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02x07 - Fallen Angel[

Posted: 05/10/23 18:57
by bunniefuu
If you die, Michael, it is your own fault.

I don't even know what you want.

(Kruger) Give him cc's more.

Do it!

Archangel's a prisoner in East Germany.

Do we take one of these routes?

No, those are NATO routes and
frequencies so we can avoid them.

Avoid friendly fighters?

In Airwolf we ain't got
any friends. Remember that.

We have no more time.

The serum will work.

MIG- s armed with Acrid missiles.

miles and closing.

We've got minutes to locate Michael and
get him to the east tower of the castle.

Hang on, Cate, we're going in.

[alarm blaring]

(Dominic) Hey!

You can't shake him.

I'm not tryin' to.


Hey, what the…

What the hell is he doing?
This is not in the script.


- Want to call a cut?
- No, no, just…

Santini, ground.

(Director) What are you doing?

Well, we already got what you wanted,

so I cut and now String is just foolin' around.

I will tell you when to cut.

Yes, sir.

All right, cut.

Santini, if String's done playing,

perhaps he wouldn't mind trying the barn stunt.

Hey, you ready for the barn stunt?


He's ready.

Okay, we're rolling. Let's go.

Okay, roll cameras.

Just do a roll and then
mush it in nice and easy.

Like landing on a feather bed, baby.

Yeah? I know a guy who broke his
neck jumping into a feather bed.

Balsa wood, huh?


[cow mooing]

(Stringfellow) It sure didn't
sound like balsa wood.

(Dominic) It didn't even feel
like balsa wood.

(Stringfellow) Which means…

[both laughing]

(Dominic) It wasn't balsa wood.

You guys are damn lucky.

(Dominic) Lucky? You call this lucky?

All I know is that Director's got
his studio breathing down his neck

for improper stunt supervision.

They're probably just
afraid we're gonna sue ‘em.

They did put the balsa wood
on the wrong side of the barn.

[all laughing]

It's all in a day's work.

And besides, we're okay.

One wouldn't know it to look at you.

(Dominic) Uh-oh.

Are you a doctor?

Yes, if you wouldn't mind,
I'd like to examine these .

Oh, sure.

Hey, wait a minute. You
don't have to go anywhere.

Dom, it's okay. I'll wait outside.

A doctor, huh?

I have doctorates.

Aeronautical engineering,
electronic engineering,

psychology, microbiology
and French literature.

But you're not a doctor doctor.

If you mean a medical doctor, no, I
still have a year of school left.

Marella, is this a social call

or are we gonna see Archangel
walk through that door?

I wish he could.

You mean Mr. Clean hasn't got the time

to come down and visit the wounded?

Archangel's a prisoner in East Germany.

[Dominic laughing]

Bad joke, Marella.

hours ago, Michael crossed
the border into East Germany

to bring back one of their
agents. He never returned.

I'll be damned.

How come you're not at Langley
workin' with the rescue team?

There is no rescue team.

Zeus and the Committee
have frozen out our section.

You mean they're just going to
leave him out there and rot?

Operating regulation - .

“Any operative captured by the
opposition is to be scratched”

“within hours of said capture,”

“his section closed,”

“all codes changed,”

“all data erased.”

That's some organization you belong to.

You worked for them, too.

Only under duress.

I programmed everything I know
about Michael's operation on this.

It's compatible with Airwolf's computers.

How come he was doin' field work?

I don't know.

As a guess, I'd say it was personal.

The East German agent he was going
in to bring out was a woman.

A Maria Von Furster.

We picked up word she made the KGB white list.

White list? What the hell is that?

That's a Russian version of a top- hit list.

Comes out once a month.
People on it just disappear.

I thought you said she
was an East German agent.

They've been known to eat their own.

Like the Firm, huh?

[Dominic chuckling]

Damn it, I didn't come here
to verbally fence with you.

Michael's probably being tortured right now.

His only chance is Airwolf.

I just wanna know. Are you
going in after him or not?

Yeah, we're goin’ in.

Are you physically up to it?

I don't know. We'll just have to try.

I can't be in a communication with you.

Being frozen also means
I'm under surveillance.

(Stringfellow) What, they followed you here?

I lost them in a porno house.

Attagirl, Marella.


I'd go with you if I could.

I know.

Good luck.

You up to flying?

[door closing]

Hell, yeah.

All I have to do is wait weeks and heal.

Well, you can't fly Airwolf alone.

And not into East Germany.

Looks like I'm gonna have to. I have no choice.

Hey guys, what’d the doctor have to say?

(Caitlin) I knew it. I just knew it.

Knew what?

Oh, come on, String, quit teasing.

Can I take this blindfold off now?

Yeah, we're out of the area.

Oh, wow!

Oh, boy!

String, I knew it. I told you I knew it.


And you're gonna forget it just as
soon as this mission is over, right?


- All right.
- Lesson number .

There's a target selection screen
right next to the main panel.

Got it.

The program keys above are used
to call up any weapons required.

We have access to all weapons
as long as we're not in Mach .

Now, say for instance, I call for a Hellfire.

Okay, Hellfire.

Caitlin, deploy the pods.

Where? Where is it?

Release the m*ssile chamber.
Top button above the fire…

Oh! Got it, got it.


You could have k*lled us.

I'm sorry.

Sorry doesn't cut it, This is
no Highway Patrol chopper.

I don't want you touching anything
until after I explain it.


The point is, Caitlin,
it's gonna take me a week

to familiarize you with the controls.

Does that mean we're not goin’?


It just means I'm gonna have to find some way

to put Dom's brain in your body.

But just don't do it the other way around.


Would you like to join me for breakfast?


I thought you were dead.

What a fool I've been.

Any rookie would have seen through your plan.

Then I'm fortunate you
were at the Firm years

to dull your instincts about such things.

Where's Maria?

Maria? She has nothing to do with this.

Maria would never take part in
any kind of plan to ensnare you.

You made sure of that in Stockholm.

I would have taken her with
me if she'd have come.

And I would have k*lled you both.

But then, I was young and foolish.

What do you want? I'm no good to you.

Any information you get
out of me is already obsolete.

Perhaps information is not what I want.

I've been scratched.

Yes, I know.

Zeus and the Committee have
already closed down your section.

Yeah, but that is a -hour process.

If you would agree to volunteer to help me

in what I'm about to propose to you…

(Kinskov) What is so amusing?

(Michael) Comrade Kinskov.

I might have known the
KGB was running the show.

Is he being questioned or entertained?

He's agreed to help.

I have?

I hope so, Kruger.

Otherwise I will be forced to
use less entertaining methods.

Why is it Kinskov, that listening
to you gives me the feeling

I'm in some bad late-night movie?

I want to talk to you, now.

You are a fool, Michael.

A bigger one than I thought.

(Dominic) Oh, no, no, don't touch me.

(woman on PA) Dr. Joel Geiderman
to emergency room, stat.

Dr. Joel Geiderman.

Dr. Fred Powell, call labor and delivery.

Dr. Fred Powell.


I knew you couldn't get along without me.

The question is, can we do it with you?

You know, I really don't
think this is gonna work.

Where the Sam Hill are you?

[screaming] Here you go. Easy, easy, easy.

Here. Here you go.

No, no, no. Not the feet. Not the feet.

How do you feel?

How do you think I feel?

What in the world is going on here?

This man is supposed to be
in traction for a month.

Oh, well, we're gonna keep him in traction.

We just gotta take him
with us for a little while.

On whose authority?

Mine, mine.

We're just gonna go and do
our little shot in that film

and then we'll be right back
in a couple of days.

Oh, no you don't.

Cate, she's yours.


Oh, um…

Look, you cannot leave this hospital

without authorization from a Doctor.

- Look, honey…
- I'm sorry, nurse.

(Stringfellow) Let's go.

Yeah, yeah, hang on, Dom.

[Dominic screaming]

(Dominic) Have you accessed
Marella's program yet?

Yes, sir.


type in -BRAVO- .

(Caitlin) M-B .

Hey, it worked.

Maria's pretty cute for an older woman.

How old is she?

(Stringfellow) Did you get a location on her?

(Caitlin) Yeah, East Germany,
Magdenburg, Freitrasse .

And there's a series of coordinates here,

latitude and longitude
for a suggested landing spot

kilometers south of town.

Here comes an aerial chart. Looks
like routes and frequencies.

Well, I got to hand it to
Marella, she sure is thorough.

(Caitlin) Do we take one of these?

(Dominic) No.

Those are NATO routes and
frequencies, so we can avoid them.

Avoid friendly fighters?

Honey, in Airwolf we ain't
got any friends. Remember that.

Oh. Well, why aren't there any
displayed for East Germany?

I'd say because we don't know
any East German patrol routes.

Oh. You mean we have to fake it?

(Caitlin) European coast, dead ahead, Hawke.

(Stringfellow) Going to stealth mode.

(Dominic) IR suppression factor . .

(Stringfellow) French coast, coming up.

We'll cross south of Calais.

Sneak up the L'Eure river.

(Caitlin) Gee, String, I thought
this was gonna be exciting.

It's more like patrolling the
interstate between Abilene and Lubbock.



Let's just hope it stays that way.

Yeah, well, a little excitement might…

[beeping on radar)

Hey, I got some blips on this screen back here.



We're picking up blips.

Oh. Uh...

Type in, "Code Alpha Scan."

(Stringfellow) We just breached
East German airspace.

So heads up.

Those blips are at o'clock,
Angels , miles and closing.

What are they?

That little bit of excitement
you've been waiting for.

IR suppressor's on, and
it's absorbing their radar.

Caitlin, you got an ID?


Type in, “Ident bogie.”

"Ident bogie"?

G-Y or G-I-E?

Bogie. Bogie. I-E.

(Caitlin) Oh, my God.

What kind of an ID is that?

Well, it says they're MIG- s
armed with Acrid missiles.

That's bad, isn't it?

Not unless they see us.

(Dominic) Where are they now?

o'clock, miles and closing.

Are you sure they're at o'clock?

Isn't that when both the big and
little hands are straight up?

miles, still at Angels .

They've passed us.

They went right by. They didn't see us.

Hey guys, this is fun.

I think we make a pretty good team.

(Both) No.

Just a thought.

Just relax.

I've got a broken arm and
I'm in no mood to play games.

[speaking German]

-nine hours ago, Michael
Archangel crossed into East Germany

to get you out.

You're still here. Where's he?

[speaking German]

A friend.

Now damn it, I know you speak English.

Where is he?

I don't know. Let me go.

Why didn't you leave with the man
that he sent in to take you out?

Nobody came to take me out.

And if they had I wouldn't go.

Why should I?

Michael really came over to get me?

He heard that you made the KGB white list.

Obviously it was a setup to get him.

Who'd do that?

How should I know?

Well, you're a member of the East
German intelligence community.

You gotta at least have a damn good idea.

It could be any one of a dozen people,

Russians and Poles included.

You know, lady,

where I come from, friendship means somethin',

and Michael's a friend.

He thought you were, too.

That's why he risked his neck to
come over here and get you out.

You know Maria, time's
running out for Michael.

All right, I'll help you.

But, if you're lying, I'll k*ll you,

even if it costs me my own life.

(Michael) Give up, Kruger.

I don't even know what you want.

I want you to relax, Michael.

Relax your mind.

Your body feels beautifully relaxed, floating.

Let your mind float.

I want you to sleep, Michael.

Your eyelids are heavy,
Michael. Don't fight it.


Sleep and dream.


If you die, Michael, it is your own fault.

Give him cc's more.


Just do it!


[people chattering]

[speaking German]

[speaking German]

[speaking German]

(Stringfellow) Did you find him?

He's being held kilometers south
of Leipzig in an old castle.

It's headquarters for a special section

that works with KGB to
debrief Western defectors.

Can I get in?

I can tell you where it is.
That's all I can do.

I can't do anything else.

I think you can.

Well, I can probably get us in, and get you
directly to where Michael is being held.

But I won't.


Because the man that's
holding him was my lover,

as Michael once was.

And I won't be party to either
of them being k*lled.

I promise you,

if you help us, he won't be hurt.

You got my word.

Just remember my promise.

If you betray me, I'll k*ll you.

(Kinskov) How is he tolerating the serum?

He has a very strong will.


I should give him smaller doses of the serum

over a longer period of time.

We have no more time.

The serum will work.

And if it doesn't,

you will have failed.

You'd rather see him k*lled, wouldn't you?

We can't always have what we want.

(Stringfellow) How much further?

(Maria) Just a few meters more.

What was this place?

The catacombs. This used to be
t*rture chambers and prisons.


We've got minutes to locate Michael and
get him to the east tower of the castle.

And your friends will be there?

Yes, with the helicopter.

And then?

You just get me to Michael,

I'll give you a ride anywhere you want.

[people chattering]

(Dominic) Time's up, Cate. Here we go.

Give me a heading straight to the castle.

Okay, Dom.

Bearing , range miles. What altitude?

No more than meters.

We'll come in low under their defense grid.

Dom, I got the castle at under miles.

Okay, vacation's over. Give me g*ns.

Roger. g*ns and .

Attagirl. Now deploy the ADF pod.

Got it.

String better be ready.

Bring him around.

[woman speaking German]

[people clamoring]

(Caitlin) , ground zero.

- Attagirl
- You're locked on.

Machine g*n nest, o'clock.



[all speaking German]

Machine g*n nest, ° west, meters high.

I'll get it.

Dom, rocket launcher, .

Where's String?

He'll be here.

You just keep pointing out places to sh**t at.

[Maria speaking German]


[instructing in German]


Yes Michael, Maria.


[g*ns firing]

Let's go.


[g*ns firing]

[all chattering in German]

Where did that come from?

Another machine g*n, center wall.

Okay, Cate.

Turn left, °, machine g*n nest, meters.

In my sights.

[b*ll*ts ricocheting]

Here they come.

(Dominic) Get him on! Get him on!


(Michael) Maria, Maria, get in here!


No! Maria! String, wait!

(Michael) Maria… We can't
leave her. Come on, String.

(Michael) We got to help her.

(Kinskov) Congratulations, Doctor.

Everything has gone according to plan so far.

And it shall continue to do so.

Within hours,

Michael Archangel shall assassinate Zeus

and the entire Committee.

[people applauding]

Welcome home, Archangel.

I'm afraid we were going to have to
write you off for good this time.

I always seem to make it back, Zeus.

However, this time I did have
just a little bit of help.

Yes. Miss O'Shaughnessy,
Mr. Hawke, Mr. Santini,

we want to thank you for
your bravery and valor.

Marella however, will have to be suspended

until a review board can determine

whether she is capable of following orders.

Of all the hypocritical bull.

Hey, Dom...

[Dom exclaiming derisively]

Well, somebody has to tell this
egotistical bag of hot air where to go.

Dominic, he's right. Rules are rules.

If you believe that,
then you're as sick as he is.

If she believed it, she wouldn't
have come to you and Hawke.

This interview is over.

Not quite!

I want my staff back,

and full access to Firm facilities.

That means complete restoration of
my division, including Marella.

I said the interview was over.

- I think your title has gone
to your head, Zeus.
- That's enough.

No, it's not enough.

You would have left me out there to rot,

- after years of loyalty!
- Those are the rules, Michael.

You helped create them.

And now that I'm head of the
Firm, I'm here to enforce them.

(man) Hawke, don't!

Pull, pull.

Nice shot.

Pull, pull.

[Kinskov chuckling]

What's wrong, Maria?

You worried about what
they will do to Archangel?

What happens to Archangel
is none of my concern.

It's always harder if one
is involved emotionally.

Let it go, Kinskov.

My apologies, Herr Doktor.

Now that Archangel has assassinated
Zeus and half the Committee,

you've become a very important man,

one whose wrath I would not wish to incur.

Is he right?

Karl, we've known each other too long.

Do you still love Michael?

If I loved Michael, I wouldn't
have helped you use him.

I love you Karl, only you.


[g*ns firing]

Hawke's come back.


To avenge Michael.

He's a fool. Our fighters
will respond in minutes.

It's su1c1de.

No, it's a diversion.

Michael, how?


Hawke figured it out.

My rescue was too easy.

After all those years in 'Nam, he realized

that either you had the
worst gunners in the world

or they weren't trying to hit Airwolf.

But you assassinated Zeus.

I tried.

Hawke put blanks in my g*n.

Then the serum works.

It works.

I did everything you programmed me to do.

Only I fired blanks.

Put those serum bottles back.

I said to put those back!

- (Stringfellow) I found the formulas, Michael.
- (Michael) Hawke, look out.

Let's go.

(Michael) Maria.

Give me that book and the pouch.


I can't let you go with it.

I swear I'll k*ll you, Michael.

Will you, Maria?


[g*ns firing]

[expl*si*n sounding]

(Caitlin) machine g*ns,
center wall. Turn .

Come on, String.

It looks like the whole East German
Air Force is headed this way.

I've got MIGs coming on fast at o'clock.

(Caitlin) Scope's clean.

[Caitlin whooping]

Highway patrol was never like that.

Like what?

That dogfight.

What dogfight?

Oh, no you don't. This time I've got a witness.

Now, they can't tell me that…

Michael, what's wrong?

(Michael) Maria's dead.

She was working with Kruger all along.

I'm sorry.

It couldn't be helped. I do know that, Hawke.

(Dominic) I don't know about
you guys, but I'm hungry.

What do you say we stop off for
some beer and bratwurst, huh?

(Stringfellow) Where?

Well, I don't know.

Any place that's got beer
and bratwurst, I suppose.

Yeah, we can discuss our next mission.

What mission?

You know, whatever you assign them
to do next in this helicopter.

(All) What helicopter?