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02x06 - The Workshop

Posted: 05/10/23 04:56
by bunniefuu
Hello? Who is this? Hayley? Daniel? Whose number is this? Uh, it's my mom's phone, I think.

I don't understand.


I got the ice! I have to hang up.

I'll just get this in the Oh.

What happened here?


I knocked over your bag.

I I'll put everything back in.


There we go.

Bam, bam.


So, uh, what is that? This? It's a make

-up compact.

You know, this doesn't just happen by magic.


I can't believe you're leaving so soon.

You just got here.

I know, I've just got a lot of classes tomorrow.

I miss you already.

Aw, sweetie.

- Bye, Dad.

- Bye.


So I guess we need to talk Look, we both know that something is going on here.

Otherwise, you wouldn't have showed up.

So where'd you find that number? I found a secret safe in my mom's bedroom.

And inside there was a note with a phone number on it.


I only happened to be near that thing when it rang.

"It"? Uh, it's not a normal phone.

It's some weird device I found in my mom's bag.


What was she doing with it? I have no idea.


You don't know much about your mom, do you? Doesn't seem like you know much about yours, either.

Look, you're not crazy about me, and the feeling is mutual, but if we wanna figure out what's going on here, we're gonna have to work together.

What? Listen, I've been injured for a long time.

We have a game in three days.

So? So I think this is a little much for me to handle right now.

Fine, whatever.

I'm glad to see you've got your priorities in order.

Hayley, wait! You're right.

Something is going on.

We have to figure out what it is.

So now you do want to help? My mom always told me I was destined for great things in life.

That I was special.

Everyone in my family, friends, neighborhood


They all expect for me to be this huge success.

I've spent my whole life doing what everyone expects me to do.

I'm sick of it.

Look you can't spend your whole life trying to make other people happy.

Including your mom.

But we have to keep this quiet.

No one can know we're working together.

Did you see the new footage Sophie Cardona sent from the Greenhouse? I skimmed through it.

There wasn't anything interesting there.

She probably lucked out on that earthquake footage.

That's what I thought, too, until I saw this footage from the dance.


Why are we watching this? Because I know that girl.

I saw her at a juvenile court session I covered.

So? That girl was sent to prison.

The king is the most important piece, but he's also the weakest because he can only move one space at a time.

So he needs his other friends to protect him.


I never thought about it like that before.

I have to read Shakespeare, Elie Wiesel, Zora Neale Hurston, Rachel Bluwstein and Ha Jin by Friday.


You okay? And solubility rules.

And Hey, Woods.

How was your trip? How's your dad?

- Fine.

Thanks for asking.

Let's go.

- Rain check.

Um, I'm sorry.

Uh, what did you say? This is a great story, Michelle! Too bad we can't publish it.

- Why?

- She's a minor.

We'd be violating confidentiality protections for juveniles involved in criminal proceedings.

The only way around it is if we can somehow get Jackie to confess on camera.

But she won't talk.

If her story goes public, she goes straight to jail.

What about Cardona? She worships you.

Can't you get her to get a confession out of Jackie? No.

It would be like we asked a student to incriminate her friend.

If anything, it should be me doing the interview.

Well, that will never happen.

Louis Osmond will never let you in his school.

What? I just wanted to thank you for your cooperation.

What cooperation, exactly? You exploited my students by putting them in your tabloid show.

That was never my intention, Mr.


Tens of thousands of viewers got an unfiltered glimpse into your life's work.

Your student, Sophie, had a youthful perspective we hadn't seen in a long time.

But you're right I shouldn't have aired that piece without getting your permission first.

Apology accepted.

But you're still angry with me.

That is the last thing I want.

I would love to make it up to you.

How about a free media workshop? A media workshop? You're educating future leaders.

Every leader needs to know how to utilize the media.

It's an interesting idea.

- Schedule it with my assistant.

- Great.

Actually, I have a pretty light schedule today, which is rare.

How spontaneous are you, Louis? Guys, it's time for our weekly house meeting! Hello? It's time! You can obviously hear me.

Going for a run? Yep.

Need to break in these sweet new shoes.

I'll get my sneakers.

I'll join you.

Oh, actually, I kind of wanted to clear my mind.

Next time, okay?

- Okay.

- See you later.

Hey, listen, I need your help.

We have to stop this nonsense.

Don't look at me.

I told you not to send in that video.

What's the matter with you? You're my best friend.

You refused to listen to me.

What kind of friend does that?



I'm here for the house meeting.

The manual says a meeting can be officially held as long as a captain and two members are present.

Yo, what do you think you're doing? Parker, we all get the point.

She said she was sorry.

Let's just move on.

Excuse me? No one asked for your opinion, all right? She betrayed us and now she has to pay.

Just let it go already! You're just mad because she rejected you.

What did you say to me?


Everyone, I have a surprise.


That's enough.

That's enough! Stop!


What's going on? Is this the kind of house meeting that you're running, Captain?


What is this? The place that time forgot? You said you wanted a place no one goes to in the Greenhouse, right? It's the old biology lab.

Now it's a storage room.

For storing what? Dead bodies? I mean, what is that smell? Formaldehyde.

Ew! Get that away from me! You're supposed to be tough.




No, that's fine.

Don't help me.

You got it.



Now we can start working.

- Where's the markers?

- Oh.

Here you are.

Do you always carry a marker around with you? It's not just a marker.

It's one of Louis's inventions.

Try it out.



Oh, my God, it writes! Now give it back.


What? It's called quantum ink.

They couldn't market these 'cause each marker costs five grand.

Louis gave it to me for my birthday.

That is so cool, Daniel.

Now the investigation begins.



Our moms are somehow connected, but we don't know how.

We also know that Brooke started to behave strangely, and did a full 180 on you and your mom.

- Right so far?

- Right.

We also know that Marcus once checked out a book on hypnotism from the library, but that just might be a coincidence.

Well, let's think about this rationally.

Your mom is gone.

We'll never get anything out of my mom.

Brooke, she hasn't been acting like herself lately, so that just leaves Marcus.

He's the weakest link.

Not bad.

That makes sense.

That's how us Eagles work.

We think rationally.

You mean you always pick on the weakest link.

Tough crowd.

And I used to be the LAPD beat reporter.


I'm sorry, this is so embarrassing.

You know journalists are among the most hated professions in America, right? We rank worse than IRS tax auditors.

You need a tough skin to be a true journalist.

Uncovering the truth will always earn you enemies.


That is so good to hear, coming from you.

So about this workshop I'm doing.

I could use your help, if you're up for it.

Yes, of course.


I wanna do a few interviews, but I don't know anyone.

So could you choose the most interesting students and do little background checks on them for me?




My mom was close to Marcus when she was a student here.

So there is a connection there.

Oh, and Brooke suspected Marcus.

She followed him to the cave that day.

The same cave where Alex and I saw Judy on the night of the dance.

Okay, Marcus is our lead! Give me the book.

"The use of hypnosis for long

-term cognitive change.

" Think he used this on Brooke?


I don't know.

This is crazy.

But at least it gives us an explanation of what happened to her.


Look! A chapter is missing.

Someone ripped out all the pages! That's weird.

Check the contents to see what that chapter was about.

"The process of dehypnotization.

" You're kidding me, right?


Louis wants us all in the exam room.

Perfect timing.

Looking for Hayley, I presume? Why are you so obsessed with her? As captain, it is my job to make sure all my Ravens are here.

Don't you think it's k*lling me, seeing how you look at her? What? I'm not blind, Leo.

I know you have feelings for Hayley.

And it's bloody hard to be the only one here working for this relationship.

God, sometimes I wish I let her drown.

Hang on.

How long were you at the beach before I showed up? I don't know.

I wasn't wearing a watch.

You saw Hayley before I did, didn't you?


I was just kidding.

Hello, sarcasm.


I know you, Aspen.

You don't just kid around.

You saw her and did nothing.

Hey, Leo.

It's so not true.

You know, I'm so glad we talked.

We should go before someone notices.


If Marcus used this book to hypnotize Brooke, then that missing chapter is the only way to bring her back.

- He must have taken it.

- Maybe the book is online? It's out of print.

And even if we did find it somewhere, we don't have time for it to be shipped over.

Maybe he's hiding the chapter in his office?



- What's that key? It's a master key.

It can open any door in the school.

How'd you get it? Louis gave it to me when I was captain in case the Louie network went down, as a safety measure.

And you didn't think of giving it back when you stopped being captain? Never mind.

The important thing is that we can break into Marcus' room and find the missing chapter.

But how do we make sure Marcus isn't in his room? I don't know.

I'll think of something.

Let's go.



Today, as a leader, if you don't know how to deal with the media, you have no chance of reaching people.

During the next hour, you will experience a one


-one interview with me.

This will not be a softball interview Hey, why were you late? Why didn't you answer my texts? How's Dad? Oh, he's fine.


This is your chance to practice answering my questions without falling into traps, losing your cool, and most importantly, without being boring.


Um, and before we start, I just wanna thank Sophie Cardona for helping me out with the background checks.

Thank you, Sophie.

Why are you filming this? You're Parker, right? It's all part of the workshop.

It's all about getting used to being on camera.

It's not a problem, right?

- It's fine.

- Oh, good.

You know what? Since we've already met, why don't you join me as my first interviewee? Parker Grant, come on up, please.

How did you feel when you saw yourself in Sophie's news item after you confessed your feelings for her?


I felt like crap.

An honest answer, but it makes you a target.

It could end up online as a humiliating meme, which would ruin your image.

Hey, I'm gonna go to the bathroom.

Try again.

Um, I don't know, uh I trusted my friend, and she betrayed me, okay? And that's what caused you to recruit everyone to ostracize her? What?

- You didn't honestly run into her

- Answer my question, Parker.

You know what? I'm sick of this.

I'm done.

Getting defensive is never a good idea.

A smart leader keeps his cool.

You know, this is why people hate the media.





Yeah! Hey, I have a headache.

I'm gonna get some aspirin.


All right, quiet down, please.

All right.

Who's next, Michelle? Did you see that? Seriously, I think something's going on

- between my sister and Daniel.

- I I want to listen to this.

So what's it like to be a couple in the Greenhouse? Look, I don't wanna discuss my private life with you.

Good leaders know how to share some of their personal lives to make the public identify with them.

That's great, but, um Do you mind if I take it from here, Lee? Michelle, the truth is, it's not easy being a couple at the Greenhouse.

Especially when your partner's captain.

So much responsibility, Michelle.

See how cleverly Aspen uses my name.

There is nothing an interviewer loves more than hearing their own name.

It can subconsciously earn you points.

But your relationship seems strong enough to get you through tough times.

Tell me about the time you saved Hayley and Leo from drowning.

Oh, um I was standing there at the beach when it all happened, minding my own business when, out of nowhere, I saw them in the water, caught in a whirlpool.

It was horrendous.

So I didn't think at all.

Just the thought of losing this guy.

It tore me up inside.

I just I just jumped straight into action.

I can't do this anymore.

I can't go on like this.

With the interview or with Aspen? With both.

Michelle, I think we've learned enough for one day.

I just have one more interview.

Jackie Sanders? That's strange.

I didn't do any background research on her.

So, Jackie.

Are you happy being a Greenhouse student? Yes.

Never answer with one word.

It sounds terse and dull.

Try to answer with at least three sentences.

Um, I'm happy, elated.

Honestly, I feel fantastic.

There's no greater honor than being part of this renowned institution, standing majestically along the Santa Ynez cliffs overlooking the ocean.



Come on, Daniel!

- I don't see it.

Check over there! There's nothing.

Shh! Quieter.

So, when did you first hear about the Greenhouse? I think it was last year.

And did you take the entrance exams like everyone else? Sure.

Why? You did come to the admissions exam in handcuffs.

You'd been sent to prison just a day earlier, weren't you? How did you know about that? That's enough, Michelle.

- Don't answer her, Jackie.

- Weren't you? I said, that's enough! You know what? I was in jail.

I robbed a bank! You can go to prison for that! There's a lot of things I'm not proud of.

But thanks to Louis, I left that in the past.

Are you happy? Did you get what you want to hear? I want you out of here.




We have to go.

Come on.



Marcus! I need you to escort this woman back to her car.

I never wanna see her on school grounds again.

- Yes!

- Yes! See?