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02x14 - Inn at the End of the Road

Posted: 05/10/23 19:01
by bunniefuu
This is top priority.

Looks like a can of sardines to me.

It's one can of sardines we don't want opened.

(Dominic) We've got an airborne target.

I'm gonna try and force them down.

Do as you're told, and nobody will get hurt.



You can't use turbos.
The disengage is locked down.

You'll tear off the blades.

(Jarrett) Ladies and gentlemen,

you are indeed among the chosen few.

I am pleased to introduce to you, Loki.

Loki is a breakthrough, ladies and gentlemen.

It is the first, shall we say,
bio-feed back system for an aircraft.

Three dozen sensors send
readings into Loki's brain

for instant analysis.

It knows just how hard it can be flown,

how much it can take.

In short, it makes every aircraft

the very best it can be.

It is the central nervous
system of the aircraft.

And like a man defending his own life,

Loki is capable of maneuvers far
beyond the aircraft's design.

Loki actually learns what kind of aircraft
it's flying in a few short moments.

And then, look out.

We installed a prototype of Loki in
this Korean w*r vintage fighter.

Then we sent it out to
challenge F- fighters.

(Board member) Those performance parameters…

can a pilot withstand that kind of punishment?

(Jarrett) We don't know.

But pity the poor attacker who
tries to keep up with Loki.




(Steele) Come on, come on. Hurry up. Let's go.

Everybody stay calm and nobody will get hurt.

(Elena) He's got the Loki box, get it!



Excuse me, sir, this is a…
You're not supposed to…

What are you doin’? Get in. Let's go.



(woman) Please get some help!

What's going on? Look what you did to my car!

(Elena) Hey, shut up!

Hey! No problem. It's okay.

- It's okay.
- (woman) What do you mean? Get the police!

[screaming] Get in his car. Take his car.

You got it. It's cool.

Looks like a can of sardines to me.

Well, it's one can of sardines
we don't want opened.

t*rrorists armed with Loki could
strike anywhere in the world

using virtually any kind of aircraft.

This was top-secret.

Well then, why was this guy
Jarrett doing a show-and-tell

for half the fat cat investors
on his Board of Directors?

Because Jarrett's an idiot and a showboat.

And you want us to use Airwolf

to find what this idiot lost.

Wait a minute. I haven't finished
repairing that communications board yet.

Well, then you'll just have to rig
something. As I said, this is top priority.

We have a report that the get-away car
entered the Halinan National Forest

at this point.

Ranger Station .

The Halinan National Forest
is , square miles.

Well, I'm sure glad you
narrowed it down for us.

(Michael) I know it's a
big hunk of real estate.

That's why we need Airwolf
with all sensors tracking.

Oh, and one word of caution, Hawke.

If you do find Loki, and they've
already got it installed

in some kind of aircraft,

don't try to take them on.

Loki isn't human.

It doesn't recognize human limitations.

Yeah, we'll keep that in mind.

So long, Michael.

Always great to see you.

(Doc) Got that water boiling there, Charlie?

Yeah, pans.

Everything's gonna work out
just great, Mrs. Tarwater.

We'll work together on this, okay?

[Mrs. Tarwater groaning]

You got that alcohol handy, Charlie?

[Mrs. Tarwater breathing heavily]

Right here.

Doc, it's gonna be okay, isn't it?

Drink this.

It's gonna be all right.

Isn't it, Doc?

Piece of cake. Just quit calling me Doc.

Well, now, you've done
this before, haven't you?

Sure, Doc's done this lots of times.

Haven't you, Doc?

Sure, of course.

What else can you do around
here on a Saturday night?

Thank God.

You know, when that bridge
washed out, I got real scared.

(Charlie) We came up in here to God's country.

Well, we live off the land.
We do it all, by ourselves.

We just weren't prepared for this.

The baby's weeks early.

(Charlie) I feel blessed
to have you with us, Doc.

Well, no, we're truly blessed.

Hey, don't you drink all of that.

[Mrs. Tarwater groaning]

Here you go.

Okay, Charlie, how about some water?


Okay now, just breathe.
Just continue to breathe.

The little one will be here any minute.

That's it, the engine's about had it.

We have to rendezvous in hours.

We're just gonna be late.

And whose fault is that, Lucas?

$ million is the payment for this
one, and you nearly blew it for us.

We still got the thing, the Loki.

(Steele) It's just a tool.

Look, he's getting worse, Steele.
We've gotta get him to a Doctor.

Yeah, he's vital to this operation.

How far is the next town?

Town? Are you kidding?

Look, there might be a settlement up ahead.

Lucas, dump it.

When you're rid of it, get back here fast.

[baby crying]

(Doc) Okay, come on.
Come on, let's get you warm.

Just look at that cute little face!

Can you just give me a little air here?

Come on, now. Come on.

Here we go, here we go.
Here we go. See your Ma.

See your Ma.

That's a familiar sound.
You're gonna hear it again.

Look at this.

Thanks, Doc.

I just wish next time you might
give me a little more warning.

I'll get you down the mountainside,

I'll get you into the hands
of a real Doctor, okay?

Well, hey, wait a minute, Doc.
Where are you going?

I saved one shot for you.

I'll take a rain check on that
one, Charlie. It's getting late.

Well, I got another appointment
I got to make. I'm sorry.


Oh, Charlie, can you do me one favor?

Just quit calling me Doc.



You should've been there, Max.
You should've seen it.

I'm telling you, it is a miracle.

I mean, all of a sudden, there
he was, this beautiful baby boy,

his butt parked in my hands

and he's just screaming, hollering
to beat the band. I'm tellin' you,

it was somethin'.

I can picture you doing that.

You know, it was the first
time I ever saw a baby born.

Hope you didn't tell Mrs. Tarwater that.

Sure. Come on, get up.
What's for breakfast?

Oh, I don't know.

How about some eggs,

pigs in a blanket

and a pot of Maxine's best?

I don't know. You're the
proprietor. You surprise me.

You always surprise me,


Come here. Get out of here!

(TV Announcer) Lord Killebrew, as the
most widely respected peace negotiator

on the international scene,

your new initiatives can bring
permanent change in the Middle East.

- Good morning, Frank.
- Good morning, Doc.

Well, it still may be possible to achieve
a lasting peace in the Middle East

with this bold new stroke.

If we waited for all conflicts
to end before seeking peace,

we'd never get started at all.

Peace is not something for those

who stand idly and quietly aside.

Well, I'll drink to that.

(TV Announcer) Lord Killebrew's stay in
the United States will be a short one…

So Sally, how are my moccasins coming along?

You'll have them by Christmas, Doc.

Isn't that what you said last Christmas?

Well now,

when are you gonna take a look at my bunions?

Why is it this community can't get
themselves a real Doctor up here, huh?

It's getting so a man can't
even do his job anymore.

I'm a bush pilot,

and I'm going broke in
the Florence Nightingale bit,

every time some sourdough
falls off a log around here.

Don't kid us, you love it.

Hey, by the way, Doc.

I've been having this problem with
my lumbago, and I just wondered…

Why don't you just lower
your intake of red meat?

That'll be a good start right there, Frank.

Oh, yeah, sorry.

I know you had a tough night, huh?

[Frank laughing]

What about those bears that were
hanging around the garbage dump?

Frank had to bust ‘em.

Way I heard it, it was
the bears that busted Frank.

Badger, I think you got
a touch of cabin fever.

Maybe you ought to get out
and see a little of the world.


Come on in, stranger. The drinks are on Doc.

What can we do for you people?

Could you help us out?

We have someone who needs medical assistance.

Which one's Doc?

Well, I had some medical training
in the service, I'm not a Doctor.

Our friend is hurt.

(Doc) Okay, I'll take a look at him,

and if it's serious, we'll fly him
down the mountain to Gem City.

This is a b*llet wound.

Congratulations, Doc.

You just got the job.

(Dominic) That should bring our
communications back online.

I don't know how long these
temporary solder points will hold.

But for the time being, we got communications.

Never enough time to do anything around here.


Hey, String, what kind
of a name is L-O-K-I, Loki?

Loki was an ancient Nordic God.

Sort of like old Thor's hit man.

Always untrustworthy and up to no good.

Kind of like, you might call
him the god of bad news.

Now he tells me.


Coming up…

I can't operate on this man.

[glass shattering]

I'm losing patience.


Okay, all right. Okay,
just hold it. Let her go.

Okay Maxine, go down to the chopper
and bring up my emergency kit.

(Steele) Hold it.



- You go.
- (man on radio) Ranger Station ,

any word on how those
construction crews are doing

down at Blue River Junction?

And while you're there,
do the same to his radio.

But don't damage the flight
instruments. We're gonna need ‘em.

(Dominic) Hey, look. Look
at that family of bears.

(Michael) What's your status, Hawke?

Have those million-dollar heat
sensors come up with anything yet?

Sure, we got mountain goats, deer

and stray sheep.

Correction, sheep.

Or is it goats?


You'll just have to keep at it.

That's mistakes.

Yes, sir.

It's time to move. Where is it?


Do as you're told, and nobody will get hurt.

You're not going to put us in there?

There's no air in there, we'll suffocate.

It's a meat locker.

(Frank) Look, you don't have
to put anybody any place.

Without a radio up here,
we're completely shut off.

I won't go.

Look, I'm not afraid of
these clowns. Let ‘em sh**t.

See if I give a damn!

I'm only gonna say this once, now move it!


Freeze! Freeze!


Okay, everybody in there, now!

Move it! Now!


[muffled shouting]

I heard a shot.

Forget it! You're supposed to be guarding Doc!

He's unconscious.

It's no use, men couldn't open that door.

Come on here, Frank.

Doc’ll get us out.

Won't he, Max?

Sure he will, Sally.

Doc's never let you down yet, has he Frank?

Where's everybody?

In the meat locker. Now let's go.

You can't put ‘em in there.

You animals! They're gonna suffocate in there.

They'll live.

But not for long unless you
get that chopper in the air

and put us down exactly where we tell you to.

All right.

But listen to me.

Just one of my friends
doesn't make it outta here,

I'm gonna find you.

No matter where you are,

I'll find you, all of you.

(Dominic) Well, according to the
computer, that's Crystal Lake,

home of the Golden Otter Lodge.

(Stringfellow) When all this is over,

we gotta come back and take in a few rainbows.

Hey, yeah.

Hey, that's funny, though.

What's that?

Well, there's no people.

Not even a caretaker or a watch dog.

Not even a single fly
fisherman out by the lake.

Hey, infrared doesn't even
show a fire in the cook stove.

Well, maybe everybody's off on a hike.

(Dominic) Uh-oh, look at this.

Whatever it is, it's big,

it’s metal,

and the plates match.

Hey, that's the getaway vehicle, String.

Oh-oh, wait a minute.

Radar just overrode.

We've got an airborne target, bearing .

The computer identifies it as a bush chopper.

Yeah, and he's skimming
right down along the treetops.

Uh-huh, and he's in a big hurry.

Let's go check it out.

(Steele) What is that?

It's company, UFO, long arm of the law.

(Elena) They're signaling us.

(Doc) Sure, they want us to
acknowledge their transmissions.

What do we do?

Signal to them we're having radio difficulties.

They're just like some guys out hunting to me.

Yeah, but did you get the count?

(Stringfellow) Pilot, men and a woman.

It's just like the heist team.

I'm gonna try and force ‘em down.

Lose ‘em.

I'm afraid that's not gonna be too easy.

Hey, this guy's hotter than a
$ p*stol on a Saturday night.

(Stringfellow) Dom, try and contact Archangel.

(Dominic) Okay. But stay glued
to his tail like a fox hound.

Yeah, that's what worries me.


This is his briar patch.

(Steele) If we don't make it,
your friends won't either.

I can't outrun this monster, I'm
loaded down. He's got twice the power.

(Steele) Well, you better do something.

Watch it, he's going into that canyon.

(Dominic) String!

Hold her, String. Hold her.

Dom, we're going down.

[Dominic groans]

The solder points didn't hold.
Our communications are cooked.

We're gonna have to adjust that tail
rotor before we can get back in the air.

Well, could be worse.

We could be stuck halfway in that
tunnel with no rotors at all.

Yeah, pretty fancy flying.

(Steele) There it is, up ahead.

You mean the old radar base?

Don't you know this is Federal property?

Take it down.

This way.

[dogs barking]

(Frank) I can't breathe, Max.
The air's going bad in here.

It's oxygen depletion.

Pretty soon it won't be fit to breathe.

I'm here, Frank.

For a while I couldn't see.

It was all dark like I was… it's like I was…

Everything's gonna be okay.

Why would they do this? What
have we ever done to them?

I don't know.

To hell with ‘em.

What matters is for us to stay alive

so that when Doc gets here,

Sheriff Frank can give him hell
for taking his sweet time.

That's right. Doc wouldn't know
what to do without us around

to pull his leg once in a
while. Now, would he, Frank?

Damn straight.


(Steele) Along here.

It's that way.

Follow him.

It's quite the little summer
camp you got up here, isn't it?

What do we do now, play capture the flag?

Something like that, yeah.

Follow him.

We're nearly hours behind schedule,
Steele. What took you so long?

Vehicular difficulties.

Who is this?

No one. Lucas, take him out.

Bury him so even the dogs won't
be able to find his bones.

(Lucas) Yes, sir.

Hey, let's move it.

Those people are gonna die back there,
Lucas. You know that, don't you?

You're breaking my heart.

Just let me go. Steele and Elena,
they'll never know the difference.

By the time I get them out of
there, you'll be long gone.

What do you say, Lucas? What do you say?


Come on, what do you say, Lucas?

I say hold it.

- Dom.
- (Dominic) Yeah?

How many foot pounds?

You know String, I was just thinkin'
about that pilot of that chopper.

Dad gummit! I hate to see talent like that

turned into crime and m*rder.

Dom, pilots are people.

And there's people on both sides of the law.

Yeah, I reckon so.

Hold it right there!

Wait, those…

Put your hands behind your neck.

Hey String, that's him.

You flew the chopper through
the tunnel, didn't ya?

I'm not one of ‘em, they forced
me to take them up there.

You got to help me.

I said put your hands behind your neck!

Look, take it easy, will ya?

They got people that are suffocatin'

in an air-tight locker
back up there at the lodge.

We gotta get to ‘em.

Look, these are my friends!

This is my family.



(Roper) We're almost ready.

(Elena) It is hard to believe that one
little box is capable of so much.

With this in our private arsenal,

there will be no target in the
world we could not eliminate.

At the right price.

Always at the right price.

And today's job is just paying our expenses.

Be my guest.




You're not sending the pilot up in this?

Nothing will be left to chance.

Does he know if Loki gets into
defensive mode, he could…

For his share, he must take that chance.

(Maxine) [muffled] Somebody there?

Somebody there?

“Hey Max?”

(Maxine) Doc?

- You all right in there?
- Doc?

Just hang on. We'll get you out.

(Dominic) Wait a minute now.

(Doc) Just hang on. How's everybody in there?


There you go. There you go.

Just hang on in there. We'll pull the
lock off. We'll get you right out.

Easy does it now. Easy.


You all right?

Doc, Doc.

(Doc) You're okay? You're all okay, huh?

How you doing? Where's Frank?

Oh, no.

So how is he? Is he gonna make it?

Well, Doc set his shoulder and he's
got a real nasty bruise on his head.

- I'm just fine.
- Oh, sure, sure.

The man never saw a real
criminal his whole life.

Until now.

There's gonna be justice for this.

I know how you feel Doc,
but what can we do?


Whoa, easy Hawke.

(Dominic) Forget it, String.

String, you're in no condition.

Dom, I can fly just fine.

Let's do it.

Hey Doc, you just show us where they are, huh?

My pleasure.

Dom, what's goin’ on with the radio?

(Dominic) I think we got something.

Hawke, we've been trying
to raise you for hours.

Michael, we found Loki.

They've got a chopper, I think they're
trying to use it to get out of the country.

I don't think it's that simple.

The description of the thieves fits a new g*ng

of paid assassins operating out of Europe.

(Dominic) Hit men?

(Michael) Services to the highest bidder.

And I'd bet my last dollar they're
planning to fill an open contract

up there in the north woods.

Contract, huh? With who?

Lord Killebrew, off on
an unscheduled fishing trip.

Dead, he's worth $ million
to the right parties.

Well, we better get out there.

- Turbos!
- No, wait!

You can't use turbos. The
disengage is locked down.

You'll tear off the blades.

(Pilot) Union Jack , this is Escort .

We have a clear landing zone,
ETA is minutes and counting.

Lord Killebrew, looks like
a great day for lake trout.

(Killebrew) And it's a lovely sight indeed.

minutes and they're gone.

Our mission's not over
till we confirm the k*ll.

Then we fly to the set-down point,
retrieve Loki, and move on.

To bigger and better paydays.

(Pilot ) Union Jack , our radar
is picking up an incoming aircraft.

(Pilot ) This is Union Jack .
What's he doing up here?

(Pilot ) Union Jack , veer off, veer off.

He's disregarding my signal.

(Stringfellow) He took out the escort ship.

I wish we had our turbos.

When our Libyan friend sees this film,

he's gonna be very pleased to know
how we earned his $ million,.

(Pilot) Loki's taken control.

Whoever they are, they're limited
by their own flesh and bones.

Loki will blow them out of the sky.

- (Stringfellow) Sunburst.
- (Dominic) Loaded.

String. String?

(Doc) He's gone out, he's unconscious.

Take over, Doc.

Hang on, I'm k*lling the engines.

(Doc) You're doing what?

(Doc) What's happening? Was he stalled?

(Dominic) No, he cut his engines.

Where are the rockets on this thing?

(Dominic) Right thumb. Right thumb.

(Doc) Right thumb. Here it goes.

(Dominic) Lord Killebrew,
we radioed for an escort.

Until they arrive, we'll keep you company.

(Killebrew) Gentlemen, I don't
know who you are,

but thank you.

(TV Announcer) And so Lord Killebrew
completes his historic mission

to the peace conference to
inaugurate round-table talks

on the Middle East.

And now, live to Lord Killebrew.

As long as we remember that we
must strive for peace every day,

then one day,

that goal will be ours.

Right on.

Bravo. Bravo.

There's a man worth saving, huh?

You said it.

Badger, look at this.

You did a great job on this.


Hey, you didn't do too bad up
there yourself, considering.

Didn't have much choice, did I?

Well, you know,

if you'd have hurt Dom's lady,

you might have really been in double trouble.

[Dominic laughing]

No, listen,

what I'm tryin' to say is that,

seein' as how you lost your rig,

- I wouldn't mind at all…
- What Dom is tryin' to say

Doc, is that,

there's always a job open

at Santini Air for a real
hot rod pilot like yourself.


I don't know. I think I got everything in
the whole world I would want right here.

Unless the pay is fantastic, of course.

- Hey.
- Hey, top dollar.

(Doc) Really?

Except, Dom still thinks it's .