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04x06 - Hundred Percent

Posted: 05/10/23 05:20
by bunniefuu


- What do you mean, a speech?
- [Ryan] Yeah, I know it's last-minute,

but the whole conference
happened last minute, thanks to you.

Which is why I can't think
of a better person

to deliver the student speech.

But it's tomorrow.

I can't write that fast.
I don't know what to say.

Brooke, you worked miracles
putting this whole thing back together.

- And I know you.
- [phone ringing]

You have a lot to say,
you just need to...

One second.

[phone continues ringing]

- [beeps]
- Hey, Alex, I'm with Brooke...

Oh, my God.

Uh, sorry, all right? I'll be right back.


What happened?

[Daniel] I don't know.

Uh, I came in the room,
she got up to say hi,

and then she just collapsed.

Call .

[theme music playing]

It's too high.

We should call his parents.

They wanted to be notified
if anything changed.

I'll do it.

Leo taught me how to use this silly thing.

We should ask the doctor

to prescribe something
to reduce the fever.

I'll go ask her.

She's burning up. Where are they?

They'll be here any minute.
They said to make her comfortable

and cold compresses
could help with the fever.

Alex, go downstairs
and wait for the paramedics

so they know where to go.

- [Alex sighs]
- [Ryan] Hayley.

Honey, come on, wake up.

Hello, Mrs. Cruz.
This is Saint Mary's Rehab Center.

Just calling to let you know
that Leo is doing just great.

Excellent progress.

Thank you, have a great day, too.

[Tammy] This'll help.
My mom's a rehab nurse.

- Thank you, Tammy.
- Here. I'll get her legs.

[Carter] Come on, sweetie. Okay.

Guys, she's here.

- Hayley?
- What are they doing here?

We're taking you to the hospital, honey.

- What? No!
- Hey, hey, hey.

Where do you think you're going?

Dad, this is ridiculous.
I'm not going to the hospital.

I probably just got dehydrated
after working on all the conference stuff.


Hayley, seriously,
you should probably go with these guys.

- I'm okay.
- [EMT] Give me your arm, please.

Probably just need to go to bed
and I'll be good as new tomorrow.

I'm sorry you had to come
all the way out here.

[Ryan] Honey, they are taking your vitals
before anyone goes anywhere, okay?

[Brooke sighs]


I wondered why Ryan never got back to me
when I offered to give the speech.

I guess nepotism always trumps hard work.

Look, Becca, I didn't ask for this.

Hmm, I don't know.

All those CEOs your father invited
are really smart.

Yeah, they're able to spot a fake
from a mile away.

So far, it's... really impressive.

It was the weirdest feeling.

I mean, I felt, like, this heat creep up
on me, and I got exhausted.

And suddenly, it disappeared.

- [Ryan] Hey.
- So?

- I talked to Dr. Broderick.
- [Hayley] Hmm?

He says since your vitals are fine,

- you should just rest.
- Oh, thank God. [chuckles]

But if anything happens, we're taking you
to the hospital right away.


Thanks, Mom. But really, I'm fine.

Are you sure you don't wanna spend
the night at our place?

No. No, no.

But you should definitely get some rest
before the conference begins

- and your life gets crazy.
- [Ryan chuckles]

- Okay.
- Bye.

- Uh, so, Hayley needs her rest.
- [Daniel] Oh. Yes, ma'am.

[Daniel and Ryan chuckle]

Well, you heard her. I should go.

[kisses] See ya.

Hey, wait. What were you gonna tell me?

What do you mean?

Before I passed out,
you were gonna tell me something.

- Oh, nothing major.
- You sure? It seemed kind of important.

Uh, yeah. It was...

probably just "Don't trip on the couch
before you pass out" or something.

- [chuckles]
- Okay.

[chuckles] See ya.

Hey, did you...

- tell her what you did?
- [sighs] No.

She passed out before I could.

- Bro, you need to tell her what you did.
- Dude, she's asleep.

And to be honest, I really don't think

she needs any more drama
in her life right now.

Yeah, you're probably right.

All right.
Hey, I'm gonna get something to eat. Okay?

[Sophie] I'm telling you.
Look, I know you're gonna think I'm crazy,

but I want you to just follow me
on this one.

Ugh, Sophie, gross.

Do you know
how many germs are on a used Band-Aid?

That's just it.

This was on Hayley's ankle
when she got sick.

I took it off of her and within minutes,
she was sitting up.

So, you're saying

- you're like a magic healer or something?
- [scoffs]

No, what I'm saying is that

maybe there's something on this Band-Aid
that made Hayley sick.

But... I mean,
who would wanna make Hayley sick?

[scoffs] I don't know,

maybe the person who trapped her
in the cave and gave her the virus?

So, you think
the virus is on the Band-Aid?

- Hmm.
- Look, she's immune to it now,

but... I have to call Enzo again.

- [sighs]
- I know he knows something.

- [tone plays]
- [automated voice] We're sorry.

You have reached a number

that has been disconnected
or is no longer in service.

- You see, Parker?
- [scoffs]

Something's not right.

What I see is a girl who needs some sleep.

- [scoffs]
- Come here.

- You get some rest, okay?
- Yeah, thanks.

these are very important people.

It is of the utmost importance
that we keep both the people here

and the things they talk about
safe and secure.

But, it's also a school,

so there are no g*ns allowed here
whatsoever, including us.

And if you have any specific issues,
Carter's your man. Okay?

And the poor fool
wanted time off from the bureau,

but since then he's been busier than me.

Uh, Ryan?

- We have a little problem.
- [Ryan] What?

The projector isn't working.

Well, that's weird.

- I used it last week.
- Hmm.

Is it the bulb?

No, I've tried everything.
It's just broken.

Hmm. Well, where could I get
another one at this hour?

I actually know someone
who rents out equipment. I could call him.

- That would be amazing.
- Yeah.

- Saving the day, as usual.
- [all chuckle]

- Could you get the number for me?
- Oh, don't worry about it.

Hey, how's the speech coming?

I'm sorry, Ryan...

but I can't do this.

Sibling hug. Whoa.

[chuckles] What's that for?

Just for this. For being the best brother.

[Alex] Mmm.

Okay, what do you want?

That's so mean.

What, I can't just tell my brother
that he's awesome?

- Okay. There's something I want.
- I knew it.

It's nothing. It's just...

Daniel told me that he talked to you
yesterday about something,

and then he was gonna talk to me
and it seemed pretty important.

But then I passed out.

So, what did you two talk about?

You should talk about it with him.

I knew it. I knew there was something.

Alex, you have three minutes

until Daniel gets out of the shower.
Tell me.

If you don't tell me,
I'm gonna faint again

and tell Mom
it was because of your cologne.

[sighs] You're gonna faint again
once I tell you.

[shower running]

Hayley, wait. Just stop.

Where's my Louie?

Listen, just don't tell him I told you.

Told you what?


[Louie beeps]

- [door opens]
- Hi, honey.

Thanks for coming down.

- What's up?
- I need you to talk to Brooke.

She's supposed to deliver a speech,
and she's got cold feet.

I know she'll listen to you
if you encourage her.

Can it be anything else, Mom?

Why? I thought you two were okay.

Not really.

I tried talking to her
about getting back together...

but she made it clear she doesn't want to.

Oh, honey.

She is going through so much.

I know she cares about you.

I think right now, she needs a friend
more than a boyfriend.

So I'm stuck in the friend zone.

You don't have to be there forever.

Maybe just... hang out for a while.

You know, your dad...

he spent several months in the friend zone

before I let him move in
to the boyfriend corridor.


[exhales heavily]


Can we please talk?

What do you wanna say?

I don't know.

How's Leo?

Says he's %
and that he'll be back soon.

Cool. Cool.

Okay. I guess we're done here.
Good talk.

Uh, Hayley, wait.

Uh, look, I know, I made a mistake.

- [stutters] And you...
- Did you erase my message by accident?

No. I did it on purpose.

So what was your mistake, Daniel? Hmm?

Acting like an immature jerk?

- Lying to me?
- [sighs] I didn't want you talking to him.


I was... I was jealous.

I was... am...

afraid I'll lose you.

Wow. Then you really did make a mistake.

Please. Don't let this ruin everything.

I am so, so sorry.

You know,
every time we had a little fight,

every time you acted jealous,

I always told myself,
"He's a good, honest guy...

and he loves me. That's all that matters."

Clearly, I was wrong on all accounts.

I do love you.

So that's it?
One screw up and it's over for you?

You know it's about so much more.



I want to ask Mr. Cortez
how many times he had to rewrite the code

before he got a working prototype.

I can't wait to talk to Ms. Becker
about her VC funding for her start-up.

Hey, guys,
I have another teensy favor to ask.

- [Emma] Ew.
- [Parker] That's what I said.

In a less feminine way.

Do you think we could test this
for some sort of...

I'll explain everything at the lab.

- But the conference is about to start.
- Great. No one will know we're gone.

[Parker] Listen,
I hate to break it to you guys,

- but she's not gonna stop bugging you.
- No.

So, she'll probably talk straight through

that keynote speaker
you were dying to see,

- which means...
- We're on it.

[Sophie] Great.

- [mouthing] Thank you.
- That was easy.

[Alex] You're not an easy person to find,
you know.



So, can I read it?

Your mom sent you, huh?


I told her I was probably the last person
you wanted to see.

But it was either this
or arranging flowers, so I caved.

Just let me see it.

I stayed up all night and...

it's awful, Alex.

"Welcome, distinguished conference members
and guests.

John F. Kennedy once said,

'Leadership and learning
are indispensable to each other.'

My father, Louis Osmond,
was inspired by these words

when he created Greenhouse Academy.

In the words of Abraham Lincoln..."


it's bad, right?

[exhales sharply]

It's not bad. It's...

It's boring.


- Thanks.
- Look...

you wanted us to be friends, right?

So, I'm telling you as a friend,
there's no you in this.

There's just a couple of dead presidents
and your dad,

but nothing that you think or believe.

Why would these people care
about what I think?

Trust me.

- They would.
- I don't know, Alex.

Or maybe if I had two or three days,
I'd give it a shot.

Well, you have
more like two or three hours.

You got this, Brooke.

Good things usually happen on this bench.

[Tammy] Brooke said to put the chairs

a proper distance away from the armchairs,
out of respect.

[Becca] Well, she's not here, is she?

I wanna be able to hear
what people are saying,

so put them closer.

- [Seth taps mic]
- [boy] Is it working?

Hundred P. %
Over and out, y'all.

Daniel. Leo wouldn't write "."

He wouldn't even type it.

- What are you talking about?
- Look what he wrote.

He never calls me "Hayley."
He hates emojis.

This isn't his style.

Daniel, Leo didn't write this.

There are poisons in here.

If the Band-Aid is poisonous...

one of them will turn blue.

Maybe his mom typed it for him.

Without showing it to him? No way.

What did he write in the message
that you deleted?

Something about
not getting to say goodbye.

Did he mention
anything about the letter I sent?

[Becca] Tammy, seriously,
could you be any slower?

Really. Take your time.

[Hayley] Becca.

I need to ask you something,
and I need you to be honest.

This is important.

Did you give Leo the letter I wrote?

What do you mean?

Becca, this is urgent. I need to know.

I didn't give it.

[Hayley sighs]

What are you doing?

Becca admitted
she never gave Leo my letter.


So, nothing?

Sorry. I mean,
that's a good thing, but still.

Couldn't there be a poison
that we didn't check?

- Sophie.
- [Max] No. This kit is very advanced.

- Unless...
- What?

Well, why would anyone use
a standard poison when they could use...

Cortinarius orellanus.

- [Parker] Cor... corta-what?
- [Sophie] Cora what?

It's a rare mushroom,
virtually untraceable.

They call it the silent k*ller.

But it matches the symptoms Hayley has.

- Got it.
- Wait, wait, wait.

So you guys have that poison
just lying around?

No. But this solution reacts to it.

[Parker] This is crazy.

[Louie chimes]


[Louie beeps]

[Daniel] You're right.

That's not him.

Oh, my God, Daniel.
We have to go help him.

- Something is going on.
- [Louie chimes]

It's Parker.

He says we should both go to the bio lab
right now.

[Hayley] Go.

[guard] Hold on, sir. I'm sorry.
This is a restricted area.

Oh, that's okay, it's for me.
It's the projector we need.

It's okay. Let it pass.

- You guys, Leo's in trouble.
- So are you, Hayley.

- What is this?
- Someone tried to poison you with this.

- It's why you passed out last night.
- What?

[Parker] If Sophie
hadn't taken off the bandage,

there's a good chance
you'd be dead right now.

Wait, who would want me dead?

And why would someone be pretending
to be Leo?

Wait. If someone still has the virus,
like Sophie thinks,

then there's one thing
that would stop it from spreading.

The two people immune to the virus.

Oh, my God.

We have to get to Leo.

- Could you drive me?
- [Daniel] Sure.

We're going, too.
I have to talk to Enzo.

I know where he lives and he might know

what they're planning to do
with the virus.

What about the conference?
We can't all disappear.

You're right. You two stay here.
And if someone asks something,

make up something.
I don't know, we went to get a pizza.

If you really do get a pizza,
I like pepperoni.

- Max, they're not getting a pizza.
- I know.

[pop song playing]