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02x08 - More Than a Hunch

Posted: 05/10/23 04:58
by bunniefuu
Daniel? Hey.

It's me, Brooke.

Everything's okay.

You just came out of hypnosis.

What? Here.

Give her some water.

So what do you remember? I I remember a cave There was a cell.

Marcus wouldn't let me out.


And what did he want from you? He kept apologizing, but he wouldn't let me go.



- Oh Hey, it's okay.

It's okay.

I know it's hard.

And then she came over.

Who? Your mother.


Why would she do something like that? Brooke was on to her.

I guess she didn't have any other choice.

What else can you remember about where you were? Try to think about what you saw.

Sounds, smells Yeah, um uh


It was It was dark.

I heard a lot of beeping sounds, like computer sounds.

I saw some light There was a giant black rock behind a glass wall.


I don't know.

That sounds like the magnetite my mom discovered.

That's what connects your mom to my mom.


Where are you going?

- To find Marcus.

- Are you crazy? I'm not afraid of him and I think he wants to help.

He locked me up in a cell and hypnotized me.

He's also the one who gave us the keyword to wake you up.

I have a feeling we can trust him.

- Is he here?

- Uh, I don't think so.

I got the strangest note from him.




Oh, no, no, no, no.

No couch potatoes in this clubhouse.

Come on.

Get up on your feet.

Let's go for a run.

I'm not in the mood.


Those endorphins are gonna be great for your mood, I promise you.

Let's go.

Another time, okay?



It is my job to cheer you up.

Besides, I don't think you're really allowed to say no when your captain asks you to play, so let's get it.

- I promise, you'll thank me later.



It's a nightmare.

I can't believe they did this to me.

Brooke, it's all over now.

But how could I have let this happen? Hey, don't beat yourself up about this.

None of this was your fault.

How long have I been like this?


About a week.

A whole week? How did you even figure it out? How did you know I was hypnotized? You kept saying the same sentence over and over.

What sentence? You kept saying, um "We were meant to be.

" She said that to me.


Can you believe it? She made sure I wouldn't tell on her, and then she figured, why not use this to get us back together.


I remember now.

I was with Alex.

I kissed him before all this happened.


When did he leave? I don't know.

But he just sent me his letter of resignation.

What? That was precisely my reaction.

You know, I've been working with him since the time your mother was a student here.

Yeah, I know.

People are so unpredictable.

How could he just leave like this? Oh, I'm sorry.

Uh So, um, what did you need from Marcus? Maybe it's something I can help you with.

No, um, a light bulb went out in the clubhouse.

I'm gonna go back.

See you.

See you.

You know, I honestly thought you wanted to get back together with me.

- I was happy about it.




He ran away.

You guys won't believe it.

He emptied his office, wrote your dad a letter of resignation and left just like that.

Are you two okay? We have to tell Hayley about Jason.

You realize this is only a hunch? We don't have anything more than that.

This is more than a hunch, Max.

You were the one who always sensed something weird was going on.

I was the one who always dismissed it.

Still, this could all be a coincidence.

Call Emma.

- What?

- Call her right now.



Her phone line's been disconnected.

Is this another coincidence? You know, I can't stand this anymore.

I'm gonna go confront her.

- Who?

- My mother.

And I'm not leaving till she tells me everything.

Daniel, I think it's a mistake.

We don't know what they're planning.

That's exactly what I intend on finding out.

How? I mean, best case scenario, she lies to you, worst case scenario, she disappears like Marcus.

And then where will we be?



Well, we at least have to tell Louis.

I don't think we should do that.

Look at what they did to Brooke just to make sure she wouldn't talk.

- We can't just keep this to ourselves.

- I agree with him, Hayley.


Who is it?


- Why are all the Ravens here?

- They're with us.

- Brooke's awake.

- The spiral worked?


Sort of.

We don't have time to explain all that.

We're about to go tell Louis everything.

Wait! I don't think you should do that.

Why? We're not sure we can trust him.

What are you talking about? There's things you don't know about that include your brother.

Have you lost your mind? I just spoke with Louis.

He's devastated.

- Is this your idea of laying low?

- I didn't have a choice.

What was so urgent? You keep putting pressure on me to step it up, Louis keeps asking me for errands, and I'm running around like a rat in a maze! So you just left? I mean, what were you thinking? Because this is what we need right now, to have Louis fishing around.

Look, we are so close, and you're about to jeopardize everything.

I I can't take this pressure anymore.

Grow up.

I'm tired of your whining.

We have a job to finish.

And now I've gotta clean up your mess.

And find another place to put your stuff.

I can't stand all this clutter.

No way.

I know my brother.

Look, he's not perfect, but he's not a criminal.

Daniel felt the same way about his mom.

What do you think Jason wanted from Emma? We're not sure.

But we think there was a clue in Emma's chess set.

- What?

- She left a clue for Max in her letter.

She called him her "white knight.

" "Knight," as in chess.

We may not be Ravens, but we know what chess is.

Anyway, Jason took it from her locker.

He told us he sent it back to her, but we found out he didn't.

This might be our best lead.


It's my mother.


I can't bring myself to talk to her.


- Now she's calling me.

- Don't answer it.

Brooke, you have to pick it up.

Don't you see this is our only advantage? What advantage? Judy doesn't know we dehypnotized Brooke.

So you want Brooke to just keep acting around my mom like nothing happened? This is the only way we can figure out what they're doing without raising their suspicion.


No way.

Absolutely not.

Do you have a better idea? I would love to hear it.

Hello? Hi, Judy.

Yeah, we'll be there.


- She invited us to dinner.

- And you said yes? Hayley's right.

Right now, this is our only w*apon.

And if Emma's chess set is there, we'll find it.

He was always a strange man.

If I was to tell you how I met him, you'd think I was the strange one.

Maybe I'm too naive, Judy.

No, don't be so hard on yourself.

At least I know there's one person I can trust.

Thank you, Judy.


The most important thing is to make sure Judy suspects nothing.

You must behave as if she still controls your mind.

And don't ask too many questions.

She will get suspicious.



We should split up.

We don't wanna attract any attention.

I mean, Jason or Louis see us all hanging out together, it'll raise red flags for them.

So we have to act like we can't stand each other? Shouldn't be too hard.



So we should go now.

Actually, you and Hayley go instead.

I'll wait here and go last.

Are you sure? Okay.

Hey, are you sure you can handle this? 'Cause you don't have to do this if you don't want to.

I know.

I want to.

Uh, thanks, Hayley.



You saved her.

She'll never forget that.

She'll never forget she was only with me because my mom hypnotized her.

Yeah, but she can't blame you for that.

You did everything you could once you realized something was wrong.


You know, maybe it's too bad I realized.

Really? You would rather stay with her in that condition?


Of course not, but I'd also rather not know my mom How could she do that to her? I mean, your mom was a wonderful woman and a hero, and she's dead.

My mom is alive and well, and I can't even look at her in the eye.


You'll be okay, won't you?


I just wanna know what's going on.

Me too.


You know, with the Eagles' winning attitude and the Ravens' strategic thinking, we make a pretty good team.



- Who is it?



It's me.

- I'm busy.



Let me in, Lee! Please go! I don't wanna see you! I don't want anything to do with you! Can't you get that?



Why can't she let it go?




- You're gonna get there! Yeah!

- Ah!



Whoo! I'm out of breath.

- Whoo! How fast? Eight minutes per mile.

Not bad.

All right, nice.

But next time, I'm not gonna go that easy on you.

- Oh, okay.



Oh, man, gotta hand it to those endorphins.

Right? Thanks for dragging me out here.

Well, thank you for standing by my side when Parker and everybody shut me out.

It was nice of you.

You did the same thing for me when I first came here.

You were my first friend when I came to the Eagles.

I'm glad I was.


You okay? Hey.

Alex, can we talk?




- I'll be right back.

- Sure.

Look, Leo, I know I've been mean to you lately, and I know I keep avoiding you.

The last time you agreed to be with me, we nearly drowned.

Yeah, I know.

And I never thanked you for jumping in to save me.

You don't need to.

So anyway, about what you saw.

It really wasn't Okay, look, I really don't wanna talk about it, so, um Leo, listen.

Daniel and I aren't actually together.

Really? It's a long story, but we had to pretend to be a couple so no one would figure out what we were really up to.

What were you up to? It's a secret.

But I'm gonna tell you anyway.


So, is it April 1 yet? No, silly.

But no one else can know about this, Alex.

Not until we find out what Judy's been up to.

So she still thinks you're working for her.


It was your sister's idea.


No one can know about this, Leo, but I had to tell you the truth.

I couldn't keep this from you any longer.

Why not go to the police? I wanted to, at first.

But my dad's an FBI agent, so I know from his experience that without any proof, no one will take us seriously.

Well, you know something's going on near the cave.

We could send police to investigate, and we could figure No, it's too risky.

We don't know who else is involved.

Involved in what? That's what we're trying to figure out.

So now what? Now I have to go to my dad's for dinner, pretending like I'm still working for Judy.

You know, I remember what happened between us.

Before everything else that happened.

So you remember the time we got married in Vegas?


I remember I had fun hanging out with you.

I remember it too.



- Oh.

I'll get that.

Oh! Look who it is.


Aw, you guys look so cute.

I can't take it.




- Hey, baby.

- Hey, Mom.

- Mmm.

All right.