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02x10 - Kyle

Posted: 05/10/23 04:59
by bunniefuu
You saw her? Did you talk to her? She was unconscious.

So how can you be sure she's alive? She's alive.

- I'm going to her.

- You're not going anywhere.

Let go of me, Leo.

Let go.

This is my mom!

- Let go!

- You can't go there.

- It's too dangerous.

- I'm not afraid of them.


I know you're not.

It's gonna be okay.

I can't believe she's alive.

I have to tell someone.

I wasn't even supposed to tell you.

If we tell anyone, your mother's life will be in danger.

What do I do now, Leo? I know it's hard but Marcus was very clear.

And I believe him.

I knew Hayley shouldn't have gone with him.

That's it.

I'm gonna go see my mom.


Don't go yet.

- Why not?

- 'Cause we should wait for Hayley.


I'm done waiting.

I'm going.

There's something I need to tell you.


That that's impossible, Hayley.

Leo saw her.

She's alive, Alex.

Marcus will wake her when they've accomplished their mission.

So he knew? He knew where she was the whole time? And he let us just suffer and mourn? I don't think he had a choice.

Why would Marcus tell you all this? I guess he trusted me to deliver his message.

So he just let you see Ryan and just walked you right out of there? Am I the only one who thinks this doesn't make sense?

- What exactly are you trying to say?

- I don't know, Leo.

Daniel, he just saw my mom.

- Look, I know you wanna believe him

- I do believe him.

Did you forget the last time Marcus had a one


-one talk with someone? I was sure he was going to hypnotize me, but he didn't.

I think he just really wanted to talk to someone.

He hates working for these people.

He was tempted by the money at first, but now he's in too deep.

And so is Ryan.

How deep, exactly? Do we have any idea what they're planning? All I know is, whatever it is, it's gonna be over in a few hours.

We do know they know when an earthquake is going to happen.

Maybe they're just waiting for another one?


That makes no sense.

What's the use in waiting for an earthquake to hit you? You're right.

And we shouldn't be waiting, either.

A lot of bad things can happen in a few hours.

- I'm gonna go find my mom.

- No! We're not gonna do anything.

We're gonna wait here until Marcus wakes our mom up.

We're at the final stages.

It'll be no more than two hours.



Now, if you don't mind, I want you to open the cave door.

- Why?

- You have some guests.


What's going on? Kyle, what are you doing here?


I have a lot of money riding on your success today.

Kyle and his team are here to make sure there's no funny business.

What funny business? The 5.

2 microquake you created for our pilot was impressive.

But today, I need you to triple the output of the seismic activity.

Triple? You can't be serious.

That would not only destroy the plant, but We'll get it done.

I'm happy to hear that.



Why is he never available when we need him? Unbelievable.

Go easy on him.

Maybe he's out on a mission.

- You two should be happy your mom's alive.

- I'll be happy when I see her.

I don't know how I'll get through this day.

Look, I think we should each go our own separate ways before people get suspicious.

Remember, we have a game in less than an hour.

That's right.

It's your first game back since your injury.


My mom will be there.

We can keep an eye on her.

Great, we'll all go to your game.

Let's go.

Oh, wait, hang on.

Let's think about this for a minute.

We all busted our butts to figure out what's going on.

We're so close to stopping them.

Do you expect us to let them hurt Ryan? Well, don't go around putting words in my mouth.

I'm just saying, we don't know what they're planning.

We could be very sorry we did nothing to stop them.

We've made our decision, Daniel.

"We"? Because it sounds like you made the decision for everyone.

- Well, someone had to stop your mother.

- What did you just say? If it wasn't for your mom, we wouldn't be here in the first place.

Are you kidding me? I've been spying on my mom the whole time!



Hey! Hey! Hey!

- Get off me! I can't believe we're about to give up like a bunch of losers! I keep forgetting you're not very good at understanding complex situations.



Hey! Hey!

- Stop it! Stop! I can't take this anymore!


May I? Yeah.

I know what you must think of me and I probably deserve it.

Anyway, I just wanted to tell you, uh that time at the beach I don't know why I didn't just go on and grab you the moment I saw you.

I just I just hated how he looked at you.


And I know it's awful, but I wanted you out of his life.

And then that earthquake happened.

It was like It was like the perfect crime.

It was like I made it happen.

What did you just say?


I didn't mean to That's it.

How could we have missed this? What? They made it happen! Thank you, Aspen.

Without you, I wouldn't have figured it out.

Thank you.

Thank you! I know what they're planning! The earthquake we had, they weren't waiting for it, they created it.

- What?

- What do you mean? They somehow created it from inside the cave.

I'm sure of it.

I know it sounds crazy, but it's the only thing that makes sense.

Marcus told Leo they were close to finishing their mission.

Right! So they weren't waiting for an earthquake to happen.

Why would someone do that? Okay.

Let's assume you're right.

We wouldn't wanna do anything that puts Mom at risk, right? I don't know, Alex.

Maybe we should reconsider.

What's there to reconsider? Hayley, we agreed on this.

You don't know my mom.

She wouldn't want us to just stand here and let something awful happen without trying to stop it.

Right, Alex? And Daniel's right too.

We didn't do all this work to just give up now.

So what do you think we should do, Hayley? That satellite that Emma took offline.

Is there a way to bring it back on? So what's the plan, exactly? Emma told me she managed to hack into the NASA servers using my computer.

The satellite is still up there.

We just need to reverse the process.

So we have to unhack the NASA servers? Exactly.

Once the satellite is online, they'll be exposed and they'll have to call off their plan.

Oh, you didn't tell me it'd be that easy.


That Emma.

She's too good.

What do you mean?


She left absolutely no trace of her hacking work.

It's like she was a ghost.

Think of it this way.

If she'd have left a footprint, they would've traced it back to your laptop and you would have been arrested long ago.

But Emma's the only one who knows how to fix this.

- Let's ask her for help.

- Her phone's disconnected.


There has to be another way to reach her.

I know.

Let's try her parents.

Let me get their names real quick.

Here, try this number.


They've been disconnected too.


She really is a ghost.

Someone in the Greenhouse is snooping after Emma Geller again.

Really? And also tried her parents this time.


I'll take care of it.


What is it?


Houston, we have a problem.

I don't see my mom anywhere.

Text her.

Tell her you want her to come to the game.

Yeah, that's a good idea.


And now, a special welcome back to our Eagles' captain, Daniel Hayward!


- What was that for?

- For good luck.

It was Jason's responsibility.

He totally dropped the ball with Emma.

I can fix this, but I will need access to the main server for the Louie network.

The only access to the network is in Louis' office.

- I'll handle it.



Who's that from?

- It's my son.

- What does it say? Excuse me? How is this any of your business? He has a game right now.

He wants me to come watch him play.

Is it close by? You should go to the game, then.

I'll deal with the other problem.

Tell Jason I'm coming.

Keep an eye on these two.


All right, I want you to get out there.

I want you to play hard.

Execute and focus and stick to the fundamentals.

Hands in.

On three.


One, two, three, Eagles!


Go get 'em!



Hayley, we have a problem.

We can't reach Emma, but Max is running this What is it? A combinatorial search using a quantum algorithm

- to look for hidden history files.

- Max is running a search.

- How long will it take?

- How long will it take? Anywhere between ten minutes and two weeks.

I got it.

Hey, Sophie, listen.

I have to tell you I guess it pays to be a backstabbing diva, huh? What? Yeah, I, uh I heard you and Alex are back together.

Breaking news.

Do you want to hear some really breaking news?

- Who are you again?

- I'm Kyle.

Judy didn't tell you?

- She did, but

- You've done a rotten job, left a lot of loose ends.

Now, are you going to help me fix it or not? Good.

I want to see all the phone messages sent out on this network in the last hour.

Show me the command functions.

Jason, don't tell me you found a replacement for Marcus this quickly? I have.

This is Kyle.



I don't have time to chat.

I'm on my way to an educators' conference on technology and innovation in Santa Barbara.

Good job, son.

Nice to have you.



That that has to be the craziest story I've ever heard in my life.


And it's a story you can never tell anyone.


Man, that's too bad, 'cause I have the best headline for this story.

And I got my best friend back.

Tough defense! Go, go, go, go, go, go! All the way!

- Yeah!




You made it, Mom.

That's great.

Now, when have I ever missed an important game of yours? I don't know.

I thought you were busy.

What's wrong, Daniel? Nothing.

I'm just nervous.

This is a big game.

Yeah, we've both been through a rough time lately.

We deserve a vacation.

Yeah, we could just get out of here for the next couple of days.

You know, clear our heads.

Remember that time we went to Martha's Vineyard for Memorial Day? We could do that again.

You know, it'd be like the old times.

In fact, we can leave tonight, right after the victory celebration.

What do you think? I don't feel like running off.

Running off? Nobody's talking about running off.

What are you talking about? Did something happen, Daniel?


Okay, baby.

Well, do your thing! Stop.

- Whose number is that?

- It belongs to Jackie Sanders.

I told my dad not to accept her.


"I told my dad not to accept her.

" You're pathetic.

Start the GPS program.

She's with Miller at his computer lab.

- Where is it?

- Basement.


So it must be pretty secluded, right? What's that? Is that bad? I swear, I didn't touch anything.

Wait, no, it's good.

The algorithm found the hidden encrypted file.

I have no idea what that means, but it sounds good.

I'm gonna call Hayley now.

Emma's code is so beautifully written.


All I have to do now is

- Oh, no.

- What happened? Uh It's probably just a power failure.

The backup generator should come back on and I'll be able to reboot the program.

Okay, now I have to check the circuit



- It's locked from outside!

- How could this be? Oh, no.

They're on to us, Max.

They know what we're up to, and they they turned off the power so we can't get the satellite up.

Help! We're stuck inside! Hold it.



Uh Operation system froze.

I, uh I need to check the servers to fix this.

How is my dear? You don't know it, but I'm gonna wake you up today.

I'm reducing the dosage of your anesthetics.

You will soon see your children again.



That's the way we do it! The game's gonna end in four minutes.

Begin the countdown.



What are you doing here? Um, I was actually gonna go get a drink.

Would you like something? Oh, no.

Thank you, honey.


Keep it cool! Move it up! Move it up! Hit it, Woods.

Hit it, Woods.

Yeah! Both Max and Jackie aren't answering their Louies.

Something is going on.

They're probably just busy.

I'm sure everything's fine.

We have a problem.

They're starting the program at the final whistle.


The game's almost over.

- Hey.

Where are you going?

- I can't sit here anymore.


All right! All right! Keep it focused! Keep it tight! Soph! Soph! Hey.

Is there a way to make the game last longer somehow? Why would you wanna do that? Judy's starting her plan at the end of the game.

- Really?

- Yeah.


Okay, I think I know what we can do.


We have to keep the game going as long as possible.

- Why?

- Max and Jackie are off the grid.

We need to buy more time.

What? We're up by 15 and there's three minutes left.

How are we gonna do this?

- What are you doing?

- I'm going crazy doing sitting around doing nothing.

I'm going there.

Where? To the cave? Are you crazy? I should have done this sooner.

My mom is in there and in danger, and I'm gonna keep her safe.

That is not a good idea.

Let's stick to the plan.

What plan, Leo? Max and Jackie aren't answering their Louies, I have no idea what happened to my dad, and my mom is lying in that cave completely dependent on people that don't even want her alive.

- Hayley, listen to me.

- I know what you're gonna say, but my mom needs me, and that's all that matters to me now.