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03x22 - The Song

Posted: 05/10/23 06:59
by bunniefuu
(john-boy) we were a close family
growing up on that mountain,

but as we grew older

and were faced with the
problems of finding maturity,

conflict sometime
developed between us.

i remember a time when my brother
jason's pursuit of fame as a musician

and my brother ben's
pursuit of a young lady

brought them into a
bitter misunderstanding.

All right, fellows,
let's get to work.

[John-boy grunting]

Come on, ben, you look like
you're planted in a squash hill.

[John-boy grunting] come on.


Ben, help your brother.

You're wastin' your
breath this mornin', daddy.

He's in some other world.

[Laughing] he was walkin' along
and went smack into a tree.

Maybe he's got somethin'
special on his mind.

Yeah, I wonder
who she is this week.

(John) w-welcome back, son.

Sorry, daddy, uh,
just went to thinkin'.


If I ever saw a
lovesick puppy, it's you.

Who are you mooning
over this week?

Hey, mind your
own business, huh?

Huh? Huh? Huh? Who are
you mooning over this week?

Come on. Oh, will you stop?

Daddy... All right, you two
young bucks, settle down.

Jim-bob and elizabeth would be
more help than you are today.

Uh, daddy, I'm gonna go
talk to jason, if it's ok.

He's not home yet, ben.

Well, I'll go look for him.

(John) look where
you're goin', son.

Guess I wasn't lookin'
where I was goin'.

(John-boy) see you later. Yeah.

Never easy bein' in love, is it?

Huh, I wouldn't know,
it's been a while for me.

Yeah, I'd say about minutes.


♪♪[Banjo playing]

Hey, jase.

I've been lookin' for you.

You want to borrow
some money, huh?

That's not what I want.

Then what do you want? I
figure you can use some help

With your musical career.
Oh, yeah? What kind of help?

Like a foreman, the way
caspar tice is for bobby bigelow.

Oh, you mean a manager,
somebody to carry my guitar case,

My banjo case, set up my
music. And gives you advice.

Got anybody in mind?


Well, you do want
money after all.


I've got some ideas,
too. Like what?

For instance, that new
song that you're writin',

It sounds real nifty,
and I've been thinkin'.

You know what'd make it
sound more perfect? What?

If you got a girl to sing
it with you. Make it a duet.

Well, I don't know, this song
is pretty important to me.

I know that, but
that's what I mean.

Especially since the
dance will be broadcast.

It'll sound more exciting.
Just think about it for a moment,

With a girl singing, too.

[Birds chirping]

Yeah, you might
have an idea there.

Only trouble is I don't
know any girl singers.

You do, too.

Not right off the bat.

Sally ann harper!

Abner's little sister?

Well, you've heard her, she
sings in the church choir.

Well, she is pretty good.

Well, what do you think?

Well, I think you may have
a real good idea there, ben.

But first, I've gotta hear her

And then bobby's got to audition
her, and it's up to him anyway.

When can you ask him?

Tomorrow at rehearsal.

You won't forget, will you?

As long as you're
going to be my manager,

Why don't you come along with
me so you can help me remember?

Thanks, jase.

♪♪[Playing banjo]


Thank you.

Thank you.

Here you go, bobby. Just
the way you like it, ice cold.

Thank you, honey.

Ought to really hit the spot
after the night I just been through.

You out h*nky-tonkin'
around? Hmm.

Well, this business
is a lonely road.

What else is a man to do?

(Betsy) well, you could've
come by my house for supper.

Well, sugar, maybe you better
go home and, uh, grow a spell.

You're a little
tender on the vine, yet.

♪♪[Violin playing]

Hey, jason, about to send out
a search party for you, boy.

Sorry, I'm late, bobby, I had
some chores to do at home.

Hi, jason.

Hey, betsy. Hi, ben.

This redheaded fellow
here any kin of yours?

This is my brother ben.

Hi, ben. It's a pleasure.

You want to join my band, too?

No, I'm gonna be jason's
manager from now on.

Well, uh, put your feet up,
make yourself right at home.

Uh, what do you got
there? This is my new song.

Well, is it any good, jase?

I hope so. Here, take a look.

It's terrific!

Well, you mind if I look?

[Whispering] ask him.

[Whispering] yeah. Yeah, I
will, just let him look at it.

What are you doing here, betsy?

Oh, my cousin, hassie
longstreet, is the banjo player.

I just love music. Just
shivers me down my spine.

(Betsy) um, jason,

Would you like to come over
this evening after supper?

I got a brand new
victrola record

With little rosewood
on one side

And when my blue moon turns
to gold again
on the other side.

Uh, jason, from,
uh, what I can tell,

Looks like a pretty
sassy little song here.

Thanks, bobby.

Would you like to
come over, jason?

Betsy, I'm busy.

Uh, bobby, I had an idea.

What do you think of me singing
this song with a girl, as a duet?

(Jason) we could alternate
voices on the chorus.


The idea sounds all right, but, uh, we
don't have a girl in the band, and, uh...

(Bobby) so I don't know.

I'm not crazy about running out

And hiring a girl
just for one song.

Well, you don't have to.

See, I know this girl named sally
ann harper. Sings like an angel.

(Jason) and I'm sure
she'd do it for nothing.

Anyway, if you want, you could
audition her, and if she's ok,

Then the two of us can
sing the song together.

Well, it's your song. If that's
the way you want me to hear it, uh,

You bring her around and
I'll listen. Thanks, bobby.

Uh, come on, everybody, let's get
some pickin' and singin' goin' on here.

(Bobby) my goodness.

(Bobby) hey, fellas,
I have an idea here,

A thing I wanna do
on cr*pple creek.

You can help me run through it.

Sally ann harper!

That's the rottenest
idea I've ever heard.

Well, who'd be a better idea?


Oh, sure. Too bad
you can't sing, though.

(Jason) so when they
broadcast the dance,

Sally ann harper and I
will be singing my song.

Great idea, huh? Uh-huh.

Mama, can I be excused?
I have lots to do.

Go ahead, jase. Great.

Mama, I'm jason's manager now,
and I'm plannin' a schedule for him.

So, could sally ann have supper
here tomorrow and wednesday night...

(Mary ellen) I do not intend
to serve and wash up

After sally ann harper.

I can't stand that sissy.

What can't you stand
this time, mary ellen?

Well, my own brother picked a
silly, skinny, stuck-up little child

To sing with him on the radio
for the whole world to hear.

She's not silly, and she's
not stuck-up, neither.

Just skinny.

(Ben) you want a
knot in your head?

Ben, haven't you
any taste at all?

Mary ellen, what have you
got against the poor girl?

Well, it just seems that my
own brother could have asked me

If wanted to sing his dumb
song before he asked a stranger.

Mary ellen, you sing like a
mockingbird that's got the croup.

Maybe that's why
he didn't ask you.

I didn't even know
you liked to sing.

I don't, but that's
not the point.

Oh, mary ellen.

Jason should have asked me.

Too bad john-boy's busy with
school, maybe he'd want to do it.

Well, I sing better
than all of you.

Actually, I sing
better than any of you.

Well, you're right.

You know, your grandpa had
a real good voice in his time.

And I still got it, esther.

♪ Mi, mi, mi, mi, mi, mi ♪

♪ You, you, you, you ♪

I don't sing good
at all. So I don't mind.

Now, wait a minute, if anybody
should sing with jase, it should be me.

(All) you?

[All chattering]

(Grandpa) there's no
such thing as tone-deaf.

That's right, pa.

[Olivia laughing]

♪ Mi, mi, mi, mi, mi, mi ♪

[All laughing]

Mary ellen, I'll ask jason
to dedicate the song to you.

Well, thanks a lot.

All that fuss over a song
that's not even a hymn.

Well, it has been a
lovely supper, ladies.

And I am loath to leave
you, just eat and run,

But john and I have got
to be goin' elsewhere.

(Grandma) where did
you say you were goin'?

I didn't say, but if
you wanna know,

We're goin' down
to ike godsey's.

And what for?

It's the first official
meeting of the w.m.e.b.t.

Sounds like some new government
agency mr. Roosevelt made up.

What's it mean?

The walton's mountain
ball tournament.

(Elizabeth) I still don't
know what it means.

It's just as well.
It's a gamblin' game.

Nonsense, there hasn't
been any money interchanged

Since way back in .

I'm surprised corabeth didn't
put a stop to such low doings.

She is not here. She's
gone back to doe hill

To pick up the last of
her mother's antiques.

So she won't be
around to make any fuss.

Well, I call it trashy
goings-on, and grandma's right.

A game of chance is gambling,
I don't care how many initials

You put in front of it.

Some upstanding members
of the community will be there,

Zack roswell, horace brimley.


How long is this
tournament gonna last?

Days. Should be over
by thursday night, huh?

Friday's the
broadcast, don't forget.

Oh, that won't be any
problem, in case of a tie

Us terrible waltons will
be around there at that table.

It'll all be over by thursday.

It would suit me if
it never got started.

What am I supposed to do? Sit
home and listen to the radio?

Could figure out how much
you miss me when I'm not around.

I know that already.

As they say,

Absence makes the
heart grow fonder.

Oh! That goes for
me, too, old dear.

Zeb, now you be comin'
home at a decent hour.

You know I can't
sleep till you're here.

Why, I'm glad to
hear that, old darlin'.

Good night.

[Grandpa chuckling]

Good night, ladies.

Good night, kids. Be home
early, liv. Good night, daddy.

Good night, esther.
Good night, grandpa.

[Grandpa chuckling]

(Zack) ike,

Maybe you ought to put
up some of them dolls

That your wife's
gone and bought.

[Ike grumbling] you're
gonna lose anyway,

Might as well get
rid of some of them.

(Ike) believe it or not,

Those dolls are
sellin' pretty good.


Now, we got
contestants, includin' me.

Now, I'm gonna write
all our wagers down.

Now for me, I'm gonna give a
week's supply of groceries.

Not to exceed $ .

Ok, let's state our bets.

I'm puttin' up a prize pig:

Pound poland china
shoat, named jew's harp.

Zack, one pig.

I'll put in a truckload
of firewood.

Half for me, half for pa.

Ok, that sounds fair.

How about you, easy?

Well, I got myself a new r*fle,
so I'm gonna put up my old . .

Oh, it's still in fine shape.

Ok, what about you, horace?

Fat hens, rhode island reds.

All of them layin'
double-yolk eggs.


Horace is trying to
get rid of old hens.

I deserve better
than that from you, ike.


(Ike) ok, the
stakes are all set.

Now the playoffs are thursday
night, and winner takes all.

Now, in case of a tie, we're
gonna keep right on playin',

Even if it takes a year.

No need of that. John and I plan
to have the whole sh**t' match

In hand by thursday.

Of what year, mr. Walton?


Ok, easy, we'll let you draw
out the first contestants.

All right.

[Children chattering]

[Boys laughing]

See you around, jason.

No, no, not right now.

[Girls chattering]

Sally ann, can I talk to you?

Well, sure, ben.

(Ben) well, it's
kind of personal.

There's nothing you couldn't
say in front of phyllis.

We're best friends.

Yeah. Well, would you like to
have supper at my house tonight?

(Sally ann) well, why?

To celebrate.

Jason's going to be
on the radio, and, well,

He has something
he wants to tell you.

Well, thank you, ben,
but some other time.

Some other time, I'd love to.

Yeah. Well, jason has
something he wants to tell you.

Well, I'll see him
later on today.

[Boys muttering]

Sally ann?

What's the matter?

It's um, u-r-g-e-n-t.

Well, what's so u-r-g-e-n-t?

Phyllis, go away.


How does it feel being the
most important girl in school?

Betsy, I think you're crazy.

[Laughing] well, you
certainly are calm about it.

If I were singing with the
haystack g*ng on the radio,

I'd be half out of my mind.

I don't know what
you're talkin' about.

You don't know?

Betsy, what is all this about?

Don't you know that jason walton

Personally requested
bobby bigelow

To let you sing
his brand new song

With him at the
broadcast friday night?

What? Jason walton,
that dreamboat.

All that red hair
and cute freckles.

He can just tear your
heart apart with a song.

Betsy, tell me exactly
what you heard, please?

I was with my cousin,
hassie longstreet.

He plays the banjo
with bobby bigelow.

Oh, that bobby is a
heartthrob, I'll tell the world.

Oh, his eyes are like dark pools of
moonlight, and his hair is so exciting,

Oh, I just get seasick
thinkin' about him.

Betsy, tell me what
you started to say.

I was right there. I was with
jason, and I heard his every word.

Tell! He wants you
to sing with him.

He wants you to be a
duet with him on the radio.

You're not makin'
this up? No, I swear.

But don't tell anybody I told
you or I swear I'll k*ll you.

E-excuse me. Remember, now
don't tell anyone I told you.

Ben. Ben walton!

Where's jason?

He's inside.

Is that invitation to
supper still open, ben?

Well, sure.

Then I'll be happy to accept.

[Crickets chirping]

Oh, good. Thank you.

Oh, that looks good.

(Ben) and this is how it goes:

"Who's the little chatterbox?
The one with pretty auburn locks?

Cute little she, it's
little orphan annie."

And that's how
it goes, I know it.

You're wrong, ben. I listen
to it more than you do.

If you're so smart,
how does it go?

Well, I don't remember.

Elizabeth, ben's right,
it does go like that.

Oh, jason, you know everything
there is to know about music.

You're right.

[Laughing] no, not
quite everything.

You walton boys
are really something.

A writer and a musician
all in one family.

I'm going to be an aviator.

Well, I'm thinking about applying
for a scholarship to v.m.i. When i...

Sally ann,

I think we better start
practicin'. It's gettin' kind of late.

Whenever you say.

I'm lookin' forward to it.

We could practice
with you, jason.

I can play a comb.

I'll go get an old drum.

Uh, now, hold on, both of you.

You two are stayin' in here,

And we're goin' out to
practice on the porch alone.

Come on, sally ann.

I'm comin' with you.

Your manager, remember?

Yeah, ok, come on.

Oh, thank you.

Who needs them anyway? Yeah.

I'd rather just sit here
and enjoy my ice cream.

(Jim-bob) mama, we're gonna
need some more ice cream.

Sorry, I only made
enough to go around once.

(Jim-bob) baloney.

You all finished your homework?

♪♪[Guitar playing]

(Olivia) as soon as you
finish your ice cream,

♪♪[Ben and sally ann
singing] you better get to it.

Mama, I saw reverend
fordwick today.

Well, that's nice.

Oh, and, daddy, I told him that
you would win the pool contest.

Good lord.

Reverend fordwick must
have been real pleased

To hear about the pool contest.

Now, john, perhaps
you'll understand

Why I'd prefer it if
you don't get involved

With pool
tournaments. Now, livie,

The reverend would be
playin' with us himself tonight,

If he weren't off
sparkin' with miss hunter.

At least he doesn't have children
goin' all over the county talkin' about it.

Pa, we, uh, best be goin'.

I think so.

(Jason and sally ann) ♪ I
never felt before ♪

♪ The way I feel right now ♪

♪ What's more I have to
make my feelings clear ♪

♪ To you ♪

Down here.

♪ You know I loved
you from the start ♪

♪ You shot an arrow
through my heart ♪

♪ Now, ooh, ooh ♪

♪ Will you be mine? ♪

♪ Ooh, ooh, will you be mine? ♪

♪ Ooh ♪

♪ Ooh ♪

♪ Will you be mine? ♪♪

That was great.

You're such a sweet boy, ben.

What did you think, jason? I
think it's gonna sound just fine,

But we've gotta
keep on practicing.

Well, you're the boss, and,
jason, the song is wonderful.

I never knew you
had so much talent.

Well, thank you.

(Jason) we've gotta keep
on practicin' this though,

It's gotta be a lot better if we're
gonna sing it for bobby tonight.


I'll play the introduction
for you again, all right? Ok.

Too bad, ike.

I don't know what's the
matter with me tonight.

I keep missin' all
the easy ones.

Buckin' professionals are
apt to make a body nervous, ike.

[Knocking at door]

I'll bet it's my wife.

Oh, quit worryin'.

All right, you two, you're
breakin' my concentration.

(Elvira) zack roswell, I
know you're in there!

I told you. No, no,
no, not under there.

Go back there. Go back there.

(Elvira) ike godsey,
open this door!

Ok, you guys, just
keep right on playin'.

Is he in here? Uh, who? Who?

(Elvira) my husband,
zack roswell.

What... What would
he be doin' in here?

Oh, now, don't you try
and fool me, ike godsey.

Everybody knows what's
goin' on around here.

I'm surprised your
wife puts up with it.

Well, she wouldn't,
except she's not here.

Lucky you're her
problem and not mine.

Now, where is zack?

Well, why don't you just, uh, satisfy
yourself and... And look around, huh?


Are... Are you satisfied?

(Elvira) what was that?

Mice. Uh, I got 'em all over the place.
I... I don't know how to get rid of 'em.

Why, elvira, there's no point
in your husband comin' here,

He doesn't play
good enough for us.

If zack comes here, you
tell him I want him home, fast!

Not good enough?

[Door closing]

Zeb, who's not good enough? This
tournament's not over, not by a long shot.


You have a chance.

Let's get back and play pool.


See you at next
rehearsal. Good night.

Good night, bobby.
Keep working at it.

We will. We will.

I'm sorry, jason. I
just got so nervous.

Well, that's natural.

Singin' in front of a
professional for the first time.

[Ben and jason chuckling]

Ben's right. First time I sang
for bobby, I was shakin' like a leaf.

Hey, both of you.
You were great.

(Sally) thank you, ben.

You know, I just love to
hear you talk about music.

You know so much
and you really care.

[Chuckling] thanks.

Well, let me walk
you home, sally ann.


Jason, you come, too, and we
can talk more about the song.

(Jason) ok.

Trust me. It's going
to be just great.

Yeah, especially if I forget
the words like I did tonight...

No, you won't. Once it
practices, it's going to be great.

[Crickets chirping]

Well, it is my song, you
know. I shouldn't forget it.

I forgot the words, too.
You didn't have enough time.

You did a good job, I
thought. Bobby loved you.

Oh, I hope so.

Want me to walk you
to the door, sally ann?

Oh, no need for that, ben. Yeah.

You'll be proud of
me, jason. I promise.

I'll do the very best I can.

I know you will.
Good night, sally ann.

Good night, jason.

Sally ann?

Oh, good night, ben.

Good night.

You know, I think I'll raise
your salary, manager.

Sally ann's going
to be real good.

I never would have thought
of her, if it hadn't been for you.

It's a great idea.

Really think so?

I know so. Come on.

It's kind of nice
being alone, isn't it?


[Birds chirping]

Well, let's talk.

About what?


I'm not a very talkative person.

Would you like me to
make you some lemonade?

No, thank you.

On second thought, some
lemonade would be nice, ben.


Hey, sally ann. Hi.

You ready to rehearse?
Ready and waiting.

Good. Um, is the barn ok?

John-boy's studyin' in the house

And I don't want to bother him.

Sure. It'll be good
practice for saturday.

[Both laughing]

I'm going to make some lemonade.

Well, let's get started.


I'll be right back.

Can I help?

No. I'll just get tuned up,
and we can start in a minute.

You know,

I just hate havin' to
waste time in high school

With a lot of silly children.

I wish you and me could sing
professionally all the time.

Well, we gotta practice for this
before we go runnin' off to nashville.

Jason, did you ever
take a good look at me?

Oh, sure.

You know,

I'm a lot more mature
than a lot of girls my age.

Uh, yeah, i... I reckon you are.

[Sighing] jason,

I just want you to know that
I can't ever thank you enough.

And I'm going to do my
very best to sing your song

Just the way you want it.

I know you will.

You're so grown-up

And you've got so much talent.


I guess what I'm
really trying to say is...

I like you very much.

♪♪[Jason and sally ann singing]

Jason! Jason! (Jason
and sally ann) ♪ ooh ♪♪

(Jason) grandma,
we're in the barn.

Well, I've been
yelling my head off.

I'm sorry. We've
been practicin'.

Well, you've been in
there long enough.

Now, supper's ready.

Ok, we'll be right there.

Sit over there by mr. Walton.

Hey, ben, you should've
come out to the barn.

The song sounds great.

(Sally ann) yeah, whatever
happened to that lemonade?

Come on, the
food's gettin' cold.

Jim-bob, it's your
turn to say grace.

We hold hands, dear.

I'm too hungry.

So are we all. So try.

Thanks, lord. Amen.

Jim-bob, you can
do better than that.

Dear lord, we thank thee for
this food and thy blessings.

We thank thee for
the sunrise at : .

It sure looked nice
through the pine trees.

(Jim-bob) and in case
you're interested,

Those mallard ducks grandpa
thanked you for a few weeks ago

Have got baby ducks now

Except for the nest that the muskrat
got into and ate up all the eggs.

We thank thee... Amen, jim-bob.

Amen, jim-bob. I mean, amen.

You forgot to thank god
for the trailing arbutus.

Grandpa always thanks
god for the trailing arbutus.

Do I have to start
all over again, daddy?

No, you don't. Let's eat.

You know, daddy, I
heard on the radio today

That they're talkin'
about abolishin' the n.r.a.


(Grandpa) yes, that gabriel
heater had the nerve to say

[Inaudible] that the n.r.a. Had
just about served its purpose.

(John) always thought
that had a lot of promise.

(John) jason, pass
the potatoes, please.


Pass the potatoes, please.

Oh, sorry, daddy.

I thought love
was blind, not deaf.

The meal is really
wonderful, mrs. Walton.

(Olivia) thank you.
How do you know?

All you've been doing since
you sat down is whisper to jason.

(Erin) you haven't eaten.

(Olivia) erin.

[Cutlery rattling]

Ben, aren't you going to eat?

I'll eat when I'm ready.

Ben, don't talk to
your mother like that.

May I please be excused?

(John) no, you may not
be excused. Sit down.

Here, have some mashed potatoes.

[Clearing throat]

[Clearing throat] i, uh...

John, I suppose you and zeb will be
going down to ike's again tonight, hmm?

You can suppose again, old girl.

Ike has business elsewhere.

And besides, the tournament
will be all over by tomorrow.

Tomorrow? That's
when the broadcast is.

Oh, don't get so
nervous about it, jason.

We'll be through in
plenty of time and...

Besides, I wouldn't miss
any member of this family

When they're singin',

Especially when he has such a lovely
young lady singin' alongside of him.

Charming men sure
do run in this family.

Eat your supper, sally ann,
you'll be late for rehearsal.


Uh, i... I'll go up,
daddy. Let me go up.

(Grandpa) pass the sauerkraut.

(John) what's been goin'
on? What's wrong with ben?



Leave me alone. Ben.

Look, I don't come prying
into your business, john-boy.

If I was hurtin' as much as you
are right now, I'd want to talk.

Who says I'm hurtin'?

Nobody has to say
it. It's plain to see.

I don't want to talk about it.


You are the stubbornest walton
that ever come down the track.

Jason was absolutely right.

I wouldn't trust
a word jason says.

Why do you say that?

I planned this whole thing out

With sally ann
singin' jason's song,

And now she doesn't
even know I'm alive.


She's head over
heels about jason.

He's gone all mushy over her.

Did you see them
at the supper table?

It made me sick.


You did all this just
to be close to her, huh?


Just wanted to do
something nice for her.

(John-boy) does she know
this was your idea, ben?

I couldn't think of
any way to tell her

Without coming right
out and telling her that...

How I feel about her.

Does jason know
that you like her?

I don't. Not anymore.

Of course you do.

And if he knew about it, he
wouldn't even give her a second look.

Look, john-boy, you're off
to college most of the time.

You miss a lot of things
that go on around here.

Jason's not the
person you think he is.

I know he's not a mind reader,
and neither is sally ann.

How do you expect them to
know what you're thinking?

I told you I don't care anymore!

Look, ben, you and
jason are brothers.

You've got to live together,
you've got to eat together,

You've got to sleep in
the same room together,

And I think you ought to
work this thing out with him.

I don't have to do anything.

Ben, you're backin' down, and
I don't like to see you do that.

You had a good idea.
And, you're... And...

Why don't you
just stick up for it?

Why don't you stick
up for yourself, ben?

Let me tell you
something, john-boy.

That was probably
the dumbest idea

I've ever had in my
whole entire life.

I wish I'd never seen
sally ann harper.

And I don't care if I never see or
hear about jason or his songs again.



Uh, daddy, excuse me.

Could you help me here?
Could you quiz me on the french?

Here, you just... You
just read the english

And then check me
out on the french,

All right? All right.

[Clearing throat] "I can go."

I can go.

je peux... go, sortir.

No, no, "je pux..."

[Laughing] no, no, no.

peux, the "x" is
silent on there.

You just pronounce like peux.

What are you two doin' up?

(John-boy) well, I was
waitin' for you, jason.

Is anything wrong?

(John-boy) um,

You know that ben got a
little upset at the supper table

And ran upstairs and I
went up to talk to him.

And by the time I got down, you and
sally ann were off at your rehearsal.

And I think there's
somethin' you ought to know.

Has somethin' happened?

It was bound to happen

[Laughing] with a bunch of
boys growin' up like weeds.

What had to happen?

Well, ben is in love with
sally ann harper, jason.

(John-boy) mmm-hmm. And
he thinks you are, too.


I don't know how you
couldn't know about it.

You're around him all the time.

Sure, but I'm around
you all the time

And I don't know
everything about you.

Where'd he ever get
a notion like that?

I don't know, jason.

You and sally ann looked
kind of interested in each other

At the supper table tonight.

[Sighing] oh, well, sure,
she is cute and she's fun.

She sings good. We have
a good time together.

She kisses good.

But he don't like her.

[Laughing] no, he
don't like her.

No, I like her. I do. I like her a
lot, but I'm not in love with her,

And I'm going to go up there and wake
ben walton up and tell him that right now.

I don't know, son.


What with miss hunter
watchin' them all day at school

And your mama keepin' an eye
peeled for anything goin' on

That isn't exactly baptist,

Mmm-hmm. When did he ever
get a chance to kiss her?

Beats me.


She's nice.

She's fun, she sings good.

She kisses good.

But... But he don't like her.

[Laughing] oh, he likes her.
He just don't love her.

That's some kind of walton.
That's a romeo walton.

I wonder where he gets it from.

[John and john-boy laughing]

What's so funny?

Uh, just a little
joke, son, between us.

What you doin' back down here?

Ben left a note. Said he's
going to sleep in the barn

'Cause he doesn't want to spend
the night in the same room as me.

[Sighing] I'm glad he didn't
run off and join the navy.


Well, I'm going to go out there

And straighten
him out right now.

No, no, son. Let him alone. You
can talk to him in the mornin'.

Good night.



[Students chattering]

Mary ellen, take
the children home.

(Mary ellen) ok.



You must've spent
your entire day

Just figurin' out ways to
avoid havin' to talk to me.

Yeah, and up till now,
it was workin' just fine.

Boy, you are dumb. You really
are stupid! You know that?

I know we're not supposed to
raise hands against each other,

But if you don't get away from me
fast, you're gonna have a busted lip!

Now, you hold on
with that kind of talk.

Now, maybe I do like sally ann,

And she does have a sweet
way of talkin' to a person,

But I'm certainly
not in love with her.

You're a liar!

Listen here, ben.

I'm not interested in sally ann.

If you're not interested in her,

What were you doin'
kissing her in the barn?


Listen, I can explain
all about that.

I don't want to hear another word
from you. Just mind your own business.

Sing your stupid song,
and I hope it sounds rotten.


Bubber, luanne,
get inside. Scat!

Hi, jason.

Well, what's the...
What's the matter?

[Birds chirping]

Ben saw me kiss you yesterday.

Did he tell? Does
your mama know?

No. He just told me.

But he's really upset
and hurt and angry.


Because he's in love with you.


He's in love with you.

And I have to tell
you somethin' else.

It was his idea for you to
sing the song in the first place.

But I don't understand.

Betsy morgan said it was yours.

I know. It was ben's. He
didn't want me to tell you.


If I hadn't been so
wrapped up in my music,

I would have
realized how he felt.

Well, what about us?


Didn't we kiss?

Sure, but...

I'm a senior. We do
that all the time.


Sally ann.



Sally ann, I really do think
you're pretty and you're nice

And I do like you, but
ben really cares for you.

And you don't?

Well, not in the same way.

See, i... I just think we got
carried away by all the...

All the excitement and
all the fun we were havin'.

Yeah, I know.

Every night when
I went to sleep,

All that was goin'
through my mind

Were pictures of you
and me singin' together,

Travelin' around the
country, and people likin' us.

There's no reason
we still can't do that.

I just wish ben
had said something.

Let on somehow
what he was feeling.

So do i.

See, ben's...

He... He jokes a lot, and... And he
never really says what he really feels.

Does he hate me now?

Hate you? He's crazy about you.

He just feels bad.

He's quiet and sensitive,
and when somethin' hurts him,

It hurts him deep down.

What are we going to do?

Got any ideas?

[Sighing] um, ok.

I'd like to say,
"I'm sorry, ben.

And I didn't mean to hurt
you, and I like you very much."

I'll try to say it at
the dance tonight.

Ben's not coming.

Well, then you give
ben the message for me.

Tell him that I think he's
the cutest boy in school,

And if he'll have the last dance
with me, he can walk me home.

You're terrific.

See you tonight.

I don't care. You still
shouldn't have said anything.

Ben, she likes you.

Oh, she's got a great
way of showing it.

What'd she do? Send me a kiss?

Boy, I wish I'd let you hit
me when you had the chance.

Look, ben, I don't blame you
for feelin' the way you did,

But if it makes you
feel any better,

I want you to
know that I'm sorry.

(Jason) I made a
real fool of myself.

She just kept tellin' me
what a great musician I was,

And I just started
believin' her.

Oh, she's right. You're a great
musician, but a rotten brother.

Ben, I said I'm sorry.

Ok. You're not a rotten brother.

Sally ann feels just
awful about this, too.

She wants you to
be there tonight.

She... She's savin'
a dance for you

And she wants you
to walk her home.

I can't, jase.

I'm too embarrassed
about this whole thing.

I'm just going to stay here
and I don't want to see anybody.

I wish you'd change your mind.


Good luck, jason.
Sally ann, too.

Well, john's out. That
just leaves horace

And mr. Walton to beat.

It's easier said
than done, zack.

You sure are a fancy dude
in that suit, mr. Walton.

Are you celebratin' or mournin'?

Mournin'. Who?

Mournin' for you, zack.

It's only fittin' when you lose.

Too bad, mr. Walton.

I may be mournin' you.

[Pool balls clacking]

[Banjo tuning]

[People chattering]

Is grandpa here yet? Not yet. We
better save a place for him, just in case.

I wouldn't bother.

All right, jim-bob. Put
the chairs up here, son.

Ben's not here.

I was hoping he
would change his mind.

Yeah, so was i.

I feel just awful, jason.

I don't think I can sing.

Sure you can. You've got to.

hey, hey, everybody!

(All) hey, hey, bobby!

on behalf of the haystack
g*ng and yours truly,

a mighty warm welcome to you.

we're going to have so much fun,

you're going to think you're in
nashville, tennessee on a saturday night.

(bobby) now let's get
things started off here

with a little song. Get your hands
a-clappin' and your feet a-tappin'.

kick it off for us there, oscar.

[Crowd clapping to the beat]

♪♪[band humming]

♪♪[music playing on radio]

[man whooping]

[people cheering]

Gentlemen, I am conceding.


(Grandpa) you heard
me, I am conceding.

Never thought I'd live to hear you
say somethin' like that, mr. Walton.

Never thought I would
either, but I have places to go

And things to do, and
very little time to do it.

Good evening to
you all, gentlemen.

Well, if that don't beat all.

He was bound to
win the whole thing.

I'll never admit to that.

Well, chalk your
cue. Rack them up, ike...

[Crickets chirping] ♪
go along, mule ♪

♪ Don't you roll them eyes ♪

♪ You can change a fool but a
doggone mule is a mule until she dies ♪

♪ Go along, mule ♪

♪ Don't you roll them eyes ♪♪

i'm just as proud as I can be to
introduce these next young folks to you.

here's jason walton, the fellow that
wrote the song you're just about to hear.

say hello to the folks, jason.

hey, everybody.

(bobby) thank you, jason,
and... And right here with him

is his pretty little
singin' partner,

miss sally ann harper. How about
a big hello from you, sally ann?

(sally ann) hello, everybody.

can I say something
to someone special?

(bobby) yeah, go
right ahead, honey.

ben, I just want you to know
that I wish you were here

and I want to dedicate
this song to you.

(bobby) ok, ben,
this is for you,

and here is jason's
brand new song.

♪♪[Band playing]

♪ when I saw you on the corner ♪

♪ I just had to say ♪

♪ ooh, ooh ♪

♪ will you be mine? ♪

(sally ann) ♪ I never
had nobody ♪

♪ who could make
me feel this way ♪

(both) ♪ ooh, ooh ♪

♪ will you be mine? ♪

♪ I never felt before ♪

♪ the way I feel right now ♪

♪ what's more I have to
make my feelings clear ♪

♪ to you ♪ ♪ and tell
you that I love you dearly ♪

♪ I never knew somebody ♪

♪ who could make me
feel the way you do ♪

♪ now ♪

(both) ♪ ooh, ooh,
will you be mine? ♪

♪ I never felt before ♪

♪ the way I feel right now ♪

♪ what's more I have to
make my feelings clear ♪

♪ to you ♪ ♪ and tell
you that I love you dearly ♪

♪ you know I loved
you from the start ♪

♪ you shot an arrow
through my heart ♪

♪ now ♪

♪ ooh, ooh ♪

♪ will you be mine? ♪

♪ ooh, ooh ♪

♪ will you be mine? ♪

♪ ooh ♪

♪ ooh ♪

♪ will you be mine? ♪♪

miss sally ann
harper. Jason walton.

(bobby) jason wrote that one.

(Grandpa) hip-hip-hooray!

[People chattering]

[Grandpa continues applauding]

Esther, I'll thank you to stop
throwin' those sour looks my way.

And I'll thank you
not to speak to me.

Missing jason's song
for a gamblin' game.

♪♪[Band playing] oh, he didn't
miss jason's song, grandma.

I saw him over at
the door listening.

(Grandpa) thank you, child.

Yes, I was standing
there in the back

Where I could hear
everything perfectly.

And I am proud to say that
jason inherits my musical ability.

May I have this dance, old girl?

Who won the tournament?

Well, it's hard to say, I had
to leave before it was over.

I'll be proud to
dance with you, zeb.

(bobby) ♪ just because you
think you're so pretty ♪♪

You two were wonderful. Thanks.

What's the matter with you? By the look
on your face, you'd think you were awful.

The fun's gone out of it.

(bobby) ♪ that
nobody else has got ♪

♪ know you made me
spend all my money ♪

♪ you laugh and call
me old santa claus ♪

♪ but I'm tellin' you
honey, I'm leavin' you ♪

♪ because, just because ♪♪

♪♪[Lively music playing]

[Crowd clapping to the beat]

We have a special request here
for an instrumental rendition

Of jason walton's new
song, will you be mine.

(Bobby) so we're going
to try it for you now.

♪♪[Music playing]

[Exhaling deeply]


Oh, thank you.

You takin' a break? Mmm-hmm.

You know, I think
your song was just fine

And I think you sing real good.

Thank you.

Jason, my cousin, hassie longstreet,
was supposed to take me home,

But he's in there making eyes
at that dang mary lou simpson

And I just know he's going to
go off and leave me stranded.

Betsy, you're not going to
be stranded. Come with me.

(john-boy) ben walked
home with sally ann

and jason walked
home with betsy.

they both got back to the
house around midnight, singing.

(jim-bob) ben?

(ben) mmm-hmm.

did you kiss her?

i'll never tell.

(elizabeth) did you
kiss betsy, jason?

(jason) I'm asleep, elizabeth.

(jim-bob) I'd rather kiss
reckless than a girl.

(ben) jim-bob, you got a
lot of growin' up to do.

(ben) good night.
Good night, jase.

(jason) good night, ben.