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02x08 - HX 1

Posted: 05/10/23 18:57
by bunniefuu
(Narrator) Next, on Airwolf.

My brother's still alive.

Some guy rips off a cockamamie
copter, and you're going bananas.

Sin Jin!

String, get out of here!

Your brother is missing in action.

That's his MO. He grabbed that chopper.

We will find the HX ,

and when we do, we'll blow it to hell

along with whoever is inside it.

Come on Dunkirk, truth.

How much is in this for you, huh?



Here you go.

I said take the g*n!

(man on PA) Red alert.

This is an alert. Condition red.

[alarm wailing]

I say again, condition red.

We have a breach of security at the north end.

I say again, condition red.

Alert. This is an alert.

Condition red.

[man shouting orders]

(Dominic) All I'm saying is, whoever pulled
off that raid knew his onions, all right.


Yeah, but that doesn't necessarily mean that…

Coordinates, Dom.

We'll start looking from the factory out again.

Archangel said that the HX only had
enough fuel for a short flight.

Sin Jin would have had a better plan than that.

String, cut it out, will you?
You're driving me nuts.

That's him. That bird's long gone. He did it.

String, calm down and think
realistically, will you?

Are you really trying to tell
me that your brother is alive

after all these years?

Not in a Vietcong prison,
but here in the States?

This is his kind of job.

Oh, you're hysterical.

Some guy rips off a cockamamie
copter, and you're going bananas.

They came in at zero power using auto-rotation.

That's a technique we developed
in 'Nam for hitting Cong depots.

There's only guys who could pull it off

without stuffing the chopper in the ground.

Myself, Colonel Vidor,
Mace Taggart and Sin Jin.

And Colonel Vidor is dead.

So is Mace Taggart. I'm here.

So who does that leave?

Sin Jin.

My brother's still alive.

(Soldier) Move it, move it.

Where's my brother?

(Stringfellow) Sin Jin, Mace, where
are you? Give me your coordinates.

(Sin Jin) My chopper went down
yards east of the river.

String, what's holdin' up the program?

Yeah, tell him we'd like to
go home. This dance is over.

Roger. I read you. I'm almost in.

I got you.

See what happens when you ask for
waivers on brothers in the same unit?

What can I do? He's afraid
to stay at home alone.


Hit it! Come on, move it!

Sin Jin!

Sin Jin! Sin Jin! He's hit!

Come on! Hit it!

Go! Go! The ropes are full, Hawke.
We can't take any more.

It's my brother!

String, get out of here!

Go on! Get!

Sin Jin, Mace, you hang on. I'm coming back.

Let's get out of here!

I'm coming back. I swear to God, I am.

(Dominic) We're approaching the factory again.

What do you see?

Same as before, nothin'.

We've already covered all the
ground within HX 's fuel radius.

One more pass, then I'm gonna phone
Archangel. That baby's nowhere.

Don't bother, I'll see him myself.

String, don't open up that hurt all over
again. You know what it does to you.

Dom, you've always wanted
to be a Father to me,

and I'm grateful, for a Father, not a Mother.

String, think! After all these years

your brother wouldn't be
running around like this

without trying to contact you, now would he?

That's what I intend to find out.

Are you out of your mind? The Firm
was not involved in the Davsco raid.

Yeah, just like you had
nothing to do with Airwolf.

If we had the HX , why would I
have every branch of the military,

plus -odd fixed orbit satellites
searching for the damn thing,

and then call you in?

I don't care about HX .

Well, I do. That thing is one of a kind.

Her avionics are revolutionary.
She can out-climb, out-maneuver,

out-sh**t anything else that flies.

Pound for pound, she may even
be more deadly than Airwolf.

That's how serious this thing is.

What I care about is my brother, Sin Jin.

Sin Jin? What's he got to do with this?

Come on, Michael. He's here, isn't he?

I don't know how you came
up with an idea like that.

Isn't he?

Your brother is missing
in action, MIA in Vietnam,

and the Firm is still looking for
him. That's our deal, remember?

You guys found him.

You got some kind of hold on
him so he can't contact me.

I think it might be better
if we took you off this one.

Michael, that's his MO.
He grabbed that chopper.

I'm gonna find it,

and when I do, he'll be in the cockpit.

Hawke, we can't have a w*apon
like this on the loose.

You worry about the weapons.

I'm worried about my brother.

What I'm saying is, we will find the HX ,

and when we do, if there's just this
much chance of it leaving the country,

we'll blow it to hell, along
with whoever is inside it.

So? What’d I tell you? No satisfaction, right?

Everything with Archangel's
like a Chinese puzzle.

Look, let's say he is alive.

How do you find a man
who doesn't wanna be found,

or hasn't been found in all these years?

Well, during the latter part of the
w*r, we did a lot of intelligence work,

Mace, Sin Jin and I.

Trouble is, some of the people we
worked with got to like it too much.

Sure, they became mercenaries.
But Sin Jin wasn't that kind.

He couldn't do it for money
any more than you could.

Maybe he doesn't have any choice.

Look, in order to find Sin Jin,
I'm gonna have to find HX .

That means I'm gonna have
to go back in the life.

But String, that world is a sewer.

What they steal and deal in
is wholesale misery and death.

It'll be well worth it

if finally, this time, I can pull Sin Jin out.

[g*ns firing]

Hey, Joe.

- Hey.
- What you been up to?

This and that. You can see.

[whistle blowing]

Looking awful fat and sassy.

I can't complain.


That's a mighty nice w*apon. You must
have some sheckles in your pocket.

How come all the questions, Captain?

Did you read about the HX raid?

Wasn't that beautiful?

You know, it kinda makes you
homesick for the old days.

Tell you the truth, me and some of the
mercs had you pegged for the job,

but I said, “Come on, be serious.”

“Hawke's out of the dog's life.”

“He's not studying w*r no more.”

You know, it's an awful
lot like those operations

Mace and my brother used to pull off.

Yeah, except Mace is dead,
and your brother is too,

or he might as well be.

You know that?

Hey Hawke, jeez! I mean, Mace's body was ID'd,

and what was left of it was shipped back.

And your brother? That poor guy's still MIA.

What are you doing?

I've got a feeling that Sin Jin's still alive.

A real feeling.

Tell your folks that.

My folks are dead.

See you around, Joe.

Joe, we got a problem.

Tell Dunkirk.

Mace used to say,

“Dad, you have twin sons. How about that?”

“Me and my twin, Sin Jin.”

Did he ever tell you that?

Yes, sir, he did.

You were their baby brother.

Do you know where this was taken?

Vung Tau?

No, Ham Tan.

Mace was a Captain by then.

Frank and I know every step that
he took those last weeks.

Here is a motley crew of
stumblebums if I ever saw ‘em.


Blood brothers to the end, huh kid?

All the way, my man, all the way.

Problem is, what do we do with him?

Can't take him with us.

How come?

(Both) Because they sent him to us!

Hey, come on.


Give me a kiss. All right, all right.
Come on! No. Cut the love scene.

Come on! Out! This is serious
art for posterity's sake.

- For us soldiers! Hey!
- (Ellie) Smile.

Bring it on.

Gosh, how ugly.


(Ellie) All right, I got it. I got it.

(Frank) Your brother was a fine man.

He taught Mace all he knew.


Mr. Taggart,

have you read anything about a
break-in at the Davsco Aircraft plant?

A break-in?

There was a top-secret prototype.
Talk is it was stolen.

Is that so?

Well, the thing is,

it was the same kind of operation
that this unit used to pull off.

Well, what I'm asking is...

- Get out.
- Mace did it.

At last somebody else believes me.

- Of course he can't be dead.
- Get out.

My heart is still beating.
A mother knows that.

Our son is lying in Arlington,
in an honorable grave.

Now, the United States Army
certified him k*lled in action,

but you want to think that
he's still alive, don't you?

Because you could've saved him, and you didn't.

You could have saved your own
brother, and you didn't.

That's why you came back here,

because you wanna know
that you didn't let them die.

Well, I am telling you that you did
let them die! You let them die!

Please, please, no, no, no.
Don't stop. Don't stop.

You find them both. There's a very good
reason why they haven't come forward.

So when you see Mace, you tell him

- that we will understand it!
- He is dead! He is dead!


I'm sorry.

Oh, God help us. Buried
forever, the both of them.

So are , others.

But not you. Not you!

[Ellie laughing]

So, I said to her, “You're asking
me if my intentions are honorable?”

“Baby, you know I'll be back after the w*r
to help you plow those rice paddies.”

(Mace) Here's to love.

Hey, do you love me too, Mace?

Oh baby, you know I love you,

but you just gotta get rid
of this joker, Sin Jin.

[Ellie laughing]

Mace, put me down.

You guys had enough to drink,
why don't you just float away?

Float? That's the Navy.


Do you love me?

Do I love being alive?

Don't say that.

Ellie, I was just kidding.

Okay, but not here, not about that.

I'd love you at home.

Jeez, I think I'm gonna be sick.

I'm gonna be sick.

So are we gonna get married and have kids?

Yep, lots of kids.

Lots of very beautiful kids.

He likes you.

So, are you still working for the Firm?


She wants to know if I'm workin' for the Firm.

Almost everybody knew it.

We were that obvious, huh?

Only to those who loved you
and worried about you.

Not bad, homemade?

Arthur made it.

No kidding?

No. No, as a matter of fact,

Arthur made him, too.

Pretty good, huh?

Does he love you, Ellie?



Of course, being married to an accountant

isn't exactly Saturday night in
Da Nang with Sin Jin Hawke.

[Ellie laughing]

Well, at least you're happy.


We had it all, he and I.

You had more than that.

My one night of folly
with Captain Mace Taggart.

Boy, Ellie-girl, did you blow it.


A lover's quarrel with Sin Jin Hawke,

the guy you always dreamed of,

then a one-night stand with Mace because
we had a fight and too much wine,

and bingo!

Our whole future's down the tubes.

String, why in the hell are you
dragging him back into my life?

Ellie. Ellie.

He's not dead.

Oh, String.

I think he pulled off
that Davsco Aircraft raid.


Dear God String, give yourself a break.

He's gone. Accept it.

Forget it.

I mean, don't t*rture yourself
after all these years.

[car honking]

That's Mr. : .

: ?

Arthur pulls into the driveway every day

at exactly : .

Yeah, you can set your watch by him,

and your life.

(Stringfellow) Ellie, after you came back,

did you ever think about Sin Jin?

Like when you see a face
on a bus or at a ball park?

No Hawke, never.

Not once.

Until now, you coming here.

Hi, hon!

I want you to meet an old friend.

(man) Can!

[all laughing]

That sucker's crazy.

Yeah, he's a crazy guy.

You're soldiers of fortune.

I happen to know your
fortunes are in the pits,

so you can stand another w*r this year.

Besides, the Persian Gulf's
a great place to visit.

The food's fantastic as long
as you don't mind sand in it.

- What's the pay?
- $ a day,

latest weapons, all the a*mo you can eat.

$ a day, that's bandage money.

Right, Hawke?

Don't knock it. It's the only w*r in town.

Hi, guys.

Dunkirk, you still recruiting bodies?

Man has to make a living.

You still flying that souped-up Black
Maria you borrowed from the Firm?

Just kidding, Hawke. You know I like to kid.


[men laughing]

Long time no see, Hawke.

I've been busy.

Too busy to rap with old friends?

You got a problem, Decker?

Maybe you got a problem.

What's up, Hawke? What you looking for?

My brother.

You're in the wrong country, old son.

I mean, he's missing in
action over there, remember?

Yeah, I heard a certain
helicopter pilot got the willies

and then flew off and left
him for VC target practice.

You have a big mouth, Max.
Now it's bleeding.

Who asked him to come here?

You know, you guys don't have the brains

to have pulled off that raid without Sin Jin.

You still have a touch of malaria, old son.

When you see my brother,
tell him I'm looking for him.

And you can write this down,

I will find him.


You should’ve never come back.

Seeing you again pal, gave me a taste.

Give him to me, Decker.


Get him good.


Come on! Come on!


You chicken!


Sin Jin?

Sin Jin?

(Dominic) What's it gonna take, pal?

Dom, I'm telling you, he's alive.

Oh? You saw him?

You saw somebody.

I felt him.

Oh sure, sure, just like
one of them ectoplasms

or whatever it is you call them ghosts.

Yeah, that's right.

Yes, ma'am?

Excuse me.

So, this is where you work.

Yeah, sometimes.

Last month, Dunkirk came to see me.

He wanted me to handle his books

because he needed someone who he could trust.

- Did you handle them?
- No.

I'm through with that world, thanks.

I really am, String.

But Dunk offered me a lot of money.

Did he say what he was up to?

He's selling arms now,

but not just g*ns.

Rockets, tanks…


Please be careful, String.

Not bad.


Are you properly impressed, chum?

I'm more than impressed.

I had no idea that recruiting
mercenaries paid so well.

What do you want here, Hawke?

The HX .


Now there's a bird.

It should've been called Exterminator.

Give me one of those babies, and
I'll clean house come Armageddon.

Yeah, I bet you would.

Hawke, if I had HX ,

I'm not even sure if I'd trade
for that little honey of yours.

Just look at the stats. Mind boggling.

Speed, maneuverability, nuclear
capability and cheap as hell.

A little death wagon with k*ll capacity

of half our regular Air
Force at bargain prices.

Come and get it!

Uncle Michael, Uncle Michael, can I ride?

Oh, of course you can, darling,

but you got to keep really quiet

because Mr. Hawke and I are talking, all right?

Now, here comes your horsie.

We'll go on this one, shall we?


Whoa! Not too fast.

You were saying?

How much are you getting for the HX ?

I don't have it.

You know, I don't approve
of recruiting men to k*ll,

but that new chopper is wholesale slaughter.


In the wrong hands…

We've created another superpower.

That doesn't bother you?

Depends on the sale price.

Heaven don't come cheap, you know.

It would have bothered my brother.

Let me tell you something, Hawke.

You have a poison in you.
I didn't put it there.

The mercenary life, for God and
country, you see a difference.

That's the lie you live.

To me a w*r is a w*r.

God, I wish to hell your
brother was still around.

I could use a man like him.

Hawke won't let go. The man came to me,

and there was nothing I
could say to turn him off.

You want the truth?

I don't wanna hurt the guy,
but he's getting too close.

(Dunkirk) And if Armand hadn't
held us up, we'd be long gone.

Instead, we're watching the clock
and seeing how long we can duck.

We should've cut the bloody
bird up with torches

and shipped it to Libya.

Lighten up.

Tomorrow we'll give Armand a show he
won't forget out at Red Rock Flats.

Then we'll all retire to a Swiss lake.

[Dunkirk laughing]

[dogs barking]

Don't even think about it.

Put the g*n down. There's a
good fellow. You're covered.

Yeah, I've heard that in all those old movies.

(Mace) Well, he's right, old buddy.


Hello, laughin' boy.

You're still alive?

And kickin', old buddy.

The VC didn't get you? You got away?

Yeah, it wasn't for the lack of tryin'.

They've been tellin' me that Sin Jin's dead.

He's not, is he?

Why ask me, buddy boy?

I'm the one you left behind
on that last trip, remember?

[machine g*n firing]

He left us! He ran out and left us!

He had to go.

You never had to go. You always came back.

Now Mace, pull it together, will you?

You saw the ropes were full
on the rescue chopper.

Come on. We gotta find some kinda cover.

Let's go.

I came back. I never left anybody
behind. You both were gone.

Yeah, it looked that way,

but we managed to scrape through that one.

So why'd you stay dead?

All that nice white powder comin'
outta the golden triangle,

everybody makin' money but me.

What about Sin Jin?

He's here, isn't he?

Is he part of this operation?

Is he?

Just tell me where the hell he is, Mace.

Finish it. Come on, you said he deserted you.

Come on, pick it up!
They're comin' over the hill!


That's another one I owe you.

[explosions sounding]

All right, cut the romance.
We gotta get outta here.

Just dump him somewhere in the desert.

He can't touch us now.





Need help?

Yeah, I'd appreciate it.

This is a tough place to break down.

It's a long walk to the nearest station.

Where did you leave your car?

Hey, what's the matter?

Oh, God.

[Stringfellow gasping]

What happened to you?

What happened to you?

No, I…

lady, it's a long story.

Come on, I gotta get you to a hospital.

Can you just, please, get me to a telephone?

Okay, come on.

Thank you.

Any time.

You're sure you don't want a lift into town?

No, thank you.

Yeah, Operator, I'd like Santini
Air Services in Missoula Airport.

Thank you.

(Stringfellow) Red Rock Flats.
You ever heard of it?

East-southeast of Mineral Wells.

I'll give you the exact location in seconds.


Most effective. Most effective.

You can supply all these items in quantity?

When I make a commitment, I
always follow through, old boy.

(Armand) What type of w*apon is this?

(man) This will take out a t*nk, you say?

M A, millimeter, anti-t*nk.

Ah, beautiful.


We ready for the main feature?

(man) All ready.


Got ‘em, String.


Nothing can touch HX this
side of Satan's Valkyries,

and she'd probably make
believers out of them, too.

You're just a salesman, Dunkirk.

How can we be certain
she'll perform as promised?

Give us a show.


Uninvited company.

Mace, I want Sin Jin.

If you got out, so did he. Where is he?

What's happening?

Gentlemen, you're about to see a demonstration

of HX 's air-to-air capabilities
against the US government's finest.

Mace, I know you can hear me. Answer me.

Okay, buddy boy.

I'll tell you this.

I do know what happened to your brother.

You just hold on.

Hold on? For what? Where is he?

Where is he, Mace?

Mace, listen to me.

You got trouble. I'll help you
out of it. I swear I will.

There's your answer, String.

Dom, he knows where Sin Jin is.

Mace, please.

String, fire back.

Here you go, Hawke. Here's the
answer you've been waitin' for.

Ready or not.

String, he's gonna blow us out of the sky!

She's hit. She's hit bad.


Fire! Fire!


We'll be okay, soon as I blow out this smoke.

Yeah, right.


What I'm trying to say
is that there's the past,

and there's the future,

and then there's today.

You understand?

And then there's the good times and…

Dom, I'm all right.

I'm not gonna stop looking
for Sin Jin, but I'm okay.

Oh, what the hell, what I'm trying to say is…

Oh, Mr. Santini, would you shut up, please?

Is that there's no way to
say we know how you feel.

So don't.

Hawke, do you wanna know the truth?


Good, 'cause I'm gonna tell ya.

Now, a piece of your life is gone,

and you didn't find your
brother, but someday you will.


Hawke, it's okay to feel badly,

but just don't do it for too long,


- Okay?
- Okay.

Okay, then let's get back to work.

I gotta pay the bills, you know.

You owe me a bill.

What bill?

You know, that $ you bet me
I wouldn't change my hairdo.

(Dominic) $ ? I said that? I never said that.