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04x04 - Gummy Bears

Posted: 05/10/23 05:09
by bunniefuu
[siren wailing]

[Daniel] How you doing, man?

Phenomenal. Can't you tell?

You hear they, uh, found the guys
who did this to you?

And they had specimens
of the virus and everything.

But they're gonna be locked away now.

[sarcastically] Whoo-hoo.

Um... look, I...

I never had a deadly virus.

I just shot myself in the leg
like an idiot,

but I remember those first few days.

I hated the whole world.

I was angry at everyone,

just feeling sorry for myself.

But that all went away.

You just gotta think positive.

You're gonna be fine, dude. I know it.

That's just it.

You don't.

I don't need your cliché advice, dude.

[Leo sighs]


Want me to take you back to your room?


I'll stay here.

Okay. [sighs]

Listen, um...

If you see Hayley before you leave,
could you just be nice to her?


When am I not nice?

Um, you were a total ass today.

But then again,
you're always a selfish jerk, so...

Excuse me?

If I recall, you're the one that left her
for some stupid basketball game.

I left you.

I didn't think she'd show up to help.

And I certainly didn't think you'd
let her go into that dangerous place.

Guess you just couldn't resist a chance
to be alone with her, could you?


Your girlfriend almost dies when
it was supposed to be you there instead.

And you're playing the jealousy card?

It's pathetic.

I'm not jealous of you, Leo.

I feel sorry for you.

Hayley made her choice
and you just can't get over it.

See, a real man would just
accept his loss and move on.

Unless you're thinking
she'll come back to you out of pity.

[scoffs] Because, honestly, at this point,
that wheelchair's your only chance.

Positive thinking, right?

Nurse? Excuse me, nurse?

Can you take me back to my room, please?

[theme music playing]

[sighs] Well...
I hope you'll understand when I say,

I hope never to see you again.

[Hayley chuckles]

You have to take it easy
over the next several days.

So, does that mean I can't do Eagle runs
or cheerleading practice?

Certainly not right now.


Thank you for taking care of our baby.

[Dr. Broderick] Thank you.

Her blood cells have been harvested
for an antidote to the virus

should it ever present itself again.

- Now, get out of here.
- [Hayley laughs]

Um, do you guys mind waiting?
Just one minute.

Um, excuse me.

Do you know what happened
to the patient that was in here?

Leo Cruz?

He was transferred to a rehab facility.


He asked to leave
first thing in the morning.

He's gone.


Yeah, to a rehab facility.

I don't even know
why he didn't say goodbye.

♪ Now that everyone's gone ♪

♪ Find myself right back
Where we started ♪

♪ A lonely fan rattles on ♪

♪ You stare at me, I stare at the floor ♪

♪ I wish I knew a better way ♪

♪ I want this day to fade away ♪

♪ So I wait ♪

[laughing] You guys...

[indistinct chatter]

- [Alex] Hey, you better?
- [Hayley] Hey.

Okay. I'm all right, bro.

♪ Sweeter the bait ♪

♪ The moment she starts to sway ♪

♪ Triggers my time delay ♪

♪ Fingers away ♪


[Suzanne] And in robotics, uh,
the kids are working on a bot

that can build and take apart another bot.

I'm so glad I have you here, Suzanne.
You are the best.


Oh, also, uh, don't forget.

Louis' tech conference is next week.

All the kids are so excited.

They've been fighting over
volunteer positions. [chuckles]

Oh, I forgot to tell you.

Louis canceled the whole thing yesterday.

What? Why?

I think what happened this week
with Hayley and Leo was the final straw.

He just felt like there was too much drama
going on in the Greenhouse.

His son, his leave, I get it.

But, Ryan... [chuckles]

This could be just the positive thing
to get us back on track.

Uh, back in the news for something good.

Well, I'm sure next year it'll be back on.

You know how the years go. [laughs]
That'll be here before we know it.

[both chuckle lightly]

Of course.

Right, um...

You're right, yeah.

Okay, so, I'll, uh, I'll go. [laughs]

I'll let you get to it.



Hello, dear.

Babe, we have a problem.

Fix it.



[Becca] I just talked to Leo's mom.

She said he's still weak,

but one of us could go visit him today
at the rehab facility.

And since I'm obviously the closest
to him here, I'm gonna go.

I wanna make him a big care package
from all of us.

So, you have two hours
to make something for him,

and please, please be creative.

Cards are so lame.

Okay? Okay, good.

What if we program one of the robots
to make his bed for him?

I think the orderlies do that.

Hey, guys, do you wanna make something
for Leo together?

Oh! Sure!

I have an idea.
My dad makes this famous chocolate cake.

It's so good.

Max is allergic to nuts.

Oh, there's... there's no nuts in it.

But speaking of food, Leo loves gummies.

- Perfect idea.
- Uh, do you guys have any?

I don't think the canteen sells them.

Who said anything about buying them?

We'll make them.

[laughs] Don't you need
Willy Wonka for that?

No. Come on.

[classical music playing on stereo]

[phone ringing]


[piano music continues]



- [phone ringing]
- [music continues]

[Louis] Hey, Suzanne.

Hey, you. [laughs]

Long time, how are you?

I'm good, thanks. Kind of busy. What's up?

Well, I, uh... I just...

I found out about the conference, and...

There is no conference.

I know. Uh, but I really think, Louis,
that you should...

Suzanne, there is no "but."

Greenhouse doesn't need
another distraction right now.

They need to get back on track.

Back to normalcy.

Louis, what these kids need is...

I appreciate your concern, Suzanne,

but I also need to do
what's best for myself.

There's always another year.

- Thanks for calling.
- [beeps]


Hey, babe.

- [Hayley] Hey.
- Get some rest?

I'm not tired.

All I've been doing
for the past three days is rest.

Mmm-hmm. [chuckles]

Catching up on some homework?

Uh, no, uh, Becca's gonna go visit Leo.

So, I wanted to write him a letter.


A letter. [sighs]



It's just that no one's written a letter
since , so... [laughs]

Yeah, well, he doesn't seem
to want to talk to me, so...

I see.



Just... ever since the expl*si*n,
you seem a little obsessed with him.

He's hurting.

And I'm trying to help.

What are you, jealous?

Should I be?

No. If you were in rehab,
he'd do the same for you.

[laughs] I doubt it.

I'm sure he'd do the same for you, though.



did something happen between you two
in that cave?

Yes, it did.

We both got a virus and almost died.

That's something that's
a little life-changing.

Sorry if you don't understand that.

First, we need milligrams of gelatin...

[Emma] Mmm-hmm.

And milligrams of strawberry Jell-O.

[laughs] You already measured 'em out.

Wow. Only you two
could turn cooking into science.

Well, technically, baking is a science.

Cooking is an art form.

Now, for the crucial part, add the water
slowly and consistently.

[Emma] Okay.

[Max] Remember last time
when we did it too fast?

Yes! Oh, my God, what a mess!

- And then we...
- It was spilling everywhere.

- [Emma] I know.
- That was awesome.

- Can I do something?
- [Max] Careful.

- Done.
- Um...

You could grab that pan over there.

Here's the flavoring.

I added a little bit of lemon
'cause I know Leo likes lemon a lot.


Good job.

- Perfect.
- Yes.

[Emma] Very careful.

- Oh, don't spill...
- [Emma laughs]

Max. [giggles]

- Oh, no!
- Oh!

[both giggling]

- [Max] Don't spill!
- [Emma giggling]

- [Max] Oh, don't spill it.
- [Emma] No, no, I got it.

[Emma giggling]

[Max] We have time to start over.

Guys, I'm gonna go.

- Okay.
- Bye, Brooke.

Hey, Soph.

Oh, I'm so glad you're here.

[laughs] Really? Cool, 'cause, uh...

Something's not right.

What's up?

Okay, apparently,
they arrested four Russian mobsters

who supposedly planned this whole thing.

Okay. Well, uh...
I mean, that's great news.

Yeah, except Carter said there's no trace
of Enzo anywhere.

That he probably had nothing to do with it

and that these guys
are the ultimate masterminds.

So, I mean, what's the problem?

Why wasn't Enzo there
if he wanted to meet me?

I don't know. I mean...

you don't think maybe he just got scared?
Ran? I mean...

No, I don't think so.

Plus, mobsters.

They blackmail pizza joints.
They steal cars.

They don't extract viruses
and try to k*ll random kids.

[laughs] It's actually funny.

You mention stealing cars 'cause, uh,
I, uh, got two tickets,

VIP actually,
to the new Fast and Furious movie.

And I was thinking, you know,
maybe you and I could go together

and just take our minds off...

- Great, that's really cool, Parker.
- [chuckles]

But I don't feel like going out tonight.

You mean because of this?

Because of Enzo?

I just wish I could talk to him, you know?

Soph, but why would you ever wanna
speak to that guy again?

Because something is off
about this whole thing.


And I know that Enzo knows the truth.

I've been trying to get
in contact with him.

Maybe you could help me.

I don't know, Sophie.

I am staying as far away from that guy
as I can and you should, too.

I can't.



- Whoa!
- Damn it.

Looks like a b*mb went off in here.

[sighs] Not a great chef.


Luckily, I am.

[Alex] Okay.

Wow. You're good at this.

Well, I failed at being your boyfriend.

At least I'm good at something.

- [whirring]
- There you go.

[Hayley] "Hey, Cruz.

I don't remember the last time
I wrote a letter.

Probably to thank my grandmother
for birthday money.

But since most of our verbal communication
lately has been a disaster,

writing seemed like the best option.

I'm sorry I barged
into your hospital room.

I'm even more sorry that I dragged you
into that cave.

I hate knowing you're in pain,
and that I caused it.

But I do know one thing:
you will get better.

I believe in you. I always have.

Yours, Hayley."

I don't know what
I would have done without you.

I agree. You suck at this.


Or am I just really great at tricking
people into doing my dirty work?

[Alex] Mmm...

Thank you.

[Emma] Becca, wait!

They're still setting. Be careful with
them and ask the driver to go slow.

Becca, you can't leave yet.
My cake isn't ready.

- I told you guys two hours.
- [sighs]

If you couldn't get it ready by then,
you should have made something else.

Like... gummies. Nice job, guys. See ya.

Becca, can you give this to Leo, please?


Just in the nick of time.

Well, at least we got the cake
to ourselves.

Hey, Brooke.

Can I talk to you?

Yeah, sure.

[Suzanne] So...

[Brooke] God, I can't believe
my dad cancelled it.

That conference is his baby.

I know. [sighs]

And I know that this year has been
really tough on your dad,

but I think that doing the conference
would bring him back to his old self.

I tried telling him that but he
wouldn't listen to me. [laughs]

He would listen to you, though.


I don't know.

My dad is pretty stubborn
once he makes a decision.

She's right.

Brooke, you should talk to him.

If anyone can change his mind, you can.




Look, I'm really sorry about what I said.

I was being a total jerk.

Yeah, I'm gonna have to agree
with you on that one.

Can I make it up to you?

I've got two VIP tickets
to a seven o'clock movie tonight.

I'll even let you put Junior Mints
in the popcorn.

What are we going to see?

The new Fast and the Furious.

Isn't that the one with the idiots
that steal cars?

And drive fast? Yes.

But don't tell me you haven't seen
any of the movies.

Dude, best franchise ever.

Dude, fell asleep
while watching the trailer.

[laughs] Hey, you'll like it
once you get into it.

Trust me, all right? We got fast cars.

Mmm, what else?

- [Daniel] That's the most important.
- [Hayley] Yeah.

Aw, that's beautiful.

- Um, Leo Cruz?
- .

"Dear Max and Emma,
you nailed it with the gummy letters.

Love you guys, Leo."

[sighs] Okay, next gift.

Oh, that was the last one.

Uh, did you tell the Eagles?

I did.

None of them bothered to do anything.

Oh... not even Hayley?


Anyway, I haven't even gotten to fill
you in on what's going on at school...

[voice starts echoing] since we spent the
whole time writing these thank you notes.

[laughs] So... it was so funny,
'cause Tammy was in chem

and totally mixed up the hydrogen peroxide
with the potassium iodide, and...

Okay, Becca. Actually, I'm kinda tired.

What? But my car doesn't leave
for another minutes.

[chuckles] Yeah, well, this
physical therapy is really exhausting.

I'm sorry.

- Do you want me to sit with you, or...
- No. I'm okay.

Thanks for coming.

I mean, of course. [laughs]

[man on screen] What's the matter?
Why aren't you dressed up?

[Louie chimes]

[woman] I don't know.
Something doesn't feel right.

[man] You can say you're scared,
it's okay.

- [Louie chimes]
- [woman] I'm not scared. It's not that...

[man] Listen, sweetie. I saw you drive.
I know you got it in you.

What are you doing?

Checking my messages.

In the middle of a movie?

[movie continues indistinctly]


You'll get this back when it's over,
young lady.

[man in theater] Shh!

I'm going to the bathroom.

I told you not to get the big drink.
Amateur move.

I bet I can tell you everything
that's gonna happen when I'm gone.

They're gonna steal another car.

They're gonna almost get caught,

but not really, and somehow,
her shirt's gonna rip off again.

[laughs] Hurry up.

[man on screen]
I didn't come to insult you.

I came to make a business proposition.

[man ] Okay, I'm listening.

- [man ] I want you to build...
- [Louie beeps]

[man ] What kinda car are
we talking about?

[dialogue continues indistinctly]

[man ] I don't know, man.
Too much hassle for not enough money.

[woman] We're good. I told you...

So, did her shirt get ripped off again?

No, and who'd care anyway?
You're the only girl I'm looking at.

[both chuckle]

["Now I Don't" playing]