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02x16 - Prisoner of Yesterday

Posted: 05/10/23 19:02
by bunniefuu
I'll come after you.

It's my problem, Hawke.
Just stay away from this one.

(Narrator) Next on Airwolf.

[yelling in Spanish]

We can't just go in there sh**t',

there's no telling what might happen to Doc.

Hold it right there!

We'll never make it.

Yeah, we will. I've got the lady.

Local F- 's, a pair of them, closing fast.

[g*ns firing]

[helicopter whirring]


[speaking Spanish]


[speaking Spanish]

- Teresa…
- Shh.

We're gonna get you out of here, Papa.

[elevator bell dings]

[banging on door]


[helicopter whirring]

[speaking Spanish]

[speaking Spanish]

[yelling in Spanish]

How is he?

He's worse than before.

Those animals, they did nothing for him.

(Doctor) He needs rest,
warmth, time to recover.

Where is he?

Rest, Papa.

Where is he?

(man on radio) The President returns today

from his historic Middle East visit,

promising to have the new trade bill
outlined before the end of this month.

The US Attorney General has given
the go-ahead to new funding to be…

Well, look at this. Got yourself
some beauties there, Hawke.

Where'd you catch 'em?

Other side of the lake, over there.

There's plenty more where these
came from. You oughta try your hand.

Yeah sure, this afternoon.

There some reason why you're always
glued to the news like that?

There are some friends of mine,

I think there might be somethin' on the
news about ‘em. I wanna catch it.

[man chattering on radio]

Anybody I might know?

I don't think so.

It's another place, another time, you know.

Well, I caught ‘em,

you clean ‘em.

(man on radio) …cockles of any heart.

Little Tommy Rombeo and his…

[music playing on radio]

[car approaching]


Hello to you, too.

Sorry to tell you, but this little
piece of paradise is already taken.

We will not stay. Mr. Jason Gifford?

That's me.

The people at the lodge said
that we might find you here.

Someone needs medical attention. Will you help?

Sure, if I can.

There goes your fishing.

Okay, where is he?

Well, he is some distance.

And what's his name?

Marios Guzman.


She already asked me and I said, no.
And I'm saying it to you again.

This time we must insist.



[g*ns firing]

(Stringfellow) Don't worry, Doc.

I'll come after ya.

No, no, please!

It's my problem, Hawke.
Just stay away from this one.

The hell I will.

G-U-Z, Guzman. Goozman. Something like that.

Marios Guzman. The former President of Suriana.

A group of commandos just
busted him out of prison.

What's this got to do with Doc Gifford?

Well earlier, he was talking about old friends.

I'll be willing to bet you
a brand new set of dry flies

he's an unwilling passenger on his
way to South America right now.

Then I guess those dry flies are
gonna stay dry for a while.

Looks like it.

Okay. Clear sailing.

You know, we're gonna cross a different
country's airspace every minutes down there.

(Dominic) Thank God for radar suppression.

I'm more concerned about
our reception in Suriana.

I hope Archangel reached the Ambassador.

[helicopters whirring]

Carlos, Carlos.

[speaking Spanish]

[helicopters whirring]

Is it really possible?

Tomas, can I speak to the people one more time?

We have the equipment.

We have the will to do much
more than talk, Mr. President.

What do you have in mind, Tomas?

A demonstration of your continuing powers.

I gave orders that no one was to be let in.

I am Tomas Sanchez.

I was your Father's Political Advisor.

I know who you are.

The fact is, you've compromised
security by coming here.

There are patrols all over
the region. Jets in the sky.

Then he has to be moved.

Don't you tell me what I
must do with my Father.

Luis, show him out.

Tomas, we will talk later.

Papa, you can't continue to see
people until you're better.

Did you hear what Tomas said, mija?

He said there is a way

that I can broadcast to the people.

I didn't get you out of the
hospital to revive your career.

No, no. Nothing like that. Nothing. Just…

Just a farewell from an old man.

We'll see.

(Hoffman) Your friend, Jason
Gifford, is a jack of all trades.

years ago, he was employed by
a local company as a crop duster.

He met Marios Guzman at that time.

Guzman was a popular revolutionary figure

and Gifford flew some
non-combat missions for him.

Guzman was a strange one.

Suffers from liver ailments
but never trusted doctors.

Only your friend, Gifford.

He swore by this serum

that he picked up at a quack
clinic across the border.

Hansen's Clinic, maybe you've heard of it.

What happened after he came to power?

What always happens, absolute power.

He was President for years.

A lonely, a sick man.

Finally, the military threw him in prison.

What happened to his daughter?

Obviously, they patched up their differences.

Why do you say that?

Because she was the one
who broke him out of jail.

Well, then where are they?

Probably up in the Contadora District.

He's still very popular up there.

That's big, big territory to cover.

Which brings me to my final point.

This country is dangerous right now.

My advice to you is to be very careful

and do not take sides.

[helicopter whirring]

[speaking Spanish]

Okay. There's a step here. Watch your step.

[speaking Spanish]

Hello, Teresa. Nice of you to invite
me here on such short notice.

I respect that you didn't want to come.

Doc? Esté aqui? Doc?

Oh, Doc. You're here.

You're here, and you brought the serum. Oh!

Teresa. Teresa.

Come. Stand next to Doc.

Like the old days. Make me a picture. Come.

Oh, now

everything is right.

Everything is possible.


(Dominic) Oh, it's a real
circus down there, String.

Yeah, well, they're worried about
more than just an escaped prisoner.

He's a political threat, too.

You know, guys, we have to remain
completely neutral in this situation.

Yeah, if we can.

Here we are. Like the old days.

The old days.

Do you remember the old days the way I do?

That excitement. That feeling
that anything was possible

now that your revolution had been achieved.

Peace. Equality. Justice.


Yeah, that, too.

Why didn't you come back with me?

You knew what he was
becoming, Teresa. You knew it.

This is my country. He is my Father.

How could I leave either of them at that time?

So who are you doing it for now,
your father or your country?

This is not a political act, Jason.

They were k*lling him in that hospital.

I begged them.

I tried all the proper channels,

the international committees,
nothing made any difference.

I had to take action.

Now he's in your hands. I'm glad.

Even if it's wrong.

Teresa, I gotta tell you the truth.

Doc, don't…

The serum that your Father believes in so much

is absolutely worthless.

It worked before.

No, it didn't.

He seemed to improve.

You just wanted to believe it, but it didn't.

I'm so sorry.

You can make him well. He trusts you.

Teresa, what happens when he dies?

You're free to go. I give you my word.

(Jensen) Do you realize that since
Marios Guzman was taken from prison,

I've had the police, the
army, and the secret police

of nations flying in here at
all hours to ask a few questions?

My patients are delicate.

I hate to think what all this
is doing to my cure ratio.

What about your most famous patient, Doctor?

I wish the President a speedy recovery.

But you won't admit to
supplying him with the stuff?

A man in my position must be
circumspect, do you understand?

Doctor, we're just trying to find our friend.

We really don't have anything
to do with politics.

A group of young men came
here yesterday for serum.

Gifford was with them.

I remembered him from the times he
used to fly Guzman here for treatment.

They left, and I don't know where.

Well, thank you very much, Doctor.

Look, could I say something?

He must be terminal this time.

Your friend hasn't a chance.

Is this the stuff?

Oh, careful. That's radioactive.

Oh, radioactive, huh?


(Dominic) Another village comin' up, String.

This is number . How long is it gonna take?

As long as it takes.

Bingo. That's gotta be it. In that house.

You know, we can’t just go in there sh**t'.

There's no telling what might happen to Doc.

No, I'll fly off about a mile
or so and set her down.

(Dominic) And then what?

You two wait for my signal.

Yeah, I was afraid you'd say that.

There's probably a rebel army down there.

How are you gonna get past ‘em?

Easy, I'll pretend I'm not there.

Those old windows never have
fit like they should, sir.

Don't apologize.

May I say something, sir?

I want you to know I was there,

in the city, the day your troops marched in.

September .

It's a day I shall never forget.

People dancing in the streets, barefoot,

even in the cold.

The revolution was at hand.

And I said then, "I'm going
to join our Presidente."

And here I am.

It's a fond memory.

Thank you, Emilio.

What about you, Doc? You were there, too.

Do you remember it fondly,
the th of September?

Look, just lie still, please.

You see Tomas, Doc blames me

that the people eventually felt the
cold of the streets on their bare feet.

(Doc) That's not what happened, is it?

The cold they felt was your turning
against them. That's what happened.

You see Tomas, Doc has never been married.

He doesn't know about honeymoons,

that they don't last forever.

And he's never ruled a nation.

He doesn't know that events rule the man

and rarely the other way around.

Well, I still believe that we have
something to say about what happens to us.

[helicopter whirring]


Hawke! How the hell did you find me here?

You smell like fish.

Next time you clean ‘em,
wash your hands better.

Who are you?

(Emilio) He's a friend, Señor Presidente.

He's an American.

(Stringfellow) Hey!

[g*n clicks]

Come on, let's go.

We'll never make it.

Yeah we will, I've got the lady along.


Hold it right there!

Get your hand off your w*apon.

Come on, let's go.

Doc, you can't leave me.

String, I gotta stay awhile
and look after the old man.

Doc, this guy kidnapped you.

I'm gonna see this through
as long as he goes free.

I'm not buyin' that.

If I have her word, you can buy it.

Go ahead.

Doc can leave in a week,
no matter what happens.


[speaking Spanish]

You can't be serious.

Forget him, Tomas.

Doc is an American.

Their own necks are all they care about.

It's insane, Teresa.
He'll go right to the Junta.

I gave Doc my word. Doc gave me his.

Your word? A word?

Did you tell the hospital
you were a holy sister?

Did you tell your Father he
would live to be years old?

Don't let him go.

For God's sake Marios, tell
her this is the real world.

It's her decision.

So you're really gonna stay, huh?

I can't talk you out of it?

Well, it's a good place to work on my tan.

Emilio! Luis!


Dom, lift off. Code Fire.

(Tomas) What's Code Fire?

You go to hell, all of ya.

So much for your word.

Now you are beginning to see.

You must be a realist.

You had no more choice

than I had when I was President.

Events rule us, not the other way around.

Look at this storm.

Even the gods are on our side.

On our side, Papa? Are you mad?

I mean that

there can be no air search in such weather.

There, that's what I mean.

Papa, I feel alien here.

Whatever happened to trust,
to keeping a promise?

What happened to Doc's friend?

Why didn't you let him go?

Why did you keep the advantage?

You're not an alien, you're Teresa Guzman.

This is your home.

You're my daughter, my heir,

my revenge.

I've never heard of Code Fire.

It means, "Get me out," if he's in trouble.

And what if he can't get out in time?

Then we do whatever is
necessary to get him out.

Make sure he doesn't suffer.

If he's being abused.

Our intelligence reports

that Guzman's planning to
address the nation on the radio.

If he calls for v*olence, we could find
ourselves in the middle of a civil w*r.

Just make sure you don't start it.

(Guzman) My children, the crying need

for reform and revolution in this nation

has not disappeared magically

under the present government.

It exists.

No, it more than exists,

it flourishes.

The same spirit that enabled us to fight

against impossible odds.

That same spirit that danced barefoot

in the cold streets

but felt only the warmth of freedom.

I will be with you always

and always ready if you call.

A wonderful speech, my President.

Thank you, Tomas. Now
prepare to broadcast this.

Yes, my President.

That didn't sound like a farewell speech to me.

Who can say?

[g*ns firing]

[car approaching]

[speaking Spanish]

Give me a g*n.

[speaking Spanish]

[soldier shouting in Spanish]

[speaking Spanish]

[speaking Spanish]

- Doc.
- Yeah?

You cover my tail.

Got it.

[soldiers speaking Spanish]


You got any more friends like this one?

Do you realize this man just saved your lives?

I'm grateful. They probably radioed for help.

Get the stretcher, we'll take the back road.

You're all soldier now, aren't you?

Help them with the stretcher.

[speaking Spanish]

(Teresa) Luis.

[speaking Spanish]

Doc, let's rest a moment.

That's it.

String, String.

[speaking Spanish]

I don't like what you're thinking.

We'll never have a better chance
than right now, my friend. Come on.

They'll cut us down before we're halfway there.

They got other things to think about. Come on.

I don't know.

Come on. We can separate.

I'll meet you back at the home of
the American Ambassador, okay?

I promise.

Will you move?

[Teresa shouting in Spanish]

You were right, Doc.
They never got off a shot.



Coming up on the village. All scanners on.

Hey, I don't like the looks of this.

What do you mean?

Well, I read one shot-up house. There's
still some radioactive concentra…

Uh-oh, I've got one body down there moving.

Come in Airwolf!


(Dominic) Hey, you all right?

Yeah, I'm fine.

Doc got me out.

But we lost him again.

I'll meet you at the landing site.

Let's go, Cate.

[speaking Spanish]

[speaking Spanish]

(Stringfellow) We pick up
Doc tracing the old man.

Then we swing back to the
Ambassador's for Caitlin.

She understands. We need the room.

[speaking Spanish]

[truck engine revving]

What is all that stuff?

It's for the broadcast.

The weather balloon takes the antenna aloft.

And from here we can reach
nearly the whole country.

I have… I have no more serum.

The serum didn't work anyway.

It was always Doc who got you through.

And you, you're a fighter.

You always were. Fight now!

My little, little Teresa.

Doc, you understand.



Come here.

He's not gonna make it, you know?

I know.

Thank you for letting my friend Hawke go.

All I ever wanted was to get my
Father to a decent hospital.

Look at me now.

An armed fugitive, you and I enemies.


Once we broadcast, who knows?

My Father was right. Events
will just overtake us.

I am his revenge,

his heir.

It's okay Papa, relax.

Telefonos Contadora?

Oh, my God.

(Guzman on tape) I was with you then,
in the mountains along the banks…

There it is, bearing .

Dom, give me turbos.

[speaking Spanish]

(Guzman on tape) …and in the barricades…

Señorita Guzman,

Emilio is dead.

There are patrols out there, you gotta…

(Guzman on tape) …as we faced a common foe.

We were invincible then.

We were comrades. We were brothers…

For you and for Emilio.

When the last of our enemies has fallen

and we ourselves are dust, our…

I'll watch the road.

Teresa, there are dynamite
boxes in the garage next door.

They got detonator caps, wire.
What are they for?

We didn't bring those.

(Doc) Now, what was the dynamite for?

I don't know.

(Guzman on tape) My blood spilled
with yours as we faced a common…

Look you, you were here when we got here.
You work for Sanchez, right?

That same spirit that danced barefoot

in the cold streets

but felt only the warmth of freedom.

That was a signal, wasn't it?


It's too late. It's too late
to stop the trucks now.

You see, car bombs.

[g*ns firing in the distance]

[speaking Spanish] Where? How many?

The palace, the shipyard, the barracks.

Well, that's . What's the other one?

Sanchez, and he is driving that one himself.

And he didn't say the target.

That's the truth, I swear it.

Teresa, you're the only one who can stop ‘em.

Get on this microphone.

All right.

Bring this country back to its senses.

[g*ns firing]

This is Teresa Guzman.

[static on radio]

This is Teresa Guzman.

We are helpless.

[Airwolf whirring]

Come on. Let's go.

[soldiers yelling]

Easy with the mayhem, String. We don't
want to hurt anybody if we don't have to.

(Stringfellow) I'm keeping ‘em honest.

[g*ns firing]


(Doc) There are car bombs. The revolution
has to be stopped. Teresa can do it.

She's gonna broadcast on the
government frequency, all right?

We're all set on the government's frequency.

This is Teresa Guzman.

I am broadcasting to the people of Suriana.

My Father is dead.

His voice, which you heard moments
ago, was a tape recording, a trick.

It is time for the conflict to end.

There are men on missions of terrorism

who believe they are acting
in the name of my Father.

They're not.

[man speaking Spanish over radio]

(Teresa) I implore you,
before you reach your targets,

destroy your vehicles in uninhabited areas.

This is the legacy my
Father would truly cherish.

(Dominic) I knew it.
It was only a matter of time.

Government F- 's, a pair of ‘em, closin' fast.

They'll sh**t us down.

They'll have to catch us first.

Whatever happens, I thank you for trying.

Trying, hell! I just
registered ground explosions

out in the middle of nowhere.

(Stringfellow) Where's number ?

(Teresa) That must be Sanchez.

He's pretty bitter against Americans.

You suppose he'd go after the Embassy?

It's too well protected.

(Stringfellow) So what else do we have?

The Ambassador's residence.

My God, Caitlin's there.

[children talking]

Hey, kids! Here, take my hand. Take my hand.

Come on. Run! Run!

More Phantoms at : .

Hey, you okay?

Sure, after a taste of
Airwolf, they never come back.

Where is señorita Guzman?

(Caitlin) We dropped her off
back at the Ambassador's house.

Well, I guess you're going to
have to sit in my lap, Doc.

Listen, I don't know what to say but…

You're staying, huh?

Yeah, for a few weeks, maybe longer.

We understand.

Hey, we got things we believe in, too.

Okay. Thumbs up, everybody.

(Caitlin) Good bye.