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04x02 - The Quick One

Posted: 05/10/23 05:08
by bunniefuu


[Ryan exclaims] Hayley!

[Carter] Hayley!

[Ryan exclaiming]

[Hayley crying]

[Daniel sighs heavily]

[breathing heavily] Where... Where's Leo?

[theme music playing]

[EKG beeping]

[door opens]

- Dr. Broderick?
- Dr. Hovey.

So glad you could come. I'm told
you're an expert in infectious diseases.

- What do we have here?
- [sighs] I've never seen anything like it.

He came in unconscious with his limbs
stiffened as if they were in spasm.

His pulmonary edema keeps getting worse.
Kidney function is deteriorating.

Have you ever seen anything like it?

- Actually, I have.
- Oh, good. Where?

Few days ago, a guy was dropped off
outside an emergency room in Oxnard.

Turned out to be some sort of mobster
or something.

He had the exact same symptoms.

- So, how do we treat it?
- No idea.

He died a couple hours after arrival.


- Here you go, sweetie.
- Thanks, Dad.

[Ryan] Hayley,
where did you even come from?

I don't remember.

I crawled from a tunnel over there.

A tunnel? Uh, this whole time,
we thought you were in the cave.

I was.

- How?
- There must have been some lower cave.

Did you know about this?

It's probably a natural cavern
that wasn't connected to the cave we knew

until the first blast made an opening.

I tried to yell to stop the drilling,
but no one could hear me.

Then I saw an opening in the rocks,
and I crawled in just as it collapsed.

- Then I was free.
- Like a prison break.

[chuckles softly] Mom, where's Leo?

Oh, honey, he's, uh...
he's in the hospital.

What? But I thought he got out.

He did, but, uh... he's sick.

He contracted some sort of virus.

But he's gonna be okay, right?

I wanna go there. Please. Now.

I don't know, Dad.
They're not telling us anything.

[Sophie] There are tons of stories
of people

who were found alive
after days under rubble.

The earthquake in Haiti,
the tsunami in Asia.

Yeah, well, for every story like those,

there are a hundred stories
of people who didn't make it.

Whoa, whoa, whoa!

Why you gotta be so negative?
Sophie's trying to give us some hope here.

[sighs] It's gonna be okay, all right?

- [Brooke] Alex, are you okay?
- What's going on?

[exhales sharply] We found Hayley.

[chuckles and sniffles] She's okay.

[Sophie sighs] I knew it.
I knew she'd make it.

[all exclaiming]

- [Brooke] Thank God.
- [Sophie] Where is she? Is she okay?

- [Parker] Is she okay? She's coming back?
- [Alex] She's still in the hospital.

[Parker] Wait, so,
how did you get her out?

[Alex] Drilling team. She was under
about tons of rock.


- The girl's alive.
- Really?

That's... good.

- What about Leo?
- I don't know. Dying, I guess?

What's wrong?

You said we could do this
without hurting innocent people.

Well, did we force that idiot
into the cave? No.

[sighs] Okay.
Maybe this will cheer you up.

[fridge door opens]

[Client] A pure extract of our
little virus, straight from the magnetite.

Like fresh-squeezed orange juice.

- What are you gonna do with it?
- Well...

your dad's famous tech conference
is two weeks away.

I mean, where else would you find
ten billionaires under one roof?

- You're gonna infect my dad?
- Maybe, if he doesn't pay up.

But thanks to that poor boy, everyone
will have heard about the virus by then.

I think it'll make their wallets
open a lot faster.

- Can I get you anything?
- [Hayley] No, Mom, thanks.

I just really wanna see him.

[Dr. Hovey] Hayley, he's unconscious.
Potentially contagious.

We know so little about what he has.

You, however, really do seem fine.

[Carter sighs]


Our biggest fear was that
you might have the same virus as Leo.

That's why we tried so hard to get you
out of there as soon as possible.

I actually think
I did have that virus.

- What do you mean?
- Well, most of the time, I was passed out.

But when I woke up...

I felt groggy.
I could barely move my body.

- I felt frozen.
- Really? So, how are you...

I don't know.

I fell back asleep and then,
when I woke up again, I felt better.

Think, Hayley. Was there anything you saw,

or did or touched
that might have helped you?

- There was a mouse.
- A mouse?

And water!
It... it showed me to the water,

- and I drank it.
- What water?

I don't know. There was just
a pool of water on the ground.

And it was also dripping
on the rocks, too.

That might be it.

You said the magnetite
was in this cave, correct?

I wonder if somehow
the earth and rocks reacted to it,

and over the thousands of the years,

formed some sort of
an antidote to the virus.

The water could have been filled with it.

That's great! We need to get Leo
to drink some of that water.

There's no way.
The second expl*si*n buried everything.

It's completely caved in.

[Daniel sighs] Damn.

I don't think we need that water at all.

The antidote to the virus
might be right here in this room.

What? Me?

I think so.

We can take bone marrow from you
and transplant it into Leo's blood.

I'll have to consult
with some of my colleagues about this.

Wait, Dr. Hovey.

Do you think I could save him?

I don't know. But it's the only chance
we have right now.

Excuse me.

[Ryan] I should call Alex.


- Bone marrow? What would that do?
- I don't know.

Bone marrow is a blood cell factory.

If Hayley was cured from the virus,
her new blood cells would be immune to it.

If they can put her bone marrow
into Leo's body in time,

he'll start fighting the virus, too.

[Sophie] What do you mean, "if"?

Bone marrow transplants are complicated.
A million things could go wrong.

[Brooke] Dad!

[Louis] Hi, honey.

- Hi, everybody.
- [Sophie] Hey, Louis.

- Did you hear the news?
- Yeah, I just talked to Ryan.

We all need to send Leo some good vibes.

- Yeah.
- [Emma sighs]

And then I asked Ryan how Leo and Hayley
got into the cave in the first place.

She said I should ask my daughter.

I'll never forgive myself
for not going in there instead of you.

We would have just been
in reverse positions, Daniel.

- It's not your fault.
- I could tell something was wrong.

I... I tried to look for you, but then...

Brooke and I got stuck
in that secret room.

Oh, God, Hayley, when you showed up...

[sighs] I thought I was
dreaming or something.

Don't talk to me about dreams.


Well, when I was in the cave, I had...

Leo's about to go into surgery.
We're ready for you, Hayley.


So, there are two ways
we can extract the blood cells.

One is quick, but because of your allergy
to lidocaine, it will be very painful.

The other one is slower,
but it won't hurt nearly as much.

The quick one.

- Hayley...
- Let's do it. Whatever it takes.

Let's save him.


- Brooke, I don't think we should be here.
- Trust me.

[Ryan] Honey, if you wanna
do this another way...

No. Just do it.

[Dr. Hovey] Okay, Hayley. Hang on, okay?

I'm gonna count to three.



- three.
- [groaning loudly]

I don't know what to say.

He must have built it
right under our noses during renovation.

Under my nose, you mean.
You were ten years old.

Do you think he was working
with Judy way back then?

I don't...

We should find him.

- Who knows what else he's done?
- To be honest, Brooke,

finding him is the last thing I wanna do
right now. How could I miss this?

- What kind of a father doesn't...
- Daddy. You're a great father.

And here I thought
everything was finally okay.

I was enjoying my time off. I was enjoying
getting ready for the tech conference.

- And this?
- But this isn't your fault.

Isn't it?

If it wasn't for this room,

Leo wouldn't be in a hospital,
fighting for his life.

- [groaning]
- [Ryan] Oh, honey.

- [Dr. Hovey] We're done.
- [exhales sharply]

[Hayley panting]


Your daughter is a hero.

- Thank you, Hayley.
- We need you. Now.

[Daniel] Hey.

- Daniel, what's going on?
- [sighs] I don't know.

- [EKG beeping rapidly]
- [Dr. Broderick] He's crashing.

[Dr. Hovey] Start CPR.

Okay, compressions.
Ventilation. Get the epi ready.

[Dr. Broderick] Ten.

- What happened?
- While they were prepping Leo for surgery,

[stammers] he went into
multiple organ failure.

What does that mean?

It means every system in his body
is shutting down.

Cardiovascular, renal, pulmonary, hepatic.

It's not good.

- [EKG flatlining]
- Charging. Clear.

Charging. Clear.

- [flatlining continues]
- Epi!

Come on, Leo. Come on.

We're not losing him.

- He's not dying, right? He can't die!
- [Ryan] No. No. No. No.

[sobbing] He can't die, Mom!

- [Ryan] No.
- It's gonna be okay. It's gonna be okay.

[EKG flatlining]

[Dr. Hovey] Clear!

[flatlining continues]

Compressions, again. Come on, Leo!

- One, two, three, four.
- [Dr. Hovey] Okay, stop for a second.


- [flatlining continues]
- Check his pulse.

- Nothing.
- [sighs] Compressions, again.

I was sure he was gonna be okay.

It was supposed to be a miracle.

How did he get this damn virus anyway?

The magnetite.


The magnetite, it...
it emits a virus when it's heated.

- How the hell do you know that?
- This guy knows everything.

[Parker] Actually, it's...

something the four of us
discovered recently.

- You remember Enzo?
- The groundskeeper?

He stole the magnetite Ryan gave us.


Then it got heated by some guy
at a campfire and made him sick.

It almost got us, too,
when we tried to get it back.

You guys knew about this,
and you didn't tell my mom?

We did. The night the cave collapsed.

So that's why my mom told Murphy
to move faster.

[EKG flatlining]

- [Dr. Broderick] Nothing.
- Compressions, again.

One, two, three,
four, five, six, seven, eight.

- [Dr. Hovey sighs]
- [flatlining continues]

Wait, Max.

We know that heat
activates the virus, right?

- What if...
- Cooling deactivates it.

- [Parker] What, so you think...
- Oh, my God.

We need to call the doctors now!

[EKG flatlining]

Dr. Hovey! Dr. Hovey! [knocking]

Get his pulse.

- Look, I need to talk to Dr. Hovey.
- No. I'm gonna have to ask you to leave.

- You can't be in here.
- But we think we know what can save Leo.

- Let me talk to Dr. Hovey.
- Nurse, what does he want?

Dr. Hovey, the...
the virus is caused by heat.

We think you need to...
to cool Leo down to slow it down.

- [Dr. Broderick] How does he know that?
- There's no time to explain. Just do it!

Get some ice in here, now!

Come on, ice him down.

[Dr. Broderick]
I don't understand this at all.

If we can lower his body temperature,
we might be able to weaken the virus,

- and then we can get the antibody in him.
- If we don't lose him first.

If we don't lose him.

[flatlining continues]

[Hayley sighs]

[EKG flatlining]

[Dr. Hovey] Charging. Clear.

[flatlining continues]

Charge to .

Your idea of cooling down
his body, well...

- it saved Leo's life.
- [sighs] Oh, my God.

[Dr. Hovey] Leo's systems
are all starting to work again.

It'll be a while before he's off
all of those machines,

but his body is reacting well
to the antibody.

Thanks to you, Hayley.

Thank you.

[Louis] Leo made it.

[Sophie] What?

Oh, my God. This is the best news
I've heard in my entire life!

Do you know what helped save Leo's life?

It was Ravens and Eagles working together.

I'm so proud of you kids.

[EKG beeping]

[Hayley] Hey, Cruz.

[chuckles] You'd do anything
to get out of class, wouldn't you?

["Hello Again" playing]