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02x15 - Santini's Millions

Posted: 05/10/23 19:02
by bunniefuu
“I leave my estate to the
only honest man I ever met,”

“Dominic Santini.”

Dom, hey, what's wrong?

Just hang on.

…to walk away and not say anything

when we're forced to contest the Will.

as*ault formation. We're going in.

to odds, Dom.


Doctors General, this is Mercy
leaving Point Discovery.

ETA your location, hour.

(man) Roger, Mercy . What is
the condition of your cargo?

(Dominic) Staying cool,
and in real good condition.

(man) Roger, Mercy and I thank you.

We have the red carpet out for you.

Good luck on your flight.

Over and out.

(Barron) Graydon, I'm gonna be
hours late for the meeting.

(Graydon) I won't have time to notify
everyone on the board, Mr. Barron.

They can wait for me then.

Maybe they'll think of something
creative for a change.

I'll tell them that.

Do so. This is Barron , clear.


Hey, what's that?

Oh, I don't believe this, Be
with you in a minute, buddy.

Okay, buddy?

Except for a bruised ego, yes.

Come on.

What is this thing you're flying?

That's the taxi that's
gonna get you outta here.

Come on.

I thought my company was on the
cutting edge of technology.

Oh? You an engineer?

Sort of.

My name's Dominic Santini.

Carl Barron.

The Carl Barron?

Well, I'll be.

I want you to change course for Los Angeles.

I'd like to oblige you, Mr. Barron,

but I got a human heart back there.

There's a team of doctors in Chicago

waiting to transplant it into the
chest of a -year-old kid.

But I've got to get to LA.

$ , for you to change your flight plan.

Maybe you didn't hear me.

I said I got a human heart…

Maybe you didn't hear me.

$ , to Los Angeles, one way.

I heard.

And I don't believe what I heard.

I guess what they say about you is true.

Oh? What do they say?

That you got a heart as cold as a snake.

My temperature is my own business.

And my flight plan is mine.

You're going to Chicago, pal.

(Younger) Mr. Archangel,
the House Oversight Committee

has brought to our attention
your payments to Santini Air.

Santini Air provides transportation
and surveillance services.

men who have the most
intimate knowledge of Airwolf,

still work for the Firm.

Because we need people we can trust.

There's no mystery.

Sir, you are testifying before a Committee

which represents the people
of the United States!

We deserve forthright answers to our questions.

Then ask questions, Mr. Younger!

All you have are innuendos and rumors!

Your story belongs in the
check-out line at a supermarket.

[helicopter whirring]

There you go, Mr. Barron, you're almost home.

Chicago and back, in only…

My God man, you must have flown almost Mach .

In a helicopter?

Miracles never cease, do they?

I don't understand, you
could have taken my offer,

made $ , , and still got
the heart to Chicago on time.

It's a matter of priorities.

$ , isn't one of them.

Money is the grease which makes the
world go round, there's no denying it.

Except that sometimes
money gets in peoples' way.

That's mine. I built it from the ground up.

Suits your personality, steel and concrete.

Steel and concrete, huh?

Thanks Santini, for the rescue,

for everything.

I'm telling you, it was $ grand!

He offered me $ grand in cash!

Carl Barron?

The richest man in the world?


So help me, it was him! I swear it, String.

But you got the heart to Chicago General first?

Hey, what do you take me for?

I take you for Dominic Santini.


This is

my last Will

and Testament.

Good evening, Mr. Barron.

Good evening, George.

I'll be working in the Plasma Lab tonight.

Yes, sir. Just let me know when you're through.

I'll do that.

[pop music playing]

[alarm wailing]

Mr. Barron!

Oh! Oh, my God!

Mr. Barron!

Mr. Barron!


Carl Barron's legacy was
to the future of mankind.

He was the embodiment of a self-made man.

He was a self-reliant man.

Now I know that Barron Technology

will remain a part of the family tradition

as long as his granddaughter, Margo
Brewster, has anything to do with it.

And I also know that

we'll offer her all the support that she needs

in this difficult time of transition.

Thank you.

Ladies and gentlemen, excuse me, please.

I'm sorry.

My name's Charles Selkirk,
I'm Mr. Barron's attorney.

Before this tragic accident,

Mr. Barron made out a new
Will in his own handwriting.

He requested that it be read at his funeral.

[crowd murmuring]

See, I told you he was a weird duck.

I guess that's why he liked you, huh, Dom?

(Selkirk) Now, just a second please.

Just a second.

“I don't believe in a lot of legal
jargon, so I'll get right to it.”

“My homes and other real property
I leave to my granddaughter,”

“Margo Brewster.”

“The remainder of my estate, will be divided.”

“ % to Margo Brewster,”

“the remaining %, I leave to
the only honest man I ever met,”

“Dominic Santini.”


Just a second, please. Please let me continue.

Please, ladies and gentleman.

“Even though he was flying a secret,”

“advanced-design helicopter
on a mission of mercy,”

“he stopped to save me when my
plane crashed in the wilderness”

“and refused any reward.”

“In my life, I always suspected
the motives of a Good Samaritan.”

“In death, I reward at least this one.”


The guest register indicates
that Mr. Santini is present.

Mr. Santini, would you
please identify yourself?


(woman) There he is. There he is.

(man) That's him?

[reporters clamoring]

How long have you known Carl Barron?

I just met him one time.

What is the future of Barron Technology?

Are you going to be splitting
it up, Miss Brewster?

I don't know. I haven't had
the time to think about that.

Miss Brewster, what do you
think about your grandfather

giving % of the company
to a complete stranger?

I'm sorry. I can't answer
that question right now.

Mr. Santini, what was that that
Barron said about a super helicopter?

Well, I…

You must have some reaction
to that, Miss Brewster.

(female reporter) Yes, yes, tell us.

Please, leave me alone! All
of you, just leave me alone!

[reporters clamoring]

Dominic Santini, owner of Santini Air,

is the windfall recipient
of Carl Barron's estate,

estimated to be in the vicinity

[phone beeping] of $ million.



Put him through.

Yes, Mr. Younger.

That's quite a tale, don't you think?

Canada, to Chicago, to Los Angeles

in an advanced chopper
flown by Dominic Santini.

I think it's preposterous.

There's a public committee meeting in days.

You'd better have an explanation.

[phone goes dead]

(Michael) What was he doing flying Airwolf?

Hey, I was sick with the flu.

Well, it's an incredible breech of security.

I did it because some kid needed a new heart!

I'm talking about Barron!

Well, what was I supposed to do?
Let him freeze to death?

You would have done the same thing,

I think.


maybe if you said the man was
delirious when you picked him up.

Dominic's in that Will
because he's an honest man.

Now you want him to lie?

Besides, if Barron's state-of-mind
comes into contest,

Dom could lose the whole thing.

Right, don't worry Michael,
you'll think of something.

Dominic Santini, with $ million,

what a terrifying prospect!

(Margo) It's just like my grandfather
to do something like this.

He was always good at messing
up other peoples' lives.

Look, I'm positive that Carl
wouldn't give Santini anything.


It was a hoax.

Are you sure?

You just wait and see how
fast he takes our offer.

And then you're going to have everything.

What will I do with it?

That's why I'm here, darling.

Oh James, you've always been so sweet

and helpful.

Oh, Margo.

Are you going to ask me to marry you again?

I guess, I don't give up easily, huh?

Jim, I'm so confused about all of this.

I'm just a preschool teacher.

I don't…

I need more time.

I won't rush you.

You know what… funny about time.

You believe you have plenty of it

[sniffling] until something like this happens.


I'll never be able to tell my
grandfather what was in my heart.


Water into gasoline. We'll corner the market.

Well, what are we going to drink?

Hey, Dom, come here.

(man on TV) Margo Brewster, Carl
Barron's heir and granddaughter,

eluded reporters outside the
preschool where she teaches.

Her resignation from the school fuels rumors…

(Dominic) Poor kid. At
least I'm used to craziness.

[phone ringing] …as head of Barron's Industry,

a multi-billion-dollar international
conglomeration founded by her grandfather…

Santini Air.

Hello, Mr. Hawke.

This is Graydon. I'm outside,
I'd like to see you.

…who was k*lled by a sudden…


…and still unexplained expl*si*n
in the Barron Industry laboratories,

early this week. It is assumed…

We've got visitors, outside in a limo.

…if Miss Barron chooses to
exercise her voting stock…


Well, that's quite a little circus
you have there, Mr. Santini.

I wish they'd all go away.

How are you?

They will. This bubble won't last forever.

What bubble?

Mr. Santini, somebody's played
a very cruel joke on you,

and we feel badly about it.

Those of us who are close to the Barron family,

we'd like you to come away with
something a little more than just…

circus memories.

Just how bad do you feel, Mr. Graydon?

Say, figures?

$ ,

to walk away and not say anything

when we're forced to contest the Will.

Why would I do that?

Because over half that $
million is in BTS stock, Dom.

Those guys are worried about their jobs.

We want to save Mr. Santini some embarrassment.

And we also want to retain family control

over what's a family company.

Mr. Barron put me in that Will for some reason.

Take the money, Mr. Santini.

I don't like being bought and sold, mister.

It won't be offered again.

Then I guess I blew it.

I guess you did.

How much of that was in Barron stock, Caitlin?

A lot, over half.

I'll see you in the boardroom, Mr. Graydon.

You sound like a real executive there, Dom.

Well listen, I've been running this
operation on a shoestring for so long,

that I've gotten some practical experience.

Mamma mia, I forgot.

We got a gig at the studio tomorrow.

Surely you don't intend to work.

You're darn right!

It'll make me feel like going
back to something normal again.


“See him in the boardroom.”

I'll see him in hell first.

(Director) It's sort of an aerial ballet.

I can't describe it any better.

Yeah well, Dom will take you on a dry run

that way you'll get the feel of it.

It's the feel. That's what I'm after. The feel.

You see, in order for me to
visualize what's happening,

I must have the texture, the substance,

the feel, as you say,

in order to produce the most
dynamic possible ensemble.

Yes, that's what I'm after.

Hi, Dominic.


Oh, hi.

A stir stick for your coffee?

Uh-huh, thanks.


You'd better watch out for
the rotors on my helicopter.

(Dolores) Oh?

Yeah, the draft is liable
to give you pneumonia.

Oh, you're just a big ol’ teddy bear.


You know, I read about you in the paper.


I think it's wonderful.

Keys, Dominic?



[laughing] Oh!


not right now.

You see, I'd better be gettin' to work.

Well, we all have to work, don't we?

[chuckling] Yeah.

Mamma mia!

Healthy girl.

And so sincere.

Hey, I'm starting the run. You ready?

I'm focused.

Dom, hey, what's wrong? What happened?

I'm into counter-rotation.

Cut. Cut.

Cut? Hell, just hang on.


It's a wrap. It's a wrap.

Let it be a wrap.

It's a wrap.

That reminds me.

I better get a Will of my own.


Your Uncle Anthony, sent me.

Hey, he's been dead for years, lady.

I know.

I still don't know how it happened.

She'll patch, Dom.

You put her down real easy.

There's still no reason for
a rod to fail like that.

You know, String,

I wonder if being rich isn't the
first step on the road to paranoia.

You might have to get used to it, Mr. Santini.

The court dismissed the challenge.

The validation of the handwriting was upheld.

You'll soon be a wealthy man.

Well, I feel better.

Not because of the money.

Because now they know I'm not a liar.

Hangar's all buttoned up! Ready to go home?


Barron Industries is having
their board meetin' tomorrow,

I'm trying to make some
sense outta these reports

so I won't look like a total idiot.

Looks pretty thick.


Like my head.

You know Dom, you and I kid around a lot,

trading sh*ts and whatnot.

But I'll tell you somethin',

you're one of the most intelligent men I know.

And if you want to figure that out,

you can do it.

Thanks, String.

(Graydon) I'm telling you
Margo, Santini is dangerous.

He thinks your grandfather gave him
this money for a special purpose.

He's making noises about
shaking up this company.

Now we have to be prepared
to do battle with him.

Battle? Jim, you make it sound like w*r.

It is w*r, Margo.

Now your grandfather would have told you that.

Everything was to Carl Barron,

business, marriage,
children, grandchildren,

all a study in tactics.

I know.

You thought about my proposal?

Another tactic.


Jim, I'm sorry. I don't know why I said that.

It's just, I haven't decided yet.

Margo, the company needs your help now.

We have to fight off Santini.

Now, you can wait to decide about marriage,

but I have to have your proxy now.

Of course.


I'll do it.

(Graydon) Now, this concludes the acquisition
profile for BTS in the last quarter.

And as you can see we are a
well-balanced and diversified company.

Good job, Jim.

I'm disposed to give you carte blanche.

Thank you. Mr. Santini, would you
like to make that unanimous?

Mr. Santini,

would you like to make that unanimous?

Uh, what?

You have read the report?

Oh, well uh…

it would take a Philadelphia
lawyer to figure this out,

but I read it, last night, all night,

and I got a couple of
problems, Mr. Graydon.


It says here we charged the
United States Air Force

$ , for sensors

to go with the helicopter guidance system.

Now, I know helicopters, gentlemen,

and I know that those sensors

shouldn't cost any more than $ .

We are ripping off the American taxpayer.

And you know it.

Is that true?

Is that true?

Mr. Santini, you don't buy
these things off the rack.

You have to consider research
and development costs.

Research and development does not
justify this kind of a markup, sir.

Now, on page .

It shows that you're buying up a
lot of farmland in Tucker Valley.


Well, I know that area, because I fly over it.

I know it too, it's lovely.

And what you've got there is
a lot of small family farms.

Now, what I'd like to know is,

are we muscling those people off their land?

I'm not gonna to be cross-examined
by some throttle jockey.

Now this report stands approved as presented!

Not till I get these answers.

You are outvoted, sir!

No, he is not.

Mr. Santini, you and I are
long overdue for a talk.

Miss Brewster, you're on.

Excuse me, gentlemen.


You know, I wish I could say
I knew your grandfather,

but I didn't even like him very much.

You know, that's the same with me.


You see, after my parents died,

years ago, a plane crash in Europe,

well we, just pulled away.

I don't know. A note once a year at Christmas

on the back of the card,

checks I never cashed…

That's why I can't understand all of this.

Why leave it to me?

I can't manage it.

Are you sure about that?

You know, every big corporation
needs someone at the top

with that human touch.

Well, you know,

you have that Barron blood in you.

You could make it work.

Maybe he knew that.

You know, I've been trying to figure out

why Carl Barron put me in his Will.

I figured there must be some reason.

And you know something?

I think this is it, this talk we're having.

Well, what should I do?

Just keep watching her.

[phone ringing]

Yes? Edna?

Dominic Santini wants me to
meet him in the parking lot?

Okay, I'll be there in minutes.

Thank you.

You're not… oh my God!

Give me Graydon. He's on the test range…

[phone ringing]


Graydon, I lost her.

What, you lost her?

Yeah, Santini took her up
in one of his choppers and…

Look, it didn't look right.

Meet me there.


Look, she got into one of your
red, white and blue choppers

only half an hour ago!

(Dominic) Come ‘ere. Come ‘ere.

Look at that rotor. That's my bird.

Dom, doesn't Angelo do your painting?

Yeah, across the runway.

Cate, watch the store. Come
on, String. Let's go see Ange.

He was a cash customer, Dom.

I figured it was something to do with
the $ million. A present or somethin'.

But what did he look like, Angelo?

Old guy, at least.

I don't know, important-lookin'.

My God!

And if he's still alive, then…

That's right, Santini. If
he's alive, you don't get it.

Is this him?

That's him.


You don't get it either way. Cooper…

Is there any other way outta here?

No, it's all locked up, Dom.

It's thinner.

It's paint thinner! Cover your mouths.

(Graydon) When the door opens
Cooper, it'll cause a spark,

and then the whole place’ll go up in flames.


Listen, that chopper's course was northeast.

- So why don't you fly it?
- All right.

Choppers Baker and Charlie, join
us over Big Bear in minutes.

Dom? Angelo? Are you guys here?




Hawke! Are you all right?


They had that door rigged
to blow this place up.

- Barron's alive.
- What?

And he's got Margo.

And now, Graydon's trying to finish ‘em off.

Come on, we've gotta borrow
one of your choppers.

All right.

(Cooper) Where are we going?

The old seismology lab. It's
been shut down for years.

Barron knows the place, it fits.

Why would he fake his own death?

He didn't.

He died in that plasma expl*si*n.

Margo died at the hands of her kidnappers.

And we all know what happened to Santini.

- The estate will be in probate for years.
- Yeah.

I'll control the company.

g*ng’s all here.

(Dominic) What do we do now, String?

Those BTS choppers got about
an hour's head start on us.

And we don't know where Margo could be.

Dom, you remember the other night,

we were talkin' about trying to patch
into the Air Traffic Control System?

Yeah sure, I can get the
LA pattern on my scope.

But we're talkin' about hundreds
of radar blips. Here take a look.

See? There's Caitlin taking
that chopper back to Angelo.

What are all the rest of those things?

Graydon's chopper had rocket pods on it,

like he'd been to the test range.

String, you're brilliant.

Punch in Barron's test
range. See what comes up.

Got him.

departure in the last hour.

No wait.

in minutes.

to odds, Dom.

How could you do this to me?
You think you have the right

to interfere in other peoples' lives,

to judge what's good for them.

You're despicable!

You have a perfect right to your anger.

But hear me out.

I berate employees when they
do not learn from mistakes,

but I never did, my whole life.

When your Mother and Father
died, I felt terribly betrayed.

So I retreated into my office, into my work,


when I should have been close to you.

It was a terrible mistake.

Then a couple weeks ago, I met a man.

Santini made me feel the
loss of all those years.

I felt the pain, but I hadn't learned anything.

I retreated again.

I made the ultimate retreat.

I gave you one last big Christmas present

and played dead.

You should have come to me.

That's what I said to myself days ago

in a mountain cabin, on the
North Island of New Zealand,

the place I had chosen to live out my life.

I woke up saying your name.

as*ault formation. Choppers Baker
and Charlie, we're going in.


(Graydon) I see movement inside.
It's got to be them. Fire.

Baker, Charlie, on the ground at o'clock.

There they are. On the ground.

(Graydon) Baker, Charlie, we got company.

(Stringfellow) Graydon, give it up.

There's no chance you're gonna win.

I want you and that chopper outta
here, or I'm gonna waste ‘em.

Now, get over that horizon. Move.


No, not now. Don't rush me.

After years, I wanna savor this moment.

(Dominic) What the hell are you doing?

Are we over the horizon?

- Yes, but ah…
- Turbos.

What are you waiting for, Graydon?



[reporters clamoring]

We thought you were dead, sir.
What's going on here?

Where have you been hiding? Can you
tell us where you've been hiding?

[reporters clamoring]

Please, please, ladies and
gentlemen. Please, just a moment.

Please, I'm prepared to make a statement.

Now I disappeared because I thought

I wanted to be totally alone
for the rest of my life.

But someone very important
to me changed my mind.

Will you be staying with
the company, Mr. Barron?

Well, that will be decided at a later date.

But my Will, of course, has been invalidated.

(reporter) Will you be
running the company, sir?

Or will it be someone else?

No, my granddaughter Margo, will be in charge

of the day-to-day operations of the company.

What's all this we've been hearing
about a super helicopter, sir?

Yes well, there was no super helicopter.

As a matter of fact, when my
plane crashed, I was delirious.

It was just an ordinary chopper,

flown by an extraordinary man, Dominic Santini.


[reporters clamoring]

(Barron) I'm sorry. I'm sorry.
No more questions, please.

You know Dominic, I was just wondering…

Well maybe I shouldn't ask.

No, go ahead, go ahead.

Well, the nd time you saved
my life, you lost $ million.

Right, so?

Well, did it ever occur to you to, at any time,

to look the other way?


Well, keep looking in your mailbox.

I won't live forever.