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02x05 - Surfing Lessons

Posted: 05/10/23 04:56
by bunniefuu

Parker, I am so sorry.

You gave me your word.

You looked me in my eye and you said you wouldn't show that video.

Okay, but I had no other choice.

Michelle said that the piece wouldn't work without that final part.

Michelle? So, what, you two are best friends now? Parker.

I just wanted you to know, I've always wanted us to be together! I love you! Don't take it too hard, man.

You're viral now! Please, just please hear me out.

- Just hear what I have to say, Parker.

- No.

I enjoyed that little display

- you arranged for me today.

- I'm glad to hear that.

We should talk about your next assignment.


I've just sent you the new coordinates on our encrypted site.

That is where your next earthquake should hit.

It's 90 miles north of here.

Redron? The pharmaceutical factory? I want the entire plant destroyed.

I took a huge bet on Redron stock to plummet, so you should make this one bigger than the last.

Bigger than 5.

2? These pharma plants are open at all hours.

There could be casualties.

I think the $50 million each of you will earn will ease your conscience.

Are we on the same page, Judy?

- We are.

- Good.

One more thing.

I saw the Greenhouse in the news earlier.

The last thing you need is having the media swarming the campus.

I advise you shut the story down.

Don't forget the blueberries! Of course.

Your mom would never forgive me if I left 'em out.

Were you able to get some sleep? You sounded really stressed on the phone last night.

Uh, yeah, you know, it's not that easy to sleep after a 5.

2 earthquake.


I still can't believe you were caught in the middle of that earthquake.

How's Alex? He's fine.

Moody, but fine.

What's wrong with him? Hmm girl trouble.

He got his heart broken.

Aw, poor little puppy.

How's he coping? You know how he is.

He just sh**t hoops all day.


What about you? How's Leo? I like that kid.

Well, then you'll love his girlfriend.

She just came back from London and joined the Ravens.

I'm so sorry, sweetie.

He didn't mention he has a girlfriend? He knows your dad works for the FBI, right? I love you, Dad.

I love you.

You'll always be my girl.

So, 5.

2 earthquake, Leo's ex

-girlfriend That's some week you've had.


And I was swimming when the earthquake hit and I almost drowned and I saw Mom.

What? What is it, Soph? It's Michelle.

She wants me to send her more videos from my blog.

Michelle Wallace reads your blog? Sophie, that's huge! Yeah.

She wants to do a bigger feature on the Greenhouse using my blog videos.

This story will air nationally on all their affiliate news stations.

Here, listen to what she wrote.

"Sophie Cardona, you are the new face of Gen V, Generation Viral.

" Sophie, you're gonna be famous! What's wrong? Don't tell me you're getting cold feet.

It's just that I still feel bad about what happened with Parker.


Look, you were reporting the news.

Parker needs to grow up.

Everyone, can I have your attention? I am proud to announce that our captain, Sophie Cardona, is gonna be featured on KYOO

-TV's national broadcast with a profile story on the Greenhouse! Guys? What's wrong with you? Sophie sold us out.

Excuse me? I deserve that.

I wasn't honest.

But, guys, I promise, I will never do that again.

You should've thought about that before you threw me under the bus.

When we talked on the phone, you didn't mention you were in the water.

I was.

But that's not the point, Dad.

I saw Mom.

Where? In the water.

And it was the strangest feeling.

I mean, I really felt her presence.

And I know I used to get upset when you would say the same thing, but now, I kind of get it.

It makes sense for you to have these kinds of visions when you're in a life


-death situation.

It was more than just a vision.

I mean what if Mom is really alive? A smart girl once told me that I wouldn't be able to get on with my life until I came to terms with my wife's death.

I'm not going to let you fall into the same trap I fell in.

- Brooke?

- Hi, Judy.

- How are you?

- Listen, honey.

- About your friend, Sophie

- Yes? I think it would be best for your father and the Greenhouse if she stopped making those news videos about the school.

But it's going on national news!

- This is her big break!

- It's bad for the Greenhouse.

Do you understand? I do.

Sophie's only looking out for herself, not her friends.

- That's no way to be a leader, right?

- Right.


So you'll talk to her and make sure she quits?

- Yes.

- Good.

Are you the Bizarro Max? The one who can handle sunshine? What's with the face, Max? It's Emma, right? I called her three times but she never picked up.

I know that she's screening my calls.

Did I ever tell you how I learned to surf? I was dating this guy.

And at first he was kind of nice, and then he turned out to be not so nice.

Anyway, he broke up with me.

Clearly he was not a very intelligent person.


And that was a nice thing of you to say.

Anyway, this guy used to surf, like, extremely well, so I used to follow him without him knowing, just to watch him.

Technically, that's called stalking.

Technically, I'm the one telling the story.

And I just couldn't get over him, you know? I used to cry, like, all the time.

You? Cry? Yeah, I used to cry when I'd hear the surf reports on the radio.

I even cried when I smelled fish, because it reminded me of the ocean.

You cried because you smelled fish? Anyway, one day I saw this baby in a garage sale.

And it was going for, like, nothing.

So I bought it, and I took it the beach, and I found some nice surfers who taught me basics.

And I fell down a lot at first, but then I got better.

By the time I learned to surf, I didn't even think of this guy anymore.

So you see what I'm trying to say to you? That I should start surfing? Thank you for doing this, Sophie.

You know, it's been a while since we've got such strong reactions on a story we've aired.

Really? That's amazing, Michelle.

Really? Wow, Michelle, that's amazing.

What was that?

- Sorry.

- That's okay.

Get used to people being jealous.

It goes with the territory.

- I'll talk to you soon, okay?

- Thanks.

I get it.

I hurt your feelings.

But I'm not gonna apologize for trying to make my dreams come true.

Women leaders are always unfairly criticized for their ambition, but if I were a guy, you'd probably high

-five me for promoting the Greenhouse.

So because you're a woman, it makes you immune to criticism, huh? I don't think so.

Besides, there's a big difference between promoting the Greenhouse and exploiting it.

I'm not exploiting anyone! That's exactly what you're doing, Sophie.


I I have a rare opportunity to do something for my future.

You talk a great game about ambition and leadership, but really this is all about your ego.

Who knew the only thing you cared about is yourself? Did you hear that, Brooke? I did.

Parker's right.

What? Sorry, Soph.

I'm with Parker on this one.

You're joking, right? You're supposed to be on my side.

I'm on the side of the Greenhouse.

And what you're doing, it's bad for the Greenhouse.

Where is everything? What do you mean? Everything! The articles, the documents about Mom? I threw it all out.

Why? Are you serious? I can't believe you threw everything away.

You're the one who told me to do it.

Yeah, well, I I wish you hadn't listened to me! I'm glad I listened to you! What's wrong with you? What do you mean? How could you do that to Sophie? What, I can't change my mind? You can do whatever you want.

But Sophie's your best friend, and you humiliated her in front of everyone.

What made you do a 180 on her? Did someone pressure you? Don't be silly.

Besides, your mom agrees with me.

My mom? Yeah.

She totally supports me, just like you should.

Guys, let's get one thing straight.

We all know those videos were supposed to be for internal viewing only.

So if Sophie emails any of her videos to that Michelle reporter, none of us will ever talk to her again.

I can hear you, you know.

We're not gonna let her sell us out to the tabloids.

Right? Right.

You're not going to thr*aten me, Parker.

Sophie, don't send out that email.

It's not worth it.

- Email sent.

- Then it's official.

So long, Sophie.

What, are you all ignoring me now? What is this, the third grade? Stop it.

Try to see their side.

They feel like you're only thinking of yourself and not your friends.

That's no way to be a leader.

Yeah, well, that's no way to be a friend, either.

What's going on, guys? We all decided none of us are speaking to Sophie until she stops making those stupid news videos.

Really? Why? I thought her item was cool.

Wasn't it? It's what we decided, Woods.

Are you with us or not? Open.

It's me.

It's me.

I know you're in there.

What was that? That was the same song you sang at the Halloween dance, yeah? Let me hear it.

It's so good.

Maybe some other time.

What? Come on! Don't be shy.

Play it, Lee.

Please? What? I'm just trying to harmonize.

I kind of like it better the way it was.



Go ahead.

Do your thing.

I just want to be here listening to you.

Whoo! I see you doing your thing.

How long have you been here? Uh, you know, long enough to enjoy seeing my son getting back to his old self.

Listen, Mom What is it? I forgot.

Never mind.


Well, don't mind me.

I mean, I know you gotta get your focus on.

You gotta concentrate on your practice and your little You've got a lot to make up for.

Make me proud.

You got it.

Oh, my God! Daniel! Daniel! Oh, my God! Okay.

Oh, my God.

Oh, oh, oh, are you okay? Are you okay? Let me see.

Let me see.

Our birthdays! Smart, Mom.

We're going to the hospital.

Let me just grab my bag.

Mom, it's not that big a deal.

I'm just sore.

I need to ice my ankle.

Hey, um, would you mind running to the cafeteria to get me some ice? I just don't want to put pressure on my ankle.

But if it doesn't feel better in the next hour, we're going to see Dr.



- Okay.

- Okay.

You promise? I promise.

Ow! Hello? Hello? Who is this?