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02x11 - Random Target

Posted: 05/10/23 18:59
by bunniefuu
Whoa! Look at that.

They saw me.

Get that film.

This vehicle was hit by rocket fire.

We don't know that.

We are about to divide up the United States.


Get him. Get him.

Piece of cake.

Collective! Collective! You're
over-torqueing. You're over-torqueing.

Pull in some collective. Not that much.


Not bad, huh?

Okay, okay. So, I'm learnin'.

You know, you've got to admit, this isn't
your ordinary powered puddle jumper.

No, you're doing fine.

- Really?
- Really.

- Great. Well, then, when can I fly…
- No.

Come on, Mr. Santini.

Caitlin, you will not crew Airwolf. Not yet.

Then why am I being checked out?

'Cause we need a backup, in case
something happens to me or String.

Oh, I get it.

I'm good enough to fly Airwolf if
something happens to one of you,

but if nothing happens, I'm not good enough.

Caitlin, you write this down.

You will not become a rd pilot in this cockpit.

And that's the last word on this subject.

What qualifies for "something
happening to you or String?"


Oh, my!


Made my gas money today, haven't I?

[humming cheerfully]

[helicopters whirring]

Oh, would you look at that?

Stop it.

[g*ns firing]

Get that jeep. Move!

- (Stringfellow) Now let me understand this.
- (Sam) You don't like the plan.

- I didn't say that.
- (Dominic) I did.

I'm just trying to get it all straight.

- Now, let me explain it again…
- Let me explain.

One, you got that desert
film job by underbidding us.

Two, you want us to fill your contract

for less than what you're getting.

Man, I'm losing money the moment
I rev my engine. Hawke,

oh pal, buddy, come on.

So why do you have to
make it on our buns?

- Makes sense.
- What?

It's all gassed up, the camera's
loaded, it's ready to go.

It'll take you hours, tops.

Here's the coordinates, right here.

Sam, you are a disaster
looking for a place to happen.

But you're not gonna happen on us.

Come on, String.


Hi, Sam.

A fellow needs some recreation, huh?

Be ready in a second, hon.

I can't pass up a relationship
like this, now can I, man?


Please, please, please.

- No!
- Sure.


Well, the fellow does need some recreation.

Listen, when you guys are done,

take the desert footage over to
the Harcourt Lab for processing.

I promised the job for Thursday afternoon.

So have ‘em deliver it back, okay?

You want x ’s or wallet size?

[chuckling] Funny. Real funny, guys.

- (Langhorn) How soon will the others arrive?
- (Dent) hours.

I said , at the outside.

Well, the arrangements were
more difficult than I expected.

What arrangements? To k*ll me or see me?

[Dent laughs]

Look, they're all coming. Sloane from Miami,

Barlucci, Marcus from Detroit.

All friends and supporters.

How secure am I here?

We're completely isolated.

The girls had no idea where they were going.

We're in an oasis in the middle of the desert.

In fact, no one enters this compound
unless I say so. No one leaves.

These next few days don't exist.

You don't exist.

One might even say you're dead.


What irks me is our bid on this job
would have let me pay a few bills

and hire somebody to overhaul the Stearman.

What are you saying, Sam stuck it to us?


Well, he does it with pretty good style.

Boy, and the dolls he gets. I'd
just like to have his rejects.

(Stringfellow) Okay, start filming now.

What did Sam say he wanted?

Just some general stock footage?

There's the train tracks.

(Dominic) There's a train on it.

So, he gets a train.

Got it.

Well, that should be enough.
What's next on the list?

Open ground, some shacks, cars on
a desert road. Stuff like that.


Whoa! Look at that.

What that? I'll run a few feet up to show you.

[Dominic laughs]

Oh, you pretty thing.

Oh, String, eat your heart out.

Hey, you better give us another run by.

Just so we get full coverage for Sam.


A helicopter? What the hell
are they doing up there?

There's a camera mounted to that damn thing.

No, relax. They're around here all
the time for the oil companies.

- They saw me.
- No, no, no.

Get that film.

Kowal Air Service.

(Sam) Good night, sweetheart.

I'll call you in the morning, okay?

- That sounds great.
- See you tomorrow.

Take care.

[g*n cocking]

There isn't a whole lot, but you're
welcome to whatever you want.

What were you doing out there?




- Let's see the film.
- What film?

What the hell did you do?

I hit him.

You broke his neck. Now if we don't
find that film, we're dead, too.

[Officer chattering on radio]

Hey, hey, you can't go in there.

Oh, we’re friends of his.

We just did a job for Sam yesterday.

We wanted to find out what happened. Come on.

Yeah, you still can't go in there.

Well, who do we talk to?

Detective Sergeant Brannen.


[Brannen chattering]

Excuse me. Which one of you fellows
is Detective Sergeant Brannen?

I am.

Do you have an interest here?

Well, we worked with this guy
or we did work with him.

You were his employees?

Not exactly, we just kind of filled in.

We flew for him.

Like, you know, shuttle
passengers, do film survey work.

Well, I got the same kind of
operation right down the runway here.

And you are?

Dominic Santini.


Thank you.

Stringfellow Hawke.

Do either of you have any idea who might
want to do something like this to him?

Nobody that we know of. Sam had no enemies.


Listen, do you got a hunch?

No, I don't.

Will you try?

Junkies, looking for bread for another pop.

Somebody came by. They got scared.

Are you just saying that
Sam was a random target?

There's an awful lot of that
going around these days.

Well, that doesn't make any sense.

I mean, look at this place.

Hell, what would they think he had in there?

Have you ever seen a rational junkie?

Sam Kowal, victim of a sick society.

Write it off, huh, Detective?

You were the ones who said he
didn't have any enemies, not me.

Well, he was divorced times.

And he went bankrupt and his partners got hurt.

And he did play the ponies.

So, he wasn't exactly a
candidate for sainthood.

Well, at least it gives
us something to work on.

I am sorry about your friend.

But from the looks of this,

anybody could have done it.

And that usually means we may never know.

If you come up with anything
else, give me a call.


- (Stark) Did you k*ll her, too?
- (Rayco) No, she's still breathing.

Shall I finish her off?

Forget it, we got what we came here for.

We know what lab the film is at. Now, let's go.


[woman chattering on PA]

Now, that's a nice leg.

Yeah, not bad for an ex-cop from Texas.

Can you remember anything?

Like the shape of a head or skin color,

an item of clothing or smell?


Well, like cologne or tobacco or
garlic or oil on their clothes.

It all happened so fast, I really don't
recall much of anything about it.

I've had better victims.

Oh, no, I heard someone mention
pictures. No, no, no, no, no, film.

- You sure?
- Yes, I heard one mention film.


Don't take the film, take the film,

can we peddle this film, look
at all this damn film, what?

I don't know.

All I remember thinking is I'm not
gonna buy it in a helicopter crash

like my Mom always said I would.

I was gonna die right now.

Then I passed out.

Well, I'll get back to you.

Yeah sure, the check's in the mail, too.

Given the facts that I don't have in this case,

I'm afraid I can't exactly tell you

that it's a top priority assignment.


One friend is dead, the
other is in the hospital.

What do we have to do
to keep you on this case?

Look, Mr. Hawke, last night
in this precinct alone,

there were break-ins,

assaults, a m*rder and a su1c1de.

Now, I'm keeping on all of those
cases, so you get off of mine.

Get some help.

Tell the Mayor.

Cool lady.

Yeah, just what we need.

I like her style.

I said the wrong thing?

Oh, no, no, no, no.

It's just that Sam wanted to sell out

a couple of months ago and drift.

And String, like the good friend,

sat him down and told him to shape up.

And that's why he stayed, to work it out.

I said the wrong thing.

[train horn blowing]

[glass shattering]

So, what are we doin’ here?

Visiting, I suppose.

You know, somebody's gonna come along

and haul this junk away someday.

And that's

the last you're ever gonna hear of Sam Kowal.

I never could figure you and Sam as friends.

He was such a slob about his life.

And, you know, he was like a gypsy.

He was all over the map, may he rest in peace.

But you, you're so much the other way.

Maybe I thought he'd teach me something.

Yeah well, look, what's done is done.

Come on, let's go.

The cops have been over
this place a dozen times.

You know, that lady cop's theory
about the junkie thieves,

that didn't wash.

There's $ , worth of camera equipment.

They didn't paint up or graffiti the walls.

They didn't cut up the furniture, they just…

[knock on door]

(man) Hello, is anybody there?

Get the light.

What do you want?

To deliver this.

Hey, it's the film we made for Sam.

There's been a lot of
break-ins led by street gangs.

Are you guys kidding? My Mom
wouldn't let me join a book club.

You took long enough to get that film here.

Hey, you're lucky that that
wasn't burned in the fire.

What fire?

The lab, it was torched tonight.

The cops said it was arson.


This doesn't deserve a funny remark.

You just made one, scram.

And don't slam the door.

[door slamming]

Our place gets ripped off
and then that lab burns.

One thing ties all that together.

This film.

Hey, and Caitlin said that the guys
that hit her talked about film.

[projector whirring]

What happened?

I must have conked out on
about the rd run through.

Well, the good guys got the girl.

Oh yeah, sure.

Oh, look at the time. You've
been doing this all night.

Run it through again.

Oh, come on, String.

What do you expect to see?

A neon sign saying,
"The K*llers went that way"?

I'd a lot rather see an oil company

or industrial espionage, something.

I mean what? That makes Brannen right.

Well, if you're asking me what,

how will you know when you've found it?

I'll know.

Oh sure, you'll know.

[knock on door]

I'm off shift and I'm on my own time.

I don't like working at nights

because I usually run into
the same kind of people

that I don't like meeting in the daytime.

So, you guys better have a pretty
good reason for calling me.

How about, we have a film as
the key to Sam Kowal's death.

You don't go in for big surprises, do you?

It's not easy to get your attention.

Is he always this charming?

Only when he tries.

Okay, I'm all eyes. What's this film show?

(Dominic) The desert.


Sam was k*lled

because somebody thought
that he was in the chopper

that was taking this film of a certain area.

But it wasn't Sam.

What do you mean, "It wasn't Sam"?

It was us. We shot that film.

This is where I came in.

Enjoy the popcorn. Good night.

I'll turn out the lights.


[projector whirring]

So far, all I see is a lot of desert.

Pay attention.

We're gettin' to the good part.

Girls in bathing suits?

Well, spent worse nights with men.
Don't ask me when, though.

I still think that film's important.

For sentimental reasons.

Look, you and I got along just
fine for the last couple of hours.

I kind of liked it that way.

Well, then maybe you can see what I see.

I do see what you see.

Don't you understand? That's the point.

I see a lot of desert, I see rocks, I see sand.

I see girls in bathing suits.

Sam's k*ller is out there somewhere.

I wish he was. For your sake, I wish he was.


I thought if I watched it dozen times

you might buy me breakfast.

We can provide cover for
vehicles here, in the woods.

Some are coming by car.

How many by air?

All the Chicago people.

Shaughnessey, Lucas, most of the Western crowd.

I want them treated like royalty.

I want them…

Thank you.

I want them to know it's more than money.

But let's not kid each other.
They're not all friends.

Well, I think those helicopters
of yours will keep them honest.

It's going to be a sweet
reunion after all these years.

(Brannen) You know the old joke.

We were so poor we had to go upstairs

to answer the phone in the hall.

Then my Father got hurt on a part-time
job and we didn't even have that.

So, we came west.

We lived in a tin shack right
on the edge of the desert.

You could fry eggs on
our roof most of the year.

That was when we had eggs.

And then at night, we just froze.

You can't believe how cold it gets out there.

Do you know my Father was still
insisting on his deathbed

that he could get back up on his
feet without anybody else's help.

How old were you?

When Daddy died?

years old.

You still have your people?

No. They were lost in a boating
accident when I was about .

Well, Dominic raised me like a Father.

Are you angry, too?

At who?

At your parents

for leaving you so soon.


Listen to us.

It beats scrapping at each other.

Well, how do you do, Stringfellow Hawke?

It's nice to finally meet you.

At last.

Can you wait a minute for breakfast?

I really think I should stop up here.

Go ahead.

[Officer chattering on radio]

Hey Charlie, need a good cop?

Yeah, better take a look.

The old man's dog was looking
around after a jackrabbit.

Who was it?

Harmless old lady.

Looked for rocks. Lived in her own world.

What is it?

Pot-heads, huh? You think junkies did this?

Hawke, the old lady's car crashed and burned.

Now you can't make anything out of that.

This vehicle was hit by rocket fire.

Don't you think that's a slight overkill?

Well, I've seen enough of it to know.

Charlie, are there any next of kin?

Sorry, none that we know of.

Well, will you keep trying to locate
some, see if she has any family?

Sure will.

Are you okay?

Sam was k*lled 'cause they
thought he was in that chopper

when we flew over this area.

They thought he took pictures

of something he wasn't supposed
to see in this desert.

We don't know that.

Well, then what did this old lady
bump into that cost her her life?

Oh, come on, Hawke. That's
a pretty big stretch

to try and connect
completely isolated incidents.

Come on, let's go.



A little service here. A little service.

Hey, Dom, how's it goin’?

Yeah, it's goin’. You?

Can't complain. You wanna menu?

No, I don't wanna menu. I wanna sandwich.

What kind?

Salami cotto and provolone.

Italian bread?

What else? And throw in a
few French fries, will you?

Willis, what's that smoke over at Santini's?

Call in a fire.

Here you go. Salami and cheese.

No plate.

[sirens blaring]
(man) Hey Dom, your hanger's on fire.

No mustard.


Dominic, no, no, no. You can't go in there.

(Dominic) My helicopters!

[people chattering]


Well, they got the film.

You don't give up, do you?

What, you think this fire's a coincidence?

Mr. Santini, what did the investigator say?

They don't know what
started it. Maybe it was me.

Oh come on, Dom.

Oh, I tell you, I don't remember.

See, I was making coffee. And then I…

I was usin’ solvent on machine
parts, maybe that did it.

That's not what happened.

All right.

Look, the department investigated Sam Kowal.

They got nothing but dead ends

with his ex-wives, his
ex-partners and his ex-bookies.

Why are you so convinced…

Somebody wanted it bad enough.

- [man chattering in background]
- To k*ll?


Okay, who are our suspects here?

How many people knew about the film?

Well, me and String knew.

And me, that's .

And Caitlin, oh, and the lab people.

And the delivery boy.

- That's it.
- There are always more.

I told Everett and a couple of
guys over at the coffee wagon.

I told them.

And more and more and more.

Don't worry Hawke, we'll keep trying.

We'll stay on it.

Thanks for breakfast.

Come on, let's go for a drive.

(Dominic) String?

(Stringfellow) Yeah?

What makes you think that
whatever is down there

will be so accommodating as to
let us photograph it, twice?

Just a hunch.

Well, what do you see?


[Dominic exclaims]

Hold it.

Right there at the intersection.

I don't know.

Several men.

Big, expensive cars. Looks like some kind of

a big-time gathering of people for some reason.

Let's make another hard print.

This time plus magnifications of that area.

Well, use the magnifying glass.

(Stringfellow) Well, I'll be damned.

What? What?

That's it.

What? What?


Detective Brannen.

Yeah, this is Hawke, we got him.

Well, hello to you, too.

Does the name Kenneth Langhorn
mean anything to you?

(Brannen) He disappeared.

Yeah, we found him.

What are you talking about?

Well, we've got film proof.

Kenneth Langhorn in living color.

Where are you right now?

I'm at my cabin, but I'll meet
you back at the airfield.

I think I better talk to my Captain.

Keep a tight lid on this until
I get back to you, okay?

You got it.

(Langhorn) You must be a millionaire by now.

No objections. When I get good
service, I'm happy to pay the tab.

And you have been a lot of
help from time to time.

Where does it go, Swiss bank account?

Or do they make safe deposit
boxes big enough to hold it all?

You're a fascinating woman, I must tell you.

That's not for sale.

[soft music playing]

[people chattering]

And you Kenneth, it's like
you're back from the dead.

Kenneth, it's been a long time.

It's good to be back.

Gentlemen, we are about to
divide up the United States.

This far enough out for ya?

I know, I'm sorry.

Captain wanted to meet you away
from the station and this is…

This is away, I can tell.

Well, the syndicate has
a very long reach, you know.

Even into our little department.

Yeah, I read the papers.

Okay, fine. How about better too
careful than not careful enough?

You sure are nervous.

This is a major situation.

Your hands are awful cold, too.

Just like my heart.

I'm a tough cookie, just like you are.

Yeah, I was a little tough on ya

when I first met ya, I apologize.

That's okay, it was my fault.

I didn't realize that Sam Kowal
and you were such good friends.

Guess that'd be your Captain.

What's the matter?

It's just that I had an awful lot of
things I really wanted to say to you.


I'm sorry.

Why would you sell your soul
to an animal like Langhorn?

Because once you've been cold,
you don't ever get warm.

God help me.

[car door closing]

We'll take over from here.

No, that's not the plan.

You take the film.

I'll keep him here until it's too
late for him to stop that meeting.

Langhorn changed his mind.

Come on, let's go. Get in the car.

Let's go. Let's get him.

Dominic, come in. Come in, Dom.

Get out here as fast as you can. We were right.

We're on our way, String.


(Caitlin) Turbos.

You knew, knew all along.

And I was praying I was wrong.


That fire, those hoods hitting Santini Air

when I showed you the film,
everything just pointed to you.

I just didn't wanna believe it.

[g*n firing]

(Dominic) Give me g*ns and rockets.



Langhorn is leaving.

The hell with Langhorn.

He's leaving the country today.

In the salt flats airstrip.

I don't care. I'm gonna get
you to a doctor. You hang on.



I'm sorry.

Oh God, I'm sorry.

It all could've been so different.

(Langhorn) I thought we had an agreement.

(Leon) We did. Only we're gonna make it better.

Fellas, I came back into the country

so I could repay you for
covering my disappearance

and so we could cement a new deal.

Well, we don't think you
can handle it without us.

What do you want?

All of it.

We own it all,

every state, every racket.

You run it for us.

I work for you?

Like that.


You're not upset?

Leon, this meeting is in
the spirit of cooperation.

I can't say it was unexpected.

Where are you going?

We need something to write an agreement on.

Hey, don't you trust us?

Now, I trust everybody.

My God.

It's the St. Valentine’s Day
m*ssacre all over again.

Hey, I got some bogies on the
screen, maybe miles out.

Maybe? Hit the ID button.

Yes sir, identify.

[Caitlin exclaims]

Well they're helicopters, but
they're more like gunships.

These guys are armed to the teeth.

Covering Langhorn's exit. Turbos.


Radio one of our ships to knock it down

and get me to the airstrip, fast!

Get him. Get him.

[g*ns firing]


Hawke, listen, I didn't want
to bring this up before, but

what did you end up
telling those investigators?

Well, I just said that Detective
Sergeant Brannen was out there with

Langhorn under surveillance.
She did it by the book.

And I let it go at that.

You're a good guy, Stringfellow Hawke.

Well, don't let it let around, huh?