter, come down here.
I want you to see something.

I gotta go.

And just remember, if you
hear bad things about me…

Just come back.

Please be careful.

Thanks for the ride, sir.

(mechanic) Before my time, kid.

You better go see Dominic
Santini down at Santini Air.

He's been around since the Wright brothers.

Thank you, sir.

- Damn!
- Excuse me, sir.

Yeah, what do you want?

I just…

Well come on son, speak up.

How can he, when you're bellowin' like that?

You about to get this thing fixed?

Well, I'm workin' on it.

(Caitlin) Dom!

What now?

Dom, I've got that ad executive on
the phone. He wants a rd chopper,

you know, to give this aerial ballet
the size it requires for his product.

What product? It's a bathtub detergent.

Mamma mia, now he wants
choppers plus a Stearman.

What does he think I am, an airline?

Dom, I think this guy wants to talk to you.

I'll just come back when you're not so busy.

Yeah, yeah, yeah. Come on back
later when I'm not so busy.

Thanks, man.

Hey, hold on.

Hey, Dom, what if he's a messenger
bringing you a dividend check

for those olive oil futures
you bought last year, huh?

Now, why did you have to say that, huh?

You know, you have a real talent

for reminding me of things that
I don't wanna be reminded of!

Don't mind these two. They just get
started like that in the morning.

Now, what can we do for you?

Well, I was looking
for any of these men here.



Oh, the old Skyways Inn.

Yeah, the great times there after the w*r.

Yeah, was that the Spanish-American
or the Boer w*r?

What are you lookin' for these guys for?

My uncle worked with ‘em once.

He wanted me to look ‘em up.


Sorry kid, I can't help ya.

What did your uncle want
you to look ‘em up for?

A job.

I could use some work.

Yeah well, good luck, kid.


That kid looks like he hasn't eaten for a week.


Hey, son.

We could probably use some help around here.


Our maintenance man didn't show up, you know.

Maintenance man…!? I'm the…

[clearing throat] Yeah.

We could use the office swept
out, a few things like that.

You think you can handle it?

Well come on, I'll show
you where everything is.

- (Stringfellow) Get him started, will you?
- Yeah.

Now look String, I got a soft
spot just like the next guy,

but we are not running a handout service

for every kid that comes down the pike.

Well, if he earns it, it's not a handout.

- Uh-huh.
- Besides,

if I know you, he'll earn it.

[Kevin whistling]

Don't forget to get those iron filings
down there by that workbench.

I already got ‘em.

All right, drop what you're
doin' and come on over here.

Here you go. Now wrap yourself around that.

Hey, this is pretty special.

It's not every day the boss makes lunch.

You can say that again.

[knocking on door]

Mamma mia.

Hello, Bert!

Santini, you did get my message?

Oh yes, and I've been
meaning to answer it and…

well I'll tell ya, I came up with something.

We can use choppers.

No, no, no, darling, you're off concept.

When Wiley jumps from the st copter,

I want to have others up
there for maximum film coverage.

He's gonna jump?

Wiley's our product spokesman.

It's in his contract.

We have a contract too, don't we, Dom?

, helicopters.

And I'll get you some local talent.

I know he can be a little difficult, but

such an artist.

He's too good for commercials, he really is.

Is she serious?

Of course.

And I am the next Olivier.


Mr. Santini.

Oh yeah, I owe you for that cleanin'.

Is $ all right?

That's fine, Mr. Santini.

Hey, you ever see one of these before?

Yeah, but I guess String’d
know more about ‘em than I do.

Come on Cate, let's clean up, huh?

The Huey- J.

We used to see plenty of these over in Nam,

but they're pretty rare in commercial use.

There is one company that
uses it from time to time.

Well, you know the name of that company?

No, I can't say I do.

You got a place to stay tonight?

Yeah sure.

Why don't you take that thing home with ya?

Bring it back with you in the
morning when you come to work.

In the morning?

Yeah, things are gettin'
kinda hectic around here.

We could use an extra hand.

[crickets chirping]

Good night, Kevin.

Good night. See you all tomorrow.

(Dominic) Yeah, good night.

[Kevin whistling]

You know, I used to know a kid like him once.

Yeah? Who?

Stringfellow Hawke, who else?


I'm finished.

This was a rush job, you know,
but it's primo work.


Now, let's see it.

(Gibson) You got an -round magazine,

and there's a trigger on the stick.


Oh yeah, it's good.

And after our little encounter with
that police chopper the other day, I…

I like the extra protection.

Pay the man.

Yes, sir.

These are dangerous times we live in.

My little conversion piece is
gettin' to be a real popular item.

I got you some coffee and rolls.


You know,

if we can get those commercial sh*ts by dusk,

we can sneak our lady in here tonight.

No moon.

All right. All right.

Good morning, Mr. Santini, Mr. Hawke.

Hey, Kevin.

I got some rolls and coffee
over here if you want some.

No thanks.

I already had a big breakfast.

Hey Dom,

you're not gonna believe it. Not one
name on this list is available.

I mean, every pilot from Cupertino to
Oxnard is either working or out of town.

If I don't have a pilot by : ,

that Bert guy is gonna be
all over me like a $ suit.

Say, Mr. Santini,

I can fly.

Yeah, you can fly.

You can what?

Fly, helicopters. I'm a licensed pilot.

Okay, we got air speed,


fuel tanks and ,

turn and bank

and artificial horizon indicator.

Yeah I know, you can go up and down.

What are you tryin' to prove, Kevin?

Guess I did get a little
carried away, didn't I?

Look, I know you can fly.

I'm just tryin' to figure out if you
can handle responsibility or not.

I'll be careful, I swear. I won’t do anything.

I won't budge even one little inch

unless you or Mr. Santini
tells me to, I promise.

All right, try it again.

But Kevin,

don't let me down.

I won't.

All right Wiley, you're a clown.

Now, sell it to me. I want it all.

Sorry, we're taking a
little detour, Mr. Beecham.

Kevin, what's going on up there?

You're supposed to wait for us to
get in position for the finale.

Where's he going?

Who, Kevin? That good old boy.

Well, he's going up there to double
check his safety system, that's all.

Isn't that right, String?

You get him back here this instant,

or you and your guys are off the job!

Hey, check our : .

He's overtaking us.

Considering our cargo,
I think I'll open her up.

Hey, where in the script does
it say anything about this?

My Agent is responsible for this!

Thanks, kid. That was the most
real thing I've done in years.

All right Kevin, what the
hell happened up there?

You just cost us our jobs.

I'm sorry. I didn't mean
to lose the job for you.

I'll pay you back, every penny.

I don't know how, but I will,

as soon as I…

As soon as what?

I wish I could tell you,

but I can't.

I just can't.

Son, I want you to go home,

and you think about this.

You've got friends here,

and we talk to you straight,

and we expect you to talk to us straight.


That kid's been hurt real bad Hawke,



Now, stay as close to my bird as possible

so we will show only one image
on that tower radar, will you?

Dom, I'll be inches off your tail.

And watch my wake turbulence

or we'll have more than a radar
overhaul, you understand?

All right.

(Dominic) Van Nuys tower, this is Charlie.

I'm miles out. Request a lock-heat approach

to Santini Air, over.

(Air Traffic Controller) Charlie,
you are clear to land.

The wind is from the northeast, knots.

Use runway , over and out.

Checking out heat sources.

There's not a soul in sight, Dominic.

[sighing] Lady is secure, Dom. I'm beat.

How about we get something
to eat before we start work?

(Dominic) Sure thing. See you out front.

[whispering] Oh, man.

I don't believe it.


[alarm blaring]

(Stringfellow) You know, Kevin, if
you'd told us a little sooner,

it would've been a whole lot easier on you.

Yeah, well, I was afraid you'd call the police,

and they'd try and stop me
from finding who did it.

You know, you're gonna have to learn
that you can't do everything alone.

That's just what my uncle said.

Let's check it out. You got that book?

This can't be that tough.

Even we got a big brother.

Good morning, Hawke.

We've processed your request.

Only companies import that
particular model of helicopter.

The only one servicing your area is

Blue Stone Flight Service.

It's an up-scale shuttle for
executives and movie people,

the kind of company Santini
wishes he were running.


Big deal.

The FBI has had Blue Stone under surveillance

for drug trafficking for some time.

They've been using a UH- J.

That's a rare one, gentlemen.

Mind if I ask why you're
interested in Blue Stone?

We're really not sure yet.

But if anything else comes
across your computer,

you give us a call, okay?

Blue Stone Aviation?

Well, that's just a couple
of miles down the road.

I could go down there
right now and check it out.

Now, wait a minute.

As long as you're working on my time,

I'm not gonna have you walking
around into I don't know what.

Look, we'll finish the repairs, then
we'll all go down there together.


I have an idea. Why don't
you finish the repairs,

and I'll take those film
canisters back to the ad agency?

Good idea.

Kevin, why don't you go with her?

And don't worry, we'll get
to the bottom of all this.

Come on.

You mean you were a real cop?

Yeah, and a damn good one too,
even if they seem to forget it.

Okay, you're my backup on this.

If I'm not back in minutes, you use this.


(receptionist) We're very booked
up for the next few months.

Perhaps, if you could be more specific
about the kind of service you require.

I'd like to take a party of
to Big Bear for the weekend,

for a business meeting.

Let me get my group-rate carrier chart.

I'll have this figured for you in a flash.


You're not the law.

That's what you think.

In about minutes this place is
gonna be crawling with blue shirts.

Somehow, I doubt that.

Anyway, in minutes, we won't be here.

We gotta stop him. He's the
one who k*lled my uncle.

- You k*lled him! I know you did!
- Kevin!

You did! He tried to tell me!

Put them both in the transport.

But Jake, the delivery.


Well, we'll just have to drop
them off along the way.


Caitlin and Kevin never
showed up at that ad agency.

Oh, no.

You don't think they went over to Blue Stone?

Let's get over there.

Plenty aircraft down there, but no Huey- J.

Wait a minute, radar has
one listed miles out.

Okay, I see it. I'm on my way.

(Fields) Schecter, what's going on over there?


There's no response.

Caitlin, help! Help!

(Jake) It's got to be the kid.

He's got the controls.

(Fields) You see that?

How's he flying? We tied his hands.

What are we gonna do?

We're gonna force him down.
That's what we're gonna do.

All right, listen kid. I know you
can hear me over the speaker.

Now I want you to put that
chopper down where I tell ya.

You can go to hell.

Well, here's a little warning, kid.

[Kevin groaning]

One more time, kid.

Put her down or I'll finish you now.

(Stringfellow) He's using Kevin's
chopper for cover. I can't get at him.

Well, you better do somethin' quick.

Kevin's bird is losing power fast.

Something's wrong, Cate. I can't keep altitude.

Come on, you gotta help me. I can't
control it without hands.


I'm trying, Kevin.

Hurry, help me! I need you now!

(Stringfellow) Well Reverend, that's quite
a hot-shot kid you're getting there.

You think you can handle him?

(Reverend) Oh, I think
we'll make out just fine.

They oughta give him a medal
for breaking up that drug ring.

And you did a nice piece of flyin', too.

Only next time I'd like to see
you do it with your hands


Thanks, you guys.

Thanks for everything.

Hey, Kevin,

your uncle would've been real proud of you.


Think we'll ever see him again?

Come on, come on, come on.
We got work to do. Let's go.

Who knows?

In the next years,
we might get another one

of those toilet bowl detergent commercials.